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KK Chat -- 29 September 2019

Started by DesertRose, September 29, 2019, 07:51:13 PM

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[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:13:44 PM EDT] Join KK has joined this channel.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:13:50 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Hi KK@
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:13:51 PM EDT] <DesertRose> !
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:13:52 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Hi KK
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:14:14 PM EDT] <bynw> hi KK
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:14:23 PM EDT] <KK> Hello, all!
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:14:57 PM EDT] <The_Bee> has anyone figured out why/,or how to relieve it?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:15:02 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi KK
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:15:09 PM EDT] <KK> So, how is everybody tonight?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:15:30 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Osteoarthritis. Both sides of my family have it; we're mostly pretty good at looking younger than we are, but we definitely feel our ages.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:15:39 PM EDT] <The_Bee> pretty much okay here
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:16:32 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Despite my last, LOL, I'm doing pretty good tonight. I'm doing a LOT of laundry at my parents' house and going to have to come back tomorrow and do more. Things are coming out of storage, and a lot of what remained in storage was fabric and craft supplies, some of which I'd forgotten I had.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:16:36 PM EDT] <Derynifank> OK I guess
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:16:47 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I have some ostroarthritis, but mostly not bad unless I've overworked.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:17:36 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Also something neurological--something is causing my muscles to spasm, sometimes in response to exertion and sometimes for no discernible reason.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:17:54 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Ouch
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:18:27 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Melantha seems okay, but her friend Mickey has a slight heart murmur.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:18:29 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Not fun, no. But motion is lotion, as they say in physical therapy circles, so I'm going to keep moving (gently) as much as I can.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:18:47 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Still no luck getting Melantha to eat the special food?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:19:18 PM EDT] <KK> That bit of havingt forgotten what you had--that's responsible for a LOT of the stuff I'm clearing out of Mother's former cottage. She'd buy something, put it away, and then buy another one, because she'd forgotten. (That's not to mention the tax filles going back to the 90's and older.) I begin to think she was constitutionally unable to throw out any piece of paper other than used Kleenex and toilet paper.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:20:04 PM EDT] <The_Bee> She eats some food, but I've given up on the pills. Maybe I'll try again. They have to be taken on an empty stomach, and she won't tell me when her stomach is empty.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:20:39 PM EDT] <bynw> it's reall difficult to get a cat to eat pills
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:20:50 PM EDT] <KK> Well, first thing in the morning would be a good guess--unless you always have dry food out for her.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:21:27 PM EDT] Join Shiral (uid327538@OWIRCN-c7444ab5.irccloud.com) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:21:27 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Cats are so clever at getting rid if medicinne
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:21:28 PM EDT] Quit imladris (uid393001@OWIRCN-53280135.irccloud.com) has left this server (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity).
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:21:41 PM EDT] <bynw> hi Shiral
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:21:46 PM EDT] <Shiral> Hello all
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:21:48 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Her vet gave me a pill-shooter, but she clamps her mouth shut.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:21:51 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Hi Shiral
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:22:09 PM EDT] <Shiral> Cats are notorious for not liking medication
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:22:09 PM EDT] <The_Bee> some of you have suggested covering her nose.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:22:41 PM EDT] <The_Bee> She takes her thyroid pills butied in a soft treat.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:23:01 PM EDT] * Shiral provides hot cider and cookies on the chatroom table
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:23:07 PM EDT] <KK> To open her mouth, you need to approach from both sides, at the back corners, which you can do one-handed while holding the pill shooter at the ready.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:23:50 PM EDT] <The_Bee> press on the corners, you mean?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:24:01 PM EDT] <bynw> that sounds like a dangerous operation
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:24:30 PM EDT] <The_Bee> and you have to act fast to insert the pill.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:24:31 PM EDT] <Derynifank> I had one who could make Houdini look like an amateur when it came to avaoib=ding medicine
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:25:03 PM EDT] <Derynifank> avoiding (darn rented fingers)
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:26:24 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I'll try your idea, KK.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:26:32 PM EDT] <The_Bee> TY
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:27:49 PM EDT] <KK> I've gotten pretty good at giving Nicholas his 1/4 tab. of Rimadyl, but there was a day last week when it took close to a dozen attempts before if finally went down. (And they say that the pills are nicely flavored, and that most critters will just eat them. Ha!) At least it eases his arthritis.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:28:27 PM EDT] <Shiral> I've never had to give Dmitri any meds. I'm sure he'd put up a fight
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:29:04 PM EDT] <Shiral> I had to give Nina Subcutaneous fluids in the last months of her life--That kind of thing almost requires the human to grow a third arm
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:29:43 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I give Melantha fluids.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:29:50 PM EDT] <KK> Does the med. come in a liquid form? Sometimes that works better, because you can just insert the end of the syringe into the corner of the mouth and squirt. Of course, that assumes that the squirting is not interrupted by a Houdini operation and you get the meds all over you, the counter....
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:30:07 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Hi
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:30:14 PM EDT] <bynw> hi Evie
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:30:18 PM EDT] <Shiral> Hi Evie
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:30:24 PM EDT] <KK> Hello, Evie!
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:30:49 PM EDT] <The_Bee> The pill has to be solid so it will reach the intestine before it dissolves.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:30:54 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Just peeking in briefly. I've got a bad cold and feel like the undead
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:30:56 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi Evie
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:31:01 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Sorry, got distracted talking to the Pod-Child.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:31:08 PM EDT] Join imladris (uid393001@OWIRCN-53280135.irccloud.com) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:31:09 PM EDT] <bynw> poor Evie feel better and get rest
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:31:13 PM EDT] <bynw> hi imladris
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:31:17 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Trying to
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:31:38 PM EDT] <KK> Hi, imladris.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:31:39 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Hi Imladris
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:31:43 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Keep warm, Evie, take fluids and pills as needed.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:31:54 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi Imladris
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:32:16 PM EDT] <imladris> finally... was going nuts trying to log in...
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:32:25 PM EDT] <Shiral> Hi Imladris. Fluids, Evie. And making your loved ones attend your lightest wishes
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:32:38 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Keeping warm isn't exactly a problem. The home a/c isn't working, so I'm getting by with a window unit to keep from roasting
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:32:38 PM EDT] <imladris> Blessed Michaelmas to all
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:33:02 PM EDT] <KK> Amen!
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:33:06 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Is Michaelmas today?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:33:12 PM EDT] <KK> It is.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:33:26 PM EDT] <Shiral> Well, once again I completely left Michaelmas shopping to the absolute last minute...
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:33:34 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Happy birthday to the Duke of Corwyn
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:33:35 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hello, St. Michael!
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:33:43 PM EDT] <KK> Did you make Michaelmas cakes?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:33:58 PM EDT] <Shiral> That's true, it IS Alaric's birthday. He doesn't look a day over 800...
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:34:13 PM EDT] <The_Bee> or pick Michaelmas daisies?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:35:05 PM EDT] <imladris> Yes is Michaelmas, and falling on a Sunday, the readings were actually the Feast of St Michael and All Angels readings.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:35:41 PM EDT] <Shiral> IS there a designated cake for Michaelmas? If so, I completely failed to bake one. =o)
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:37:09 PM EDT] <KK> There is, but I'm not sure what it consists of.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:38:23 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Simnel cake maybe?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:38:47 PM EDT] Quit Matt (~uid387731@OWIRCN-32f579b2.irccloud.com) has left this server (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity).
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:39:09 PM EDT] <The_Bee> https://www.cooksinfo.com/michaelmas-bannock
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:39:13 PM EDT] <KK> Could be.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:39:26 PM EDT] <Shiral> Well, someone better versed in Michaelmas baking will have to produce it
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:40:36 PM EDT] <KK> That looks interesting, Bee. And I know about bannocks and struan, from my Scottish connections.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:40:46 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Hi Evie and Imladrs.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:41:35 PM EDT] <The_Bee> There's also a Devil's Spit Day."
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:42:17 PM EDT] * imladris wavws
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:43:21 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Hi
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:44:23 PM EDT] <KK> Devil's Spit? I don't know that I'd be interested in anybody's spit.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:44:41 PM EDT] <Derynifank> There seems to be a day for everything but Devil's spit is going a bit far
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:44:53 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Need to take my meds again. I'll pass on the Devil's Spit. LOL
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:45:49 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> I've got enough evil bodily humours to contend with right now! 😁
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:46:11 PM EDT] <Shiral> Satanic spit doesn't sound fun
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:46:35 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Definitely not
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:46:54 PM EDT] <KK> Somebody google Devil's Spit Day. Or Bee, do you remember what it was?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:47:45 PM EDT] <bynw> https://www.cooksinfo.com/devil-spits-day
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:47:59 PM EDT] <The_Bee> The story is that when the Devil fell from heaven, he landed in a blackberry bush and got scratched by the thorns; so he cursed them, and spat on them to make them
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:48:19 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Devil's spit appears to be barbeque sauce
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:49:14 PM EDT] <The_Bee> n October10, which used to be St. Michael' Day under the old calendar.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:51:02 PM EDT] <KK> But there's apparently a logical reason why blackberries are not to be picked after this date: because they get moldy and look like someone has spat upon them.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:51:43 PM EDT] <The_Bee> That could be the origin of the legend.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:52:15 PM EDT] <Derynifank> I always picked them in summer. Blackberry cobbler, YUM!
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:52:42 PM EDT] <The_Bee> peach or cheery cobbler for me.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:52:48 PM EDT] <The_Bee> cherry
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:52:50 PM EDT] <Shiral> I still have cravings for the blackberry milkshakes I had during my college years in Oregon
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:53:26 PM EDT] <KK> How'd you come to go to school in Oregon, Shiral?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:53:41 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Now I want cobbler
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:54:02 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Hot with ice cream on top
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:54:07 PM EDT] <bynw> yum
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:54:12 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Yum
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:54:14 PM EDT] * bynw had some ice cream earlier
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:54:16 PM EDT] <Shiral> I wanted to experience life in a different state at the time, KK. I almost changed my mind during my freshman year. That year, it rained almost every day in October. Even the Oregonians were saying it was too much
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:54:34 PM EDT] <The_Bee> cobbler with hard sauce is whatwe had when I was a kid.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:54:55 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Hard sauce?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:55:17 PM EDT] <KK> Cobblers of any sort need to be servved hot, and with vanilla ice cream on top.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:55:21 PM EDT] <Derynifank> I thought hard sauce was for plum pudding
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:55:35 PM EDT] <Shiral> I quite agree. Most fruit pies, too
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:55:39 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Mom made it: I'd have to look up the recipe. sugas and butter, I think.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:55:48 PM EDT] <imladris> likes my cobbler and ice cream separate
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:55:57 PM EDT] <Shiral> It is, usually DFK, but I could see it being very tasty on a cobbler
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:56:16 PM EDT] <KK> And a bit of something alcoholic. And milk or cream.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:56:23 PM EDT] <Shiral> I think it had some alcohol in it, but it's suppposed to melt when it encounters hot pudding
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:57:42 PM EDT] <Derynifank> My aunt told me and my cousins she would make us blackberry cobbler if we picked the berries. We picked them every day. She must have gotten really tired of making the cpbblers but we didn't get tied of eating them
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:57:46 PM EDT] <imladris> Ever have a drink called a chocolate turtle
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:58:19 PM EDT] <Derynifank> No, what is that
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:58:52 PM EDT] <imladris> hot chocolate with butterscotch schnapps with whipped cream and chipped chocolate.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:59:05 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> OMG yum!
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:59:09 PM EDT] <KK> Yum! Sounds really tasty.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:59:18 PM EDT] <Derynifank> double yum
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:59:33 PM EDT] <Shiral> Sounds good
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [7:59:43 PM EDT] <imladris> was really good on a cold drizzly day.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:00:16 PM EDT] <Shiral> Darn, and here I am without any milk in the house....
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:00:20 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> My husband likes "Drownies," which are brownies with butterscotch schnapps poured over them while they're hot from the oven
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:01:03 PM EDT] <bynw> wow too many yummy things ... and i'm missing a lot of those ingredients just now
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:01:05 PM EDT] <Derynifank> That sounds wicked
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:01:16 PM EDT] <Shiral> I could think of a few other things that would taste good poured over hot brownies...
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:01:26 PM EDT] <KK> And it's getting to be the time of year when hot chocolate and all its wonderful varieties are delightful.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:01:30 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> You poke some holes in the brownies before pouring the schnapps on so it sinks in deeper
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:02:10 PM EDT] <Shiral> Here on the West Coast, it was 97 F on Friday, and today it's 69F
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:02:12 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Hot chocolate sounds yummy but we're still stuck in summer so favoring cold drinks
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:02:13 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> We did it with peppermint schnapps too, but I prefer the butterscotch version
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:02:42 PM EDT] <Shiral> I think it would call for some empiric personal research, Evie =o)
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:02:52 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> It's still 88F here at 7:00 pm
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:03:05 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Pepermint soundsgood to me. I love chocolate with peppermint.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:03:35 PM EDT] <Shiral> Raspberry liqueur would be good, too
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:04:04 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Even with plain old box mix brownies, the combo is a hit at holiday parties
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:04:13 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Yum!
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:04:13 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Raspberry and chocolate, a marriage made in heaven
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:04:20 PM EDT] <The_Bee> almost any fruity liqueur.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:04:29 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Ok, I'll have to try that
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:05:59 PM EDT] <imladris> will try the drownies with the buttterscotch
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:06:17 PM EDT] <KK> Last holiday season, Dairy Queen had a blizzard that was vanilla ice cream, crushed peppermint sticks, and dark chocolate shavings. Wow! Best I've ever had of that sort of thing. (Their mint Oreo Blizzards are also very good. Discovered those at Dragoncon a few years back, when it was beastly hot.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:06:19 PM EDT] <Derynifank> KK, I've been looking for a description of Meraude and found two, one in TBH and a different one in TKD, Was she petite with black hair or taller with chestnut curls?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:06:46 PM EDT] <Derynifank> I love Blizzards
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:06:52 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Short and Dark-haired.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:06:54 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> They're best eaten while still hot, just cooled enough to retain shape when cut and eat safely.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:07:01 PM EDT] <KK> Erk. That may be a continuity oops.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:07:55 PM EDT] <KK> Maybe her appearance is in the eyes of the beholder.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:08:17 PM EDT] <Derynifank> I think I have to try the brownines with butterscotch. I love butterscotch
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:08:18 PM EDT] <imladris> Clairol? only her hairdresser knows for sure?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:08:32 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> She's described in the early books as having hair dark enough to almost pass for Haldane by birth, so I always pictured extremely dark brown that can pass for black in dim light
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:08:46 PM EDT] <The_Bee> and the added height--high heels?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:09:03 PM EDT] <Shiral> Perhaps Nigel confused her for another girl, initially?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:09:04 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> And with hair that dark, odds are heavily in favor of brown eyes.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:09:23 PM EDT] <KK> Could be that her black hair went sort of rusty from too much sun. I had a black cat that used to bleach out in the summer. And maybe she grew--or got osteoporosis and shrank.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:10:07 PM EDT] <KK> Heeled shoes would easily answer the height discrepancy, Bee. Thanks.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:10:23 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> And she only comes to Kelson's chin in KKB, but Kelson isn't quite as tall as Alaric, who has been established here as around 6' tall, so I'd say she's petite
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:10:53 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Both said dark eyes, only hair color was different.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:10:56 PM EDT] <Shiral> Everyone was smaller in those days
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:11:43 PM EDT] <KK> And shoes with or without heels would still explain a lot.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:12:24 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> My guess from the up-to-Kelson's-chin description is that she's somewhere between 4'11" and 5'2"
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:12:38 PM EDT] <Derynifank> TBH definitely said Meraude, TKD seemed to indicate Saer's sister but was not as defiite
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:12:50 PM EDT] <Shiral> Or perhaps he was very stressed that day and didn't remember things accurately
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:13:30 PM EDT] <KK> Stress or mistaken ID across a crowded room full of people in motion.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:13:52 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Is Eirian described anywhere. I haven't found any yet
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:14:18 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Could Saer have more than one sister?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:14:39 PM EDT] <Derynifank> In TKD they were dancing following Nigel's knighting
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:15:06 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> As a blood Haldane, the odds seem to favor black hair and gray eyes unless the pattern breaks with Eirian
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:15:35 PM EDT] <The_Bee> IIRC, Meraude was pregnant with Eirian in TBH. How old would she be in KKB?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:15:53 PM EDT] Join Shiral_ (uid327538@OWIRCN-c7444ab5.irccloud.com) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:15:56 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Only one came with him to Rhemuth at that time. He was entering service as a squire I think
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:16:06 PM EDT] <The_Bee> WB Shiral
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:16:08 PM EDT] <Shiral_> How Weird
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:16:19 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Four I think
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:16:32 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> I think she was pregnant in QFSC, unless that was her other daughter mentioned only in the Codex
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:16:35 PM EDT] <Shiral_> Iguess I closed the wrong window
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:17:01 PM EDT] <Derynifank> WB
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:17:06 PM EDT] <Shiral_> Meraude had a baby daughter in KJ. And mentioned she MIGHT be pregnant in KKB
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:17:38 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Codex names a second daughter Gloriana, IIRC
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:18:46 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> So maybe that's the KKB pregnancy
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:18:52 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Merause Notices his notice,
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:18:54 PM EDT] <Shiral_> I would think it was safe to guess Eirian would have Haldane coloring as it seems to be a dominant gene trait
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:20:00 PM EDT] Join jerusha (uid321239@OWIRCN-53280135.irccloud.com) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:20:07 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Gloriana sounds like a name Rob Reginald would have thought up, not Nigel or Meraude.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:20:17 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi Jerusha
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:20:18 PM EDT] <jerusha> Hi - am I too late?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:20:22 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Hi Jerusha
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:20:30 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Hi Jerusha
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:20:34 PM EDT] <The_Bee> KK's still here.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:20:34 PM EDT] <Shiral_> Hi Jerusha
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:20:36 PM EDT] <jerusha> BBQ problems made dinner a bit late
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:20:43 PM EDT] <Derynifank> It's never too late
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:20:49 PM EDT] <imladris> hey Jerusha
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:20:49 PM EDT] <KK> Hi, Jerusha.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:20:58 PM EDT] <jerusha> Hi Everyone!
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:21:10 PM EDT] <The_Bee> BBQ in Canada when it's almost October?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:21:13 PM EDT] <Shiral_> Only late for the ritual warding of the chat room. =o)
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:21:14 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Gloriana was a nickname for Elizabeth I, so that's why it stuck in my head
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:21:35 PM EDT] <jerusha> We BBQall year long, even in the snow
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:22:03 PM EDT] <bynw> hi jerusha
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:22:03 PM EDT] <jerusha> Dh is a "rugged Canadian"
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:22:17 PM EDT] <jerusha> Hi Bynw
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:22:18 PM EDT] <Eris> <JediMatt1000> Hi all
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:22:27 PM EDT] <Eris> <JediMatt1000> Sorry I overslept
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:22:34 PM EDT] <Shiral_> Hi Matt
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:22:37 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Hi Matt
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:22:40 PM EDT] <jerusha> Hi Matt
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:23:14 PM EDT] <Eris> <JediMatt1000> Laid down for a nap around 3 my time. Time got away from me.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:23:16 PM EDT] <KK> Hi, Matt.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:23:49 PM EDT] <Shiral_> Naps can be seductive
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:24:04 PM EDT] <imladris> but productive in their own way
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:24:14 PM EDT] <Eris> <JediMatt1000> Hi KK, Shiral, Derynifank, Jerusha, Imladris
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:24:27 PM EDT] <jerusha> I hated naps as a child
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:24:41 PM EDT] <Eris> <JediMatt1000> Same here
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:24:41 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi Matt
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:24:42 PM EDT] <Derynifank> I just saw a program where they said that naps are good for your health and if you nap you'll live longer
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:24:44 PM EDT] <Shiral_> I did too. Now I like them
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:24:48 PM EDT] <Eris> <JediMatt1000> Hi Bee
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:24:58 PM EDT] <Shiral_> They're a treat, for me
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:24:58 PM EDT] <KK> I thnk most of us did. And now we love them!
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:25:03 PM EDT] <imladris> amazing how that happens, eh, Shiral?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:25:05 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi Jedi Matt
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:25:09 PM EDT] <jerusha> I finally fell asleep out of total boredom
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:25:25 PM EDT] <Shiral_> I didn't realize then that naps were so that Mom could have a break. =o)
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:25:43 PM EDT] <jerusha> Yep, figured that out eventually
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:26:04 PM EDT] <Eris> <JediMatt1000> I had my alarm set for the start of chat but didn't hear it go off
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:26:26 PM EDT] <Shiral_> I have my comfy livingroom chair that I sit in to watch TV, but the poblem wit it is that I can almost always fall asleep sitting in it.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:26:32 PM EDT] <The_Bee> early chat next Sunday?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:26:48 PM EDT] <jerusha> Comfy chairs are like that
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:26:57 PM EDT] <imladris> btw 44^F with clouds and a cool drizzle, thought about Duncan and Alaric's ride
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:26:59 PM EDT] Join Matt (uid387731@OWIRCN-32f579b2.irccloud.com) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:27:12 PM EDT] <Shiral_> Which one of their rides?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:27:24 PM EDT] <Matt> There we are
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:27:38 PM EDT] <Matt> IRC wouldn't open for me
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:27:38 PM EDT] <KK> Yep, 5PM
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:27:39 PM EDT] <imladris> think was when they were heading to Dhassa? wasn't that the cold one?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:28:05 PM EDT] <Matt> Blessed Michaelmas everyone
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:28:06 PM EDT] <Shiral_> They set out one miserably rainy wet morning so probably
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:28:06 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Hopefully I can made it to early chat, but since I've missed seeing my folks two weeks in a row now, I'll almost certainly need to go next Sunday. But early chat is less likely to conflict with their dinner hour.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:28:07 PM EDT] <jerusha> I remember they had to dry off their saddles before leaving
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:28:13 PM EDT] <KK> When Kelson also had a roaring cold.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:28:41 PM EDT] <imladris> and you too Matt
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:28:57 PM EDT] <Matt> Ty
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:28:59 PM EDT] <jerusha> Hi Evie
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:29:04 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Hi
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:29:21 PM EDT] <jerusha> You are now Eris?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:29:53 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> I'm chatting via the Discord app
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:30:18 PM EDT] <jerusha> OK (The Discord app is a mystery to me)
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:30:20 PM EDT] <Matt> I have been switching between IRC & Discord
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:30:42 PM EDT] <imladris> am back to IRCcloud... Discord wouldn't log Me in
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:31:08 PM EDT] <Eris> <JediMatt1000> Had that problem with IRC.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:31:09 PM EDT] <jerusha> I will stick to what I know, until it blows up
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:31:24 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Eris is the helpful messenger relaying my messages to you and yours to me
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:31:34 PM EDT] <The_Bee> KIWI works for me.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:31:46 PM EDT] <imladris> isn't that the goddess of discord?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:31:49 PM EDT] <jerusha> Then Eris is a modern day Mercury
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:31:59 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Yeah. 😂
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:32:08 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Yes, Imladris, she is.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:32:09 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Goddess of Discord
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:32:22 PM EDT] <Shiral_> How to start an argument between goddesses.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:32:24 PM EDT] <Matt> Anyone have anything special planned this week?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:32:32 PM EDT] <imladris> Tossed the golden apples to Paris
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:32:36 PM EDT] <Matt> lol Shiral
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:32:40 PM EDT] <Shiral_> Continuing to work on my cathedral
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:32:52 PM EDT] <Matt> Sweet!
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:32:58 PM EDT] <imladris> snow forecast for tuesday and wednesday
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:33:00 PM EDT] <jerusha> Preparing for bathroom/kitchen renovations
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:33:12 PM EDT] <Shiral_> And going to my brother's Open Studio in Santa Cruz next weekend
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:33:14 PM EDT] <Matt> Hoping to work on my book some.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:33:17 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Hopefully getting over this cold before I miss any more work. 🙁
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:33:20 PM EDT] <jerusha> Snow flurries on Thursday
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:33:20 PM EDT] <The_Bee> only to indulge in ice cream. My supermarket had a sale last week.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:33:34 PM EDT] <Matt> I have an MRI tomorrow
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:33:43 PM EDT] <jerusha> Feel better soon, Evie
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:33:49 PM EDT] <Shiral_> I hope it goes well, Matt
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:33:57 PM EDT] <Matt> Hope you feel better too Evie
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:34:08 PM EDT] <Matt> Thank you Shiral
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:34:11 PM EDT] <KK> I read that Montana is getting slammed. Are they sending some to you, Imladris?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:34:31 PM EDT] <jerusha> Calgary has a foot of snow
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:34:47 PM EDT] <Shiral_> My cathedral walls all have their "Stained glass"windows installed. Almost ready to take things to the three dimensional stage.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:34:55 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Enjoy the clanging tunnel. Are you allowed to bring an MP3 player and earbuds? They had some sort of setup at mine where I could listen to music
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:35:16 PM EDT] <Eris> <JediMatt1000> Very cool Shiral
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:35:31 PM EDT] <Eris> <JediMatt1000> No Evie
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:35:32 PM EDT] <jerusha> You had an MRI, Evie?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:35:43 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Why the MRI. Matt?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:35:46 PM EDT] <imladris> I am only about 100 miles south of Montana
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:35:50 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Can you dump snow outside my window and blow a fan over it?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:35:51 PM EDT] <Eris> <JediMatt1000> I get wrap around ear muffs
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:36:33 PM EDT] <Eris> <JediMatt1000> I slipped and fell in the tub several weeks ago - they are just making sure nothing is broken.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:36:46 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Ouch!
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:36:48 PM EDT] <Eris> <JediMatt1000> My back specifically
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:36:48 PM EDT] <jerusha> Hope all is well, JediMatt
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:36:53 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I hope it's good news.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:37:01 PM EDT] <Eris> <JediMatt1000> Thank you Jerusha
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:37:07 PM EDT] <KK> Good luck, Matt.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:37:12 PM EDT] <Eris> <JediMatt1000> Thank you Bee
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:37:18 PM EDT] <imladris> they keep changing the forecast originally Tues.. then Monday Wed. then none.. now back to Tues /Wed seems like a lot of Precip for a place that avg 8" rain per year
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:37:21 PM EDT] <Eris> <JediMatt1000> Thank you KK
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:38:29 PM EDT] <Matt> We had a deluge here this past week
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:38:35 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Hope the MRI Is negative Matt
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:38:39 PM EDT] <The_Bee> We're expecting up-and-down weather this week.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:38:42 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> We're having a drought here
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:38:47 PM EDT] <imladris> agree Fank
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:38:53 PM EDT] <Matt> Thank you Derynifank
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:39:00 PM EDT] <Matt> Same here
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:39:21 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> We had a mild sprinkle this weekend which is the first rain we've had in ages
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:39:31 PM EDT] <jerusha> Oh dear
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:39:36 PM EDT] <KK> We're to be hot until next weekend, when fall will officially arrive with better temps.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:39:40 PM EDT] <Derynifank> We are in drought too
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:39:43 PM EDT] <Matt> Phoenix had a Tornado last week
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:40:00 PM EDT] <imladris> been raining in the high desert!
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:40:01 PM EDT] <jerusha> We've had rain, rain and more rail
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:40:02 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> I was like "OMG, what is this? Water falling from the sky!"
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:40:05 PM EDT] <jerusha> rain, I meant
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:40:11 PM EDT] <bynw> we've had some fall like weather the last few days i hope it stays around
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:40:12 PM EDT] <Derynifank> That souns weird, tornado in Phoenix
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:40:13 PM EDT] <Matt> Might have made national news lol
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:40:16 PM EDT] <Shiral_> Hoping for another wet winter out here
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:40:24 PM EDT] <The_Bee> We were in the 80s on the autumnal equinox.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:40:34 PM EDT] <Matt> It was very weird
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:40:35 PM EDT] <imladris> Guess I should bring My calamondin tree inside
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:40:48 PM EDT] <jerusha> We've had a scattering of frost
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:40:57 PM EDT] <Matt> Tucson reported one on Thursday too I think. A tornado.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:40:57 PM EDT] <Shiral_> We went from heat wave last Tuesday and Wednesday to below average temperatures this weekend.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:41:02 PM EDT] <Derynifank> We hit 90 for the equinox, hottest day of thweek
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:41:08 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> 90s here. We don't get autumn temps until late October, usually.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:42:33 PM EDT] <Shiral_> I'm just enjoying the mild weather for however long it will last
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:42:38 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> It might cool down just enough to let me wear my light Halloween jacket by the last week of the month
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:42:53 PM EDT] <Matt> That would be nice
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:43:11 PM EDT] <jerusha> Does your Halloween jacket light up?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:43:33 PM EDT] <The_Bee> What color is your jacket?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:43:40 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> No, it just has Jack o' lantern appliques on it
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:44:01 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Black with Halloween appliques
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:44:12 PM EDT] <jerusha> Cool
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:44:21 PM EDT] <Matt> Very cool
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:44:56 PM EDT] <jerusha> I have Halloween gloves with little skulls on the fingers
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:45:04 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Has cute ghosts too. I do cute Halloween, not creepy Halloween
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:45:30 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Love cute Halloween
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:45:32 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> My daughter would love those, especially sugar skulls
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:45:55 PM EDT] <KK> Just looked at the time, and think I'd better sign off. Cats are reminding me it's time to feed critters, and dog is right behind me. He did not like the brief thunderstorms that went through here this afternoon, and always sticks close. (He knows they're coming, and I'm learning to read the signs.)
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:46:00 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Her boyfriend's birthday is Day of the Dead
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:46:12 PM EDT] <KK> See you early next week.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:46:16 PM EDT] <jerusha> Oh dear!
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:46:21 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Goodnight, KK
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:46:22 PM EDT] <imladris> you still in Staunton?
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:46:24 PM EDT] <Matt> Have a good evening KK
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:46:26 PM EDT] <jerusha> Have a good week, KK
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:46:30 PM EDT] <imladris> Good night, KK
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:46:31 PM EDT] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:46:51 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Bye, K. Have kK. Thanks for coming. See you early next week
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:47:12 PM EDT] <Shiral_> Bye, KK See you next week
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:47:24 PM EDT] <KK> Still in Staunton. Working on clearing the guest cottage, which still has a LOT of my mom's stuff in it. But got about 5 boxes ot shredding to a local Shred Day on Friday. Hurrah!
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:47:25 PM EDT] <imladris> Always amazed how free with herself, KK is to us, her fans.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:47:27 PM EDT] <Derynifank> Night KK. Guess I will Sign off too. Have a good week all, see you next week
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:47:42 PM EDT] <bynw> night KK
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:47:46 PM EDT] <Shiral_> Progress takes a while, but you'll get there
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:47:50 PM EDT] <Shiral_> Night, KK
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:47:59 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Goodnight DFK
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:48:03 PM EDT] <jerusha> Night, DerynifanK
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:48:11 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Bye DFK
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:48:22 PM EDT] <jerusha> I should go as well. Have a good week, everyone!
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:48:30 PM EDT] <Eris> <Evie> Bye!
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:48:32 PM EDT] <KK> It's progress all the time. But I'll be glad when I can just concentrate on the main house, which is my Winter assignment, so it can go on the market in the spring.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:48:34 PM EDT] <The_Bee> nighters, jerusha
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:48:40 PM EDT] <KK> Nighters to all.
[Sunday, September 29, 2019] [8:48:44 PM EDT] Quit KK has left this server (Quit: CGI:IRC).
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)