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KK Chat - Apr. 28, 2002 (pt. 1)

Started by RainbowDragon, July 08, 2008, 01:43:13 PM

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KK Chat - Apr. 28, 2002, pt. 1

[16:27] *** KK has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[16:27] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KK
[16:27] <Bynw> hiyas Katherine!
[16:27] <@Jessie> hello Katherine
[16:27] <@KK> Hello, tiny gang.
[16:27] <wrengl> hello katherine
[16:27] <@Jessie> tiny gang -- big fans :-)
[16:27] <wrengl> linda should be back soon
[16:27] <@KK> This is true.  :-)
[16:27] <wrengl> But we are all BIG fans!
[16:27] <Rebecca> Hi Katherine!
[16:27] <@Jessie> and you are early today
[16:27] <@KK> Jessie, I nearly have Oksana's problem worked out.
[16:28] <@Jessie> good
[16:28] <@Sedina> Hi Katherine!
[16:28] <@Jessie> :-)
[16:28] <@Jessie> how did writing go this week Katherine?
[16:28] <@KK> I guess I <am> a bit early.  ER was a yuck episode this week.
[16:28] *** Martine has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[16:28] <@KK> Well, there's good news and bad news.
[16:28] <Martine> Hi all!
[16:28] <Martine> Huggles!
[16:28] <@Jessie> and -- is that Oksana's crockery tossing problem -- or the other one
[16:28] <@KK> Martine got some of my attention this week.  :-)
[16:28] * @Jessie is teasing
[16:28] <Martine> Yes I did. Thanks, Katherine!
[16:29] <@KK> Oksana's marriage date, etc.
[16:29] <Martine> I'll be busy tonight.
[16:29] <Bynw> well we do want the castle to be workable too :-)
[16:29] <@KK> Anyway, I got a new progress report done, which Carolyn has already put up.
[16:29] <@Jessie> and read :-)
[16:29] <@KK> I did new Burning Question answers, which I've sent to Melissa to decide what goes up.
[16:29] <@Sedina> those are up already as well
[16:29] <wrengl> hi martine
[16:29] <Martine> Hi pat!
[16:30] <@KK> I did most of Jessie's burning questions for the Codex supplement.
[16:30] <@KK> OK.  That was quick, for the new questions.
[16:30] <@KK> I even got a bit written on the book.
[16:30] <Martine> Whoo hoo!
[16:30] * @Jessie does a happy dance for ITKS
[16:30] <wrengl> work on the book is good
[16:30] <@Sedina> whoo-hoo!
[16:30] <@KK> Yes, indeed.
[16:31] <@KK> The disappointing news is that the Spokane convention apparently changed parts of its committe, and Scott and I are no longer on the guest list.  :-(
[16:31] <Rebecca> Glad to see the new Progress report.  I'm now making updates to the FAQ.  :)
[16:31] <Martine> :-(, Katherine
[16:31] <@Jessie> :-( bummer Katherine
[16:31] <Rebecca> :(
[16:32] <wrengl> bummer katherine
[16:32] <@KK> Yeah, that was disappointing.  But it was awfully close to Darkover, so in that respect, I don't mind.
[16:32] <@Sedina> That's too bad.   
[16:32] *** The_Bee has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[16:32] <@Jessie> hello Bee
[16:32] <@Sedina> Hi Bee
[16:32] <@KK> Hello, Bee!
[16:32] <Martine> Hi Bee!
[16:32] <wrengl> hi bee
[16:32] <Bynw> hi Bee
[16:32] <Martine> Couldn't have you all worn out for Darkover :-)
[16:32] <The_Bee> Buzz, You-all
[16:33] <wrengl> nope we can wear you out all by ourselves!
[16:33] <wrengl> thumper says woof woof all.
[16:33] <The_Bee> who's wearing whom out?
[16:33] * wrengl thumper goes around with a basket of pigs ears
[16:33] <Martine> We'll be wearing KK out at Darkover, Bee.
[16:33] * @Jessie scratches thumper's ears & passes him a "doggie nummie"
[16:33] * The_Bee gives Thumper a skritch and a pig's ear
[16:33] <@KK> Thank you, Thumper.  I'll take two for Oswald and Scrappy.
[16:34] <The_Bee> Hi KK!
[16:34] <@KK> Hi, Bee.  Thanks for that comment re merasha.
[16:35] <The_Bee> you're welcome
[16:36] <Martine> Katherine, I loved your tips for cleaning out "house junk" in your progress report.
[16:36] <Martine> I'm going to have to try that around here - maybe I'll find my office again! <g>
[16:36] <The_Bee> or my apartment
[16:36] <@KK> Well, it seems to work.  And one thing at a time makes it not as odious as it might be.
[16:36] *** Helenmary has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[16:36] *** RainbowDragon has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[16:36] <@Jessie> huggles RainbowDragon
[16:36] <@Jessie> hello Helenmary
[16:36] <Martine> I'm daily amazed by how much junk you can collect in a tiny Cape Cod
[16:36] <@KK> Helenmary and the Dragon!
[16:36] <The_Bee> hi Helenmary & RD
[16:36] <Helenmary> Hi everyone
[16:36] <Martine> Hi RD and Helenmary
[16:36] <RainbowDragon> Hi everyone
[16:37] <wrengl> hi helenmary and RD
[16:37] <wrengl> lol martine
[16:37] <@KK> Junk expands to fill all the available space and then some.
[16:37] <Bynw> hiyas RD
[16:37] <Martine> Indeed!
[16:37] <RainbowDragon> Hi Bynw
[16:37] <Helenmary> That goes for computers, too, Katherine!
[16:37] <Martine> Give me a house like Holybrooke and it would have to be declared the local "junk" yard <g>
[16:37] <wrengl> think what you can collect in a fifteen room brown stone, plus garage, plus basement, plus storage unit, plus minivan
[16:37] <The_Bee> and I never remember trash night till I'm in my jammies :}
[16:37] <@Sedina> Hi Helenmary and RD
[16:38] <@KK> Wrengl, that sounds like a Holybrooke-scale accumulation!
[16:38] <wrengl> It probably is pretty equivalent
[16:38] *** Mouse has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[16:38] <The_Bee> Hi Mouse.  Welcom back
[16:38] <@KK> Oh, we also had house guests from America for 3 days--so that took up time.
[16:38] <wrengl> And of course the books I really want are somewhere in the storage unit and inaccessable!
[16:38] <@Sedina> Hi Mouse!
[16:38] <Martine> Hi Mouse
[16:38] <wrengl> hi mouse
[16:38] <Helenmary> Hello Mouse
[16:38] <Mouse> Hi, everyone
[16:38] <@Jessie> hello Mouse
[16:38] <@Jessie> good to see you
[16:38] <@Jessie> :-)
[16:38] <@KK> Now, there's a name I've not seen before....
[16:38] <Bynw> hiyas Mouse
[16:39] <Mouse> Good to be seen :-)
[16:39] <@Jessie> Mouse is a writer KK
[16:39] <Mouse> sort of
[16:39] *** hygilac has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[16:39] <@KK> Aha.
[16:39] <The_Bee> Mouse was here once before, KK
[16:39] <@Jessie> no sort of mouse
[16:39] <@Jessie> the fanfic is good
[16:39] <hygilac> HI KK
[16:39] <@Sedina> Mouse - I love your story  :)  When do we get more?   
[16:39] <@KK> But not on a Sunday night.  :-)
[16:39] <Mouse> Sort of, Jessie.  I'm not getting paid for anything
[16:39] <@Sedina> wb Linda
[16:39] <@KK> Hi, Linda.
[16:39] * @Jessie is gonna be bugging Mouse to send one in for the next issue of DAtZ
[16:39] <Martine> Hi Linda!
[16:39] <Mouse> And more comming Monday.  I've almost got it corrected
[16:39] <Helenmary> Hi Linda
[16:39] <hygilac> thanks--tool longer than I expected
[16:39] <@Jessie> wb hygilac
[16:39] * @Sedina will join Jessie in that crusade
[16:39] <hygilac> HI all who weren't here before
[16:40] <Mouse> Hi, hygilac
[16:40] <Bynw> wb linda
[16:40] <Mouse> And Deirdre says hi, too
[16:40] <wrengl> wb lina
[16:40] <hygilac> it's these darn weather magicks
[16:40] <wrengl> linda even!
[16:40] <@Jessie> Mouse:  say hello Deirdre for me
[16:40] <@Jessie> to Deirdre
[16:41] <@KK> I still think this is amazing.  Even 10 years ago, this would not have been possible--at least not on this sort of scale.
[16:41] <@Sedina> and hello to Deirdre from me as well, Mouse
[16:41] <Martine> Linda, if the weather magicks involve lots of rain, send them my way!
[16:41] <Mouse> She's here with me, Jessie.  Two readers, one keyboard
[16:41] <The_Bee> Mouse, are you still trying to get kelson and Rothana back together?
[16:41] <Martine> Kelson and Rothana? <laugh>
[16:41] <hygilac> right now we are needing rain as well, Martine
[16:41] <Mouse> Either that or a complete change of personality for Araxie
[16:42] <@Jessie> lol
[16:42] <Martine> I'd be happy to rescue the poor king from either <g>
[16:42] <Mouse> Well, he needs someone who can challenge him.
[16:42] <@Sedina> in the guise of Mairona, right, Martine?
[16:42] <hygilac> I am with you, Mouse; Araxie is much too meek
[16:42] * Martine looks at Sedina innocently
[16:42] <Mouse> She needs to get a life.  Preferably soon
[16:42] <@KK> I don't think it's necessarily going to be smooth sailing for Kelson and Araxie--no more than it would have been with Rothana.
[16:42] <@Jessie> Katherine:  if/when you do the 948 books -- will you fill in the space between Heirs & 948?
[16:42] <Helenmary> Araxie is meek?!
[16:42] <@Sedina> Ha...nice try, Martine  :)
[16:42] <Bynw> it's been doing almost nothing but rain since i got back to Iowa ... that or high winds
[16:43] <Martine> Well, Mairona would keep him on his toes, too! <g>
[16:43] <Martine> Hourly.
[16:43] <Mouse> Send us the rain, Bynw.
[16:43] <@KK> Er, I think she's sort of got a life right now.  It can't easy being married to Kelson.
[16:43] <Martine> Definitely not.
[16:43] <@Jessie> will we see any more of the younger Rhysel, Tieg & Jerusha
[16:43] <@KK> When I get back to the book leading up to 948.
[16:43] <@Jessie> k
[16:44] <The_Bee> love can sometimes grow slower and last longer.  One can only hope
[16:44] <@Jessie> is that before or after Orin & Jodotha?
[16:44] *** Kelric has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[16:44] <Martine> Hi Kelric!
[16:44] <@Jessie> hello Kelric
[16:44] <@Sedina> Hi Kelric
[16:44] <The_Bee> in the publish-verse or the Deryniverse?
[16:44] <hygilac> Charlotte says "mrrw" to  al the cat people here
[16:44] <Mouse> Hi, Kelric
[16:44] <Kelric> afternoon all
[16:44] <Helenmary> Hi Kelric
[16:44] <hygilac> Hi kelric
[16:44] <@KK> Don't know right now.  I've got 2 1/2 books and 3 rewrites ahead of whatever is next.
[16:45] <Mouse> yeow
[16:45] * @Jessie whispers "clones"
[16:45] <@Jessie> we need clones
[16:45] <Martine> LOL!
[16:45] <@KK> Hi, Kelric.
[16:45] <Rebecca> lol
[16:45] <wrengl> hi kelric
[16:45] <hygilac> How is ITKS going, KK?
[16:45] <Bynw> hiyas Kelric
[16:45] <Martine> I'm with you, Jessie. In fact, we can test cloning on Kelson first, and perfect it before trying it on KK! <g>
[16:45] <@KK> A bit done this week.  But I was doing new progress report, new Burning Question answers, briefings for Martine....
[16:46] <wrengl> and many of us hope they will let you do adept six after Childe Morgan
[16:46] <@Sedina> lol Martine
[16:46] <Martine> Hmmm... A Kelson to clean the basement, a Kelson to sort out the garage... a Kelson to wash dishes...
[16:46] <@KK> Answers for Jessie...house guests....
[16:46] <Martine> A Kelson to just sit there and look pretty... <wg>
[16:46] <@Sedina> Martine - one to work on your garden too, right?
[16:46] <@KK> Yes, I hope to sandwich in Adept 6 there somewhere--perhaps get the contract when I've delivered ITKS.
[16:46] *** virtualbabe has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[16:46] <@Jessie> Since there won't be a "post Kelson book" that starts until 20 yrs AFTER KKB -- who does Dhugal & Derry marry
[16:46] <Martine> Oh, yes! I think I"ll need at least 3 to sort out the back yard
[16:46] <@Jessie> hello vb
[16:46] <@Sedina> Hi vb
[16:46] <Mouse> unfortunately we'd have to feed all of those Kelsons
[16:46] <Martine> Hi VB!
[16:46] <Helenmary> The other option is to tap into alternate realities where KK is writing the books, but in a different order.  For instance, there could be one reality where she hasn't written KKB but HAS written 948.
[16:46] <Martine> I'll manage, Mouse.
[16:47] <wrengl> hi vb
[16:47] <@Jessie> good thinking Helenmary
[16:47] <RainbowDragon> Hi Debbie
[16:47] <Kelric> hehe
[16:47] <virtualbabe> Hi all
[16:47] <The_Bee> hi vb
[16:47] <@Sedina> Katherine - last night there was a jeff (a zoologist who just got back from living in Australia) who said he will try to stop by for your chat today.
[16:47] <@KK> Hi, VB
[16:47] <Mouse> Not me.  One young man and one full grown one is enough to break a grocery bill
[16:47] <Martine> But with three for gardening, we can grow our own food!
[16:47] <@KK> Aha!  Then, he <is> back in the US.
[16:47] <wrengl> lol
[16:48] <Helenmary> I watched a Star Trek double header last night.  It tends to get me thinking about messed up timelines!
[16:48] <@Sedina> Yes, he said that he's in Georgia now
[16:48] <@KK> Jeff may be a distant cousin.
[16:48] <Martine> Neat :-)
[16:48] <wrengl> you would need more land to grow enough food for all of those extra mouths martine
[16:48] <Martine> My parents have a big yard, Pat. We'll just have to expand the garden! <g>
[16:48] <wrengl> lol
[16:49] <Mouse> And if you think you'd get enough work out of them to make it pay, good luck.  Try my son for a while
[16:49] <wrengl> you could come to brooklyn for some of your fresh herbs, also
[16:49] <Helenmary> I just read something about a Kurtz who was a Lutheran minister in Maryland in the early 19th century.  Founded a place called Lutherville.
[16:49] <Martine> Oh... I have my ways..... <she says in total feigned innocence> 
[16:49] <@Sedina> KK -I told him what time you usually stop by and he said that he hopes to make it.  Duck and I were the only ones around when he popped in last night
[16:49] <@KK> That's a different Kurtz line, Helenmary.
[16:49] <wrengl> did duck say if he was going to stop in today?
[16:49] <Helenmary> I suspected as much.   
[16:50] <wrengl> I am suffering duck withdrawal.  Verra serious problem
[16:50] <@Sedina> Pat - I think that he said he'd be traveling back to Melbourne
[16:50] <wrengl> shuntz!
[16:50] <Martine> He's going to be living in his car for the next few days, sounds like.
[16:50] <hygilac> than is unfun
[16:51] * virtualbabe hopes he has a roomy car
[16:51] <wrengl> then he is trying to find a new place to live, i take it
[16:51] <Martine> It sounded more like work, Pat.
[16:51] <@Sedina> actually, I think that was the last couple of days...
[16:51] <Rebecca> hmmm... thunder is rumbling across the skies....
[16:51] <wrengl> he needs a Ute I fear.
[16:51] <@Jessie> :-( Rebecca
[16:51] <@Sedina> He was back in Perth doing a couple of odd jobs, Pat
[16:51] <hygilac> here too, Rebecca
[16:51] <The_Bee> how odd?
[16:51] <Helenmary> We are under a Tornado watch, Rebecca.
[16:51] <Martine> This is duck. Probably very odd :-)
[16:52] <virtualbabe> nice sunshiny day here
[16:52] <hygilac> with Duck, one can never tell
[16:52] <wrengl> hopefully no thunderstorms yet here, although they have promised some.
[16:52] <@Sedina> This is duck we're talking about, Rebecca...  I don't ask that question.
[16:52] <Rebecca> are we?  That's what I get for having PBS on all afternoon.!
[16:52] <wrengl> lol martine
[16:52] <Helenmary> I have a computer program that gives me weather alerts
[16:52] <Mouse> We're seeing smoke here
[16:52] <Mouse> send rain
[16:52] <Martine> We don't get good storms like that out here by NYC. I almost miss them.
[16:52] <hygilac> we have had warnings and watches here all day
[16:52] <The_Bee> on your computer, Mouse?
[16:53] <virtualbabe> I've seen those programs but they only work for the USA
[16:53] <wrengl> Brush or forest fires, mouse?
[16:53] <wrengl> We need the rain here, also.
[16:53] <Mouse> no, off the mountians to southa nd north.
[16:53] <@Jessie> Katherine:  can you give us any clues about who Dhugal & Derry marry?
[16:53] <The_Bee> we have some rain today, need more
[16:53] * Martine perks up her ears and covers Sedina's
[16:53] <Helenmary> I'm just glad I got my run in between downpours :)
[16:53] <@Sedina> lol
[16:54] <wrengl> we've had some rain over night.  Need LOTS more.  But the dogs did not like swimming out to the yard this morning
[16:54] <Mouse> running in the rain.  Good clean fun
[16:54] <Rebecca> Me too, Helenmary.  Went to the grocery store between showers.
[16:54] <wrengl> soap yourself up first then you don't need to shower when you get home!  Saves water!
[16:54] <Rebecca> lol
[16:54] <Helenmary> Who Dhugal & Derry marry sounds like a Gilbert and Sullivan song!
[16:54] <Martine> Just read SGAK, Sedina. I'll let you know what Katherine says  O:-)
[16:54] *** KK has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
[16:54] <Martine> Ack!
[16:54] <Martine> Ack!
[16:54] <@Sedina> ack!
[16:54] <Bynw> ack
[16:54] * Martine takes her riding crop and thwacks Peer silly.
[16:54] *** KIK has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[16:55] <Mouse> NOOoOO
[16:55] <virtualbabe> as long as it isn't each other
[16:55] <wrengl> so did I.  Went for milk and bread between squalls
[16:55] <Bynw> welcome Back
[16:55] <@Sedina> wb KK
[16:55] * The_Bee stings peer repeatedly
[16:55] <Martine> wb KK
[16:55] *** KIK is now known as KK
[16:55] <Helenmary> wb KK
[16:55] * Martine takes her riding crop and thwacks Peer silly.
[16:55] <Mouse> Hi again, KK
[16:55] <wrengl> wb kk
[16:55] <hygilac> wb KK
[16:55] <KK> Curses, peered again!
[16:55] * wrengl  Takes the bullwhip from her Indiana Jones belt and whips Peer from one end of the room to the next.
[16:55] * wrengl  Reaches into her ammunition chest and takes out a moray eel with which she whips Peer mercilessly
[16:55] *** Jessie sets mode: +o KK
[16:55] <virtualbabe> ?me ducks and runs for cover giggling
[16:55] <wrengl> lol
[16:56] * Helenmary get the now digital Yoda to stab peer with his lightsaber
[16:56] <@KK> Has Peer been doing this a lot tonight, or does he just not like me?
[16:56] <Helenmary> that was "gets"
[16:56] <The_Bee> VB: type /me unless you're having an identity crisis :o)
[16:56] <Martine> digital yoda?
[16:56] <Kelric> well.  back to work
[16:56] <Mouse> I've got a new combat bow.  Let me test it on Peer
[16:56] * Kelric leaps out a window and flies off on a broom.
[16:56] <hygilac> KK is being verra quiet on the subject of who the bachelor lords might marry
[16:56] *** Kelric has quit IRC (QUIT: Leaving)
[16:56] <Bynw> i think she might have missed the question hygilac
[16:57] <virtualbabe> I'm not having an identity crisis, my fingers are working even less well the usual today
[16:57] <@KK> I just don't want to cramp their style while I'm concentrating on other things.
[16:57] <Helenmary> Yup.  They decided to do him digital rather than as a puppet for Attack of the Clones.  Supposedly it comes off very well.
[16:57] <Martine> LOL! Might shorten up their tavern-frequenting nights? <g>
[16:57] <RainbowDragon> Martine: Yoda is gonna be totally digital in the upcoming Star Wars... no puppet this time
[16:57] <Martine> Ah. Thanks, RD!
[16:57] <Helenmary> The best part is that Yoda is much more mobile and even has a light-saber duel!
[16:57] <@KK> That should be interesting.
[16:57] <@KK> I assume we're all counting down to the release.
[16:57] <Mouse> Of course
[16:58] <Martine> Yoda with a lightsaber? <g>
[16:58] <Bynw> he is a very good combatant i've heard
[16:58] <hygilac> well, he IS a Jedi!
[16:58] <virtualbabe> I'm waiting for the Two Towers
[16:58] <@KK> Well, he <is> a Jedi....
[16:58] <RainbowDragon> I'm anxious for it, Katherine
[16:58] <Martine> I might have to sneak a night off from Atlas to see Star Wars
[16:58] <@KK> What's the date?
[16:58] <wrengl> yes indeed we are counting down
[16:58] *** Bynw is now known as Jedi_Bynw
[16:58] <RainbowDragon> May 16
[16:58] <Jedi_Bynw> May 16th for Episode 2
[16:58] <wrengl> I took 16 May off in its honour!
[16:58] * Jedi_Bynw just might wear his jedi robes to it
[16:59] <Helenmary> I haven't founded out were it is showing in the area yet. I think I need a big screen...
[16:59] <@Sedina> Martine - another possible idea for the itenerary?  It would mean waiting a little longer to see it though  :)
[16:59] <wrengl> that would be neat bynw
[16:59] <@KK> That would definitely be cool--but would they understand in Iowa?
[16:59] <Rebecca> Helemary it'll be at the Senator
[16:59] <Rebecca> We'll have to go
[16:59] <Helenmary> REALLY!!!
[16:59] <Martine> Definitely, Sedina! There's a huge cinema complex down the street from me :-)
[16:59] <Rebecca> Really!!
[16:59] <Jedi_Bynw> most definitely ... the lines to Star Wars have always been large here
[16:59] <wrengl> 70 mm screen Martine?
[16:59] <Martine> Yup!
[17:00] <virtualbabe> There are already some camping out
[17:00] <Martine> With stadium seating and REAL food.
[17:00] <@Sedina> Oooo...  :)
[17:00] <@KK> Bynw, are you and Tika now close to Bart?
[17:00] <wrengl> sounds like a plan
[17:00] <Helenmary> Maybe I should leave now - the line is probably forming already :)
[17:00] <Martine> I remember waiting in line over a block for Return of the Jedi.
[17:00] <Jedi_Bynw> i waited in line to see the rerelease of Episode 4 on the 20th anniversary for like 8 hours
[17:00] <wrengl> We camped out overnight for Jedi
[17:00] <wrengl> too old for that now, however
[17:00] <Jedi_Bynw> KK, bart is like 2 hours from us
[17:01] <@KK> Ah.  Well, that's not too bad.
[17:01] <Martine> Sedina - I can even order our tickets online, so we don't have to wait in line <g>
[17:01] <Helenmary> My brother and I waited for about 4 hours in the rain for Episode 5
[17:01] <wrengl> And i had already seen it twice by then (Premiere and a Screening)
[17:01] <@Sedina> Martine - even better!  :)
[17:01] <Mouse> t
[17:01] <Mouse> Too many good movies, too little time
[17:01] <wrengl> let us know when you are going Martine.  We can make it a little con
[17:01] <Helenmary> or maybe that was Episode 6 - I can't keep track!
[17:01] <Martine> Okay, Pat!
[17:02] <The_Bee> Ep 6 is Return of Jedi?
[17:02] <wrengl> it did not rain in NYC for Episode 6
[17:02] <Martine> Might be a good Thursday night activity - while Sedina's still recovering from the flight
[17:02] <Helenmary> It sure did in Chicago!
[17:02] <@Sedina> Pat - and just like Darkover, I get the feeling that I won't be sleeping at all that weekend
[17:02] <wrengl> indeed.
[17:02] * virtualbabe wishes there were more Deryni fans in Vancouver
[17:02] <Martine> Sleep? sleep is optional on vacation!
[17:02] <hygilac> probably not, Sedina
[17:02] <wrengl> Kathi could drive out and I could take a ferry to Jersey to be picked up.
[17:02] <Helenmary> Yes, Bee, Return of the Jedi. 
[17:03] <Martine> Sounds like a plan, pat!
[17:03] <@KK> Oh, for those of you who weren't here when I first came online--the Spokane con appears to be off--at least for us.  Change of con committee, apparently.
[17:03] <Jedi_Bynw> oh dont forget to check out the new chat room stats at: http://www.deryni.net/chat/stats/deryni_destinations.html
[17:03] <Martine> NO, Bynw, please! <laugh>
[17:03] <Martine> I'm embarrassed!
[17:03] <hygilac> lol
[17:03] <@Sedina> lol Martine
[17:04] <Martine> Katherine, not giving me Atlas work has.. um.... apparently given me crowning volume status here! <g>
[17:04] <RainbowDragon> *LOL*  Martine is a talkative one! *LOL*
[17:04] <@KK> I see....
[17:04] <@Jessie> Katherine:  kill off any characters this week?
[17:04] <Martine> And I used to be so shy. What happened? <g>
[17:04] <@Jessie> or marry off any?
[17:04] <@Sedina> LOL Jessie - now that's a question to ask.  :)
[17:04] <@KK> Well, she sure writes good architecture commentary....
[17:04] <wrengl> LOL bynw
[17:04] <Martine> LOL!
[17:04] <Mouse> You met a group that doesn't allow shy, Martine
[17:04] <Martine> College cured me of shy :-)
[17:05] <wrengl> indeed martine is the talkiest of us all
[17:05] <@KK> No, I'm reworking Venture in Vain from Donal's POV--and Morian's.
[17:05] <@Jessie> k
[17:05] <@Jessie> so just the Mearan baby
[17:05] <Jedi_Bynw> ohh cool
[17:05] <Martine> Ah - so you're almost killing off characters!
[17:05] *** Jedi_Bynw is now known as Bynw
[17:05] <virtualbabe> ?me thinks, but I'm still shy
[17:05] <@KK> Well, I don't have to be too graphic about the Mearan deaths I already described in VV. 
[17:06] <@KK> There may be some reprisals, however.
[17:06] <@Jessie> ?
[17:06] <@Jessie> oh
[17:06] *** Kelos_al-Hazar has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[17:06] <hygilac> HI Kelos
[17:06] <Martine> Hi Kelos
[17:06] <@KK> Theeeeere's Kelos!
[17:06] <The_Bee> hi kelos
[17:06] <Mouse> hi, Kelos
[17:06] <@Jessie> hello Kelos
[17:06] <Helenmary> Hi Kelos
[17:07] <@Sedina> hi Kelos
[17:07] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Thank you to Jessie for letting me know about KK being in. :) I appreciate it. :)
[17:07] <@KK> Jessicat is being a paperweight on my desk tonight.  And Nicholas has taken to camping in my office for hours at a time.  Big breakthrough.
[17:07] <wrengl> hi kelos
[17:07] * The_Bee sets out flagons of hard and soft cider, scones, and strawberries and clotted cream
[17:07] <Martine> Yay Nicholas!
[17:07] <virtualbabe> Paperweight is one of the things cats do best
[17:07] <Mouse> Paperweight or pest.
[17:07] <Martine> No, Bee! Sedina might crack those flagons over someone's head if you don't look out!
[17:08] *** Barticus has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[17:08] <Barticus> wdy All!
[17:08] <hygilac> and holding the covers on the bed--they are good at that
[17:08] * @Sedina smiles innocently
[17:08] <virtualbabe> Hi Bart
[17:08] <Martine> Hi bart
[17:08] <Bynw> hiyas Bart
[17:08] <Helenmary> Ave, Barticus!
[17:08] <The_Bee> hi barticus
[17:08] <Barticus> Howdy KK
[17:08] <@KK> Where do you get the clotted cream, Bee?  It's hard to find even here.
[17:08] <hygilac> hey Bart
[17:08] <@KK> Ave, Barticus, indeed!
[17:08] <@Sedina> But I'm in a good mood, Martine. And I'm not even in that much pain right now. I think everyone's safe
[17:08] * wrengl passes a platter of buttered Trislanian breakfast (fruit) bread around. Still warm from the oven
[17:08] <@Sedina> Hi Bart
[17:08] <The_Bee> from my virtual refrigerator :)
[17:08] <Martine> Phew! That was close, Sedina!
[17:08] <wrengl> hi barticus
[17:08] <@KK> LOL, Bee.
[17:08] * Martine eagerly tries a slice of bread
[17:09] <Helenmary> You can't find clotted cream in Ireland, KK?  I would have thought it was much more readily available there.
[17:09] <@KK> It tastes virtually delicious!  And the scones are fresh and still steamy from the oven!
[17:09] <wrengl> You can get it in the US Katherine.
[17:09] <hygilac> that sounds sort of like Ducks virtual library, Bee
[17:09] <@KK> It's a Cornish thing, I think.
[17:09] <wrengl> I usually get it at Delicious Orchards in NJ
[17:09] <RainbowDragon> what is clotted cream?
[17:09] <Mouse> Best thing about a virtual fridge.  You virtually don't have to clean it
[17:09] <@KK> I'm sure I could find it if I really put my mind to it.
[17:09] <Barticus> I always wondered what clotted cream was
[17:10] <Bynw> That's what i'm wondering RD
[17:10] <virtualbabe> and it is always full of nice things
[17:10] <hygilac> too rich for words, RD
[17:10] <@KK> Our major supermarket chain was bought out by a UK conglomerate, and things have gone downhill since.
[17:10] <The_Bee> somewhere between sweet cream and butter, I think
[17:10] <Martine> And the upscale virtual fridges come with virtual housekeepers, too. what a deal!
[17:10] <Barticus> I heard it on Fawlty Towers one time
[17:10] *** Sedina has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
[17:10] <Martine> Ick! Same thing happened here, Katherine.
[17:10] <Martine> Ack!
[17:10] * Martine takes her riding crop and thwacks Peer silly.
[17:10] * virtualbabe pelts peer with a plate of petrified peepe
[17:10] *** Sedina has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[17:10] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Sedina
[17:10] * wrengl  Takes the bullwhip from her Indiana Jones belt and whips Peer from one end of the room to the next.
[17:10] <Mouse> That's it.  Mouse is loading combat crossbow
[17:10] <Bynw> wb Kim
[17:10] <@Sedina> grrr
[17:10] * wrengl  Reaches into her ammunition chest and takes out a moray eel with which she whips Peer mercilessly
[17:10] * The_Bee swarms angrily after peer
[17:10] <@Sedina> thanks Bynw
[17:10] * Barticus begins to beat peer about the head with a base ball bat
[17:11] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Bynw
[17:11] <Martine> wb Sedina
[17:11] <@Sedina> thanks, Martine
[17:11] * Barticus then proceeeds to do the same to Applebee's customers
[17:11] <@KK> Imagine the thickened cream that gathers inside the carton along the edges, about twice that thick and just faintly sweeter, and with a buttery crust on top...
[17:11] <Martine> Yum!
[17:11] * virtualbabe drools slightly
[17:12] <Mouse> So, does that clotted cream have virtually no calories?
[17:12] <Helenmary> drools a LOT
[17:12] <Martine> Only because it's currently virtual, Mouse.
[17:12] <@KK> Oddly enough, some of the best I've eaten was served with scones in flight in the UK.
[17:12] * virtualbabe thinks, I really need to do something with my fingers today
[17:12] <Martine> So eat up!
[17:12] <Martine> On a plane? That is odd!
[17:12] <The_Bee> virtual = virtuous ;)
[17:12] <hygilac> or cholesterol either
[17:12] <Mouse> good for me
[17:12] <@KK> All that bad stuff is virtually filtered out, without altering the taste.
[17:13] <Martine> Just like in....virtual ice cream!
[17:13] <@KK> Virtual chocolate chip ice cream!
[17:13] * Martine breaks out the Ben & Jerry's and Haagen Dasz in assorted flavors
[17:13] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Heheh.
[17:13] <The_Bee> I once had something labeled clotted cream.  no way to tell how authentic it was
[17:13] <Mouse> You know, that would be the best thing about the 12th century. No worries about sugar, fat, cholesterol, etc
[17:13] * Martine dishes out the chocolate chocolate chip for Katherine
[17:13] <hygilac> fresh strawberries and clotted cream
[17:13] * virtualbabe passes around a plate of virtual Nanimo Bars
[17:13] <Helenmary> \me dishes up some Chocolate Chocolate Chip
[17:13] * Rebecca just put the Ben and Jerry's back in the fridge before she ate the entire pint.
[17:14] <Helenmary> Hmm.  I seem to keep hitting the wrong slash....
[17:14] <@Jessie> Helenmary:  use the / instead of the \
[17:14] <@Bynw> psst Helenmary... its the other slash
[17:14] * Helenmary tries to get with the program
[17:14] * Kelos_al-Hazar grins at the byplay

(to be continued)
