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KK Chat - Apr. 7, 2002 (pt. 2)

Started by RainbowDragon, July 08, 2008, 01:31:38 PM

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KK Chat - Apr. 7, 2002, pt. 2

[17:51] <NancyB> I LOVE going to Mass :)  ok except for the way Communion makes your tongue adhere to the roof of your mouth.. that's not so great
[17:51] <Wrengl> indeed that is ever so powerful, Katherine
[17:51] <Martine> LOL Nancy!
[17:51] <Tika> hehehe Nancy
[17:51] <@Sedina> lol Nancy
[17:51] <Tika> that's what you use the wine for ;)
[17:51] <virtualbabe> Now you're allowed to chew
[17:51] <Martine> That's why I prefer churches that give you the wine, too. Get the stuff off the roof of your mouth ;-)
[17:52] <@KK> But you don't get wine in the RC Church.
[17:52] <Wrengl> but we did not used to get the wine back in the old days.
[17:52] <Tika> or whatever is being substituted for wine...
[17:52] <NancyB> But you can't when you're not the celebrant. You just have to walk back to your seat and try not to make sucking sounds
[17:52] <Martine> My church gives wine, katherine.
[17:52] <Martine> So does the one my husband grew up in.
[17:52] <virtualbabe> Dhassan church gives ale
[17:52] <@KK> Some RC Churches do.  I think it's more a logistic consideration, these days.
[17:52] <Martine> It is. The individual parish decides.
[17:52] <Martine> And the individual worshipper decides whether or not to take the wine with the bread.
[17:53] <NancyB> Oh great! so you can um um ::trying to find a euphemism:: have Fairies in the Bottom of Your Garden in church?? (ref Dhassan ale)
[17:53] <@KK> Some churches let the communicant dip his or her wafer.
[17:53] <the_Bee> Do Milwaukee churches use beer?
[17:53] * Barticus snicker
[17:53] <Martine> LOL, Nancy!
[17:53] <NancyB> I don't like that - I want the celebrant to do it - it's part of the job to be the bearer of the holiness (not being sarcastic)
[17:53] <@Sedina> We use intinction at the church that I go to, Katherine
[17:53] <NancyB> Oooo ! I love Milwaukee
[17:53] <@KK> I've never heard of a proper Christian church using beer or ale--which is why it seemed so mildly scandalous that the Dhassan church should use ale.
[17:54] <Barticus> isn't Dhassan wine pretty bad though
[17:54] <NancyB> I mean, I GUESS you can transubstantiate any natural substance but ::hic:: ale?
[17:54] <@Sedina> lol Nancy
[17:54] <Martine> LOL, Nancy!
[17:54] <NancyB> On the other hand, you COULD technically use ale for both because it IS a bread product...
[17:54] <@KK> Yes, Nancy, but then you get the baby-bird syndrome, where the communicant has to be fed.
[17:54] <Martine> Now we know why you go to church ;-)
[17:55] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Red wine seems traditional...but has white wine ever been used?
[17:55] * virtualbabe giggles
[17:55] <@Jessie> they served Dhassa ale -- cause it tasted so bad -- it was the original temperance effort
[17:55] <Martine> A lot of RC churches use white wine, Kelos.
[17:55] <@KK> White wine is sure easier on the linens.
[17:55] <Barticus> Hey all I need to get going
[17:55] <Martine> Ah... the voice of experience? <g>
[17:55] <@KK> Red wine is better symbolism.  Rose or blush serves the purpose, too.
[17:55] <the_Bee> seeya Bart
[17:55] <Martine> Good night, Barticus!
[17:55] <@Jessie> bye Bart
[17:55] <NancyB> Vale, Barticus!
[17:55] * Barticus is still in guards uniform and is itching to get out of it
[17:55] <@KK> Night, Barticus.
[17:55] <Tika> cya Bart!
[17:55] <virtualbabe> nighters bart
[17:55] <Gamgee> KK: any idea of how old the "Cakes and Ale" ceremony used by some pagan groups is?
[17:55] <Barticus> Bye all
[17:56] <Barticus> thanks for coming KK
[17:56] <NancyB> Olllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllld
[17:56] <the_Bee> "This is my blood"--white would be rather anemic
[17:56] * Barticus steps onto his portal and is gone
[17:56] *** Barticus has left #Deryni_Destinations
[17:56] <NancyB> ::grump grump wish *I* had a portal... hmph
[17:56] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Probably at least as old as Christianity, I'd suspect...possibly older.
[17:56] <@KK> I wouldn't want to make a definitive statement about ale vs. wine.  It would depend partly on what was available, I think.
[17:56] * Martine opens her bottomless coffer and offers Nancy her foldable porta-portal.
[17:57] <Tika> so do I Nancy - the trip to Iowa would have been much easier! :)
[17:57] <NancyB> Ooooo! Martine, you are too good to me!
[17:57] <Martine> Only one catch, Nancy.
[17:57] <Martine> It only works online ;-)
[17:57] <NancyB> And it would make commuting between L.A. and Ireland sooo much easier!
[17:57] <@KK> Tike, are you and Bynw actually in Iowa already?
[17:57] <Tika> So were the portals in the garderobes "portal-potties"? :)
[17:57] <Martine> ROTFL, Tika!
[17:57] <Tika> yes, KK, we are
[17:57] <Tika> got here yesterday afternoon
[17:57] <NancyB> As in moved to Iowa or visiting Iowa?
[17:57] <@KK> ROTFL, Tika!
[17:58] *** Sedina has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
[17:58] <Martine> Not again!
[17:58] <Tika> actually that was Ace's joke, I can't take credit for it ;)
[17:58] * Martine takes her riding crop and thwacks Peer silly.
[17:58] * virtualbabe pelts peer with a plateful of petrified peeps
[17:58] <NancyB> ::admiring Martine's technique with that crop...
[17:58] * the_Bee swarms and divebombs peer
[17:58] <@KK> Peer has got it in for Sedina tonight.  Hit him!
[17:58] <Martine> I've been practicing since I was a wee child, Nancy <g>
[17:58] * Tika kicks Peer's arse
[17:59] <NancyB> I am going to give the Peer my freeze-your-blood Ducal stare!!! ..... glareglareglare
[17:59] <@KK> Oh, Nancy, Martine has got your number! LOL
[17:59] * Tika shivers
[17:59] <NancyB> ::trying to look as innocent as possible...
[17:59] <Martine> My grandfather had me in the saddle before I could walk properly, so I really *do* know how to use it <g>
[17:59] <@KK> She can do it, too.  She's a Suchess.
[17:59] <Tika> at least the server came back up in time for your chat KK - we had network troubles overnight and were unable to connect for about 9 hours :(
[17:59] <@KK> Eek.
[17:59] <NancyB> gack!!!! Tika!
[18:00] <Tika> so I'm happy to even be able to SEE peer at all
[18:00] <@KK> Duchess, too.
[18:00] <Martine> All of us got booted simultaneously, too.
[18:00] * @Jessie liked a Suchess
[18:00] * Martine too
[18:00] <NancyB> Heh! these days pretty much in retirement...   
[18:00] <@Jessie> a new German title the Such & Suchess of Whatsit
[18:00] <NancyB> I love it!!!
[18:00] <Tika> LOL!!!
[18:00] <Martine> LOL!
[18:01] <the_Bee> snerk
[18:01] <Gamgee> no comment.......
[18:01] <Martine> Hmmmm... sounds like a proper title for Sir Bors fitz Weine <g>
[18:01] <Gamgee> no comment.
[18:01] <RainbowDragon> *L* Good one Jessie!
[18:01] <virtualbabe> Well everybody, I'm going to have to leave also.   
[18:01] <Tika> that's 2 Sam :P
[18:01] <Tika> lol
[18:01] <@Jessie> bye VB
[18:01] <Tika> cya VB
[18:01] <Martine> Bye, vb!
[18:01] <NancyB> ::waving to VB
[18:01] <@KK> Night, VB
[18:01] <the_Bee> nighters VB
[18:01] <virtualbabe> Nighters all
[18:01] <Gamgee> tika: what I don't want to say is worth both of them (and more)
[18:02] <Tika> I am so very sure of that! ;)
[18:02] <@Jessie> lol
[18:02] <Wrengl> night vb
[18:02] *** virtualbabe has quit IRC (QUIT: the babe steps on the portal and disappears in a cloud of pink sparklies)
[18:02] <Tika> and also so very glad that you didn't have to work this evening, yayyyy!
[18:03] <Tika> oh, KK we made our friend Ace here read the back of SPG before we'd let him get online (muhahahaha)
[18:03] <@Jessie> lol
[18:03] <Tika> he has to suffer with the rest of us :)
[18:03] <Martine> That's evil and cruel, Tika
[18:03] <Martine> Me likes ;-)
[18:03] <@KK> Tee-hee!
[18:03] *** Sedina has joined #Deryni_Destinations 
[18:04] <Martine> wb, Sedina!
[18:04] <Tika> he only had this to say: Sief was a dumbass ;)
[18:04] <@Sedina> thanks
[18:04] * @Sedina kicks peer in the rump
[18:04] <Tika> we heartily agreed!
[18:04] <Tika> wb Sedina
[18:04] <@KK> Well, yes.  The CC is already showing sighs of dimness.
[18:04] <@Sedina> thanks, Tika
[18:04] <the_Bee> yes wb Sedina
[18:04] <Martine> Maybe peer is jealous of you possibly getting a kilt, Sedina?
[18:04] <NancyB> Velvet pillows all around for the bootees
[18:05] <@Sedina> Well, I haven't gotten one yet, Martine...someone needs to rectify that problem
[18:05] <Tika> ooooo thanks Nancy!
[18:05] * Martine looks innocent
[18:05] <@Sedina> thanks, Nancy...  Definitely needed after that last one
[18:05] <Tika> no she doesn't
[18:05] <Tika> LOL
[18:05] <Martine> Hey!
[18:05] * Tika giggles
[18:05] * Martine polishes her halo and gives the innocent look again.
[18:05] <@Sedina> Ha!  Nice try, Martine
[18:06] <NancyB> No kilts for me - too drafty!
[18:06] <@Jessie> I believe that should read "Martine TRIES to look innocent"
[18:06] <Wrengl> agreed jessie
[18:06] <NancyB> Oh let's pretend that we believe her <grin>
[18:06] * Martine brushes up her rusty acting skills, then yet again gives her innocent look
[18:06] <Tika> oooo, look at the very angelic Martine! ;)
[18:06] <Gamgee> martine: save it for the judge.....  It aint working here.
[18:07] <Martine> There. That's better <g>
[18:07] <@Sedina> lol Sam
[18:07] * the_Bee sees martine's innocent look and raises her 2 evil grins
[18:07] <NancyB> Oh, we must paint Martine with the halo and the soft angelic glow around her face 'n lil cherubs...
[18:07] <Tika> so Sam... chocolate mead at Thanksgiving eh? :)
[18:07] <Martine> ROTFL, Bee!
[18:07] <@Jessie> Katherine:  what somes after the 3 childe morgan books?
[18:07] <Martine> I like that idea, Nancy! <g>
[18:08] <Gamgee> Tika: I hope so.
[18:08] <Wrengl> hopefully ace will decide to let us have Adept Six!
[18:08] <@KK> Don't know.  Maybe Orin and Jodotha?  948?
[18:08] <Martine> Then maybe *strangers* will believe my innocent look
[18:08] <RainbowDragon> I vote for 948 next, Jessie!
[18:08] <Tika> 948!!!
[18:08] * Martine quietly roots for more Kelson books
[18:08] <Tika> definitely!
[18:08] <@Sedina> lol Martine...we just know that you're biased
[18:08] <Tika> we want more death and destruction! :)
[18:08] <Martine> Who me, Sedina?
[18:08] <Tika> LOL
[18:08] <@KK> It almost certainly will NOT be a post KKB.
[18:08] <@Sedina> You make that sound like it's a good thing, Tika
[18:09] <NancyB> I like lotsa blood :) and fighting :) and Bad Guys! I LOVE Bad Guys
[18:09] <Wrengl> lol nancyb
[18:09] <Martine> LOL, Nancy!
[18:09] <NancyB> which reminds me - I should start on that Deryni Vampire thing, shouldn't I? ::ducking::
[18:09] <Tika> well if everything was all happiness and roses there wouldn't be much to write about, Sedina :)
[18:09] <Tika> oooooooo
[18:09] <Wrengl> verra true tika
[18:09] <Tika> Deryni vampire???
[18:09] <@Sedina> Yes, that's true...
[18:09] * Tika perks up
[18:09] <NancyB> Heh - well, let's see - to make a long story short - yes
[18:10] <NancyB> I have a note here somewhere about the place we decided they lived, if they lived in the Eleven Kingdoms at all.
[18:10] <Martine> Now wouldn't a Deryni vampire put a sticking point in the healing between human and Deryni?
[18:10] <the_Bee> 948 and 1025 are both stories waiting to be told
[18:10] <Martine> I think it was East Vestzika (sp?)
[18:10] <@KK> 1025, too, yes.
[18:10] <NancyB> Veskitza! that was it! see, I'm well a big fan of Torenth
[18:10] <RainbowDragon> !025?
[18:11] <Tika> well of course they'd be Torenthi :)
[18:11] <RainbowDragon> 1025?
[18:11] <@KK> Well, of course they'd be Torenthi.
[18:11] <@Jessie> not
[18:11] <the_Bee> war involving Gwynedd, Torenth and Meara
[18:11] <Wrengl> Torenth is perfect for vampires
[18:11] <@KK> Speaking of which, I now have Matyas on my desktop, courtesy of Hannah Shapiro.
[18:11] <Tika> oh neat!
[18:11] <@Jessie> they are some of those Haldanes -- tis why they wear scarlet -- keeps the blood droplets from showing
[18:11] <NancyB> That's what I thought... and not to toot my own horn (can I do that here?)
[18:11] <Martine> Neat!
[18:11] <Gamgee> COOL!   
[18:12] <Tika> can't wait to see him :)
[18:12] <Tika> toot away Nancy!
[18:12] <@KK> Yeah, Sam, Hannah sent it to Frank, who ensmallened it and sent it on to me.  Shall I send it to you, too?
[18:13] <NancyB> If any of you are fans of the 7th Sea RPG - they are about to release the source book for The Crescent Empire which I co-authored, so I'm kinda up these days on things Ottomanish
[18:13] <Gamgee> KK: YES!  please do.
[18:14] <@KK> Ya want the archangels, too?  I can do archangel of the day on my desktop.
[18:14] <@Jessie> wow
[18:14] <Martine> Oooo! Neat!
[18:14] <@Sedina> oh cool
[18:14] <Martine> Can you send me a copy too for the archangels?
[18:14] <NancyB> I have been doing some research on Torenth, as time permits, and as soon as the project I'm working on right now is done (tight deadline), I shall do more and then see what I can come up with in the dreadfully gorgeous
devastating Torenthi vampire category
[18:14] <@KK> I figured out how to change the controls to put these images in the center of the desktop and not interfere with the icons along the sides.
[18:15] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Same here, please, KK?
[18:15] <the_Bee> congrats, KK
[18:15] <Martine> Icons just get in the way of beautiful desktop wallpaper :-)
[18:15] <NancyB> ::and the machine bows before its acknowledged Mistress, as well it should!
[18:15] <the_Bee> legally sane or medically sane?
[18:15] * Kelos_al-Hazar uses WinTidy to do that...
[18:15] <Tika> sanity is a legal term :)
[18:15] <Gamgee> KK: I already have a copy of the "Future Angles" or "Tech Angles" and I know the 7 zoroastrian angles are on her web site.
[18:16] <@KK> Are they in a small size?  The Zoro-angels, that is.
[18:16] <NancyB> hee!
[18:16] <the_Bee> acute angles or obtuse angles?
[18:16] <Martine> LOL, Bee!
[18:16] <NancyB> obtuse of course and oblique
[18:17] <Gamgee> I don't know.  I've seen them when browsing her web site.
[18:17] <NancyB> Geometry makes my blood run cold!
[18:17] <Kelos_al-Hazar> And I think I've seen "Tech Angel" myself...
[18:17] <@KK> I suspect they're big, else Frank could have just pulled them off the website.
[18:17] <Martine> I loved geometry.
[18:17] <@KK> I loved geometry, too.
[18:17] <NancyB> ::shuddering::
[18:18] <Martine> And calculus was fun in high school, and even college up until about the fifth semester.
[18:18] <NancyB> ::hacking up a furball::
[18:18] <@Sedina> geometry was a piece of cake...though I hated doing the theorems part of it all
[18:18] <@Jessie> lol NancyB
[18:18] * the_Bee likes boolean math
[18:18] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Trig is a pain, though.
[18:18] <@Sedina> lol Nancy
[18:18] * Tika backs away slowly from the_Bee
[18:18] <Martine> I'm a programmer. I live boolean math at work :-)
[18:18] <NancyB> ::making wiggly signs with my fingers as protection against Geometry!
[18:18] <Martine> ROTFL!
[18:19] <NancyB> I took a semester of C++ and at the end, the professor said "I will pass you if you promise NEVER to take another class from me!" I like HTML  :)
[18:19] <@Sedina> LOL Nancy
[18:19] <Martine> LOL, Nancy!
[18:20] <Kelos_al-Hazar> I need to learn C/C++/C#... and Java/Javascript...
[18:20] <@KK> Geometry was cool.  Algebra was ok.  Solid geometry was fine. Trig sucked, as did calculus.
[18:20] <NancyB> Java good, C++ baaaaaad.
[18:21] <NancyB> Personally, I like Python... :)
[18:21] <Martine> Calculus was okay for me until they started doing multi-dimensional vector calculus.
[18:21] <Martine> At that point my head went BOING!
[18:21] <the_Bee> dare I ask what is c++?
[18:21] <Martine> It's a computer programming language, Bee.
[18:21] <Gamgee> KK: the images on Hannah's web site are only 20 to 24KB each.
[18:21] <Kelos_al-Hazar> More advanced version of C, a computer language...and what Windows is written in.
[18:21] <NancyB> It's eeeeeeeeeeeeeevil, Bee
[18:21] <the_Bee> used for what?
[18:21] <Wrengl> math was YUCK for me.  Although I did manage to squeak through pre-calc.  That was when I decided a second BS in Computer Science was not for me
[18:22] <Tika> yes, c++ is EEEEVIL
[18:22] <NancyB> Everything, Bee. The world. Ok, Bill Gates' world.
[18:22] <Martine> It's used to write most applications you use, Bee.
[18:22] <Martine> Like Windows, and Word, and Excel.
[18:22] <@KK> LOL at Nancy making wiggly signs with her fingers to ward off geometry.  I remember those wiggly signs.  It was an attempt to make a Star of David, as I recall....
[18:22] <NancyB> and ::gack:: Access and ::more gacking:: Project
[18:22] <the_Bee> as long as my computer has to do the work....:)
[18:22] * Martine coughs up her own hairball at Project
[18:22] <NancyB> Yep it was and it actually works - like it takes the calories out of matzo balls!
[18:22] <Kelos_al-Hazar> As well as the swell stuff like MySQL...
[18:22] <Wrengl> actually I like Access better than dBase
[18:22] <NancyB> arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh - Access is DEMONIC!!!!
[18:23] <NancyB> it's possessed!
[18:23] <the_Bee> I have Access, never used it
[18:23] <Martine> I'll take SQL anyday over Access.
[18:23] * Kelos_al-Hazar used to be a demon at dBase programming...
[18:23] <Wrengl> never used SQL
[18:23] <NancyB> Hmmm... eyeing Kelos more warily now...
[18:23] <Wrengl> work with Access and Excel and Word
[18:23] <Kelos_al-Hazar> I have Access and FrontPage...never use either...and never WILL use the latter!
[18:23] <Tika> mmmmm marnin is making dinner and it smells yummy :)
[18:23] <NancyB> FrontPage - much suckage (forgive me for being rude)
[18:24] <Gamgee> Evrsoft's 1st Page is the way to go!!!!
[18:24] <Tika> I heartily agree, Nancy
[18:24] * Martine casts her FrontPage vote with Nancy
[18:24] <Kelos_al-Hazar> YES!
[18:24] <Wrengl> I have FrontPage
[18:24] <NancyB> I love HTML - so nice, so neat, obeys me :)
[18:24] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Gamgee, I totally AGREE!
[18:24] <Martine> DreamWeaver is my tool of choice, when I *have* a choice
[18:24] <NancyB> I like things that obey me. Oops too much information...
[18:24] <Martine> LOL!
[18:24] <NancyB> Oooo, Martine!!!!!! ::envious::
[18:24] <@Sedina> lol Nancy
[18:24] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Into S&M, are we? :D
[18:24] <@Jessie> Katherine:  is ITKS to be released in December 2002?
[18:25] <NancyB> ::ain't sayin' nuthin'... someone please change the subject!
[18:25] <Martine> I did my last web site in DreamWeaver, Nancy - at http://www.us.kpmg.com/conferencecenter
[18:25] <@KK> No way, alas.
[18:25] * the_Bee isn't sure what she has. as long as she gets what she wants
[18:25] <Martine> It was a lovely experience
[18:25] <@KK> Probably spring.
[18:25] <@Jessie> :-( there goes Christmas
[18:25] <Gamgee> 1st Page doesn't use ANY of the IE and netscape specific extentions.
[18:25] <NancyB> Martine... do you do web pages for hire??? hope hope hope? the guy doing my pages for me flaked out :(
[18:25] <@KK> Well, if I get it in by the end of June, as hoped....
[18:25] <Martine> I do when time permits, Nancy.
[18:25] <@Jessie> how about the contract for the re-write of the Deryni Chronicles
[18:25] <Martine> My husband *definitely* does
[18:26] <Martine> And he's more design oriented than I am.
[18:26] <@KK> Speaking of which, it's getting late, so I'd better sign off or I won't get much writing done tomorrow.
[18:26] <Wrengl> We won't even have it to take with us to Florida in February, jessie.  Instead we will have an ITKS wailing wall in the condo for us to use!
[18:26] <Martine> Good night, KK!
[18:26] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Anyone looked at my website lately? (although it's a "Site Coming" type page)
[18:26] <Tika> niters KK, write well, have a supermegafantastic week :)
[18:26] <the_Bee> Katherine, have a good week
[18:26] <Kelos_al-Hazar> www.rhemuthcastle.com
[18:26] <@Jessie> night Katherine -- write well & get it in by June 30th
[18:26] <@Sedina> lol Pat
[18:26] <NancyB> wot's the URL, Lord Kelos the Demon?
[18:26] <@Sedina> Good night, Katherine.  Write well
[18:26] <Wrengl> Night Katherine
[18:26] <Gamgee> Night Night KK
[18:26] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Beat ya to it... :)
[18:27] <Martine> Happy writing, KK!
[18:27] <Wrengl> good writing this week katherine
[18:27] <RainbowDragon> Bye Katherine!
[18:27] * Wrengl Thumper says "Woof, lady Katherine"
[18:27] * @Jessie wants a Deryni book for Christmas
[18:27] <Wrengl> The Atlas, maybe, Jessie
[18:28] <Kelos_al-Hazar> And if the site misbehaves, try it in MSIE and/or Mozilla... it works in both. Netscape may or may not work; it uses CSS.
[18:28] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Or just type rhemuthcastle.com in the addressbar. Should work. :)
[18:28] <Gamgee> Kelos: I've found that if you program for Opera, it will work in both IE and Netscape....   :)
[18:28] <@Jessie> Wrengl:  real deryni book
[18:28] <@KK> You'll have to settle for a Templar anthology for Christmas, I fear.
[18:28] <Martine> That works ;-)
[18:29] <Wrengl> LOL Jessie
[18:29] <Kelos_al-Hazar> But I'm hard at work trying to get the site finished...
[18:29] <@Sedina> ack...my lap is being claimed
[18:29] <Martine> Which kitty
[18:29] <the_Bee> sadie or Miss Myah?
[18:29] <@Sedina> never mind...she's decided to go and curl up behind the monitor instead
[18:30] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Warmer there? Probably.
[18:30] <@Sedina> Miss Myah...  Sadie only cuddles at night - and then she turns into the giant purr monster
[18:30] <@Sedina> and now she's back in the window because the gopher is back and is taunting her
[18:30] <NancyB> Oooo! the Evil Gopher!!!!! Poacher upon her territory
[18:31] <Martine> Strike at the evil gopher!! Oh, wait, there's this funny smooth stuff in the way.
[18:31] <@Sedina> Yes, Nancy...the evil gopher who likes to sit just on the other side of the screen and taunt the kitties.
[18:31] <NancyB> Ooooo /bonking the gopher ---
[18:31] <@KK> OK, guys, I'm gonna head out.  And I'll send Matyas and archangels to them's as want 'em.
[18:32] <Martine> Thank you!
[18:32] * @Jessie raises her hand
[18:32] <Martine> And happy writing tomorrow!
[18:32] <NancyB> My boyfriend's garden is inhabited by Spawn of Shelob which his cats stalk safely from behind plate glass
[18:32] * @Sedina would love them as well, KK
[18:32] <Martine> I'm getting my rear back in gear for St. George's now.
[18:32] * Gamgee wants Matyas
[18:32] <Wrengl> good night Katherine.
[18:32] <@KK> Looking forward to it, Martine.
[18:32] <@Jessie> Martine:  a hint -- use your hands & fingers
[18:32] <Martine> Oh - is that how it works?
[18:32] <@Sedina> lol Jessie
[18:33] <@Jessie> works better for me Martine -- but whatever works for you :)
[18:33] * @KK steps onto her portal and waves good night, disappearing in a shower of green sparks.
[18:33] <Tika> pretty! :)
[18:33] <Martine> Oooo!
[18:33] <Martine> Aaaah!
[18:33] <@Jessie> healer green sparks?
[18:33] <NancyB> Mistress of the World Green Sparks, of course!
[18:33] <RainbowDragon> Most definitely!
[18:34] *** KK has quit IRC (QUIT: )
