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January 15, 2025, 07:58:39 PM
Nezz and I were joking, Laurna, so no worries.  :)  And as for Bynw's harsh scenes, I expect they'll be no more so than any of KK's more graphic scenes, since after all he's the one who created the fanfic rules in the first place. 
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Adhan: Chapter 3

Started by MerchantDeryni, September 16, 2018, 12:38:55 PM

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Chapter 3

   The bomb had gone off at a crowded bus stop in the financial district. 11 dead and 23 injured. The bomber had been identified as a receptionist at one of the bond traders. Twenty-seven year old Kelly Armaugh was a bright, dedicated employee and in the training program to become a trader. She had no history of extremism or political views. Her friends and family all expressed shock at the notion of Kelly being a suicide bomber. Her backpack had been packed with explosives and ball bearings though. Surveillance video had been splashed across the news showing Kelly sitting on a bench in front of an office building and eating her lunch. As the crowd at the bus stop got larger she put her sandwich down and picked up her knapsack. She walked over to stand at the edge of the crowd. The bomb went off moments later. All this was public news, very public.
   Shortly after the bombing the spokesperson for the Rhemuth mosque announced they had been instructed to announce that the bombing was the responsibility of the Eternal Caliphate. The 11 kingdoms and Rhemuth had all been exposed to the Dawa of the truth of the Caliphate, and it was time to acknowledge that eternal truth. Since Rhemuth persisted in allowing decadence to run rampant in its streets then a lesson had been arranged. Such lessons would continue weekly until Rhemuth accepted the directives of the Caliphate and paid the jizya tax demanded of all dhimmi. In addition there would be an implementation of the proper code of conduct for all people. Gambling, alcohol and illicit behaviour would be banned. An Islamic court would be introduced, and Islamic leadership would control the land.
   Official condemnations from countries around the world followed. Memorials to the dead were created. All of this was done in the space of a few days.

   Mark did not watch much television. In the first couple of days he and Jim spent hours on emergency duty to cover for officers involved in the aftermath and investigation. Sadly the rise in terrorism over the years had resulted in a set policy and deployment routine that was well rehearsed. They returned to their regular duties, but kept an eye out for anything that could help the counter terrorism task force. Many terrorists used drugs as a means to finance their operations.

   Mark had made friends on the task force and he learned, unofficially and confidentially, that the investigation into Kelly had turned up absolutely no indication that she had been radicalized. There was nothing on her computer, no books, not even a Quran. She had simply carried a backpack full of explosives into a crowd.
   There was an interesting piece of news about the backpack. The bomb had been remote detonated by a cell phone. So Kelly had not activated it, she had just carried it. There was some speculation that she had not known what she had in her bag, but no way to prove it. Ted on the task force was at a loss as to how to put the pieces of the puzzle together.

   Not having answers to a puzzle was a feeling that was growing familiar to Mark. Dorian and Gavin seemed to have corrected their security mistake and no more incriminating texts appeared on their personal phones. They were seen carrying two phones, so a burned phone changeover was assumed. Mark was able to get warrants to try and capture texts.
   More research turned up some recent additions to their intelligence. Gavin turned out to be the more interesting of the pair. He was living a more affluent lifestyle and mingling with more celebrities. His personal texts were with an actress that Mark had actually heard of. She had appeared in a couple of well received Indie films. He had watched them and found her acting quite good. She'd also done several nude scenes he had appreciated as well. Jane spent time in Rhemuth with Gavin when she was not on set around the world, or following her brother, a rising tennis star and model, around the tennis circuit. The relationship was new, and it seemed her brother had introduced Gavin to his sister. Mark was not sure what the impetus for the close bond between a tennis player and a pig farmer with a veneer of green respectability was, but it was another oddly shaped piece in the puzzle.

   Dorian remained a quieter mystery. He worked form his home most days, developing contacts and contracts in the waste business. He went to restaurants and spoke to the kitchen managers. All of this seemed legitimate. On the other hand it could be a way to develop a distribution network, like a bouncer at a club.  Mark asked for more information on the business and operations.

   Both Dorian and Gavin worked out several days a week at a high end gym. They also ran or biked regularly and were in excellent shape.

   So Mark had a few differently shaped pictures from the pieces he had gathered. Two businessmen trying to hustle their way into high society using eco cred and the green movement. They stay fit to look good for the fashionably famous. They supplement their income with pot sales to support their social climb.
   Another shuffle of the puzzles and they are new operators trying to develop a larger distribution network to sell their fancy pot. Mark wanted to take a close look at the properties they owned, and follow the money trail. He was sure something would break loose and open up more avenues for investigation.

   Mark got into the office a week after the bombing and he and Jim started drawing up a plan to present to their boss. They were presenting it when news of the second bombing came over the radio.


That sounds ominous....   :o
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


I've been hesitant about this story, but I think maybe the main characters are starting to come through.  I will  keep my eye on where this is going.
May your horses have wings and fly!
