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KK Chat - Mar. 17, 2002 (pt. 1)

Started by RainbowDragon, July 08, 2008, 01:22:23 PM

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KK Chat - Mar. 17, 2002, pt. 1

[17:56] *** KK has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[17:56] <Sedina> Hi, Katherine!
[17:56] <virtualbabe> Hi Katherine 
[17:56] *** Bynw sets mode: +o KK
[17:56] <hygilac> Hi Katherine!
[17:56] <Wrengl> hi hygilac
[17:56] <Jessie> hello Katherine
[17:56] <Bynw> Hiyas Katherine!
[17:56] * Wrengl  Top o' tha' day ta' ya
[17:56] <Rambart20> Howdy KK
[17:57] <KK> Hello, All.
[17:57] <the_Bee> Hi KK 
[17:57] <RainbowDragon> Hi Katherine!
[17:57] <jm> hi kk
[17:57] <Kelric> Ahh.  Speak of the angel.
[17:57] <majorsprop> Hi Katherine
[17:57] <Rambart20> *waves from the cornfields of Iowa
[17:57] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Speak of the Tigress...and she appears. :)
[17:57] <hygilac> I have been twice to Ireland today
[17:57] <KK> Wow, Tigress, Angel....
[17:57] <Wrengl> hi Katherine
[17:57] * Wrengl  Top o' tha' day ta' ya
[17:57] <KK> Twice to Ireland, eh?
[17:57] <hygilac> Starz promo--running The Secret of Roan Inish
[17:57] <Lady_Marian> Hello Katherine!
[17:58] <Sedina> I like that show, Linda  :)
[17:58] <majorsprop> Hey Katherine,remember I told you about that book last time?
[17:58] <hygilac> me too
[17:59] <KK> Which book, Major?
[17:59] <Kelos_al-Hazar> KK: Quick WOT question... is it possible for someone from the States to order from European Dell outlets, in order to transship the machine to a friend in Germany? Or do you have any idea?
[17:59] <RainbowDragon> How is the Codex Supplement project going?
[17:59] <KK> Kelos, I would think so.  Just go to the Dell site.
[17:59] <majorsprop> It's called "The Head of God" by Keith Laidler it connects Joseph, Moses, Jesus, the Templars and the Sinclairs
[18:00] <KK> Jessie would know better than I re Codex supplement, but I've been doing my best to answer her questions.
[18:00] <RainbowDragon> Ah...... thats good
[18:00] <KK> I, yes, I've read The Head of God.
[18:00] <virtualbabe> Those are quite the connections Major
[18:00] <Sedina> How has writing been going for you this week, Katherine?  Made lots of progress? *crosses fingers*
[18:00] *** Shiral has joined #Deryni_Destinations 
[18:00] <Sedina> wb Shiral
[18:00] <Jessie> wb Shiral
[18:00] <virtualbabe> Hi shiral
[18:00] <Shiral> Hello Katherine et al
[18:00] <hygilac> Hi Shiral
[18:00] <jm> wb shiral
[18:00] <Rambart20> howdy Melissa
[18:00] <the_Bee> Howdy Shiral
[18:00] <Wrengl> wb shiral
[18:00] <Lady_Marian> Oh, Jessie, I've managed to recreate the file for Chapter 11!  I'll proofread it and get it off to you tomorrow... Chap 35 will come as soon as possible after that.
[18:00] <Shiral> Howdy folks
[18:01] <Shiral> BRB
[18:01] * Bynw and Tika will be moving back to Iowa at the end of March .. .we just can't stay away after our visit last weekend
[18:01] <Bynw> wb sis
[18:01] <KK> Yep, not an enormous amount of new material, but much polishing of old stuff and a major breakthrough in the plotline for the next section, re Alyce and Marie and Vera.
[18:01] <majorsprop> It is greatly interesting, you should read it. According to it Jesus is a descendant of an egyptian pharoah.
[18:01] <Shiral> Woo hoo KK!
[18:01] <Sedina> All right, KK!  :)
[18:01] <Wrengl> Katherine I survived my first day back at work!  But five days of work in a row is tough!
[18:01] <KK> Iowa?!  Near Bart?
[18:01] <Jessie> good work Katherine
[18:01] <Lady_Marian> Katherine, I, very appropriately for today's date, read ST. PATRICK'S GARGOYLE this weekend. :) I loved it!
[18:01] <Rambart20> awesome KK!
[18:02] <Bynw> KK, central Iowa ... Bart lives on the west side of the state
[18:02] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Hmmmm...
[18:02] <KK> Why would you want to to to Iowa?  No offense, Bart.
[18:02] <Shiral> What have I missed so far?
[18:02] <KK> Not much from me.  I just got here.
[18:02] <Shiral> Maybe for the Corn Cam?
[18:02] <Bynw> LOL
[18:02] <virtualbabe> we've solved the meaning of life, the universe and everything
[18:02] <KK> Now, there's a thought.
[18:02] <Bynw> I'm actually an Iowa native Katherine
[18:02] <Kelric> hey wrengl.  what about playing 6 concerts in 3 days?  now THAT'S rough!
[18:03] <KK> Aha!
[18:03] <hygilac> it's 42
[18:03] <Kelos_al-Hazar> I'll BRB...gotta reboot; system's acting funky. No response from doubleclicking icon on Quicklaunch bar. Not good sign.
[18:03] <Rambart20> its alright KK :-)
[18:03] *** Kelos_al-Hazar has quit IRC
[18:03] <KK> I'd find it hard to be that far from an ocean.
[18:03] <Wrengl> Kelric, 5 days of work in a row when you are not used to it is still tough!
[18:03] <Shiral> Me too
[18:03] <Bynw> but the Corn Cam is really entertaining ... like watching paint dry
[18:03] <Lady_Marian> I'm hoping that when I graduate next December that I can get a job near other Deryni fans. :) 
[18:03] <KK> Where are you, Marian?
[18:03] <Shiral> Sometimes its tough even when you ARE used to it, Pat <G>
[18:04] <Lady_Marian> Mansfield, PA... north central PA about 20 miles south of Corning , NY
[18:04] <Lady_Marian> Way out in the boonies.
[18:04] <hygilac> yes, the beginning of school is always rough
[18:04] <Lady_Marian> It's an hour and a half to the nearest mall.
[18:04] <Shiral> Linda! Where have you been lately?
[18:04] <Lady_Marian> :)
[18:04] <hygilac> it's the end of the quarter, Shiral
[18:04] <KK> Ah, but that isn't <that> far from other points of civilization.
[18:04] <Shiral> Ah
[18:04] <Wrengl> That would be tough for kathi, Berni.  She lives to shop
[18:04] <hygilac> I have been buried under a pile of ungraded papers
[18:04] <KK> Sam, aren't you in PA?
[18:05] <virtualbabe> *(eep* Berni.  How do you survive it?
[18:05] * Shiral had a question and now can't remember what it was....
[18:05] <Lady_Marian> Well, it is when the car's transmission is dying... I have to drive five hours to Philadelphia in two weeks and I'm worried the car won't make it
[18:05] <Wrengl> lol shiral
[18:05] <Lady_Marian> VB, I do a LOT of reading and online stuff! LOL!  And school work!
[18:05] <Shiral> My train of thought pulled out of the station without me
[18:05] <hygilac> you have AAADD
[18:05] <Wrengl> lol shiral
[18:05] <Lady_Marian> LOL
[18:05] <hygilac> did laura send that to all you guys?
[18:05] <virtualbabe> ???AAADD????
[18:05] <Shiral> Something like that, yes
[18:05] <Sedina> Yup...I got it, Linda
[18:06] <Wrengl> no I did not get it linda
[18:06] <Sedina> I had to share that with my mom.  She said that it described her <far> too well
[18:06] <Lady_Marian> Anyway, Katherine, you'll know me better by my real name, Bernadette Crumb
[18:06] <Lady_Marian> :)
[18:06] <hygilac> Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder, B=VB
[18:06] <the_Bee> got what?  haven't read my email
[18:06] <Lady_Marian> IRC doesn't seem to like it for a screenname for me for
some reason
[18:06] <Bynw> LOL hygilac
[18:06] <KK> I'd just about figured that out.  <g>
[18:07] <Shiral> I definitely have days like that
[18:07] <Bynw> Lady_Marian, what for a screen name?
[18:07] <Lady_Marian> Young Rhys Michael has an extreme interest in the keyboard tonight...
[18:07] <Lady_Marian> pardon me while I put him out of reach!
[18:07] <Sedina> Berni - I'm sure he'll take it about as well as my fur children do when I insist on moving them away from the computer.  :)
[18:08] <Wrengl> lol sedina
[18:08] <Lady_Marian> There... he was gooing after my laptop which my daughter is using
[18:08] <Shiral> Boy knows what he wants
[18:08] <hygilac> another writer in the family, Berni
[18:08] <Shiral> "Wow, why aren't MY toys that cool, mom?
[18:08] <virtualbabe> getting started in computers early isn't he?
[18:08] <Jessie> Katherine:  do you have a name for the Deryni Schola that will exist in the monastery complex next to St. Hilary Basilica?
[18:09] <Rambart20> he'll be teaching you things before long:-)
[18:09] <Wrengl> starting him young, are you, Berni?
[18:09] <Jessie> Saint Camber's Schola?
[18:09] <Lady_Marian> Well, Erin is writing a Harry Potter fanfic... and she asked to read DERYNI RISING next
[18:09] <KK> Not yet, Jessie.
[18:09] <majorsprop> we give Katrina dead computers to play school with it
works for a while then you have to give her the real one
[18:09] <Shiral> St. Cambers at Rhemuth?
[18:09] <Lady_Marian> I've done that too... when he sees nothing happens he pitches a fit..
[18:09] *** Kelos_al-Hazar has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[18:09] <virtualbabe> The Edmund Loris memorial schola?
[18:10] <KK> What's Academy in Latin?
[18:10] <KK> Schola?
[18:10] <Shiral> Bad BABE!! LOL
[18:10] <hygilac> academia, I think
[18:10] * virtualbabe blushes
[18:10] <Lady_Marian> I don't have my Latin dictionary handy... *rummage, rummage*
[18:10] * Shiral has forgotten too much latin to know
[18:10] <Wrengl> Katherine, did you have a good St. Patrick's Day.  We saw some footage of the fire works in Dublin last night.  Thought they did not celebrate in Ireland, it was just a Holy Day of Obligation.
[18:10] <KK> Academia Sancti Camberi?
[18:10] <Jessie> good
[18:10] <Shiral> And the dictionaries are downstairs 
[18:10] <Lady_Marian> Darn... Erin must have borrowed it for making up spells in her fanfic
[18:11] <Rambart20> dumb question KK, where do you get most of your latin phrases from in the books?
[18:12] <Lady_Marian> 13 years old and already doing research for her writing LOL!
[18:12] <KK> LOL, Wrengl!  It's become a very secular holiday as well as a religious one.
[18:12] <Shiral> Hey, it's a good time to start
[18:12] <Wrengl> good for her Berni
[18:12] <Sedina> but that's a good sign, Berni
[18:12] <KK> From the Mass, Bart, and from dictionaries.
[18:12] <Wrengl> Guess they got tired of all the Americans going over and asking where the parade was!
[18:12] <KK> The parade got pretty well rained on today.
[18:13] <Rambart20> I have always been curious about that
[18:13] <virtualbabe> Actually Bart, I recognise a fair amount of the latin from the old latin mass
[18:13] <Lady_Marian> I'm proud of her... she only missed one rehearsal for Wizard of Oz (which went over wonderfully yesterday) and is committing herself to learning new stuff even out of school
[18:13] <Shiral> I've been doing a lot of research on wards and warding for the next Z.S. column
[18:13] <KK> We went to an antiques fair instead--which we would've done anyway.
[18:13] <Wrengl> we had our parade yesterday.  they never march in NYC on a Sunday
[18:13] <Rambart20> I have never heard a latin mass
[18:13] <Lady_Marian> Sounds like fun, KK. Did you find anything interesting?
[18:13] <Shiral> A much dryer pursuit for a wet day than a parade
[18:13] <virtualbabe> and yes, the babe's old enough to remember the latin catholic mass
[18:13] <Sedina> Bart, that's because they stopped being performed (for the most part) after Vatican II
[18:14] <Lady_Marian> They had them when I was about four... and I remember being confused by them...
[18:14] <KK> Bart, you should be able to find a Catholic Church that still does a Latin Mass--though I'll admit that this may present a challenge in Iowa.
[18:14] <Rambart20> thats why I wouldn't have heard it
[18:14] <KK> Special permission has to be obtained.
[18:14] <Wrengl> latin mass is nice to hear when you do not have to listen to it all the time.  Benediction is MUCH nicer in Latin, however.  Somehow the English just does not sound right
[18:14] <jm> New Orleans still has one that uses Latin
[18:14] <RainbowDragon> Why did they stop doing the latin Masses?
[18:14] <Rambart20> Iowa is challenge anyway KK
[18:14] <Kelos_al-Hazar> There's a Catholic church in Clanton, AL, believe it or not...
[18:14] <Rambart20> which one JM
[18:15] <virtualbabe> It was felt that mass in the local vernacular was more understandable
[18:15] <KK> They switched to the vernacular as a result of Vatican II, so that the people could understand it.
[18:15] <Rambart20> I haven't been to New Orleans in about 7 + years
[18:15] <jm> St Louis if I remember correctly- down in the french quarter
[18:15] <hygilac> not enough people understood the Latin
[18:15] <RainbowDragon> Oh, okay
[18:15] <Sedina> Mike - it was one of the changes that they decided to make in the church to hopefully make it more understandable and less esoteric for the congregation
[18:15] <Rambart20> thats the name of the church
[18:15] <Wrengl> there are some churches in NYC that have a latin mass
[18:15] <Shiral> Hey RainbowDragon, where have you been, lately??
[18:15] <KK> Unfortunately, they also eliminated the plus that one used to be able to go to any country and know what was going on.
[18:15] <Rambart20> for the longest time I couldn't remember
[18:16] <Lady_Marian> Unfortunately, since then, learning Latin in the regular public schools in the U.S. has gone the way of the dodo... in most places
[18:16] <Shiral> What I learned of Latin, I learned in college
[18:16] <virtualbabe> most of my latin now is from Katherine's work
[18:16] <jm> Been a while since I have checked but know they did for a long time
[18:16] <Wrengl> I learned some latin in high school but I went to a parochial hs
[18:16] <hygilac> I had two years in high school
[18:16] <Lady_Marian> They only had one class of it when I was in high school, and I didn't get into it... and they don't offer it anywhere here... just spanish, german and french
[18:16] *** duck has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[18:16] <KK> I never got to actually take Latin until I was a grad student, and getting ready for my exams.  I took a quarter of Latin at UC extension, to get enough grammar to muddle through.
[18:17] <Shiral> The rest of my latin, strangely enough, is from Gwynedd.. <G>
[18:17] <Shiral> Hi Duck
[18:17] <virtualbabe> Quack duck
[18:17] <hygilac> HI duck
[18:17] <Wrengl> howdy duck
[18:17] <RainbowDragon> Hi Shiral, I've been busy exploring my new computer and moving stuff from the old system to the new... mostly finished now
[18:17] * Wrengl  Top o' tha' day ta' ya
[18:17] <Bynw> duck!
[18:17] <jm> hi duck
[18:17] <Lady_Marian> Hi Duck!
[18:17] <Rambart20> howdy Duck!
[18:17] <duck> morning/evening to all
[18:17] <Sedina> My ability to read and (somewhat) understand Latin is from the simple fact that I studied Spanish
[18:17] <Sedina> Hi duck!
[18:17] <KK> What did you get, Rainbow?
[18:17] <Wrengl> Happy Canberra Day, Duck.  Whatever that means!
[18:17] <duck> it means our capital city feels neglected
[18:18] <KK> Ah, that's something else that I accomplished this week.  I moved the last of my files from my old computer to the new one, and got the old one Out Of My Office!
[18:18] <Wrengl> LOL
[18:18] * virtualbabe rubs her eyes, she thought she saw cranberry day
[18:18] <hygilac> it is
[18:18] <Shiral> Good work, KK
[18:18] <Wrengl> congratulations katherine
[18:18] <Wrengl> lol vb
[18:18] <KK> It was my genealogy files.  Now, if I can just figure out how to divide a gedcom file into two.
[18:18] <Shiral> I did too there for a minute, VB
[18:18] <Lady_Marian> I'm still trying to move stuff from the old to the new machine
[18:18] <RainbowDragon> KK, its an HP Pavilion with Windows XP
[18:19] <Shiral> Hooray! Pavilions are good!
[18:19] <KK> Ah, my mother has one of those.  She likes her old word processor better, though.
[18:19] <jm> You should be able to do it with a genealogy program
[18:19] <Kelric> ack.  time to go back to work
[18:19] *** Kelric has quit IRC (QUIT: Leaving)
[18:19] <Wrengl> cya kelric
[18:19] <hygilac> bye Kelric
[18:19] <KK> Family Tree Maker says you can do it, but I haven't figured out how yet.
[18:19] <Sedina> wow, he was quick
[18:19] <virtualbabe> my pavilion still isn't working quite right
[18:19] <jm> Longer way is to just do two exports
[18:20] <KK> It takes a while to tweak things just the way you want them.  I just this week discovered how to move a window to another part of the screen by clicking and dragging in the blue at the top.
[18:20] <hygilac> I will ask my sis if she knows, KK.  she uses FTM all the time
[18:20] <Shiral> Eh, I still haven't figured out everything that MS word can do, myself
[18:20] <RainbowDragon> Good for you!
[18:20] <KK> Customizing my Word tools was driving me crazy, because the window was covering up part of what I was trying to tweak.
[18:21] <Rambart20> since we are on the subject of latin this is from quest for saint camber "Carissimus pater, ministartor coronae Gwyneddi, regum salvator, sacerdos at episcopos, defensor hominum. Natus est Anno Domini 846. Non mortus est. Resurget
[18:21] <Rambart20> What does that mean?
[18:21] <Lady_Marian> What I hated was when I got my new HP with Windows ME, there was not a proper manual on how to use the program...
[18:21] <virtualbabe> I get the daily dummie's tip on word.
[18:21] <Lady_Marian> just the little booklet about initial setup.
[18:21] <duck> bart its a message from evaine to camber
[18:21] <duck> christmas father?
[18:22] <Shiral> Oh, NOW I think I remember what I wanted to ask.....
[18:22] <Wrengl> lol shiral
[18:22] * Shiral checks the dark recesses of her mind
[18:22] <duck> a gwyneddi ministarter corona - probably a bit like the gun blaine had in predator
[18:22] *** Emily has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[18:22] <Sedina> hi Emily
[18:22] <Shiral> Hi Emily
[18:22] <Emily> Hi Folks
[18:22] <KK> Dearest Father, Minister of the Crown of Gwynedd, Savior (in the sense of Rescuer) of the King, Priest and bishop, defender of humankind.  He was born in the year of our Lord 846.  He is not dead.  He will come back.
[18:22] <hygilac> Hi emily
[18:22] <the_Bee> Hi emily
[18:22] <Wrengl> wb emily
[18:23] <Rambart20> ah cool KK
[18:23] <Shiral> Haven't seen you in a while, Emily
[18:23] <Emily> Ah, a translation on the tomb of Camber, right?
[18:23] <Rambart20> that phrase has been bugging me for ages
[18:23] <KK> Where do you get the daily dummies' tip?  I get 'em for Windows, but I've about seen them all.
[18:23] <Sedina> Hey, I had even translated that right.  I was about to give a stab at the translation  :)  It's the verbal conjugation that throws me
[18:23] <Emily> I have been really busy, Melissa, and going through another bout of inner ear virus
[18:23] *** Helenmary has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[18:23] <Jessie> hello Helenmary
[18:23] <the_Bee> hi helenmary
[18:23] <Rambart20> howdy Helenmary
[18:24] <Wrengl> Howdy Helenmary
[18:24] <virtualbabe> I've subscribed to several tip e-mails from the dunnie's web-sites
[18:24] <Emily> Hi Helenmary, thanks for the tip on the Codex.
[18:24] <KK> Wow, everybody's checking in!
[18:24] <hygilac> Hi Helenmary
[18:24] * Wrengl  Top o' tha' day ta' ya
[18:24] <Lady_Marian> Hi helenmary
[18:24] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Ack, Emily...I may have that, too...gonna check tomorrow with the Dr.
[18:24] <Sedina> Hi Helenmary
[18:24] <Wrengl> Thumper gets a lot of the Dummies tips
[18:24] <Emily> I love those little green words, Pat. how do you do that?
[18:24] <Helenmary> Hi!  I just came in through the portal.  Is there a problem with mIRC?
[18:24] <Wrengl> He gets them for word AND excel
[18:24] <Shiral> KK, when wards are set, as for a major ritual, say of Haldane power assumption, does the ward barrier itself have a color? or is it kind of like transparent glass?
[18:24] <duck> Its a trick of the Irish emily
[18:24] <Shiral> Hi Helenmary
[18:24] <Wrengl> It is in my aliases. emily
[18:24] <hygilac> Pat is drinking green beer
[18:24] <Emily> Hi Donald! how is your move going?
[18:24] <Lady_Marian> Nah, just the java program... :)
[18:25] <KK> It's pretty much like transparent glass, maybe with a bit of a rainbow sheen like a soap bubble.
[18:25] <Wrengl> My hero, Bynw, showed me how to do it yesterday.
[18:25] <virtualbabe> I had no problem getting in with mIRC
[18:25] <Shiral> Okay, Thanks
[18:25] <Emily> Pretty cool hero, Pat :-)
[18:25] <Shiral> How one paints  "Magic" is always an interesting challenge
[18:25] <Helenmary> Hmm.  Let me check whether it is set up right.
[18:25] <Wrengl> nope linda.  no green beer
[18:25] <KK> How <does> one paint a realistic rainbow?
[18:25] <Lady_Marian> I wish I had the talent to paint the images I get in my head when I read the rituals.
[18:25] <hygilac> Do they drink green beer in Ireland, Katherine, or is that an American tradition
[18:26] <Shiral> Well......when I succeed, I'll let you know!
[18:26] <Wrengl> Irish Cider to go with our Irish cheese and corned beef sandwiches AND smoked salmon
[18:26] <Rambart20> I 've drank green beer
[18:26] <KK> It's American.  No proper Irish person would be seen drinking green beer--though they might drink it where no one can see.  They do love their beer.
[18:26] <virtualbabe> sounds yummy Pat
[18:26] <Rambart20> it had a not so pleasent aftermath
[18:26] <Emily> Sounds like a really yummy dinner that doesn't take much prep! My favorite type, Pat
[18:26] <Lady_Marian> I keep wondering what I'll drink if I ever get to Ireland... I don't do tea, coffee or alcohol of any type...
[18:26] <KK> Now, Irish cider is another matter.  In fact, I think I'm going to go get myself a can of Bulmer's.  BRB.
[18:27] <Helenmary> OK. I see what I did.  I'll come back in that way.
[18:27] <Shiral> Berni, what I'm trying to depict are the actual processes of casting a warded circle
[18:27] *** Helenmary has quit IRC (QUIT: )
[18:27] <Shiral> The lighting of BRB
[18:27] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Ummm...Well, the description of the Ward Circle around the Duel Arcane between Kelson and Clarissa, (or is that Charissa? Can't quite recall without rereading!) it is described as a reddish hue and bluish, then
turns purple. Heh.
[18:27] *** Helenmary has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[18:27] <Lady_Marian> Wow, sounds nifty, Shiral!
[18:27] <Shiral> Back
[18:27] <Shiral> Well, it is, and its complex, too <G>
[18:27] <Emily> Hello again, Helenmary
[18:27] <Helenmary> I think that worked.
[18:27] <virtualbabe> WB helenmary
[18:27] <Sedina> wb Helenmary
[18:28] <Shiral> I've been reading LOTS of rituals <G>
[18:28] <Emily> Donald, how is the new job?
[18:28] <Helenmary> What was that about Irish cider, Katherine?
[18:28] <Lady_Marian> I'm trying to get watercolors to behave on the costume design sketches and storyboards I make for class... but I end up with a muddly mess.
[18:28] <Wrengl> LOL Katherine.  It is Bulmer's that we have for tonight!
[18:28] *** jm has quit IRC (QUIT: )
[18:28] <Shiral> Which is not hard, as there are lots of examples of ward settings in the books
[18:28] <the_Bee> the colors of the participants blend.  Kelson's red + Charissa's blue --> purple
[18:28] <duck> i'm actually being a student again at the moment emily
[18:28] <Lady_Marian> Oh, Shiral, guess what?
[18:28] <Emily> Cool, what are you studying, Duck?
[18:28] <Shiral> Berni, the trick is patience, and letting each coat dry
[18:28] <Sedina> and how is <that> going, duck?   
[18:28] <hygilac> studying what, duck?
[18:28] <Shiral> What??
[18:29] <Wrengl> Are you back in Melbourne, duck?
[18:29] <virtualbabe> Wards Major are normally described as milky
[18:29] <Helenmary> Jessie - did you get my sections for the Codex Supplement?
[18:29] <Lady_Marian> I got the word from the Chairman of the Communications Department that I'll be inducted into the Communications Honor Society at the next induction! :)
[18:29] <Lady_Marian> It was a real surprise for me
[18:29] <Shiral> Good work, Berni!
[18:29] <Jessie> yes Helenmary & I did send you an email letting you know
[18:29] <Emily> Congratulations, Lady M!
[18:29] <Sedina> congrats, Berni
[18:29] <Wrengl> congratulations berni
[18:29] <virtualbabe> Conga-rats Berni
[18:29] <duck> still in perth
[18:29] <Jessie> sorry if you didn't get it
[18:29] <Rambart20> that is awesome Berni!
[18:29] <Emily> Is Lady Marian, Bernadette?
[18:29] <Helenmary> I didn't get it :(
[18:29] <Lady_Marian> yes, that's me
[18:29] <Jessie> :-(
[18:29] <Rambart20> congrats
[18:29] <duck> came back from karratha a day early because i had some bad news here

(to be continued...)