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KK Chat - Feb. 17, 2002 (pt. 1)

Started by RainbowDragon, July 08, 2008, 01:14:51 PM

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KK Chat - Feb. 17, 2002, pt. 1

[17:40] *** KK has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[17:41] <Martine> Nupta = Bride
[17:41] <wrengl> I think so
[17:41] <Sedina> hello, Katherine
[17:41] <Martine> Hi Katherine!
[17:41] <the_Bee> Hi Katherine
[17:41] *** JastaElf has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[17:41] <wrengl> Evening Katherine
[17:41] <Kendall> hello Katherine
[17:41] <hygilac> hi Katherine
[17:41] <KK> Hello, folks!
[17:41] <Helenmary> Hello Katherine
[17:41] <jm> hello Katherine
[17:41] <Sedina> Hi Jasta!   *huggles....mega huggles*
[17:41] * scribbler sends greetings to KK at 2:42 pm PST
[17:41] <Jessie> hello Katherine
[17:41] <Jessie> huggles Jasta
[17:41] <JastaElf> :-) Hi folx!
[17:41] <wrengl> Hello JastaElf the Invisible!
[17:41] <the_Bee> Jasta!  You made it :o)
[17:41] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Greetings, Lady Katherine AND Lady JastaElf!
[17:41] <KK> EEk, Jasta's here!
[17:41] <hygilac> Hi jasta!
[17:41] <Kendall> hey jasta
[17:41] <Martine> Jasta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[17:41] <JastaElf> Looks like I timed this perfectly....
[17:41] <scribbler> JASTA!!!! Was just talking about you!!! <*mega huggles*>
[17:41] <JastaElf> :-) Hi!
[17:41] <Rambart20> howdy KK howdy jasta
[17:41] <Martine> Mucho huggles to Jasta!
[17:41] <Bynw> JASTA!!!!
[17:41] <JastaElf> uh-oh... what'd I do?  :-)
[17:41] <Bynw> and Katherine!
[17:41] <scribbler> I've missed you, sweetie!
[17:41] <the_Bee> we've midded you
[17:41] <Martine> We've all missed you!
[17:41] <JastaElf> I've missed me too!~
[17:41] <KK> Wow, most of the regular gang is here.
[17:42] *** Bynw sets mode: +o KK
[17:42] <Sedina> Jasta, we've missed you, dearie   
[17:42] <Kendall> how often does that happen?
[17:42] <Martine> Yup - no silly Footlooses anymore to keep me away from chat or Rhemuth Castle <g>
[17:42] * Kelos_al-Hazar is slightly reminded of a certain song...
[17:42] <Rambart20> nice to see you again
[17:42] <JastaElf> It's good to be missed, but even better to be home!  :-)
[17:42] <Helenmary> Sharon - I see you have better luck keeping the husband off of the computer than out of the car :)
[17:42] <scribbler> I hope your health and your phone is better....
[17:42] <wrengl> It has been TOO long Jasta, although last Sunday was a help!
[17:42] <KK> I gather that things have been--er--frought.  Or is it fraught?
[17:42] <JastaElf> Fraught is probably the least stressful they've been, yup. ;-)
[17:42] <KK> Was there a car incident?
[17:42] <Helenmary> "Frought" sounds like something on the top of a cappiccino...
[17:43] <Martine> LOL!
[17:43] <the_Bee> but congrats to Brian on his grades
[17:43] <scribbler> KK -- I'm now eagerly awaiting the rest of ITKS, after the teaser in SPG....
[17:43] <Martine> I'll have a vanilla double cappaccino with extra frought, please!
[17:43] <Kendall> as we all are
[17:43] <KK> I plan to resume work on it tomorrow.
[17:43] <Martine> Yahoo!
[17:43] <Kendall> yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[17:43] <Helenmary> Yeah!!!!!
[17:43] <wrengl> yeah
[17:43] <Sedina> Yes, Jasta - give Brian a lots of huggles from me for the great job on his grades. :)
[17:43] * JastaElf giggled at "extra frought"
[17:43] <jm> YES!
[17:43] * scribbler does a mini-happy dance....
[17:43] <Sedina> whoo-hoo!
[17:43] <JastaElf> I will!  He done way good!  :-)
[17:43] <KK> He certainly did.
[17:44] <wrengl> yes he did
[17:44] <KK> So, what's been happening with everybody?
[17:44] <JastaElf> not bad for a kid they said would never even talk... <g>
[17:44] <Martine> I am now Footlooseless and fancy free! <g>
[17:44] <Jessie> silly people -- they didn't know Jasta & Brian
[17:44] <JastaElf> I got a pretty book cover in the mail....  :-)
[17:44] <wrengl> Well I am no longer retired!  At least not as of 11 March when I go back full time
[17:44] <scribbler> I got sick and had to drop my class -- will take it again
in April :(
[17:44] * the_Bee passes out cups of tea and flagons of hard cider to toast Brian and ITKS
[17:44] <Rambart20> Oh I was just asking about what Nupta Kelsoni Regis meant
[17:45] <Martine> King Kelson's Bride :-)
[17:45] <JastaElf> I think it means King Kelson's bride
[17:45] <JastaElf> :-)
[17:45] <KK> Scribs, what did you come down with?
[17:45] <the_Bee> King kelson's wedding
[17:45] <the_Bee> close
[17:45] <Rambart20> that would be a good name for this version of the codex
[17:45] <KK> Yes, Bart!
[17:45] <Helenmary> I LIKE that, Bart
[17:45] <Rambart20> Codex Nupta Kelsoni regis
[17:45] <scribbler> Just some sort of weird infection and major exhaustion -- doctor wants me to get lots of rest, which is impossible when one has to write two manuals....
[17:45] <hygilac> Excellent!
[17:45] <wrengl> I like that Bart
[17:46] * Bynw is getting ready for a midwest deryni fan get together at the same time as my b-day when i go home to Iowa next month
[17:46] <JastaElf> :-) Ooo, cool....
[17:46] * Martine casts her bote in favor
[17:46] <Martine> vote, even
[17:46] <Kendall> everyone get on the bote
[17:46] * JastaElf hands Martine her bote and takes her vote instead. :-)
[17:46] <Helenmary> CNKr?
[17:46] <Rambart20> see I can read
[17:46] <wrengl> LOL Jasta
[17:46] <Martine> Thanks! I'll keep my boat, even if it's misspelled.
[17:46] <Jessie> ;-)
[17:46] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Why am I wet with wine now?
[17:46] <Martine> I'll cast off the DOCK, thank you very much :-)
[17:47] <KK> Your boat, too?  (It almost transmogrified into a boar!)
[17:47] <Jessie> rotfl
[17:47] <Martine> LOL!
[17:47] <Helenmary> Speaking of DOCK, where is the Duck?
[17:47] <Kelos_al-Hazar> oh, yeah...a bote is a ttpe of wineskin!
[17:47] <Kendall> lol
[17:47] <Martine> Well, I'll stay away from boars!
[17:47] <Rambart20> lol
[17:47] <Martine> Nasty creatures - only good roasted.
[17:47] <wrengl> Hasn't been here all day
[17:47] <JastaElf> Duck was here yesterday
[17:47] <Kendall> too many people on the same bote Kelos
[17:47] <KK> Wow, what a lot of language sluts!  We're amazing!
[17:47] <JastaElf> before my connection went belly-up
[17:47] <Martine> Unless it has sails - I'll take anything with sales!
[17:47] <Martine> Language sluts. Me likes!
[17:47] <wrengl> lol Martine
[17:47] <Sedina> It's still pretty early for Duck, Helenmary.  It's not quite 7 am for him yet
[17:48] * scribbler passes on the bote -- must limit her alcohol intake with her medication....
[17:48] <Rambart20> thats not early
[17:48] <wrengl> He was not here this morning during his evening, however
[17:48] <JastaElf> Our friend Tommy Lee Whitlock used to have "Language Slut" on his business card.  :-)
[17:48] <Martine> LOL, Scribbler
[17:48] <Rambart20> 5 am is early
[17:48] <KK> Actually, we usually apply the term to folks who love lots of languages--but bravura in one language also qualifies,I think.
[17:48] <scribbler> I actually got up early enough to get to 8am service today!
[17:48] * the_Bee grabs the bote and takes a heavy slug
[17:48] <JastaElf> We had a children's sermon today at 10.  <shudder>
[17:48] <KK> Very good, Scribs.
[17:48] * Martine kow tows in awe of Scribbler's ability to get up EARLY on a Sunday
[17:48] <Kendall> never been called a slut before, other things, but not slut
[17:48] <Helenmary> Does the fact that I remember "Puella est pulchra" from the first day of Latin count?
[17:49] <Rambart20> I've never been called a slut either
[17:49] <Martine> I must still be recovering from Footloose. I slept until 9:45 today - which I almost NEVER do.
[17:49] <Rambart20> certainly would boost my image though
[17:49] <the_Bee> "Brittania est insula."
[17:49] <Martine> Absolutely, Helenmary! You must have had the same book I did!
[17:49] <scribbler> Even more amazing, I was able to get MARK out of bed to go with me!
[17:49] * Martine kow tows even deeper
[17:49] <scribbler> "Hola Isabel -- como esta?"
[17:50] <JastaElf> The first sentence in German taught to me by my grand-dad was "Ich habe kein Gehirne heute."  :-)
[17:50] <Martine> I missed Mass today <yikes> - but I *did* manage to make our youth retreat planning meeting afterward.
[17:50] <jm> Yuck, 9th grade spanish
[17:50] <the_Bee> como siempre--mas o menos
[17:50] * Jessie bops Martine
[17:50] * scribbler wishes she could do the upside-down question mark and make it proper Spanish....
[17:50] * Martine hangs her head in shame
[17:50] <KK> Gehirne?
[17:50] <Sedina> Hey...watch the comments on Spanish.  *l*  I happen to have a degree in that, thank you.  :)
[17:50] <JastaElf> Brain.  :-)
[17:50] <Martine> I remember first day of Irish class - "Dia's dhuit"
[17:50] <Kendall> so switching subjects quickly (before it gets too outta hand) where are you in the story KK?
[17:50] <KK> The Templar story?
[17:50] <JastaElf> Has Nigel been born yet? <grin>
[17:51] <Kendall> no ITKS
[17:51] <Martine> LOL, Jasta!
[17:51] <JastaElf> :-)
[17:51] <KK> Haven't gotten back to it yet; just shipped off the Templar anthology.
[17:51] * JastaElf looks up expectantly and asks, "did someone mention Nigel Haldane?"
[17:51] <scribbler> That's about all I remember, Sedina -- that and the numbers, which comes in handy helping explain what bus to catch....
[17:51] <KK> Tomorrow, back to the Deryni.
[17:51] <Martine> Congrats, KK!
[17:51] <JastaElf> Yay!
[17:51] * Looking up JastaElf user info...
[17:51] <Rambart20> yes!!
[17:51] <Kendall> another book to buy :)
[17:51] <Martine> Jasta - I have a great idea. Let's organize a Deryni Date auction ;-)
[17:51] <scribbler> So, you got the editing done....
[17:51] <Sedina> scribs - I could teach you <lots> of useful phrases.  *wg*
[17:52] <Rambart20> A a deryni date auction?
[17:52] <KK> Yes, and then blasted through the page proofs for Deryni Tales.
[17:52] <JastaElf> Cool idea, Martine, but Nigel's married and Duncan is celibate.  ;-)
[17:52] <Martine> Details. Only details.
[17:52] <JastaElf> <snrt!>
[17:52] <Helenmary> Joram, too :(
[17:52] <Jessie> pre Michaeline
[17:52] <Martine> Apparently people are telling me Kelson is married too, but hey.
[17:52] <hygilac> alas, yes
[17:52] <Sedina> Martine - I think that you need to teach Jasta our trick.  :)
[17:53] <Kendall> is someone trying to arrange Nigel and Duncan?
[17:53] <Martine> Oh, yes.
[17:53] <Martine> Jasta - it goes like this!
[17:53] <scribbler> And Rhys is spoken for -- I could never compete with Evaine.... :(
[17:53] <Jessie> Helenmary:  we will get the bishop to give Joram a dispensation
[17:53] <Rambart20> can't you ladies leave those poor guys alone
[17:53] <Martine> Araxie? Araxie who???
[17:53] <Martine> I don't see any Araxie around here. <g>
[17:53] <Sedina> lol Bart
[17:53] <Rambart20> hey I like araxie
[17:53] <Martine> Try it, Jasta. :-D
[17:53] <Kendall> forget it Bart, just go for the ladies
[17:53] *** the_Bee is now known as Araxie
[17:53] <jm> me too
[17:53] <JastaElf> Oh, gotcha...  :-)  So for Duncan and Joram it would be a dangerous "God?  What God?  I don't see any God around here..."  ?? :-)
[17:53] <Martine> LOL!
[17:53] <Jessie> ah well now Bart & Jerry can fight over Araxie
[17:53] <Kendall> me, I like Evaine
[17:53] <Araxie> keep your hands off my husband, madam!
[17:53] <Rambart20> its either Araxie or Jehana
[17:54] <scribbler> LOL Jasta!
[17:54] <Martine> Nope - it would be "Clerical collar? I don't see any clerical collar round here!"
[17:54] <JastaElf> :-)
[17:54] <Helenmary> Well, there IS the Father Ralph approach...
[17:54] <Rambart20> or both
[17:54] <JastaElf> I do, when I look in the mirror on Sunday mornings.  :-)
[17:54] <Martine> LOL!
[17:54] <JastaElf> Fr. Ralph approach?
[17:54] <Kendall> the intellectual type
[17:54] <Martine> Okay - "I don't see any clerical collar on Duncan"
[17:54] <jm> Just remember what happened when Rothana put Kelson in front of God
[17:54] <KK> True.
[17:54] <JastaElf> Ah yes....
[17:54] <Helenmary> From...ack!  I can't remember the title
[17:55] <Araxie> the thornbirds
[17:55] <Jessie> now that is truly a funny title
[17:55] <JastaElf> Ah yes....
[17:55] <Jessie> "Ack! I can't remember the title"
[17:55] <Helenmary> Thanks.  Yes, the Thornbirds
[17:55] <hygilac> oh, that father Ralph
[17:55] <Airsid-chatlog> hi Katherine, Jasta =)  *waves*
[17:55] <JastaElf> <snrt>, Jessie....
[17:55] <JastaElf> Kiri, is that you?
[17:55] <scribbler> Never read the book, vaguely remember the mini-series....
[17:55] *** Araxie is now known as the_Bee
[17:55] <Martine> Hi Kiri!
[17:55] <Kendall> somehow this went somewhere I didn't expect it to go
[17:55] <hygilac> Hi Kiri
[17:55] <Airsid-chatlog> yes.. *waves from behinds the nick*
[17:55] <JastaElf> Airsid being a dead give-away....  :-)
[17:55] <Rambart20> howdy Kiri
[17:56] <Airsid-chatlog> yeah.. doesn't make much of a disguise;)
[17:56] <JastaElf> :-)
[17:56] *** Airsid-chatlog is now known as Kiri``
[17:56] <hygilac> has a way of happening Kendall
[17:56] <Helenmary> Yes THAT Father Ralph.  Not to cause any problems, but I've always thought Duncan looks like Richard Chamberlain...at least in my fevered mind...
[17:56] <wrengl> No it doesn't make much of a disguise, Kiri
[17:56] <scribbler> Kendall -- that reminds me of my new sig for when I post on the NG....
[17:56] * Kiri`` slaps Martine around a bit with a large trout
[17:56] <Martine> What?
[17:56] <Martine> What did I do?
[17:56] <Kiri``> sorry..  k9 getting out of order there
[17:56] * Martine looks around in innocence, projecting sweetness and light
[17:56] * JastaElf looks about innocently, fairly glowing with sweetness and light.
[17:56] <Kendall> what new sig?
[17:57] * Jessie hands Martine a cloth to polish her halo
[17:57] <Kendall> having trouble with newsreader again
[17:57] <Martine> Thanks, Jessie!
[17:57] * Kiri`` makes a note to not go incognito with an Airsid emblazon... and to fix k9
[17:57] * scribbler puts on her sunglasses to protect her eyes from all the glowing sweetness and light....
[17:57] * wrengl thinks she doesn't believe Martine, Jasta and innocence belong in the same sentence
[17:57] *** Kristy has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[17:57] <Kendall> now it is getting deep
[17:57] <Jessie> hello Kristy
[17:57] <Kiri``> hi kristy!
[17:57] <Sedina> Jasta - Hey, no one ever believes that act when I try to claim I'm nothing but sweetness and light...   
[17:57] <KK> LOL
[17:57] * JastaElf hands Martine a new bottle of "Prints-Away" for her halo -- "works fine on mine!" :-)
[17:57] * scribbler sends greetings to Kristy
[17:57] <the_Bee> Hi Kristy
[17:57] <Kristy> hey all!
[17:57] <Sedina> Hi Kristy!
[17:57] <Helenmary> Hi Kristy
[17:57] <Martine> Thanks Jasta!
[17:57] <Rambart20> howdy Kristy
[17:57] <wrengl> hi kristy
[17:57] * Kiri`` puts on some boots tis gettin deep in here *giggling*
[17:58] <Martine> Will it rub out the "Made in Taiwan" imprint on my halo?
[17:58] <hygilac> Hi Kristy!
[17:58] * JastaElf cannot understand why anyone would doubt her innocence
[17:58] <JastaElf> Yes, Martine, it will.
[17:58] * Kristy glances at watch "Am I late?"
[17:58] * Kiri`` points to the Book of Jasta
[17:58] * Martine can't either - even if Pat HAS met her in person...
[17:58] <Kendall> some how I got the impression we were chatting Deryni not available fictitious characters :)
[17:58] * Sedina doesn't understand why people doubt her innocence either. *wg*
[17:58] <wrengl> LOL
[17:58] <Kristy> Some of us have actually met you, Sedina ;-P
[17:58] <Kiri``> wait.. we're not avaliable characters ..
[17:58] * wrengl has met BOTH Jasta and Martine and knows better than to believe their innocence
[17:58] <hygilac> doubt it?
[17:58] <JastaElf> :-)
[17:58] *** Kelson has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[17:59] <JastaElf> Your Majesty!
[17:59] * scribbler sends greetings to Kelson
[17:59] <Sedina> Oh!  Gee....thanks, Kristy!
[17:59] * Helenmary looks down the tip of her nose at Jasta in TOTAL disbelief :)
[17:59] <hygilac> the king, the king!!!
[17:59] <Kendall> oh speak of the groom
[17:59] <JastaElf> :-) Love you too, HM!  :-)
[17:59] * Kristy winks at Sedina
[18:00] <Kendall> what is the record Chris for people again?
[18:00] <JastaElf> So KK, what's new in Eire?
[18:00] <Kelson> Well, I was dumped in the middens yesterday....by someone claiming I was an imposter...
[18:00] <Martine> Well, you were :-)
[18:00] <KK> We aren't near it yet.
[18:00] <Kristy> I am having the worst time finding a library that actually has Margaret Murray's _Divine King in England_.  I'm beginning to doubt its
[18:00] <Martine> You didn't pass the Kelson test!
[18:00] <KK> Divine King has long been out of print.
[18:00] <Bynw> it was over 20
[18:00] <KK> If you find it, I suggest you xerox it.
[18:00] <JastaElf> Kristy, I have a photocoipy and could send you a copy.
[18:00] <Kelos_al-Hazar> 27, I think, actually.
[18:00] <wrengl> Kristy I have been trying to find that book since before the Michaelines existed!
[18:01] * JastaElf looks nonplussed
[18:01] <KK> It was off the end of the screen.
[18:01] <Martine> The title sounds intriguing. What's the book about?
[18:01] <KK> Lammas Night.
[18:01] <Kristy> I figured it was out of print....but so much for having access to big university libraries!
[18:01] <JastaElf> Ah well, I must keep in mind that living near the Library of Congress has its good points.  :-)
[18:01] <Kristy> Jasta, that would be so cool.....
[18:01] <Martine> Oh! Cool!
[18:01] <Kristy> Hey, I couldn't find it in the LoC catalog online--that was why I was doubting its existence!
[18:02] <JastaElf> Double-click on my name on the chat list, and send me your address back-window
[18:02] <wrengl> Jasta, could you make TWO copies?  I have been looking for it for YEARS
[18:02] <JastaElf> Be happy to, hon.
[18:02] <Kiri``> wouldn't mind a peek at that book herself
[18:02] <KK> Sounds like you need to take orders, Jasta.
[18:02] <hygilac> KIK
[18:02] <Jessie> lol -- think you are right KK
[18:02] * Martine is interested, too.
[18:02] <wrengl> LOL KK
[18:02] <Kristy> Since Lammas Night is my all-time most favoritest book, I'm really interested to dive into the background ;-)
[18:02] <the_Bee> I'm getting curious myself
[18:02] <JastaElf> :-) anyone wanting a copy, e-mail me at: revsharonhender...@earthlink.net
[18:02] <Helenmary> Is there still a copyright on it?  If not I could scan it and put it up for everyone to look at
[18:02] <Kristy> Whoops, look what I started!
[18:02] <Jessie> k
[18:02] <Martine> Okay!
[18:03] <hygilac> I think I dredged up a copy in my college library when Lammas Night was new
[18:03] <KK> I <think> it's still under copyright.
[18:03] * Kristy tries to look small.
[18:03] <wrengl> I have been looking for that book since you, I think, mentioned it at Ecumenacon years ago Katherine
[18:03] * scribbler needs to dig out her copy of Lammas Night so her mom-in-law can read it, before Adept 6 comes out....
[18:03] <the_Bee> I never realized Lammas Night was such an important holiday in the Old Religion
[18:03] <Sedina> Okay, I'm getting distinct prompting from the Miss Sadie to send everyone her greetings.   
[18:03] <JastaElf> Meow, Miss Sadie!
[18:03] <Bynw> its very important the_Bee
[18:03] * scribbler sends greetings to Miss Sadie....
[18:03] <Martine> Meow-hi, Sadie!
[18:03] <the_Bee> Hi Miss Sadie.  Purrr
[18:03] <Kiri``> hi sadie
[18:03] <wrengl> Meow Miss Sadie
[18:03] <Rambart20> Precious and Alpo send greetings to Miss Sadie
[18:03] <hygilac> Maybe that is what my dog whats, too
[18:04] <JastaElf> It's the High Night of the Old Religion, pretty much
[18:04] <Kristy> Sadie's awake?  Alix is conked out on the futon as usual...
[18:04] <hygilac> she is climbing up my leg
[18:04] <Sedina> Yes, her version of prompting is to sit in front of the screen so that I can't see anything
[18:04] <wrengl> Hooligan sends Miss Sadie his greetings from his 'sick' bed.
[18:04] <Kendall> I sure hope you are talking about a cat
[18:04] <Kristy> Bart: I was so tempted to name my kitty My Precious.....except that you took the name already ;-)
[18:04] <wrengl> And if you believe him I have this bridge I can sell you
[18:04] <hygilac> dog, kristy
[18:04] * JastaElf thinks precious has a Ring to it... <snerk!>
[18:04] <Rambart20> lol well she had it when I got her
[18:04] <KK> Ow!
[18:04] <scribbler> We're definitely well-represented in the K's right now....
[18:05] <Rambart20> and it suits her
[18:05] <Martine> And I have mountain real estate, too, if you don't like bridges!
[18:05] <Martine> If you want references, just ask Jessie :-)
[18:05] <scribbler> Yikes, Jasta!
[18:05] * Rob_u blinks and thinks it got busy in here while he was AFK
[18:05] *** Harvey has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[18:05] * Martine giggles
[18:05] <Kristy> K is a very good letter. ;-)
[18:05] <JastaElf> :-)
[18:05] <Jessie> hello Harvey
[18:05] <JastaElf> Hi Harvey!
[18:05] <Martine> Hi Harvey!
[18:05] <Kristy> Hiya Harvey!!
[18:05] * scribbler sends greetings to Harvey
[18:05] <Kiri``> do you have a mountain with a bridge ? :)
[18:05] <Sedina> Hi Harvey
[18:05] * Kelos_al-Hazar is decidedly looking forward to Darkover 2002...and trying his best to make enough to GET there!
[18:05] <Kiri``> hi harvey
[18:05] <wrengl> Hi Harvey
[18:05] <hygilac> Hi harvey
[18:05] <Rambart20> howdy Harvey
[18:05] <Harvey> You guys are quick.  Hi.
[18:05] <jm> hi harvey
[18:05] <Martine> Well, Pat and I could get together and provide a mountain and bridge combo, I'm sure!
[18:06] <Rambart20> what is the record for the number being in here any how
[18:06] <Kristy> lol
[18:06] <jm> have some swamp land where I am
[18:06] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Somewhere between 22 and 27, I think.
[18:06] <wrengl> Yea, a special two for one deal.  One time only
[18:06] * scribbler is going to try for Darkover 2002 -- even WITH 2 families who want her for Thanksgiving....
[18:06] <Rambart20> well we're in the 20's anyhow
[18:06] <KK> I want to say 32, but I could be misremembering.
[18:06] <hygilac> Hey, wehre is DeryniBot?
[18:06] <the_Bee> I have a nice castle in the air for rent
[18:06] <Kelos_al-Hazar> 2nd @
[18:06] <scribbler> He's there....
[18:06] <Martine> I'm going to Darkover :-) and dragging hubby and another couple!
[18:06] <KK> Don't invite him.  He brings peer.
[18:07] <Harvey> I'm going to Darkover again.
[18:07] <Martine> LOL, KK!
[18:07] <Kristy> naughty peer!
[18:07] <hygilac> my screen is screwy then; i dont see him or Bynw
[18:07] <scribbler> Well, if he'd bring beer instead of peer, we might reconsider....
[18:07] <Kiri``> KK  Ash will be bringing your bottle over btw. =-)
[18:07] <Martine> ROTFL, Scribbs
[18:07] <Kendall> Hubby or peer KK?
[18:07] <wrengl> Good.  There will even be door prizes at the Rampant Lion Pub this year!
[18:07] <JastaElf> Kewl!
[18:07] <KK> Peer.
[18:07] <Kiri``> pub prizes!
[18:07] <wrengl> Yup
[18:08] <hygilac> woonderful
[18:08] <Kelos_al-Hazar> I'm gonna try to get my parents to come to Darkover 2002 to meet ya, KK...Mom's already a fan, and I suspect Dad would be too if he didn't have the problem with floaters that he does (it messes up his ability to read rather seriously.)
[18:08] <KK> Is Ash coming to Darkover?
[18:08] <DeryniBot> I'm right here
[18:08] <Kristy> ::sigh::  I think SWCelebrationII is going to suck up the yearly con funds.... :-(
[18:08] <Kiri``> KK - don't know.. he's here in cali right now.
[18:08] <KK> Ah.
[18:08] <Kiri``> he'll be here day after tomorrow for a visit.
[18:08] <Harvey> What is the SWCeleberation Kristy?
[18:08] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Kristy, this is Darkover XXV!
[18:08] <KK> What's he doing in Ca.?
[18:09] <scribbler> Since I decided not to worry about ConJose, I might have some extra con-funds....
[18:09] <hygilac> tell him hello from me, Kiri
[18:09] <Kristy> But Kelos.....starving grad student!
[18:09] <Rambart20> Star wars isn't it kristy
[18:09] <Kristy> Bart: Yup!!
[18:09] <Kendall> speaking of getting together, anyone want to join us in Iowa March 8-10?
[18:09] <Martine> Good thing I'm within driving distance from DC - makes it much more affordable!
[18:09] <Kelos_al-Hazar> If I manage to make it, on my disability income... :)
[18:09] <wrengl> I THOUGHT about Con Jose but with going back to work the timing will not work
[18:09] <JastaElf> I'd love to be in Iowa when y'all gather, but that weekend's booked
[18:10] * JastaElf is still whinging about missing Arisia... <grumble, grumble>
[18:10] <Martine> I'd love to go to Iowa - but hubby just lost his job, and funds are low :-(
[18:10] <Helenmary> March 8 I will be with my wonderful husband (he got the tickets) in NYC seeing the Producers!
[18:10] <Kendall> bummer
[18:10] <JastaElf> Oh, LUCKY!!!
[18:10] <Martine> Jasta - more Arisia pictures and video are coming soon!
[18:10] <JastaElf> Yay!
[18:10] <Kristy> yay helenmary!
[18:10] <KK> Good show, Helenmary!
[18:10] <scribbler> Oooh -- I'm green with envy, HM....
[18:10] <Martine> Hubby FINALLY found the AC adaptor for the video camera, so he uploaded it to his mac last night.
[18:10] <Helenmary> The best part is that it is right before Lane and Broderick leave the show!
[18:10] <scribbler> Martine -- sorry to hear about your husband's job loss....
[18:10] * JastaElf looks at scribs' colour change and is amazed and impressed
[18:10] <Kendall> I hate to be stupid but who are the Producers?
[18:10] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Did the wedding video ever get converted to digital?
[18:11] <Martine> Helenmary - I've seen Producers twice. It's FABULOUS!!!!!!
[18:11] <JastaElf> Lane and Broderick are LEAVING???  WHEN???
[18:11] <Martine> Kendall - it's a hysterical musical by Mel Brooks, starring Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick.
[18:11] <Martine> Jasta - in March.
[18:11] <JastaElf> Kendall, it is a fantastic Broadway Musical
[18:11] <scribbler> Kendall -- it's a Broadway show based on Mel Brooks' movie....
[18:11] <JastaElf> Oh jeez... <pout>
[18:11] <Kendall> has to be funny with with Nathan Lane in it.
[18:11] <wrengl> Springtime in Germany is a wonderful song
[18:11] <Martine> Funny doesn't even begin to describe it.
[18:11] <scribbler> These two guys set out to make a Broadway bomb to get the money, and it turns out to be a hit....
[18:12] <Kendall> dang fingers
[18:12] <KK> Springtime for Hitler, actually--which is even funnier!
[18:12] <Helenmary> There is a "Making of" that has been on PBS that is hysterical
[18:12] * hygilac is envious
[18:12] * JastaElf hums: "we're moving at a FAS-ter pace... look out here comes the MAS-ter race...."
[18:12] <scribbler> I saw that Helenmary....it was great!
[18:12] <Helenmary> GO Jasta!!!
[18:12] <Martine> Lane and Broderick ad lib a part of the show every night! It's verra amusing.
[18:12] <Kendall> speaking of PBS has anyone seen The Monarch of the Glen?
[18:12] <JastaElf> No, what's that??
[18:12] <Kelson> I must be off... Be well, everyone.
[18:12] *** Kelson has quit IRC
[18:12] <scribbler> "Don't be stupid, be a smarty -- come and join the Nazi Party"....
[18:12] <JastaElf> Bye Your Maj! :-)
[18:12] <KK> We just finished the second season.  Great!
[18:13] <Martine> LOL, Scribbs!
[18:13] <Helenmary> Speedy boy, that Kelson.
[18:13] <JastaElf> That was Mel Brooks' line in the movie, scribs!  :-)
[18:13] <Kendall> The monarch and the Glen, KK?
[18:13] <hygilac> I have seen it on BBC America
[18:13] <scribbler> I remember hearing the song on Dr. Demento....
[18:13] <Rambart20> I have never heard of it
[18:13] <JastaElf> I have the cast album from the movie and the show
[18:13] <the_Bee> me neither
[18:13] <Martine> My favorite was the end scene, with all the musical names. "South Passaic" had me falling out of my chair, because I live walking distance from Passaic.
[18:13] <JastaElf> :-)
[18:13] <KK> M of G--set in Scotland, at a castle that's trying to make ends meet.
[18:13] <JastaElf> Corporal Agarn from F Troop was from Passaic.  :-)
[18:13] <Kendall> yeah, what a great show
[18:14] <JastaElf> My fave as a kid...
[18:14] <Rambart20> comedy or other?
[18:14] <JastaElf> I don't think DC PBS gets Mof G
[18:14] <Kendall> I saw 5 episodes in a row Superbowl Sunday
[18:14] <Kendall> now it isn't on
[18:14] <Martine> Hmmmm... I'll have to see if we get in in the NYC area.
[18:14] <hygilac> If you have a sattelite, it is on BBC America
[18:14] <hygilac> forget when
[18:14] <scribbler> Haven't seen MoG here either -- will have to check TV Guide and see if any of our PBS stations picked it up....
[18:15] <Kendall> it is coming back on in the fall tho
[18:15] <the_Bee> I haven't been getting my local pbs guide lately
[18:15] <hygilac> well, all--I must depart
[18:15] <Martine> Bye, Linda!
[18:15] <scribbler> I think we'll have BBC America as an option when we go digital in about another month -- I'll have to look into it!
[18:15] <Kristy> bye linda!
[18:15] <KK> Bye, Linda.
[18:15] <Kendall> bye Linda
[18:15] <Rambart20> bye linda
[18:15] <Jessie> bye & huggles hygilac
[18:15] <JastaElf> My fav show on PBS is Chef"
[18:15] <scribbler> bye Linda....
[18:15] <JastaElf> Bye Linda!
[18:15] <jm> bye linda
[18:15] *** hygilac has quit IRC (QUIT: )
[18:15] <the_Bee> bye HY
[18:16] <the_Bee> too late
[18:16] <Martine> Well, it looks like PBS doesn't have MoG anywhere in the country :_(
[18:16] <JastaElf> Rats.... sounds neat!
[18:16] <Kendall> unless it is reruns
[18:16] <JastaElf> Like a Scottish version of To The Manor Born?
[18:16] <Martine> It's not on the alphabetical program listing at www.pbs.org
[18:16] <KK> Sort of....
[18:16] <Kendall> gotta go
[18:16] <Kendall> bye folks
[18:16] <scribbler> night Kendall....
[18:16] <JastaElf> Bye Kendall!  Good to see you again!

(to be continued...)