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KK Chat -- 10 June 2018 Part 1

Started by DesertRose, June 10, 2018, 07:39:36 PM

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[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:10:55 PM EDT] Join KK has joined this channel.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:10:58 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Hi KK!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:11:01 PM EDT] <Jemler> make your garden jealous.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:11:02 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Hi, KK
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:11:02 PM EDT] <bynw> hi KK
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:11:03 PM EDT] <Jemler> hi kk
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:11:04 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi KK!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:11:10 PM EDT] <KK> Hello, gang.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:11:12 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Bee, do you attend a Unitarian Universalist church?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:11:29 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Yes.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:11:55 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Okay. I asked because I'm on the Facebook group for the UU church nearest me (although I haven't been in ages), and I guess that's a denomination-wide thing this week. :)
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:12:12 PM EDT] <DesertRose> (Flower Communion, that is.)
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:12:24 PM EDT] <DesertRose> How's it going, KK?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:12:55 PM EDT] <KK> Flower communion?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:13:07 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Yes. It was started by a Unitarian minister named Norbert Capek,wwho died in Auschwwitz.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:13:29 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Really? I didn't know it went back that far.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:13:39 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Unitarians, that is.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:13:50 PM EDT] <KK> What's the symbolism?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:13:54 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I just found out today about his death,
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:14:11 PM EDT] <JudyWard> There's always something new to learn
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:14:30 PM EDT] <DesertRose> The UU church has history (not all under the same name) going back a hundred years at least.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:14:39 PM EDT] <The_Bee> That we're all individuals, and all beautiful in differnt waaysss--like flowers.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:15:00 PM EDT] <JudyWard> That's a good thing to do
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:15:20 PM EDT] <Jemler> ever see a movie called 'The Order'?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:15:26 PM EDT] <The_Bee> at least 200 years. Jeffersson called himself a Unitarian.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:15:54 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Okay, I knew it went back at least as far as Emerson and Thoreau, and I thought it might be longer than that but wasn't sure.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:16:29 PM EDT] <KK> So, how soes it work?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:16:34 PM EDT] <KK> does
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:16:40 PM EDT] <The_Bee> In the fall we have a Water Communion. Bring water from someplace where you visited in the summer.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:16:43 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Flower communion specifically, KK?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:17:20 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Bee said right before you came in that the congregants all bring a flower and take a different flower home.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:17:25 PM EDT] <JudyWard> What if you didn't go anywhere?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:17:46 PM EDT] <JudyWard> The water, that is
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:17:49 PM EDT] Join Shiral (~49df776d@OWIRCN-1bdd9d77.org) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:17:52 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Hi Shiral
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:17:55 PM EDT] <Jemler> hi shiral
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:18:01 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Hi, Shiral
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:18:01 PM EDT] <The_Bee> bring water from your home. One year I collectedd rain water.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:18:03 PM EDT] * Shiral enters chat room with a champagne cork pop
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:18:08 PM EDT] <Shiral> Hello, all
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:18:10 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi Ssssshiral
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:18:20 PM EDT] <bynw> hi Shiral
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:18:31 PM EDT] <KK> What happens to the water?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:18:36 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I think rain water would be cool to bring, especially if you didn't go anywhere.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:19:08 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I've thought of collecting seawater from the beach to take, even though I live in a city on the Atlantic coast so it's not like seawater is all that exotic or different. :)
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:19:42 PM EDT] <The_Bee> We pour it into a big bowl.then I don't know.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:19:43 PM EDT] <Jemler> is the water/flower blessed by the priest or something?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:19:58 PM EDT] <The_Bee> We
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:19:59 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Do you exchange water, too?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:20:12 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I think that depends on the UU congregation, Jemler. UU churches can vary pretty widely.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:20:13 PM EDT] Join Jerusha (Mibbit@OWIRCN-7494730d.dsl.bell.ca) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:20:16 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Hi Jerusha
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:20:21 PM EDT] <Jemler> hi jerusha.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:20:25 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Hi, Jerusha
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:20:31 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Hi everyone!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:20:37 PM EDT] <Evie> hi
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:20:42 PM EDT] Join Ghost (~49df776d@OWIRCN-1bdd9d77.org) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:20:54 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Hi Ghost
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:20:56 PM EDT] <Jemler> hi ghost
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:21:02 PM EDT] <The_Bee> no, we just bring it an fill the bowwl. I've never asked what happen next. ir's not drunk, that's all I know.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:21:03 PM EDT] <KK> It sort of makes sense, that the waters would be mingled and then blessed, and the congregants would take some home, to use like holy water. Which is what it would be, at that poiint.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:21:03 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Hi Ghost
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:21:05 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Hi, Ghost.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:21:07 PM EDT] <Jemler> are you friendly?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:21:11 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Hi Ghost
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:21:28 PM EDT] <Ghost> Yes. This is actually Shiral. I closed the wrong window by mistake
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:21:34 PM EDT] <Evie> Oops
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:21:37 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Oh, oops.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:21:46 PM EDT] Kick You have kicked Shiral from the channel (User terminated!).
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:21:48 PM EDT] <JudyWard> I wondered who Ghost was
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:21:51 PM EDT] <KK> It happens to the best of us, Shiral Ghost.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:21:53 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I kicked out your evil twin. :)
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:21:57 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Are you a holy ghost or an unholy ghost?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:22:04 PM EDT] <KK> lol
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:22:05 PM EDT] <Evie> "User terminated" sounds so...um....final!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:22:16 PM EDT] <Ghost> Unholy, sometimes, =o)
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:22:26 PM EDT] <Jerusha> :D
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:22:42 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I can't think of the phrase "Holy Ghost" without my brain going to the Eddie Izzard routine, which is . . . not safe for work and possibly blasphemous, depending on your particular definition of blasphemy. ;)
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:22:47 PM EDT] <KK> "User Terminated"--can someone actually do that to someone else?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:22:58 PM EDT] <Jemler> change your nick, Casper! :)
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:22:59 PM EDT] <DesertRose> If you're a channel operator or admin, you can kick a user
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:23:09 PM EDT] <Ghost> I'm trying. It's not working
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:23:10 PM EDT] <Jerusha> That would be Bynw
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:23:12 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Ah, power!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:23:29 PM EDT] <bynw> you can now
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:23:34 PM EDT] Nick Ghost is now known as Shiral.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:23:37 PM EDT] <The_Bee> "Terminate with extreme prejudice"
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:23:37 PM EDT] <DesertRose> The "terminated" phrasing is probably specific to my IRC client, because if I leave, it'll say "Konversation terminated" (Konversation being the name of the program in question).
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:23:50 PM EDT] <Shiral> Ah, feels good to be back on the mortal plane
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:23:53 PM EDT] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:23:57 PM EDT] <Evie> :-D
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:23:59 PM EDT] <Jerusha> WB Shiral
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:24:07 PM EDT] <KK> How....esoteric.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:24:09 PM EDT] * Shiral snaps fingers and produces a platter of French Macarons. T
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:24:20 PM EDT] <Shiral> Try 'em, they're out of this world.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:24:28 PM EDT] <Evie> As opposed to the immortal ferry, crossing the river Styx?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:24:33 PM EDT] * The_Bee addds fruit punch.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:24:39 PM EDT] <DesertRose> My mother got it in her head to make madeleines because she found a pan for them in TJMaxx or someplace like that.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:24:43 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Can't eat macaroons - allergic to coconut
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:24:53 PM EDT] <DesertRose> She wound up dyeing a batch green for St. Patrick's Day.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:25:11 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Macarons and macaroons are not the same cookie.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:25:35 PM EDT] <The_Bee> all nuts. Jerusha, or just coconuts?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:25:36 PM EDT] <Jerusha> One's a cokie and one's a cookie?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:25:40 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Macaroons are usually covered in shredded coconut, but macarons are sandwich cookies that are a real pain to make correctly, as far as I know.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:25:43 PM EDT] Quit Shiral (~49df776d@OWIRCN-1bdd9d77.org) has left this server (Quit: CGI:IRC).
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:25:49 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Just coconuts
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:26:10 PM EDT] <KK> I've been nomming on some wonderful biscotti that come from Costco in a very sturdy screw-top jar that is worth saving. The jar, that is. The biscotti don't last long. Very vanilla and with exquisite almond bits, wonderful with tea or with milk. Probably coffee, too, if one drinks that stuff.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:26:12 PM EDT] Join Shiral (~49df776d@OWIRCN-1bdd9d77.org) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:26:20 PM EDT] <JudyWard> I'm not crazy about coconut unless there's chocolate involved.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:26:25 PM EDT] <Evie> Sounds yummy
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:26:31 PM EDT] <Shiral> These are not coconut, they're almond Macarons.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:26:33 PM EDT] <DesertRose> https://assets.marthastewart.com/styles/video-preview-1280x720-highdpi/d32/EH0237%20-%20Macaron%20Filling%20T.THUMB/EH0237%20-%20Macaron%20Filling%20T.THUMB_.jpg?itok=IUl75F3i
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:26:36 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Macarons.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:26:36 PM EDT] <Shiral> Differnt thing completely
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:26:46 PM EDT] <KK> The Costco madeleines are also wonderful.
[Edited out a bunch of gibberish from a copy-paste error on my part ~ DR]
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:27:00 PM EDT] <Jerusha> I've seen those, DR
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:27:01 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Whoa, sorry.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:27:06 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Eek!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:27:12 PM EDT] <Shiral> I had some leftover eggwhites to use up, so I made two GIANT macarons from them
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:27:12 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Oh oh
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:27:14 PM EDT] <JudyWard> What haooened>>>
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:27:16 PM EDT] <KK> Uh-oh, is that a cat?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:27:18 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Holy cow!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:27:27 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I meant to post a link to an image, but it copied who knows what!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:27:28 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Sorry!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:27:35 PM EDT] <Evie> Someone call for an exorcist for DR
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:27:40 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Bynw - hekp!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:27:43 PM EDT] <Jemler> i think dr was watching the exorcist and got caught!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:27:51 PM EDT] Nick Evie is now known as Duncan.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:27:57 PM EDT] <Duncan> Someone called for an exorcist?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:27:59 PM EDT] <DesertRose> LOL, no
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:28:01 PM EDT] <Shiral> Lots of Hekp!\
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:28:04 PM EDT] <Jemler> i think dr was watching the exorcist and got caught!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:28:07 PM EDT] <KK> Or did DR just get hit by a sniper and slump over her keyboard?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:28:09 PM EDT] Nick Duncan is now known as Evie.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:28:15 PM EDT] <bynw> you copied the image, and pasted the ascii version of the binary data
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:28:22 PM EDT] <JudyWard> That' was bizzar
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:28:22 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Hero points for trying, Duncan
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:28:24 PM EDT] <Shiral> The holy water worked again, Bishop Duncan
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:28:24 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Oops
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:28:27 PM EDT] <Jemler> brb
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:28:38 PM EDT] <Evie> Duncan to the rescue!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:28:52 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Whew
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:28:54 PM EDT] <DesertRose> That's what I get for being in a hurry!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:28:59 PM EDT] <KK> That was, indeed, bizarre.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:29:02 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Bizaar?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:29:13 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Oh, left the e off that time.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:29:23 PM EDT] * Shiral adds ice tea to the chat room tea table
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:29:31 PM EDT] <DesertRose> "Bizarre" means "strange," "bazaar" means a market, usually open air.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:29:31 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Not a word I use often.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:29:34 PM EDT] <Shiral> Anyway, how's everyone doing?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:29:48 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Good.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:29:56 PM EDT] <Evie> "Bizarre bazaar" means an open-air market that's really weird.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:29:57 PM EDT] <Shiral> Of course, you could have a Bizarre bazaar that sold very unusual wares
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:30:03 PM EDT] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:30:10 PM EDT] <KK> Very true.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:30:11 PM EDT] <Jerusha> That would work for most of us
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:30:46 PM EDT] <The_Bee> The Bunker Hill DY Parade was today. it went down my street.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:30:48 PM EDT] <Jerusha> I am good, though FIL fell on Saturday and broke his collar bone
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:31:01 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Ouch! Sorry to hear that!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:31:03 PM EDT] <The_Bee> OUCH!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:31:22 PM EDT] <Jerusha> He's doing OK, and has my SIL to look after him
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:31:40 PM EDT] <Evie> Ow!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:31:47 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Ouch ouch ouch
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:31:49 PM EDT] <Shiral> I hope his dominant hand and arm weren't injured
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:32:02 PM EDT] <Jerusha> I'm not sure; details were sparse
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:32:27 PM EDT] <Jerusha> But he has one of those shoulder immobilizing slings for two weeks
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:32:31 PM EDT] <KK> Not a fun thing, to break one's collarbone.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:32:32 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Not fun
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:32:44 PM EDT] <JudyWard> One of the reasons I don't like working 5 days a week is that I'm afraid Lou will get on a ladder or trip over a dog.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:32:55 PM EDT] <Jerusha> The sling is almost as bad as the injury
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:32:59 PM EDT] <Shiral> I remember breaking my wrist one summer. My mother and I came home from the emergency room and ate a late dinner that consisted entirely of eskimo pies. I think my mother felt sorry for me.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:33:19 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Good for recuperating!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:33:22 PM EDT] <KK> It's tricky to fix, because you can't splint it like most other broken bones.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:33:24 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Is that like applying cold packs?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:33:35 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Eh, it's called balance. You had a rotten day by breaking your wrist, so your mom decided to try to improve it with ice cream treats for supper. :D
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:33:56 PM EDT] <KK> That'd work for me. :-)
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:34:11 PM EDT] <Shiral> Exactly. I took my first ride on my new scooter and over I went.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:34:23 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Ouch
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:34:45 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Ooops! aanything broken, Shiraal?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:34:51 PM EDT] <Shiral> Explains Why I never got into scooters as an adult. =o) I don't even use inline skates
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:35:15 PM EDT] <KK> The only thing I've ever broken was a finger, also partially amputated, which experience gave me lots of background for our favorite one-handed Healer.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:35:28 PM EDT] <Shiral> Left wrist. I couldn't go swimming for what felt like the WHOLE SUMMER. I hated that. I was a total water baby, too
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:35:36 PM EDT] <JudyWard> I bet that hurt, too!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:35:37 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I ride an adult trike. I never masted a bike.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:35:40 PM EDT] <KK> You got a scooter, Shiral?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:35:47 PM EDT] <Jerusha> They had to amputate your finger because it was broken?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:36:05 PM EDT] <Shiral> When I was 6. I haven't had one since! The scooter is what CAUSED my broken wrist back then
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:36:27 PM EDT] <KK> No, a horse broke the finger almost all the way through--caught it in a rope--and they had to repair it.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:36:32 PM EDT] <DesertRose> OUCH
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:36:38 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Oh dear
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:36:44 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Painful!!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:36:50 PM EDT] * Shiral clutches finger in sympathetic pain
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:36:55 PM EDT] <Evie> Ow
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:37:11 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I got a black eye, a goose-egg and several stitcheswwhen My trike hit a pothole.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:37:12 PM EDT] <Shiral> Tavis would definitely sympathize.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:37:13 PM EDT] <JudyWard> At least they were able to fix it.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:37:15 PM EDT] <KK> Fortunately, it was left hand, and typing was excellent therapy once the splint was off.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:37:30 PM EDT] <Shiral> Of course if Tavis had been on hand, you wouldnt have had such a hard time.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:37:38 PM EDT] <Jerusha> That's good (I think)
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:37:46 PM EDT] <KK> True, Shiral.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:37:49 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Or Rhys
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:38:00 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Or even Evaine with Tieg in tow. :)
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:38:01 PM EDT] <Shiral> Where is a Healer when we really need them??
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:38:07 PM EDT] <KK> A friend brought me ice cream in the hospital, though. Yum!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:38:24 PM EDT] <KK> Jamoca almond fudge, as I recall.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:38:27 PM EDT] <Shiral> Anyone who breaks a bone deserves a little ice cream
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:38:51 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Deserves a lot of ice cream!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:39:15 PM EDT] <Shiral> Sigh.....NOW I'm going to be thinking "Gwynedd <Jamocha> Kingdoms <Almond fudge>
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:39:36 PM EDT] <Shiral> One of my favorite ice cream flavors ever
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:39:49 PM EDT] <Jemler> i broke my leg a few years ago. didn't feel a thing.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:39:49 PM EDT] <JudyWard> It is really good
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:40:00 PM EDT] <The_Bee> So, KK--any thoughts of writing?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:40:04 PM EDT] <JudyWard> But I like their peanut butter & chocolate
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:40:11 PM EDT] <Jerusha> I'll have chocolate, chocolate, with a little more chocolate, please
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:40:22 PM EDT] <Jemler> butter pecan.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:40:24 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Careful, Bee. She may swat you. <G>
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:40:34 PM EDT] <Shiral> If I can't have Jamocha, I'll take fresh blackberry ice cream
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:41:02 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Blue Bell just put out Southern Blackberry Cobbler. YUM>
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:41:03 PM EDT] * Shiral offers KK some virtual Jamocha almond fudge
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:41:05 PM EDT] <KK> Thoughts. But LBM medical appointments and disposal of big fallen tree branch took precedence.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:41:08 PM EDT] <The_Bee> peppermint with chocolate sauce!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:41:09 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Still Killingford, KK?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:41:34 PM EDT] <Shiral> Yes, both things you have to take care of
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:41:40 PM EDT] <Jemler> my sister promised me some blueberry cobbler.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:41:41 PM EDT] <KK> That's what I"m getting ready to work on, God wlling.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:41:55 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Lord willin' and the crik don't rise? ;)
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:42:13 PM EDT] <JudyWard> LOL! My Grandmother used to say that.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:42:14 PM EDT] <Shiral> Is Prince Cinhil trying to talk to you, KK?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:42:16 PM EDT] <The_Bee> How is LBM doing?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:42:48 PM EDT] <KK> Lots of creeks rising around here in the past couple of weeks, with all the rain we've had, and are stll having. Thunderstorms just about every day.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:42:55 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Here too.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:43:15 PM EDT] <KK> The dogs hate it.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:43:19 PM EDT] <DesertRose> The windows of my apartment look out on a natural creek and two artificial retention ponds, and all of them are looking quite full.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:43:21 PM EDT] <JudyWard> We are pretty dry here.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:43:26 PM EDT] <Jerusha> We are having a bit of a dry spell; hopefully it keep the mosquitoes down
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:43:38 PM EDT] <The_Bee> We need raain.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:43:40 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Carys doesn't hate thunderstorms, but she acts offended at the noise of thunder, like "I didn't authorize this!"
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:43:54 PM EDT] <KK> You don't have alligators as far north as you are, DR?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:44:03 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Well, yeah, probably.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:44:04 PM EDT] <Jemler> our dog hides under my bed.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:44:08 PM EDT] <The_Bee> LOL! @Carys!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:44:16 PM EDT] <Shiral> I watered plants in my back patio today. I had forgotten, an my pansies were being little drama queens
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:44:17 PM EDT] <DesertRose> We had them in South Carolina, so I don't see why northeastern Florida wouldn't have them.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:44:58 PM EDT] <KK> South Carolina has gators?!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:45:05 PM EDT] <JudyWard> They have them. My dad was a game warden & used to have to catch one & relocate once in a while.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:45:08 PM EDT] <DesertRose> But if there are any gators in the creek or ponds, they're not doing much of a job of hunting, because there are fully nine zillion geese, ducks, and other assorted waterfowl who fly around to amuse Carys (or so she thinks).
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:45:11 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Charleston area did.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:45:16 PM EDT] <The_Bee> I once met a blind woman whose service dog was going to therapy because it was afraid of thunder.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:45:23 PM EDT] <JudyWard> North FL, not NC
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:45:31 PM EDT] <KK> Then, how would you know of gators took a few?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:45:46 PM EDT] <Shiral> Dmitri agrees with Carys about thunderstorms
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:45:52 PM EDT] <DesertRose> The Naval Weapons Station (which I think has since been renamed/repurposed) had Charlie, the officer in charge of complaints. He was about a sixteen-foot gator, and that was in the Charleston metro area.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:46:05 PM EDT] <Shiral> dddddddddd
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:46:08 PM EDT] <KK> Wow.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:46:15 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Well, maybe the birds are truly prolific, then. :)
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:46:26 PM EDT] <Evie> [Charlie] LOL!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:46:26 PM EDT] <Jemler> shades of miami vice!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:46:30 PM EDT] <Shiral> That was Dmitri adding his two cents
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:46:37 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Hi Dmitri.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:46:49 PM EDT] <Evie> He's got a good start on spelling his name.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:46:50 PM EDT] Quit Shiral (~49df776d@OWIRCN-1bdd9d77.org) has left this server (Quit: CGI:IRC).
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:46:51 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Did you know alligators are distantly related to birds?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:46:52 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Trying to ssspell his name
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:46:54 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Evie, there was actually a sign on his enclosure labeling him as such.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:47:01 PM EDT] Join Shiral (~49df776d@OWIRCN-1bdd9d77.org) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:47:03 PM EDT] <Evie> :-D
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:47:08 PM EDT] <Shiral> Aarrgh,
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:47:10 PM EDT] <The_Bee> wb shiral
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:47:13 PM EDT] <DesertRose> And another sign warning (probably) young foolish sailors not to share their lunch with him.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:47:17 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Rehi Shiral
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:47:19 PM EDT] <Shiral> Damn cat logged me right out
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:47:28 PM EDT] <DesertRose> LOL!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:47:30 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Cats can be that way
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:47:32 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Shame on Dmitri!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:47:43 PM EDT] <Shiral> "Enough chatting for YOU today!"
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:47:44 PM EDT] <Evie> He wanted your attention
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:47:49 PM EDT] <KK> Well, that poor woman walking her dogs got eaten this past week. That was in Florida somewhere. Yuck!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:47:50 PM EDT] <Evie> He got it, didn't he?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:47:52 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Pay atteention to me!"
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:47:55 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Yikes!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:48:25 PM EDT] <Jerusha> The woman, or her dogs?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:48:30 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Yikes is right
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:48:33 PM EDT] <DesertRose> But yeah, gators will live pretty much anywhere with sufficiently warm marshes, I think.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:48:34 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Really? Yuck! Didn;t hear about that. He was probably after the dogs. They love to eat dogs.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:48:36 PM EDT] <Shiral> I definitely wouldn't want to go that way. It must have been terrifying. Not to mention painful
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:48:56 PM EDT] <Jemler> the woman. they found her body.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:49:04 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Oh dear
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:49:26 PM EDT] <Jemler> a pastor in frica, doing baprtisms was killed by a croc.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:49:29 PM EDT] <KK> They found her arm in the gator first, and then found her body a bit later. Dogs were ok, still with leashes dangling, and quite bewildered.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:49:49 PM EDT] <Evie> :-(
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:49:59 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Not a happy scenario
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:50:00 PM EDT] <JudyWard> She was probably trying to protect her dogs.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:50:07 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Oh yes! I remember about the arm.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:50:22 PM EDT] <Jemler> that ewas a different story.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:50:27 PM EDT] <KK> Someone else in the area had had her poodle taken by a gator in the past year.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:50:48 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Maybe the mosquitoes are not so bad afterall
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:51:06 PM EDT] <Evie> At least those don't get gator sized
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:51:14 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Never let your dogs in water where there are gators or crocs
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:51:21 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I would lose my entire mind if I saw a gator-size mosquito!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:51:26 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Well, sometimes they seem close
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:51:36 PM EDT] <KK> The gators are definitely out there. And builders in Florida don't help by digging out all those artificial lakes and canals, to which the gators migrate.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:51:41 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Well, assuming one could say I haven't already lost it.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:51:45 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Enough mosquito bites can kil you.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:52:09 PM EDT] <Evie> We're such a cheerful lot. :-D
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:52:11 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Is there any logical reason for mosquitoes? Other than bats eat them?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:52:12 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Or require transfusions
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:52:13 PM EDT] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:52:23 PM EDT] <Jerusha> I'm all for bats!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:52:27 PM EDT] <bynw> 1 could do it with the right disease being carried by the mosquito
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:52:33 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Yes, yay bats!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:52:39 PM EDT] <Jerusha> And dragonflies
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:52:41 PM EDT] <KK> People in my dad's old neighborhood ocasionally would have a gator turn up in their back yeard after a really big rain--which isn't that unusual in South Fla--big rains, that is.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:53:23 PM EDT] <DesertRose> A childhood friend of mine had an above-ground swimming pool in the back yard, and if we were in the pool around sunset, we'd see the bats fly across nomming up the mosquitoes. We were appreciative, once we figured out that was what was happening. :)
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:53:33 PM EDT] <KK> Gators, too, especially close to the Everglades.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:53:34 PM EDT] <Jemler> my luck i'd get bitten by a bat, and it would turn out to be Dracula!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:53:38 PM EDT] <Jerusha> The zoo in Melbourne, FL, had a croc show up to join the exhibit
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:53:45 PM EDT] <DesertRose> (Across the air, above the surface of the pool water)
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:54:08 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Bob Hope to Alaskan troops: "I shot a mosquito in my pajamas. they were tight n him too."
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:54:23 PM EDT] <JudyWard> I'm gonna have to go soon. Lou wants his dinner.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:54:24 PM EDT] <Jerusha> :D
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:54:38 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Glad you could join us, Judyward
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:54:45 PM EDT] <Jemler> nite judy.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:54:48 PM EDT] <DesertRose> There's a zoo, I think in Russia somewhere, where this little calico cat showed up and befriended a lynx.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:54:49 PM EDT] <Evie> Goodnight, Judy
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:54:50 PM EDT] <Shiral> Night, Judy
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:54:53 PM EDT] <The_Bee> bye JuddddyWard. Have a good week
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:54:53 PM EDT] <DesertRose> G'night, JudyWard.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:54:55 PM EDT] <JudyWard> YEs, finally remembered chat!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:55:02 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Night all. Have a good week.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:55:06 PM EDT] Quit JudyWard (~181b3bb6@OWIRCN-1bdd9d77.org) has left this server (Quit: CGI:IRC).
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:55:24 PM EDT] <Jemler> i got an early day tomorrow. surgery in weirton, again.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:55:31 PM EDT] <Shiral> oops, Missed Judy
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:55:33 PM EDT] <DesertRose> The stent replacement thing, Jemler?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:55:39 PM EDT] <Jemler> yep.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:55:45 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Hope it goes well.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:55:47 PM EDT] <Jemler> every 3 months.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:56:02 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Good luck, Jemler
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:56:09 PM EDT] <Shiral> Good luck Jemler. Avoid any alligator sized insects
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:56:11 PM EDT] <The_Bee> We somettimes get news stories of bears in baccck yards and/or swwimming pools.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:56:12 PM EDT] <KK> You're in our prayers, Jemler.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:56:20 PM EDT] <Jemler> i'm being picked up at 6:45am.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:56:22 PM EDT] <The_Bee> Good luck, Jemler
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:56:26 PM EDT] <Shiral> Yowch
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:56:32 PM EDT] <Jerusha> That's early
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:56:34 PM EDT] <Shiral> Sleep well if you can
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:56:35 PM EDT] <Evie> I have a doctor's appointment first thing tomorrow (nothing major, just an annual physical), but it's so close to my office, I hope I don't absent-mindedly forget where I'm going and end up at the wrong place!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:56:39 PM EDT] <Jemler> the part i hate is NPO.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:56:46 PM EDT] <DesertRose> It's Oh-six-hundred hours. What's the O stand for? Oh my G-d it's early!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:56:59 PM EDT] <Jerusha> NPO?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:57:05 PM EDT] <Evie> NPO?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:57:11 PM EDT] <Jemler> Gooood morning, Vietnam!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:57:15 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Nothing by mouth, the abbreviation for that phrase in Latin.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:57:17 PM EDT] <DesertRose> (NPO)
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:57:27 PM EDT] <KK> We refer to such times as 0-dark-hundred.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:57:28 PM EDT] <Jemler> non per ora, no food or water after 12pm.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:57:39 PM EDT] <The_Bee> nothing per orifice?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:57:41 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Yes, that is frustrating
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:57:57 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Festil said his mom used to call it "Stupid O'Clock."
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:57:57 PM EDT] <Evie> Nothing by mouth.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:57:59 PM EDT] <KK> General anaesthesia, I take it?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:58:02 PM EDT] <Shiral> Oh, I thought it might stand for "No Problem, Ovid."
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:58:06 PM EDT] <Jerusha> The minute you can't have something, is when you want it
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:58:23 PM EDT] <Jemler> i hjave thedriver stop at a greek restaraunt after surgery.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:58:31 PM EDT] <Evie> Yum!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:58:34 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Sounds reasonable! :)
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:58:36 PM EDT] <KK> That sounds yummy!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:58:45 PM EDT] <Jerusha> You deserve it
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:58:52 PM EDT] <Shiral> There is a law in my house that is basically "I can always find a seam ripper as long as it's not what I'm looking for at that moment."
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:58:59 PM EDT] <Jemler> now, gyro, or souvlaki?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:59:03 PM EDT] <DesertRose> LOL, you too, Shiral?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:59:16 PM EDT] <Shiral> YEs
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:59:20 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I did a little more mending (found stuff in the self-storage that needed mending) and could not for the life of me find my seam ripper.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:59:26 PM EDT] <Shiral> I think the little blighters hide from me.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:59:28 PM EDT] <Evie> Tell your sis to take away your iPad before surgery so you don't freak us out with oddly maudlin Facebook posts in the recovery room. LOL!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:59:34 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Turned out it was under the tray of miscellaneous other sewing notions.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:59:47 PM EDT] <Jemler> the ipad stays at home.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [7:59:56 PM EDT] <DesertRose> That was when Jemler was inpatient, though, Evie. Hopefully shouldn't be an issue with a day procedure.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:00:30 PM EDT] <Jemler> when that happened, they were giving me ambien every night.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:00:40 PM EDT] <Evie> Ah
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:00:51 PM EDT] <Shiral> I know that if you want me to do anything at 6 am, it CAN be done. But don't expect a scintillating companion full of witty conversations.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:00:52 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I lost one entirely and replaced it with a seam ripper with a much longer handle. A: Easier to find and B: I have big hands for a woman so easier to use!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:00:56 PM EDT] <Jerusha> ambien?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:00:59 PM EDT] <Jemler> i will NEVER take ambien again.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:01:01 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Sleep medication.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:01:17 PM EDT] <DesertRose> It affects some people really badly.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:01:20 PM EDT] <Jemler> with some nsaty side effects.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:01:26 PM EDT] <Evie> Sleep medication with some really weird side effects at times
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:01:38 PM EDT] <The_Bee> bad dreams?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:01:40 PM EDT] <Jerusha> I'd rather have a glass of wint
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:01:41 PM EDT] <Shiral> I've never taken it, so I wouldn't know
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:01:46 PM EDT] <Jerusha> wine, that is
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:02:04 PM EDT] <Shiral> Yeah, I have two seam rippers now, too.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:02:17 PM EDT] <DesertRose> IIRC, I actually BROKE the original seam ripper.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:02:19 PM EDT] <Shiral> The original lives on my computer desk. I don't really need it, but I have it
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:02:22 PM EDT] <Jemler> one woman took an ambien, went to bed and woke up in a jail cell. she'd run over 3 people, inc an 18 mo baby.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:02:24 PM EDT] <Evie> I have a friend who had to stop taking it because she was forgetting long stretches of her work day
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:02:25 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Trying to rip through too many stitches at once.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:02:36 PM EDT] <The_Bee> People do things in Ambien sleep and don't remember afterwards
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:02:39 PM EDT] <Jemler> one woman took an ambien, went to bed and woke up in a jail cell. she'd run over 3 people, inc an 18 mo baby.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:02:46 PM EDT] <Shiral> Okay, I'm DEFINITELY not taking Ambien, then
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:03:00 PM EDT] <Jerusha> I'll still stick with wine
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:03:08 PM EDT] <Jemler> at least i'm not ambulatory.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:03:12 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Yeah, Ambien is a hypnotic, strictly speaking, which in some folks, just makes them sleep (which is the intention) but in some folks causes sleepwalking and doing other stuff while not conscious.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:03:19 PM EDT] <Shiral> But not in the car, I hope, Jerusha. You'll only spill it
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:03:45 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Only at home/cottage as appropriate
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:03:53 PM EDT] <The_Bee> a small consolation, for you, Jemler.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:04:02 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Yes, no driving while intoxicated please.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:04:14 PM EDT] <Jerusha> I did toast the triple crown winner with a tipple
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:04:19 PM EDT] <Shiral> A good thing to avoid over all
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:04:39 PM EDT] <Shiral> drinking while driving, not toasting a triple-crown winner
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:05:02 PM EDT] <Evie> I read that as tipple-crown winner at first
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:05:05 PM EDT] Quit The_Bee (The_Bee@OWIRCN-913ed2ae.ma.comcast.net) has left this server (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client).
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:05:17 PM EDT] <KK> Triple Crown was won this year?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:05:21 PM EDT] <Jemler> tip the crown winner with crown royal?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:05:23 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Yes, horse named Justify.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:05:28 PM EDT] <Shiral> Yes, by Justify
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:05:45 PM EDT] <Shiral> His trainer's trust in him was justified
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:05:46 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Won the triple crown on the 150th anniversary of the Belmont
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:05:48 PM EDT] <KK> Ah, I'd read about him before the third race. Good on him!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:06:04 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I still think it's hilarious to watch the footage of Secretariat, though.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:06:11 PM EDT] <KK> He was a bit older than the other horses, as I recall.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:06:19 PM EDT] <DesertRose> The race is over and he's like, "Okay, nice warm-up, when do we actually race?"
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:06:28 PM EDT] Join Bee (Bee@OWIRCN-913ed2ae.ma.comcast.net) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:06:29 PM EDT] <Shiral> So would they have horse racing in Gwynedd?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:06:33 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Rehi Bee
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:06:53 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Yes, but without the fancy riding wear
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:06:54 PM EDT] <Shiral> I didn't know he was an older colt.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:06:56 PM EDT] <KK> I'm sure there have always been horse races, for as long as people have been riding horses.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:07:01 PM EDT] <Bee> What happened? My screen went black.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:07:10 PM EDT] <Shiral> You disappeared
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:07:11 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Loris
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:07:12 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Not sure. It said you logged out.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:07:16 PM EDT] <Jemler> dr, are you goung to edit the gibberish out of the log?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:07:19 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Yes
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:07:26 PM EDT] <DesertRose> It
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:07:32 PM EDT] <KK> Lots of gibberish this week.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:07:42 PM EDT] <Jemler> that would take a lot of space.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:07:45 PM EDT] <DesertRose> It'll just tie up a bunch of space in the post, and the forum doesn't allow but so much data in any one post.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:07:57 PM EDT] <Bee> The Belmont second=place horse ws named after a New englanf Patriots football player
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:07:59 PM EDT] <Shiral> And helpful cats
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:08:10 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Which is why when chat runs for a long time, I end up having to make two parts for the chat log.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:08:28 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Cats are always helpful, right?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:08:41 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Especially when it's time to change the bed linens. :)
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:09:00 PM EDT] <Jemler> i can edit out that crazy file if you like.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:09:02 PM EDT] <DesertRose> (It's no big deal to make two posts, BTW.)
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:09:07 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Nah, I got it.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:09:09 PM EDT] <Shiral> Or fold the clean laundry
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:09:16 PM EDT] <Bee> Melantha ruined three of my sssheets.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:09:24 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Oh dear
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:09:59 PM EDT] <Bee> I was trying to make the bed. She pounced.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:10:02 PM EDT] <Jemler> well, i'm off. until next week.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:10:03 PM EDT] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:10:12 PM EDT] <Shiral> Night, Jemler. Good luck
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:10:14 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Night Jemler, good luck tomorrow
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:10:18 PM EDT] <DesertRose> G'night, Jemler. Best wishes on the procedure tomorrow, and enjoy your Greek food!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:10:21 PM EDT] <Evie> Goodnight, Jemler
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:10:34 PM EDT] <KK> Nighters, Jemler. Be well!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:10:36 PM EDT] <Jemler> nite all
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:10:43 PM EDT] Quit Jemler (~jemler@OWIRCN-54654211.oh.comcast.net) has left this server (Quit: ).
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:10:47 PM EDT] <Bee> nighters, Jemler. Hope the surgery goes well
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:10:51 PM EDT] <KK> Bee, did she shred the sheets?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:10:56 PM EDT] <Bee> oops missed
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:11:12 PM EDT] <Bee> very large holes
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:12:23 PM EDT] <Jerusha> A holistic approach
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:12:45 PM EDT] <Evie> Don't make me fling mackerel at you
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:12:47 PM EDT] <Bee> LOL
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:13:06 PM EDT] <KK> Oh, dear.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:13:09 PM EDT] <Jerusha> The frying pan is ready
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:13:11 PM EDT] <Shiral> Grooooaaaannnn
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:13:38 PM EDT] * Shiral throws a swedish fish candy at Jerusha
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:13:56 PM EDT] * Jerusha goes back for a long one
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:14:28 PM EDT] <Shiral> That's more like a Swedish Alligator!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:14:47 PM EDT] * Jerusha diverts for chocolate
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:15:13 PM EDT] <Evie> Evie aims the mackerel launcher at Jerusha and lets fly the fishy payload
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:15:28 PM EDT] <Evie> I forgot this new version of Icechat didn't have my macros in it. Fixed that. :-d
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:15:31 PM EDT] <Evie> :-D even
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:15:36 PM EDT] * Jerusha ducks under her desk
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:16:11 PM EDT] <Jerusha> where the chocolate stash is hidden
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:16:34 PM EDT] <Evie> Evie perks up. "Did someone mention Duncan McLain?"
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:16:47 PM EDT] <Evie> Now amusing myself by making more macros. :-D
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:16:59 PM EDT] <Shiral> Well, YOU did. =o)
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:17:05 PM EDT] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:17:10 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Is there a chocolate Duncan McLain?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:17:32 PM EDT] <Shiral> Never seen one
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:17:51 PM EDT] <Evie> LOL! Is it bad if the first thought that popped into my head when I saw that was "Would you eat the ears or the tail first?" :-D
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:17:55 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Would make chess interesting to have chocolate pieces, and players get to eat the pieces they take.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:17:59 PM EDT] <DesertRose> LOL!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:18:20 PM EDT] <DesertRose> (I was thinking of a chocolate bishop, which is where the chess comment originated.)
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:18:35 PM EDT] <Evie> I now have a bishop looking at me with both eyebrows fleeing into his hairline
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:18:39 PM EDT] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:18:40 PM EDT] <KK> Uck, Gus ust came in and jumped on my lap--obviously just returned from outside, where it's been raining.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:18:41 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Let me think about that
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:18:55 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Is Gus madder than a wet cat?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:18:56 PM EDT] <Shiral> Hello Gus. Sensible cat, to come in where it's nice and dry
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:19:08 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Nothing is more affectionate than a wet dog or cat
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:19:12 PM EDT] <Evie> Nothing beats a warm, dry Mom, right Gus?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:19:32 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Or was dry Mom
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:19:39 PM EDT] <Shiral> Thank goodness he's not into mud baths, right KK?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:19:48 PM EDT] <KK> It's even better when this happens at night, and he jumps into the bed all wet. And gets under the covers.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:20:03 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Oh, of course, for maximum cat convenience and human annoyance. :)
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:20:03 PM EDT] <Shiral> LOL
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:20:06 PM EDT] <Bee> Yoiks!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:20:07 PM EDT] <KK> No mud. at least it's just clean rainwater.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:20:14 PM EDT] <Evie> Does he have a pet door he goes in and out of by himself?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:20:26 PM EDT] <KK> Yes. Dogs, too.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:20:47 PM EDT] <Evie> Do any surprise guests ever make use of it?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:21:09 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Chessa has been known to do that at my parents' house.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:21:29 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Saunter into the garage and walk in through the cat door.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:21:30 PM EDT] <KK> Otherwise, we'd spend our days and nights being doorknobs for cats and dogs. And at night, when we're asleep....well, let's just say it wouldnt smell pretty.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:22:54 PM EDT] <Evie> We have too much wildlife around here for me to dare put in a pet door, more because I'm worried about what might get in the house than anything else.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:23:25 PM EDT] <KK> No surprise guests here, though that's how we got Sasha. He came in through the dog flap and started eating our csts' food. After a few ties of this, Scott captured him one day and took him off to the vet to have his spark plugs pulled, becore he developed any bad habits, like spraying. Fortunately, he forgave us.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:23:42 PM EDT] <DesertRose> LOL at "spark plugs pulled"!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:23:46 PM EDT] <KK> Rented fingerts tonight.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:24:02 PM EDT] <Evie> If we had a dog, I might consider one. I think there are pet doors now that will only open if the animal trying to get in is wearing a collar that it senses and will open for.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:24:13 PM EDT] <Shiral> I established that my cats would be indoor cats when I moved, here. Dmitri has other ideas. Tatiana is prettty mellow about it.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:24:47 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Carys seems to be pretty mellow about being an indoor cat, but given that she was obviously roughing it for a while before being rescued by the people from whom I adopted her, perhaps she's had enough outdoor adventure for nine lives. :)
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:24:48 PM EDT] <Shiral> As long as the cat-buretor still works. =o)
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:24:50 PM EDT] <KK> Yep. As long as they don't lose their collars, you're in luck. But if they lose it outside, then <they> can't get in, and something might eat them.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:25:26 PM EDT] * DesertRose launches a tuna at Shiral.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:25:36 PM EDT] * Shiral ducks, giggling
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:25:37 PM EDT] <Jerusha> I'll stick with our regular door
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:25:38 PM EDT] <Evie> Luke occasionally makes a mad dash for the great outdoors, but given that we acquired him after he was wandering around lost, well away from any place he could logically have wandered away from, we don't trust him to not get lost again if we let him out
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:25:42 PM EDT] <Bee> Melantha is indoors, except when I'm on the balcony.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:26:14 PM EDT] Join WidowSon (WidowSon@OWIRCN-2101ce8e.fl.comcast.net) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:26:16 PM EDT] <Shiral> Dmitri has made a few breaks for freedom.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:26:23 PM EDT] <Evie> Hi, WidowSon
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:26:26 PM EDT] <Shiral> Hello WidowSon
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:26:29 PM EDT] <Bee> hi Widowson
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:26:35 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Hi WidowSon
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:27:02 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Carys scared me once when I had the windows open; I'd just barely opened them but they swung open on their own wider than I meant them to go, and her fuzzy butt was out on the ledge outside. Fortunately she had the sense and depth perception not to go any farther, but I grabbed her and brought her back in and the windows now stay firmly SHUT.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:27:03 PM EDT] <KK> Hello, WidowSon. Long time no see.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:27:05 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Hi WidowSon
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:27:11 PM EDT] <WidowSon> Hi everyone! Been crazy busy with work so I missed a few weeks. Hope y'all are well!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:27:42 PM EDT] <Shiral> Plugging along, yes
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:27:45 PM EDT] <Evie> Just our usual crazy selves
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:28:04 PM EDT] <Shiral> If you make puns tonight, you might get hit by virtual flying fish
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:28:14 PM EDT] <DesertRose> And that's unusual in what way? :P
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:28:15 PM EDT] <Bee> not misbehaving TOO much
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:28:17 PM EDT] <WidowSon> howdy KK! How are ya?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:28:36 PM EDT] <Shiral> Well, we haven't been flinging the fish around for a while, have we? =o)
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:28:55 PM EDT] <KK> Doing well. And ou?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:29:00 PM EDT] <Shiral> We've all at once remembered it was fun
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:29:08 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Not very e-fish-iant
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:29:10 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Well, hasn't been cause for fish trebuchet use. But in terms of the tradition, it goes back a ways. :D
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:29:15 PM EDT] <Evie> Evie aims the mackerel launcher at Jerusha and lets fly the fishy payload
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:29:21 PM EDT] * DesertRose loads the ballista with a sturgeon.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:29:45 PM EDT] <Jerusha> I do what I can :D
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:30:19 PM EDT] <WidowSon> Doing great! Went to Louisiana for a week to a conference for coastal wetland managers and how crease resiliency to sea level rise! Learned HEAPS!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:30:40 PM EDT] <WidowSon> To increase.....resilience
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:30:48 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Wow
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:31:08 PM EDT] <Evie> :-)
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:31:29 PM EDT] <WidowSon> we got a lot of science to do and hard work ahead.....BUT WE WILL DO IT!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:31:37 PM EDT] * Shiral lobs some sardines at Jerusha
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:31:47 PM EDT] <KK> Sounds great!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:31:57 PM EDT] <DesertRose> That makes me think of that line from The Martian. "I'm going to have to science the [expletive deleted] out of this!"
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:32:03 PM EDT] * Jerusha holds up a fishbowl to make the catch
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:32:07 PM EDT] <WidowSon> YES!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:32:19 PM EDT] <KK> That's a great line.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:32:31 PM EDT] <Bee> If sea level keeps rising, the continentss will get smaller.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:32:32 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I thought it was pretty funny.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:32:42 PM EDT] <DesertRose> (the science line, not sea levels rising)
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:32:47 PM EDT] <WidowSon> also I finished the first chapter of my fantasy book!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:32:53 PM EDT] <Evie> Yay!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:32:56 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Yay!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:32:58 PM EDT] <KK> Sounds like the Mythbusters could have used it, too. I liked that show.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:33:01 PM EDT] <WidowSon> i cant believe I found the time
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:33:06 PM EDT] <Bee> Congrats!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:33:06 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Yay
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:33:13 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I've been re-reading David Eddings' Elenium trilogy.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:33:26 PM EDT] <Evie> I got to meet the Mythbusters when they came to Birmingham, and again met a few when they were at DragonCon
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:33:30 PM EDT] <DesertRose> LOL, KK, yeah, that sounds like something one of the Mythbusters' crew would say.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:33:37 PM EDT] <WidowSon> his stuff is a good read
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:33:48 PM EDT] <DesertRose> "Remember, kids, the difference between science and screwing around is writing it down."
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:33:52 PM EDT] <Evie> I haven't read Eddings in decades, but I liked his books
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:33:53 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Neat, Evie
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:34:08 PM EDT] <KK> I remember when some of the Mythbusters were at Dragoncon. Good programming!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:34:26 PM EDT] <Evie> Somewhere, we've got an autographed photo of them. I think it's in DD's room.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:34:27 PM EDT] <WidowSon> love them
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:34:32 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Alas, I must go and tame the laundry monster. Hope everyone has a good week!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:34:38 PM EDT] <DesertRose> I was put in mind of them by a friend in the SCA who does blacksmithing, and he and his sons made a Lochaber axe, which Sir Bevier in the Elenium and Tamuli used as his weapon of choice, so that was what put me in mind of the series.
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:34:39 PM EDT] <Evie> Bye, Jerusha
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:34:44 PM EDT] <WidowSon> bye Jerusalem!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:34:45 PM EDT] <Jerusha> Nighters everyone!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:34:48 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Okay, go tackle the laundry monster. Later, Jerusha!
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:34:51 PM EDT] <WidowSon> jerusha
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:34:54 PM EDT] <bynw> cya Jerusha
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:34:55 PM EDT] <Bee> I've reaad ssome of his work. Wass the Belgariad Eddings;s?
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:34:58 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Yes
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:35:02 PM EDT] <Bee> bye jerusha
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:35:03 PM EDT] <WidowSon> yup
[Sunday, June 10, 2018] [8:35:06 PM EDT] Quit Jerusha (Mibbit@OWIRCN-7494730d.dsl.bell.ca) has left this server (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)