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KK Chat -- 13 May 2018 (Happy Mother's Day!) Part 2

Started by DesertRose, May 13, 2018, 08:26:12 PM

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[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:09:53 PM EDT] <Laurna> Yep I can see that
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:10:02 PM EDT] <Shiral> He needs a lass with a good sense of humor who can make him laugh, too
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:10:06 PM EDT] <DesertRose> He probably even knows that at some level even in canon.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:10:10 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Yes, that too.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:10:26 PM EDT] <DesertRose> My standard wedding toast includes a wish that the couple have many years together full of love and laughter.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:10:36 PM EDT] <Derynifank> It was supposed to be Bronwyn but auto correct got me again
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:10:43 PM EDT] <JudyWard> That's a good toast.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:10:55 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Because that is, in my not-particularly-experienced opinion, very useful in a marriage. :D
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:10:58 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Good ol' auto correct.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:11:06 PM EDT] <DesertRose> One of my friends calls it "auto-corrupt."
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:11:14 PM EDT] <Laurna> KK, did you ever imagine what Dhugal's wife would be like?
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:11:31 PM EDT] <Jemler> imagime him falling for arilan's neice?
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:11:43 PM EDT] <JudyWard> When people in the dog world have puppies, I always say, "May they all have long, happy lives in good, loving homes.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:11:43 PM EDT] <DesertRose> That'd be some sparks flying, Jemler!
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:11:48 PM EDT] <Laurna> Once Kelson is married to Araxie. Dhugal would be teased to be next
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:12:16 PM EDT] <DesertRose> The first MacArdry McLain and an Arilan lady?! That'd be . . . really interesting!
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:12:19 PM EDT] <Jemler> arilan would have kittens!
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:12:23 PM EDT] <JudyWard> He could marry late like Alaric did.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:12:25 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Quite possibly.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:12:31 PM EDT] <Shiral> Perhaps his Royal brother and Araxie will discreetly help to find Dhugal a fitting bride
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:12:48 PM EDT] <KK> Hadn't thought that far ahead, but yes, he'd be encouraged to take a wife ow that Kelson has done so.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:12:58 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Araxie seems to have a gift for putting the right people together, whether in wedlock or otherwise. :)
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:13:00 PM EDT] <Jemler> does Araxie have a sister?
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:13:10 PM EDT] <JudyWard> He would need a very patient & tolerant lady.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:13:18 PM EDT] <Laurna> They could try but I think Dhugal is to independant to be pushed into something he is not ready for.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:13:19 PM EDT] <Shiral> I'd imagine Duncan would be very aware of the need for more McLains
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:13:23 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Richelle, yes, and she married the one son of Oksana and Jolyon Ramsay, whose given name I cannot recall.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:13:30 PM EDT] <Bee> Back then you either married, died or took religious vows.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:13:35 PM EDT] <Shiral> Brecon
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:13:37 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Thank you!
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:14:00 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Carys says Hi and purrs generally at the chat.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:14:17 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Hi, to Carys.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:14:26 PM EDT] <DesertRose> She's distributing kitty kisses.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:14:32 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Gotta go feed the outdoor cats. BRB
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:14:33 PM EDT] <DesertRose> That, or she thinks my hand needs to be washed.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:14:36 PM EDT] <Shiral> I'd imagine Araxie would find ways to invite interesting young ladies to court, introduce them to Dhugal, and see what happened. I'm sure she's never force him, though
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:15:08 PM EDT] <DesertRose> No, she wouldn't force him, but she seems to have good people instincts, and I think Kelson has sorted that out by the end of KKB, so he'd likely trust her to find someone fitting for Dhugal.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:15:11 PM EDT] <Laurna> And Dhugal would go flying out of court on a swift horse
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:15:16 PM EDT] <Jemler> i wonder if matyas knows someone.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:15:55 PM EDT] <Laurna> There is always the De Courcy clan that no one talks about.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:15:59 PM EDT] <Shiral> I think they'd put their heads together, see that Dhugal had a chance to meet the girl when nobody's honor was pledged or compromised, and see if there was a mutual interest
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:16:09 PM EDT] Quit Derynifank (Derynifank@OWIRCN-dc339139.hr.cox.net) has left this server (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client).
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:16:19 PM EDT] <Shiral> Dhugal certainly doesn't seem to need to be urged to associate or dance with court ladies
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:16:21 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Because it would be important to Kelson the king to ensure the succession of Cassan and Kierney and Transha, and also it would be important to Kelson the human being that his foster-brother be settled happily.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:16:52 PM EDT] <Shiral> Oh definitely. But he and Araxie would also BOTH want Dhugal to be well matched in more than the dynastic sense
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:16:54 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Yes
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:17:16 PM EDT] <DesertRose> What I'm saying is that Kelson would likely trust Araxie's instincts as to which ladies might suit Dhugal.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:17:34 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Because she seems to be really good at getting the right people to associate with one another for various reasons.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:17:57 PM EDT] <Laurna> Or the Pirek-Haldane's seemed to have a few sassy ladies in their clan
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:18:08 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Araxie is a good match for Kelson
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:18:10 PM EDT] <Shiral> Yes. And she might have a better sense of that, since she would know some of the young women personally
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:18:10 PM EDT] <DesertRose> That's actually an excellent trait in a queen, to be a good reader of people.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:18:14 PM EDT] <DesertRose> True.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:18:37 PM EDT] <Shiral> And be able to think whether or not the two would suit each other
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:18:38 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Whether she be a queen consort, as Araxie, or a queen regnant, as Elizabeth II in the real world. :)
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:21:25 PM EDT] <KK> I'll have to work on this. But currently I'm thinking about Killingford.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:21:32 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Probably Queen as the Queen Mother Elizabeth was.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:21:39 PM EDT] <Laurna> Awesome KK
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:21:40 PM EDT] <Shiral> I think she's the sort of woman who would use her power and position very discreetly. Not the sort of woman to bark out orders, but do some very clever maneuvering, so that the people she brought together would have no idea she planned it all
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:21:56 PM EDT] <Shiral> Well, by all means, keep thinking. =o)
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:22:03 PM EDT] <KK> And on that note, I'd better head out. Next week, we can talk about the royal wedding in Windsor, which should be interesting. :-)
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:22:08 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Yes, do please.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:22:12 PM EDT] <Bee> Remind me--who is alive when Killingford happens?
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:22:16 PM EDT] <Laurna> oh fun
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:22:21 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Not head out, think of killingford. <G>
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:22:29 PM EDT] <Shiral> I'm so distressed, my invitation must have been lost in the mail!
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:22:32 PM EDT] <JudyWard> Have a good week!
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:22:35 PM EDT] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:22:36 PM EDT] <Laurna> Every one is alive before Killingofr. Not too many after
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:22:39 PM EDT] <Shiral> Have a good week, KK
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:22:42 PM EDT] <KK> Lots and lots of people, Bee!
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:22:44 PM EDT] <Laurna> Good night KK
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:22:48 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Okay, g'night KK. Early chat next week?
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:22:51 PM EDT] <KK> Nighters, all.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:22:56 PM EDT] <JudyWard> "night!
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:22:58 PM EDT] <DesertRose> Have a good week!
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:23:01 PM EDT] <Bee> good week, KK and thanks for coming
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:23:06 PM EDT] <KK> Yes, early chat.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:23:06 PM EDT] <Shiral> After Killingford, a great many of them are no longer around.
[Sunday, May 13, 2018] [9:23:11 PM EDT] Quit KK has left this server (Quit: CGI:IRC).
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)