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KK Chat -- 26 November 2017

Started by DesertRose, November 26, 2017, 07:27:58 PM

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Nov 26 19:17:57 *   KK has joined
Nov 26 19:17:59 <bynw>   one of my brothers and myself are immune ... but i have friends that will end up in the hospital if they are exposed
Nov 26 19:17:59 <Jerusha>   Now that would be a referral, revanne!
Nov 26 19:18:01 <bynw>   Hiyas KK
Nov 26 19:18:03 <Evie>   Yes, once the steroid is totally out of her system, but she is still on her last day or two,I think, and it has to be clear of her system (and no new allergy symptoms) for a few days first
Nov 26 19:18:07 <The_Bee>   Hi KK
Nov 26 19:18:12 <Evie>   Hi KK
Nov 26 19:18:13 <Revanne>   Hi KK
Nov 26 19:18:19 <Jerusha>   Hi KK
Nov 26 19:18:27 <Derynifank>   Hi KK
Nov 26 19:18:28 <DesertRose>   Hi KK
Nov 26 19:18:34 <DesertRose>   Yeah
Nov 26 19:18:41 <KK>   Hi, all.  I was in the middle of making an online order, and needed to finish it before leaving the site.
Nov 26 19:18:45 <Jemler>   hi kk
Nov 26 19:18:50 <Jerusha>   Tis the season
Nov 26 19:18:55 <DesertRose>   No worries.  We're glad to see you whenever you can make it.  :D
Nov 26 19:19:09 <KK>   Who will end up in hospital if exposed to what?
Nov 26 19:19:14 <bynw>   that's important, gotta love Amazon and other sites
Nov 26 19:19:15 <DesertRose>   Poison ivy.
Nov 26 19:19:19 <bynw>   friends of mine and poison ivy
Nov 26 19:19:23 <bynw>   i'm immune
Nov 26 19:19:29 <Revanne>   Yes, you can't leave an order midway.
Nov 26 19:19:29 <KK>   Ah.  Nasty stuff.
Nov 26 19:19:31 <The_Bee>   on-line christmas shopping?
Nov 26 19:19:31 <Evie>   Yeah, I may do most of my Christmas shopping online just so I won't have to fight the crowds in stores. A lot of the items that I know would go over best aren't really locally available anyway, that I know of
Nov 26 19:19:33 <Jemler>   dr, i was distracted for a few minutes. if you are not 60 or older, you need a rx to get the shingles shot.
Nov 26 19:19:54 <DesertRose>   Well, I'd be asking my primary care doctor about it anyway, and they might be able to administer it in the office.
Nov 26 19:20:00 <KK>   Ah, I got it already--but I ws over 60.
Nov 26 19:20:03 <bynw>   Evie, i did all of it last year online
Nov 26 19:20:08 <DesertRose>   That's been how I get my flu shot for ages.
Nov 26 19:20:12 <Jemler>   i needed an rx.
Nov 26 19:20:18 <DesertRose>   Because some people can handle the flu.  It FLATTENS me.
Nov 26 19:20:21 <Evie>   I often do at least some of my shopping online
Nov 26 19:20:27 <Jerusha>   I've heard that the vaccine is not necessarily that effective
Nov 26 19:20:35 <The_Bee>   an on-line flu shot, DR?
Nov 26 19:20:40 <DesertRose>   Which vaccine, Jerusha? Flu or shingles?
Nov 26 19:20:41 <bynw>   my work gives flu shots every year at no cost
Nov 26 19:20:44 <DesertRose>   No, in my doctor's office, Bee.
Nov 26 19:20:48 <Jerusha>   Shingles
Nov 26 19:20:48 <Revanne>   Lol DR
Nov 26 19:20:52 <Evie>   Mine give free flu shots also
Nov 26 19:21:03 <DesertRose>   Hmm.
Nov 26 19:21:05 <Jemler>   i get mine at the clinic.
Nov 26 19:21:11 <The_Bee>   so does CVS
Nov 26 19:21:17 <DesertRose>   I think my parents got the shingles vaccine but they both had chicken pox as children.
Nov 26 19:21:20 <DesertRose>   And I never did.
Nov 26 19:21:26 <bynw>   Jerusha, do you see the PM (private message) here on your chat window?
Nov 26 19:21:45 *   bynw gives channel operator status to Evie
Nov 26 19:21:46 <Jerusha>   Nope.  Let me check, Bynw
Nov 26 19:21:53 <DesertRose>   It went through my babysitter's bunch of kids, it went through my first grade class and then again in second grade it caught everyone it hadn't already gotten except me.
Nov 26 19:21:56 <Revanne>   Worth a try though DR.
Nov 26 19:22:07 <DesertRose>   And I didn't even get it when DD was a wee one and got it.  Poor miserable little one she was.
Nov 26 19:22:15 <Jemler>   when i was trying to get on the transplant list, the doctors wanted me to get both pneumonia shots and the shinles shot. so i'm set.
Nov 26 19:22:16 <DesertRose>   Worth asking my doc, anyway, Revanne. ;)
Nov 26 19:22:17 <bynw>   Jerusha, you should see my name somewhere, maybe at the top on a tab
Nov 26 19:22:24 <Revanne>   You do not want Shingles.
Nov 26 19:22:29 <DesertRose>   No, so I hear.
Nov 26 19:22:35 <JudyWard>   Back from kitchen duty. Hi, KK,
Nov 26 19:22:42 <KK>   DR, you may have natural immunity, if you didn't get it after all that exposure.
Nov 26 19:22:46 <DesertRose>   I also don't want chicken pox, since I'm now a little over a month from my 42nd birthday.
Nov 26 19:22:55 <The_Bee>   shingles okay for roofs, not for people
Nov 26 19:22:58 <DesertRose>   My maternal grandmother never caught chicken pox either.
Nov 26 19:23:02 <Revanne>   Almost worse than childbirth and at least then you get a baby
Nov 26 19:23:05 <DesertRose>   LOL
Nov 26 19:23:15 <DesertRose>   Sorry.  That just caught me funny, Revanne
Nov 26 19:23:17 <Derynifank>   Dr if you were around that many kids with chicken pox and didn'the get it maybe you are immune
Nov 26 19:23:21 <DesertRose>   I think so.
Nov 26 19:23:39 <Jerusha>   I see it, but I don't know how to respond to it.
Nov 26 19:23:42 <Revanne>   It was meant to DR. I have a warped sense of humour
Nov 26 19:23:51 <KK>   Which should mean that you're immune to shingles too--though I'd check with a doc on that.
Nov 26 19:24:23 <DesertRose>   And my mother's mother didn't catch it as a child and didn't catch it when Mom brought it home from school and infected my uncle, so she was caring for two sick young kids with chicken pox (and she was in her 30's at that point; it would REALLY have sucked to get chicken pox herself at that point!).
Nov 26 19:24:32 <bynw>   shingles and chickenpox is the same virus, generally caused by having chickenpox and then the virus raises its ugly head again and you get shingles
Nov 26 19:24:39 <DesertRose>   Well, I guess I do too, Revanne re: sense of humour.
Nov 26 19:25:14 <DesertRose>   Yup Varicella something or other (the name of the virus)
Nov 26 19:25:33 <bynw>   yeah something like that
Nov 26 19:25:47 <Jerusha>   Stress seems to be a factor it having it come up again as shingles
Nov 26 19:25:54 <DesertRose>   I'll ask my primary care doc about it.  I've got to call his office tomorrow anyway about something else.
Nov 26 19:25:57 <Jerusha>   in, versus it
Nov 26 19:26:02 <Jemler>   you're lucky revanne. they throw fish at me.sometimes i expect luke to try and jump thru to my lap!
Nov 26 19:26:11 <DesertRose>   Prolonged stress isn't good for anyone's health.
Nov 26 19:26:26 <bynw>   nope, it can cause other issues too
Nov 26 19:26:36 <KK>   I remember chickenpox ads being the worst of the childhood diseases.  Measles and mumps were almost nothing.
Nov 26 19:26:38 <Revanne>   Yes the virus lurks around for years and years and waits until 5 weeks before Christmas when I seriously don't need to be off sick!
Nov 26 19:26:39 <Jerusha>   A baby is better than shingles
Nov 26 19:26:56 <bynw>   KK, how was Thanksgiving?
Nov 26 19:26:57 <DesertRose>   Which season is busier, Advent or Lent? :P
Nov 26 19:26:59 <KK>   DR, have they gotten your bedbug situation sorted by now?
Nov 26 19:27:05 <DesertRose>   Not that I believve.
Nov 26 19:27:08 <DesertRose>   -v
Nov 26 19:27:08 <Revanne>   Advent.
Nov 26 19:27:32 <DesertRose>   They keep claiming they have, but I think that's a load of. . .malarkey, to keep it reasonably polite.
Nov 26 19:27:33 <Jerusha>   Not a good time to be ill
Nov 26 19:27:34 <Jemler>   my niece just had a baby this morning.
Nov 26 19:27:51 <Jerusha>   Congrats, Jemler
Nov 26 19:27:54 <The_Bee>   congrats to Jemler's niece
Nov 26 19:27:56 <DesertRose>   I've put in for a transfer to another property, and my grievance hearing is Wednesday morning.
Nov 26 19:28:10 <Revanne>   Congrats
Nov 26 19:28:12 <Jemler>   good luck, dr
Nov 26 19:28:15 <DesertRose>   Yay for being a great-uncle again, Jemler!
Nov 26 19:28:17 <DesertRose>   Thanks.
Nov 26 19:28:21 <KK>   Thanksgiving here was nice and quiet.  Since we couldn't go to our regular haunt, I went to Cracker Barrel and got their takaaway dinner.  It was very good.
Nov 26 19:28:31 <DesertRose>   The transfer just has to wait on a unit to become available.
Nov 26 19:28:33 <JudyWard>   Hope they will make it right for you, DR
Nov 26 19:28:34 <Jemler>   i do that so well.
Nov 26 19:28:43 <The_Bee>   I had dinner at my church.
Nov 26 19:28:53 <Revanne>   Sounds good Bee
Nov 26 19:29:06 <DesertRose>   One of my childhood friends did that this year, KK.  She said Cracker Barrel did a fantastic job of the T'giving takeaway dinner.
Nov 26 19:29:11 <KK>   And meanwhile, the bedbugs multiply in your stuff?!
Nov 26 19:29:12 <The_Bee>   yes.  I help with clean-up.
Nov 26 19:29:18 <Jerusha>   I made chicken cordon blue and wild rice - lots of work but worth it
Nov 26 19:29:19 <Derynifank>   Congratulations  uncle and Dr good luck on your grievance hearing
Nov 26 19:29:22 <JudyWard>   I went to friends' but Lou faked a sore throat & didn't go!
Nov 26 19:29:52 <Revanne>   That sounds yummy Jerusha.
Nov 26 19:29:54 <KK>   What Derynifank said.
Nov 26 19:30:01 <Jerusha>   It was.
Nov 26 19:30:04 <DesertRose>   The Pod-Child did the cooking this year.   She made a ham (nobody in my family really likes turkey) with an amazing maple-brown sugar glaze, rolls, roasted potatoes, and these lovely little individual apple tart things for dessert, and my mom did the green beans.
Nov 26 19:30:13 <Evie>   Yum!
Nov 26 19:30:22 <bynw>   sounds tasty
Nov 26 19:30:23 <Jerusha>   Double yum
Nov 26 19:30:24 <DesertRose>   I had a little bit of ham with the yummy glaze and a baked potato and a roll, plus one of the little apple tarts.  Yum!
Nov 26 19:30:26 <Revanne>   Yum for that too
Nov 26 19:30:32 <JudyWard>   Sounds good, DR
Nov 26 19:30:37 <bynw>   i saw the picture the pod child posted on facebook
Nov 26 19:30:48 <KK>   Cracker Barrel turkey was lovely and moist, ham was delicious, stuffing was great.  All I bought separate was the pumpkin pie.
Nov 26 19:31:01 <bynw>   got to have pumpkin pie
Nov 26 19:31:02 <bynw>   :)
Nov 26 19:31:08 <DesertRose>   I got stuck making the pumpkin pies for YEARS when we still lived in Charleston.
Nov 26 19:31:10 <Jerusha>   We had butter tarts
Nov 26 19:31:16 <Jemler>   my brother brought coconut cream.
Nov 26 19:31:21 <Evie>   MIL didn't do a whole turkey this year, since we've had several years of having to eat turkey leftovers until we're sick of them (and we do like turkey), but she did a turkey breast along with ham and turkey ham. No idea why she threw in the turkey ham. It seems redundant to have both.  :-D
Nov 26 19:31:38 <DesertRose>   One of my aunts is a fantastic cook/baker and is particularly fond of making desserts she can decorate.  It's hard to make pumpkin pie fancy.
Nov 26 19:31:46 <The_Bee>   I brought a peach-praline pie toe thedinner, but it was all gone before I got to dessert. :(
Nov 26 19:31:52 <DesertRose>   So I always wound up making the pumpkin pie and the candied sweet potatoes.
Nov 26 19:31:52 <Jerusha>   For those that can't make up their mind, Evie
Nov 26 19:32:02 <DesertRose>   LOL, Jerusha
Nov 26 19:32:26 <DesertRose>   A turkey breast is really enough unless you're feeding a huge crowd anyway.
Nov 26 19:32:28 <Evie>   LOL, I guess!  Though none of us are all that much into turkey ham unless real ham isn't available, which it was
Nov 26 19:32:34 <Derynifank>   That pie sounds super yummy Bee
Nov 26 19:32:35 <JudyWard>   I'm candied sweet potatoes in our group, DR
Nov 26 19:32:47 <KK>   DR, re your email, I don't remember asking to have whatever it was deleted, so do what you think is best.  I'm grateful for anything that you guys do for me.  :-)
Nov 26 19:32:47 <Evie>   DD's boyfriend: "What IS turkey ham, anyway?"  Me: "Fake ham."
Nov 26 19:33:12 <bynw>   LOL Evie
Nov 26 19:33:13 <Jerusha>   Or fake turkey
Nov 26 19:33:27 <DesertRose>   The Charleston Thanksgiving dinners (family) usually involve one roasted turkey, one fried turkey, and a ham, but that's also feeding my aunt's four siblings, all spouses, in some cases siblings and cousins of spouses, plus assorted descendants.
Nov 26 19:33:32 <DesertRose>   So it's a small army.
Nov 26 19:33:49 <DesertRose>   Okay.  Thanks, KK.
Nov 26 19:34:01 <Jemler>   The South shall Rise again!
Nov 26 19:34:03 <Derynifank>   Wow, quite a crowd
Nov 26 19:34:05 <Jessie>   KK, how goes life and writing?
Nov 26 19:34:11 <JudyWard>   We had 23, I think, at Gala's.
Nov 26 19:34:19 <Jerusha>   Any word on Killingford?
Nov 26 19:34:24 <DesertRose>   Usually whoever hosts is responsible for the turkeys and ham and everyone else brings sides and desserts.
Nov 26 19:34:29 <KK>   I had a text from Cameron and Anna that they were getting ready to deep-fry a turkey at her uncle's.  Haven't heard how it turned out, but I'm not usually a fan of fried things.
Nov 26 19:34:59 <KK>   Don't ask about Killingford.  I'm still swamped with other things.
Nov 26 19:35:00 <Evie>   Fried turkey is yummy, as long as you know how to do it safely
Nov 26 19:35:01 <JudyWard>   Deep fried turkey is gooooood/`
Nov 26 19:35:05 <DesertRose>   Yeah, the family Thanksgivings usually involve 30+ people at minimum.
Nov 26 19:35:14 <DesertRose>   Fried turkey done right is moist and yummy.
Nov 26 19:35:24 <Evie>   Because there's all sorts of way that turkey frying can turn into a "Hey, Bubba, hold mah beer" sort of experience.
Nov 26 19:35:31 <DesertRose>   Uh, yeah.
Nov 26 19:35:40 <DesertRose>   "Hold mah beer and watch 'is."  :P
Nov 26 19:35:45 <JudyWard>   Yes, DR, you're right about that. Easy to over cook.
Nov 26 19:35:47 <bynw>   ROFL
Nov 26 19:35:48 <KK>   I did comment that I hoped they were careful. 
Nov 26 19:36:09 <DesertRose>   The big thing you have to be careful doing is making sure that the turkey is COMPLETELY thawed before you put it in the frying oil.
Nov 26 19:36:18 <KK>   Seems to me that it would be greasy.  But then, that's my beef with most fried things.
Nov 26 19:36:26 <Derynifank>   Fried turkey is good as long as you don'set anything on fire which seems to be a problem
Nov 26 19:36:30 <Jerusha>   Do NOT deep fry a frozen turkey!
Nov 26 19:36:37 <DesertRose>   If it's still partially frozen, it's NOT going to end well.
Nov 26 19:36:38 <KK>   That would be my major concern.
Nov 26 19:36:48 <JudyWard>   Yes, if you put frozen turkey in the pot of oil, call the fire dept
Nov 26 19:36:49 <DesertRose>   It's not greasy, not if it's done right, KK.
Nov 26 19:37:03 <DesertRose>   It just has a nice crispy skin and yummy meat.
Nov 26 19:37:07 <Jerusha>   Small turkey-nuclear explosion
Nov 26 19:37:20 *   bynw pictures in his mind a frozen turkey and deep fry explosion
Nov 26 19:37:22 <DesertRose>   Mmhmm, re: putting frozen turkey in oil and mushroom clouds.
Nov 26 19:37:43 <KK>   I'll take your word for it.  It wouldm't be my first choice, though I would try it if offered at someone else's house.  I'm sure it would taste good.
Nov 26 19:37:47 <Evie>   Anyone remember the Thanksgiving episode of WKRP in Cincinnati?
Nov 26 19:37:55 <bynw>   yes
Nov 26 19:38:03 <DesertRose>   "As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly!"
Nov 26 19:38:05 <bynw>   that is a classic
Nov 26 19:38:07 <Evie>   LOL!
Nov 26 19:38:13 <Revanne>   I've not heard of deep-fried Turkey. Sounds fraught with danger to me :')
Nov 26 19:38:14 <Jerusha>   Oh yeah - I swear, I thought turkeys could fly!
Nov 26 19:38:19 <JudyWard>   Oh, yeah! I do remember that show!!
Nov 26 19:38:21 <Derynifank>   Did they detonate a turkey?
Nov 26 19:38:39 <DesertRose>   Nah, if you know what you're doing, it's great, Revanne.
Nov 26 19:38:52 <DesertRose>   And you live near Scotland, where they'll deep fry candy bars. :P
Nov 26 19:38:56 <Evie>   They attempted to air-drop turkeys on Cincinnati, IIRC, with disastrous results
Nov 26 19:38:56 <JudyWard>   No, dropped them from a plane.
Nov 26 19:38:59 <Jerusha>   They released live turkeys from an airborne helicoptor
Nov 26 19:38:59 <DesertRose>   ("Near" being by US standards.)
Nov 26 19:39:17 <bynw>   if you come to the Iowa State Fair they will deep fry everything
Nov 26 19:39:21 <Jerusha>   It was carnage
Nov 26 19:39:37 <Evie>   On the TV show, it was meant to be a radio station's Thanksgiving surprise for the city...which ended up backfiring in a huge way
Nov 26 19:39:54 <Derynifank>   So does the Texas state faur. They even deep-fry butter!
Nov 26 19:40:00 <JudyWard>   Texas State fair is the same, anything can be fried apparently
Nov 26 19:40:04 <Jerusha>   It was a surprise, all right!
Nov 26 19:40:05 <Revanne>   Lol DR. Scotland is far far away. Well about 5 hours drive. That's far for us.
Nov 26 19:40:20 <bynw>   5 hours is a day trip
Nov 26 19:40:30 <Jerusha>   Five hours is Toronto (in winter)
Nov 26 19:40:50 <The_Bee>   "Near" for me means walking distance.
Nov 26 19:40:56 <Revanne>   5 hours is -oops fallen off the end of the country.
Nov 26 19:40:57 <JudyWard>   Anybody have any snow yet?
Nov 26 19:40:57 <DesertRose>   In the US, 100 years is a long time, and in Europe, 100 miles is a long drive. :P
Nov 26 19:41:12 <Jerusha>   We do, at least 8 inches
Nov 26 19:41:37 <Revanne>   In Scotland, yes Judyward but that's a long way away:-)
Nov 26 19:41:38 <KK>   No hint of snow yet, here in Virginia.
Nov 26 19:42:02 <Jerusha>   It's beginning to look TOO much like Christmas
Nov 26 19:42:03 <JudyWard>   It's so pretty when it falls & so icky 2 days later.
Nov 26 19:42:06 <Revanne>   Brr Jerusha
Nov 26 19:42:14 <Evie>   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEYyBU7FqZ0
Nov 26 19:42:17 <DesertRose>   I remember flying from SC to Arizona (which in and of itself took about three hours, assuming the layover in Atlanta wasn't ridiculous) and then riding in my bio-father's Toyota Land Cruiser (he called it the "Land Crusher") for five hours to get from Phoenix-Sky Harbor airport to my hometown near the AZ-Utah line.
Nov 26 19:42:29 <DesertRose>   Five hours is a nothing drive.  :P
Nov 26 19:42:40 <Evie>   (Link above is to the turkey drop scene on WKRP)
Nov 26 19:43:21 <DesertRose>   And Phoenix is in sort of south-central Arizona.  There's hours of desert between Phoenix and the Mexico border, too.
Nov 26 19:43:22 <JudyWard>   Takes a good 4 1/2 from Austin to Houston, 3 hrs to Dallas from here,.
Nov 26 19:43:23 <The_Bee>   thanks, Evie.  I'll watch later.
Nov 26 19:44:06 <bynw>   no snow here, was 60 today :)
Nov 26 19:44:15 <The_Bee>   My younger sister drives from Caledon, Ontario to Montpelier, Vermont.  How far is that?
Nov 26 19:44:22 <DesertRose>   I always thought "Sky Harbor" was a cool name for an airport.
Nov 26 19:44:27 <Revanne>   It's cold here though - heavy frosts which are rare this early in the winter.
Nov 26 19:44:43 <Jerusha>   I think I saw that Scotland is getting snow.
Nov 26 19:44:46 <Jemler>   it's 35f here.
Nov 26 19:45:01 <Revanne>   Same here Jemler.
Nov 26 19:45:15 <DesertRose>   About 500 miles, Bee, close to 8 hours of driving.
Nov 26 19:45:22 <Jerusha>   We are a little below that
Nov 26 19:45:38 <bynw>   KK, did you get my email on the 21st? Or is it another victim of disappearing emails?
Nov 26 19:45:40 <The_Bee>   TY. DR
Nov 26 19:45:55 <Revanne>   Night time has been about 28.
Nov 26 19:46:15 <Jerusha>   That would be chilly for your area
Nov 26 19:46:45 <DesertRose>   It's been cool here by local standards, recognizing that Floridians are wimps when it comes to cold.
Nov 26 19:46:55 <DesertRose>   But we'll laugh in the face of hurricanes, so. . . :P
Nov 26 19:47:25 <Revanne>   The last time it was this cold in November was 2010 when we got the coldest December for 100 years.
Nov 26 19:47:27 <JudyWard>   Link is hilarious, Evie.
Nov 26 19:47:34 <DesertRose>   That was a cold one for us, too, Revanne.
Nov 26 19:47:41 <Jerusha>   It was a good show
Nov 26 19:47:52 <DesertRose>   I think that might have been the last time I wore my winter jacket.
Nov 26 19:48:09 <DesertRose>   But at least that summer we didn't have plagues of mosquitos.  Silver lining.
Nov 26 19:48:14 <Evie>   I think there might be a longer clip somewhere else on YouTube, because I just watched that one and didn't notice the "As God is my witness" line it it
Nov 26 19:48:15 <Jerusha>   Jerusha looks at all the winter coats in her closet
Nov 26 19:48:18 <Evie>   *in it
Nov 26 19:48:29 <KK>   Bynw, I got it but haven't had a chance to read the attachment.  Stay tuned--maybe tomorrow.
Nov 26 19:48:44 <DesertRose>   I don't even OWN a full-length coat
Nov 26 19:48:55 <bynw>   Ok
Nov 26 19:48:58 <KK>   I own many.  I love them!
Nov 26 19:49:05 <JudyWard>   I own 1 but maybe wear it one or two days a year.
Nov 26 19:49:07 <Jemler>   my favorite wkrp episode, was the one with johnny and venus drinking.
Nov 26 19:49:20 <Jerusha>   There is the chilly weather coat, the "I guess it's cold now" coat, the "OMG I'm going to freeze coat"....
Nov 26 19:49:21 <DesertRose>   The longest "jacket" I have is a crocheted-lace thing that hangs to my knees, but it's not for winter; it's for looking pretty in late autumnn or early spring.
Nov 26 19:49:35 <DesertRose>   And the winter jacket was pretty clearly bought in the 1990's.
Nov 26 19:49:50 <Revanne>   Sounds pretty, DR
Nov 26 19:49:56 <DesertRose>   But I so seldom need a wool jacket that also still looks new, although the tailoring is dated.
Nov 26 19:49:59 <bynw>   winter jackets are really needed in FL most of the time
Nov 26 19:50:06 <DesertRose>   Exactly.
Nov 26 19:50:06 <JudyWard>   Most of the time here you can get by with a light jacket, depending what you have on under it.
Nov 26 19:50:28 <DesertRose>   I won't tell you what Festil said when I was attempting to re-teach myself to knit, regarding the usefulness of knit textiles in Florida.  :P'
Nov 26 19:50:29 <bynw>   come up here during the winter and get some use of that jacket
Nov 26 19:50:30 <DesertRose>   :P
Nov 26 19:50:38 <DesertRose>   Uh, no.  You can keep the cold and snow. :D
Nov 26 19:50:47 <Evie>   We've having a warm season so far, so I've only needed a heavier coat for a few days a week or two ago.  We were back to t-shirt weather today
Nov 26 19:50:50 <Jerusha>   I could send you some.
Nov 26 19:50:52 <bynw>   i dont have any yet it was 60 today
Nov 26 19:51:01 <Evie>   Cool t-shirt weather, but jacket not absolutely needed
Nov 26 19:51:21 <bynw>   i'll take the 60 in late november any day
Nov 26 19:51:27 <Jerusha>   Sweatshirt and coat weather
Nov 26 19:51:28 <DesertRose>   I have a light jacket that I just love.  It's black nylon on one side and cotton flannel in a blue buffalo plaid on the other side.  It's technically reversible, but I usually wear it nylon side out because that sheds rain.
Nov 26 19:51:47 <DesertRose>   It sees a LOT of use, because it's perfect for what passes for winter in Florida.
Nov 26 19:51:56 <JudyWard>   It's 60 something here now.
Nov 26 19:52:04 <bynw>   its 54 right now
Nov 26 19:52:24 <DesertRose>   It's about 59 F/15 C here.
Nov 26 19:52:31 <JudyWard>   and will let you fend off the wind when needed
Nov 26 19:52:51 <bynw>   not much difference between FL and IA right now
Nov 26 19:52:52 <DesertRose>   Yes.  I love that jacket.  Bought it in the men's department at Target a few years ago.
Nov 26 19:53:09 <Derynifank>   We'received doing roller ciadter, 60's one day and 40's the next
Nov 26 19:53:10 <Jerusha>   -2C here
Nov 26 19:53:12 <DesertRose>   It also has a hood, so I can pull up the hood if it's raining and keep my glasses reasonably dry.
Nov 26 19:53:27 <JudyWard>   BRRRRRR! Jerusha.
Nov 26 19:53:27 <The_Bee>   38f here
Nov 26 19:53:36 <JudyWard>   Where are you, J?
Nov 26 19:53:46 <Jerusha>   Northern Ontario, Canada
Nov 26 19:53:52 <DesertRose>   Warm for Iowa, cool for Florida, bynw.
Nov 26 19:54:02 <DesertRose>   At least for the time of year.  :D
Nov 26 19:54:06 <bynw>   -2c is like 28f
Nov 26 19:54:13 <Jerusha>   Not far north, but north enough
Nov 26 19:54:19 <JudyWard>   OK, I bet it is cold & probably gets lower even than that.
Nov 26 19:54:23 <Evie>   28F is still below freezing
Nov 26 19:54:33 <bynw>   freezing is 32f so yes
Nov 26 19:54:43 <DesertRose>   Derynifank, I hate that about Floridian "winter." If it would just pick a temperature and stay there, it'd be fine, but NOOOOO.  It has to be 75 on Monday and 55 on Wednesday.
Nov 26 19:54:44 <Jerusha>   Oh yeah.   The end of January, -28C is not unusual
Nov 26 19:54:48 <Jemler>   the f stands for 'freakin cold'
Nov 26 19:54:52 <DesertRose>   LOL, Jemler
Nov 26 19:54:57 <Revanne>   Snuggles further under duvet at the thought,
Nov 26 19:55:13 <JudyWard>   Same in TX, roller coaster weather all winter
Nov 26 19:55:14 <DesertRose>   So the "C" is just "Cold?"  :P
Nov 26 19:55:30 <Jerusha>   @#$ cold
Nov 26 19:55:42 <DesertRose>   [Expletive deleted] cold and snow.
Nov 26 19:55:49 <DesertRose>   Not my jam, not at all!
Nov 26 19:55:58 <DesertRose>   I do not like it, Sam-I-Am.
Nov 26 19:56:08 <Revanne>   How do the puppies cope in the cold, Jerusha?
Nov 26 19:56:10 <JudyWard>   Not mine either. I like our weather here
Nov 26 19:56:29 <DesertRose>   Some dogs think snow is a fun play-land.
Nov 26 19:56:34 <bynw>   i used to have friends in winnipeg that tried to invite me up during the holiday months. i said wasn't going to canada during the winter
Nov 26 19:56:39 <Jerusha>   When I retire, I hope to winter in Florida
Nov 26 19:57:05 *   Jessie has quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
Nov 26 19:57:11 <DesertRose>   Whereas here's a cat's opinion:  https://i.imgur.com/iRpdUxf.png
Nov 26 19:57:38 <DesertRose>   Come on down, Jerusha!
Nov 26 19:57:40 <Jerusha>   I totally agree, DR
Nov 26 19:57:44 <bynw>   that's about right DesertRose
Nov 26 19:57:54 <Jerusha>   16 months and counting....
Nov 26 19:58:07 <DesertRose>   Normally we make snarky remarks about snowbirds, but Derynifanatic64 and I will make an exception for a fellow Castle denizen!  :D
Nov 26 19:58:20 <Jerusha>   My heartfelt thanks!
Nov 26 19:58:23 <DesertRose>   (DF64 lives in the Orlando metro area.)
Nov 26 19:58:35 <Jerusha>   I hope to be in Melbourne
Nov 26 19:58:47 <DesertRose>   Oh, you aren't playing!  You want to go SOUTH!
Nov 26 19:58:54 <bynw>   my cousin hopes to be moving back to Fort Lauderdale soon
Nov 26 19:59:46 <DesertRose>   Oh, never mind.  I was thinking Melbourne was farther down the coast than it actually is.
Nov 26 19:59:51 <DesertRose>   It's almost Space Coast.
Nov 26 19:59:57 <Jerusha>   Yep.
Nov 26 20:00:13 <Revanne>   Brain zoning out but it is 1am so will say goodnight.
Nov 26 20:00:21 <Evie>   Goodnight, revanne!
Nov 26 20:00:23 <DesertRose>   Well, coming from Ontario, you'd likely take I-95, so if you swing through Jacksonville, hit me up!
Nov 26 20:00:26 <DesertRose>   G'night, Revanne
Nov 26 20:00:32 <bynw>   night Revanne
Nov 26 20:00:33 <Jerusha>   Nighters, revanne!  Hope you feel better soon
Nov 26 20:00:37 <DesertRose>   I-95 runs right through Jax.
Nov 26 20:00:38 <The_Bee>   nighters, Revanne. I hope you defeat the shingles.
Nov 26 20:00:41 <JudyWard>   Good night, Revanne
Nov 26 20:00:50 <DesertRose>   Yes, may the pain meds work and be nice to the rest of you!
Nov 26 20:00:52 <Jerusha>   I'll keep that in mind, DR.
Nov 26 20:01:02 <Revanne>   THanks
Nov 26 20:01:03 <JudyWard>   I need to go, too. Have to go to the drugstore.
Nov 26 20:01:06 <KK>   Oh, boo.  Revanne has shingles?  Heal!
Nov 26 20:01:10 *   Revanne has quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
Nov 26 20:01:11 <DesertRose>   Okay, g'night too you, JudyWard.
Nov 26 20:01:15 <The_Bee>   bye Judy
Nov 26 20:01:16 <DesertRose>   *to you too
Nov 26 20:01:19 <Jerusha>   Nighters, JudyWard
Nov 26 20:01:22 <JudyWard>   Everyone have a great week & TTYL.
Nov 26 20:01:24 <KK>   Night, Judy.
Nov 26 20:01:25 <DesertRose>   Holy cats. I cannot type for my immortal soul today.
Nov 26 20:01:28 <Evie>   Goodnight, Judy
Nov 26 20:01:48 <JudyWard>   Thanks for fun chat.
Nov 26 20:01:55 <Evie>   Speaking of Healers, I entered a sewing challenge on my doll forum with my 1:6 "Healer scrubs" and Alicia's lab coat
Nov 26 20:01:57 *   JudyWard has quit (Quit: CGI:IRC)
Nov 26 20:02:03 <DesertRose>   Cool, Evie
Nov 26 20:02:08 <Jerusha>   Nice, Evei
Nov 26 20:02:10 <Evie>   https://flic.kr/p/21Na3u2
Nov 26 20:02:12 <Jerusha>   Or Evie
Nov 26 20:02:27 <The_Bee>   Cool, Evie.  How did you do?
Nov 26 20:02:31 <Evie>   Someone on the board noticed the Healer's badge and pointed it out as a nice touch
Nov 26 20:03:02 <Evie>   It's not really a challenge for prizes or anything like that. It's more for motivating each other to stretch our wings with creating new projects
Nov 26 20:03:11 <bynw>   looks good Evie
Nov 26 20:03:24 <bynw>   they should have a project runnway for littles
Nov 26 20:03:28 <Evie>   There have been occasional challenges with small prizes, but mostly it's for the fun of it
Nov 26 20:03:49 <Jerusha>   Sometimes prizes take the fun out of it
Nov 26 20:03:57 <DesertRose>   https://i0.wp.com/lolzombie.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/9f93d5163362f226f2c80861078cc774.jpg?resize=500%2C333&ssl=1
Nov 26 20:04:01 <DesertRose>   Just for funsies.
Nov 26 20:04:03 <KK>   Very nice.  And the bathroom turned out well, too.
Nov 26 20:04:13 <Evie>   But there is someone on that board who has become so intrigued with the Mini-Deryni that she asked me for a reading list, so hopefully we'll get a new reader on board.  :-)
Nov 26 20:04:18 <DesertRose>   Oh awesome!
Nov 26 20:04:41 <bynw>   that reminds me
Nov 26 20:04:44 <DesertRose>   I got a chance to promote the chat and forum on Facebook about ten days ago.
Nov 26 20:04:45 <Evie>   Did I show the pictures since I put up the artwork in the bathroom? I can't remember what I've posted here. I have new artwork up in the living room now.
Nov 26 20:04:45 <KK>   I like the lab glasses, too.
Nov 26 20:05:01 <Evie>   The microscope and lab glasses came with Scientist Barbie
Nov 26 20:05:16 <Evie>   I found her on sale and snapped her up, because I already had this scene in mind
Nov 26 20:05:27 <DesertRose>   Someone I know through SCA circles (whom I think you've met, KK) posted an icon of Saint Camber on 14 November, so I commented and started promoting to all and sundry. :D
Nov 26 20:05:33 <The_Bee>   What the lacy-looking cylinder?
Nov 26 20:05:35 <bynw>   KK, my brother-in-law teaches english at a highschool in the Omaha area. he was talking at Thanksgiving about needing fantasy books for summer reading. i gave him the entire Deryni list :)
Nov 26 20:05:54 <Evie>   Some sort of unspecified futuristic lab equipment, Bee.  Actually, it's a napkin ring. :-d
Nov 26 20:05:55 <Evie>   :-D
Nov 26 20:06:00 <KK>   Excellent, Bynw.  THank you!
Nov 26 20:06:11 <KK>   DR, who from SCA?
Nov 26 20:06:12 <Evie>   I use the napkin ring as a lamp shade
Nov 26 20:06:14 <The_Bee>   :)
Nov 26 20:06:15 <DesertRose>   (To Facebook)
Nov 26 20:06:24 <DesertRose>   [name deleted for confidentiality~DR]
Nov 26 20:06:30 <KK>   OK.
Nov 26 20:06:32 <DesertRose>   I don't know his persona surname.
Nov 26 20:06:47 <DesertRose>   But he said that he took over an office from you back in the day.
Nov 26 20:06:57 <KK>   I was going to say.
Nov 26 20:07:36 <DesertRose>   Since that's a fairly common surname and a very common given name, you can find him on my friends list if you're so inclined.
Nov 26 20:07:54 <DesertRose>   Heck, he and I might even be kin, because "[name deleted for confidentiality~DR]" is a possible variant on my mother's maiden name.
Nov 26 20:09:06 <Evie>   My nearly completed retro kitchen with an equally retro apron:  https://www.flickr.com/gp/9573389@N08/26QW37
Nov 26 20:09:36 <Jerusha>   Flamingoes!
Nov 26 20:10:23 <Jerusha>   (maybe there is no "e")
Nov 26 20:10:27 <Evie>   Yeah, I've had a weakness for flamingoes ever since that Halloween I dressed up as one
Nov 26 20:10:38 <DesertRose>   Very 1950's in Miami, Evie.  ;)
Nov 26 20:10:40 <Jerusha>   You are my hero
Nov 26 20:10:42 <Evie>   https://www.flickr.com/gp/9573389@N08/P1o2m3  The new painting on the living room wall
Nov 26 20:10:54 <The_Bee>   What were you this year, Evie?
Nov 26 20:10:59 <KK>   I can't tell you how many times I've seen flamingo thingies in catalogs and contemplated sending them to you!
Nov 26 20:11:11 *   KK has quit (Quit: CGI:IRC)
Nov 26 20:11:25 <Evie>   It does have that vibe, doesn't it? Maybe I was subconsciously influenced by my DH's grandparents' home, which looked like a time capsule for the late '50s/early '60s
Nov 26 20:11:32 <DesertRose>   Flamingoes, alligators, and margaritas.  That's Florida in a nutshell.
Nov 26 20:11:36 <DesertRose>   And hurricane parties.
Nov 26 20:11:43 <Evie>   This year I was the Milky Way Galaxy
Nov 26 20:11:43 <DesertRose>   Maybe so, Evie.
Nov 26 20:11:44 <Jerusha>   Sign me up!
Nov 26 20:12:00 <DesertRose>   Alligators aren't much fun, although mostly if you leave them alone they'll leave you alone.
Nov 26 20:12:01 *   KK has joined
Nov 26 20:12:05 <Evie>   Rehi, KK
Nov 26 20:12:11 <Jerusha>   rehi, KK
Nov 26 20:12:20 <The_Bee>   wb kk
Nov 26 20:12:20 <Jerusha>   You can keep the aligator
Nov 26 20:12:24 <KK>   Ack, I must've had too many tabs open and it booted me out.
Nov 26 20:12:28 <DesertRose>   But if you annoy one enough for it to chase you, run in a zig-zag.  They can run remarkably fast for their dimensions but they can't change directions well.
Nov 26 20:12:33 <bynw>   wb KK
Nov 26 20:12:38 <DesertRose>   Rehi KK.
Nov 26 20:12:46 <The_Bee>   any pix of evie as milky way?
Nov 26 20:12:53 <Jerusha>   I will keep that in mind, DR
Nov 26 20:12:53 <Evie>   Let me see if I can find one
Nov 26 20:15:17 <Derynifank>   Need to go niw. Have a good week everyone
Nov 26 20:15:19 <KK>   Was someone chased by an alligator?
Nov 26 20:15:28 <Evie>   Milky Way Galaxy:  https://www.flickr.com/gp/9573389@N08/666XA1
Nov 26 20:15:28 <DesertRose>   One of the most Florida things I've ever seen: https://memegenerator.net/img/instances/51491232/oh-thank-god-its-just-an-alligator-i-thought-it-was-a-jehovah-witness-.jpg
Nov 26 20:15:34 <DesertRose>   G'night, Derynifank
Nov 26 20:15:44 <The_Bee>   bye, dfk
Nov 26 20:15:53 <bynw>   night Derynifank
Nov 26 20:16:07 <Evie>   Gigi is here making biscuits on my tummy
Nov 26 20:16:13 <DesertRose>   Hi Gigi!
Nov 26 20:16:43 <The_Bee>   Hi Gigi
Nov 26 20:16:43 <DesertRose>   No, KK, I was talking about how flamingos, alligators, margaritas, and hurricane parties are Florida in a nutshell, and then I went off on a tangent about alligators.
Nov 26 20:17:02 <Jerusha>   Night DerynifanK
Nov 26 20:17:13 <DesertRose>   But seriously, if one gets angry enough to chase you, don't run in a straight line unless you're Usain Bolt.
Nov 26 20:17:46 *   Derynifank has quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
Nov 26 20:18:02 <Evie>   Today's painting, which may be a Christmas gift for my DD, since she loves galaxy art:  https://www.flickr.com/gp/9573389@N08/7142Rq
Nov 26 20:18:04 <The_Bee>   Evie, you make a lovely galaxy
Nov 26 20:18:12 <Evie>   Thank you!
Nov 26 20:18:26 <Jerusha>   Very nice, Evie
Nov 26 20:18:29 <Evie>   That was my first attempt at one, so I'm glad it turned out well.
Nov 26 20:18:43 <Evie>   Oh wait, you mean the costume?  LOL!  :-D  Thank you. 
Nov 26 20:19:00 <Jerusha>   Both!
Nov 26 20:19:04 <bynw>   Evie you have a lot of artistic talent
Nov 26 20:19:27 <KK>   Well, I need to get going, too.  Next week at 5PM.
Nov 26 20:19:36 <bynw>   have a good night KK
Nov 26 20:19:38 <KK>   Evie, you are a woman of many talents.
Nov 26 20:19:40 <Evie>   Becoming a Mini-Deryni addict tends to broaden one's arts/crafts range.  :-D
Nov 26 20:19:41 <Jerusha>   Nighers, KK
Nov 26 20:19:47 <DesertRose>   Okay.  Have a good week, KK, and thanks for coming to see us.  See you next week for Early Chat!
Nov 26 20:19:48 <Evie>   I blame KK
Nov 26 20:19:51 <KK>   This is true.
Nov 26 20:20:00 <The_Bee>   good night and good week, KK. thanks for coming
Nov 26 20:20:00 <Jerusha>   This is not a bad thing
Nov 26 20:20:13 <Evie>   If you hadn't created Duncan, I might not have discovered this side of myself. So it's your fault.  ;-)
Nov 26 20:20:22 <KK>   Guilty as charged, Evie. Ya make me proud!
Nov 26 20:20:33 <Evie>   *blushy face*
Nov 26 20:20:33 *   Derynifank (Derynifank@OWIRCN-d082c8e3.hr.cox.net) has joined
Nov 26 20:20:39 <Jerusha>   I should go, too.  Nighers!
Nov 26 20:20:48 <DesertRose>   https://www.facebook.com/arttherapywithoutborders/photos/a.136779423031722.16037.116393301737001/965152470194409/?type=3&theater
Nov 26 20:20:52 <KK>   Off now to concoct something yummy with the letover turkey and gravy.  On rice, I think.  :-)
Nov 26 20:20:59 <The_Bee>   bye jerusha and wb DFK
Nov 26 20:21:06 <DesertRose>   G'night, Jerusha
Nov 26 20:21:15 <Evie>   Duncan is reminding me he did not plan on spending Thanksgiving hols in my craft bag, and says I need to make it up to him tonight with special attention.  :-D
Nov 26 20:21:16 <DesertRose>   Sounds yummy, KK!  :D
Nov 26 20:21:16 <KK>   Nighters, all.
Nov 26 20:21:20 *   Jerusha has quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
Nov 26 20:21:23 <DesertRose>   G'night, KK!
Nov 26 20:21:27 <Evie>   That sounds good
Nov 26 20:21:33 <Jemler>   nite kk
Nov 26 20:21:37 <bynw>   night!
Nov 26 20:21:38 *   KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
Nov 26 20:21:41 <The_Bee>   bye kk
Nov 26 20:21:41 <Evie>   I usually love Thanksgiving leftover sandwiches
Nov 26 20:22:14 *   Derynifank has quit (Quit: http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
Nov 26 20:22:17 *   KK waves
Nov 26 20:22:25 *   KK has quit (Quit: CGI:IRC)
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)