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Adept Abilities & Magic

Started by MidnightBlue, October 30, 2017, 02:09:04 PM

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My first post!

Sorry...I get excited sometimes.


Okay...so I'm currently a backer in the Chill: Undead Kickstarter and the creator mentioned that next year's supplement will be Chill: The Art.  The Art is what psychic (?) abilities are called.  The Chill 3rd Edition RPG game setting is "low (urban) fantasy" enough that I mentioned how great an Adept series setting for Chill 3rd Edition RPG would be.  [Has the Adept series ever had a licensed roleplaying game publication?  I sure think it would fit well in the Chill 3rd Edition RPG line! (Hint, hint!)]

This got me trying to remember all of the abilities that have been unveiled in The Adept series and which characters possessed them.  Unfortunately, It's been a while since I've read the five Adept books...ranging from the early 90's when I was in high school until just after I graduated college in the late 90's when "Death of an Adept" released.  So my memory is spotty.

I know Peregrine Lovat could get visions of the past or future through his art...and Inspector McLeod is a spirit medium.

But for the life of me, I can't really remember what other specific or categorical supernatural feats Sir Adam Sinclair and the rest of the hunters, and the Lodge of the Lynx and other villains, can perform.

I'd love to pull the books out again (do I have them or dad?) and give them another read through, but the time just isn't there right now.  I've also tried to wiki the series and get the character/ability particulars...but there is surprisingly little information out on the web for this series...or my search-fu is weak.

So just a blanket query...does anyone have a fairly good understanding of the psychic/magic abilities used in The Adept series and can you attribute them to the characters that displayed the feat?

If not, I'll understand and just dig into my own research at some point.

Thanks either way!



Welcome to the Forum!  :)

It's been so long since I read any of the Adept novels (I'm far more of an Deryni fan, given my love for the medieval period), I'm not the best person to help with those questions, though there are others on the forum who might have some answers for you. I do know that KK's books The Temple and the Stone and The Temple and the Crown use magic in a different way than the Deryni books do, albeit there is some overlap, and I suspect the Adept books also differ a bit from either of those in how she has developed her psionics/magic system for that particular series, but sadly the Peregrine Lovat example you mention is the only thing that comes to mind anymore.  (Maybe I ought to read those books again!)

I can tell you that there is a Deryni Adventure RPG sourcebook out, though to my knowledge there isn't a licensed Adept publication, and I've pretty much done a search for (and bought) every KK-related book/game/poster it's possible to get my hands on. (Not counting Venture in Vain or the first edition of the Codex Derynianus, since it's next to impossible to obtain a copy of the former and prohibitively expensive to buy the latter when a copy comes up for sale, but the second edition contains more up-to-date information anyway.)

Who is your favorite character in the Adept books? What about the Deryni books, or have you read those? (If not, they have all come back into print in e-book form in the past year or so, and the publisher often runs special one-day or one-week sales which are posted here when they occur.) And have you ever tried your hand at writing Adept fan fiction? I ask that last question because thus far that section of our Fanfic board is woefully blank.  "Lonely forum section ISO nice authors to create new fanfic threads...."   ;D
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


Sir Adam and his mother, Lady Philippa, are both accomplished ceremonial magicians.

Adam at one point in one of the books places himself in a trance state to view the Akashic Records (trying to figure out how to explain that concept; sort of karmic records of everyone's current incarnation plus who they were in previous incarnations); I think it was in context of trying to heal the little girl who'd been psychically attacked and was assumed to be comatose or catatonic or something?  But being able to "browse the library shelves" (as it were) of the Akashic Records requires rather a lot of training and self-discipline.

I haven't read them in a while myself, hence my being fuzzy on the details.  And right now, my living situation is a bit weird, so I don't have my books right at hand either.

But yes, indeed, welcome to the Castle, and if you've written or are of a mind to write any Adept fanfiction, please feel free to cut the ribbon on that section of the forum!  :D
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)



Whoa...whoa there ladies!  Give a guy a chance to get his sea legs first!


Sadly, I've allowed the Real World to atrophy my poor, neglected Creative Writing Minor...and with the holidays upon us and the dreaded Tax Season 2018 looming ahead, it's unlikely I'll be attempting to do any serious writing for a while.  Though I do have a couple of fun creative writing projects on the horizon.  I get to add a character background and stats for an upcoming roleplaying game book due out early next year.  I'm hoping to wrap that up this weekend.  I also have a couple of other roleplaying game related pieces (minor pieces) that might make it into a couple of books yet to be published.  Nothing major, but is letting me keep a toe in the waters of both my gaming interests and my writing interests amidst all the numbers I get buried under in The Job.

And as you both have said, I haven't read The Adept series in far too long and my memory is not what it used to be, so I'd need to re-read the books before I'd feel comfortable adding my spin on the world.  But not out of the question...and you do have me thinking...

To answer another question...no, I'm afraid I've never read the Deryni novels.  (I know, "Burn him...he's a witch!")   :o

Thank you both for the warm welcome, and hopefully I can add something to your wonderful site as the mood strikes.

I definitely need to see about re-reading The Adept series and at least doing my own adaptation for the Chill 3E roleplaying game...until the powers that be can be coaxed into adding The Adept series to a roleplaying game.  Those Chill 3rd Edition Kickstarters have been a Halloween tradition for me over the last few years (and continuing).  Each new Chill product Kickstarter always ends on Halloween.  It's a fun and thematic countdown of the holiday.

So tonight my Halloween traditions continue:

1. Watch "The Univited", my favorite ghost story/mystery.  It's a 1944 black and white movie, based off a novel I never read...but love that movie!  If you haven't seen it, I HIGHLY recommend it.


2. Participate in the close of the Chill: Undead sourcebook Kickstarter (9pm CDT).  Matthew McFarland is such a great RPG writer and seems like a fun guy.  My meager interactions with him have always suggested so at least.  I've got a ton of his books and books he collaborated on.  It's good to see him start his own, small game company (Growling Door Games) and follow his passions.  More than a little envious there, but they say it's never too late.

Thanks for the quick responses and Happy Halloween!



I hear ya about Mundane Life being too chaotic to have time/energy for writing.  Whew.

But note that neither Evie nor I said anything about a specific time.  Just issuing a couple of invitations to post anything you might have already written or something you might write in the future, when you have time to do so.   ;D

And get thee to reading!   :P  (Adept, Deryni, Templar, all of the above. . .  ;) )  Question for you:  Have you ever read Lammas Night?  It's my absolute favorite of KK's non-Deryni books, and right now I'm trying (again) to nag my mom into reading it since she's once again on a WWII history kick.

(Incidentally, since text-based communication sometimes doesn't quite convey tone, I am totally joking with you in the previous two paragraphs.  I can be quite a smart-mouth.)

Again, welcome!  Enjoy the forums, and pop into chat some Sunday if you have time and inclination.  Usual chat time is 7 p.m. (or thereabouts) US Eastern, but on the first Sunday of a month we usually chat two hours earlier to allow fans across the Pond to join in; this month early chat is postponed to the second Sunday due to KK's availability.
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)


If you are free on Sunday evenings and can participate in our Sunday chats with KK (several links to the chatroom can be found on the forum's main page in one of the top sections of the board), you might be able to ask her yourself if she might be willing to allow a game company licensing rights to develop The Adept into a game module.  As DesertRose just stated in her post above, KK won't be available this Sunday, but she is nearly always there, albeit sometimes arriving fashionably late.  :D

In my experience, my writing muse tends to accost me most often during my busier times rather than my free, relaxed moments. I wish she'd stop doing that!  LOL!
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


Quote from: DesertRose on October 31, 2017, 11:14:02 AM
But note that neither Evie nor I said anything about a specific time.  Just issuing a couple of invitations to post anything you might have already written or something you might write in the future, when you have time to do so.   ;D

Nothing currently written, but I'll definitely keep the thought in mind once I've brushed up on the Adept novels.  (Note to self:  I really MUST find out if I have the novels, I think so, or my dad took them.)

Quote from: DesertRose on October 31, 2017, 11:14:02 AM
And get thee to reading!   :P  (Adept, Deryni, Templar, all of the above. . .  ;) )  Question for you:  Have you ever read Lammas Night?  It's my absolute favorite of KK's non-Deryni books, and right now I'm trying (again) to nag my mom into reading it since she's once again on a WWII history kick.

(Incidentally, since text-based communication sometimes doesn't quite convey tone, I am totally joking with you in the previous two paragraphs.  I can be quite a smart-mouth.)

I want to, I want to...promise!   :)

I actually had not heard of "Lammas Night" until browsing through the posts on these forums over the last couple of weeks.  But it sounds like it is a prequel to The Adept series...at least sharing a universe.  So if that is correct, then I'm definitely interested.  Also...WWII...you don't really have to say much more than that...especially when mixed with the occult/supernatural.  (Achtung! Cthulhu is another great property that mixes the events of WWII with things out of space and time that should not be named.)

Sadly, you don't need to tell me about the ease of misunderstandings due to the lack of tone and emotion in electronic communication.  I've had a few surprising responses from friends that I still have no idea how they could have misconstrued...especially if they took into consideration who was "talking".  But you don't need to worry about me.  I do my best to read everything as friendly and fun unless I have reason to think otherwise.

You will probably find that I tend to over-qualify (and over-smiley) my own comments for just such a reason.  I've been burned before.

For my own qualifier - I am a sarcastic wise-acre that means harm to no one.  (Or at least very, very few...and most of them are in politics.)


Thanks to both of you for the invites to the chats.  I'll keep them in mind, though I have trouble making regularly scheduled plans right now (too much going on with work, health, and family...not in that order).  Also, not sure I'll have a lot to contribute until I CAN start digging into the appropriate reading list.

But you both have made me feel very welcome and I'll contribute when I can, for sure!



That's part of why I smiley to death anything I mean as tongue-in-cheek/light-hearted joking, especially with people I don't know well yet.  :)

And yes, Lammas Night certainly shares a universe with the Adept series; I'm not sure it's exactly a prequel, but we learn in one of the Adept books that Lady Philippa knew the main character from Lammas Night at some point.

Chat is very informal in terms of "Show up when/if you can."  We don't require reservations.  :)  Just be prepared for the topics to range all over the map sometimes.  :D
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)


Quote from: DesertRose on October 31, 2017, 03:50:50 PM

Chat is very informal in terms of "Show up when/if you can."  We don't require reservations.  :)  Just be prepared for the topics to range all over the map sometimes.  :D

And Katherine is an animal lover, so you can depend on the chat topic veering towards cats, dogs, or other owners of forum members just as much as (or more than) any on-topic discussions. 

Wait...we don't require reservations? I thought it was "black tie"?  Have I been showing up in formal wear all these years and no one told me?!   :o
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


Quote from: Evie on October 31, 2017, 04:43:49 PM
Wait...we don't require reservations? I thought it was "black tie"?  Have I been showing up in formal wear all these years and no one told me?!   :o

Well, dress how you like, but no, no particular style of attire is required, although please don't tell us if you're in your birthday suit!   :o
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)


Quote from: DesertRose on October 31, 2017, 06:08:04 PM
Quote from: Evie on October 31, 2017, 04:43:49 PM
Wait...we don't require reservations? I thought it was "black tie"?  Have I been showing up in formal wear all these years and no one told me?!   :o

Well, dress how you like, but no, no particular style of attire is required, although please don't tell us if you're in your birthday suit!   :o

Heck...I thought that was the whole point of camera-less chat rooms.  NO PANTS REQUIRED!



Quote from: MidnightBlue on October 31, 2017, 09:42:47 PM
Quote from: DesertRose on October 31, 2017, 06:08:04 PM
Quote from: Evie on October 31, 2017, 04:43:49 PM
Wait...we don't require reservations? I thought it was "black tie"?  Have I been showing up in formal wear all these years and no one told me?!   :o

Well, dress how you like, but no, no particular style of attire is required, although please don't tell us if you're in your birthday suit!   :o

Heck...I thought that was the whole point of camera-less chat rooms.  NO PANTS REQUIRED!


ROFL!  I didn't say you couldn't be dressed (or not) as is comfortable for you.  Just, if you're nakie, we don't need to know.  ;D
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)


Just dropping in from this side of the Pond to say hi Midnightblue, good to have you on board.   I'm not here as often as I might be because I have a stupid work load, but it is a great place to hang out. 
The light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not.


Quote from: Demercia on November 01, 2017, 07:56:43 AM
Just dropping in from this side of the Pond to say hi Midnightblue, good to have you on board.   I'm not here as often as I might be because I have a stupid work load, but it is a great place to hang out.

Thank you for the welcome, and I'm sure my presence here will be equally strained most of the time.  But I like what I'm seeing, that's for sure.



Welcome to the Forum, MidnightBlue.
I fear I am delinquent on the subjects of the Adept series and Lammas Night, as I have not read them yet.  I started to, but got waylaid by research of the Deryni world, and I have not had a chance to go forward with those stories. Any conversation here will be good enticement for me to find the time to read. So please chat away on the subject.

(The last two weeks I have been trying to adapt to this new window's 10 computer and I am wasting a lot of time just trying to move files over and not lose stuff, so I feel a little behind the times.)
May your horses have wings and fly!