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KK Chat - Aug. 26, 2001 (pt. 1)

Started by RainbowDragon, July 08, 2008, 12:24:57 PM

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KK Chat - Aug. 26, 2001, pt. 1

Session Start: Sun Aug 26 2001
[15:45] *** Now talking in #Deryni_Destinations
[15:45] *** Topic is 'Camber's Fireside Chats with Katherine Kurtz'
[15:45] *** Set by DeryniBot on Sat Aug 25 23:31:13
[15:45] -DeryniBot- Just 90 days until the Wedding Celebration of Bynw and Tika, performed by KK and JastaElf.

[16:44] *** KK has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[16:44] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KK
[16:44] <JastaElf> Hi KK!
[16:44] <Kiri`> I"m tired of humid.. i miss california.
[16:44] <Gamgee> Hello KK
[16:44] <Shiral> Welcome, Katherine
[16:44] <virtualbabe> Hi KK
[16:44] <Bynw> Hiyas KK
[16:44] <Kiri`> hi kk!
[16:44] <Garith> hi kk
[16:44] * scribbler sends greetings to KK
[16:44] <Mak> Hi KK
[16:44] <Sedina> Hi Katherine!
[16:44] <hygilac> Hi Katherine
[16:44] <Wrengl>  Hi Katherine
[16:44] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Speak of the tigress...and she appears. :)
[16:44] *** whytcrow has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[16:45] <Sedina> Bynw - seems like all you have to do is mention the phone and she appears.  *g*
[16:45] * scribbler sends greetings to whytcrow
[16:45] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Greetings, Lady Katherine!
[16:45] * Mike BOWS to KK
[16:45] <Shiral> Hello Jen
[16:45] <Wrengl>  Hi whytcrow
[16:45] <KK> Tigress?  Cool!
[16:45] <Sedina> hi whytcrow
[16:45] <whytcrow> hey all -- from me, Rebecca, Emily, and Laura
[16:45] <JastaElf> hi ladies!
[16:45] <Shiral> I guess we'd all better behave if KK is a tigress today.  =o)
[16:45] <hygilac> Hi girls
[16:45] <scribbler> hello ladies....
[16:45] <Bynw> Hiyas Jeniffer... you getting to Dragon*Con next week?
[16:45] <virtualbabe> yes ma'am
[16:45] <whytcrow> hey Jasta, why aren't you here (my house)?
[16:45] <Shiral> Hello all
[16:45] <Sedina> Shiral - is it possible for us to behave?
[16:45] <JastaElf> I'm on weird medication, hon!
[16:45] <KK> Bynw, I was checking my e-mail before coming to the chat room, and then had to look at what you'd sent. That artist knows my cats!
[16:45] <whytcrow> no, no Dragon con for me -- I'm doing Worldcon
[16:45] <Shiral> If we really try, Sedina'
[16:46] <JastaElf> Have to stay close to home.
[16:46] <Bynw> LOL KK
[16:46] <whytcrow> why close to home?
[16:46] <JastaElf> taking meds for a test tomorrow
[16:46] <Shiral> House arrest, WHytcrow
[16:46] <JastaElf> :-)
[16:46] <whytcrow> ah...I understand
[16:46] <Sedina> We'd have to try REALLY hard, Shiral...and even then it might be a hopeless venture
[16:46] <Wrengl>  Oh good Jen, someone besides me from here will be at World Con!
[16:46] * whytcrow laugh at shiral
[16:46] <virtualbabe> EEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[16:46] <Shiral> She SAYS it 's meds, but, well....
[16:46] <KK> Jasta, are you ok?
[16:46] * JastaElf looks about innocently, fairly glowing with sweetness and light.
[16:46] <JastaElf> Oh yes, hon, I'm fine -- just normal tests
[16:46] <scribbler> oooh -- good luck on the test; sending prayers up....
[16:46] <JastaElf> thanks, scribs!
[16:46] <Wrengl>  Are you official at World Con, Jen?
[16:46] <virtualbabe> and good luck woodgies
[16:47] <whytcrow> yep -- worldcon should be fun
[16:47] <whytcrow> what do you mean "official?"
[16:47] <Shiral> Lots of good luck woodgies, Jasta
[16:47] <Sedina> Jasta - I don't know if having to drink mag citrate counts as fine.  My tummy is revolting out of mere sympathy for you
[16:47] <hygilac> oh, we haven't seen woodgies in anwhile
[16:47] <Wrengl>  Do you have a presentation or something?
[16:47] <KK> Jasta.did you get the 2nd draft I sent?
[16:47] <JastaElf> :-) Thanks for the good thoughts!
[16:47] <JastaElf> not the second one, no...
[16:47] <Kelos_al-Hazar> I'm official at Darkover...once i get my letter off in the mails, that is!
[16:47] <whytcrow> i am supposed to run a game, but I might not
[16:47] <Wrengl>  Ah
[16:47] <whytcrow> i'm official at darkover too -- friday, Deryni RPG
[16:48] <Garith> how familiar are you with the system whytcrow?
[16:48] <KK> My first, our second.  I haven't sent a second--and won't, until I get feedback from you on what I sent this AM.
[16:48] <Kiri`> she did?  who's getting married?
[16:48] <Wrengl>  I knew about the game at Darkover but may not be able to do it because of the masquerade
[16:48] <JastaElf> Oh, OK, gotcha
[16:48] <Sedina> Ooo...  Definitely would like to get in on that whytcrow! *g*
[16:48] <JastaElf> Bynw and Teeks
[16:48] <Shiral> Nobody we know, Kiri. <EG>
[16:48] <KK> This is for Bynw and Tika's wedding in November.
[16:48] <Mak> Well, guys, I've got to go.
[16:48] <whytcrow> it shouldn't be during the maskerade...plus, I'll run it again on Sunday if enough folks want it
[16:48] <JastaElf> at a certain Con...
[16:48] <Shiral> Oo,Bye Mak!
[16:48] <Kiri`> oh i thought she'd written a wedding for childe morgan.
[16:48] <Sedina> Bye Mak!
[16:48] <scribbler> take care, Mak -- good to see you....
[16:49] <Wrengl>  cya MAK
[16:49] <JastaElf> Bye Mak, we'll miss you!
[16:49] <Kiri`> bye mak
[16:49] <whytcrow> garith -- which system?
[16:49] <KK> Sometimes I write real ceremonies.
[16:49] <Mike> Bye MAK
[16:49] <Garith> FUDGE
[16:49] <Shiral> Now then, Alaric is WAY too young to get married yet, Kiri!
[16:49] <Mak> Hopefully things will get better here soon- and I'll be back full time!
[16:49] <JastaElf> :-) You mean -- the Deryni stuff isn't REAL???
[16:49] <whytcrow> I am very familiar with Fudge -- been using it for years
[16:49] <Kiri`> well he is.. but there have to be other folks in the story!  =)
[16:49] *** Mak Quit (QUIT: User exited)
[16:49] <hygilac> bye Mak
[16:49] <Shiral> Jasta sweetie, sit down..
[16:49] <KK> Alaric isn't even born yet, in the story I'm telling now.
[16:49] * Sedina drops over in shock at the idea that Deryni stuff isn't real
[16:49] <Kiri`> Jasta Dear...    now take a deep breath.
[16:49] <scribbler> Jasta sounds disappointed -- hoping to meet up with Nigel....
[16:49] <Shiral> And how did the writing go, this week, KK?
[16:50] <JastaElf> well, maybe we'll see his parents get married.
[16:50] <whytcrow> KK, make sure no one gets killed off that would make him not born...we know how you are about killing chars
[16:50] <JastaElf> Or Duncan's,
[16:50] <Shiral> Nigel MIGHT be real, though..
[16:50] <JastaElf> <snrt!>
[16:50] * JastaElf looks up expectantly and asks, "did someone mention Nigel Haldane?"
[16:50] <Kiri`> giggles
[16:50] <Sedina> LOL Jasta
[16:50] * Garith puts Sedina's head up
[16:50] <KK> That would break one of the rules of time travel, to kill off one of Alaric's ancestors so he couldn't be born.
[16:50] <Sedina> You really are having too much fun with the aliases, Jasta. *lol*
[16:50] <Sedina> Thank you Garith
[16:50] * JastaElf thinks we all are having far too much fun with aliases...
[16:50] <whytcrow> Garith, have you looked at Fudge?
[16:50] * Garith reaches for the ice cold water to throw at her to wake her
[16:51] <Garith> i have the basic book why
[16:51] <Shiral> Alaric is too well established as a character to NOT get born after all this time. <G>
[16:51] <Sedina> LOL  Thank Garith...but I think I'll be all right.
[16:51] <JastaElf> KK I have a sartorial question for you.
[16:51] <whytcrow> garith, it's a great system
[16:51] * Kelos_al-Hazar hands KK a tall glass of apple-cinnamon-mint tea
[16:51] <JastaElf> When you write of someone wearing riding leathers, how do you picture those to look?
[16:51] <Garith> a little too much work to make a world for my taste, but yes it is
[16:51] <Sedina> Not only that, Shiral - but there would likely be a revolt if Alaric wasn't actually born.   He's a fave character of far too many people
[16:51] <Shiral> Oh, thank you for asking, Jasta!  I've always wondered, too!
[16:51] * JastaElf wants to make some riding leathers for real... :-)
[16:51] <KK> Yum, Kelos!
[16:52] <whytcrow> hi all, This is Laura
[16:52] * Sedina giggles at Jasta
[16:52] <Shiral> HI Laura
[16:52] <JastaElf> Hi Laura!
[16:52] <Garith> hi laura
[16:52] <Wrengl>  hi Laura
[16:52] <scribbler> Hi Laura!
[16:52] <Mike> Like cowboy chaps!
[16:52] <Sedina> Hi Laura!
[16:52] *** whytcrow is now known as lbarms
[16:52] <Jessie> Katherine:  if someone joins the Michaelines and wishes to be a Priest & Knight -- are separate petitions filed with each -- and does one become a postulant separate within each branch?  And is the separate terms to use for the Religious portion as opposed to the warrior Knight portion?
[16:52] <JastaElf> Nooooo!  Not like chaps, please!!!!  :-)
[16:52] <KK> Riding leathers--leather trews, leather jerkin over a shirt--might be with or without sleeves, depending on weather.
[16:53] <JastaElf> tie-on sleeves maybe?
[16:53] <Shiral> Well, good, I got it pretty well in the Alaric painting then.
[16:53] <hygilac> Hi Laura
[16:53] <lbarms> hi Linda
[16:53] <JastaElf> Hi Laura!
[16:53] <virtualbabe> Think of motorcycle leather, but without the studs
[16:53] <Kiri`> hi laura
[16:53] <scribbler> LOL VB....
[16:53] <Shiral> Why no studs, VB?? <G>
[16:53] <hygilac> David says hi too
[16:53] <Shiral> A few discreet studs might look nice <G>
[16:53] * JastaElf also wishes her caps lock key would fail to work...
[16:54] <KK> Could be tie-on sleeves; practical.  People didn't have as many clothes then.  I was reading something earlier today that said that the King of France and his family only changed clothes three times a year.
[16:54] <JastaElf> :-)
[16:54] <Garith> studded leather armor was around at that time. it would fit
[16:54] <KK> I know, ---eeeeeeew.
[16:54] <lbarms> I am with Whytcrow, Rebecca, and Emily
[16:54] <Sedina> LOl Shiral...  You and studs. *giggles*
[16:54] <virtualbabe> and bathed once
[16:54] <JastaElf> euwww... three times a year??? ick!
[16:54] <lbarms> why so often
[16:54] <JastaElf> LOL!
[16:54] <Shiral> Writing about the middle ages and actually living them are two different things!
[16:54] <Mike> HORRORS!
[16:54] * Kelos_al-Hazar shudders at the concept
[16:54] * scribbler knows they had a lot of studs in those days....like Nigel.....
[16:54] <virtualbabe> Wore a loooooooooot of perfume
[16:54] <Garith> it was before mass production, you have to remember
[16:54] <Shiral> Perhaps Gwynedd was a VERY clean country, then!
[16:55] <Bynw> it was nasty then .... you didnt take a bath .. you would catch cold and die .....
[16:55] <Sedina> Oh my...3 outfits.  Those clothes must have been able to stand on their own
[16:55] <JastaElf> :-) LOL, scribs!
[16:55] <KK> Could well be metal studs on the body of the tunic.
[16:55] <JastaElf> Gwynedd IS a clean country.  :-)
[16:55] <Mike> No bubble baths???
[16:55] * JastaElf is gonna make riding leathers for Darkover...
[16:55] <Shiral> They vacuum it yearly, Jasta
[16:55] <JastaElf> :-) Yup!
[16:55] <Shiral> COOl, Jasta!
[16:55] <Sedina> scribbler - LOL  That's kind of what I was thinking of when Shiral mentioned the studs.  *giggles*
[16:55] <lbarms> Emily wants to know why the Fonz comes to mind
[16:55] <JastaElf> me too...  :-)
[16:55] <KK> Studs like Nigel, eh?  Yeah....!
[16:55] <Shiral> KK, Does Matyas's wife have a name?
[16:56] <JastaElf> Oh definitely studs like Nigel!
[16:56] <Shiral> Absolutely!
[16:56] <lbarms> was Nigal really a stud?
[16:56] <Wrengl>  You are going to be busy sewing, arn't you, Jasta?
[16:56] <KK> Picture some of the outfits in El Cid.
[16:56] <JastaElf> Yes, Mrs. Matyas.  :-)
[16:56] <Shiral> Look at all the kids he had!
[16:56] <JastaElf> El Cid, which edition?
[16:56] * Wrengl Corgula says don't forget about his uniform!
[16:56] <hygilac> so Jasta would have us believe, Laura
[16:56] <Kelos_al-Hazar> I just got hit by another copy of Sircam...sent the sender a nice e-mail requesting he get some assistance, and even sent him the link to the Sircam removal tool.
[16:56] <JastaElf> The Heston movie?
[16:56] * Mike introduces a new concept to Gwynedd.... studs -n- suds.
[16:56] <KK> The Charleton Heston one.  Is there another?
[16:56] <Kiri`> jasta sews?    *looks over to jasta*   oh jasta *GRIN*
[16:57] * JastaElf would never forget the Herr Rittmeister Freiherr von Corgthofen's uniform
[16:57] <Sedina> All those cold nights?  *lol*  I don't think that I would have minded staying warm by cuddling up with someone like Nigel.  *waits for Jasta to hurt her for that comment*
[16:57] <JastaElf> :-) Jasta sews WAY too often, yes...
[16:57] * Wrengl Corgula says thanks!
[16:57] * JastaElf looks up expectantly and asks, "did someone mention Nigel Haldane?"
[16:57] <JastaElf> :-) I would never hurt you, Shiral.
[16:57] <Shiral> Besides Mrs. Matyas, does this lady have a Christian name that you know of, KK?
[16:57] <Shiral> Why would you hurt me, Jasta???
[16:58] <Sedina> uh-oh...Shiral, I think we need our name clarifiers again. *lol*
[16:58] <JastaElf> Oh wait, that was Sedina, sorry!  :-)
[16:58] <scribbler> Uh-oh, we're confusing Sedina and Shiral again....
[16:58] <Sedina> LOL Jasta
[16:58] * JastaElf smacks herself in the forehead
[16:58] *** Kiri` is now known as Anti-Kiri
[16:58] *** Sedina is now known as non-Shiral
[16:58] <JastaElf> :-)
[16:58] *** Shiral is now known as Un-Sedina
[16:58] <Jessie> Katherine:  if someone joins the Michaelines and wishes to be a Priest & Knight -- are separate petitions filed with each -- and does one become a postulant separate within each branch?  And is the separate terms to use for the Religious portion as opposed to the warrior Knight portion?
[16:58] <Un-Sedina> Oh wait,
[16:58] *** Un-Sedina is now known as Shiral
[16:58] <non-Shiral> LOL  Oh great...now we'll really confuse people Shiral. *l*
[16:58] <scribbler> Kiri and Anti-Kiri? Is that like matter and anti-matter?
Will you explode if you get near each other?
[16:58] <KK> Ophelie du Joux.
[16:58] <hygilac> Kk can you tell we have already been here a while :-) ?
[16:58] <Anti-Kiri> welll in that case
[16:59] *** non-Shiral is now known as Sedina
[16:59] *** Anti-Kiri is now known as Shiral``
[16:59] <Shiral> Thank you, KK
[16:59] <Shiral> <G>
[16:59] <lbarms> That's right Jessie, keep us on task ! :-)
[16:59] <JastaElf> Yes, KK, we were discussing Michaeline professions viz Jebediah...
[16:59] *** Shiral`` is now known as Kiri`
[16:59] <lbarms> cool name, KK
[16:59] <Bynw> leave it to Jessie to make sure we stay on track
[16:59] * Sedina watches Jessie drag out the whip to make certain we don't stray too far off course
[16:59] <Shiral> Hunh???
[16:59] <KK> Michaeline knights would be secularly knighted before joining the Michaelines, as Templars were.
[16:59] <JastaElf> If a young man has a vocation as a knight AND a brother AND a priest, what's the process?
[16:59] <scribbler> Scorecards -- get your scorecards! Can't tell the players without a scorecard!
[16:59] <Kiri`> that's a nice name KK
[17:00] * Sedina giggles at scribbler
[17:00] <scribbler> We have a one-track mind -- and it's often derailed....
[17:00] <KK> Michaeline priests would probably join first, then go to seminary.
[17:00] * Wrengl takes a scorecard, with thanks
[17:00] * hygilac will take a scorecard
[17:00] <Mike> Any more news about the rainbow nuns, KK?
[17:00] <Sedina> scribbler - it tends to spend more time off the rails than on it
[17:00] <JastaElf> join after being knighted?
[17:00] <Jessie> which means they can't join until after they are 18?
[17:00] <KK> Jasta, he'd be knighted before joining, then the Michaelines would see to his seminary training.
[17:00] * Shiral is very grateful for a scorecard
[17:00] * Garith doesnt need a scorecard. it would probably just confuse him more
[17:01] * virtualbabe perks up her ears at the mention of rainbows
[17:01] <JastaElf> Ohhh... ok
[17:01] <lbarms> Jen says he would be checked for Multiple personalities
[17:01] <KK> Exactly, Jessie.
[17:01] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Sounds like their allegience would be seriously divided...
[17:01] *** Garith is now known as Illusionist
[17:01] * Sedina giggles at Laura
[17:01] <lbarms> Jen also says someone should tell him to make up his mind
[17:01] <JastaElf> A medieval person wouldn't have thought so, Kelos.  God outranks kings.  :-)
[17:01] <KK> How divided, Kelos?
[17:01] <Mike> KK, any more news of the rainbow nuns?
[17:01] <Jessie> so -- what if someone's vocation was apparent -- before they were old enough to be knighted?
[17:01] <scribbler> Wasn't there a member of the 3 Musketeers who was a priest as well as a Musketeer?
[17:01] *** Illusionist is now known as Garith
[17:02] <Kiri`> Aramis.
[17:02] <Kiri`> i think
[17:02] <Sedina> aramis
[17:02] <JastaElf> Aramis was a seminarian
[17:02] <KK> Yes, Scribbler.
[17:02] <JastaElf> he got priested between movies.  LOL!
[17:02] <Garith> dint he end up as a bishop
[17:02] <Sedina> LOL Jasta
[17:02] <KK> Jessie, they'd have to wait for actual reception until they were the right age and had fulfilled whatever other requirements.
[17:02] <scribbler> thought so -- I remembered that from watching the movie a short while ago....
[17:02] <Shiral> KK, what color habits did the sisters of St. Dympha's wear?
[17:02] <Kelos_al-Hazar> He would owe allegience to both the Order and the King...sounds like a conflict to me.
[17:02] <JastaElf> OK, so a young Michaeline would have become a postulant but not become a novice til 18 and knighted?
[17:02] <Sedina> iirc, Aramis actually is a seminarian in the book as well
[17:03] <KK> We were watching one of the 3 Musketeers versions just this afternoon.
[17:03] <Sedina> Which version, KK?
[17:03] <Kelos_al-Hazar> There were originally 16 or so books in the Musketeers series, but only about 5 survive to this day...
[17:03] <KK> He might possibly become some kind of postulant after the age of 14, but couldn't make any binding vows until he turned 18.
[17:04] <JastaElf> that would've been the law anyway...
[17:04] <Kelos_al-Hazar> The Three Muskeeters, Man in the Iron Mask are two of them.
[17:04] <KK> The Gene Kelley version.
[17:04] <Gamgee> Any web authors out there might want to check out www.scumware.com to get a couple javascript programs that will stop TopText from changing your pages without your permission.
[17:04] * Shiral has a vision of a dancing Musketeer....
[17:04] <Sedina> Kelos - the Dumas book is so different than the story that we usually thing of when we thing 3 Muskateers these days
[17:04] *** lbarms is now known as Yo
[17:04] <Garith> i always like Alexander Dumb-Ass
[17:04] <Yo> ajhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[17:04] <Sedina> Ohh...that's a good version of the story, KK.  *g*
[17:05] <Yo> stupid computer
[17:05] <Kiri`> what is top text?
[17:05] * hygilac is with shiral--a dancing muskateer with a parasol. . .
[17:05] *** Yo is now known as jenshouse
[17:05] <JastaElf> LOL!!!
[17:05] <jenshouse> yeah!!
[17:05] <scribbler> never saw that one -- I'm most familiar with the one with Charlie Sheen as the Aramis character and Tim Curry as Richlieu....
[17:05] <Gamgee> Dumas!  Also a LOT better than the last few 3 Muskateers
[17:05] * Sedina smacks Garith with a monkfish for that comment
[17:05] <Shiral> "Just FIGHTING in the rain, I'm fighting in the rain..."
[17:05] <JastaElf> I liked the Oliver Reed/M<ichael York/Richard Chamberlain version...
[17:05] <Sedina> LOL Linda!
[17:05] <hygilac> yes
[17:05] <Shiral> I did too, Jasta
[17:06] <JastaElf> LOVED Reed as Athos.  What superb casting...
[17:06] <Garith> i got it from the Shawshank Redemption. been using it ever since
[17:06] <Shiral> Been years since I've seen it, though
[17:06] <virtualbabe> I'm afraid Tim Curry will forever be Frank N furter to many.
[17:06] * Sedina has always liked Gene Kelley movies
[17:06] * JastaElf loved Gene Kelley....
[17:06] <JastaElf> and still do, for that matter
[17:06] <KK> Vincent Price as Richelieu.
[17:06] <JastaElf> Oh baby...  :-)
[17:06] <Gamgee> kiri: it's a browser plug in that searches web sites that you are viewing and changes the keywords into links that the author of the site has no control over.
[17:06] <Sedina> And such a good Richelieu at that, KK
[17:06] <JastaElf> dream cast for 3 Musketeers....
[17:07] * scribbler makes a note to DEFINITELY rent that version if possible....
[17:07] <Sedina> Vincent Price was always good at being the bad guy
[17:07] <hygilac> oh, no, not the casting thread again!
[17:07] <Kiri`> yikes.. will go over and grab that.  thanks gamgee.
[17:07] <scribbler> Vincent Price -- deliciously evil...
[17:07] <Jessie> Katherine:  what happened in Childe Morgan this week -- anything new?
[17:07] * hygilac hides behind her copy of TV guide
[17:07] <JastaElf> anyone dead yet?  :-)
[17:07] <Shiral> Jessie's busily bringing us back to the topic at hand
[17:07] <Wrengl>  JASTA!
[17:07] <JastaElf> :-)
[17:07] <Sedina> scribbler - I think that it's the voice that really does it.  Adds a lot to the "bad" guy deal
[17:07] <jenshouse> good girl, Jessie, steer us back on course
[17:07] <KK> Not much.  There was too much else going on--and my desk area had reached critical mass.  When that happens, ya gotta drop tools and put things away.
[17:07] * JastaElf hangs her head and blushes...
[17:08] <Gamgee> kiri: as far as I know, toptext only works with Internet Explorer....  but, that will change with time
[17:08] <jenshouse> gosh it's hard to type standing up
[17:08] <Shiral> I'm glad I wasn't the one to ask this time
[17:08] <Sedina> Oh...  *lol*  Jessie wielding the topic whip again.  *lol*
[17:08] <jenshouse> I make so many errerores I can't get in before any body
[17:08] <scribbler> sounds like my apartment, KK...
[17:08] <jenshouse> CACK
[17:08] <Sedina> cack?
[17:08] <KK> Well, I'm ready to buckle back down tomorrow.
[17:08] <jenshouse> It's hard to type standing up
[17:08] * JastaElf thinks Jen's party has reached critical mass... LOL!
[17:08] <Shiral> Jen's hen house maybe?
[17:08] <Sedina> How are the bathrooms looking, KK?
[17:08] <KK> Hafta decide which CC member is responsible for offing Alaric's predecessor.
[17:09] <jenshouse> definately around the computers
[17:09] <JastaElf> Oh my...
[17:09] <Sedina> OOoo...  *g*
[17:09] <Shiral> Ooo, sounds promising...
[17:09] <virtualbabe> Coram?
[17:09] <JastaElf> Vivienne?  :-)
[17:09] <Kiri`> what are the choices?
[17:09] * Sedina rubs her hands together excitedly
[17:09] <Bynw> oooh 
[17:09] <KK> When you have to make a character kill a kid, you don't want it to be someone we want to keep liking.
[17:09] <Bynw> pick a good one ... so we can all learn to hate him
[17:09] <jenshouse> linda you have some competition here! :)
[17:09] <JastaElf> How easily we assume it will be a man!  ;-)
[17:09] <Shiral> True, Jasta... Women can be ruthless, too
[17:10] <Jessie> we don't want it to be Barretts sister
[17:10] <scribbler> equal rights in Gwynedd -- women can kill just as well as men can....
[17:10] <Kiri`> and a woman doing it might be less noticable..
[17:10] <Mike> Hell hath no fury....
[17:10] <hygilac> my vote is for Vivienne then, KK
[17:10] <jenshouse> Stefan Coram should kill Crispin :)
[17:10] <Shiral> And wasn't it Vivienne who thought Kelson needed to be more ruthless?
[17:10] <KK> Well, it probably isn't one of the CC members we know from later books, or we would've gotten a ripple of that by now.
[17:10] <Shiral> Susan would be crushed, Jen'shouse!
[17:10] <hygilac> that has got to be Rebecca making snide cracks about my typing
[17:10] * jenshouse is channeling Susan
[17:10] <Sedina> LOL Linda
[17:10] <Shiral> But would Stefan even be old enough?  He's only got a few years on Alaric
[17:10] <JastaElf> Make up someone really cool, THEN make them responsible!  :-)
[17:11] <jenshouse> you are correct Linda
[17:11] <KK> So it's probably Seisyll, Ptolemeos, or Khoren--though it could be Dominy.
[17:11] <Jessie> Seisyll Arilan?
[17:11] <JastaElf> cool and ruthless and complicated...
[17:11] <jenshouse> I dont know Linda  I am here to ya know
[17:11] <Shiral> Which can be sexy, too
[17:11] <Mike> Any news about the coins?
[17:11] <JastaElf> Shiral -- OH yeah...
[17:11] <Kiri`> Ptolemelos
[17:11] <jenshouse> Jen and I were just discussing those
[17:11] <KK> Yes, Jessie.
[17:12] <Shiral> I have a Kelson and Araxie coin to send you, Laura
[17:12] <jenshouse> cool
[17:12] <KK> But it would be ok for him to die shortly thereafter, because we know Jamyl Arilan is on the CC a bit later.
[17:12] <Shiral> And I'm working on a Michaeline coin
[17:12] <Sedina> a K&A coin?  *grins*
[17:12] <JastaElf> :-)
[17:12] <KK> Re coins, I haven't done anything; others of you have the ability more readily.
[17:12] <JastaElf> For flipping... palm, or fingertips??
[17:12] <Shiral> St. Michael is proving to be almost as uncooperative as Alaric, though when it comes to being drawn
[17:13] <jenshouse> I have been working on a Morgan coin
[17:13] * virtualbabe would love to see those coins
[17:13] <hygilac> there you go on palms again, Jasta
[17:13] <JastaElf> :-)
[17:13] <KK> But I'll be happy to give my imprimatur, when a suitable design or two or three comes up.
[17:13] <hygilac> what is this fixation on palms?
[17:13] <Shiral> One side is okay, I have the Michaeline insignia.  But the Archangel is not very cooperative
[17:13] <scribbler> can't get those Guardians to sit still for a minute....
[17:13] <Sedina> Well that's not a good thing to hear, Shiral...  It took you how many attempts to get Alaric down?
[17:13] <Mike> But, I want a St Camber coin
[17:13] <Shiral> Has anyone done a Camber coin, yet?
[17:13] <Bynw> me too ... St Camber coin would be cool
[17:13] <JastaElf> Archangels are hard to draw.  If they stop beating their wings, they drop like a stone...  ;-)
[17:13] <Shiral> I don't want to duplicate efforts
[17:14] <Mike> KK has a Camber design in mind
[17:14] <Sedina> LOL Jasta
[17:14] <Shiral> True, Jasta
[17:14] <Shiral> But I've been looking at images of St. Michael, trying to come up with something that will fit on a coin
[17:14] <KK> I <think> there was a Camber design in one of the earlier DA's, that might be adapted.
[17:14] <Sedina> Not to mention that archangels wouldn't want to make things too easy on you...
[17:14] <hygilac> I think there is, KK
[17:14] <Kiri`> they shold hang a bit harder onto that arch.
[17:15] <Shiral> Yes...I'll have to look it up
[17:15] <jenshouse> The Morgan one I was using was from the DD site
[17:15] <hygilac> But I have not gone looking for it, not being the artist
[17:15] * Sedina seems to remember having seen the Camber design
[17:15] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Oh, dear! I think I've got serious problems now...
[17:15] <JastaElf> There's a lovely St. George on the back of sovereigns... might make a good artistic starting point...
[17:15] <Shiral> I will have a try at the Camber coin and see what happens
[17:15] <KK> Speaking of dropping like a stone, did you guys hear about that airliner on its way from Canada to Spain, that ran out of fuel 1000 miles short of destination and had to glide to an emergency landing in the Azonres?
[17:15] * Kelos_al-Hazar frowns unhappily
[17:15] <JastaElf> No!  What happened, KK?
[17:15] <virtualbabe> I see Michael as sort of like that guardian angel Pasqualie has in the strip Rose is Rose.
[17:15] <Shiral> Wow, what would not help anyone with a fear of flying!
[17:15] <Kiri`> eek.. *makes a note to check the fuel on her plane this week*
[17:15] <hygilac> I saw the news report
[17:16] <Sedina> Oh my!  Talk about a story to add to people's terror of flying
[17:16] <KK> It landed safely, but I think a whole lot of folk got religion real fast.
[17:16] <jenshouse> Aw, fuel is overrated
[17:16] <hygilac> Laura, don't listen!
[17:16] <JastaElf> I daresay!
[17:16] *** Tika has joined #Deryni_Destinations 
[17:16] <Shiral> Yes, that would induce some prayers in ME allright!
[17:16] <Sedina> wb Tika!
[17:16] <Shiral> Hi Tika
[17:16] <JastaElf> Hi Teeks!
[17:16] <Tika> wow lotsa people ;)
[17:16] <Kelos_al-Hazar> May Blessings Be Unto Thee and All Who Call Thee Friend in Truth!
[17:16] * Kelos_al-Hazar walks over to the Portal in the corner, beside the sideboard, and vanishes
[17:16] <Tika> howdy!
[17:16] <Jessie> also AAliyah (actress/singer) died in a plane crash yesterday
[17:16] * scribbler sends greetings to Tika
[17:16] <KK> Hello, Tika.
[17:16] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Back later!
[17:16] <hygilac> Hi Tika
[17:16] <Gamgee> OUCH!  big planes are proof that you can make a brick fly with enough horsepower.
[17:16] <Kiri`> hi tik!
[17:16] <jenshouse> I get more concerned about the landing gear not going down
[17:16] *** Kelos_al-Hazar Quit (QUIT: User exited)
[17:16] <scribbler> I heard about that when I got home last night, Jessie...
[17:17] <Kiri`> what?   what happened?
[17:17] <Jessie> plane crashed 200 feet from end of runway
[17:17] * Shiral wishes she had a working transfer portal in Maryland to help her get to Darkover...
[17:17] <Sedina> I've only heard bits and pieces about that plane accident
[17:17] <Kiri`> will sternly instruct her plane that crashing and running out of fuel or other shenannigans are not allowed on her flight.
[17:17] <KK> Commercial or private plane?
[17:17] <hygilac> yes, Rebecca--get that portal working!
[17:17] <Sedina> Shiral - that would be handy
[17:17] <Shiral> Bits and pieces is probably all that's left of the plane after that 
[17:18] <Kiri`> sedina - from the sounds of it that's all there is ;)
[17:18] <Jessie> Katherine:  private Plane -- engine trouble -- immediately caught on fire -- only one survivor
[17:18] <Sedina> You people are terrible!  *l*
[17:18] * Shiral bends down and kisses the ground, happy to be earthbound for the moment!
[17:18] * virtualbabe is not terrible
[17:18] <hygilac> I immediatley thought of Patsy Cline--same situation
[17:18] <JastaElf> I'm amazed and thank God that anyone survived.
[17:18] <Sedina> iirc, she was on her way to where she was to be filming her next video, correct?
[17:18] <jenshouse> Linda always giving me the hard tasks!
[17:19] <JastaElf> Usually those are all or nothing accidents....
[17:19] <Mike> KK, I hope you always fly in BIG planes when you visit the USA.
[17:19] <KK> Yep, big planes are one of the safest possible means of travel.
[17:19] <Shiral> BIg, really well maintained and thoroughly fueled planes, KK
[17:19] * JastaElf has seen some of the planes KK flies in...
[17:19] <scribbler> I think they were scouting locations, Sedina....
[17:19] <scribbler> Safety in numbers?
[17:20] <Jessie> Katherine:  regarding Michaelines and Knighting secularly before they join the order -- doesn't a knight swear fealty to the one who knights him?
[17:20] * Sedina has to take puddle jumpers to get to the Twin Cities any time that she wants to fly somewhere
[17:20] <jenshouse> yeah, big planes make bigger headlines when they crash. More dead people
[17:20] <Sedina> And Jessie's herding us back on topic again
[17:20] <KK> I think the one that made emergency landing in the Azores blew all its tires, but that's all--other than scare the poo out of some 300 passengers and crew.
[17:20] <Shiral> Baaa-aaa-aaa!
[17:20] <JastaElf> :-) I wanna know too.  :-)
[17:20] * Sedina giggles at Shiral
[17:20] <scribbler> Jessie is like a border collie -- herding us back on topic....
[17:21] <JastaElf> mo-o-o-oooooo....
[17:21] <Jessie> what happens to those vows of loyalty when they swear to the Michaelines
[17:21] <Shiral> KK, any progress on the bathroom tiles, this week?
[17:21] <KK> Jessie, yes, but they'd be released from secular fealties when they became Michaelines.
[17:21] <Sedina> Moo, Jasta?  *lol*
[17:21] <hygilac> Matt says hi--he is taking care of the kids
[17:21] <Wrengl>  Grommet says Jessie is more like an Australian Cattle Dog or, as Duck says, Blue Heeler
[17:21] <JastaElf> :-)
[17:21] <Shiral> Look out for Mad Cow disease...
[17:21] *** duck has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[17:21] <Tika> duck!
[17:21] <scribbler> speaking of the devil....
[17:21] <Sedina> speaking of Duck!
[17:21] <JastaElf> DUCKIE!!!!
[17:21] <KK> It's the Duck!
[17:21] <Shiral> Hello, Duck!
[17:21] <hygilac> hello Duck!
[17:21] <Bynw> quack!

(to be continued...)