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KK Chat - Jul. 29, 2001 (pt. 1)

Started by RainbowDragon, July 08, 2008, 12:11:04 PM

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KK Chat - July 29, 2001, pt. 1

Session Start: Sun Jul 29 2001
[16:29] *** KK has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[16:29] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KK
[16:29] <Kiri`> Hi KK !
[16:29] <Sedina> Maele - Oh, I love Weimaraners!
[16:29] <Wrengl>  Hi KK
[16:29] <Gamgee> hello KK
[16:29] <Sedina> Hi KK....
[16:29] <Shiral> Hello Katherine
[16:29] <scribbler> Hi KK!
[16:29] <Serenity> Hi KK
[16:29] <debbie_vb> Hi katherine
[16:29] <Jessie> hello Katherine
[16:29] <hygilac> Hi Katherine
[16:29] <Emily> I always felt he got the short end of the stick.
[16:29] <Rebecca> Hi Katherine
[16:29] <the_Bee> Hello KK
[16:29] * Thumper says Woof woof!
[16:29] <Emily> Hi Katherine
[16:29] *** xmanii_away has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[16:29] <Kiri`> Hi xmanii_away !
[16:29] <xmanii_away> Welcome xmanii_away
[16:29] <scribbler> how was the writing this week....
[16:29] <xmanii_away> hello
[16:29] <Jessie> hello xmanii_away
[16:29] <Shiral> Hi xmanii
[16:29] <KK> No sneaking up on you guys!
[16:30] <Sedina> Hi xmanii
[16:30] <Wrengl>  hi xmanii
[16:30] <Shiral> Nope. <G>
[16:30] <JastaElf> hi KK, hi xmanii!
[16:30] <xmanii_away> hi all :)
[16:30] <Serenity> Hi xmanii
[16:30] <Maele> I have two Sedina, Blue and Blaze, didn't realize until after the fact that, standing on the back porch, it's "Blue Blazes!" when you call 'em.  :)
[16:30] <Kiri`> KK - nope... not with an auto-greet!
[16:30] <Maele> <--- waves to KK
[16:30] <Emily> Well, Katherine, your nickname does appear at the top of the list
[16:30] * Sedina giggles at Maele
[16:30] <Kiri`> LOL maele
[16:30] <Emily> :-) giggle
[16:30] <Sedina> Maele - you should have heard some of the names that I used to have for some of my pets when I was growing up!  *lol*
[16:30] <Maele> Good dogs though.  :)
[16:30] <scribbler> my IRC program makes cool sounds when people come in or out....
[16:31] <Shiral> I'm embarassed to list the stupid names I call my cats
[16:31] <debbie_vb> Which one do you use scribbler
[16:31] <Emily> I had a very hyper airdale, called Partridge Run's Pandemoneum
[16:31] <Kiri`> can't be any dumber than mine ;0
[16:31] <Kiri`> ;)
[16:31] <Jessie> so Katherine -- how did the writing go this week?
[16:31] <scribbler> IRCle -- it's for the Mac, debbie...
[16:31] <Wrengl>  Katherine, do they have just arms or full achievements in Gwyndd?
[16:31] <Emily> And it suited her
[16:31] <Sedina> Shiral - *lol*  I have a whole list of those
[16:31] <hygilac> My cats all get called Pookie
[16:31] <Maele> Well, it made sense at the time.  Blue has the blue-variant coat for a Weimaraner and Blaze is fast!  Just wasn't thinking of the combination!  :)
[16:31] <KK> Pretty good.  I figured out some important stuff re Alyce and Donal.
[16:31] <Shiral> Whew, I"m glad somebody ELSE uses that name, Linda!
[16:31] <Emily> Wasn't pookie from the book GARP?
[16:31] <Kiri`> ooh.. what KK?
[16:31] <Jessie> fantastic Katherine
[16:32] <Shiral> Oh good, Katherine
[16:32] <Serenity> Pookie was Garfield's teddy bear, I think
[16:32] <Emily> That must be a tough one, Katherine
[16:32] <scribbler> We can't have pets in our apartment (boo hoo), but when I was younger, my sister had a cat named Gandalf -- I think she was in the middle of her LOTR period....
[16:32] <Emily> Oh, very good name for a cat
[16:32] <debbie_vb> Only Pookie I remember was from a childrens series from several years ago, when i was little
[16:32] <Sedina> Serenity - Yup.  He was
[16:32] <KK> Mostly just arms, Wrengl, at least for everyday use, though official documents might show the whole achievement.
[16:33] <Serenity> My cats are Atticus, Androcles, Celeste and Cassie
[16:33] <Maele> Who was the flying bunny?  Had nightmares about him for years!
[16:33] <Shiral> KK, do you still wear slacks to write about Donal Blaine? <G>
[16:33] <Wrengl>  Okay.  Kathi is doing some things and did not know if they should only show the arms.
[16:33] <Emily> What's the difference between arms and ache'ment?
[16:33] <debbie_vb> You remember him too!!!!!!
[16:33] <Wrengl>  So that is how she will do them.
[16:33] <Maele> Debbie, was that pookie too?
[16:34] <debbie_vb> Yeppers, he was a pooka
[16:34] <KK> The arms would be used to decorate things--usually just the shield.  Full achievement would also show helmet, mantling, motto, supporters as well.
[16:34] <Emily> Oh, thanks,
[16:34] <Jessie> what are some of the mottos Katherine?
[16:34] <Jessie> Haldane?
[16:34] <Kiri`> can you share what you've worked out about Alice and Donal?
[16:34] <KK> slacks, Shiral?
[16:34] <Maele> All rabbits I knew, bit!  Flying bunnies scared the bejeezus out of me, Debbie.
[16:34] <Emily> Since Donal is such a macho character
[16:34] * Sedina would like to know more about Alice and Donal as well. *g*
[16:35] <Shiral> At one point you said that you wore slacks to write about Donal, as he went after every skirt he could find. <G>
[16:35] <debbie_vb>  Sounds Like donal was a dirty old king
[16:35] <Emily> Maele, I guess you don't like that part in MP's Holy Grail
[16:35] <KK> Haven't worked out any mottoes for the Eleven Kingdoms. They're used in modern and real-world heraldry, though.
[16:35] <Maele> Em, nope!  :)
[16:35] <Serenity> Wonder what Morgan's motto would be
[16:35] <Shiral> She's been too busy writing the books to worry about the mottoes
[16:36] <KK> Well, he wasn't that horny.  His liaison with Jessamy had nothing to do with lust.
[16:36] * scribbler thinks Donal Blaine was ahead of his time; would have been great in politics today....
[16:36] <Emily> What an interesting man to produce Brion and Nigel
[16:36] <Shiral> Ah well, it was all a joke, KK
[16:36] <Sedina> LOL scribble
[16:36] <Emily> They don't seem that way at all
[16:36] <Sedina> er...scribbler, rather.
[16:36] <Maele> Torenthi motto:  Coronations, Assignations,  Assassination!
[16:36] <Rebecca> lol
[16:36] <JastaElf> KK, if an historian were to sum up Donal's reign in a line or two, what would they say?
[16:37] <Emily> very true
[16:37] <Wrengl>  LOL Maele
[16:37] * Sedina giggles at Maele
[16:37] <KK> Both Donal and Malcolm, his father, had mistresses, and Malcolm had natural children.  But both of them had wives who weren't able to give them the sons they needed.
[16:37] <Emily> Somehow, this sounds like new filk material to me
[16:37] <hygilac> I have always wondered what Brion confessed to Arilan that made Arilan think he knew why Brion did not use his powers more openly
[16:37] <Emily> Perhaps to the tune "We're the knights of the round table......"
[16:38] <Jessie> Did Brion have liaisons outside of his marriage?
[16:38] <Sedina> Oh no...no more filks.  *looks at Shiral and prepares to run away*
[16:38] <scribbler> LOL Emily -- I saw "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" for the first time on July 4th!
[16:38] <Shiral> Now Sedina, Calm Down.  I didn't say ANYTHING about filks!
[16:38] <Shiral> <G>
[16:38] <Emily> Maybe Brion knew about Donal's trying to create a deryni helper and the deal with Alyce
[16:38] <KK> Probably not, Jessie.
[16:38] <Shiral> I'm glad to hear it, KK
[16:38] <Wrengl>  Shiral thinks she's done with filks after camber-lot
[16:38] <Sedina> Yes, but I know your true nature "Evil"/Shiral.  After the other night, I'm not taking any chances.
[16:39] <KK> Nope, Emily.
[16:39] <Shiral> Of course, sometimes the children of wild parents tend to be rather straight-laced in compensation
[16:39] <JastaElf> :-)
[16:39] <Maele> Or vice-versa, ie. Nigel and Conall?
[16:39] <scribbler> We must have all had dull parents then.....
[16:39] <Jessie> Katherine:  has Duke Jared told you yet whether or not he knew about Vera & Duncan being Deryni
[16:39] <KK> No, Jessie.
[16:40] <Jessie> Duke Jared is awfully quiet isn't he
[16:40] <hygilac> NO he hasn't told, or no he didn't know?
[16:40] <Emily> Brion seems like he could be a bit thoughtful, and perhaps softer, or more compassionate, he hated the whole Mearan thing, while Donal and Malcom seemed so matter of fact about it
[16:40] <JastaElf> :-)
[16:40] <KK> Jared's just a young knight right now.
[16:40] <debbie_vb> Conall wasn't wild as much as he was ambitious
[16:40] <Shiral> No Deryni may teach another about magic...Or else they court a death they view as tragic..."
[16:41] <KK> Nobody knows right now, except that the CC suspects.
[16:41] <Maele> Debbie, I meant more in the line of the lifting of skirts. :)
[16:41] <JastaElf> Shiral, are you filking again?  :-)
[16:41] <scribbler> debbie -- I think they were thinking about Conall being a woman chaser (Rothana and Vanissa....)
[16:41] <Shiral> No. <G>
[16:41] <debbie_vb> well he did do that too
[16:41] <scribbler> and who knows who else....
[16:41] <KK> Conall was definitely a randy fellow.
[16:41] <Jessie> the CC suspects that vera is deryni?
[16:41] <the_Bee> KK you once wrote me that Vera didn't tell Jared.  But that doesn't mean he didn't guess.
[16:41] <Shiral> Conall took after his grandpapa in that respect
[16:42] <Sedina> Conall certainly did seem to be that
[16:42] <Emily> Conall, seemed to have a great need for attention,
[16:42] <Emily> maybe also for feeling powerful
[16:42] <KK> The CC suspects that Krispin may be Donal's son.
[16:42] <Shiral> Jared was no one's fool after all
[16:42] <Jessie> ah
[16:42] <Shiral> Poor kid...
[16:42] <Rebecca> is he sporting those haldane looks?
[16:43] <KK> Yes, but Krispin's mother has the black Haldane hair, too.  His eyes are very light though; and Sief's are brown.
[16:43] <Emily> Yeah, their genes tend to be just a little dominant
[16:43] <the_Bee> Would the CC have arranged Alaric's death if he hadn't been blond?
[16:43] <Emily> except in Alaric's case, that is
[16:43] <Shiral> Oh, interesting question, Bee...
[16:43] <debbie_vb> and araxie
[16:43] * JastaElf thinks "Haldane looks" should be a crimson polo shirt with a rampant lion embroidered on... :-)
[16:43] <Shiral> LOL
[16:44] <Maele> :)
[16:44] <KK> The CC never knew of Alaric's true paternity.
[16:44] <Sedina> LOL
[16:44] <Jessie> Katherine: did Morgan's ancestor Kai ap Morrin come to Gwynedd with Festil?
[16:44] <Emily> Lol
[16:44] <Serenity> The Deryni version of "do blonds have more fun?" (and longer lives)
[16:44] <Kiri`> well then he's not a "half-breed"
[16:44] <scribbler> LOL Jasta....
[16:44] <JastaElf> :-)
[16:44] <Emily> With Donal, Haldane looks, may mean a little more
[16:44] <Gamgee> Jasta: rampant guardant......
[16:44] <JastaElf> yup, Sam!  :-)
[16:44] <Shiral> I'v always felt that Alaric would make a very convincing Haldane if he'd inherited the black hair..
[16:45] *** great_hooded_one has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[16:45] <Kiri`> Hi great_hooded_one !
[16:45] <xmanii_away> Welcome great_hooded_one
[16:45] <Rebecca> lol Emily
[16:45] <the_Bee> I thought the Morgans came from Mooryn/Corwyn.
[16:45] <Shiral> Hi Hood
[16:45] <Kiri`> hey ray!
[16:45] <Emily> Hi
[16:45] <JastaElf> Hi Hood!
[16:45] <debbie_vb> I think that now that Vivienne's gone they will relax the standards about "half-breeds".
[16:45] <Sedina> Hi Hood
[16:45] <Serenity> Hi Hooded one
[16:45] <scribbler> Hi hood -- how was Scary Movie 2 last week....
[16:45] <Maele> <--- waves to hooded
[16:45] <KK> Well, Alaric is....what would you call a Deryni/Haldane?  The CC doesn't think the Haldane legacy is Deryni, but I've always felt that probably it is.
[16:45] <great_hooded_one> well, it's been a while since i've been in
[16:45] <Sedina> Shiral - that is an interesting idea.  (i.e. Alaric...)
[16:45] <KK> Hello, Hood.
[16:45] <scribbler> your sister said you were at the movies last week....
[16:45] <JastaElf> "KK said it, the CC doesn't believe it, that settles it." :-)  I'll go with KK any day...
[16:45] <great_hooded_one> hello, evrybody
[16:45] <Emily> KK, does that come from the fact that Camber empowered Cinhil
[16:45] * Kiri` waits for jasta email... sigil email..
[16:46] <Shiral> Me too, Jasta
[16:46] <scribbler> Jasta -- LOL....
[16:46] <the_Bee> In the famous essay you called Y' another kind of Deryni.
[16:46] <Shiral> Eeek, not the genes!!!
[16:46] <scribbler> oh no, not the dreaded genetic track again!
[16:46] <Jessie> Katherine:  did Morgan's ancestor Kai ap Morrin come to Gwynedd with Festil?
[16:46] <hygilac> oh, no, not the genes
[16:46] <Wrengl>  Here come da genes, Shiral
[16:46] <KK> Don't know, Jessie.
[16:46] <Shiral> Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!
[16:46] <JastaElf> Haldane Jeans?  Rampant guardant lion on the pocket? :-)
[16:46] <Emily> But Cinhil did have some unexpected powers, even before the empowerment
[16:46] <Shiral> LOL!!!
[16:46] <Maele> Jasta!  :)
[16:46] <Sedina> lol Jasta
[16:46] <Wrengl>  You got it Jasta
[16:47] <KK> Yes, Emily!
[16:47] <Shiral> TO go with the scarlet polo shirt, no doubt
[16:47] <JastaElf> Of course....
[16:47] <scribbler> Jasta -- of course, the CC also said that Healers were extinct....
[16:47] <Kiri`> would those be button downs... or zip?
[16:47] <JastaElf> :-) good point, scribs! :-)
[16:47] <KK> Button-front.
[16:47] <JastaElf> Button, of course!
[16:47] <Serenity> And Morgan would be Duke Green Jeans
[16:47] <JastaElf> :-)
[16:47] <Wrengl>  No zip, Kiri
[16:47] <hygilac> There had been deryni in the Haldanes before Ifor
[16:47] <Shiral> KK, I've been wondering about the relative wisdom of fostering Brendan to the Torenthi Court...
[16:47] <Emily> I guess the CC felt that if Cinhil's ancestors had been Deryni, they wouldn't have been over powered?
[16:47] <Gamgee> oh no!  now all I have to do is to find some red jeans and get a friend to do some embroidery.....
[16:48] <Shiral> LOL, Serenity!
[16:48] <the_Bee> Charlan Kai Morgen was from Mooryn=Corwyn, wasn't he?
[16:48] <KK> And Alaric thought that Charissa discovered merasha, too.  Lots of misinformation running around.
[16:48] <scribbler> how about if Payne and Brendan were sent at the same time?
[16:48] <Shiral> Payne doesn't have Bran Coris for a father, though.
[16:48] <Serenity> Brendan already has to live down his father's defection to Wencit
[16:48] <Rebecca> Alyce's family was from Mooryn orginally
[16:48] <Shiral> Given the Marley family history, it just seems to me that it wouldn't be in Brendan's best interests, politically
[16:49] <KK> Shiral, the Torenthi court isn't what it once was, and Brendan is almost grown, and he and Liam-Lajos have a very close friendship.  I think he'll be safe enough.
[16:49] <Shiral> It might reopen the whole Bran Coris question even though Liam and Wencit are very different men and Kings
[16:49] <Serenity> It would be even worse if he fell in love with a Torenthi (though it would be very interesting)
[16:49] <Rebecca> Jessie:  "The earliest known member of this house, Kai ap Morgan, was a Captain in the army of Festil I"
[16:49] <Emily> Was Corwyn part of Gwynedd at that time?
[16:49] <JastaElf> I think Liam's gonna be a kick-butt king in all the best ways.
[16:49] <Shiral> Some of Kelson's more conservative nobility might wonder about Brendans' true loyalty
[16:49] <scribbler> It could be argued that Brendan really never was influenced by Bran, as he was so young when his father died....
[16:49] <Shiral> I think so too, Jasta
[16:49] * Sedina has very high hopes for Liam
[16:50] <Jessie> Rebecca:  yes that I knew -- but during the Coup or after
[16:50] <JastaElf> he was, after all, trained by Nigel...  :-)
[16:50] <Jessie> if after the Coup -- then he could have been from Gwynedd and been part of their army
[16:50] <Emily> Melissa, I think those are all very good points, and they would make for very interesting reading, sometimes folks in books do very unwise things
[16:50] <hygilac> Doesn't Araxie have a younger half sister?
[16:50] <Rebecca> "in the years following the latter's successful invasion"
[16:50] <hygilac> Potential bride for Liam
[16:50] <Shiral> She has two, LInda
[16:50] <Serenity> Even level headed Nigel didn't want Conall's son to be his heir for awhile because of Conall's treachery
[16:51] <Serenity> And Albin wasn't even born when Conall died
[16:51] <JastaElf> That was fatherly angst, Serenity.  ;-)  Nigel's the sensitive one.
[16:51] <Shiral> Oh that would be interesting...the two sisters as the queens of Gwynedd and TOrenth...
[16:51] <scribbler> Hey Raymond -- where's the rest of your family? 
[16:51] <Emily> boy that ol' Hort is spreading his influence!
[16:52] <Emily> :-)
[16:52] <JastaElf> :-) A Hort is a Hort....
[16:52] *** Kiri` Quit (Connection reset by peer)
[16:52] <KK> Kai Morgan was probably in the army of Festil after the invasion.  Probably from somewhere down in Mooyn.
[16:52] <Shiral> Letald IS very influential, and politically astute!!
[16:52] <Emily> Shame on you Peer, go to time out!
[16:52] <Jessie> thank you Katherine
[16:52] <scribbler> uh-oh, peer's at it again!
[16:52] <Emily> Peer, that's very inappropriate behavior!
[16:53] <Serenity> "apeerantly" so
[16:53] <JastaElf> KK, when Nigel was knighted, was anyone else knighted at the same time?
[16:53] <Gamgee> peer has never been known to be a nice guy
[16:53] <scribbler> my husband says, "Oh, you nasty Peer!"
[16:53] <hygilac> Now that'a a mom with small children!
[16:54] * Jessie awaits the answer to Jasta's question --
[16:54] <Emily> Time out has always worked for me, my kids HATE  it, they like to be on the move! It's the only thing that makes Chris pause
[16:54] * JastaElf smacks peer with a tuna....
[16:54] * Sedina starts to hide in fear from Peer because he seems to really like her for some reason
[16:54] * Maele wonders if we'll have an interesting priest in CM?  Miss them.  Imagine they'd have fun with a young Morgan.  :)
[16:54] <the_Bee> Has it been revealed how Mooryn became a permanent part of Gwynedd?
[16:54] <Shiral> INteresting in what sense, Maele <G>
[16:54] <KK> Don't know, Jasta.
[16:54] <JastaElf> Maele, how do you define "interesting priest?" :-)
[16:54] <Shiral> INteresting good, or interesting BAD??
[16:54] <JastaElf> OK, that's fair.  :-)
[16:55] <Jessie> Bee:  in codex the festils marry the only daughter of the king of Mooryn
[16:55] <KK> Not yet, Bee, but it probably was during the interregnum.
[16:55] <Maele> Strong, witty, devious (in the best sense) :)
[16:55] <debbie_vb> at that time priest=bad
[16:55] <Emily> Now why not KK?  :-) VBEG
[16:55] <Shiral> Okay, I can live with that, Maele <G>
[16:55] <Emily> You mean you think of other things besides Deryni all day VBEG? :-)
[16:55] <scribbler> I'd like to see when Morgan meets Ralf Tolliver....
[16:55] <JastaElf> How about cute, Maele?  I like cute....
[16:56] <Maele> Cute is good in all men.  :
[16:56] <Shiral> So, have Alyce and Vera been born yet in the course of your story, KK?
[16:56] <JastaElf> Why yes....
[16:56] <Serenity> well, there's always the younger Arilan
[16:56] <Shiral> Or am I thinking too far ahead already?
[16:56] <the_Bee> ?? I thought there was a Mooryni ambassodor at Javan's coronation.  I thought only soverein nations did that.
[16:56] <KK> Well, there's an "interesting priest" in the shape of Alexander Darby.
[16:56] <Jessie> ?
[16:56] * JastaElf perks up ears. :-)
[16:56] <Shiral> OH???
[16:56] <Sedina> Oh?!
[16:57] <scribbler> ah, the infamous
[16:57] <scribbler> Darby
[16:57] <Serenity> good or bad?
[16:57] * Maele waits.... ?
[16:57] <great_hooded_one> darby? infamous?
[16:57] <scribbler> he was pretty bad, if I remember, in "Priesting of Arilan"....
[16:57] <hygilac> Darby?
[16:57] <Emily> Dah dah dah dhahhhhhhhhhhh(Beethoven enters the air)
[16:57] <JastaElf> Oh my goodness.... that Darby!!
[16:57] <Sedina> Oh dear...
[16:57] <debbie_vb> Think Paulin of Ramos with a bad 'tude
[16:57] <Shiral> He wrote a treatise on the evil of the Deryni Race, if I remember correctly
[16:58] <Shiral> BUt he was an interesting man, I take it.
[16:58] <KK> Yes, Shiral, Alyce and Vera are born.  And Alyce and their younger sister Marie are now at court.  Their father, Earl Keryell of Lendour, has just been killed, and their brother badly wounded.
[16:58] <Emily> Uh oh, maybe the JAWS theme would be better
[16:58] <the_Bee> only "in the shape of Alexander Darby"--does that mean he might have been someone else in disguise?
[16:58] <Shiral> Oh wow!! I didn't KNOW ALyce and Vera had a younger sister!!!
[16:58] <JastaElf> Oh dear! :-(
[16:58] <Jessie> Younger sister Marie?
[16:58] <scribbler> and was the guy who probably gave poor Jorian more merasha....
[16:58] <KK> No, he's Alexander Darby, all right.
[16:58] * Sedina thinks that she needs to bone up on the important things in life - aka all things Deryni. She has entirely too much info about chemistry cluttering her brain at the moment
[16:58] <Maele> Just figured, as Morgan is devout in his own way, that he must have met some interesting priest he could admire... somewhere along the way...?
[16:59] <KK> Well, Marie doesn't live to be 20.
[16:59] <Emily> KK, How were their dad, and brother hurt?
[16:59] <Shiral> Bee, you're taking a leaf from the Mistress of Complications!!
[16:59] <JastaElf> :-)
[16:59] <debbie_vb> Duncan macLean
[16:59] <Shiral> People who aren't really who they appear to be!
[16:59] <Jessie> KK:  is Marie offed? -- or dies from natural causes?
[16:59] <Shiral> Oh dear, poor Marie
[16:59] <KK> Keryell and Ahern were part of an embassy to Meara, led by Duke Richard.  There was an assassination attempt.  Donal will have to go back to Meara again in a couple of years and kick butt.
[16:59] <Serenity> Does she leave behind a broken hearted boyfriend?
[17:00] <JastaElf> My goodness!
[17:00] <KK> According to the Codex, Marie dies of the pox, I believe.
[17:00] <Jessie> k
[17:00] * Shiral lies down and twitches convulsively in her desire to read this book
[17:00] * Jessie is waiting for Codex 2
[17:00] <JastaElf> :-)
[17:00] <Emily> He's probably not too happy about them attacking Richard
[17:00] <scribbler> kicking butt in Meara was a frequent pasttime of Haldanes....
[17:00] <Shiral> Mearan Housecleaning, yes
[17:00] * debbie_vb is waiting for Codex II also
[17:00] <Wrengl>  Glad she was not 'offed' as Jessie put it so bluntly
[17:00] <Sedina> Move over, Shiral...  Make room for me to twitch with you. *lol*
[17:00] <KK> Codex 2 will maybe be out for Christmas.  I talked to Rob last night.
[17:00] <Emily> Yeah!!!!!!
[17:00] <Serenity> Yea!!
[17:00] <JastaElf> Ooo!  Oooo!!!!
[17:00] * Jessie hugs KK
[17:01] <scribbler> YES!!!!!!!!!!!
[17:01] <Shiral> Okay, you can twitch, but can you drool?
[17:01] <Emily> And there was much rejoicing!
[17:01] <Sedina> Who-hoo!!!  *happy dance*
[17:01] * debbie_vb hugs KK and Rob
[17:01] <hygilac> Hooray!!!
[17:01] <the_Bee> Yippee!!
[17:01] * Maele calls Santa with a change of plan.
[17:01] <JastaElf> Where's the list?  I wanna be on it!!!
[17:01] <Wrengl>  yipee
[17:01] <Shiral> WHoopeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[17:01] <Jessie> Your my heroine Katherine
[17:01] <great_hooded_one> all i want for christmas is my co-dex-2!
[17:01] <Sedina> *digs out her bib*  You'd better believe it, Shiral...  *g*
[17:01] <Wrengl>  Wooooooooooooooooooof!!!!!!!
[17:01] <Serenity> Sedina, maybe we won't have to start a support group for the Codex-less after all!
[17:01] <KK> Atlas is supposed to be out for Darkover, along with the poster-size map.
[17:01] * JastaElf thinks: "and there was much rejoicing..."
[17:01] <scribbler> DOUBLE-YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!
[17:01] <Jessie> last week Grey Ghost said atlas was postponed
[17:01] <Wrengl>  Rejoice rejoice!!!!!!!!!
[17:02] <Sedina> Serenity - Oh, I'm bound and determined to remedy my "codex-less" problem ASAP
[17:02] <Serenity> Me too!
[17:02] <Emily> Well, Bill will have easy shopping this Xmas
[17:02] <KK> Well, it sound awfully soon to me, too, but that's what Rob said.  He's sending draft of it in the next week--or at least the first few chapters.  He's a very quick writer.
[17:02] <Emily> :-)
[17:02] <Sedina> Oh...I know what I'm gonna be telling Santa to bring me this year!
[17:02] <Jessie> Katherine:  is this new info since last week?  cause Last week Grey Ghost said atlas was postponed until christmas
[17:02] <JastaElf> I think I love Rob...  ;-)
[17:02] <Shiral> He really is amazingly fast with a keyboard
[17:02] <scribbler> maybe I ought to reserve my tax rebate for that instead of upgrading computer memory.....
[17:03] <Jessie> or rather Jennifer said -- not grey ghost
[17:03] <Shiral> I know I do -- he's  marvelous fellow! <G>
[17:03] <Serenity> Let's pin a Saint Camber medal on Rob!
[17:03] <JastaElf> :-) Priorities, Scrib!  :-) I like that!
[17:03] <Sedina> scribbler - I'd wait to do the upgrade until later!  *lol*
[17:03] <KK> Well, maybe I misunderstood.  Map is definitely for Darkover .
[17:03] <JastaElf> KK, how're the kitties doing?
[17:03] <Shiral> I know he's hard at work on the atlas this summer
[17:03] <scribbler> I'll settle for map -- I've been having trouble visualizing where places are....
[17:03] <Shiral> Did Jessica come through her Kitty Hysterectomy all right?
[17:04] <scribbler> KK -- how is Jessicat?
[17:04] <the_Bee> Or how Large they are.
[17:04] <KK> Kitties are fine.  Jessicat came through her spaying just fine, and will get her stitches out toward the end of the week.
[17:04] <Shiral> Oh good. <G>
[17:04] * scribbler sends healing energy to Jessicat....
[17:04] <hygilac> good
[17:04] <Wrengl>  Glad jessicat is okay
[17:04] <Sedina> Oh, that's good...
[17:04] <Emily> Rats! I have to go and cook dinner, I'll try to come back later, have a great week everybody! It was great catching up with everybody!
[17:04] <JastaElf> Glad to hear it!!
[17:04] <Wrengl>  cya Emily
[17:04] <Shiral> Bye, Emily
[17:04] <Rebecca> bye Emily!
[17:04] <hygilac> I have dubbed our female barn cat Grey Ghost
[17:04] <Serenity> Bye Emily.  Happy cooking!
[17:04] <debbie_vb> remember when I had my kitty spayed.  she wouldn't talk to me for a whole day
[17:04] <Sedina> Take care, Emily..
[17:04] <JastaElf> bye Emily!!
[17:04] <Shiral> Good cat name, Linda

(to be continued...)