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KK Chat - Jun. 10, 2001 (pt. 2)

Started by RainbowDragon, July 08, 2008, 11:22:59 AM

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KK Chat - June 10, 2001, pt. 2

*** Joins: auntiedi 
<Rebecca> It got Linda!
<auntiedi> aol
<great_hooded_one> recovered from melissas, eh tania?
<JastaElf> peer is being mean tonight....
<Kiri`> Golux - tis ok.. i was cleaning.. had hone off )
* Bynw extends the Wards to protect the whole chat room
<scribbler> wb Gamgee and auntie -- we were just cursing the peer....
<@Jessie> wb gamgee
<Kiri`> erm.. no.. been quiet all day.. resting
<auntiedi> was peer my problem, or was it aol?
* Bynw crosses his fingers since peer is very powerful
<@Jessie> lol
<Kiri`> KK - how did your cats like the toys I sent?
<JastaElf> it said peer, auntie....
<Wrengl> It said it was peer
<auntiedi> thanks, Jasta.
<scribbler> Get it some peer counseling....
<@Bynw> it was peer...but it could have been caused by AOL
<JastaElf> :-)
<Rebecca> But it'll always say peer when you're suddenly disconnected
<Kelric> don't worry if I'm kinda mute. I'm working on putting together some Brettonian Knights for Warhammer Fantasy.
<Kelric> Hmmm.
<@KK> Yes, Kiri! They play hockey with the glitter balls. And I had to take one of the mice away from one of the dogs.
* Kiri` watches Kelric add arms and legs to hi Knights..
* JastaElf thinks it's Mearans controlling peer. ;-)
<Kelric> I just thought of my paint scheme for these guys.
<Kiri`> the dogs liked th mice *giggling*
* scribbler suspects Teymuraz....
<Kelric> I'm going to make this my Gynneddian fantasy army. Colors are Red and Gold IIRC right?
<@Bynw> mouseyyyy?
<Wrengl> Grommet likes the mice meant for the cats
*** Joins: hygilac 
<Rebecca> wb Linda!
<@Jessie> wb hygilac
<scribbler> wb Linda!
<hygilac> okay, was it the mention of the trout that got me?
<auntiedi> hiya hygilac
<Rebecca> I think so!
<hygilac> or did you guys get that at all?
<@KK> Scrappy had one totally in her mouth--but she has a nice, soft, dry retriever mouth, so she didn't hurt it.
<JastaElf> Linda, we didn't see the trout.
<@KK> I've seen her brother carry live mice that way. The mice are not amused.
<Rebecca> I saw the mention of the trout
<Kiri`> I don't blame the mice =)
<Wrengl> I bet the mice are not amused.
<Princess_E> HI Tainia
<Wrengl> Hi tania
<@Jessie> Katherine: at St. Liam's -- what courses of instruction would be offered?
<Kiri`> do th dogs just play with the mice, or accidentally kill them.
* Kiri` waves at the ppls
<hygilac> Hi Kiri!
<great_hooded_one> our dog kills mice
<great_hooded_one> or gophers
<@KK> They usually take them away from the cats and play with them.
<great_hooded_one> can't teach her to kill Elsa, though
<Kiri`> KK- the glitter balls are easy to get, just check a pet store here in the US. they happen to be my cats favorite toys.. =) them and the mice
<@Bynw> Tika says Notre Dame of MD is not available for the wedding
<@Bynw> just an FYI
<JastaElf> oh pooh...
<Princess_E> Raymond
<scribbler> Golux -- I see what you mean; it's gonna be a LONG summer....
<@KK> Edgar's favorite is the toy Melissa sent them, with a cardboard thingy on a wire.
<scribbler> what is it now, 78 days till school starts?
<Kiri`> Bynw - inviting a cathedral can be a problem.. all those pebbles as it moves over to you =)
<Golux> 78 days
<Princess_E> Hello Kiri
<Wrengl> Golux, the beer rack is still on the wall if you want to stock it with bottles and smash one a day until school starts.
<hygilac> I do NOT wish to discuss the start of school, thanks!
<Kiri`> suggests camp for the kids.. or a spa vacation for Eileen..
<john> Good night everyone. I have to do laundry. I'll try to join next week.
<Kiri`> night john
<Kelos_al-Hazar> Both.
<scribbler> Bye John....
*** Parts: john 
<Wrengl> Sorry, Linda, forgot about you being a teacher.
<@Bynw> cya John, stop by anytime
<@KK> Night,John.
<auntiedi> nite john
<@Bynw> missed him
<JastaElf> night john!
<Golux> Kiri, say hi to princess
<Kiri`> so courses at St. Liam's...
<Kiri`> hi princess..
<@Jessie> John is almost as fast as Gamgee
<Wrengl> Sam has more practice.
* Wrengl grins
* Kiri` idly wonders who princess is..
<Princess_E> You know who I am right
<@Jessie> true Wrengl
<@Jessie> Sam can leave quicker than anyone
<auntiedi> i'm sure this has been asked, how was the retreat?
<Kiri`> no.. i don't. who are you
* Gamgee wonders if he should be ignoring that.....
<@KK> Sam has to be quick in his work.
<JastaElf> The retreat was nice, auntie.
<Princess_E> okay you asked for it
<Kiri`> what were you retreating from?
<auntiedi> glad to hear it. so, kk, how long are you in the states? or are you right off home?
<JastaElf> :-) Well, Virginians never like to say retreat --
*** xmanii is now known as xmanii_away
* Kiri` grins
<@KK> Right back home tomorrow afternoon, this time.
<auntiedi> don't look at me, i'm a yankee at heart.
<JastaElf> so I guess it was a Strategic Theological Withdrawal. :-)
<Wrengl> LOL Jasta!
<Princess_E> I'm Elsa Marie Hinds daughter of Eileen Frances Joan Doser Nagy Hinds
<Gamgee> KK: yea, that's true! everyone wanting to stab everyone else in the back....... and trying to watch inmates at the same time....
<auntiedi> wow, that jet lag is gonna be major.
*** xmanii_away is now known as xmanii
<Kiri`> oh.. hi Elsa.
<Rebecca> Di I tried to get her to stay for Saturday's dinner...
<@KK> Only 5 hours, this trip. Auntie. It was 8 from the West Coast.
<hygilac> now that would have been a real treat
<JastaElf> So we strategically theologically withdrew from the world for a few days of contemplation, excellent food, and good fellowship.
* scribbler is still here, but being quiet <for once)....
<auntiedi> that's true, but for such a short weekend. Rebecca, you obviously didn't try HARD enough.lol
<@KK> I was just here last month, after all. I have to get back and write!
<Wrengl> Jasta would have to hide the plane tickets i fear for Katherine to stay another week
<JastaElf> I slept, wrote, and celebrated Mass. :-)
<auntiedi> definitely don't' want to keep you away from writing.
<Princess_E> writing what
<JastaElf> KK would figure it out. She knows all my hiding places.
<hygilac> but there is that laptop. . .
<scribbler> I've always liked the term "celebrate" when it comes to Mass/Eucharist....
<auntiedi> yah, that is nice.
<Gamgee> Jasta: you could mail them to me!
<JastaElf> me too, scribbler! :-)
<JastaElf> :-) Hmm, Sam, you could come get them....
<Kiri`> KK - do you have a color printer back home?
*** Joins: Shiral
<scribbler> wb Shiral!
<JastaElf> WB Shiral! :-)
<@Jessie> Katherine: at St. Liam's -- what courses of instruction would be offered?
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o Shiral
<Kiri`> there she is.. Hi Melissa!
<Gamgee> Jasta: sorry, I have to work tomorrow......
<@Jessie> wb scribbler
<@Shiral> Hi all, I'm back!
<@Jessie> hello Shiral
<hygilac> wb shiral
<JastaElf> Aww, Sam... :-< wish you could be here
<Gamgee> Hello Shiral
<Rebecca> wb Melissa
<@Bynw> wb Shiral
<auntiedi> hi shiral
<@KK> Nope, just a laser printer.
<@Shiral> Whew, the party's not over yet!
<Gamgee> Jasta: me too.
<Rebecca> nah... we keep going and going...
<@KK> Not much call for color in a manuscript.
<scribbler> We're the
<@Shiral> I suppose not
<Gamgee> Jasta: this is just a bad year for me and days off.
<scribbler> We're the Energizer Bunnies of IRC....
<Kiri`> kk - ok thanks.. just curious St Liam's? *wonders if she could register there*
<@KK> Sam, I'll e-mail you re chivalric stuff.
* Shiral bangs her drum.....
* JastaElf has a moment of timeline confusion, wondering what self-respecting MS would not have at least illuminated capitals... then she remembers this is 2001... :-)
<Gamgee> KK: Thanks!
* Kiri` joins in on the strings
<auntiedi> :-)
<@Shiral> Alas, yes, Jasta!
<JastaElf> makes me think of Claudius and his history book with the elephants he didn't want on the decorations... :-)
<JastaElf> in "I, Claudius..."
<scribbler> JastaElf: I hope the Atlas has illuminated drop-caps....Brother Theo would probably insist on it!
* Kiri` grins
<@Shiral> Teehee!
<hygilac> shiral, before I forget; I need to email you something after we wind up here tonight
<JastaElf> :-) me too, scribbler!
<Kiri`> is happy .. her codex was signed by bro. theo.. =)
<@Shiral> Okay, I'm here
<@KK> Jessie--re St.Liam's--the usual. Classics, mathematics, probably some law, definitely some theology....
* Rebecca Rebecca is jealous of Kiri
* scribbler wants her Codex.....sniff, snuffle....
<Kelric> as is mine. fully double signed. :)
<@Shiral> An adult mature Codex....
<@Jessie> thank you -- plus the martial arts also?
<Gamgee> well, folx..... my wakeup call of 4:30 am is going to arive LONG before I want it too.
<@Shiral> Night, Sam
<auntiedi> shiral, I asked for an interlibrary loan on codex, they're gonna try.
<scribbler> And strategy; I remember Rhys struggling with it in "Catalyst"
<@Jessie> night Gamgee -- take care
* Jessie quickly says goodbye to Gamgee before he exits
* Kelric waves sam goodnight
<JastaElf> night Sam!
<Gamgee> Therefore, I have to be saying Good night.
<@KK> Night, Samwise! Hugs!
<@Bynw> nighters Sam
<Kiri`> maybe you could persuade Fed-ex to misplace it for a few hours?
<scribbler> night Gamgee
<auntiedi> nite Gamgee
<@Shiral> Good, Auntiedi
<Rebecca> nite Sam
* JastaElf wonders if there was any more word on the Codex Mystery on eBay...
<@KK> Martial arts appropriate to knights, of course.
<@Bynw> Jasta.....private message....
<Golux> So gang, do we now reveal that all we talked about yesterday was Robert?
*** Joins: emily 
<scribbler> lol Golux....
<Gamgee> kiri: I tried that once....... the face on the desk clerk was worth a few thousand at "america's funniest home videos"
<@Shiral> We exposed Robert? <G>
<emily> Hi folks
<Kelric> Please do. I want to see what I missed.
<@Shiral> Hi Emily
<Rebecca> hi Emily!
<auntiedi> they said there are four copies, Cleveland public library, one in California, library of congress, and I don't' remember where the fourth is.
<auntiedi> hi emily
<Gamgee> Faire thee welle Good people.
<Kiri`> hey.. i discussed archeology!
<Wrengl> night sam
<emily> goodnight
<scribbler> auntiedi -- I think the fourth one is in Washington state....
<JastaElf> night, Sam!!
<Golux> Washington copy 111
*** Parts: Gamgee 
<hygilac> night Sam
<Rebecca> notice Sam is not making a quick exit tonight :)
<@Shiral> Can't tear himself away
<emily> Now Melissa what was the big secret you couldn't tell us this afternoon?
<@KK> No, he hung around for a while. :-)
<Kelric> rotfl.
<scribbler> know the feeling....
* Shiral racks her brains to remember...
<@Shiral> Been a long working day, folks, sorry
<emily> About Rob and Darkover? 
<scribbler> I want to know what I missed by having to leave at the ungodly hour of 6:30
* Kiri` hangs her laundry on Melissa's brain rack.. <smarter clothes)
<auntiedi> shiral, was your surprise successful?
* JastaElf gazes at "deer" Shiral and admires her nice "rack" of brains...
<JastaElf> :-)
<Kelric> hey I had to leave at 3:00
* Rebecca wishes Melissa would just spit it out
<Golux> Four hours of talking about Kelric
<@Shiral> Yes it was. <G> Rob Was VERY surprised to see Donald, as was Mary!
<@Shiral> Jasta, LOL Actually believe it or not, one Halloween, I went as a stag!
<auntiedi> glad to hear it.
<@KK> It sounds like they had a nice visit.
<JastaElf> LOL!!
<scribbler> And Mary has the same birthday as my husband! And now I know why he can never make up his mind!
<auntiedi> so, where's duck tonite?
<@Shiral> And another girl in my class came as Robin Hood the same year. <G>
<Kiri`> he was? took me an hour to figure out WHO he was.. =) did' recognize him with a new haircut
<JastaElf> Ooo, synchronicity!
<@Shiral> He's up in the North Bay visiting his transplanted Aussie friend, Tim
<@Shiral> We did, KK
<Golux> Was their reaction anything like the one I got when I walked in with duct tape over my mouth?
<auntiedi> ah, i see
<Kiri`> Carolyn's cake was a big hit
<@Shiral> Pretty much, yes
<emily> Katherine, have you had a chance to work on Childe Morgan at all during your visiting?
<@Shiral> There are still some morsels of it remaining in my fridge
<scribbler> I loved the "duck" tape, Golux....
<@Shiral> See? I value all of you more than leftover chocolate cake!
*** xmanii is now known as xmanii_away
<auntiedi> or how about the new adept?
* scribbler just gained 5 more pounds remembering the cake....
<auntiedi> <sorry, mommy made me)
<@KK> Emily, surely you jest! I only arrived Thursday afternoon, and haven't stopped!
<JastaElf> :-) We kept her busy...
<Rebecca> So Melissa are you going to tell us this big secret?
<scribbler> My husband wants info on
<Wrengl> Yes, spill the beans.
<@Shiral> KIri, Golux help me out
<Kiri`> est line
* scribbler hates it when she hits return too soon....
<emily> Well, one can dream ?????wishful thinking????:-)
<scribbler> Adept 6?
* Wrengl Don Corg de Leon says "Ve haf vays,you know."
<Golux> Okay big secret- Donald is first going to marry me then Elsa
<Kiri`> test line
<@Shiral> He's into bigamy, yes
<scribbler> And then they'll move to Utah....
<auntiedi> watch out for da don
<Rebecca> Eileen you mentioned that already
<Wrengl> no he's into polygamy.
<Golux> Oh, poop
<Kiri`> test line
<Kiri`> ok
<great_hooded_one> *that* was the secret?!?
<Golux> Shall we answer about Codex II?
<JastaElf> Shiral's big secret is that Duck is the editor of the Mearan Free Press... ;-)
<@Shiral> Okay, Rob did read to us from what he had re Codex II
<Kiri`> gol - we can' we promised.
<auntiedi> yah, that's a BIG secret.
<Kelric> ACK!!!!@!
<@Jessie> not fair
<JastaElf> OK, so spill it.... :-)
<scribbler> Okay, when do I finally get a copy of a Codex, ANY Codex?
<emily> AAAAAAWWWWWWWWPleeeaaaasssseeeee????
<auntiedi> ok, I'm confused, is codex II gonna have the same stuff as codex I plus stuff, or is it completely different?
<Golux> Codex II should be in paperback for around $25
<@Shiral> And he says there will be a puzzle buried in his narrative with a prize for the fan who can answer the question he'll be posing within the prose...
<emily> Can you tell I have a two year old at home?
<auntiedi> emily, never.lol
<Golux> No, that is the atlas
<Rebecca> Di its the same as I with KKb stuff
<scribbler> When is it coming out? I got confused as to dates...
<auntiedi> thanks Rebecca
<Kiri`> Codex 2 will have new stuff, plus corrections. will be same size and layout as original codex..
<@Shiral> Mostly the same stuff, Auntiedi. It will be a paper back,slightly expanded
<Golux> Codex II - next year, Atlas this year
<@Shiral> Price will be about $25.00
<auntiedi> so, if I can get my hands on codex II, I can stop pining for codex I
*** xmanii_away is now known as xmanii
<Kelric> oooh.
<JastaElf> I wanna know the MOMENT it comes out...
<scribbler> YESSSS!
<Kiri`> puzzle - cept for Julie , who has to figure out the question.. ;)
<@Shiral> A second hardcover Codex is simply not feasible.
<Golux> same size, box cover
* JastaElf wonders if we could pre-order through Amazon...
<Golux> no
<JastaElf> rats....
<auntiedi> I wonder if we did a mass preorder, somewhere.
<JastaElf> where will they be sold, then?
<emily> When will the Deryni anthology come out?
<Golux> Order from Rob
* Bynw pre-ordered his Codex 1 through Amazon
<scribbler> will Rob post on the newsgroup when they're published?
<Golux> yes
<Wrengl> So did I Chris
<hygilac> .me did too--and never got one!
<@Bynw> :<
<JastaElf> So, if I... why not II pre-order thru Amazon?
* JastaElf looks confused....
<Golux> KK is the one to ask about Anthology
<Kiri`> from what I gathered, there will be enough codex 2's to go round =)
<@Shiral> Codex I cost a heck of a lot to produce, and a second hardcover Codex would have to go at the same price as the original but without the box, and the signatures
<@Jessie> it is being privately printed Jasta
<JastaElf> oh... gotcha!
<Golux> This is for us guys
<scribbler> We can get the signatures later....
<auntiedi> I didn't think to go to Amazon, I tried going to who the publisher was said to be, and they kept putting me off.
<@KK> Anthology is next June, 2002.
<Golux> and we will
<@Shiral> The signed limited edition was limited for a REASON. It was a one shot deal from the beginning
* Shiral gives a happy little wiggle
<JastaElf> :-)
<Kiri`> and we learned the origins of Brother Theo.. ;)
<@Shiral> Yes. <G> We invented him!
<scribbler> D/me is green with envy.....
<Kelric> rotflmao
<Wrengl> You invented Brother Theo?
<Rebecca> the NG did
<Kiri`> rob and marry were totally flummoxed by bro theo..
<@Shiral> All of us fans collectively invented him
<scribbler> ;Shiral -- Actually, I think we discovered him....
<Kiri`> exactly
<Wrengl> Oh, I remember those discussions.
<@Shiral> Okay, details, details. My brain is not functioning at optimum range, right now!
<Golux> Codex II should go a little past KKB and will have all of the material from I corrected, except made the map
<vegasunicorn> what about the altas -- when/how will it be published?
<emily> Did you discover Brother Theo after or before the codex came out
* scribbler is wondering if Googlemonster has those archives still....
<@Shiral> Hopefully in time for Darkover next November on the Atlas
<Kiri`> atlas - published by grey ghost.
<Golux> This year- Grey Ghost?
<@Shiral> Yes.
<Rebecca> Google monster should
<Golux> Atlas will have the puzzle
<JastaElf> There's an Atlas out also?> Or coming out?
<hygilac> hooray!
<Kiri`> bro theo - after.. the ng collectively created him
<Wrengl> Coming out
<@Jessie> with the rpg Jasta
* JastaElf puts a hand to her whirling head... :-)
<hygilac> I want the atlas also
<emily> This is going to be a very fun year, with all of this new stuff coming out!
<@Shiral> Atlas and Codex, yes. Atlas this year, Codex next year
<scribbler> Jasta -- coming out; we heard the prologue yesterday...
* Kiri` wants that atlas..
<JastaElf> rpg?
<Golux> Coming out by Bro Theo
<@Shiral> It's great. <G>
<vegasunicorn> can preorder atlas? or private lso
<@Jessie> Jasta: the atlas is supposed to be available on Amazon
<JastaElf> there's An RPG?? Oh wow....
<Rebecca> prologue for the Atlas?
<@Shiral> Brother Theo has a lovely ball gown for his coming out.....<G>
<@Bynw> watch the cam....
<Golux> Not just maps, story
<scribbler> Jasta -- RPG based on Deryni universe....
<@Shiral> Yes, the Atlas Prologue
<Kiri`> Jasta - grey ghost will be creating a ROG for the Deryni Universe.. KK can fill you in ..
<JastaElf> oh my goodness....
<@KK> Jasta, I thought I told you.
* JastaElf reels in a slight, happy faint....
<JastaElf> You may have done, m
* Kiri` fwaps Shiral with the chopstick of silliness
* scribbler observes that June is traditionally Gay Pride Month....
<Kiri`> cam???
<JastaElf> my dear... but I have no brain tonight....
<@Shiral> Get that woman off the floor, she has to write more fanfic!
<JastaElf> :-)
* JastaElf blushes...
<Golux> And he wears a thong under the ball gown
* Shiral whacks Kiri back with a fortune cookie
<Kiri`> LOL
<Kiri`> ooh cookie!
* auntiedi sooo confused
<@Bynw> I have a webcam Kiri`
<JastaElf> Oh, it's a KITTY!!!
<auntiedi> what is an rpg. or rog?
<@KK> Brother Theo wears a thong? Now, there's a thought.... :-)
<Kiri`> b - gathered that. url?
<hygilac> hello Kitty!
<JastaElf> rpg=role playing game, auntie
<scribbler> rpg=role playing game
<@Shiral> Yes, I thought you knew, KK!
<auntiedi> okay, getting there.
<Rebecca> what's kitty's name?
<@Bynw> RPG is a Role-Playing Game.... best example would be Dungeons & Dragons
<@Jessie> Any word when the wall map will be available from Grey Ghost
<@Bynw> there is a chat room for that down the hall
<Kiri`> hmm? map chat?
<@Shiral> Not as of yesterday or from Rob, Jessie
<@KK> A Grey Ghost chat room?
<JastaElf> no, D&D
<@Jessie> that DND -- duke Nigel's duds
<@Shiral> LOL!!<
<JastaElf> Woo-hooo!! :-)
<@Bynw> no a Dungeons and Dragons chat
<@Bynw> LOL
<Kiri`> hmm.. Nigel strikes me as a brief man
<@Shiral> <And not very many of his duds.....<G>
* Bynw shakes his head
<JastaElf> Duke Nigel's Dudes = the Aldine Lancers...
<@KK> Uh-oh, here we go again, ladies!
<Kiri`> OL
<@Jessie> lol
<Golux> If you can put Alaric in a posing pouch I can put Brother Theo in a thong
<JastaElf> :-) hee hee hee....
* Shiral collapses on the floor in giggle fits
<Kiri`> LOL
<scribbler> Alaric = boxers or briefs?
<@Jessie> Any word when the wall map will be available from Grey Ghost
<@Shiral> Briefs!
<emily> Now why is the Duke of Earl coming into my head?
<hygilac> bikinis?
<JastaElf> I don't see Nigel as a briefs man.
<@Shiral> Do you think Richened would let that man wear boxer shorts?
<Kelos_al-Hazar> That's the Duke of URL, isn't it?
<Kelric> duke. duke, ... duke of corwyn duke duke ...
<JastaElf> briefs constrict fertility, after all... ;-)
<@Shiral> Oh bad.....
<scribbler> well, they DO have two kids....
<Kiri`> Jasta - actually i see him as a nude underneath guy.. but perhaps briefs during court functions ;)
<JastaElf> <snrt!!!>
<auntiedi> sigh
<@Bynw> Tika agrees with Kiri`
<@Shiral> Right and Nigel would never allow his undies to get in the way of his dynastic duties!
<hygilac> and what does Richenda have to say about it
<emily> Did folk wear undies in medieval times?
<JastaElf> LOL!!!
<@Shiral> Quite alot, I'll bet
<auntiedi> loincloths
<@KK> Mostly not, Emily.
<Kiri`> underwear as we know it is a rather new invention
<emily> I didn't think so
<JastaElf> breeks...
<@Shiral> I don't think Alaric pays a lot of attention to clothes
<scribbler> with all the horse riding, I'm sure they did....
<JastaElf> Owww... :-)
* Shiral cringes
<auntiedi> talk about saddle sores.
* JastaElf imagines riding in riding leathers with no undies... oww...
<@KK> Breeches, but not much underwear in the sense we know it.
<@Shiral> A Codpiece
<Kiri`> oh ouch!
<emily> I'm sure they toughened up over time:-<
<@Jessie> pillows
<Golux> side saddle
* scribbler wriggles in her chair in discomfort....
<@Shiral> The human race didn't die out, so they must have done.
<JastaElf> :-)
<@KK> We know that the Templars wore under-breeches made of lambskin.
<@Shiral> Warm woollies?
<Golux> Sounds good
<JastaElf> oooo, sexy!! :-)
<emily> Wouldn't that be hot in the desert?
<auntiedi> and what did the lambs wear?
<Kiri`> .me restrains herself.. children on channel
<@Shiral> I suppose they must have appreciated them in Scotland, less so in the Holy Land!
<@KK> Wasn't meant to be sexy--the opposite, in fact.
<JastaElf> It would be hot anywhere... <purrrrr>....
<JastaElf> ;-)
<auntiedi> JASTA
<Golux> Bad Jasta
* JastaElf bats eyelashes...
<@Jessie> we have a very young child in the chat room
<@Shiral> Okay, I guess we have to behave. A little....
<emily> BLUSH
<Kiri`> yea./. in the desert sorta like hair shirts..
<Golux> She is eating dinner
<JastaElf> Oh, OK, sorry! Didn't realize...
<Kiri`> oh well in that case...
<@Shiral> So we haven't scarred her soul
<auntiedi> yet
<@Shiral> Anyway, she has Great Hooded One for a brother!
<auntiedi> who is our youngster?
<great_hooded_one> actually, Elsa's at the dinner table
<scribbler> in HOG, it mentioned that Javan was not given any undergarments to wear under his robe when he took his temporary vows, so that means he must have worn something usually....
<@Shiral> Princess E
<@Bynw> Tika and the cat are in the cam if you catch it fast enough
<emily> I didn't mean it that way guys!
<auntiedi> k
* Kelos_al-Hazar wonders if the transcript of this will need to be edited....
<Kiri`> URL???
<@Bynw> missed it....
<JastaElf> Aww, they're so cute, Bynw!
<Rebecca> Hi Tika!! n I See you
* Shiral bats eyelashes at Kelos
<@Bynw> www.psionics.net/webcam/
<Kelric> I think so. :)
<scribbler> can't wait to see what I missed while I was looking up stuff in HOG
<JastaElf> did not miss it... :-)
<auntiedi> you could do a G rated version, and a jasta version
<@Bynw> lol
<@Shiral> J-Rated? <G>
<JastaElf> Oh, like I'm the only naughty chatter... ;-)
<JastaElf> heh heh heh....
<Kiri`> J rated *snerks*
<@Bynw> hehehehehehehe
<@Shiral> KK, don't take this the wrong way, but are you SURE Jasta's Ordination really stuck??
<emily> KK, how are your house renovations doing?
<scribbler> hey, underwear's a clean topic, at least if you've done your laundry....
<@Shiral> <EG>
<auntiedi> lmao
<JastaElf> LOL! :-)
<Golux> Hey Elsa was the one figuring out if she should marry Donald or if I should
<@KK> Javan wasn't allowed to wear any other layers underneath--which means that it was a little chilly, I expect.
<auntiedi> um, rear off
<@Shiral> Not in August, surely?
<@Shiral> Sorry girls, the Duck is mine. <G>
<scribbler> and also heightened the feelings of helplessness...
<@KK> It stuck.
* JastaElf sighs with relief :-)
<@KK> Realy, Shiral? ;-)
<@Shiral> whew?
<JastaElf> :-)
<@Shiral> No, I'm just making sure that certain....boundaries are set.
<@Shiral> Elsa is tough competition
<Kiri`> Yes.. Shiral is feathering he nest.. *ducks*
<@KK> In other words, back off, ladies, eh?
<JastaElf> down pillows... down comforters....
<@Shiral> We're Platy-platonic friends
<JastaElf> :-)
<Kiri`> thinks Melissa and Donald make a cute couple
<auntiedi> with potential?
<@Shiral> He's a very nice fellow....who quite literally lives on the other side of the world.
<Kelric> heh. at least we've managed to get pictures of Elsa in both of the last 2 parties :)
<Golux> I know quite a few husbands who are waiting for Elsa to become legal before dumping the wife
<Kiri`> he' interesting.. was nice to talk archeology with someone again =)
<scribbler> Oh really????
<@Shiral> Then why does she need Donald too?
<Kiri`> Elsa collects men..
<@Shiral> <G>
<@Shiral> ANd she's only ten, too!
<scribbler> never too early to pick a hobby....
<emily> KK, I was rereading parts of HOG, especially the part when Evaine is trying to help Camber, and noticed the part where you wrote that one result could be Camber being sent back to the wheel, into another life, and was wondering if any of the characters we see in Kelson's time could be characters that died in previous stories who have been sent "back" on the wheel?
<hygilac> She is a Princess; she can have all the men if she wants them
<Kiri`> LOL
<auntiedi> good question emily
<@Shiral> Yeah? Well, she's up against Queenie!
<@Jessie> good question Emily
* Kelric ducks and covers
<Kelric> ack. a serious question!
<Kiri`> great question emily
<auntiedi> brb, dog needs food
<JastaElf> Oooo, excellent question, emily!!
<@KK> I suppose it's possible--but it isn't an area I'm planning to get into in the near future.
<scribbler> we should put that one on the NG and go at it; it beats the casting question.....
<@Shiral> YES
<Rebecca> anyday!!
<@Shiral> Or the genetics thread!
<Kelric> rotfl
<@Shiral> I'm not REALLY worried, Kiri. <G>
<auntiedi> back
<hygilac> that was quick
<scribbler> don't dogs ALWAYS need food?
<@Shiral> Fast Food for dogs. <G>
<Wrengl> The genetics thread never gets very far
<auntiedi> gotta keep the food close, or she gets ornery.lol
<Kiri`> so.. ho's camlin's bride coming aong *teasing*
<@Jessie> Katherine: what would be the order of rank at St. Liam's --
<scribbler> that's one thing dogs and husbands have in common.... 8-)
<emily> It was just a thought, I was also wondering, it seems to be a pattern that either Camber or one of Camber's descendants are always present at the empowerment rituals for the Haldanes <e.g. Rhysel at Owain's, Morgan at Brion's and Kelson's), is that a necessary component?
<@Shiral> BRB
*** Quits: great_hooded_one <Connection reset by peer)
<auntiedi> uh oh, time to whip out the frozen fish
<Kelric> noone expects the Spanish Peerquisiton!
<scribbler> emily -- I think it may just be coincidence, given the prominence of Camber's kin....
* Kiri` ducks to avoid gettin beaned by fish
<@Jessie> another good question emily
* JastaElf wonders how peevish the CC is about Morgan & Duncan & Dhugal being desc. from Camber... :-)
*** Joins: great_hooded_one 
<Golux> To be serious: Elsa's father is absent from her life and has been for nine of her 10 years. She needs attention from adult males, not just Raymond. And we have many friends who like being a part of her life. Thank you Johnathan, Matt, Donald, Bob, Bill, Shawn and all the others.
<Kiri`> I have a question.... Will Araxie and Kelson be having children in their next book?
* Kelos_al-Hazar puts on his gloves, opens the freezer, grabs out the frozen tigershark and slaps peer upside the head so hard that peer takes a flying lesson sans airplane
<auntiedi> thanks kelos
<great_hooded_one> well, at least this time i don't have a ghost when i came back
<@Shiral> Good question, Kiri
<JastaElf> WB Hood!
<Kiri`> re ray!
* Kelos_al-Hazar puts the frozen shark back in the freezer, slams the lid, then takes his gloves off, dusting his hands off
<great_hooded_one> yes, i think i'm getting "ghosted" a lot because i named myself after a dead person
<auntiedi> golux, i'm sorry. good thing you found these wonderful people. :-)
* Kiri` would also like to know if we will hear about their honeymoon...
* Kiri` grins at ray
<@Jessie> ask your question again emily
* Kelos_al-Hazar will be right back...getting hot in house...A/C needed urgently
<emily> The one about Camber's descendents being a necessary component to the empowerment ritual?
<@Jessie> yes
<@KK> Sorry, Brian needed to check his game. What was the question?
<emily> Um, Katherine, is one of Camber's descendents or Camber himself a necessary component to the empowerment ritual for the Haldanes?
<scribbler> well, Conall was technically "empowered" without a Camber link, if you consider the work Tiercel did with him....
<@Shiral> Camber showed up in Conall's vision too, and looked less than pleased.
<@KK> I don't think so. Just someone who knows what he or she is doing.
<emily> But was that really empowerment or drawing on latent Deryni genes?
<scribbler> Conall rejected Camber; that was one of his mistakes....
* Kelos_al-Hazar is back...but it'll be a while before the house cools enough for his or his computers' comfort.
<@Shiral> Kiri also wanted to know about Kelson's and Araxie's honeymoon.....<G>
<Rebecca> I have an Enki-du on my lap :)
<@KK> Let's leave them some privacy...
<@Jessie> good one KK
<@Shiral> Awwwwww....
<Kelos_al-Hazar> Well said, Lady Katherine.
<scribbler> Some things are best left to one's imagination....
<@Shiral> We tried, Kiri
<Wrengl> The Mearan Sunday Herald did not have a rep at the honeymoon!
<@Jessie> nor did the Carthmoor Times
<Rebecca> Are you sure <g>
* JastaElf wins her saving throw and says nothing... :-)
<Golux> So will they have kids by their next story?
<JastaElf> The Carthmoor Times is a rag sheet, Jessie, not worth your time. Best to buy the Carthmoor Clarion. :-)
<scribbler> or at least Araxie could be expecting.....
<@Jessie> ah okay -- were they at the honeymoon?
<@KK> In the future, there might be a short story. But I anticipate that the next Kelson book will pick up with a Haldane heir either in the making or actually born already.
<auntiedi> Jessie, did you get an answer about hierarchy at St. Liam's?
<JastaElf> No, at Prince Nigel's request we remained at the reception.
<Wrengl> The Clarion also did not have a rep snooping on the honeymooners
<@Shiral> A-HA!!
<JastaElf> exactly, Wrengl
<auntiedi> yah, but what about the Gwynedd-Enquirer?
<@Jessie> no I didn't auntiedi
<scribbler> Hmmm....just thought of a question to pose to the NG in the near future....
<emily> Katherine, I'm really curious about Rhidian, and I think you may have been hinting in KKB that she did have a child with Kelson, any more hints? Could this child, if it exists maybe later serve as a helper to Kelson's children as Morgan did to Brion and Kelson?
<JastaElf> Oh, they were probably peeking in the windows....
*** xmanii is now known as xmanii_away
<@Shiral> They were shown to the door by huge Tralian Pikemen <G>
<JastaElf> :-) yup!
<Wrengl> You got it Shiral
<@KK> If there were such a child, I suppose that he or she might have some connection.
<Kelos_al-Hazar> Since when has the Enquirer NEEDED to be at an event to report it? If they don't have info, they make it up anyway.
<@Shiral> Who didn't relax their vigilance, and confiscated all camera film
<scribbler> emily thinks of too many good questions....
<JastaElf> All too true, Kelos... :-)
<Rebecca> good point Kelos
* Kiri` wanted to know where Kelson and Araxie honeymooned.. not what happened *silly people* Did they do a progress?
<@Jessie> Katherine: what would be the order of rank at St. Liam's --
<auntiedi> you gonna ask again, jessie?
<Wrengl> Yes they do write good fiction, Kelos
<JastaElf> Did you know the Gwynedd Inquirer is owned by Teymuraz and his heirs?? :-)
<Kelos_al-Hazar> She just did. :)
<JastaElf> True story... :-)
<@Shiral> I'll bet they went down to Dunluce, Kiri
<auntiedi> yup, i'm a little slow. :-)
<@Jessie> lol auntiedi
<@Shiral> RIght, Jasta. <G>
<@KK> St. Liam's is what, an abbey? Then they'd have an abbot.
<@Shiral> An Abbey and a school
<@KK> The school would probably have rector, rather like a principal.
<hygilac> brb--fur children need attention and food
<Kiri`> I think it would be neat to see Kelson and Araxie on Progress..
<Rebecca> I lost my lap-kitty
<auntiedi> givem smooches from me hygilac
<Wrengl> and from me, Linda
<emily> I would imagine some creative warding would keep the undesirables <press) away <G> perhaps Uncle Azim would think of something creative!
<@Shiral> Kiri, Me too, even if not in conjunction with their honeymoon.
<auntiedi> my lap doggy, stole my covers.
<@Shiral> A couple of Caradots, I'll bet. <G>
<@KK> Progress is a distinct possibility.
<@Shiral> Through which lands, KK?
* Kiri` applauds..
<scribbler> And Joram was a schoolmaster in CofC
<@KK> Strictly Gwynedd, in the beginning.
<JastaElf> Ummm, Caradots... go so well with Bernaise sauce.... :-)
<Golux> But they should have gotten their rings at Target <duck>
<@Shiral> Oh, NOW I remember my question. KK, how closely related is Cardounet to the Chess Game in our world?
<@Shiral> Oh, Eileen, Target rings are only for shotgun weddings!
<@KK> Fairly close. Anyone want to invent specific rules? :-)
<JastaElf> Jim might have fun doing that, KK....
<emily> That would be a fun aside to the role playing game
<JastaElf> he loves chess and knows some variants
<@Bynw> I would love to have a copy of the rules
<@Bynw> once written of course
<Kelric> Cardounet would be fun to play.
<@KK> I'll see if Jim is interested.
<@Jessie> so a school master would be under a rector -- and all would be under the abbot
<scribbler> I'll have to read through the books and take notes....hmmm, could I turn that into a manual for my technical writing degree? 8-)
<Kiri`> rings *snaps fingers.. and searches for URL*
<@Shiral> What made me wonder was that in Camber the Heretic, Cinhil mentions "the Caradot's Lair." I wondered then if Cardounet is played on a similar board to a chess set
<@KK> Yes, Jessie. But there would be other standard monastic officers as well.
<JastaElf> Infirmarian for the clinic... :-)
<@Shiral> You'd need that with all those boys running around learning martial arts. <G>
<@KK> Similar to chess board, yes. Probably different number of squares.
* JastaElf suddenly has a brain-tweet:
<auntiedi> uh oh
*** xmanii_away is now known as xmanii
<@Shiral> Tweet?
<JastaElf> Would a quartermaster be a hosteller, KK?
* Kelos_al-Hazar thinks it probably has 81 squares...
*** Joins: marnin 
<JastaElf> <viz Kelos' earlier question...)
<JastaElf> hi marnin!
<@Bynw> Hiyas Mom
<marnin> hiyas
<Kelos_al-Hazar> Talk about back-burner thoughts... :)
<JastaElf> is that your MOM, Bynw?
<@Bynw> yup
<@KK> Could be, Kelos.
<JastaElf> How COOL! Hi Mom!
<Wrengl> Hi marnin
<marnin> Hi
<auntiedi> I assume the board would be black and white?
<Kiri`> I've always felt that Cardounet had elements of Chinese chess and the early mid Asian <forgotten name) of chess that's now lost.
<@Shiral> OR at least, light and dark?
<Golux> Another mother and son...
<@KK> Cool! Hi, Marnin!
<@Shiral> Hi Marnin
<scribbler> could be light brown and dark brown <different shaded woods...)
<auntiedi> hi marnin
<marnin> hi
<scribbler> hi marnin....
<@Shiral> I wonder, will Kelson ever get back the Cardounet set that was given to Alroy and Javan?
<Kiri`> yeah.. would that be in the royal stores?
<@KK> Possibly. It might be somewhere in the royal treasury.
<@Shiral> Or was it already given back to the Haldanes by some principled Lord?
<scribbler> it might be lost by now....ended up with one of the stinkin' regents...
<Kelric> well. I need to make a phone call so I will be seeing you all later.
<auntiedi> more likely.
<auntiedi> nite kelric
<Wrengl> cya Kelric
<scribbler> bye again, Kelric....
<@Shiral> I'm sure they haven't gone all those years without a Cardounet board. <G>
<emily> I wonder if Owain's knights are in the royal nursery?
<@Shiral> Bye Kelric
* Kelric steps onto the transfer portal and disappears in a flash of light :)
<Golux> Catch ya later...
<@Jessie> bye Kelric
<@KK> Whoops, we have visitors. I have to go, as does Jasta.
<@Shiral> They'd be pretty battered by now, I'll bet what with all those generations of princelings. <G>
<JastaElf> Michaelines at my door... :-)
<Kelric> I hope everyone here gets that reference :)
*** Quits: Kelric <QUIT: User exited)
<Wrengl> good night Katherine.
<auntiedi> that's a shame. nice talking to you tho. niters.
<scribbler> take care, KK and Jasta....
<Kiri`> night Jasta and KK
<@Shiral> Yup
<emily> Goodnight Katherine
<@KK> THey've probably been trying to ring us, but both lines are engaged,of course.
<Kelos_al-Hazar> Take care, KK...and Jasta!
<hygilac> Good night KK and Jasta
<Wrengl> Thumper and Kathi said have a good night also.
<Rebecca> Night KK and Jasta
<vegasunicorn> nite KK
<@Shiral> NIght Jasta and KK
<JastaElf> good night, my dears!
<emily> Goodnight Jasta
<Wrengl> night Jasta.
<auntiedi> safe flight katherine
<@Jessie> thanks Katherine
<vegasunicorn> nite Jasta
<@Shiral> Come back soon, both of you!
<Wrengl> Safe flight Katherine
<JastaElf> :-) I'll be back tomorrow night!
<@Shiral> Even if not tonight
<Golux> Make it home safe KK
<emily> vegasunicorn, is that Susan?
<@Shiral> Enjoy your new toy!
<Wrengl> No
<vegasunicorn> no, sorry
<@KK> See you next week though. Bynw's mom--nice to see you here, even if you didn't get to talk while I'm here. You have a very nifty son. :-)
<auntiedi> and use it in good health.lol
<scribbler> have a safe flight home, KK, don't let your arms get tired....
<marnin> yes i think so to and thank you
<@Shiral> Soar on the thermals, KK!
* JastaElf thinks Bynw and Tika both are pretty spiff....
<emily> Have a safe flight home KK
* Shiral agrees with Jasta
<@Bynw> Tika says "nighters"
<@Shiral> Night all
<JastaElf> Night Teeks!
<@KK> Yeah, I think Marnin is getting a pretty cool daughter-in-law, too.
<auntiedi> nite tika
<JastaElf> :-) yes indeedy!
<hygilac> Safe flight, Katherine
<@Jessie> nighters
*** Quits: Jessie <QUIT: User exited)
<@Shiral> Night Jessie
<emily> Goodnight Melissa, Jessie, and Tika
<marnin> here here!!!
<hygilac> Give Scott a hug from us too
<@KK> Night, gang. Next week.
<marnin> night
<@Shiral> Night KK.
<auntiedi> night kk
<Kiri`> nifg.. and try to write on plane =)
<auntiedi> shiral, you leaving?
*** Quits: KK <QUIT: User exited)