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KK Chat - Jun. 3, 2001 (pt. 2)

Started by RainbowDragon, July 08, 2008, 11:01:12 AM

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KK Chat - June 3, 2001, pt. 2

<KK> Yesterday when I came back from the market, he was in front of his old house--which is right next door to ours.  He came when I called him, and let me pick him up and carry him inside and
upstairs; stayed all night.  We're definitely making progress. It's not yet been a week.
<JastaElf> Oh, he's doing well!
<Wrengl>  That IS good for Nicholas
<Shiral> "I've been sitting here and sitting here and they STILL haven't opened the door!  Okay, I'll come home with YOU then!
<JastaElf> LOL
<auntiemuchbetter> lol
<Wrengl>  LOL
<KK> His old cat flap is locked, so he can't get in there, either.
<Kelos_al-Hazar> KK, before the storm forces me offline, might I ask you a quick question?
<Shiral> Poor little guy must feel a bit confused, still
<JastaElf> bless his little heart....
<auntiemuchbetter> his cat flap? that doesn't sound like something you want locked
<Wrengl>  Poor baby.
<Golux> ELsa: What's a cat flap
<KK> Jessica, on the other hand, is seriously in season, and howling for a guy.  Nicholas tries to oblige, and goes through
all the right motions, but I'm afraid he's firing blanks.
<JastaElf> small cat door built into your door.
<virtualbabe> a little swinging door or flap for cats to use
<Wrengl>  Swing door for the cat to come in and out of the house.
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*** Guest20978 is now known as Kelric
<JastaElf> Kelos, what was your question?
<Kelric> hi all
<Shiral> Hi Kelric
<Jessie> hello Kelric
<auntiemuchbetter> hi kelric
<raushana> Hello, Kelric
<Golux> My dog should have one of those
<Wrengl>  Hi Kelric
<Kelos_al-Hazar> KK: How far away is the nearest port to the home of the Mother House of the Brotherhood of the Anvil?
<Wrengl>  They come dog-sized also.
<Kelric> just checking in while on break at work.
<KK> Probably several days' ride, Kelos.
* Kelos_al-Hazar sees a problem with his current storyline, then!
<KK> Our cat flap is definitely dog-sized; Bassett-sized, in fact.
<Shiral> Bassador sized, even. <G>
<Wrengl>  Would expect that, somehow!
<virtualbabe> would that not then make it a dog-flap?
<KK> They have more than one house, though.  That might get around your problem.
<Kelric> I have a question for KK that she can answer either now or when I go back to work.  Does Sofiana have any children of child bearing age at the beginning of QFSC?
<KK> Yes.
<JastaElf> Shall we send her your portrait, Kelric?  :-)
<Shiral> LOL
<Wrengl>  LOL
<Kelos_al-Hazar> One of my all time favorite posters shows three Basset hounds. Two of them are standing, but the third (in the foreground) is lying down, looking sad and exhausted. Caption is "My git-up-and-go has done got up and WENT!"
<Shiral> Male or female children?
<Kelric> sure.  basically I was going to have a little "picture showing off session" at the beginning of the council meeting
during which Camber finally shows up :)
<JastaElf> "No more nonsense, Kalric!  If Kelson of Gwynedd can find a bride, so can you!!"
<Shiral> But Kelric is only three.....Oh wait, Wrong Kelric!
<JastaElf> LOL!
<virtualbabe> hey, Kelson had connections
<Wrengl>  LOL, Shiral
<auntiemuchbetter> lol, never too young to start matchmaking
<Shiral> And EVERYONE wanted him to get married!
<Wrengl>  And he already knows about carnal levels
<Kelric> I will have the first chapter of Camber Vs. Camberian Council out by mid week.  With appropriate cliffhanger of course :-P
<virtualbabe> that was the major topic of gossip in the whole eleven kingdoms
<Golux> Okay, Raymond is 15 and Elsa is 10.  Any takers?
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<Shiral> No, Richenda put the kibosh on his learning anything further
<Jessie> hello Tika
<JastaElf> Hi teeks!
<Tika> hey Jessie, I hear you're having the same problems that we are ;)
<Shiral> Hi Tika
<Wrengl> Hi Tika
<auntiemuchbetter> hi tika
<JastaElf> Golux: can we see your family stud book please? :-)
<virtualbabe> hi tika
<Shiral> KK, are we keeping you entertained? <G>
<Tika> hello again all ;)
<KK> Absolutely.  :-)
<Kelric> hehe.
<Shiral> Didn't want you to feel left out!
<Golux> KK can you cross-stich and chat at the same time?
<JastaElf> KK: I sent you the gardening gloves explanation this eve.  :-)  It'll be there at your leisure.
<Jessie> lol
<Kelric> BTW,  St. Patrick's Gargoyle was a very enjoyable read, KK.
<KK> Not really.
<Kelos_al-Hazar> My mom loved SPG!
<virtualbabe> Chapter's doesn't carry it
<auntiemuchbetter> oh, i agree. i enjoyed it quite a bit, just finished last week
<Shiral> It was a VERY fun book
<KK> Between reading and typing and looking things up on maps and genealogical charts....
<JastaElf> SPG is wonderful...
<auntiemuchbetter> virtual, you try amazon?
<Shiral> You'd need another three sets of hands to cross stitch, too
<Golux> At least...
<Kelric> heh.  I definitely was glad to have my codex handy for my fic.
<Wrengl>  And another set of  eyes.
* JastaElf sighs over being Codex-challenged....
<virtualbabe> thing is, I have to pay exchange too. I'm in Canada
<KK> Yep.  I can just about stitch and watch TV at the same time--and in fact, that's about the only time I get to stitch.
* auntiemuchbetter sticks my codexless tongue out at kelric
<Shiral> You'd better keep a REALLY good eye on your Codex on the 16th, Rebecca!
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<Tika> ok, now that things are working, Bynw is about to kill me to get onto this computer ;)
<Rebecca> I think you're right Melissa!
<Tika> y'all have fun!
<JastaElf> Ooo, Peer doesn't like people sticking out tongues... :-)
<Jessie> by Tika
<Shiral> Bye Tika
<Rebecca> bye Tika!
<Shiral> Hi Chris
<KK> Bye, Tika.
<Kelric> now just for clarification from the Bay Area group, the Rob Reginald party is this coming saturday right?
<Wrengl>  bye tika
<Shiral> Yes.
<Shiral> At my place.  I'm thinking LUnch, then come back to my apartment for desserts and listening to Rob read to us all
<KK> Ah, well that will have to be your fix for next weekend. 'Cause I'll be with Jasta.
* JastaElf wishes she could come...
<Shiral> Until his voice gives out!
<JastaElf> but I can't bilocate.  :-)
<Shiral> We wish you could too, Jasta, but you'll have KK!
* Rebecca wishes she could come too!
* virtualbabe wishes she were in the bay area now
<Kelric> ok.  now I just wish that I had found that used book store the week BEFORE the KK party from 2-3 weeks ago ^_^*
<Wrengl>  Yes, you will.
<JastaElf> KK, we need to build a Portal while you're here.  :-)
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<KK> If any of you figure out how to do it, let me know!
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<JastaElf> we can draw energy from Brian, Jim, and the cAts.  :-)
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<Kelric> heh.
<Shiral> So she can jump from party to party.  I know I have a portal somewhere in my closet, Jasta....
<Kelric> hi bynw,
<Wrengl> Hi Chris
<Golux> Raymond has been too busy with finals to work on the attic portal
* Bynw now has control of the puter
<KK> In the wardrobe, with that lion....
<JastaElf> When you find it, Shiral, we'll put it all together. :-)
<Jessie> lol
<Kelric> I still can't believe that someone would sell a proof copy of KKB to a used book store.
<KK> Hi, Bynw.
<JastaElf> LOL, KK!
* Bynw reigns in triumph.... builds a triumphal arch to celebrate the conquest
<JastaElf> What'd you do?
<Bynw> Hiyas everybody
<KK> He got control of the computer.
<Shiral> I could have SWORN I felt the floor in there tingle the other day.  I wonder, can socks use transfer portals? It would explain why mine go missing all the time!
<Rebecca> hey chris
<JastaElf> Ah!  a coup!
<virtualbabe> Hi bynw
<Kelric> Speaking of the Lion,  there was an article in today's New York Times about the Narnia books starting to be majorly
pushed again with merchandising to go along with the Harry Potter crowd.
<KK> Maybe we need a sock seance, if they know how to use Portals.
<JastaElf> Yes, Father Nivard found an old treatise on portals and socks in the library...
<Shiral> THe lion, well, as long as I throw him a steak now and then, he behaves pretty well!
<virtualbabe> Socks only go missing in the dryer, and that is because of the singularity in there
<Rebecca> I read that.  Irritated me
<Shiral> LOL!
<Shiral> The Rings of Saturn are composed of the frozen mismatched socks of Earth!
<Kelric> me too.
* Bynw is almost half way through book 5 of the adept
<Wrengl>  Sock are the larval form of wire coat hangers.
<Rebecca> wanting to get authors to write more sequels.  Yucko!
<Kelric> where are you plot wise Bynw.
<KK> No, paperclips become wire hangers.
<Shiral> NOOOOOOO, Only CS Lewis could write Narnia books!
<Rebecca> That's my thoughts exactly
<JastaElf> My paperclips all went to work for Bill Gates as help files.
<KK> Socks fit into the cycle somewhere, though.  And Bicycles, as I recall, are what hangers become.  And *those* can breed,
because they're gendered.
<Wrengl>  Maybe in Ireland but here they become wire hangers. Paperclips just multiply.
<Kelric> yeah.  and they shouldn't have renumbered the books in chronological order.
<Shiral> Did they used to wink at you, Jasta?
<virtualbabe> Did you hear clippy's out of a job now?
<JastaElf> All the time!  :-)
<Shiral> YEs, FINALLY
<Rebecca> no they shouldn't have
<Bynw> Adam's mother has just returned to Scotland after the
Christmas Eve "secret" wedding
<JastaElf> Is he?  Bout time...  :-)
<Kelric> however,  I have to go back to work now ^_^;  catch whoever's on around 5:30ish
<Shiral> Bye for now, Kelric
<JastaElf> Bye Kelric!  Work well!
* Kelric jumps into the air, flaps arms, falls onto a transfer portal and disappears :)
<virtualbabe> bye-eee
<KK> Bye, Kelric.
<Golux> See ya later
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<KK> Bynw, it gets hairier.
<Bynw> I'm looking forward to it KK
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<JastaElf> BOY does it ever....
<Shiral> Oh boy, does it get hairy...
<Shiral> ANd it almost gets Harry!
<Wrengl>  LOL
<Golux> Are we talking about marriage? <VBG>
<JastaElf> Does it get Harry hairy?
<Shiral> We don't know how hairy harry really is....
* JastaElf giggles, thinking here we go again....
<Shiral> But no, no wedding bells, Golux.  Be good
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<virtualbabe> well all, I hate to run, but I've got to head off.
Hopefully I'll be back next sun
<Shiral> See you, VB
<JastaElf> Seeya, vb!
<KK> Bye, VB.
<Jessie> bye virtualbabe
<Wrengl>  CYA virtualbabe
<Rebecca> bye vb
<virtualbabe> bye all
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<Shiral> So what do you hope to write in the next week before you fly off to join the Michaelines, KK?
<Kelos_al-Hazar> What do you call a gorilla able to compute E=MC²?
<JastaElf> what, Kelos?
<Kelos_al-Hazar> A Hairy Reasoner
<Bynw> booooooo
<JastaElf> Oh, the pain...  LOL!  :-)
<KK> Snicker.
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<Bynw> that was horrible!
<Golux> Just checked ebay, Codex is still for only $202.50 with only 3 days to go.  Only two people have bid on it.
<JastaElf> Look, it made Jessie run away!
* Shiral takes out a large salmon and smacks Kelos HARD
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<JastaElf> Hi Mike!
<Wrengl>  That one hurt kelos
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<Kelos_al-Hazar> Heheh...
<Shiral> There's still time, GOlux
<Rebecca> well, I think it'll go up more as it closer to the
closing date
<Mike> Hi JastaElf
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<Shiral> Hi Mike
<Kelos_al-Hazar> Uh, oh! Civil Defense alert tone going off...
<JastaElf> I'm gonna watch that auction....
<JastaElf> Oh, Kelos!!  please be safe...
<Wrengl>  I usually only bid on the last day of an auction.
<JastaElf> hi auntie, WB!
<Shiral> Don't get fried
<Shiral> WB, Auntie
<Rebecca> Tracy said hers ended up going for 800, and it was at 200 for the longest time
<Kelos_al-Hazar> Yeah, they're always nine minutes (too) late.
<auntieREALLYannoyed> thanks, i'm gonna kill aol
<Wrengl>  Stay safe Kelos and see you later maybe
<Kelos_al-Hazar> Righto.
<Mike> Hi Melissa!
<KK> Be safe, Kelos.
<auntieREALLYannoyed> be careful kelos
<Wrengl>  WB Auntie
<auntieREALLYannoyed> thanks.
<Wrengl>  Hi Mike
<Shiral> Go hide in ye closet, and come back out when it's safe, again
<KK> It must be weird to live in places where you have to worry
about storms and tornados and such.
<Shiral> That's why I live in Earthquake country, Yep.
* Kelos_al-Hazar steps on the Transfer Portal beside the sideboard, bows to the ladies and gents in the room, then vanishes with a shower of brilliant silver stars
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<Wrengl>  They had a tornado this past week in New Jersey and one a few years ago in Staten island
<Mike> Good Evening Katherine! *courtly bow*
<auntieREALLYannoyed> wrengl, where in jersey?
<KK> Hi, Mike.
<Wrengl>  Can't remember off hand.  Was half asleep when I heard
it but it WAS confirmed.
<auntieREALLYannoyed> :-) 
* Bynw used to live in Iowa...got t-storms and tornados all the
<Mike> Its raining cats and dogs here in Jefferson City, Missouri
<Shiral> KK, do you hope for more progress on Childe Morgan before
heading off to join the Michaelines this week
<KK> Weird things happen all around.  There's a crack in the front of our house from an earthquake here in Ireland around the
turn of the last century.
<KK> Yes, on into the next chapter at least--but I've only got three days, so don't know how far I'll get.  If I had a laptop, I could write on the plane.
<Shiral> There's a crack in the wall above my bathroom door frame from the 1989 quake here
<Wrengl>  Last place I would expect an earthquake.
<KK> That's what we thought.
* Bynw misses his laptop ::sniffles::
* Shiral wishes she could send the perfect laptop to KK by Wednesday
<KK> If there's time, I might get Jasta to take me to a computer
store to look for one.
<JastaElf> :-) Shopping... oh break my arm....
<auntieREALLYannoyed> jasta, which computer store. <eg>
<KK> Whichever has the best prices.
<JastaElf> :-)
<Wrengl>  Jasta you sound SO like Kathi -- Shopping
<Mike> Bynw - every time I sit down I have a "lap top"  *ducks any flying objects*
<Shiral> AUntie, are you going to tail KK wearing a trench coat and dark glasses? <G>
<JastaElf> :-)
<KK> At very least, I need to bring back a cartridge for my printer.  Half the price in the US.
<auntieREALLYannoyed> shiral, i don't have a trench coat.
<Shiral> We can tell that Jasta just hates to shop....
<JastaElf> Oh yes, can't stand it.  <crosses fingers behind back...>
<Shiral> Ah well, itll probably be too hot to wear one, anyway!
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<auntieREALLYannoyed> gee, jasta, there's an office depot RIGHT HERE IN RESTON. lol
<JastaElf> <VBG>
<auntieREALLYannoyed> prolly
<KK> Mike--groan!
<auntieREALLYannoyed> however, the dark glasses should be easy to come by
<Shiral> She's working on the subtle  <miter> mind <cope> control
<Shiral> Very bad, Mike!
<Kiri`> hello everyone
<Mike> *lol*
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<great_hooded_one> hey, kiri
<Shiral> Hi Kiri
<JastaElf> Hey, Duck!
<Kiri`> hi donald!
<Wrengl>  Hi Kiri
<great_hooded_one> hey, duck
<Wrengl>  Hi Donald
<JastaElf> hi Kiri!
<Rebecca> Hello Kiri and Donald!
<Shiral> QUACK!!
<raushana> Hello Kiri and the Duck
<the_Duck> good morning all
<auntieREALLYannoyed> hi kirii and duck
<Mike> hi kiri  hi donald
<JastaElf> Duck, can I subscribe to the Mearan Free Press?
<Wrengl>  Don't go Quakers everyone.
<JastaElf> Wanna comp issues?  :-)
<Shiral> No quakers around here, Pat!
<Wrengl>  not quakers... quackers
<JastaElf> Naughty Shiral, I just SAW that cope and Mitre stuff...  :-)
<Golux> Hello you two, what have you been doing together?
<Kiri`> who me? *grinning*
<Wrengl> Of course it COULD get qwaking out your way, Shiral. Though I hope not!
<Shiral> <EG> at Jasta.   I'll get you yet, my Priesty. and your little cats too!
<JastaElf> hee hee hee...
<JastaElf> :-)
<auntieREALLYannoyed> lmao
<Shiral> Well not until after next Saturday, please!
<Wrengl>  How are you feeling Kiri?
<Kiri`> (aside )  Shiral how's the weather down there?
<Shiral> Sunny and in the '70's
<great_hooded_one> k... i think i need to reboot
<KK> Jasta, what's the local weather?
<JastaElf> been raining a lot...
<Shiral> But that could change by next Saturday
<Mike> Anyone heard anything new from Rob regarding Codex 2?
<Rebecca> but in the 70s
<great_hooded_one> brb
<JastaElf> probably warmish and a little humid for the weekend
<auntieREALLYannoyed> and supposed to rain some more this week
<Kiri`> wrengl - extremely tired.. got back from sunnyval(dale?) about 2am.. didn't sleep.. tired.. sore..
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<Shiral> Hi Bart
<JastaElf> I'll check NOZZ later in the week
<Wrengl>  Hi bart
<Kiri`> hi bart
<JastaElf> Hey Bart!  welcome home!
<Rambart20> howdy all!
<Shiral> You have a nose for news?
<KK> Hi, Bart.
<Rambart20> Howdy KK
<auntieREALLYannoyed> hi rambart.
<Bynw> hiyas Bart
<JastaElf> :-) Actually that should've been NOAA...  ;-)
<Kiri`> shiral - thanks.  headed yor way somtime this afternoon.. wanted to know if I was wearing the right things =)
<raushana> Hi Bart
<JastaElf> homey can't type...
<Shiral> Oh, <G>
<Kiri`> wrengl - thank for asking.
<Wrengl>  Well, I know you have a bad back.
<Rambart20> well we had a slight prison break friday night,
<Wrengl>  Weather tends to make you feel worse.
<Rambart20> one of the cats decided he watnted out side
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<JastaElf> Uh-ohh... KK had a break like that too.  :-)
<KK> Yeah, this sounds familiar.
<Shiral> Must be contagious
* JastaElf starts watching her cats VERY closely...
<Mike> HEY! Has anyone heard anything from Rob Reginald about the status of Codex 2?
<JastaElf> Mine are too dumb to come home...  ;-)
<Rambart20> we got him back the next day though
<Shiral> Nothing new, Mike
<KK> No, but you can ask him next week.
<Wrengl>  Dustbunny does it all the time.  This is NOT a maximum security facility.
<Rambart20> they had to pay $25 for bail thoiugh
<Kiri`> wrengl - true =) it's sunny ere today though. my back seems to be behaving a bit better the past few weeks.
<Mike> AWWWWW!
<JastaElf> :-) Mine has to be.  Silly kitties....
<Shiral> We'll ask him when we've got him stuck in my living room with lots of people between him and the exits. <G>
<JastaElf> LOL!
<auntieREALLYannoyed> lol
<Rambart20> lol
* Kiri` is hoping hat that's a reasonably secure improvement.
<Wrengl>  LOL
<Shiral> I'm running the Kitty Club Fed.  Mine go out all the time
* Kiri` grins
<the_Duck> may i suggest torture for rr?
<KK> Mine do, too.  But Nicholas needs to learn how to get back in.
<Shiral> Oh it is, Kiri.  Remember the nano explosives designed to look like spiders?
<Wrengl> Wonder if they are part of the Kitty Kong mafia
<Rambart20> well I guess he was really scared to death when animal control got him
<Golux> If he won't talk, we could toss him in the pool!
<Kiri`> ack   spiders *HATE spiders*  terrified of them actually..
* the_Duck swapped melissa's codex 2 years ago
<KK> Animal Control got him? In that short a time?
<Shiral> Oh No he didn't!
<JastaElf> Mearan Free Codex, Duck?  :-)
<Shiral> He only THINKS he did!
<Rambart20> thats what i thought
<Rambart20> I am glad they did though
<the_Duck> no references to meara in melissa's altered codex
<Wrengl>  Better to be able to bail him out.
* JastaElf thinks: here in Carthmoor, all Codices run free-range.
<Rambart20> he safe and sound his bed taking a nap
<Shiral> Then I won't tell you about the baby Black Widow that tried to take up residence in my watering can, Kiri!
<KK> At least you got him back.  How'd you know they had him?
<Kiri`> KK - how's the bottle?
* Kiri` shudders
<Rambart20> my cousin went out looking for him yesterday morning, as I had to work and guards
<Golux> Her Codex has not been altered, it has bred recently.
<Kiri`> not movinh to mountain view.. spiders live ther..
<Rambart20> and I think they called them I think
<Shiral> I threw the watering can, spider and all into the dumpster, then went and bought a new watering can
<Kiri`> good idea.. *sugests burning dumpster for good measure
<auntieREALLYannoyed> good move shiral. we used to have em all the time in colorado
* Wrengl thinks Shiral made a good move
<Shiral> Darn right it hasn't been altered! That codex is prime breeding stock!
<KK> Ya know, you can stomp spiders, Shiral.
<Rambart20> little dum dum had pulled off his name collar a couple of days before
<JastaElf> Shiral, can you breed a little for me?  :-)
<JastaElf> of Codices, NOT spiders?
<Shiral> Well, yes, but it w as INSIDE the watering can, and I was barefoot
<Bynw> i prefer to blast them with bolts of lightning
<JastaElf> litter, I meant... <blush!>
<the_Duck> mearan sunday herald newsflash: codex genome project discovers all american codicils are genetically flawed, even the double signed ones
<auntieREALLYannoyed> yah, shiral, cause i'm sure jasta will SHARE.
<Golux> But not with Rob around, he will BBQ them!!!
<Shiral> Luckily it was hanging upside down and i got a good look at the red hour glass
<JastaElf> :-) Of course, auntie!
<Rambart20> how about codex on cd-rom
<auntieREALLYannoyed> :-)
<JastaElf> LOL, Duck!
<the_Duck> they'll definitely be burnt
* Kiri` shudders and will have nightmares fro a few days.
<Shiral> I have to breed with another adult, double signed COdex,
Jasta.  But maybe Julie Lim will bring her copy next week!
<Kiri`> are we meeting next week already? !
<JastaElf> There you go.  Excellent dam!  :-)
<KK> Could've picked up a show, if it wasn't on your foot.  Waste of a good watering can, O spineless one!  You are smarter than a spider.
<Shiral> Yes. Next Saturday
<Mike> GOOD Question Bart!  What about Codex on cd-rom?
<KK> A shoe.
* Kiri` will bring her's.. wants Rob and arry to sign it =)
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<the_Duck> yes spiders are nice - they keep the mosquito population down
<JastaElf> WB, Hood!
<Rambart20> I have been shot down before on that question by rob
<Kiri`> picked up a show?
* Shiral is  ashamed of herself, KK!  But I really can't stand black widows!  (ANd it was a VERY old watering can that had long ago lost it's sprinkler head!
<auntieREALLYannoyed> (jasta, there's gonna be a room full of codex out in san fransisco next week, you thinking what i'm
* Kiri` is lucky most mosquito's ignore her.
<KK> Shoe!  Shoe!
<great_hooded_one> k... think i missed something important here
<JastaElf> Yes, auntie, but how will we get the cat out of the
peanut butter?
<Kiri`> Heel Heel.   
<Kiri`> add jelly?
<JastaElf> LOL!
<Shiral> I wouldn't have wanted to miss the spider and have a small, mad black widow around, KK
<auntieREALLYannoyed> (what's the cat doing in the peanut butter?)
<Wrengl>  looking for the jelly?!
<JastaElf> Nothin, auntie, I was just doing a Pinky & the Brain skit on you...
<Mike> Licking its paws!
<Shiral> This conversation is becoming Surreal!
<auntieREALLYannoyed> sorry, not a pinkie person.
<Kiri`> anything that can bite me and kill me i don't want nearby.
<KK> True.  I have been known to drop an entire drawing board atop a spider and then jump up and down on the board.
<the_Duck> what most normal cats would be doing
<JastaElf> :-) OK
<the_Duck> lol
* Kiri` suggests bricks.. boulders.. maybe a few atomic bombs..
<Shiral> Regular spiders don't phase me, but I won't deal with black widows!
<the_Duck> i just move them outside
<Wrengl>  Nuclear weapons are a bit MUCH Kiri?!!!!
<Shiral> That was supposed to be Faze
<Golux> We had a room full of codecies in San Francisco two weeks ago just a few feet from me.  They had a grand ol' time!!!
<Kiri`> they don' listen when you tell them to leave.. they decide to come closer i think they want a chat.. i don't speak
<KK> Now, Donald, I've heard about those Johnnie-Jump-ups!
<JastaElf> When are the pups due, Golux?  LOL...
<Shiral> It was a splendid Codex feast
<auntieREALLYannoyed> puppies???????????
<Mike> KK, when is Ace gonna re-release all of the earlier Deryni series?
<the_Duck> kk: eh?
<Kiri`> duck - spiders..
<Shiral> They all flew out the window,  They're cubs, not pups, though
* JastaElf whines softly into her Vezaire Port...
<Rambart20> good one mike
* Kiri` someone needs to make nets to catch the cubs
<KK> They're waiting to get a few more Deryni titles under their belts; then will discuss buying the backlist and reissuing.  So buy lots of books!
<JastaElf> :-) We do, we do....
<Shiral> Yes Ma'am!
<Kiri`> huh?  who is
<Shiral> ANd we will, we will!
<Golux> I just supplied the room, the owners could tell you about the pups
<auntieREALLYannoyed> (note to self, rob banks, buy books)
<Rambart20> exactly the more that come out more we'll buy:0)
<Kiri`> KK - how did the bottle survive the flight?
* Bynw will buy every deryni title that comes out
<Mike> Ma'am, ANY new deryni books come out....... I'm gonna be all over 'em!
<Shiral> Jasta and I will be buying several copies EACH of a certain volume due out next june....
<the_Duck> auntie will your friend robert banks buy books on the strength of a note?
<JastaElf> Shiral : You betcha!!
<auntieREALLYannoyed> i'll have to check ducky.
<KK> Afraid it didn't even make it on the flight.  Label got wet in the bag; was illegible by the time I took it out at my mom's. Any chance of a repeat of just the label?
<auntieREALLYannoyed> aw, how sad.
* Shiral walks into a bookstore and says  "I want every copy you have of Deryni Tales...
<JastaElf> :-)
<Mike> Waiting IMpatiently for KKB to hurry up and come out in paperback.
<Kiri`> i have more copies. =)  I"ll mail it to you and you can
replace it =) howd' it get wet?
<KK> It'll be out any minute.  I have a copy in hand.  It's a June release.
* JastaElf wonders if the bottle was wearing only its dear little slippers... :-)
<Rambart20> cool!
<auntieREALLYannoyed> :-)
<raushana> Yay!
<KK> I think wine ran down the side and drooled on it.
<Shiral> LOL!!
<Kiri`> i though we'd finished it.. huh.. oh well.   
<Shiral> Or it's dear little gloves....
<Mike> HOORAY!!!
<KK> Anyway, it was wet and badly smeared.
<JastaElf> :-) how fetching...
* Mike gongs you.
<Shiral> Too bad
<Rambart20> dare I ask how childe morgan is coming
<auntieREALLYannoyed> is that with or without the slippers?
<JastaElf> :-0 Thanks, Mike, I needed that!!
<JastaElf> :-) With, auntie.
<auntieREALLYannoyed> :-)
<KK> A past week of polishing and expanding on the first three chapters.
<Golux> So, do I have the only bottle currently?
<Shiral> I think so, GOlux
<Kiri`> no.. i have .. ell i have the bottle.. no th label
<Rambart20> alll right!
<Golux> Kiri, have you replaced your ink yet?
<Kiri`> KK - you still have the bottle
* Kiri` us a trifle tired and no connecting well this afternoon..
<Kiri`> yes.. found th cartridges Friday.
<JastaElf> BRB... Jim and Brian are making prime rib for dinner and it is suspiciously quiet upstairs....
<KK> Afraid I left it at my mother's, since it seemed silly to transport the bottle with an illegible label.
<Rambart20> and you are talking to us
<Rambart20> go!
<Kiri`> ok  *thinks*
<Rambart20> jastaelf I mean
<the_Duck> you can see kk at eu customs? all right then what's this?
<KK> They never look.
<the_Duck> no they don't
<Shiral> Fianna red? Is this safe for export into the UK?
<JastaElf> Hi Bart, I'm back.  :-)
<the_Duck> too many people
<KK> It wouldn't be a problem.
<Shiral> Do you have a Fianna Passport, Madame? <G>
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<JastaElf> The broccoli is almost done... biscuits done, roast done, potatoes ready...  :-)
<Kiri``> which is not to say my ISP shouldn't be staked through it's proverbial heart....
<auntieREALLYannoyed> yumm
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*** Kiri`` is now known as Kiri`
<Shiral> I didn't know ISP's HAD hearts!
<JastaElf> Wow, Kiri, major connection woes...  :-(
<Rambart20> stop please (stomach is growling)
<Bynw> roast??
<JastaElf> Yup!
<the_Duck> food?
<JastaElf> prime rib...
<Shiral> Can we come over for dinner?
* Bynw licks lips
<Rambart20> had to eat army food today
<Rambart20> road Trip!
<JastaElf> Yes, please!! portal on over!!
<the_Duck> road kill
* Kiri` transports to jasta's
<JastaElf> :-)
* Bynw DCC's himself to Jasta's house for dinner
<auntieREALLYannoyed> makes my pureed broccoli look a little sad
<Rambart20> I say we all tranmsport at once
<raushana> Bye, folks...dinner calls..
<Shiral> I'll be right over -- about time I tested my Transfer portal!
<Rambart20> transport
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* Wrengl thumper says Got enough for us all
<Shiral> BYe Raushana!
<KK> Prime rib.  Sigh.
<auntieREALLYannoyed> bye raushana
<Rambart20> I don't think so
<JastaElf> Thumps, I got tons. Come on down!!
<Mike> Bye Raushana
* JastaElf knows what she's making Thursday too, then...
<KK> How *is* Thumper?
<Shiral> Tee hee!
<Wrengl>  He would if he could.  He LOVES prime rib!
<JastaElf> :-) excellent taste, that boy...
<Wrengl>  He is healing.  Starting to try standing more each day.
<Kiri`> i think i need to go.  i believe peter is trying get a hold of me.
<JastaElf> bye Kiri, take care!
<Golux> And you want him too?
<auntieREALLYannoyed> nite kirii nice meeting you
<Wrengl>  CYA Kiri
<KK> Wonderful news.  We'll keep sending him good vibes.
<Rambart20> bye kyri!
* Shiral winks at Jasta and refrains from making the comment
<Shiral> Bye, Kiri!
<KK> Bye, Kiri.
<Kiri`> take care everyon.. (could someone send me a transcrtipt?)  Eileen.. please call me tomorrow.. KK - I"ll let
you know about the bottle/label =)
<Rebecca> bye kiri
<Mike> Is there such a thing as ice cream in the Deryni universe? *crosses fingers*
* JastaElf winks back at Shiral, understanding...
<Golux> will do
<Kiri`> yes.. Derry's Dream is a popular flavor with the court ladies..
<Shiral> Well, yes, there is.  Jessie and I came up with a line of Deryni Sundaes.....
<JastaElf> Oooo....
<Kiri`> stays for second
<JastaElf> :-)
<Wrengl>  Some VERY tasty ones.
<Shiral> You don't know what we came up with for Murdoch, though!
<Mike> MMM!
<Kiri`> share!
<KK> You guys are making me hungry for ice cream--and since it's midnight here, and far too late for that, I'd better sign off for this week.
<Wrengl>  And one UNEDIBLE one
* JastaElf reaches to the sideboard for a Dhugal's Virgin Knight Colada....
<Golux> Garlic!
<Shiral> Good night, KK!
<the_Duck> good night katherine
<Rebecca> nite Katherine
<JastaElf> good night, KK!  see you soon!
<Kiri`> would like to see that list.
<Wrengl>  Night Katherine.  See you in a couple of weeks
<auntieREALLYannoyed> nite kk, nice talking to you.
<Rambart20> bye KK thanks for coming have a good night
<Shiral> Thanks again!
<Kiri`> nigt KK
<Mike> Goodnight KK, sweet dreams
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<JastaElf> Hugs to Scott and Nicholas!
<Golux> Goodnight with no spiders
<KK> See you in a couple of weeks--unless, perchance, I come online at Jasta's next week.
<Shiral> Happy writing this week!  Lots of fruitful sessions!
<JastaElf> and all other critters!
<JastaElf> We could do that, KK...  :-)
<Shiral> NIGhters, and hold the spiders
<Wrengl>  Pat the kitties and dogs.
<Bynw> I'm sure Jasta will be happy to help you get on line :-)
<auntieREALLYannoyed> yuck, don't HOLD the spiders.
<KK> No live spiders here.  Jessie nails them.
<Shiral> Oh, she'd be delighted
<JastaElf> You on one puter, me on the other... I'll make Jim log off.  :-)
<Shiral> You know what I meant, Auntie!
<auntieREALLYannoyed> (diane under the chair)
<JastaElf> :-)
<KK> I hear Jessie coming up the stairs.  Hopefully, she's brought Nicholas.  And on that note....
<JastaElf> :-) goodnight, KK!!
<auntieREALLYannoyed> nite, hugs to the critters.
<Shiral> Have agreat week, Kk
<Wrengl>  Safe flight
<Bynw> night KK
<Rambart20> I need to vamoose as well all
* KK steps onto her own Portal and disappears in a sparkle of green flecks....
<JastaElf> :-) lookit her go!  :-)
<Rambart20> see all of you later
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