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KK Chat - May 27, 2001

Started by RainbowDragon, July 08, 2008, 10:57:17 AM

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KK Chat - May 27, 2001

[18:05] *** KK has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[18:05] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KK
[18:05] <Richenda> i ate to much
[18:05] <Richenda> KK
[18:05] * Laura steps on her bedtime transfer portal and waves a fond farewell 
[18:05] <Shiral> Welcome, KK!
[18:05] <Richenda> shes here
[18:05] <Gamgee> Hello KK
[18:05] <JastaElf> Laura, don't go!!!
[18:05] <Bynw> hiyas KK
[18:05] <Rebecca> Laura come back
[18:05] <Jessie> hello KK
[18:05] <Rambart20> Howdy KK!
[18:05] <JastaElf> Hi Katherine!
[18:05] <Julia103> hello KK!
[18:05] <Richenda> hi KK
[18:05] <KK> Hi-ho!
[18:05] <Rebecca> Hello Katherine
[18:05] <madeleine> Hello KK
[18:05] <KK> I see that our shy and retiring Wrengl is with us.  :-)
[18:05] <Wrengl>  Hi Katherine.
[18:06] <auntiedi> hello kk, nice to meet you
[18:06] <JastaElf> You made it just before we started tossing food again.... :-)
[18:06] <Laura> wow what a rush! that trasfer portal brake works really well
[18:06] <Shiral> Once again, and back in form
[18:06] <KK> Hi, Jasta.
[18:06] <Laura> Hi KK
[18:06] <kitarak> Hi KK
[18:06] <JastaElf> Hi!  :-)
[18:06] <the_Duck> laura needs a fatigue banishing spell
[18:06] <Wrengl>  Glad you stopped Laura
[18:06] <Shiral> Nice to see you, KK Virtually, anyway
[18:06] <Shiral> <G>
[18:06] <KK> Laura, are you back in Germany?
[18:06] <Gamgee> Hello KK
[18:06] <Wrengl>  Definitely nice to see you today.
[18:06] <Laura> yes, I have returned to my home
[18:07] <JastaElf> "laura began to feel fatigue draining away like indigo dye..."  :-)
[18:07] <KK> Wrengl, are you well now?
[18:07] <the_Duck> or was that an indigo pie?
[18:07] <Shiral> "Until it finally ran clear....."
[18:07] <JastaElf> :-)
[18:07] <Laura> thanks for the boost of energy Jastaelf
[18:07] * JastaElf hears strains of bye bye, Miss Indigo Pie....
[18:07] <Laura> lol
[18:07] <Jackm_> Hello KK
[18:07] <Rebecca> groan
[18:07] <Wrengl>  I will be calling my own doctor Tuesday.  They never said anything so Kathi came and rescued me last night.  Said to send in the attending doctor or turn me loose!
[18:07] <Julia103> lol Jasta
[18:07] * Rambart20 chuckles
[18:07] * Shiral groans "THey're back on PIES again!
[18:08] <Rambart20> I didn't start the pie throwiung this time
[18:08] <Shiral> Hi Raymond
[18:08] <Richenda> hi
[18:08] <Rambart20> it was david and donald
[18:08] <the_Duck> you were the principal victim though
[18:08] <Laura> a large piece of shepherds pie flies through the air
[18:08] <KK> Well, Jessie and Bynw and I had a few chioice words to say last night about your ratcher-fratcher former boss.
[18:08] <Julia103> ...picturing what Kelric might do with the pies...
[18:08] <great_hooded_one> hallo, peoples
[18:08] <KK> Aha, there's the Hood!
[18:08] <JastaElf> We said a few here today too, Katherine....  :-)
[18:08] <Wrengl>  My doctor will probably have another EKG done and some blood tests.  They said my magnesium was low but that may have been due to two hours of emptying my stomach.
[18:08] <JastaElf> Hi Hood!
[18:09] <great_hooded_one> ok, i came in in the middle of something weird...
[18:09] <kitarak> Me? I didn't start it!
[18:09] <Richenda> ok, i have to go
[18:09] <kitarak> I merely continued it... :)
[18:09] * Shiral he'd be checking with his finger to see which ones he liked, Julia
[18:09] <JastaElf> bye Richenda
[18:09] <the_Duck> guilty by association david
[18:09] <Laura> why so soon Richenda
[18:09] <auntiedi> bye richenda
[18:09] <Rambart20> bye richenda
[18:09] <Richenda> i have to go to a shower
[18:09] <Shiral> Bye, Richenda
[18:09] <JastaElf> Sounds like fun!
[18:09] <Richenda> to bad
[18:09] <Rebecca> have fun!
[18:09] <Richenda> i dont' think so
[18:09] <Laura> OK, have fun  cya
[18:09] <Jessie> bye Richenda -- sorry you have to leave
[18:09] <Richenda> ok
[18:09] <Richenda> thats ok
[18:09] <Richenda> see ya
[18:09] <Richenda> bey KK
[18:10] <Julia103> bye Richenda
[18:10] <KK> Bye, Richenda.
[18:10] <Wrengl>  Believe it or not, Katherine, but my former boss asked if I would mind if he called with questions if he needed answers from me!
[18:10] <Richenda> bye
[18:10] <the_Duck> wait another day before showering richenda
[18:10] * Pax bows in greetings to one and all.
[18:10] <Laura> hey there miss carolyn
[18:10] <JastaElf> Hi Pax!
[18:10] <Shiral> Greetings, Pax!
[18:10] <auntiedi> hi pax
[18:10] <Richenda> sorry can't
[18:10] <Wrengl>  bye Richenda
[18:10] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Pat, say "Yes..if you'll pay me $20 an hour for the service."
[18:10] <Rambart20> howdy Pax!
[18:10] <Bynw> Wrengl, I hope you told him to shove off or something a bit stronger
[18:10] <JastaElf> Did you tell the boss off, Pat??
[18:10] <Richenda> bye
[18:10] <the_Duck> ciao richenda
[18:10] <Shiral> Pat, I hoped you'd say  "SOrry sucker, you had your chance!"
[18:10] <KK> Was that before or after he was acting like an a.h.?
[18:11] <Wrengl>  Not really but you can bet I will go online when I get up in the morning and stay there all day!
[18:11] <Jackm_> What happened with the boss to cause such universal acrimony?
[18:11] * Pax ditto's Jackm
[18:11] <Wrengl>  It all happened Friday when I was supposed to teach him everything he did not learn over the past fifteen years!
[18:11] <Rambart20> you didn't tell him off did you Pat?
[18:11] <JastaElf> He made Pat's last day crazy...
[18:12] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Your boss sounds like the boss in "Dilbert"...
[18:12] <Jackm_> Ooohh...that's always a bad sign.
[18:12] <KK> Obviously, he's a slow learner.
[18:12] <JastaElf> hi xmanii!
[18:12] <Wrengl>  No.  I should have told him off but there was no time and too many people coming bye and calling and emailing me to enjoy my retirement.
[18:12] <the_Duck> its only 2 years per hour ...
[18:12] <xmanii> hello
[18:12] <kitarak> Hi Xmanii
[18:12] <Shiral> Hello Xmanii, are you a Deryni Fan?
[18:12] <Wrengl>  LOL
[18:13] <Rambart20> figures
[18:13] <xmanii> I have started reading of her books
[18:13] <KK> (Bynw, what happens when we run out of list over on the right? I've never seen so many people in here!)
[18:13] <Jessie> welcome Xmanii -- welcome to the Katherine Kurtz Chatroom -- (deryni books & adept books & templer books)
[18:13] <the_Duck> pat, your boss could have waited until after lunch and really tried to cram
[18:13] <Bynw> it will scroll
[18:13] <xmanii> thanks
[18:13] <JastaElf> :-) SRO....
[18:13] <Wrengl>  He even tried to keep me from the little party they had in the mail room.  Although I am suspicious that something there is what made me ill
[18:13] <Shiral> Tokyo SUbway System!
[18:13] * xmanii started reading the first book of the Adept
[18:13] <Jessie> good book xmanii
[18:14] <Laura> that is a good one
[18:14] * xmanii nods
[18:14] <JastaElf> definitely!
[18:14] <Rambart20> were you the only one tha got sick?
[18:14] <auntiedi> my mother and i loooove the adept books
[18:14] <Jackm_> BTW, xmanii: KK = Katherine Kurtz, here in the flesh...well at least here in the electrons
[18:14] <xmanii> yea
[18:14] <Wrengl>  I like the Adept books equally with the Deryni ones.
[18:14] <KK> Well, virtually here.
[18:14] <xmanii> I seen the room was packed, and thought I would meander over here
[18:14] <xmanii> ;-)
[18:14] <Shiral> Katherine, have you settled back into home life after your trip?
[18:14] <Jackm_> I'm working on Death of an Adept right now....
[18:14] <Julia103> Katherine, how was your trip to NY?
[18:15] * Pax prefers the term "here in the virtual flesh" ... 8) somewhat signifies the virtual presence participation in a good chatroom implies. 8)
[18:15] <KK> Yep.  And we got our new kitty today, from next door.  His now-former people are leaving on Tuesday.
[18:15] <Julia103> (I grew up in NYC)
[18:15] <JastaElf> He sounds adorable....  :-)
[18:15] <Rambart20> ah
[18:15] <Pax> New kitty?  Oooooo.  Tell us about him/her!  8)
[18:15] <Shiral> Ooo, what does this new kitty look like?
[18:15] <Kelos_al-Hazar> KK, I've got Codex #104 on loan now... :) Very, very useful book! :))
[18:15] <Wrengl>  I don't know, Bart.  Since I got sick in the evening and everyone is off until Tuesday but I will ask someone on the qt when they get back.  Could have been stress and a bit too much wine for a not regular drinker and excitement.
[18:15] * Shiral thought KK was going to wait for Jessie to have kittens
[18:15] <Jackm_> Katherine: As I'm reading it, I was wondering how you and deborah split the writing?  Did each of you take some of the sections/characters or what?
[18:16] * JastaElf has kittens every morning trying to get ready for work... ;-)
[18:16] <auntiedi> lol @ jasta
[18:16] <Julia103> lol Jasta
[18:16] * Laura giggles
[18:16] <Shiral> No wonder you have so many cats, Jasta!
[18:16] <kitarak> I've always wondered how that works on stories with several authors as well...
[18:16] <JastaElf> :-)
[18:16] <Rambart20> any combination of things huh?
[18:16] <KK> He's an orange marmalade cat, a few weeks older than my Jessie-cat--about 10 months old.  They called him Lucky, but we're changing it to Nicky, for Nicholas.
[18:16] <Shiral> Good name. <G>
[18:16] <KK> He's hiding behind the couch in my office right now.
[18:16] <Shiral> And you like marmalade cats
[18:16] <auntiedi> awwwww
[18:16] <JastaElf> New Cat Nerves....
[18:16] <JastaElf> how old is he?
[18:17] <Rambart20> is that same as heinz 57?
[18:17] <KK> 10 mo.
[18:17] <Shiral> ANy specific markings? and what color eyes does he have?
[18:17] <Wrengl>  Like that name.
[18:17] <JastaElf> Oh cool....
[18:17] <JastaElf> Hi Haroc!
[18:17] <Jessie> welcome haroc -- welcome to the Katherine Kurtz Chatroom -- (deryni books & adept books & templer books)
[18:17] <kitarak> Hi Haroc
[18:17] <Rambart20> sounds almost like my Precious
[18:17] <KK> Copper-colored eyes.  Jessie's were that color for a while, but now they're more greeny.
[18:17] <Laura> sorry
[18:17] <Wrengl>  I think EVERY house with cats needs a red (orange) to run the house.  Ours lives in the bedroom.
[18:17] <Shiral> Sounds cute!
[18:17] <Haroc> Hello
[18:17] <JastaElf> Should've named him Dhugal...  :-)
[18:17] * Kelos_al-Hazar reaches over and pulls the plug on his Agent...
[18:17] <Pax> pooor scared kitty.  all the new cat-smells and people-smells, and none of his familiar home-smells.  8(
[18:18] <Shiral> Oh dear, Wrengl. I've only got black and white kitties!
[18:18] * Pax likes Jasta's idea!
[18:18] <KK> I was looking for a name that sounded at least somewhat like Lucky, so as not to confuse him.
[18:18] * Shiral nods
[18:18] <JastaElf> understood.  We did that with our Nicky
[18:18] <Rambart20> Nicholas sounds cool though
[18:18] <Wrengl>  You gotta get a red, now for balance!
[18:18] * Jessie thinks you could call him Ducky -- after "the_duck"
[18:18] <Rambart20> almost russian
[18:18] <the_Duck> most cats end up answering to multiple names anyway
[18:18] <Shiral> He'll come out when he's read
[18:18] <KK> But Jessie is familiar.  She goes over to his ex-house and calls him.  It's really cute.
[18:18] <Shiral> ready
[18:18] <JastaElf> :-)
[18:19] <Shiral> St. Nicholas, the cat?
[18:19] <Wrengl>  Then they will probably be good friends and she will show him around.
[18:19] <the_Duck> who later becomes old nick, the demon cat
[18:19] <JastaElf> He'll leave surprises in the shoes of KK and Scott every Dec. 6th... voles & stuff...  :-)
[18:19] <KK> They *are* good friends, and they sometimes hunt together.
[18:19] <auntiedi> lol
[18:19] <Shiral> The cat Complement at Holybrooke is now coming back up to respectable levels
[18:19] <Pax> well, at least there's one familiar cat around.  8)
[18:19] <Wrengl>  Of course reds DO have a naughty gene.  That's why they are usually SO cute.  It is a survival thing.
[18:20] <Shiral> Oh, the feast of mice, Katherine....<G>
[18:20] <Pax> oh, that IS -=GOOD=- friends for cats!!!
[18:20] <KK> His former owner said that it's been a mouse-head on the step just about every day for the past couple of months.
[18:20] <Shiral> You'll have them BOTH bringing you presents!
[18:20] <Wrengl>  How many do you have now, Katherine?
[18:20] <the_Duck> striving to outdo each other
[18:20] <KK> But we're going to keep him in for a few days, so he learns where he now lives--and until the other folk are gone.
[18:21] <KK> He makes three.
[18:21] <Shiral> Is he "fixed?"
[18:21] <JastaElf> good number....
[18:21] <Wrengl>  We are down to four.  Dustball the Mush monster passed away last week.
[18:21] <Rebecca> hope he doesn't wail too much to go out.
[18:21] <the_Duck> nicky will bring in a sheeps head and then jessie will find a horses head proving she is the kittyfather
[18:21] <auntiedi> sorry to hear that wrengl
[18:21] <Kelos_al-Hazar> My sister loves cats, but she's allergic to them. :(
[18:21] <Rambart20> ah am sorry to here that
[18:21] <Jessie> oh no Wrengl -- I am sorry about Dustball the Mush monster
[18:21] <JastaElf> Oh, Pat!  Sorry to hear it!
[18:22] <Laura> lol duck
[18:22] <Shiral> RIP, Dustball
[18:22] <Shiral> Sorry to hear that, Pat
[18:22] <KK> Alas, yes.  We were hoping he could father a litter of kittens on Jessie before we got her fixed, but he went in for an injury a few months ago, and his previous owners had him done while he was there. Probably for the best.  The point of letting Jessie have a litter was to get a kitten that would get along with the existing cats.  Not another Phoebe.
[18:22] <Shiral> Do we dare ask if any writing got done this week, Katherine?
[18:22] <Wrengl>  He and Dustbunny were born Feline Leukemia positive.  We expected to have them no more than six months.  He was six and a half or seven years.
[18:22] <Laura> wow
[18:22] <auntiedi> wow, he sure was a miracle then
[18:23] <Shiral> Well, unfixed males have very pungent........eliminations...
[18:23] <JastaElf> he lasted well!!
[18:23] <KK> Well, I only got back on Wednesday morning, so it's taken this long to get caught up.  300+ e-mails.
[18:23] <Jessie> Wrengl:  he must be been a favorite of the powers -- and had a wonderful trip over the rainbow bridge
[18:23] <Wrengl>  He certainly did.  I think Dustbunny has stopped searching and calling for him finally.
[18:23] <Wrengl>  They were litter brothers.
[18:23] * Kelos_al-Hazar wonders if he needs to figure out how to unfreeze the freezer lid...
[18:23] <auntiedi> that's sooo sad
[18:23] <Shiral> I didn't think you'd be able to hit the desk QUITE yet, but I couldn't help asking .<G>
[18:24] <Jackm_> and speaking of writing, now that the cat discussion has died down a bit, I'll re-ask my question:
[18:24] <Jackm_> and speaking of writing, now that the cat discussion has died down a bit, I'll re-ask my question
[18:24] <Jackm_> Katherine: As I'm reading it, I was wondering how you and deborah split the writing?  Did each of you take some of the sections/characters or what?
[18:24] * JastaElf makes a mental note to show KK how to access her mail from Virginia... :-)
[18:24] <KK> Tomorrow, for sure.  The desk is now cleared of all else.
[18:24] <Jackm_> (oops)
[18:24] <the_Duck> but now there's a clean desk one of the cats will decide that it's a lovely place to sleep
[18:24] <KK> (I don't *want* to access my mail from Virginia.  I'd only have to access it again at home.  Besides, I'll only be away for 5 days, this next trip.)
[18:24] <Kelos_al-Hazar> I believe you're talking of the Adept series, Jack?
[18:25] <JastaElf> :-) True enough....
[18:25] <Jackm_> Yes...
[18:25] <Jackm_> (sorry...it made sense in context when I originally asked because someone had just mentioned it ;-)  )
[18:25] <Rambart20> any Idea KK when you will pick up the adept story again?
[18:25] <Jessie> ask again in full jack
[18:26] <Jessie> it probably got lost in all the chat
[18:26] <Shiral> This can happen frequently.  Be bold. <G>
[18:26] <KK> I develop the concept and write the detailed outline; Debby writes the first draft--proses it, if you will.  She also fleshes it out somewhat as that happens, as she can.  Then I go through and start polishing, expanding, contracting, fixing--and off it goes.
[18:26] * Kelos_al-Hazar passes KK the platter with the still warm cinnamon-raisin bread
[18:26] * Shiral follows him with the Beluga Caviar
[18:27] <KK> I hope to work on the outline for Adept VI on the next trans-Atlantic flight, a week from Thursday.
[18:27] <Jessie> somehow cinnamon-raisin bread with a beluga caviar chaser -- doesn't sound that good
[18:27] <Jackm_> Ok...had been wondering for a while about that -- both with your books and with other multi-author books
[18:27] <Jackm_> Thanks!
[18:27] <Rambart20> cool
[18:27] <Shiral> Oh Jessie, it's all the rage in Beldour! <G>
[18:27] <KK> Don't take our method as typical.  But it works for us.
[18:27] <Jessie> figures -- it's those glowing blue domes
[18:27] <Shiral> I was simply offering KK a choice
[18:27] <JastaElf> those nutty Torenthi...  ;-)
[18:27] <auntiedi> oh, good, i'm really excited for the next adept book, however, childe morgan is even more important.
[18:27] <Julia103> yay!  I've been waiting for Adept VI.
[18:28] * Bynw wonders if Debby has an online chat place yet
[18:28] <Rambart20> me too
[18:28] <Laura> well all, this has been fun, but that fatigue banishing spell did not last very long.  Again I wish everyone a safe and happy memorial day
[18:28] * Wrengl passes Katherine a glass of Australian Sparkling Shiraz
[18:28] <KK> No, she only got e-mail in the last year.
[18:28] * JastaElf sees the wheels turning in Bynw's brain....
[18:28] <Julia103> I want to hear about Phillippa and Gray
[18:28] * Shiral agrees with Auntiedi while still looking forward to a new Adept Novel
[18:28] * Jessie wonders if Bynw is volunteering to set up an on-line chat
[18:28] <Rambart20> melissa and her torenthi
[18:28] <auntiedi> niters laura
[18:28] <Shiral> Good night, Laura
[18:28] <JastaElf> Laura -- g'night!
[18:28] <KK> You will, Julia.
[18:28] <Jessie> night Laura
[18:28] <Rambart20> night laura
[18:28] <JastaElf> take care hon!
[18:28] <Rebecca> night again Laura
[18:28] <the_Duck> goodnight laura
[18:28] <Shiral> Hey, I find them INTERESTING, Bart!
[18:28] <KK> Night, Laura.
[18:28] <Jackm_> g'night
[18:28] <Bynw> night Laura
[18:28] * Laura steps into her bedtime transfer portal and is wisked away
[18:28] <Julia103> goodnight Laura
[18:28] <kitarak> 'night Laura
[18:29] <Shiral> It's really Rob's fault for piquing my curiousity in the Codex. <G>
[18:29] <Rambart20> hmm very interesting to know(smiles evily)
[18:29] <auntiedi> actually, my mom is waiting on the edge of her seat for the new adept
[18:29] <KK> Jessie just jumped up on my lap and is purring.
[18:29] * JastaElf whines quietly into her Fianna red, as she does not own a Codex...
[18:29] <Wrengl>  Good night Laura.  Fare thee well and luck go with thee
[18:29] <KK> Nicky is still behind the couch.
[18:29] <JastaElf> Hi Jessie kitty! :-)
[18:29] * Jessie agrees with JastaElf
[18:29] * auntiedi feels alot like jasta
[18:29] <Shiral> Pan is supervising me from the top of the computer.  Isadora is out sunning herself
[18:29] <JastaElf> my cats are all elsewhere
[18:30] * Shiral reaches through the computer screen and gives jessie gentle stroke between her ears
[18:30] <Rambart20> mine are asleep
[18:30] <Jessie> why thank you Shiral --
[18:30] <JastaElf> :-) LOL!!!
[18:30] <Wrengl>  Hi jessie kitty and Nicky behind the couch.
[18:30] <Shiral> I meant the CAT!!!
[18:30] <JastaElf> :-)
[18:30] <JastaElf> <snrt...>
[18:30] <Shiral> But good joke, Jessie
[18:30] <Bynw> lol
[18:30] <Jackm_> BTW, KK, I haven't heard back from Julienne re the Michaelines...do you have her email address handy?
[18:31] <Jessie> I was just glad it wasn't a trout or cherry pie between the ears
[18:31] <auntiedi> lol
[18:31] <the_Duck> that's later
[18:31] <Rambart20> don't tempt me lady
[18:31] <Jessie> lol
[18:31] * Shiral shakes her head at Jessie and says "Don't start that again!"
[18:31] <Wrengl>  Dustbunny is around.  Rudi is upstairs on the bed and the girls are probably pestering kathi who is putting some of the new furniture from Ikea together.
[18:31] <Shiral> Did you have a good flight home, KK?
[18:31] <Jackm_> <LOL> -- Just caught up with the "between the ears"
[18:31] <auntiedi> you have a cat that can put ikea furniture together?
[18:31] <JastaElf> Jack, drop me a note: rev_sha...@lycos.com
[18:31] <KK> Julia...@KautzLaw.com
[18:31] * Kelos_al-Hazar passes around a platter of sliced Granny Smith apples with medium Cheddar slices on the side
[18:32] <Wrengl>  No but the girl cats THINK they are helpful!
[18:32] <JastaElf> major!!  Hi!
[18:32] <Jessie> hello majorsprop
[18:32] <kitarak> Hi Majorsprop
[18:32] <Shiral> Hi Majorsprop
[18:32] <Rambart20> howdy majorprop
[18:32] <auntiedi> that's too bad, i was hoping to borrow the cat to put together my new computer desk
[18:32] * Wrengl hands around a plate of sliced stilton to go with the apples for those interested.
[18:32] <auntiedi> hi majorsprop
[18:32] <majorsprop> Hello Everyone
[18:32] <JastaElf> KK, got a question on geography:
[18:33] <JastaElf> if Fallon was in Our World, where would it be?
[18:33] <Wrengl>  Hi majorsprop
[18:33] <JastaElf> (trying to come up with a name... need a hint....
[18:33] <KK> Sort of French coast, Jasta.
[18:33] <Shiral> As in Normandy?
[18:33] <JastaElf> Southern france?
[18:33] <majorsprop> Hello Pat
[18:33] <Rambart20> and Bremagne would be?
[18:33] <KK> Yes.  It's farther south than the Buffer States.
[18:34] <KK> Bremagne is more Spain.
[18:34] <Rambart20> ah
[18:34] <Shiral> Oh, I always thought Bremagne was the Stand-in for France....
[18:34] <Rambart20> me as well
[18:34] * Shiral busily scribbles new notes
[18:34] <Wrengl>  Have to change our thoughts!
[18:34] <KK> Sort of between France and Spain.
[18:34] <the_Duck> so is/will there be a bremagne inquisition?
[18:34] <Shiral> Sprain?
[18:34] <Rebecca> yes, especially with it's french city names
[18:34] <Jackm_> Thanks KK and Jasta
[18:35] <JastaElf> So the buffer states are Normandy, Fallon is Sud, and Bremagne is Espana....
[18:35] * Bynw doesnt worry about taking notes.. mIRC logs the chat automatically for him
[18:35] <JastaElf> No one expects the Bremagne Inquisition!
[18:35] <Bynw> lol
[18:35] <Wrengl>  And Jessie usually posts the log on the ng
[18:35] <the_Duck> fear and surprise!
[18:35] <Rambart20> really? you think so?
[18:35] <Shiral> Cardinal Biggles, POKE her with the soft cushions!
[18:35] <JastaElf> :-)  OH the ideas....  :-)
[18:35] <Jessie> oh -- maybe that is why Jehana doesn't want to be know as Deryni -- the Bremagne Inquisition
[18:35] <auntiedi> interesting thought jessie
[18:36] <Wrengl>  Good thought Jessie
[18:36] <majorsprop> An inquisition might explain their dislike of Deryni
[18:36] <Jessie> peer is going after us one by one
[18:36] <KK> And Bynw doesn't know that I was talking about him to Jasta earlier, by e-mail.
[18:36] <JastaElf> peer is doing its level best to drive us mad tonight....
[18:36] <auntiedi> what is peer?
[18:36] <JastaElf> :-) Yes, you were indeed!  :-)
[18:36] <madeleine> But if there was a Bremagne Inquision could that expain Jehanna?
[18:36] <KK> Could, indeed, at least in part.
[18:36] * Kelos_al-Hazar wrenches open the freezer...and hits Peer on top of the head with the frozen tigershark. Peer crashes through the floor, looking dazed
[18:36] <JastaElf> :-) LOL!
[18:36] <Wrengl>  LOL
[18:37] <Jackm_> HUH?!
[18:37] * JastaElf reaches for her garden gloves, and grins....
[18:37] <Jessie> lol
[18:37] * Bynw extends his mind to Jasta to read it to find out about the emails
[18:37] <JastaElf> We have strange customs in this land, Jack....  :-)
[18:37] <Shiral> It could explain her fear, certainly
[18:37] <JastaElf> Ain't gonna work, laddie.  :-) I have STRONG shields.... :-)
[18:37] <Wrengl>  Bet Jasta is shielded
[18:37] * Kelos_al-Hazar puts the frozen shark up....and hopes the lid doesn't freeze shut again
[18:37] <JastaElf> yup
[18:37] <madeleine> Yes, Shiral, that is what I was thinking.
[18:37] <Jackm_> <shakes head>
[18:37] <Shiral> And she sets a Mean Ward Major, too!
[18:38] <Wrengl>  Sure does
[18:38] * JastaElf bows...
[18:38] <Wrengl>  jasta is one tough cookie!
[18:38] <JastaElf> Toll House....
[18:38] <Jessie> wb Julia103
[18:38] <KK> Hi, Julia.
[18:38] <Kelos_al-Hazar> We hate Peer more than he hates everyone else....so I thwap him upside the head or something every time he's mean to people...
[18:38] <JastaElf> Welcome back, Julia!
[18:38] <auntiedi> wb julia
[18:38] <Shiral> WB, Julia
[18:38] <Julia103> aarrgghh AOL
[18:38] <Wrengl>  Toll house are best!
[18:38] <Rambart20> howdy julia
[18:38] <Jessie> KK:  what country is the equivalent of Germany?
[18:38] <JastaElf> is aarrgghhAOL for pirates only?
[18:38] <Shiral> Tollhouse are indeed the best
[18:38] <Julia103> what did I miss (besides cookies ;-)
[18:38] <majorsprop> hi Julia
[18:39] <auntiedi> julia, i agree, i had the same problem the other nite, it logged me off 4 times i think
[18:39] * Kelos_al-Hazar kicks AOL where it hurts...but notices it nearly breaks his foot to do so
[18:39] <Julia103> lol Kelos
[18:39] <Shiral> Is there an equivalent Germany, KK?
[18:39] <Wrengl>  Careful kelos.  Don't break your foot!
[18:39] <Jackm_> Change to Earthlink!
[18:39] * JastaElf listens closely as soon as Deutschland is mentioned....
[18:39] <Jackm_> Run away from AOhelL
[18:40] <auntiedi> and for this service, they're raising their rates.
[18:40] <Wrengl>  I rarely have a problem with AOL
[18:40] * Bynw doesnt pay for AOL
[18:40] <JastaElf> KK has been abducted by Torenthi kitties....  :-)
[18:40] <Shiral> Lots of them, too.  All they had to do was look cute. <G>
[18:40] <Jessie> maybe she went out to the rose garden?
[18:40] <the_Duck> nicky is no longer behind the couch
[18:40] <KK> Erk.  Can't get my purple comments to work.  I was going to say I had pulled out my map.
[18:40] <auntiedi> gotta watch out for them torenthi kitties, they're treacherous
[18:40] <Rebecca> Lucky you Pat.  I had probs.  all the time.  I ran and ran hard
[18:41] <Wrengl>  Got watch the Kitty Mafia, they may search for someone besides Donald.
[18:41] <JastaElf> :-)
[18:41] <Bynw> KK /me for those purple comments
[18:41] <Shiral> LOL!
[18:41] <the_Duck> no its those carthmoor kitties that arethe dangerous ones
[18:41] <JastaElf> time for another expose in the mearan free herald....
[18:41] <Julia103> I haven't had too many problems but it's gotten worse with 6.0
[18:41] <KK> Germany would be up including Tolan, Nordmarke, Truvorsk--that area.
[18:41] <JastaElf> Nah.  Carthmoor cats ROCK.  It's your mearan mangies one needs must watch closely....
[18:41] <Rambart20> kelson the 6th orders the beheading of the duck
[18:41] <JastaElf> Oh cool, thanks, KK!!
[18:41] <KK> It starte to blurr into more Slavic flavors than our own world.
[18:41] <auntiedi> when i first installed 6.0 it gave me a really hard time, so i went back to 5.0 til i could get a 6.0 disk, it seems to work better.
[18:41] <Jackm_> "oh brave sir robin, he's run away from A-O-L"
[18:42] <the_Duck> actually the mearan sunday herald is taking an interest in the recent rivalry between morgan fans and arilan fans
[18:42] <Shiral> Ah, I see.  I thought that ALL of Torenth was the equivalent of Hungary/Rumania
[18:42] <auntiedi> lol
[18:42] <Shiral> ANd Russia
[18:42] <JastaElf> LOL!
[18:42] <Shiral> BUt you have to look out for those KGB Kitties
[18:42] <JastaElf> Katherine Great British kitties???
[18:42] <KK> My geography is a little hazy for that area, so theirs is, too.
[18:42] <Rambart20> kgb kitties huh?
[18:42] <JastaElf> KGB?
[18:42] <the_Duck> and the almost mythical kitten kong
[18:43] <Rambart20> now thats an idea
[18:43] <Wrengl>  the arilan fans have to watch out.  Morgan is defended by Grommet and Thumper, although Thumpy IS out of action at the moment.
[18:43] <auntiedi> go grommet and thumper
[18:43] <Shiral> Laura hasn't weighed in on the Morgan question yet.
[18:43] <JastaElf> We all like Denis. :-)
[18:43] <JastaElf> He goes so well with hollandaise sauce....
[18:43] <Jessie> ?
[18:43] <JastaElf> :-)
[18:43] <Wrengl>  defended not defeded
[18:43] <Shiral> The Don't Dis Denis Club will be hard put to it when she states her case
[18:43] <KK> Poor Thumper, hors de combat.  But Mommy Pat will have him back in shape quickly, now that she's retired.
[18:43] <the_Duck> denis is a menace with his anyone for tennis
[18:43] <Shiral> LOL, Jasta!
[18:44] * Jessie thinks that was a good one Jasta
[18:44] <Rambart20> hey all I have to vamoose, you all have a great and safe memorial day
[18:44] <Jackm_> Except when he's making an ass of himself.... <LOL at Jasta's comment>
[18:44] <Bynw> cya Bart
[18:44] <Rambart20> and thanks for coming KK
[18:44] <Jessie> bye Rambart20 -- take care
[18:44] <majorsprop> we don't wish to harm Morgan we just like to discuss his personality traits versus his cousin Duncan
[18:44] <Shiral> Bye, Bart
[18:44] <JastaElf> Rambart, bless you and all the other Soldaten... (((hugs!))))
[18:44] <Wrengl>  Night bart
[18:44] <KK> Bye, Bart.
[18:44] <Rebecca> night bart
[18:44] * Rambart20 steps onto the portal and disappears
[18:44] <JastaElf> Oh, Duncan is my favorite candidate for King of the Universe!  :-)
[18:44] <auntiedi> bye bart
[18:45] <Wrengl>  LOL
[18:45] <Jessie> Jasta:  I thought it was Nigel
[18:45] <KK> Bynw, why won't my purple work?   
[18:45] <JastaElf> Nigel, of course, will be emperor....
[18:45] <JastaElf> :-)
[18:45] <Bynw> It should
[18:45] <Shiral> There is some thought that Alaric needs a problem to struggle with.  He's got a gorgeous wife, two cute kids, he can be loyal to his king....he needs something to struggle with
[18:45] <Jackm_> Purple color text?
[18:45] <the_Duck> vivienne has stolen kk's purple
[18:45] <Jackm_> (btw: is mine coming out in Blue?)
[18:45] <madeleine> You can have Duncan and Morgan. I love Dhugal!
[18:45] <Jessie> you want Morgan to struggle with purple color text
[18:45] <auntiedi> i thought erika, i think, argued it well tho.
[18:45] <Shiral> I thought Nigel already WAS Emperor, Jasta!
[18:45] <JastaElf> No, only Loris tries to steal people's purple.  :-)
[18:45] <Bynw> Katherine, /me is the command
[18:45] <majorsprop> You bet Jasta and obviously Dhugal is heir apparant
[18:45] <JastaElf> Oh yes, of course, myt mistake....  :-)
[18:45] <the_Duck> in the latest mearan sunday herald article vivienne appears in purple leotards
[18:45] <Shiral> Madeleine, Sorry, but there is competition out there for Dhugal
[18:45] <JastaElf> DUCK!!!  LOL
[18:46] * KK thinks she has it now.
[18:46] * JastaElf makes a note: swallow the Diet Coke before reading anything from Duck...
[18:46] <Wrengl>  Love it Duck!
[18:46] <Jessie> Hubert like to filch purple also
[18:46] <JastaElf> You got it, KK!
[18:46] <Bynw> :-)
[18:46] * auntiedi hands jasta a towel
[18:46] <the_Duck> i wrote the outline for the article whilst out in the desert
[18:46] <JastaElf> Thanks, auntie...
[18:46] <madeleine> Well, that is fine. I will just get him first.
[18:46] <JastaElf> Too long in the sun, ducks...  :-)
[18:46] <the_Duck> you betcha
[18:46] <Shiral> Sorry, I've got my hooks in that young Duke!  ANd in his papa!
[18:47] <JastaElf> :-) Sharing is a virtue, Shiral....  :-)
[18:47] <Shiral> MINE!!!!
[18:47] <Wrengl>  Can only have ONE Shiral.  No polyandry allowed.
[18:47] <Rebecca> Melissa you're hording!!
[18:47] <Shiral> I'm chanelling my inner Toddler!
[18:47] <auntiedi> lol
[18:47] <JastaElf> <wheedling>: I'll let you use the garden gloves from time to time....
[18:47] <majorsprop> not so fast Shiral I think I see a joust in the future for their attentions
[18:47] <the_Duck> the garden gloves of orin?
[18:47] * auntiedi wonders just WHAT jasta uses the garden gloves for
[18:48] <JastaElf> "What a pity he's a priest..."  :-)
[18:48] * KK was wondering the same thing.
[18:48] <Shiral> No, the Codex Orini.  The gardening gloves of NIGEL
[18:48] <Bynw> LOL
[18:48] <Jessie> not at all -- KK & Jasta are Priests
[18:48] * JastaElf puts a finger alongside her nose and says, "That would be telling...."
[18:48] <Wrengl>  LOL
[18:48] <JastaElf> That story should be done this weekend.  ;-)
[18:48] <Shiral> I'm zipped.  But Dhugal has been very good to me.
[18:48] <majorsprop> Remeember Father Ralph in the Thorn Birds
[18:48] <the_Duck> nigel wouldn't know one end of a plant from the other. why else would he be called the iron duke?
[18:48] * Shiral grins at KK
[18:48] <KK> Ah, but I'll have you in my clutches in less than a fortnight! Heh-heh-heh
[18:49] <Jessie> lol KK
[18:49] <JastaElf> :-) Yes, you will indeed, Excellency!  :-)
[18:49] <Shiral> Clutch her with Gardening GLoves, Katherine!
[18:49] <auntiedi> lol
[18:49] <JastaElf> EEEP!  :-)
[18:49] <JastaElf> Hi Mike!
[18:49] <Jessie> hello Mike
[18:49] <majorsprop> hi Mike
[18:49] * JastaElf makes a note: get new slippers for Rory... ;-)
[18:49] <Mike> Howdy all!
[18:49] <KK> Is she apt to put out claws?
[18:49] <JastaElf> not me!!
[18:49] <Jessie> no
[18:49] <auntiedi> jasta, who's rory
[18:49] <Shiral> I'll let Jasta Explain the significance!
[18:49] <auntiedi> ?
[18:49] <JastaElf> Nigel's second-eldest
[18:50] <auntiedi> right, sorry
[18:50] <JastaElf> The NICE one.  :-)
[18:50] <Jessie> KK you will enjoy the Gardening gloves & roses
[18:50] <Wrengl>  Hi Mike
[18:50] <madeleine> I fell for Dhugal the fist time I read about him. I fall for a Scottish accent anytime.
[18:50] <Shiral> The cute one, too
[18:50] <Jackm_> Jasta: What variety of priest are you?
[18:50] <JastaElf> Independant Catholic, Jack
[18:50] <Shiral> The Garden Variety, obviously!
[18:50] <the_Duck> a common garden variety?
[18:50] * Shiral ducks and runs
[18:50] <auntiedi> kk, you're a priest?
[18:50] <JastaElf> Celtic Catholic in the specific, I guess...
[18:50] <auntiedi> lol
[18:50] <KK> Yep.
[18:50] <auntiedi> and are you a garden variety as well?
[18:50] <Shiral> And a Bishop, too
[18:50] <Wrengl>  She's also a bishop
[18:51] <JastaElf> She grows best in fine-loam soil....
[18:51] <KK> Jasta, are we garden variety?
[18:51] <JastaElf> :-)
[18:51] <Jessie> KK ordained Jasta
[18:51] <auntiedi> may i kiss your ring
[18:51] <auntiedi> i had no idea.
[18:51] <JastaElf> I think we probably are, yup!  :-)
[18:51] <Jessie> both roses
[18:51] <KK> Not necessary.  You're my friends.
[18:51] <JastaElf> I'm a red Lancaster rose....  :-)
[18:51] <Shiral> Keep in partial sunlight water regularly to keep roots moist....<G>
[18:51] <KK> OK, I'll be a white rose of York.
[18:51] <Shiral> Generous with their blossoms....
[18:51] <JastaElf> :-) beer works best in my clay pot...
[18:51] * Rebecca will be right back. The cats wish to be fed
[18:51] * auntiedi dying because i think kk just may have called me a friend.
[18:52] <the_Duck> feed with chocolate too
[18:52] <JastaElf> :-)
[18:52] <Shiral> Well don't do that NOW, Auntie!
[18:52] <Wrengl>  But those two roses do NOT fight for supremacy!
[18:52] <Shiral> <G>
[18:52] <KK> Well, of course, auntidi.
[18:52] <auntiedi> i'll wait til after the chat.
[18:52] <JastaElf> Auntie lives in Reston, Katherine -- QUITE near me.
[18:52] <auntiedi> i think i JUST had my year made, maybe my lifetime
[18:52] <KK> Cool.
[18:52] <Shiral> I had that happen last week. <G>
[18:53] <JastaElf> Yes, we heard about that!!  :-)
[18:53] * Jessie laughs at Shiral wondering if she is still balloon walking
[18:53] <JastaElf> And doggone well deserved, too.
[18:53] <KK> I handed shiral her firsr professionala writing contract, in front of witnesses.
[18:53] <Julia103> Rebecca - what's happening with the MD/DC/VA get-together?
[18:53] <Mike> How has the discussion gone tonight? Charlie and I just barely got back from eating out (Mexican, mmmmm)
[18:53] * Bynw is honored to have his forth coming wedding ceremony performed by two wonderful priests within this chat room :-)
[18:53] <Wrengl>  Oh neat Melissa.  Congratulations!
[18:53] <Shiral> Still bobbing around sort of at Chair rail height, Jessie. <G>
[18:53] * JastaElf blushes and scuffs her feet in the carpet....
[18:53] <Julia103> congrats Melissa
[18:53] <Rebecca> Julia.  Not sure yet.  Trying to catch up with Linda to solidify times.
[18:53] <Shiral> Cats can't figure out why I'm so mellow lately
[18:53] <JastaElf> :-)
[18:53] <Shiral> Thanks Pat and Julia
[18:53] <KK> Jasta got her contract last week, too.
[18:54] <Gamgee> good night all
[18:54] <Shiral> ANd equally well deserved!
[18:54] <KK> Nigh, Samwise.  Gotta go to work?
[18:54] <auntiedi> shiral major congrats.
[18:54] <Wrengl>  That is going to be the wedding of the year, Bynw.  Even better than Bambi's.
[18:54] <Rebecca> I think I'll have to send her an email.  We just haven't been online at the same time
[18:54] <JastaElf> <blush!>
[18:54] <auntiedi> oh wow, and you too jasta!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18:54] <Julia103> congrats Jasta
[18:54] <JastaElf> <MAJOR BLUSH>....
[18:54] <JastaElf> :-) Thanks, guys...
[18:54] <Shiral> This is a happy bunch of writers!
[18:54] <Wrengl>  Night sam
[18:54] <JastaElf> Jessie'
[18:54] <JastaElf> s been writing up a storm too
[18:54] <auntiedi> nite sam
[18:54] <JastaElf> and Kelos, and Bart....
[18:54] <Jessie> hush JastaElf
[18:54] <Shiral> We all three of us have. <G>
[18:55] <JastaElf> heh.  will not....  :-)
[18:55] * auntiedi is in awe of the amzing amount of talent at one place at one time
[18:55] <Julia103> Jasta, what's your story about?
[18:55] <Shiral> Jessie's turning out some really good stuff, too!
[18:55] <Bynw> Sam departs the quickest I have ever seen anyone leave
[18:55] <KK> I know a lot of you have, and I'm looking forward to the next batch from Julianne and Laura.
[18:55] <JastaElf> The one in the anthology-to-come is about Duncan and Maryse
[18:55] <Wrengl>  Yes, he is a fast one!
[18:55] <Shiral> YOu have to say goodbye REALLY fast around here, sometimes
[18:56] <Mike> The zipper sisters do a fine job on the site too, KK!
[18:56] * JastaElf wants Jessie to submit her Jehana story to DA....
[18:56] <Jessie> I even have a special sam goodbye programed into my alias -- and he exits before I can get it typed
[18:56] <Shiral> Thanks, Mike
[18:56] <KK> Professionally, Sam has to be quick on his feet.  Quick mind, too.
[18:56] <the_Duck> melissa has the record for typing goodbye in 0.79 seconds, what a legend
[18:56] <Shiral> ANd Shiral Seconds the motion
[18:56] <JastaElf> Sam is a darling....
[18:56] <Wrengl>  Now I am going to decompress a couple of weeks, Katherine and start with your comments on my book.
[18:56] * Jessie quickly says goodbye to Gamgee before he exits
[18:56] <Jessie> good wrengl
[18:56] <JastaElf> :-) Wow, you ARE ready for him!!
[18:57] <Wrengl> Should have some done by Darkover.  But then it is not Deryni!
[18:57] <Jessie> doesn't matter Wrengl
[18:57] <JastaElf> That's OK, if it's by Our Pat we will all read it!!
[18:57] <Jessie> can't wait to read it
[18:58] <Wrengl>  They were teasing at work and said i would have to have a book signing at the office.
[18:58] <Jackm_> let us know...
[18:58] * Wrengl blushes.
[18:58] <Shiral> The world needs more original fiction anyway, Pat.  And Katherine already writes the Deryni books!
[18:58] <KK> She's got the makings of a very good SF tale.
[18:58] <Wrengl>  They have LOTS of confidence.
[18:58] <JastaElf> Excellent!
[18:58] * Wrengl blushes deeper.
[18:58] <Jessie> wrengl:  it is well placed confidence in you
[18:58] <Shiral> Welcome to Freedom, Pat. <G>
[18:58] <JastaElf> Isn't she cute when she does that??  :-)
[18:58] <Wrengl>  Thanks.
[18:59] <Shiral> Really cute, yes
[18:59] * Wrengl giggles and blushes again.
[18:59] <JastaElf> LOL :-)
[18:59] <Shiral> Have some more Caviar, Pat
[18:59] <Shiral> <G>
[18:59] <Jessie> KK:  the land that sank -- Caessierre (sp) -- was that Atlantis
[18:59] <KK> Champagne, I think, is called for, under the circumstances.
[18:59] * Wrengl accepts some more caviar with pleasure.
[18:59] <JastaElf> Katherine, does Oksana have a maiden name?
[19:00] <Wrengl>  I don't care for champagne, tis why I have the sparkling shirraz on the buffet!
[19:00] * Shiral struggles with a cork on a large bottle of Veuve Cliquot
[19:00] <KK> How about Peary?
[19:00] <Shiral> We can have both
[19:00] <Jackm_> I'd better head out...need to get some food.  I was sick yesterday with some sort of 24 hour bug, and don't need a relapse....
[19:00] <Wrengl>  Why not!
[19:00] <JastaElf> Oksana Peary?  <grinning....>
[19:00] <Shiral> Night, Jackm_
[19:00] <Jessie> by Jackm_ come back again soon
[19:00] <Wrengl>  Night Jackm
[19:00] <Bynw> cya Jackm_
[19:00] <auntiedi> night jackm
[19:00] <JastaElf> bye Jack!
[19:01] <Rebecca> night Jack
[19:01] <KK> Oksana has a maiden name, but I can't remember it offhand.
[19:01] <Julia103> bye Jack
[19:01] <KK> Bye, Jack.
[19:01] <Shiral> Did she do any mountain climbing as a lass?
[19:01] <Jessie> it kinda important for Jasta's story KK
[19:01] <the_Duck> oh well its coming up on 7 am - time for me to get a couple of hours of zzz's before i tackle the clowns
[19:01] <Shiral> I've thought of a Personals add for Oksana, Katherine
[19:01] <Shiral> Night, Donald
[19:01] <Wrengl>  Good night Donald.
[19:01] <JastaElf> I can always change it.  Global search and replace is a happy thing.
[19:01] <auntiedi> nite duck. good to meet you
[19:01] <Jessie> night the_Duck
[19:01] <the_Duck> morning please :)
[19:01] <Bynw> have a good night er morning Donald
[19:01] <JastaElf> by Duck!
[19:01] <Shiral> OR good morning, as the case may be
[19:01] <Rebecca> night Donald.
[19:01] <Shiral> See you later, quackers
[19:01] <Wrengl>  Glad you stopped bye.  We need to set up a time to visit on line now I am free
[19:01] <Julia103> bye Donald
[19:02] <majorsprop> g'night Duck
[19:02] <Jessie> watch out for the low flying duck
[19:02] <the_Duck> have a pleasant sunday night to all of you who are still in yesterday
[19:02] <the_Duck> :)
[19:02] <Wrengl>  Better make height fast before Grommet gets him!
[19:02] <JastaElf> :-) Time warping again....
[19:02] <Shiral> TIME WARP!
[19:02] <auntiedi> i htink that all of my week will be pleasant now!!
[19:02] <KK> Bye, Duck.  Didn't realize that was you, Donald.
[19:02] * the_Duck lets do the time warp again!
[19:02] <JastaElf> Shiral: What's Oksana's personals ad?
[19:03] <Wrengl>  See you soon Donald.
[19:03] <KK> I just looked at the genealogical chart, but I don't have her name there.
[19:03] <the_Duck> most people on the ng seem to know me as duck
[19:03] <KK> But isn't it in the text of KKB?
[19:03] <JastaElf> Shiral came up with de Sognac as a place-holder.  :-)
[19:03] <Shiral> "Ambitious Fallonese Beauty seeks unmarried nobleman with large supply of breakable crockery.  Only titled gentlemen need apply, please.
[19:03] <JastaElf> Nope, not that I was able to find.
[19:03] <JastaElf> LOL!!!
[19:03] <auntiedi> i like that. guess i'll understand better when i allow myself to read kkb
[19:03] * the_Duck spreads his wings and leaps into the air avoiding grommet's feeble attempt to catch him. and with a quack and a quack there he flies south
[19:03] <Wrengl> Pleasant dreams Donald
[19:04] <Shiral> Nothing is mentioned specifically in KKB
[19:04] <JastaElf> Alas, we are Duckless....
[19:04] <Shiral> Nobody left but us chickens......
[19:04] <JastaElf> :-)
[19:04] <Wrengl>  sad state of affairs but we still have KK
[19:04] <Rebecca> who you calling chicken?
[19:04] <JastaElf> Time to learn to fly....
[19:04] <KK> Hmmm, though it had been mentioned in conjunction with the story about her setting her cap for Brion, and then for Nigel.
[19:04] <Jessie> just Oksana of Fallon
[19:05] <Shiral> The daughter of a Fallonese Baron...
[19:05] <KK> I want to say she's related somehow to Vivienne, but she isn't Deryni, so that can't be.
[19:05] <JastaElf> She's mentioned there, but described as the dau. of a Fallonese Baron and a cousin of the Orsal
[19:05] <KK> If it really isn't in KKB, I'll figure it out for you, Jasta.
[19:05] <JastaElf> Thanks!  You'll see why when you get here.  :-)
[19:05] <Shiral> <G>
[19:05] <KK> Ah, cousin of the Orsal.  Now I remember.  I'll have to dig that out.
[19:06] <Jessie> KK:  the land that sank -- Caessierre (sp) -- was that Atlantis
[19:06] <Wrengl>  When will you be in Virginia, Katherine?
[19:06] <JastaElf> Whenever I hear Orsal I think of Mork: Come in, Orsal!
[19:06] <auntiedi> lmao at jasta
[19:06] <Shiral> Nanu, nanu!
[19:06] <Wrengl>  LOL jasta
[19:06] <JastaElf> :-) bad me...  :-)
[19:06] <Bynw> hehehehe
[19:06] <Bynw> yes very bad Jasta ... but funny
[19:06] <Shiral> No biscuit, Jasta. <G>
[19:06] <JastaElf> That's OK, I have licorice.  :-)
[19:06] <auntiedi> it is one of those phrases that sticks in your head tho, the hort of orsal, the hort of orsal
[19:07] <Jackm_> I'm back for a minute...just got this joke in email and it was too good to pass up on sharing considering the cat conversation earlier....
[19:07] <Jackm_> Here Goes...
[19:07] <Jackm_>       Two robins were sitting in a tree.
[19:07] <Jackm_>  "I'm really hungry," said the first one.
[19:07] <Jackm_>  "Me too!" said the second.
[19:07] <Jackm_>  "Let's fly down and find some lunch.
[19:07] <Jackm_>  They flew to the ground and found a nice plot of plowed   
[19:07] <Jackm_>  ground full of worms. They ate and ate and ate and  ate
[19:07] <Jackm_>  until they couldn't eat anymore.   
[19:07] <Shiral> Now and then, I keep wanting to call him the Ort of Horsal
[19:07] <auntiedi> lol
[19:07] <JastaElf> <singing:> "Deep in the Hort of Orsal...."
[19:07] <auntiedi> lol
[19:07] <JastaElf> then what happened, Jack?
[19:07] <Jackm_> I'm so full I don't think I can fly back up to the tree."
[19:07] <Jackm_>  said the first one.
[19:07] <Jackm_>  "Me either.  Let's just lay here and bask in the warm sun,"
[19:07] <Jackm_>  said the second.   
[19:07] <Wrengl>  LOL
[19:07] <KK> Arriving Thursday June 7.
[19:07] <Jackm_> OK," said the first.
[19:07] <Jackm_>  They plopped down, basking in the sun. No sooner than they had fallen
[19:07] <Jackm_> asleep, when a big, fat tom cat snuck up and gobbled them up.   
[19:07] <Jackm_>  As he sat washing his face after his meal, he   
[19:07] <Jackm_>  thought . . .
[19:07] <Jackm_>  Ready . . .
[19:07] <Jessie> yes
[19:07] * JastaElf ducks from the pun,..,
[19:07] <Jackm_>  This is really bad . . .   
[19:07] <Jessie> yes it is
[19:07] <Jackm_>  "I just love baskin' robins!"
[19:08] <auntiedi> lmao
[19:08] <JastaElf> AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!  LOL!!
[19:08] <Shiral> Ooooooooooo, VERY bad!
[19:08] <Wrengl>  Shall be thinking of you and having a safe trip
[19:08] <Julia103> <groan>
[19:08] <auntiedi> what airport are you coming into kk?
[19:08] <Shiral> Goodness, you're really getting around these days, KK!
[19:08] <Jackm_> And with the whole group groaning, I'll bid you adieu
[19:08] <Wrengl>  Love it Jackm
[19:08] * Jackm_ waves
[19:08] <KK> Dulles, by way of Newark.  Continental now flies that route.
[19:08] <Julia103> adieu Jack
[19:08] <Shiral> Bye!
[19:09] <Wrengl>  So you will fly over our house practically
[19:09] *** hygilac has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[19:09] * auntiedi thinks of lying in wait at the airport, a mere 15 minutes away from me
[19:09] <Jessie> well all -- have to go -- nighters
[19:09] <JastaElf> Hi Linda!!
[19:09] <KK> Indeed.
[19:09] * Jessie waves goodbye saying "see ya when I see ya"
[19:09] <KK> Night, Jessie.
[19:09] <Shiral> You'll have to wave at Wrengl as you pass, KK
[19:09] <Wrengl>  night jessie.
[19:09] <auntiedi> nite jessie
[19:09] <KK> I will.
[19:09] <Shiral> Bye, Jessie, Hi Linday
[19:09] <Julia103> night Jessie
[19:09] <majorsprop> bye Jessie
[19:09] <Shiral> linda
[19:09] <hygilac> you're leaving!
[19:09] <auntiedi> hey hygilac
[19:09] <hygilac> well, goodnight anyhow
[19:09] <Wrengl>  Hi linday
[19:09] <JastaElf> we're still here!
[19:10] <Shiral> With bells on!
[19:10] <auntiedi> and clothes
[19:10] <JastaElf> :-) There you go again....
[19:10] <KK> Jingle-jingle.
[19:10] <JastaElf> :-)
[19:10] <Shiral> Those too
[19:10] <hygilac> I know , but I have to go to dinner soon
[19:10] <Shiral> who needs FOOD?
[19:10] <JastaElf> :-)
[19:10] <JastaElf> certainly not I....
[19:10] <Wrengl>  night Linda
[19:10] <Shiral> It's an intellecual feast in here!
[19:10] <Wrengl>  I guess sometimes real food is necessary
[19:10] <hygilac> it looks like it!
[19:11] <Shiral> Once in a while
[19:11] <auntiedi> so, kk, need a ride from the airport.lol
[19:11] <JastaElf> I'll make Jim and Brian cook.  :-)
[19:11] <KK> Jasta's collecting me.
[19:11] <JastaElf> :-) Collect the whole set....
[19:11] <Wrengl>  Sounds good to me, Sharon.  I cook when this is over.
[19:11] <KK> Jim and Brian will cook??!!
[19:11] <auntiedi> i figured. now to figure out how to hide in jasta's car.
[19:11] <Shiral> Really, there's more than one Katherine?
[19:11] <Shiral> <G>
[19:11] <JastaElf> Brian is becoming quite good at it!  :-)
[19:11] <JastaElf> He made kielbasa and rice the other night.
[19:11] <madeleine> Well, I have to go back to the real world myself. Bye.
[19:12] <KK> Ym, sounds good.
[19:12] <JastaElf> Jim just supervises.  ;-)
[19:12] <Mike> I gotta go! See y'all later!
[19:12] <Shiral> Bye, Madeleine
[19:12] <Wrengl>  night madeleine
[19:12] <auntiedi> nite madeleine.
[19:12] <JastaElf> g'night madeleine!
[19:12] <KK> Bye, Madeleine.
[19:12] <JastaElf> wow, people leave so fast!!  :-)
[19:12] <Wrengl>  bye mike
[19:12] <Shiral> Kind of like Glinda the Good
[19:12] <Shiral> <G>
[19:12] <Bynw> bye to everyone that has already left
[19:12] <JastaElf> :-)
[19:13] <Shiral> Bubble arrivals and departures!
[19:13] <JastaElf> Jessie was asking about Caeriesse before she left...
[19:13] <JastaElf> is that Atlantis, KK?
[19:13] <KK> Well, it's now after midnight here, and I have to fish Nicky out from behind the couch and go to bed.
[19:13] <Shiral> Oh rats. <G>
[19:13] <Shiral> Or is that cats
[19:13] <JastaElf> Nicky fish!  :-)
[19:13] <KK> Caeriesse is a cross between Atlantis and Lyonesse.  Both sank.
[19:13] <auntiedi> well, it was so nice to meet you, thank you for being here, and i can't wait to speak with you again.
[19:13] <JastaElf> :-) Did they burn down fall over and THEN sink?
[19:14] <Shiral> Will we see you next week?
[19:14] <Wrengl>  Give Nicky some extra loving, Katherine.  he needs it.
[19:14] <KK> I should be here next week, though not the week after.
[19:14] <Shiral> No, the Michaelines will have you then. <G>
[19:14] <JastaElf> Mwah-hah-hah-hah!
[19:14] <majorsprop> bye KK got to go too pot roast calling
[19:14] <JastaElf> :-)
[19:14] <KK> I will.  I'm hoping he'll decide it's a good thing to get up on the bed--and that the others cats will let him.
[19:14] <JastaElf> your pot roast talks, Major?? :-)
[19:14] <Wrengl>  Night majorsprop
[19:14] <KK> Jessie will; I don't know about Edgar, right away.
[19:14] <auntiedi> nite major
[19:15] <Shiral> Mad cow disease?
[19:15] <Shiral> Bye, Major!
[19:15] <JastaElf> <snrt!>
[19:15] <KK> Bye, Major.   
[19:15] <Shiral> Sorry, that was bad of me!
[19:15] <JastaElf> What does a mad cow say?
[19:15] <majorsprop> sure does it gets quite juicy sometimes
[19:15] <KK> And good night to all.  See you next week.
[19:15] <Shiral> Night, Katherine!
[19:15] <auntiedi> goodnite kk.
[19:15] <Rebecca> night Katherine
[19:15] <Bynw> night Katherine :-)
[19:15] <Julia103> good night KK, good luck with the cats
[19:15] <JastaElf> Night Katherine!  seeya soon!
[19:15] <Shiral> Thanks for popping in.  Hope the writing goes extra well this week!
[19:15] <Wrengl>  night Katherine.  thanks for stopping by yesterday and today.
[19:15] *** KK  Quit (QUIT: User exited)