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KK Chat - Apr. 15, 2001

Started by RainbowDragon, July 08, 2008, 10:53:15 AM

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KK Chat - April 15, 2001

Session Start: Sun Apr 15 2001
[14:39] *** Now talking in #Deryni_Destinations
[14:39] *** Topic is 'Official Katherine Kurtz Chatroom '
[14:39] *** Set by DeryniBot on Wed Apr 11 09:50:12
[14:39] -DeryniBot- Welcome to Camber's Fireside chats with Katherine Kurtz
[16:28] *** KK has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[16:28] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KK
[16:28] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Greetings, KK! :)
[16:28] <KK> Hello, all, and Happy Easter!
[16:29] <KK> So, have people stuffed themselves with Easter chocolate and peeps?
[16:29] <Mak> Working on it, working on it...
[16:30] <KK> Our dinner was a very exciting sweet and sour beef, following taking the dogs to the beach.
[16:30] <Mak> Sounds fun!
[16:31] <Kelos_al-Hazar> I've a quick(?) question for you, KK...how would you describe the sort of clothing Prince Azim would wear in his native land? Is it, as I suspect, similar to that worn by the Arabian nomads?
[16:31] <KK> Well, the dogs enjoyed it, though it kept sprinkling off and on.  For a while there, I wasn't sure we were going to go.
[16:31] <KK> Yes, Azim would wear desert-type attire, similar to Faisal in Lawrence of Arabia.
[16:32] <KK> I don't think we had hail today, but we did have sprinkles.
[16:32] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Ah...Wonderful. That kinda locks it down, then. :) I'm thinking of doing a costume for Darkover...:-D
[16:32] <KK> Hmmm, that would probably work well.
[16:33] <KK> Hi, Bynw.  Can we start telling people about Darkover, or is it still under wraps?
[16:33] <Bynw> Tell away... I have
[16:33] <Mak> Tell, tell!
[16:33] <KK> Costume theme and everything?
[16:33] <Bynw> Sure
[16:34] <KK> OK, you asked for it.  We're thinking of doing a Jedi-theme for the wedding--though I haven't heard any input yet from Tika.  The bride does have some say-so!
[16:35] <KK> We sort of know what Jedi knights wear--but are there women Jedi knights?
[16:35] <KK> What does Tika have in mind?
[16:36] <KK> "Ive explained to Bynw that there's a kinship between Jedi and Michaelines, Jesuits, and Templars.
[16:36] <hygilac> I infer from Yoda's comment at  the end of ESB that there could be
[16:36] <hygilac> women jedi, that is
[16:36] <KK> Well, there was another Yoda-type creature in the background at the and of Phantom Menace, when the procession is marching into the city.
[16:37] <Bynw> Teek said she was all for it...which is why I let you know in the email Katherine
[16:37] <KK> So she's thinking of Jedi attire too?  Or something else?
[16:38] <Jessie> JastaElf has seen the dress she has chosen (i.e. a picture on the web)
[16:38] <KK> Aha!  If JastaElf is conculting on the bridal attire, it will be super!
[16:38] <KK> Consulting, that is.
[16:39] <Bynw> She's still gonna wear a dress of the middle ages/renaissance type....and Jasta has seen it too
[16:39] <KK> Good.  I can picture a number of the female human characters we've seen thus far, wearing medieval-type attire.  And it's much more romantic than a Jedi habit.
[16:40] <Wrengl_doing_dinner>  Certainly will be.
[16:40] <KK> Will we have parents and other family members present?
[16:40] <KK> Will they understand?
[16:41] <Bynw> some... but it is a good distance for them to go..... they will be informed
[16:41] <KK> How many folk are you envisioning for the ceremony?
[16:42] <KK> I can picture all the wedding guests gathering at midnight after the ceremony for the Hallelujah Chorus, which will be particularly fitting on that night!
[16:43] <Bynw> in the ceremony itself?  me, bride, and 2 attendants each... is what we are still working on to make sure they get there
[16:43] <KK> Hi, Bart.
[16:43] <Rambart20> uh no wedding stuff
[16:44] <KK> Is Bart saying he's allergic to weddings?
[16:44] <Rambart20> no I have just been the best man at least twice going on the third
[16:44] <Rambart20> for my brother next year
[16:45] <KK> Always the best man/groomsman and never the groom?  (That's analogous to always a bridesmaid....) :-)
[16:45] <Rambart20> I have to find someone first KK <G>
[16:46] <Mak> That is kinda critical... :)
[16:46] <KK> Anyway, I'll ask you all to put out the word that I'd like to have any input on Jedi spirituality, little details you folk may have been able to glean from the various Star Wars books, that might be worked into the ceremony.
[16:46] <Bynw> k
[16:46] <Rambart20> okay
[16:47] <KK> I would imagine that some of it will be sort of Zen/Tibetan Buddhist/Unitarian flavored.
[16:47] <KK> I know, the mind boggles.
[16:48] <KK> Well, I figure you guys are far more apt to have read far more of them than I have.
[16:48] <hygilac> i can give you the covenant we used in the Unitarian church I attended in Indiana
[16:48] <hygilac> it's very nice and would not offend anyone
[16:48] <Wrengl_doing_dinner> We will start thinking, Katherine, but I would think you have about covered the influences.
[16:49] <KK> Any bits and pieces like that will be welcome.  I have a lot of stuff on hand, but more input is always better.
[16:50] <KK> As I told Bynw, I once did a wedding for a Jewish-born Odinist and a Christian convert to Judaism and managed to not even offend any of the family.  It actually worked very well.
[16:51] <Jessie> I think that our @god just took care of wayne for insulting a priest
[16:52] <KK> Who in the world was Wayne?!
[16:52] <Bynw> just another user on the network who was being rude.... I'm sorry about that
[16:53] <KK> No problem.  I guess anybody can wander in--once.  But fortunately, we have our faithful Jedi standing guard at the gate!
[16:53] <Bynw> Yes...
[16:53] <Bynw> next time I may mind-rip him for the fun of it first
[16:53] <Rambart20> and we have various attack cats all over
[16:53] <KK> Now THAT I'd like to see!  :-)
[16:53] <Kelos_al-Hazar> My neighbor's cutting his grass with a BUSH-HOG! :)
[16:54] <hygilac> not to mention the trout
[16:54] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Talk about overkill. :)
[16:54] <KK> I think...a flounder for such fellows!
[16:54] <hygilac> yes, frozen!
[16:54] <Mak> How about a nice big attack Koi?
[16:54] <KK> Actually, I was thinking kind of soft and flappy, so that it goes "smack"!
[16:55] <hygilac> How is Childe Morgan coming, Katherine?
[16:55] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Nothing less than a flash-frozen tuna would do for someone rude enough to insult KK that way.
[16:55] <KK> Mmmm, Attack Koi!  I like it.
[16:55] <Jessie> Katherine:  any "official" word yet on the release date for the anthology?
[16:55] * Jessie apologies -- but she is trying to learn patience -- she just hasn't achieved it yet
[16:56] <KK> Ahem, yes, back to more serious matters.  Childe Morgan is going fine.  I've introduced most of the contemporary Camberian Council, and now King Donal is about to take out one of them.
[16:56] <hygilac> oh, good
[16:56] <KK> No release date yet on the anthology.  I think it just landed on Ginjer's desk this past week.
[16:56] <Rambart20> oh really
[16:57] <KK> We're starting in 1082.
[16:57] <Rambart20> when does the green tower take place
[16:58] <KK> Green Tower is 1052.
[16:59] <Jessie> King Donal takes out a member of the CC??????
[17:00] <Jessie> How does King Donal take out a CC member?????
[17:00] <KK> Camberian Council members of that time (1082) include Barrett de Laney, his older sister Dominy, Vivienne, Michon de Courcy, Sief MacAthan, Seisyll Arilan (uncle of Jamyl and Denis), and Ptolemeos Didier.
[17:01] <Mak> And an Arilan!
[17:01] <KK> Of course.
[17:01] <Bynw> a MacAthan... decendents of Camber if memory serves
[17:01] <hygilac> the inner circle?:-)
[17:01] <Kelric> good question.  now for my question for KK.  are you doing any official short stories in the time between Quest for St Camber and KKB or can you say who joined the CC first,  Azim or Sion?
[17:01] <Jessie> Are Arilan's descendants of Camber?
[17:02] <KK> Azim is most junior, but he's older than Sion.  Sion is the youngest member.
[17:02] <Jessie> Sion did didn't he (i.e. joined first)
[17:02] <KK> I don't think the Arilans are related to the MacRories.
[17:02] <hygilac> was Sion installed to replace Tiercel?
[17:02] <Jessie> where is Didier from?
[17:03] <Kelric> Ok.  Basically,  over this summer and only for the newsgroup and chat room,  I am hoping to write a fanfic that has the CC (current time) visited by Camber.
[17:03] <hygilac> and what happened to Kyri?
[17:03] <KK> I'm not sure about Didier's origins, other than the direction of Torenth.  He actually hasn't shown up yet.  He isn't at this initial CC meeting; the others all are.
[17:04] <KK> Kyri married and has resigned when she became pregnant.
[17:04] <Rambart20> did she marry a full deryni?
[17:04] <KK> I'm sure she would have done.
[17:04] <hygilac> what else?
[17:04] <KK> She hasn't introduced me to her husband.
[17:05] <Kelric> hehe.
[17:05] <Rambart20> but would she know
[17:05] <Mak> She'd make sure.
[17:05] <hygilac> you better believe it!
[17:05] <KK> She'd be more apt to marry outside Derynidom than Vivienne.
[17:06] <Kelric> considering the trouble the CC has trouble sometimes identifying deryni...
[17:06] <hygilac> checked out the studbook
[17:06] <Rambart20> thats it
[17:06] <KK> Well, at least for the past few generations, I'm sure.
[17:06] <Kelric> heh.  like Kelson did when looking up Araxie?  heh.
[17:07] <KK> Well, we do know that there's a studbook, after all.  In our own world, one of them is called the Almanac de Gotha.
[17:07] <hygilac> yep
[17:07] <hygilac> of course
[17:07] <Rambart20> I am still curious will Kelson and araxie have a lot of kids?
[17:07] <Jessie> Katherine -- any idea of when or if the Dark Haired Man story by Rob will be published?
[17:07] <KK> I'm sure they'll work on it very conscientiously. :-)
[17:08] <KK> Not sure.  For it to integrate into the canon, I need to go back through it--and I haven't got time right now.
[17:08] <Rambart20> good Kelson seems like he would be a good dad
[17:09] <KK> I wonder why we're getting such sign-ins on Easter, of all days?
[17:10] <KK> Thank God for our Jedi at the gate!
[17:10] <Bynw> usually we dont get many weirdos...
[17:10] <vaino> whatever happened to Jesse MacGregor's descendants? anyone we know in Kelson's time?
[17:10] <KK> Hmm, the Force is strong in that one!
[17:11] <Jessie> Do we see any of Jesse's descendants in Childe Morgan and/or Green Tower?
[17:11] <KK> Too soon to tell, Jessie.
[17:12] <KK> Hi, Melissa.  Are you showered in peeps?
[17:13] <KK> Lots of library patrons on Easter?  Interesting.
[17:13] <Shiral> Yup.
[17:14] <KK> Where did it rain frogs?
[17:14] <Shiral> We serve a large population of Asians and East Indians inCupertino.
[17:14] <hygilac> the CC
[17:15] <Jessie> we got the info on Dark Haired Man, and the CC
[17:15] <KK> In 1082.
[17:15] <Shiral> Ooo, Interesting!
[17:15] <Rambart20> saw that to
[17:15] <Shiral> So what happened in 1082?
[17:15] <KK> That's where Childe I starts.
[17:16] <Shiral> Out to dinner, or out of life?
[17:16] <KK> Mind you, the member isn't expecting it.
[17:16] <KK> Out of life.
[17:16] <Jessie> did the member deserve it?
[17:16] <Jessie> was it the Torenthi one?
[17:16] <KK> Well, ultimately, probably.  And he was certainly provoked on this occasion.
[17:16] <KK> No, the Torenthi one isn't present.  He's on a diplomatic mission.
[17:16] <Rambart20> or michon
[17:16] <Shiral> My goodness, Donal or the member?
[17:17] <Shiral> Being provoked
[17:17] <Jessie> Don't take out Michon
[17:17] <KK> The member is provoked, and the member dies, and it isn't Michon.
[17:17] <KK> Or Barrett, or Vivienne.
[17:17] <Shiral> Thank goodness it's not Michon. I'm eager to meet him. <G>
[17:17] <KK> Incidentally, the title of Childe I is In the King's Service.
[17:18] <KK> No, I wouldn't kill off as neat a character as Michon before we've even met him.
[17:19] <Rambart20> kk do you have an idea who will do the cover art yet
[17:19] <KK> Michon isn't like Denis.  He's cool.
[17:19] <Jessie> yesssssss
[17:19] <Shiral> I'm looking forward to Childe a LOT, <G>
[17:19] <Shiral> I want to meet Jamyl, too
[17:19] <KK> But we've heard a bit about Michon, when Barrett describes his funeral.
[17:19] <hygilac> is the 1082 Arilan like Denis?
[17:20] <KK> Haven't written that much about Seisyll Arilan yet, so I can't tell you.
[17:21] <KK> We <have> met Jamyl, and I'm sorry I'd already killed him off before really writing about him.  But I get to play with him in this series.
[17:22] <Rambart20> does jamyl have the same attitude as denis
[17:22] <KK> Jamyl is a lot more open.  But of course, he hasn't had to go through what Denis does, not being called to the priesthood.
[17:23] <Mak> Hey- let's not be dissing Denis!!
[17:23] <Shiral> Being a Deryni priest around Loris and Corrigan would make a person just a wee bit tense, I agree.
[17:23] <AEves_Spirit> I enjoyed reading about Jamyl in the priesting of Arilan story, so will be happy to find out more about him
[17:23] <KK> I'm not dissing Denis.  He's cool; just....repressed in some areas.
[17:23] <Wrengl_doing_dinner> Yes, Jamyl sounded interesting
[17:24] <Mak> Ok, that I agree with. ANd I was talking to the rest of these guys!
[17:24] <AEves_Spirit> Denis has a strong sense of duty and a high calling - although he is a great guy he can come across as stuffy at times..
[17:24] <Shiral> I certainly thought he was an interesting person in the First Kelson trilogy.  But I can understand Alaric's unease in his presence, too
[17:24] <Mak> They know who they are! :)
[17:24] <AEves_Spirit> not meaning to "dis" him at all
[17:24] <KK> Yes, folk who have to defend institutions often have to come across as stuffy at times.
[17:25] <Bynw> Katherine... want to learn a neat trick?
[17:25] <KK> Trick?
[17:25] <Wrengl_doing_dinner> Arilin is safe from dissing when Snuffybear
is around, however.
[17:25] <Bynw> Type the first letter or two of someones nick name in the chat and hit the tab key
[17:25] *** the_Bee has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[17:26] <KK> Good trick, Bynw.
[17:26] <Rambart20> howdy bee
[17:27] <AEves_Spirit> Katherine, is the incident with Bethane and Morgan revisited in any way?
[17:27] <Shiral> Oo good question, Aeve
[17:27] <KK> The Bethane adventure will be reprised at the appropriate point in Morgan's young life.
[17:27] <AEves_Spirit> Goody :)
[17:27] <Rambart20> cool!
[17:28] <KK> Most of the short stories will be reprised in their proper places.
[17:28] <Shiral> I'll bet Alaric hasn't climbed many trees, since then. <G>
[17:28] <KK> I'll bet he <has>--just more carefully.
[17:28] <KK> Hi, Laura.
[17:28] <the_Bee> !  got locked out!  Hi Laura
[17:28] <Shiral> And not quite as high up in the branches, perhaps
[17:29] <KK> No, just more carefully--and probably higher.
[17:29] <AEves_Spirit> I think Morgan has done a few more daring things since climbing trees! <g>
[17:30] <Shiral> Possibly.  But I'd rather have him on level ground, as I'm not all that fond of heights!
[17:30] <KK> I think he's done some far more daring things--even as a kid.
[17:30] <KK> I don't like heights either.
[17:30] <Shiral> I'll bet he was a handful as a kid...<G>
[17:30] <AEves_Spirit> can't wait to hear about them
[17:30] <Shiral> He'll probably give his papa some nervous moments if he's anything like Alaric. <G>
[17:30] <KK> I'll bet Kelric already climbs trees--hopefully more successfully than his father.
[17:31] <KK> Actually, we don't know <why> Alaric climbed that tree, do we?
[17:31] <Shiral> At the age of three? Well, maybe he can't get terribly high up yet
[17:31] <AEves_Spirit> I think Kelric won't be able to help but be a handful, as the child of Morgan and Richenda :)
[17:31] <Laura> what is this about Morganand treees?  I love to climb trees
[17:31] <Shiral> I always thought he climbed it because "it was there."
[17:31] <hygilac> did you fall out and break your arm too?
[17:31] <AEves_Spirit> But we'll find out, right?  <g>
[17:32] <Laura> no, I am more graceful than that
[17:32] * Jessie thinks Laura climbed the tree just because Morgan was up in the tree
[17:32] * Shiral nods emphatically!
[17:32] * hygilac agrees
[17:32] * AEves_Spirit has enough trouble climbing ladders...
[17:32] <KK> On that front, I did <not> write from direct experience. Didn't climb very many trees, and never broke a bone other than a finger--and that was a horse accident.
[17:33] <Laura> and what better reason can you think of
[17:33] <Shiral> The only time I've ever broken anything I was a lot closer to the ground than in a tree
[17:33] <KK> No, I don't think they were lost that close to home.
[17:33] <Shiral> He was a boy, there was a tree just begging to be climbed, perhaps?
[17:34] <KK> Quite possibly.  We don't know who else had also climbed the tree, either.
[17:34] <Shiral> I can picture Alaric being a climber, somehow. <G>
[17:34] <KK> This is one of the nice things about being able to reprise a story, perhaps from a different perspective.
[17:35] <Shiral> Since his broken arm would be a pretty serious injury by any standard, I'll bet he healed the faster for being a Healer, even though he didn't know it then
[17:35] <AEves_Spirit> Does the healing function work that way? I thought it
had to be consciously practiced?
[17:35] <KK> Quite possibly.  But maybe not.  And I believe that it was only around a month later that his father died.
[17:36] <Shiral> What caused Kenneth Morgan's death? I've always wondered about that
[17:36] <AEves_Spirit> I think he was 8 Jessie
[17:36] <KK> It makes things more interesting if he hasn't quite recovered from his fall when he has to deal with being an orphan.
[17:36] <Shiral> It would have been just before he turned nine
[17:36] <hygilac> no, remember how Rhys discovered his healing talent
[17:36] <AEves_Spirit> By healing the cat?
[17:36] <Shiral> Yes
[17:37] <Jessie> why does Kenneth die -- is it natural causes -- or other?
[17:37] <hygilac> he wasn't consciously doing it
[17:37] <Shiral> But even not being aware of this gift, the gift might still help Alaric to get better sooner
[17:37] <hygilac> perhaps just in damping the pain?
[17:38] <KK> I think Kenneth's heart just gives out--though we don't know at this point whether something traumatic may have put extra strain on it.
[17:38] <Shiral> Once a bone is set, it's not all that painful
[17:38] <KK> I think he could do something about the pain, at this point in his development.
[17:38] <Shiral> Raising Alaric may have been a stressful thing. <EG>
[17:38] <AEves_Spirit> Depends on where the break is Shiral... :(
[17:38] <KK> LOL, yes.
[17:39] <KK> We do know that he'll have wanted to be very careful not to over-stress the arm while it was healing, since it was his sword arm.
[17:39] <Shiral> True about breaks, but bones tend to heal pretty well, especially in children
[17:39] <hygilac> Does Kenneth ever suspect the Alaric is not his child?
[17:39] <KK> Don't think so.
[17:40] <KK> LOL
[17:40] <Shiral> Concerning the arm, it's true that alaric didn't have the benefit of a plaster cast while it was healing.
[17:41] <KK> Alaric <is> Kenneth's child in all the parts that matter--true parenting.
[17:41] <Shiral> Hence increased danger that the bones might shift before knitting completely
[17:41] <KK> Yes.
[17:42] <Shiral> I imagine that once Alaric got to court, Brion must have had his own physicians look at his arm to make sure it would be all right
[17:42] <hygilac> of course he is; and then Brion steps into the place of alarics dead father
[17:43] <Rambart20> or big******
[17:43] <KK> We know that Brion acted both as a father-figure and an older brother figure.
[17:43] <Shiral> I'm looking forward to knowing more about Brion....I keep feeling shocked when he dies at the end of chapter one of DR.
[17:43] <hygilac> I know
[17:43] <Shiral> There I thought he'd be the major character in DR...;-)
[17:43] <hygilac> I think that is one thing that hhoked me bigtime
[17:43] <KK> Brion is cool.  You may not like Donal as much.
[17:44] <Shiral> I'm still curious about Donal, though.
[17:44] <AEves_Spirit> I always thought of Brion as an even-more-laid-back Kelson  :)
[17:44] <Shiral> He can't have been all bad, or his sons wouldn't have turned out as well as they did
[17:44] <Rambart20> sort of a jerk
[17:44] <KK> He isn't bad; but he's a king, and he does what he thinks he has to do.
[17:45] <Shiral> Now there's an interestingly enigmatic statement, Katherine. <G>
[17:45] <KK> Enigmatic?  Moi?
[17:45] <Rambart20> will we ever meet brion and nigel's sister
[17:45] <Shiral> I find people who are morally ambiguous to be very interesting!
[17:45] <KK> Quite possibly.
[17:46] <Shiral> They had more than one according to the Codex
[17:46] <Rambart20> yes can't remeber her name from the codex
[17:46] <Shiral> One of them is still allive and a Nun, as I recall
[17:47] <Jessie> she should have slapped Jehanna around when Jehanna went to the convent
[17:47] <KK> Bye, Mak.
[17:47] <Shiral> SOMEBODY should have slapped Jehana around!
[17:47] <KK> Probably true.
[17:48] <AEves_Spirit> Barratt achieved the desired results in a much nicer and more subtle way though 
[17:48] <Rambart20> I like the change she went through in KKB
[17:48] <Shiral> Yes, and he was able to do that because she was ready to
listen, I think
[17:48] <KK> Yep, it took a while, but I'm leased with the way he sorted her out.
[17:48] <KK> pleased, actually.
[17:48] <Jessie> yes -- but think of all the pain and grief she caused Brion before Barret got to her
[17:48] <Shiral> Brion must be watching her and wondering "Why is she so MELLOW all of a sudden?"
[17:48] <KK> Alas, yes.  And we'll see some of that.
[17:49] <AEves_Spirit> Maybe, but aren't trials and tribulations essential to a storyline?  :)
[17:49] <hygilac> do we get to see any interaction between Brion and the CC in CM, Katherine?
[17:49] <Rambart20> that was only a minor part of their lives wasn't it? (brion and jehana
[17:49] <Shiral> On the other hand between Jehana and Brion, Kelson turned out pretty well
[17:49] <KK> If he's watching her, he <knows> why she's so mellow...  :-)
[17:50] <KK> I don't think Brion knew about the CC.
[17:50] <Jessie> Kelson had another advantage -- Morgan & Duncan
[17:50] <KK> Yes!
[17:50] <Shiral> But it might be a little hard to know that a blind man had better success with Jehana than HE did. <G>
[17:50] <Shiral> And Nigel, too
[17:50] <hygilac> true, and boys spent more time with their tutors than with the women after becoming squires
[17:51] <Jessie> will we get to see much much more of Nigel?
[17:51] <AEves_Spirit> Does anyone else think Azim had a little something to do with Jehana's readiness to listen?
[17:51] <Shiral> I have a sneaking suspicion that you're right, Aeve.
[17:51] <Kelos_al-Hazar> I'm certainly glad to see Jehana beginning to realize that Deryni powers aren't inherently evil. :)
[17:51] <KK> Yes, we'll see much more of Nigel.
[17:51] <KK> Azim is a very subtle man.
[17:51] <Shiral> And his courtship with Meraude, too I hope?
[17:52] <KK> Of course.
[17:52] <Rambart20> will we see some of maryse
[17:52] <AEves_Spirit> Oh, that *would* be nice :)
[17:52] <Rambart20> I am curious about her family background
[17:52] <Shiral> Yes, I want to know about that, too
[17:52] <KK> Probably not too much of Maryse.  After all, Duncan knew nothing of that story until it's revealed in Bishop's Heir.
[17:52] <Rambart20> there is more to the clan of Transha than meets the eyes
[17:53] <Shiral> Duncan HAD to have known -- it happened to him!
[17:53] <AEves_Spirit> Not about what happened to Maryse though
[17:53] <AEves_Spirit> .. Or Dhugal's being his son
[17:53] <hygilac> given the name Mac Ardry, there must be
[17:53] <Kelos_al-Hazar> I'd like to find out more about the MacAthans, myself. :)
[17:53] <Shiral> Well true, but he knew about the first part. <G>
[17:53] <Shiral> He just didn't know about Dhugal for 15 years
[17:54] <KK> Aeves is right.  Duncan knew Maryse had died.  It just never occurred to him that she could have had their child.
[17:54] <AEves_Spirit> :)
[17:54] <Shiral> You get the gold star, Aeve. <G>
[17:54] <hygilac> especially as it was given out the child belonged to her mother
[17:54] <Shiral> Still, is the story of Duncan and Maryse's courtship covered at all in CM?
[17:54] <AEves_Spirit> exactly
[17:55] <KK> Probably not, since Duncan kept it secret even from Alaric.
[17:55] <AEves_Spirit> It was covered well in Bishop's Heir, I thought.
[17:56] <KK> Remember that that period was one of tragedy in a larger sense, too, since Maryse's brother had been killed and the two clans had been at loggerheads for years afterward.
[17:56] <Shiral> I wanted to meet Maryse through YOUR eyes, Katherine. <G>
[17:56] <GtheBeeThe_Beeest> I thought it was a bit too convenient, Duncan discovering he had a legitimate son just then.
[17:57] <hygilac> so did everyone else!
[17:57] * AEves_Spirit beats the_Bee with a feather cushion for suggesting such a thing
[17:57] <KK> These things have a habit of coming to light when it means something.
[17:57] <the_Bee> Breaks into hysterical sobs.
[17:57] * Shiral gets in a few licks of her own with the cushion. <G>
[17:57] <AEves_Spirit> sorry Bee..
[17:58] <Shiral> It was perhaps convenient, but I liked Dhugal, so I rolled with it. <G>
[17:58] <AEves_Spirit> lol.. I agree with Shiral
[17:58] <Shiral> Weird coincidences DO happen in life however unlikely they may be
[17:58] * Kelos_al-Hazar hands the_Bee a cup of Earl Grey tea, with an apology for the violence of the attack
[17:58] * Laura pats the bee on the head.  It is ok Bee.  Just go ahead and sting the hand that hits you with the feather cushion
[17:58] <hygilac> and I
[17:58] <the_Bee> S'okay.  I'm traumatized because I kicked myself out of the chatroom and couldn't get back in.
[17:58] <KK> Kelson needed a friend his own age, whose absence at his coronation and immediately thereafter could be plausibly explained.  It worked well enough for <me>.
[17:59] <Shiral> I liked the idea that Kelson had had a friend of his own age too. <G>
[17:59] <Shiral> As if you hadn't noticed, Katherine. =o)
[17:59] <AEves_Spirit> Me too - and I thought that the relationships all worked extremely well
[17:59] <KK> I think he probably has other friends his own age, too--and had some who didn't make it to his coronation because they'd died.
[18:00] <AEves_Spirit> That's a sad thought
[18:00] <Shiral> Hmmmmm, VERY interesting!
[18:00] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Katherine, I must admit to great struggle in finding appropriate verses for chapters I write... However do you do it? :)
[18:00] <KK> We already know that it's dangerous to be Kelson's friend, or Alaric's, or....
[18:01] <Shiral> Yup, you might end up as a human lightning rod!
[18:01] <KK> I read through and note apt verses and keep them in a file, Kelos.
[18:01] <AEves_Spirit> They're not all biblical references, are they?
[18:01] <Shiral> But how dangerous could he have been as a boy?
[18:01] <KK> Most are biblica.
[18:01] <Kelos_al-Hazar> I've noted that many of them seem to be from the Catholic Bible rather than the KJV, tho.
[18:01] <AEves_Spirit> Some of the references I have never heard of before
[18:01] <KK> And I always need more than I've managed to gather by the time I finish a book, so I have to go looking for specific verses as well.
[18:01] <the_Bee> I'm pretty sure the one about Gwynedd's weather in March isn't Biblical. :)
[18:02] <KK> Some are from the Apocropha.
[18:02] <Shiral> But if you don't know ahead of time what a chapter will contain, do you go through and look for a possible quote after it's writen?
[18:02] <KK> Yes.
[18:02] <Wrengl_doing_dinner> At that time period boys would die of disease or in battle practice.
[18:02] <KK> Yes.
[18:02] <the_Bee> do a keyword search in the concordance?
[18:03] <KK> I could do that now; but in the past, I didn't have that capability.
[18:03] * Jessie thinks Alaric was always dangerous to be around -- one way or another ;-)
[18:03] <Shiral> Medieval life was not for the faint of heart.  ANd on the night of his power assimilation, Kelson does remember being hurt worse in his past than a wound from a brooch
[18:03] <KK> Yes.
[18:04] * Shiral laughs and nods at Jessie's Alaric remark
[18:04] <KK> Yes, Alaric has always been a dangerous friend as well as a dangerous enemy.
[18:04] <Kelos_al-Hazar> Well, he didn't know how much the wound would really hurt, now, did he? :)
[18:04] * Jessie -- that is just the way I have always seen Morgan
[18:04] <Wrengl> I am SURE Alaric was always dangerous to be around... at court anyway
[18:04] <Laura> but Jessie, I like living on the edge <EG>
[18:04] <Shiral> Better to have him for a friend, I'd say.  Although these days, he's positively respectable. <G>
[18:05] <Shiral> Just don't piss the man off!
[18:05] <Wrengl> Nope.  Piss him off and you get more than you bargained for!
[18:05] <KK> There's a quote about Earl Mountbatten of Burma being a man you'd most have at your back when you're in trouble--and a man most likely to get you <into> trouble....   :-)
[18:05] <AEves_Spirit> Katherine, are we going to find out how Duncan and Alaric are descended from Camber?
[18:05] <Shiral> Alaric would fit that description for certain
[18:06] <the_Bee> IIRC, it was Cardiel who advised him to quit wearing black all the time.
[18:06] <KK> Maybe.
[18:06] <Wrengl> Like that one.  Lord Mountbatten was an interesting person.
[18:06] <AEves_Spirit> maybe??  :)
[18:06] <KK> Well, wearing black was a good defense mechanism for a while.
[18:06] <Shiral> At one point, Alaric says  "Living dangerously is a very good thing."  =o)
[18:07] <Shiral> Or maybe Alaric just thought he looked good in black. <EG>
[18:07] <KK> Living dangerously is definitely better than not living--and sometimes Deryni only have those two choices.
[18:07] <AEves_Spirit> Alaric would look good even in peacock feathers! lol
[18:07] <Laura> that is why I love my morgan.  He shares my philosophies
[18:07] * Laura winks
[18:07] <Wrengl> Hmmm
[18:07] <Jessie> you should ask Shiral what she did down on the Beach
[18:07] <Laura> hmmmm?
[18:07] <Shiral> Ahem!
[18:08] <AEves_Spirit> lol
[18:08] <Wrengl> He's NOT YOUR Morgan, Laura.  Remember that
[18:08] <KK> What did Shiral do down on the beach?
[18:08] <the_Bee> with whom?
[18:08] <Rambart20> she is going to have different morgan
[18:08] <Jessie> She had morgan skinny dipping
[18:08] <KK> Morgan might wear peacock feathers, on occasion.
[18:08] <KK> Would they dip any other way?
[18:08] <the_Bee> on which part of his anatomy?
[18:09] <Shiral> Ummmm, it's more about a bit of fanfic I'm writing right now, Katherine. <G> Alaric, Kelson Dhugal and Duncan are having a nice day at the beach, and well, they all go swimming. And we got into a discussion about what they'd WEAR or not wear while doing so
[18:09] <Jessie> it's what she and wrengl did to him when they caught him
in their fish nets
[18:09] <Wrengl> That fits the time period.  Bathing suits are recent.
[18:09] <AEves_Spirit> Could wear a breech-clout, to maintain modesty! :)
[18:09] <KK> Now, there's an image....  ;-)
[18:09] <Rambart20> okay ladies that enough
[18:09] <Rambart20> there are men here  :0)
[18:09] <Laura> I wouldnt if I were with Morgan
[18:09] <Shiral> As to saying anything more, I'm zipped!
[18:09] <KK> Do you know how hard it is to type when I'm laughing this hard?!
[18:10] <KK> Sorry, Bart!
[18:10] <Shiral> The children are down on the beach, too.
[18:10] <KK> Ya know, this is almost as much fun as yakking in person.  I'm glad we have this chat room!
[18:11] <the_Bee> btw, who looks after Carthmoor while Nigel is at court?
[18:11] <Jessie> KK -- any hope in the future of getting some background on Richenda as a younger person?
[18:11] <Shiral> Definitely NOT going to put everything in the story! It IS told from Kelric's point of view, after all!
[18:11] <KK> I'm sure he has a steward or two or three.
[18:12] <KK> There's a Richenda short story in the new anthology.
[18:12] <KK> Takes place just before she learns she's to marry Bran Coris.
[18:12] <Rambart20> finally something other than morgan
[18:12] <AEves_Spirit> Will the anthology be available from Amazon?
[18:12] <Laura> it is good to have a little more intel on your rivals <EG>
[18:12] <KK> I'm sure it will be.  It's Ace doing it.
[18:13] <Shiral> That's okay, you can HAVE Alaric, as long as we understand that Duncan belongs to ME, Laura
[18:13] <Laura> Duncan who shiral?
[18:13] <Wrengl> You can have Duncan, Shiral.
[18:13] <Rambart20> he's a priest Melissa!
[18:13] <Shiral> McLain.
[18:13] <AEves_Spirit> Personally, I always feel that Joram is wasted as a priest... ;-)
[18:13] <Shiral> I know, but he still belongs to ME
[18:13] <the_Bee> celibacy vows and all. Shiral?
[18:14] <Shiral> Yes....Celibacy and all.
[18:14] <Laura> she has no scruples
[18:14] <Wrengl> They have a platonic relationship.
[18:14] <Shiral> He'd be an excellent Dining Companion.
[18:14] <KK> He didn't have celibacy vows when he married Maryse.
[18:14] <Rambart20> i'll settle for Jehana thank you
[18:14] <Shiral> No, she got in under the wire
[18:14] <Wrengl> No that was before he took his vows.
[18:14] <Wrengl> Shiral has his post vows, however.
[18:15] <the_Bee> Duncan posts to the ng?
[18:16] *** KK has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[18:16] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KK
[18:16] <KK> Wow, I got kicked out.
[18:17] <KK> Bye, Melissa.
[18:17] <KK> Verra, verra strange.  But it <is> after midnight here, so it's about time to head off into Nod anyway.
[18:18] <Laura> as always, it has been a pleasure KK
[18:18] <Wrengl> It was nice talking to you again, as usual, Katherine.
[18:18] <Rambart20> bye KK thanks for stopping by
[18:18] <Jessie> does Donal use his Haldane powers on the CC member?
[18:18] <AEves_Spirit> Goodnight, then, Katherine.  Thanks for your time once again
[18:18] <KK> Well, hopefully I'll have more to tell you about the new book next week.
[18:18] <KK> Yes, Jessie.
[18:19] <KK> Thank you, one and all.  And be thinking about bits and pieces of Jedi lore for Bynw and Tika's wedding ceremony.  It's not too early to start jotting down ideas.
[18:19] <Wrengl> Katherine, one question -- do you happen to know anyone who speaks Welsh?
[18:20] <KK> No, but I could probably find someone.  Actually, I do.  What do you need?
[18:20] <Wrengl> I need to know how to say 'Pet the Dog' in Welsh.
[18:20] <KK> Ah, yes, they've been on here, too.  On Sky, I think--which probably explains.
[18:20] <KK> Pet the dog.  I'll see what I can find out.
[18:20] <the_Bee> Someone on the newsgroup speaks welsh, but I forget her name.
[18:20] <Wrengl>  Thank you.
[18:21] <Wrengl>  Thumper asked on the ng today.
[18:22] <Wrengl> There are over 6600 entries using Welsh when you do a search so i could not find any help there.  Obviously the phrase is needed in relation to Thumper.
[18:22] <Laura> obviously
[18:22] <Jessie> we'll be happy to pet Thumper w/o being told
[18:22] <the_Bee> Try a keyword search for "welsh."  She answered a question of mine on Welsh poetry.
[18:22] <KK> Ok, I'm off--and will gather up Jessie the Cat to go with me. She was responsible for a weird arm injury earlier in the week.  Never twist around in bed to whoosh the sand out (tracked by the cat.  I did--and felt something go pop!  It's getting better, but it was excruciating.
[18:22] <Laura> thumper wants to be petted by a welsh?
[18:22] <Wrengl> By the way, Katherine, JastaElf (Sharon), wants to make Thumper a Manfred von Corgthofen, The Blue Baron, costume.
[18:23] <KK> Now, <that> will be worth seeing!
[18:23] <Laura> hope it is better soon KK
[18:23] <the_Bee> Well he IS a Welsh Corgi ;)
[18:23] <KK> OK, guys, see you next week.  Take care, all.
[18:23] <Wrengl> No.  We want to make buttons for the Cardigan Cirgu National Specialty.
[18:23] <AEves_Spirit> Sorry to hear about your arm, Katherine - hope it gets better soon.  Goodnight
[18:24] *** KK has quit IRC (QUIT: User exited )