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KK Chat - Mar. 25, 2001

Started by RainbowDragon, July 08, 2008, 10:49:44 AM

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KK Chat - March 25, 2001

[15:56] *** KK has joined #Deryni_Destinations
[15:56] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KK
[15:56] <Bynw> WB
[15:56] <KK> Hello?
[15:56] <KK> Did everybody get thrown out?
[15:56] <Bynw> yep
[15:56] <KK> Why did it do that?
[15:56] <Bynw> the server is having fits
[15:56] <KK> Sunspots!
[15:57] <hygilac> flaming peeps, I tell you
[15:57] <KK> I guess the fix re my nickname worked anyway, Bynw.
[15:57] <Wrengl> That's it.  Revenge of the Peeps!
[15:57] <KK> I didn't have to type it in this time.
[15:57] <Bynw> cool
[15:57] <KK> But getting back in was a hassle.
[15:57] <KK> T think these peeps are seditious!
[15:58] <KK> Anyway....I've been decluttering this weekend.
[15:58] <KK> Scott is in India, so I'm throwing out junk!
[15:58] <hygilac> The question of the night was :  Does KK like peeps?
[15:58] <Gamgee-too> KK: funny I've been doing the same thing in prep for David's visit...
[15:58] <KK> I only sort of know about peeps.  I've not met any recently.
[15:59] <KK> No, I'm not writing this weekend; I shipped off the Deryni anthology Friday, so I'm taking a decluttering break!
[15:59] <Wrengl> We can probably save some holloween ones for you for
[15:59] <KK> Are there Halloween ones, too?  I thought they came mainly at Easter.
[16:00] <KK> Scott is looking at sword factories.
[16:00] <KK> He'll be back Tuesday.
[16:00] <KK> But he rang me on Thursday and said he loves it there and that he isn't coming home. ;-)
[16:01] <Bynw> maybe he will get ideas for the final knights of the blood stories while he is there
[16:01] <KK> So far, or as of then, no Delhi belly.
[16:01] <KK> He actually has the idea pretty much worked out for KOB III.
[16:01] <KK> But he has to find the time to sit down and start writing it.
[16:02] <Gamgee> Hygilac: only "a" sword.....
[16:02] <Tika> I think the main server knows when KK is online and wants attention.....
[16:02] <KK> He said the swords he's seeing are beautiful, very well done.
[16:02] <KK> Well the server does seem to be settling down now.  It hasn't kicked me out for at least 5 minutes!
[16:03] <Bynw> when it kicks you out... it even kicks ME out
[16:03] <KK> Dunno about samples.  I asked him to bring me a sari, but he said you have to be measured for them.  I thought one length of sari material was rather like another, but apparently not.
[16:03] <hygilac> So what date do you see for the Deryni anthology, Katherine?
[16:04] <KK> Boy, Bynw, if it even kicks you out, we're in  trouble!
[16:04] <KK> I think I actually have 2 mircs open right now; couldn't figure out how to make the first one work, so I opened another one.  It's still sitting down on the tool bar.  Oh, well.
[16:05] <KK> Anthology--hopefully to come out in time for Christmas.
[16:05] <hygilac> Hurray!
[16:05] <paula> Good gift
[16:05] <Bynw> Yes!
[16:06] * Bynw wants to read the story on the Green Tower.. .YESTERDAY
[16:06] <paula> Isn't the CODEX II out around then too?
[16:07] <KK> Authors are: Melissa, Laura Jefferson, Jay Azneer & Dan Kohanski, Lohr Miller, Leslie Williams, Sharon Henderson, and Ann Jones (an English lady).
[16:07] <KK> I'm not sure what Rob's schedule is now on Codex II.
[16:08] <hygilac> the sooner the better
[16:08] * hygilac does a little happy dance in anticipation of actually getting one this time
[16:08] <KK> I'll be seriously getting on with Childe Morgan I this week.
[16:09] <KK> Grey Ghost just hired one of my best friends to edit some of the books--and without even knowing we knew one another from yore.  Nice piece of serendipity!
[16:10] <leslie> it was Katherine! she saw us chatting here and ZZZap!
[16:10] <KK> Hi, Leslie.  I was just saying nice things about you.
[16:10] <leslie> thanks
[16:10] <KK> I guess my arrival was just a shock to the system, as it were.
[16:10] <leslie> I got a question about Dragon Naturally Speaking
[16:11] <KK> I've heard that all those speaking programs are temperamental, and have to be trained to the voice of the user.
[16:12] <hygilac> they are very temperamental
[16:12] <leslie> Have you heard of any being better than the others?
[16:12] <KK> Anne McCaffrey had a terrible time getting one to work.  The first one wanted an English accent, and couldn't cope with an American one. She had to have one of her sons send her an American version.
[16:12] <KK> I think she had a bit more luck with that one, but they're still touchy.
[16:13] <KK> An attorney friend of ours has one that he swears by, but he speaks formula-speech, and with a broad Scots accent.
[16:13] <leslie> Another foreign language, eh?
[16:13] <KK> Yep.
[16:13] <leslie> I found an actor that reminds me of a Forcinn Prince
[16:14] <KK> Yes?
[16:14] <paula> who?
[16:14] <leslie> Joel Bissonnette (Arnaud on the Invisible Man)
[16:14] <KK> Not familiar with him.
[16:14] <leslie> He's a bit young (blush)
[16:14] <KK> But Luca on ER would make a great Forcinn prince!
[16:15] <KK> I can picture him as Matyas.
[16:15] <KK> Luca is the Croatian doctor.
[16:16] <hygilac> Speaking of doctors, I was disappointed in one aspect of Gargoyle, Katherine
[16:16] <KK> Ah, but Matyas only pretends to be conniving.
[16:16] <hygilac> we never met the lovely Cait!
[16:17] <KK> Cait will appear in the sequel, if there is one.
[16:17] <KK> I actually saw the lady on whom Cait is modeled, yesterday.
[16:17] <leslie> Trying to remember...is Matyas married?
[16:17] <KK> Yes.
[16:18] <KK> He has a son who's the age of Morgan's, and his wife is expecting their second.
[16:18] <Laura> Gargoyles is now packed in my carry on ready for my 10 hour flight tomorrow
[16:18] <paula> Good reading
[16:18] <KK> Hi, Laura, where're you going this time?
[16:18] <hygilac> better than Lammas Night for flying!
[16:18] <Laura> Texas
[16:18] <paula> I'll take KKB with me to the Hospital Thursday
[16:19] <Laura> thats good
[16:19] <KK> KK very nearly wasn't on; we all got kicked out.
[16:20] <KK> Paula, what are you going at the hospital?!
[16:20] <paula> I'm having a c-section on thurday to deliver my 5th- alittle girl named Sarah
[16:21] <KK> Ah, I was about to gather that it was babies we were talking about here!
[16:21] <paula> Yes, Sarah Elisabeth
[16:21] <leslie> C-section babies are always so beautiful
[16:21] <KK> Well, congrats early, and welcome to the new little one!  Will light a candle on Thursday, for safe outcome for all!
[16:22] <KK> Paula, what variety are your first four?
[16:22] <paula> Boy, boy,girl, boy
[16:22] <KK> Good mix!
[16:23] <KK> How old is the oldest?
[16:23] <paula> 7 and a half
[16:23] <KK> They will definitely keep you on your toes.
[16:26] <KK> Ditto, Leslie.  But I've got characters!
[16:26] <KK> Can you imagine 8 teenagers all at once, or even 5 or 6?  Yike!
[16:26] <Laura> I hope teen Morgan didnt give you too much trouble KK :-)
[16:26] <leslie> Speaking of characters, please tell Matyas "Hello" for me :}
[16:26] <KK> I haven't dealt with teen Morgan yet.
[16:27] <Laura> I am sure he will be a model teen
[16:27] <Jessie> did Arilan have a personality when he was a teenager?
[16:27] <leslie> Bet he had a window he used to climb out of
[16:27] <KK> I've just dealt with his grandmother being 10.
[16:27] <paula> morgan's?
[16:27] <KK> Harumph!  Arilan has a personality now!  And of course he had one when he was a teenager!
[16:28] <Jessie> okay -- a more engaging personality for Arilan then??
[16:28] <leslie> Does Arilan have a pet?
[16:28] * Tika hands Jessie a shovel ;)
[16:28] <KK> Hey, Arilan wasn't as up tight when he was young.  Have you read Arilan the Talmud Student?
[16:28] * Laura thinks Jessie will need it lol
[16:28] * Jessie thanks tika -- but she is busy pulling her foot & lower leg OUT of her mouth
[16:29] <KK> You guys are fun!
[16:29] <KK> I'm sitting here giggling and alarming the cat.
[16:30] <Laura> this is a great chat room KK.  I come here to unwind from stressful missions.. These folks are great
[16:30] <KK> Well, you guys are a good sunday night fix.
[16:30] <leslie> Very attached in a short period
[16:30] <KK> Um, what was it we were throwing around, very early on--pre-mirc?
[16:31] <Jessie> trout
[16:31] <leslie> Wonder what Arilan would say to a food fight?
[16:31] <KK> Yes, trout!
[16:31] * Tika slaps DeryniBot around a bit with a large trout
[16:31] <Laura> oh, that was the trout I think.  We are way beyond that now
[16:31] <Tika> there are still a few swimming around ;)
[16:31] <KK> What happened to that version of software, where we could slap one another with fish?
[16:31] <hygilac> yeah--way way
[16:32] <hygilac> you should be here when Melissa starts flinging pies
[16:32] <Laura> the trout is still available
[16:32] <KK> Where is the trout?
[16:32] <KK> Wasn't that on IRC?
[16:32] * Laura slaps nobody in particular around with a large trout!
[16:32] <KK> Be right back,  A dog is growling--I think at a cat.
[16:33] <Tika> rut-roh
[16:33] * Wrengl reaches into the amumition locker and removes a moray eel which is held at the ready.
[16:33] <leslie> wooopwooopwwwooooooppppp!!yarkyarkyark!!!
[16:33] <Laura> and Thumper slowly sneaks up, grabs the eel and makes a break for it
[16:33] <KK> One Jessie cat rescued.  She just came slinking in from outside.
[16:34] <leslie> She is good about rescuing people
[16:34] <hygilac> and other small beasties
[16:34] <leslie> and things that go bump in the night
[16:34] <KK> The Holybrooke Jessie is actually Jessica, named for the Dune character.  (Now you know what I was reading last summer.)
[16:34] <KK> I do my best to live up to the rescuer moniker.
[16:35] <leslie> Which do you like best, Dune movie, or Dune tv
[16:35] <KK> Dune TV, definitely!
[16:35] <KK> I think it was a mini-series on SF Channel.
[16:36] <KK> Or SciFi Channel, as I think they call it.
[16:36] <KK> Not as many special effects, but much truer to the book.
[16:36] <leslie> I like the actor who played Paul in  the movie. Also in Twin Peaks
[16:36] <KK> Kyle McLaughlin.
[16:37] <KK> I think Dune was sort of his break-in role--but he's gone on to do....weird parts.
[16:38] <KK> TV version was lower budget, and this was reflected in the casting.
[16:39] <KK> I actually only saw one of the TV episodes, but it was excellent.  One of the reason we went digital a couple of months ago--so we could get the SciFi Channel.
[16:39] <KK> Saw the one episode in D.C. last December, right after Darkover.
[16:40] <Jessie> is the Anthology coming out in hardback or paperback
[16:40] <KK> Haven't seen it yet.  Our subscription of the Sky magazine hasn't started up yet, so we don't know what's on until we stumble on it.
[16:40] <KK> Anthology will be paperback.
[16:41] <KK> And Temple & Crown will be in paperback, coming out mid-April.
[16:41] <Laura> so what is the final word on Lammas Night.  Is it totally out of print now
[16:41] <KK> As far as I know, Lammas is still in print.
[16:41] <leslie> Are there film plans for Lammas Nacht?
[16:41] <KK> I wish!
[16:42] <KK> I'll check with Ballantine and see what the status is.
[16:43] <KK> Debby and I were talking just today about Adept 6, which will also be a sequel to Lammas.
[16:43] <leslie> Lammas Night would remind me of the flavor of Fatherland
[16:43] <KK> $75 for Lammas?!!!
[16:43] <Laura> yep
[16:43] <KK> Good grief!
[16:43] <Laura> I saw one once before for $80
[16:43] <leslie> Katherine, face it. You're a classic
[16:44] <KK> Well, if it OP, they'd better bring it back, because Adept 6 will put it in big demand again.
[16:44] <KK> Well, it IS one of my favorites, but still....
[16:44] <paula> On Amazon.com
[16:45] <hygilac> did Lammas Night ever come out in HB, katherine?
[16:45] <KK> I'd think Amazon would have it, if it can still be had new.
[16:45] <leslie> I've started getting my books from Amazon.com because book stores are never in stock
[16:45] <KK> Lammas came out in a Severn House hardcover in the UK.
[16:45] <KK> They also did hardcovers of the 1st 3 Adepts.
[16:47] <KK> (OK, how do you guys do the purple comments?)
[16:48] <leslie> Well, you mix the blue comments with the red comments and....
[16:48] <Laura> type /me then your comment
[16:48] * KK KK wonders if this will work.
[16:48] <Laura> KK stutters, but it works
[16:48] <KK> Ah, I don't have to type the KK.
[16:50] <KK> Whoops!
[16:50] <leslie> Wonder...what kind of book does Arilan read for personal enjoyment? All kinds?
[16:50] <KK> Arilan obviously reads the Talmud, among other things.
[16:51] <hygilac> Where is Arilan the Talmud student?
[16:51] <leslie> Well, that's one. Remember "The Name of the Rose"--that library and the forbidden books
[16:52] <KK> Bye, laura.  Safe flight.
[16:52] <Bynw> cya stateside Laura...have an uneventfull flight
[16:52] <leslie> I'll bet Arilan reads banned books :}
[16:52] <Laura> thanks, see ya all from Texas,  and I will call you probably tomorrow night after I get in Linda
[16:53] <hygilac> I can see him struggling through Huck Finn
[16:53] * KK KK wonders if she's got this right yet.
[16:53] <leslie> stuffing books under this cot
[16:53] <Laura> still stuttering
[16:53] * KK wonders if she will ever get it right.
[16:53] <Laura> yeah!!!!!!!
[16:53] <hygilac> there you go
[16:53] * Tika applauds madly
[16:54] <KK> OK, no snickering, you guys. ;-)  I just need to write these things down.
[16:56] <KK> Well, thanks to Daylight Savings TIme, which we went on today, it's now almost midnight, so I think I'll also say good night.
[16:56] <KK> Are you guys also on Daylight Savings?
[16:57] <KK> Ah.  I knew we were often out of synch with you folk.  I didn't actually realize until about 6 PM.
[16:57] <hygilac> and write lost next week!
[16:57] <leslie> Tell your ghosts nite for me
[16:58] <KK> I'll do my best.  Hope to report lots of progress next week.
[16:58] * KK waves good night.
[16:58] * Jessie looks at bynw & wrengl -- see now you have your marching orders :)
[16:59] *** KK has quit IRC (QUIT: User exited )