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KK Chat -- 22 May 2016

Started by DesertRose, May 22, 2016, 07:28:43 PM

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May 22 19:12:35 *   KK has joined
May 22 19:12:42 <The_Bee>   hi KK
May 22 19:12:54 <jemler>   hi kk
May 22 19:12:56 <KK>   Hello, all.
May 22 19:13:07 <derynifank>   Hi,kk
May 22 19:13:13 <DesertRose>   Hi KK!
May 22 19:14:03 <DesertRose>   How was your week?
May 22 19:14:44 <KK>   OK.  It sort of evaporated.  On, I got a filling replaced on Wednesday.  Acrylic of some kind, this time.
May 22 19:14:48 <Evie>   Hi KK
May 22 19:15:16 <KK>   How're the Littles coming along?
May 22 19:15:37 <Evie>   Fine.  Richenda went to church in my purse this morning.  :-D
May 22 19:16:08 <jemler>   you smuggled her into church?
May 22 19:16:17 <derynifank>   I looked at your play csstle Evue, love it
May 22 19:16:29 <derynifank>   Evie
May 22 19:16:35 <Evie>   Not exactly smuggling when you show off your work to friends right after the service.  ;-)
May 22 19:16:44 <Evie>   Thank you, derynifank!
May 22 19:16:58 <Evie>   I have fun with the Mini-Deryni
May 22 19:18:54 <KK>   How're the rooms coming along?
May 22 19:19:29 <Evie>   I haven't had much of a chance to work on the project this week with my folks here and us gearing up for DD's graduation, but hopefully next week I can get back to it
May 22 19:20:20 <Evie>   My folks are using that room since it's also my guest room
May 22 19:20:28 <DesertRose>   I hate when time evaporates.  (Sorry, went afk to refill my tea glass.)
May 22 19:20:35 <Evie>   So right now Dad's CPAP is in Meraude's solar
May 22 19:21:22 <derynifank>   Graduation is always exciting and busy
May 22 19:22:22 <Evie>   Yes, this one is my baby, so I probably won't have a house full of guests for an event like this until my DS graduates from university
May 22 19:22:24 <KK>   When is that?  (Can't believe that summer is already here again.)
May 22 19:22:30 <Evie>   On Tuesday
May 22 19:22:54 <jemler>   congratulate DD for me.
May 22 19:23:06 <Evie>   :-)
May 22 19:23:24 *   Aerlys (~ae1fac94@OWIRCN-1bdd9d77.org) has joined
May 22 19:23:31 <jemler>   hi aerlys
May 22 19:23:33 <DesertRose>   Hi Aerlys!
May 22 19:23:34 <Evie>   Hi Aerlys!
May 22 19:23:51 <Aerlys>   Hello! I'm actually home on time for chat!
May 22 19:23:55 <Evie>   Did the birthday boy enjoy his outing?
May 22 19:23:56 <DesertRose>   Yay!
May 22 19:24:11 <The_Bee>   hi aerlys
May 22 19:24:19 <derynifank>   Yay!
May 22 19:24:30 <Aerlys>   Yep. And I enjoyed a good sout.
May 22 19:24:35 <Aerlys>   stout
May 22 19:25:15 <Aerlys>   My oldest turned 21 yesterday though he chooses not to drink.
May 22 19:25:35 <Evie>   Well, that's better than choosing to drink too much
May 22 19:25:42 *   Shiral (~Shiral@OWIRCN-e6adf1cc.ca.comcast.net) has joined
May 22 19:25:51 <DesertRose>   A lot of people choose not to.  I know a few people who just think any and all adult beverages taste horrible.
May 22 19:25:53 <DesertRose>   Hi Shiral
May 22 19:25:54 <Evie>   Hi Shiral
May 22 19:25:57 <Aerlys>   Absolutely. I respect his decision.
May 22 19:26:00 <Shiral>   Hi everyone
May 22 19:26:07 <jemler>   hi shiral
May 22 19:26:11 <Aerlys>   Hi Shiral
May 22 19:26:16 <The_Bee>   hi shiral
May 22 19:26:37 <Shiral>   I suppose you're all wondering why I summoned you here, today......
May 22 19:26:39 <derynifank>   Hi shiral
May 22 19:26:48 <Aerlys>   lol
May 22 19:26:48 <Evie>   Here's a photo of the newly repainted Haldane thrones:  https://flic.kr/p/GR4hvA  I think this has more favorites than any other photo I've uploaded to Facebook!
May 22 19:27:15 <KK>   I'm nearly in that category, DR.  Don't like beer, and don't like hard spirits.  A little wine, perhaps, but really only with a meal.
May 22 19:27:19 <The_Bee>   pink for Araxie?
May 22 19:27:20 <Aerlys>   Ooh nicely done!
May 22 19:27:30 <Shiral>   So we're drinking "adult beverages" in tiny Haldane thrones?
May 22 19:27:34 <Evie>   No, the pink is what the thrones originally looked like before I painted them.
May 22 19:27:41 <Evie>   That's the bare plastic
May 22 19:27:53 <DesertRose>   I'm not a beer fan either, and I'm picky about hard spirits and I can't drink red wine without a substantial meal else I get a nasty headache.
May 22 19:28:01 <Evie>   I have tiny "adult beverages" in my crafts cabinet
May 22 19:28:02 <derynifank>   Love the thrines
May 22 19:28:07 <Shiral>   Beer has never appealed to me. Not a big fan of bitter-flavored anything
May 22 19:28:14 <Evie>   Me either
May 22 19:28:21 <jemler>   like some apple brandy?
May 22 19:28:22 <Aerlys>   Shiral, we were talking about how my oldest turned 21 but has no interest in alcohol.
May 22 19:28:22 <derynifank>   Thrones
May 22 19:28:26 <DesertRose>   Just as well.  There's a nasty family history of alcoholism anyway, and right now I'm taking a medication that doesn't play nicely with booze anyway.
May 22 19:28:27 <KK>   Shandy is sometimes ok.
May 22 19:28:34 <Evie>   I started the thrones about a year ago, I think, but never finished them until this past week
May 22 19:28:36 <Shiral>   I like Prosecco, prosecco doesn't always like me, the next day
May 22 19:29:15 <Aerlys>   I prefer either a merlot or a really good dark stout.
May 22 19:29:18 <DesertRose>   Carys just jumped up in my lap to say hi.
May 22 19:29:35 <Shiral>   Aerlys, my advice is not to rock the boat. =o) I remember having a token cocktail once it was legal for me to drink alcohol, but I've never had much of a taste for it, either.
May 22 19:29:38 <Aerlys>   Scritches for Carys
May 22 19:30:10 <Aerlys>   I absolutely respect my son's decision Shiral.
May 22 19:30:39 <The_Bee>   Melantha went to the vet last week.  No signs of her cancer returning.  They called her recovery a miracle.
May 22 19:30:39 <Shiral>   For me to like alcohol, it has to be expensive, evidently. Which is self-limiting right there.
May 22 19:30:40 <Evie>   He can be your designated driver.  :-D
May 22 19:30:46 <DesertRose>   And now she's off to the left of my laptop, which means we'll have the "Get your [cat body part here] off the keyboard!" argument for a while  :D
May 22 19:30:53 <Evie>   Wonderful, Bee!
May 22 19:30:54 <Shiral>   Congratulations to Melantha.
May 22 19:30:57 <DesertRose>   YAY, Bee!
May 22 19:31:10 <Aerlys>   Great news, Bee
May 22 19:31:11 <Shiral>   Dmitri just arrived to say hello
May 22 19:31:18 <Evie>   Hi Dmitri
May 22 19:31:23 <Aerlys>   More scritches to Dmitri
May 22 19:31:24 <DesertRose>   Give Dmitri a pet from me, please.  :)
May 22 19:31:24 <Shiral>   He
May 22 19:32:00 <KK>   Yay, Melantha!
May 22 19:32:05 <The_Bee>   They gave me something for hairballs.  Melantha is very good at keeping her mouth shut when she doesn't want something to go into it.
May 22 19:32:08 <Shiral>    is still looking in the closet or under the bed and looking puzzled. He looks at me as if to ask "Was I just imagining there was another cat, around here recently?
May 22 19:32:22 <Shiral>   Cats are very good at that, Bee
May 22 19:32:28 <DesertRose>   Cats have a talent for that.
May 22 19:32:34 <Evie>   Aww, poor Dmitri!
May 22 19:32:35 <jemler>   then you'll love mine. whren i was a kid, i would listen to my father coughing. i realized it was from smoking. i decided never to smoke, and i never have. i don't use any tobacco product. i was 9 at the time.
May 22 19:32:39 <Shiral>   Done, DR. he's purring his thanks
May 22 19:32:42 <KK>   <Is> thre another cat, Shiral?
May 22 19:33:06 <Shiral>   There isn't anymore, since Francesca crossed the Rainbow Bridge
May 22 19:33:20 <Shiral>   There WILL be, one day. but it's too soon.
May 22 19:33:34 <KK>   Ah, I thought you might've found a Worthy Successor.
May 22 19:34:00 <Shiral>   No. I will admit to a certain amount of online Kitten Therapy, though
May 22 19:34:17 <jemler>   lolcats?
May 22 19:34:18 <Shiral>   But Francesca was a special cat--I can't forget her that soon
May 22 19:34:34 <Aerlys>   How old was Frencesca?
May 22 19:34:46 <derynifank>   A small black cat keeps visiting my deck, trying to lure him to join the family
May 22 19:34:49 <Shiral>   12
May 22 19:34:53 <Evie>   If you're waiting to forget her, that's never going to happen, but I can see you wanting a bit of time to grieve before adopting a new cat
May 22 19:35:12 <Aerlys>   A a venerable kitty, indeed.
May 22 19:35:13 <Shiral>   That's exactly it, Evie
May 22 19:35:26 <Shiral>   I'd feel "unfaithful" somehow
May 22 19:35:31 <KK>   It isn't a matter of forgetting her.  You have lots of kitty-love to share, and I don't think Francesca would begrudge you that.
May 22 19:35:46 <jemler>   12 years, 9 lives. 108 years.
May 22 19:36:31 <KK>   But do give yourself time to savor the wonderful memories you have of your time together.
May 22 19:36:45 <Shiral>   Well... actually 12 is NOT so old. I wasn't ready for the blow, at all. But she had a fast, aggressive form of cancer. She couldn't eat or groom herself without pain. And a cat that can't do those things will never be happy or comfortable
May 22 19:37:28 <Aerlys>   poor kitty
May 22 19:37:48 <KK>   Perhaps it was an ok balance: time to prepare yourself, but she didn't have to suffer too long.
May 22 19:37:50 <Shiral>   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vf_ws4ooIrE This is the memorial video I put together
May 22 19:38:23 <derynifank>   Sorry about the loss.
May 22 19:38:39 <Shiral>   True, KK. It was just a pity that I found out just before the New York trip. It was a very stressful time for Francesca. And I felt bad for not being with her.
May 22 19:39:03 <The_Bee>   I heard a story at the vet's.  After surgery, one of the vet staff kept Melantha at her house.  She was so weak she slept next to a large dog without even noticing.  They knew she was on the mend when she woke and hissed at the dog.
May 22 19:39:33 <Shiral>   I feel Okay about it--it was clearly the humane thing to do. But it's hard at bedtime, that was Francesca's favorite time to be sociable. The only thing I won't miss is the blood and drool
May 22 19:41:26 <DesertRose>   Sorry I went silent.  Long story, but I had a minor crisis to handle.  It's handled now.
May 22 19:41:57 <Aerlys>   Rhys crawled over to say "Hi."
May 22 19:41:58 <DesertRose>   Poor Cesca, and poor confused Dmitri.
May 22 19:42:02 <DesertRose>   Hi Rhys!
May 22 19:42:24 <Shiral>   Hi Rhys
May 22 19:42:26 <Evie>   DH just got home.  He finished turning his "woodworking shop" back into MIL's dining room just as she called saying she was about 20 minutes away.  :-)
May 22 19:42:42 <DesertRose>   Just in the nick of time, then.
May 22 19:42:43 <Evie>   Hi Rhys!
May 22 19:42:54 <The_Bee>   Hi Rhys
May 22 19:42:59 <Shiral>   I think Dmitri is enjoying being the target of all the Kitty love
May 22 19:43:06 <Shiral>   Hi Rhys!
May 22 19:43:20 <Aerlys>   He's a happy little guy.
May 22 19:43:26 <Evie>   I'm just hoping he remembered to vaccuum thoroughly!  DH, that is, not Rhys, who might be too young for that yet, as he's not even a year old.  :-D
May 22 19:43:37 *   Lochiel (Mibbit@OWIRCN-df0b7182.gnvlsc.sbcglobal.net) has joined
May 22 19:43:39 <DesertRose>   Happy babies are good.
May 22 19:43:43 <DesertRose>   Hi Lochiel
May 22 19:43:43 <Evie>   Hi Lochiel
May 22 19:43:47 <DesertRose>   Glad you joined us!
May 22 19:43:48 <The_Bee>   hi lochiel
May 22 19:43:56 <jemler>   hi lochiel
May 22 19:43:57 <Aerlys>   Oh, he'll get things off the floor for you if you want. He might eat it, too.
May 22 19:44:00 <Shiral>   I think the vacuum might be a bit big for Rhys. Hi Lochiel
May 22 19:44:04 <Evie>   LOL, Aerlys
May 22 19:44:06 <Lochiel>   Hi everyone and ty for the warm greeting!
May 22 19:44:23 <DesertRose>   At that age, he thinks anything can be explored by putting it in his mouth, so yeah.
May 22 19:44:23 <Evie>   Glad you could make it
May 22 19:44:30 <Shiral>   Floors cleaned by Rhys might take a while. =o)
May 22 19:44:37 <Aerlys>   Hello Lochiel. Haven't met you yet. I've been AWOL for a while.
May 22 19:44:43 <KK>   Ah, Lochiel--a noble name!
May 22 19:44:46 <DesertRose>   Lochiel is new to the forum.  :)
May 22 19:44:49 <Evie>   Yes, it takes a while to lick up an entire room
May 22 19:45:04 <KK>   You're very welcome, Lochiel.
May 22 19:45:07 <Evie>   Joined this morning, yes?  I remember seeing a notice, but it had been approved by the time I made it online
May 22 19:45:19 <Aerlys>   I think I should make him some clothes out of Swiffer pads.
May 22 19:45:21 <DesertRose>   Yup.  I happened to be at my computer.  :)
May 22 19:45:24 <DesertRose>   LOL, Aerlys
May 22 19:45:29 <Shiral>   We're a friendly lot, so jump right in, Lochiel
May 22 19:45:30 <Evie>   LOL
May 22 19:45:37 <Lochiel>   I just joined but have been a huge Deryni fan since the early 80's
May 22 19:45:44 <DesertRose>   Sometimes we're friendly to the point of overwhelming!  :D
May 22 19:45:57 <Evie>   That's about when I discovered the books also.  Well, more like mid-80s
May 22 19:46:35 <Lochiel>   They are my all time favorites
May 22 19:46:38 <Evie>   I discovered and read all the Deryni books that came out prior to QFSC over Christmas break, so I was ready when QFSC came out shortly thereafter.
May 22 19:46:41 <Shiral>   I discovered the Deryni when my sister handed me her copy of Deryni Rising and told me to go read it and stop annoying her. =o)
May 22 19:46:52 <KK>   Where do you live, Lochiel?
May 22 19:46:52 <DesertRose>   In true sisterly fashion!
May 22 19:46:56 <Lochiel>   I still reread them every 3 years or less,
May 22 19:47:13 <Lochiel>   South Carolina
May 22 19:47:21 <Evie>   A friend of mine handed me the first 8 or so and said "Here, try these," and I did and then went out and bought copies of my own
May 22 19:47:29 <The_Bee>   Idcovered  the books when Deryni Rising was the only one.  I was delighted to discover a sequel.
May 22 19:47:38 <Shiral>   I had a bit of hiatus, then one Thanksgiving break, I was home from college and discovered The Bishop's Heir and leaped on it.
May 22 19:47:42 <DesertRose>   Oh, what part?  I grew up in Charleston and I still have a good bit of family there but I live in Florida now.
May 22 19:47:50 <Evie>   Which is the only time I've done that for an entire series, I think, aside for Lois Bujold's books
May 22 19:48:08 <jemler>   i found the bishops heir while checking out the ksu main campus.
May 22 19:48:11 <Lochiel>   I am in the beautiful Upstate, near the NC border.
May 22 19:48:39 <KK>   I must have flown over you a couple of weks ago, on my way to visit my dad in Florida.
May 22 19:48:55 <Evie>   I visited Charleston briefly when I was dating someone from there, but that's the only part of SC I've seen
May 22 19:49:09 <Lochiel>   My one fellow fantasy friend introduced me to the Deryni around 1983
May 22 19:50:05 <Evie>   I only know one or two people locally who are familiar with the series, but one of them actually did a grad school paper on Deryni genetics, since that was her field of study
May 22 19:50:10 <Lochiel>   Charleston is beautiful and historic but much to hot and humid for my taste.
May 22 19:50:11 <DesertRose>   Ah, cool.  One of my elementary school friends went to Winthrop.  :)
May 22 19:50:17 <Evie>   I keep trying to lure her here
May 22 19:50:49 <DesertRose>   Don't come to Florida between April and October if hot and humid is a problem!  :D
May 22 19:50:55 <Lochiel>   LOL
May 22 19:51:01 <Shiral>   That description covers much of the East Coast in summer for me, Lochiel
May 22 19:51:18 <Lochiel>   My Celtic blood hates the heat & humidity!
May 22 19:51:41 <The_Bee>   I understand that a number of Scots settled in the North Carolina mountains after the 1745 rebellion failed.
May 22 19:51:47 <Shiral>   I can handle heat to a point, but not humidity
May 22 19:52:05 <Lochiel>   Its cooler here and less humid than NJ whree I hqave also lived
May 22 19:52:22 <Evie>   Including some of my ancestors
May 22 19:52:30 <Lochiel>   Yes, its amazing the number of Scots, & Scots-Irish that live here
May 22 19:53:14 <Shiral>   I may not have made it to Hamilton while I was in New York, but I've been listening to the sound track, which has piqued my curiousity about the Revolution
May 22 19:53:18 <Lochiel>   In NJ, there were hardly any scots/scots-irish, but here I would say its the most common
May 22 19:53:27 <KK>   Don't suppose you came up to the Loch Norman Highland Games 6 weeks ago?  We were there with our clan chief, George MacMillan of MacMillan and Knapp.  And the weather was wonderful!
May 22 19:53:29 <DesertRose>   My mother, who is a Charleston native, describes Charleston's weather as "six months of good beach weather and six months of not-so-good beach weather."  Here in northeast Florida, it's more like eight/four.
May 22 19:53:41 <Lochiel>   lol
May 22 19:54:21 <Lochiel>   Hi KK its an honor to chat with you. No I did not, wish I did though!
May 22 19:54:50 <Lochiel>   Do any of you watch the Outlander series on Starz?
May 22 19:55:14 <KK>   They're good games.  And it's good to have another Scot on the forum.  My son's name is Cameron, in honor of Cameron of Lochiel.
May 22 19:55:28 <KK>   Absolutely!
May 22 19:55:38 <Lochiel>   Very cool and a nice name!
May 22 19:55:51 <The_Bee>   I watched the firstepisode, but I soon fell behind.
May 22 19:56:03 <Shiral>   Alas, I don't have a subscription to Starz. Maybe I'll have to start watching on Amazon
May 22 19:56:10 <Aerlys>   I read most of the books. I'm kind of avoiding the series because of what might have been changed/lost
May 22 19:56:29 <DesertRose>   I watch next to no TV.
May 22 19:56:33 <Shiral>   But I've seen some still pictures from it--Jamie is very easy on the eyes.
May 22 19:56:49 <Lochiel>   Season 2 started and they are in France trying to stop Bonnie Prince Charlie from going to Scotland
May 22 19:56:54 <Aerlys>   That's the other reason too. No TV and no time to stream it.
May 22 19:57:18 <Shiral>   Well, that does  make life difficult. Wonder if you can get it through Shiral Crystals?
May 22 19:57:23 <KK>   I think the casting is brilliant.  And I'm well aware how many changes usually have to be made in translating from book to film.
May 22 19:57:35 <DesertRose>   I had a TV when I moved into my flat, but after the first year or so of living here during which I never so much as plugged it in never mind turned it on, I sold it.
May 22 19:57:40 <Lochiel>   One of napoleon's marshals was a son of a jacobite named MacDonald
May 22 19:58:07 <Evie>   The guy who plays Jamie looks like he'd make a good grown-up Dhugal
May 22 19:58:21 <Lochiel>   They even speak gaelic in the series, the language of Eden some call it
May 22 19:58:24 <Aerlys>   I'm also afraid they'll spend too much time focusing on the, um racier parts instead of the story
May 22 19:58:37 <Shiral>   Hmmmm, you may be onto something there, Evie =o)
May 22 19:58:38 <Lochiel>   LOL, true Evie
May 22 19:58:50 <KK>   Yes, re Dhugal!
May 22 19:58:54 <The_Bee>   ssome day I may read theOutlander books.
May 22 19:59:02 <Evie>   I've not seen the series, but the photos I've seen online look great
May 22 19:59:24 <KK>   The books are pretty racy.  I'm actually surprised that so much of that has made it into the TV series, so far.
May 22 19:59:30 <DesertRose>   I can get behind that actor as an adult Dhugal.  One of my FB friends is a fan of the series and posts things about it to her FB, so I know what he looks like, and he is very easy on the eyes!
May 22 19:59:57 <Lochiel>   I am a bit behind this year, I am watching episode 3 season 2 as of now
May 22 20:00:05 <DesertRose>   The show is made for cable, is it not?
May 22 20:00:13 <The_Bee>   Starz may have more  leeway than the network channels.
May 22 20:00:20 <KK>   At least read Outlander, Bee.  It stands well on its own, even if you don't go on to read the rest of the series.
May 22 20:00:22 <Evie>   I did try reading the series and got several books in.  I liked the plot, when it didn't devolve to "Let's see Jamie get his kit off again," though I gave up after awhile
May 22 20:00:31 <DesertRose>   If it's made for cable rather than network TV, they can get away with quite a bit of raciness.
May 22 20:00:38 <Shiral>   Michael Praed from Robin of Sherwood would have made a good Kelson about 10 years ago, but has probably aged too much. Of course, there's always the magic of makeup.
May 22 20:01:50 *   Shiral drops pin
May 22 20:01:52 <The_Bee>   Actors are often older than the characters they play.
May 22 20:01:54 <Shiral>   CLANG!
May 22 20:02:00 <Evie>   A bit more than 10 years, I'd think.  Wasn't that show on about 20 years ago?  :-D
May 22 20:02:02 <DesertRose>   I caught most of "The White Queen" which I think was also made for/by Starz (my stepdad was binge-watching it), and it had some pretty racy scenes.
May 22 20:02:25 <Shiral>   Yes, That was filmed in the 80
May 22 20:02:26 <Shiral>   s
May 22 20:02:35 <Lochiel>   There is a sci-fi movie that has nothing to do with the Outlander series also called Outlander which has an intersting story line
May 22 20:02:38 <Shiral>   But talk about easy on the eyes....
May 22 20:02:55 <The_Bee>   Would Henry from Once Upon a Time make a good Kelson?
May 22 20:02:58 <Evie>   I remember because I was apprenticed to a Laurel at the time who looked like he could have been Michael Praed's almost-twin brother
May 22 20:03:02 <DesertRose>   Unfortunately, I kept picking apart the history behind "The White Queen" and my stepdad kept alternating between wanting to know where they'd gone right and where they'd gone wrong with the production and telling me to shut it.
May 22 20:03:20 <KK>   Julianne, who edits Deryni Archives: The Magazine, is a bigtime Robin of Sherwood fan; goes to their convention every year.
May 22 20:04:08 <KK>   I haven't watched it now that he's about the right age, Bee.
May 22 20:04:14 <Evie>   I wonder if Julianne has found that hard drive that the story submissions were on.
May 22 20:04:36 <KK>   Schoo9l is almost out.  She'll have more time over the summer.
May 22 20:04:44 <DesertRose>   Oh, that's true.
May 22 20:05:00 <DesertRose>   She is up to her eyebrows in kidlets all day during the week.
May 22 20:06:33 <DesertRose>   BRB, tea
May 22 20:06:36 <Aerlys>   I'm so looking forward to school being out!
May 22 20:06:40 <Lochiel>   I had read something about a possible deryni movie which may have been a bit old
May 22 20:06:48 <KK>   I believe that Outlander
May 22 20:06:57 *   Shiral snaps fingers and a table set for tea appears
May 22 20:07:00 <Lochiel>   How soon Aerlys
May 22 20:07:09 <Shiral>   Scones cream and jam, anyone?
May 22 20:07:22 <KK>   had an alternative title of Dragonfly in Amber.  One was probably British, and I'm not sure which one came first.
May 22 20:07:24 <Lochiel>   Ummm
May 22 20:07:26 <The_Bee>   Yes, Lochiel, we used to have fun doing casting calls.
May 22 20:07:32 <Aerlys>   brb bottle time for Rhys
May 22 20:07:42 <jemler>   i've always wondered what crumpets were like.
May 22 20:08:11 <Shiral>   THey're kind of like English muffins, except you don't split them
May 22 20:08:28 <Evie>   Any news on the WWII era movie, KK?  (Blanking out on the name right now)
May 22 20:08:34 <derynifank>   Have to go, have a good week everyone
May 22 20:08:43 <KK>   Yes, there was an option on a Deryni movie, but they were never able to get the financing together, so it's sitting in limbo right now.  Lamas Night is also optioned, scripted, and supposedly in setup right now, though I've not had a recent update.
May 22 20:08:43 <Shiral>   Bye Derynifank
May 22 20:08:44 <Evie>   Goodnight, derynifank
May 22 20:08:48 <jemler>   lammas night?
May 22 20:08:59 <Lochiel>   Gn
May 22 20:09:00 <jemler>   g'nite drynifank
May 22 20:09:22 <Lochiel>   I read Lammas Night a long time ago. That would make an interesting movie
May 22 20:09:23 <DesertRose>   G'night, derynifank
May 22 20:09:27 <The_Bee>   My mon had herown version of "crumpets." probably not much like the English kind.
May 22 20:09:37 <The_Bee>   Nighters, Derynifank
May 22 20:10:05 <Lochiel>   They butchered The Dark Is Rising book with their terrible movie version
May 22 20:10:13 <KK>   Thomas used to make crumpets, but I didn't care for them as much as English muffins.
May 22 20:10:17 *   Shiral thinks good financial thoughts about funding in Deryni Movie Land
May 22 20:10:34 <Shiral>   I've always preferred English Muffins, myself
May 22 20:11:10 <Aerlys>   poor waif is just wasting away...not!
May 22 20:11:33 <jemler>   i like english muffins myself, with lots of butter. but i've heard of, but never tasted crumpets.
May 22 20:11:37 <KK>   I believe Lammas Night is in the current tranche of new KK electronic editions from Open Road.  Great cover.
May 22 20:12:14 <Evie>   Yes, I love the new e-book covers
May 22 20:12:18 <The_Bee>   buttewr and hopney on english muffins
May 22 20:12:35 <Lochiel>   Anyone watch the Shannara Chronicles?
May 22 20:12:44 <Aerlys>   I agrre, Lochiel, about The Dark is Rising
May 22 20:12:50 <DesertRose>   Why am I not surprised that Bee is advocating honey as a topping for English muffins?  :)
May 22 20:13:02 <The_Bee>   I have.  The season finale in in my DVR
May 22 20:13:06 <jemler>   :)
May 22 20:13:28 <KK>   Thomas has been doing some interesting limited edition English muffins.  The cranberry ones were very nice, and they're currently doing a Banana Bread one.
May 22 20:13:34 <Aerlys>    need to watch those too. Just too busy.
May 22 20:13:35 <jemler>   i missed the last several episodes. i'll have to buy the dvds.
May 22 20:13:59 <Aerlys>   Thomas did a maple one that was really good
May 22 20:14:06 <KK>   Yes.
May 22 20:14:21 <Evie>   And then there's the TV version of "A Ring of Endless Light," which went from being a story about a teen coming to grips with mortality and became "Save the dolphins" instead.
May 22 20:14:38 <KK>   I'm hoping they'll do the cranberry again, come the autumn.
May 22 20:14:58 <The_Bee>   for Thanksgiving
May 22 20:15:06 <Lochiel>   I thought they were quite good. I had read the Sword of Shannara years ago, but thought he had made the book to Tolkienish and never read any more of them, but perhaps I should have
May 22 20:15:11 <jemler>   shannara dvd season 1 release june 7, 2016.
May 22 20:15:23 <Aerlys>   It's al a bit moot for me now since I had to give up gluten. Don't really miss bread though
May 22 20:15:32 <Shiral>   Oh, a TEEN coming to grips with mortality! NOT a cranberry muffin. The tricks my eyes play on me.....
May 22 20:15:41 <Evie>   LOL!!!
May 22 20:16:19 <Aerlys>   Though coming to grips with an English muffin might be a great allegory if done right. :)
May 22 20:16:22 <Evie>   If I get my hands on a cranberry muffin, it will need to face its mortality pretty much immediately
May 22 20:16:23 <Shiral>   Although I daresay muffins would have to be rather fatalistic, if they were at all self-aware..
May 22 20:16:23 <DesertRose>   LOL
May 22 20:16:27 <jemler>   i'm confused. what's all this about gluten?
May 22 20:16:48 <KK>   I always thought Sword of Shannara was a Tolkien ripoff, so never got beyond the first book.
May 22 20:16:49 <Aerlys>   gluten makes me ill, jemler.
May 22 20:17:09 <jemler>   i know what it is, but everyone is talkig gluten-free. why?
May 22 20:17:12 <The_Bee>   Gluten is in wheat.  Somepeople, like my sister, get sick when they eat it.
May 22 20:17:13 <Lochiel>   They have gluten free bakeries in NJ, and of course gluten free products in the stores.
May 22 20:17:30 <Lochiel>   KK exactly the same here
May 22 20:17:33 <Shiral>   I like Tolkien, but for me, ONLY Tolkien will do. Fantasy that copies Tolkien just falls flat, for me.
May 22 20:17:46 <Aerlys>   I actually liked Sword on its own. Hated the second one. Eventually the series just got too dark for me. Loved his Landover book, though
May 22 20:17:53 <Lochiel>   McKiernan did that as well
May 22 20:17:58 <DesertRose>   Some people really need to avoid gluten, like if they have celiac disease or a couple of other problems that gluten aggravates.
May 22 20:18:00 <The_Bee>   Just about every fantasy series has been branded an LOTR ripoff
May 22 20:18:18 <Lochiel>   Not the Deryni! LOL
May 22 20:18:31 <DesertRose>   Some people have gotten on this "gluten is evil and must be avoided by everyone at all costs!" thing which is kind of silly, IMO.
May 22 20:18:32 <jemler>   present company excluded, bee/
May 22 20:18:43 <jemler>   ?
May 22 20:18:47 <Aerlys>   The Deryni set the benchmard for its own genre I think. :)
May 22 20:18:48 <DesertRose>   But if you have celiac disease, even a little gluten can cause permanent damage to your digestive tract.
May 22 20:18:51 <Shiral>   Well.... Fantasy is kind of an umbrella heading for a lot of different stories. You can write fantasy without copying Tolkien
May 22 20:19:09 <The_Bee>   KK was the first to inntreduce a religious element into fantasy
May 22 20:19:23 *   derynifank has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
May 22 20:19:25 <Aerlys>   At least respectfully
May 22 20:19:36 <DesertRose>   Well, Christian religion, yes.
May 22 20:19:54 <DesertRose>   There have been quite a few fantasy authors to deal in non-Christian religions.
May 22 20:19:58 <Lochiel>   Loyd Alexander's Pyrdain Chronicles used the Welsh Mabigoinin as its guide
May 22 20:20:08 <jemler>    thought the wishsong was kinda cool. and the elfstones.
May 22 20:20:18 <Shiral>   Unless I know an edible substance will cause me grief, I'm pretty omnivorous
May 22 20:20:18 <KK>   I agree, DR.  Why did we never hear of this until quite recently?  Is it a disease that was just diagnosed as something else before, and now they think they know what causes these symptoms?
May 22 20:20:39 <Lochiel>   Season 1 of the Shannara Chronicles was based on the Elfstones book
May 22 20:20:41 <Aerlys>   I avoid gluten because it makes me ill. I haven't been tested for celiac and probably won't since I am feeling better with what I am doing.
May 22 20:21:05 <KK>   I wonder if modern wheat is to blame.
May 22 20:21:06 <DesertRose>   It's been around for probably a long time but people who had it were just suffering because no one knew why and probably dying young from damaged digestive tracts.
May 22 20:21:19 <Shiral>   I feel for people who truly can't cope with gluten. But I get annoyed with people who "Decide" they're allergic to something.
May 22 20:21:24 <Aerlys>   Apparently KK the wheat grown in this country has been modified over the last few decades resulting in serval new types of gluten that hadn't previously existed.
May 22 20:21:33 <jemler>   it's how the drug companies drum up business. they say there's his new disease that's been around forever, only now it'll killyou. buy this pill..
May 22 20:21:39 <Lochiel>   gmo?
May 22 20:21:57 <DesertRose>   Celiac disease, that is.
May 22 20:21:58 <Evie>   I wonder how many people who died of "poisoning" in earlier centuries actually died from food allergies instead, only no one knew that's what it was?
May 22 20:22:01 <jemler>   genetically modified organism.
May 22 20:22:24 <DesertRose>   I knew someone when I was a kid who had celiac disease and it was a huge pain in the neck then because finding gluten-free food was WAY more difficult in the 1980s than now.
May 22 20:22:37 <DesertRose>   That's entirely possible, Evie.
May 22 20:23:01 <Aerlys>   I don't think it's necessarily gmo. I'd have t go back into my books to get the correct data. I do know that in Europe they aren't allowed to grow wheat the same way and most people who are gluten intolerant in the States can have whea products from Europe.
May 22 20:23:57 <Lochiel>   Most of Europe is GMO free
May 22 20:24:04 <Aerlys>   think you might be right Evie
May 22 20:24:55 <KK>   Yike, look at the time.  See you guys next week.  I hope to have some progress to report.  (I know, I've been saying that for weeks, but maybe....)
May 22 20:25:02 <Shiral>   Bye, KK
May 22 20:25:04 <Shiral>   Have a good week
May 22 20:25:10 <jemler>   nite kk
May 22 20:25:11 <DesertRose>   There's a theory that the Salem witch hysteria stemmed from an ergot breakout in the wheatfields.  Ergot poisoning will definitely make people act very very strangely.  Used properly it's good headache medicine, but it's very bad for pregnant women (causes miscarriage).
May 22 20:25:12 <Evie>   Goodnight, KK!
May 22 20:25:18 <Shiral>   Thanks for stopping by
May 22 20:25:21 <DesertRose>   G'night KK!  Have a good week!
May 22 20:25:24 <The_Bee>   Thanks for coming, KK. Have a good week.
May 22 20:25:26 <DesertRose>   Thanks for coming to see us!
May 22 20:25:29 *   KK steps onto her Portal, waves good night, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
May 22 20:25:40 <KK>   Be well, all of you!
May 22 20:25:47 <DesertRose>   Thanks!  You too!
May 22 20:25:48 <Aerlys>   bye KK
May 22 20:25:50 <Evie>   Shall I email you with a writing prompt in midweek? :-D
May 22 20:25:54 <DesertRose>   LOL
May 22 20:26:06 <Evie>   "How is Killingford this fine morning?" 
May 22 20:26:06 <KK>   Do, Evie.
May 22 20:26:12 <Evie>   Or something equally subtle
May 22 20:26:19 *   KK has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)