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KK Chat -- 3 January 2016 Part 2

Started by DesertRose, January 03, 2016, 06:46:02 PM

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[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:16:41 PM] <DesertRose>   I guess.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:16:45 PM] <jemler>   do you know anyone named Ethyl?
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:16:48 PM] Quit   Shiral (~Shiral@OWIRCN-e6adf1cc.ca.comcast.net) has left this server (Connection closed).
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:16:50 PM] <DesertRose>   LOL
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:16:53 PM] <The_Bee>   Streaker Repent! Your end is in sight
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:16:57 PM] Join   Shiral (~Shiral@OWIRCN-e6adf1cc.ca.comcast.net) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:17:03 PM] <DesertRose>   Drat that client, Shiral.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:17:03 PM] <Jerusha>   Yepper
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:17:18 PM] <Aerlys>   grooooannn Bee!\
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:17:25 PM] <Shiral>   Back
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:17:42 PM] <Evie>   LOL
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:18:13 PM] <Evie>   Have just found this cheesy plastic Barbie headband that might serve for a thin coronet instead:  https://www.flickr.com/gp/9573389@N08/F8xW9B
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:18:19 PM] <DesertRose>   In retrospect, I should have taken chemistry because I managed to get a high school diploma on an honors track and a bachelor degree without ever taking chemistry, which made me useless when DD had to take chemistry and struggled with it.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:18:25 PM] <Evie>   with gold plastic spray paint, of course
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:18:48 PM] <DesertRose>   If I'd taken it, I might have been some help to her.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:18:54 PM] <jemler>   i backed into a mirror and realized 2 things. 1) objects in the mirror are closer than they apper, and 2) there was no end in sight
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:19:05 PM] <Evie>   argh
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:19:09 PM] <DesertRose>   It's the only science anything she's ever had trouble grasping.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:19:18 PM] <DesertRose>   jemler!
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:19:19 PM] <The_Bee>   It looks like a candelabra
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:19:43 PM] <KK>   Evie, yo can make far nicer coronets.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:19:43 PM] <Evie>   I had trouble with chemistry because of the math involved, but I excelled in Biology
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:19:47 PM] Join   Jerusha2 (Mibbit@4FC299.2DD460.2C3BC8.894233) has joined this channel.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:19:58 PM] <The_Bee>   Hi J2
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:19:59 PM] <The_Bee>   1
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:19:59 PM] <jemler>   i never understood why candles needed bras.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:20:16 PM] <DesertRose>   She did great at physics, which is much more math intensive, but struggled with chem and I never could figure out why she had such a hard time with it.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:20:25 PM]     * DesertRose smacks jemler with a trout.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:20:27 PM] <Jerusha2>   Sorry, Evie. I upgraded to Windows 10 and got confused trying to return from your link
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:20:56 PM] <Evie>   I haven't been drawn to the Dark Side of Windows 10 yet
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:21:05 PM] <DesertRose>   I did pretty well in biology because a lot of what I had to study was straight memorization which is/was easy for me.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:21:08 PM] <Jerusha2>   It has good points, but I
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:21:17 PM] <jemler>   i haven't had any trouble with it yet.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:21:20 PM] <Evie>   although the Windows 10 popup keeps attempting to seduce me
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:21:27 PM] <Jerusha2>   'm still getting the hang of it.  As well as typing
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:21:31 PM] <The_Bee>   My high school chemistry once said that if I tried to bake a cake, it would come out as a batch of cement.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:21:35 PM] <DesertRose>   LOL, Jerusha2.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:21:38 PM] <jemler>   tell it you're already spoken for.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:21:58 PM] <KK>   There's a Windows 10 icon lurking in the lower right corner of my screen, but I'm ignoring it thus far.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:22:26 PM] <The_Bee>   I'm deciding whether to keep my Windows 10.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:22:28 PM] <DesertRose>   My mother made a crack like that once, when she interviewed for her last job before she retired, which was as basically the executive secretary for the Navy drug screening laboratory.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:22:39 PM] <KK>   I was a chem major, and loved the labs.  (That may be part of why I'm a reasonably good baker.)
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:22:39 PM] <Jerusha2>   DS1, the compuer person, kept bugging me to do it
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:22:44 PM] <DesertRose>   They asked her what she knew about chemistry, and she made a baking joke.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:23:03 PM] <Annie>   Were you on Win7 or Win8, Jerusha?
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:23:09 PM] <Jerusha2>   Win10
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:23:17 PM] <Annie>   No, before.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:23:25 PM] <Jerusha2>   Win 8.1
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:23:28 PM] <jemler>   i was win 7
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:23:35 PM] <Annie>   Okay
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:23:56 PM] <Shiral>   I'm a good baker, but a lousy chemist
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:23:59 PM] <Annie>   DH has been saying to people that if you are on 8 or 8.1 to upgrade, but if you are on 7, to sit tight.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:24:07 PM] <The_Bee>   I was win 7.  Some people say that worked okay, so why change?
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:24:21 PM] <Jerusha2>   Before I went to Win10, every update seemed to cause some problem
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:24:22 PM] <DesertRose>   I'm a fair to middling baker who never took chemistry.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:24:25 PM] <Evie>   I'm on 8.1 at the moment.  Will Win 10 work with Scrivener?
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:24:25 PM] <Shiral>   I'm using Windows 10. Most of the time, I like it okay
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:24:38 PM] <Evie>   I wish I was still on Win 7
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:24:57 PM] <Evie>   but this laptop has a touch screen that Win 7 won't support
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:25:20 PM] <The_Bee>   That's the advice I've gotten, Annie.  I hear win 10 will be free until June or July 2016, so you have time to think it over.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:25:21 PM] <Annie>   Scrivener seems okay, from the little I've done with it on 10.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:25:45 PM] <Annie>   Most of my work is on Google docs at the moment, though, so I rarely fire Scrivener up.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:25:52 PM] <DesertRose>   My mother is a fantastic cook and baker who never took chemistry either.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:25:57 PM] <Jerusha2>   The one thing I have found, is that the "buttons" on chat won't work with win 10
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:26:13 PM] <Jerusha2>   Or when posting to the forum
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:26:16 PM] <The_Bee>   I use Wordpad of Microsoft Word.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:26:25 PM] <jemler>   that's when you use the keyboard jerusha.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:26:33 PM] <DesertRose>   Google docs is handy if you're collaborating.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:26:43 PM] <DesertRose>   Or if you want instant beta-reading.  :)
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:26:48 PM] <Jerusha2>   Did I mention my lack of typing skills?  :)
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:27:36 PM] <jemler>   where'
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:27:39 PM] <jemler>   s the bot?
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:27:51 PM] <DesertRose>   Which bot, derynibot or KingsGuard?
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:27:53 PM] <Annie>   Yes, 95% of my writing is collaborative at the moment.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:27:55 PM] <jemler>   kingsguard?
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:28:02 PM] <DesertRose>   KingsGuard is still here.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:28:18 PM] <The_Bee>   It's among the idlers.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:28:24 PM] <jemler>   ok. i must be tired.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:29:36 PM]     * DesertRose drops a pin.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:29:44 PM] <Jerusha2>   CLANG!
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:29:54 PM] <Aerlys>   lurking with crying baby...
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:29:55 PM] <DesertRose>   Good.  My connection didn't go to hell.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:30:02 PM] <DesertRose>   Aw, poor fussy baby Rhys.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:30:06 PM] <Jerusha2>   Oh dear, Aerlys
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:30:34 PM] <Jerusha2>   Surely there is a Gwyneddan lullaby that would work?
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:30:36 PM] <Evie>   Does he still have a cold?
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:30:44 PM] <KK>   I need to check with my DS to see whether I should change to Windows 10.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:30:50 PM] <Aerlys>   no cold. a bit gassy
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:31:04 PM] <DesertRose>   Aw, that's no fun.  Poor little guy and his poor little tummeh.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:31:19 PM] <Jerusha2>   "Hush little baby don't you cry, Mama' gonna make a Gryphon fly by"
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:31:24 PM] <The_Bee>   MIckey the cat just walked in.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:31:26 PM] <DesertRose>   LOL, Jerusha2.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:31:44 PM]     * Aerlys reflects upon the merits of Safari
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:31:46 PM] <DesertRose>   I used to sing "Away in a Manger" to DD to make her sleep.  It worked for years.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:31:47 PM] <jemler>   i was just watching afv. this little was being baptized. the priest says "do you believew in jesus?" she said "yes sir", he said "does he love you" "yes sir", "where are you going someday" "disney world"
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:31:54 PM] <DesertRose>   LOL
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:32:28 PM] <KK>   Who is Mickey the Cat?
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:32:48 PM] <jemler>   where's melantha?
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:33:45 PM] <The_Bee>   My neighbor's cat who lives across the hall.  he comes to use Melanthas's litterbox and hope for snacks.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:33:51 PM] <DesertRose>   LOL
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:34:01 PM] <Jerusha2>   Pushy kitty
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:34:16 PM] <Evie>   DS had horrible colic starting around 3 months and lasting until he was around 5 months old, but it was only for a couple of hours every evening.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:34:36 PM] <The_Bee>   His owner helps pay for the litter because Mickey hardly ever uses his own box.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:34:47 PM] <Jerusha2>   That works, then
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:35:14 PM] <Aerlys>   Ah...a little gripe water and he's going to sleep
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:35:35 PM] <Evie>   Yay for sleep!
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:35:55 PM] <Aerlys>   He's been awake for a long time
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:36:02 PM] <The_Bee>   Michael (Mickey's human) took care of Melantha while I was recuperating from surgery last winter.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:36:07 PM] <DesertRose>   DD just text messaged me a photo of her godson in the bath with a blue shower cap on his head.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:36:14 PM] <DesertRose>   Funny pic.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:36:22 PM] <Evie>   For a while I thought DS was going to have to live off simethicone drops for his little gassy tummy
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:36:50 PM] <DesertRose>   She washed his hair but he wanted to wear the shower cap anyway.  Three-year-old logic.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:37:15 PM] <Jerusha2>   If it works for a three year old, it works for me
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:37:19 PM] <Annie>   Falling asleep at the keyboard, guys.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:37:26 PM] <DesertRose>   Okay, night, Annie.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:37:27 PM] <Annie>   Going to call it a night.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:37:32 PM] <Annie>   Night. :)
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:37:33 PM] <Evie>   Goodnight
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:37:37 PM] <The_Bee>   Mickey is chasing Melantha
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:37:38 PM] <Jerusha2>   Nighters, Anie
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:37:45 PM] Quit   Annie (Mibbit@BF1DC3.3B1D79.0E23C3.EA0EFB) has left this server (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:37:47 PM] <The_Bee>   Nighters, Annie
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:37:47 PM] <jemler>   nite annie
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:38:01 PM] <Jerusha2>   Go Melantha
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:38:33 PM] <The_Bee>   Mickey's somewhere in thekitchen.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:38:37 PM] <Shiral>   Oops, Missed Annie
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:39:02 PM] <DesertRose>   He's almost four but could pass for about six because he's ridiculously tall for a not-quite-four-year-old.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:39:11 PM] <The_Bee>   Now Melantha's stalking him.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:39:18 PM] <DesertRose>   LOL
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:39:19 PM] <KK>   I gotta go too.  Scott just called and is on his way home with bread and milk, which is a Good Thing.  :-)
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:39:24 PM] <Shiral>   Night, KK
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:39:29 PM] <Evie>   Goodnight
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:39:32 PM] <DesertRose>   Ah, okay.  Thanks for coming to see us, KK.  See you next week?
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:39:33 PM] <Jerusha2>   Night, KK
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:39:40 PM] <jemler>   nite kk. have a good week.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:39:46 PM]     * Shiral waves farewell, steps onto her portal and disappears in a cloud of blue steam
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:39:47 PM] <KK>   See you next week at the usual time.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:39:48 PM] <Shiral>   BYe
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:39:53 PM] Quit   Shiral (~Shiral@OWIRCN-e6adf1cc.ca.comcast.net) has left this server (Quit: ).
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:39:54 PM] <The_Bee>   Bye  KK. Thanks for coming. Have a good week.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:39:55 PM] <DesertRose>   Okay, have a great week!
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:39:56 PM] <Jerusha2>   Night, Shiral
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:39:56 PM] <Evie>   and I need to unload the dishwasher and start up another load so Vicki won't have to when she gets home from work
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:39:59 PM] <DesertRose>   Night, KK!
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:40:13 PM] <Jerusha2>   Still in Tennesee, Evie?
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:40:14 PM] <Aerlys>   Good night, KK
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:40:16 PM] <Evie>   Yes
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:40:18 PM]     * KK steps onto the Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:40:25 PM] <The_Bee>   My bladder is telling me to get the heck off the computer.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:40:27 PM] <Jerusha2>   Enjoy.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:40:29 PM] <DesertRose>   LOL, Bee.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:40:33 PM] <KK>   Nighters.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:40:36 PM] <Evie>   Probably heading home tomorrow or the next day
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:40:42 PM] <DesertRose>   At least take a loo break, Bee.
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:40:43 PM] <Jerusha2>   Enjoy was for Evie, Bee. :)
[Sunday, January 03, 2016] [07:40:44 PM] Quit   KK has left this server (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)