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KK Chat -- 18 October 2015 (Happy birthday, KK!)

Started by DesertRose, October 18, 2015, 07:05:35 PM

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Oct 18 19:06:53 *   KK has joined
Oct 18 19:06:54 <jemler>   Now we are met, we are One with the Light. Regard the Ancient Ways. We will not walk this path again
Oct 18 19:06:58 <Jerusha>   Hi KK!
Oct 18 19:06:59 *   Shiral adds a Haldane banner and balloons
Oct 18 19:07:04 <Evie>   Welcome back, KK!
Oct 18 19:07:04 <jemler>   happy birthday!
Oct 18 19:07:05 <Laurna>   Happy Birthday KK!
Oct 18 19:07:06 <Evie>   Happy birthday
Oct 18 19:07:07 <Shiral>   Hello KK. Happy Birthday
Oct 18 19:07:15 <revanne>   Hi Shiral Jerusha and KK
Oct 18 19:07:17 <Jerusha>   Happy birthday, KK
Oct 18 19:07:18 <KK>   Hello, all--and thank you.
Oct 18 19:07:21 *   jemler creates a german chocolate bundt cake, with chocolate fudge filling, with dark, semi-sweet icing.
Oct 18 19:07:27 <revanne>   Happy birthday
Oct 18 19:07:59 <Shiral>   Never underestimate setting the Wards with chocolate birthday cake. =o)
Oct 18 19:08:03 *   mib_oajgki (Mibbit@OWIRCN-be14b582.ma.comcast.net) has joined
Oct 18 19:08:07 <Laurna>   Was the wedding beatiful?
Oct 18 19:08:08 <jemler>   hi bee
Oct 18 19:08:10 <Jerusha>   Hi Bee
Oct 18 19:08:14 *   Evie blows party whistles and passes out party hats
Oct 18 19:08:15 <revanne>   Thank you for the cards from Dragoncon
Oct 18 19:08:16 <Shiral>   Hi Bee
Oct 18 19:08:20 <mib_oajgki>   Hi Jemler and all
Oct 18 19:08:32 <KK>   Wow, it seems like forever since I was here.
Oct 18 19:08:35 *   mib_oajgki is now known as The_Bee
Oct 18 19:08:39 *   Annie (Mibbit@BF1DC3.3B1D79.0E23C3.EA0EFB) has joined
Oct 18 19:08:41 <Evie>   It just about has been forever
Oct 18 19:08:44 <jemler>   hi annie
Oct 18 19:08:44 <Jerusha>   Hi Annie
Oct 18 19:08:44 <Evie>   Hi Annie!
Oct 18 19:08:49 <Laurna>   Indeed  Thank you very much KK for the card.
Oct 18 19:08:51 <Shiral>   Hello Annie
Oct 18 19:08:58 <Evie>   speaking of people who haven't been here in forever
Oct 18 19:08:58 <revanne>   Hi Annie and Bee
Oct 18 19:08:58 <The_Bee>   We're glad you're back.  How is your mom doing?
Oct 18 19:09:16 <KK>   Glad to do it.  Evie and I are good co-conspirators.
Oct 18 19:09:26 <Laurna>   agreed
Oct 18 19:09:31 <revanne>   Lol
Oct 18 19:09:48 <Evie>   Alkari sent a PM to me a short time ago, KK.  She misses coming to chat, but her mum has had health problems lately, so she is not usually able to be online during chat time
Oct 18 19:10:14 <KK>   Well, she had a "significant" case of pneumonia, and was in hospital for a week, but is doing well.  The heavy-duty antibiotics seem to have also wiped out whatever was causing the chronic cough she'd had all year.
Oct 18 19:10:19 <Jerusha>   Hope Alkari's mother is better soon
Oct 18 19:10:47 <Laurna>   There is something good at least
Oct 18 19:10:48 <Jerusha>   And your mother too, KK.  Glad her cough is better
Oct 18 19:10:52 <Shiral>   It was a pity about the timing in your mother's case, KK. Although that's not fun at any time of year
Oct 18 19:10:56 <revanne>   Glad your Mum is a bit better KK
Oct 18 19:11:15 <Evie>   Oh, that's good!  I wonder if she had the same sort of bacterial infection I had earlier that had me coughing for months?  It took two rounds of antibiotic to knock that out
Oct 18 19:11:38 <KK>   Sadly, she missed the wedding, but the happy couple came to see her in hospital a few days later--and there were lots of pictures, and even a video of at lease part of the ceremony, to be send when they get back from Ireland--which should be today.
Oct 18 19:11:53 <Shiral>   Hope Alkari's mother will also be on the mend soon.
Oct 18 19:12:07 <Jerusha>   Ireland for the honeymoon?
Oct 18 19:12:18 <revanne>   Let's hope so.
Oct 18 19:12:20 <Annie>   hi there
Oct 18 19:12:26 <Laurna>   That would be a nice honeymoon.
Oct 18 19:12:26 <Evie>   They went to Ireland and didn't invite me to carry their bags? Oh, that's right, they don't know me. Bummer. :-(
Oct 18 19:12:33 <Annie>   Sorry, signed in and had something happen elsewhere.
Oct 18 19:12:41 <DesertRose>   Hi KK and everybody who came in since I went afk.
Oct 18 19:12:46 <DesertRose>   Happy birthday, KK!
Oct 18 19:12:47 *   Evie tacklehugs Annie
Oct 18 19:12:49 <Jerusha>   Hi DR
Oct 18 19:12:50 <revanne>   Hi Annie. How are things?
Oct 18 19:12:53 <DesertRose>   hi Annie!
Oct 18 19:12:57 <KK>   LOts of people seem to be coping with serious parental illnesses and injuries right now.  Or perhaps it's just that as we get older, so do our parents, and the health problems increase.
Oct 18 19:13:08 <DesertRose>   Hi Jerusha!
Oct 18 19:13:08 <Shiral>   If Evie will let you up off the chat room floor, Annie.
Oct 18 19:13:12 <The_Bee>   Oh Yesa!  happy Birthday, katherine!
Oct 18 19:13:13 <Annie>   Better now. I've not been in forever as I've had whooping cough *again*.
Oct 18 19:13:18 <KK>   Ireland, Scotland, and London, for the honeymoon.  I've seen a few pics.
Oct 18 19:13:20 <Evie>   Oh dear!
Oct 18 19:13:26 <DesertRose>   Oh, no, Annie.
Oct 18 19:13:33 *   Annie will never believe people who say you can only have things once, ever again.
Oct 18 19:13:34 <Evie>   Sounds like a dream honeymoon to me
Oct 18 19:13:39 <Jerusha>   Oh dear, Annie!
Oct 18 19:13:41 <Shiral>   I like their choice of honeymoon destinations, too
Oct 18 19:13:50 <revanne>   poor thing. That sounds awful
Oct 18 19:13:56 <KK>   Annie, get well!  And if you haven't had the whooping cough booster, you need to get it--and a flu shot!
Oct 18 19:14:21 <Jerusha>   Whooping cough is nasty
Oct 18 19:14:23 <jemler>   already got the flu shot. last month.
Oct 18 19:14:24 <DesertRose>   Indeed.
Oct 18 19:14:29 <Annie>   Apparently it's mutating so fast that you now can get it multiple times, and the vac isn't very effective anymore.
Oct 18 19:14:29 <Laurna>   Get well annie.  Hard to write when you don't feel well
Oct 18 19:14:40 <Annie>   I had it just under 4 years ago, too.
Oct 18 19:14:40 <revanne>   I didn't realise you could get it more than once. Once seems quite enough
Oct 18 19:14:40 <DesertRose>   Oh, that's awful.
Oct 18 19:14:42 <Shiral>   This is kind of a funny parallel conversation. On the one hand we're hearing about a great honey moon, and on the other we're comiserating with Annie's and KK's mom's health troubles. =o)
Oct 18 19:14:45 <Evie>   Oh lovely, that's not good
Oct 18 19:14:49 <Annie>   heh
Oct 18 19:15:07 <jemler>   at least they are getting better.
Oct 18 19:15:16 <Annie>   Three weeks in and I'm still coughing till I nearly pass out occasionally, but at least I'm sleeping better now.
Oct 18 19:15:17 <Jerusha>   Yes
Oct 18 19:15:18 <Shiral>   They went to Ireland Scotland and London--the poor dears!"
Oct 18 19:15:28 <Laurna>   To be young and in love would be of preference
Oct 18 19:15:28 <Annie>   Where in Scotland?
Oct 18 19:15:33 <DesertRose>   LOL, Shiral.
Oct 18 19:15:39 <The_Bee>   I hope Oz's summer weather will benefit Alkari's mom.
Oct 18 19:15:43 <Jerusha>   I would just settle for Scotland
Oct 18 19:16:00 <DesertRose>   Me too, although maybe not this time of year.  I'd rather go in August.  :)
Oct 18 19:16:00 <Laurna>   I woould love to see Scotland
Oct 18 19:16:02 <Shiral>   Oh twist my arm and I'll bravely go to Scotland. =o)
Oct 18 19:16:21 <Jerusha>   Shiral is the new Braveheart. :D
Oct 18 19:16:30 <jemler>   my mothers family came from scotland.
Oct 18 19:16:33 <KK>   Edinburgh, that I know of--and probably surrounding area as well.  Maybe Finlaystone, where our Chief lives, which is just west and south of Glasgow.
Oct 18 19:16:35 <revanne>   Scotland is beautiful in September /October
Oct 18 19:16:38 <Shiral>   Well, let's try to avoid the battle parts.
Oct 18 19:16:41 <DesertRose>   Bee, I think she broke an arm and then had some other issues, with regard to Alkari's mom.
Oct 18 19:16:46 <Evie>   Hopefully without the part about flashing the English army, Jerusha
Oct 18 19:16:49 <Laurna>   Find me a portal and I will go
Oct 18 19:17:18 <Annie>   Edinburgh is nice to visit, and I love Glasgow, despite its reputation.
Oct 18 19:17:21 <DesertRose>   Find me a plane ticket and I'll go!
Oct 18 19:17:30 <Shiral>   Find me a portal and a nice warm sweater and I'll go, as long as you promise me a nice tea after we're finished tramping about in the heather
Oct 18 19:17:44 <Annie>   Last time in Glasgow I left my phone on the table in Starbucks, and figured it was gone for good. But someone handed it in.
Oct 18 19:17:49 <Laurna>   lol Love it Shiral
Oct 18 19:17:51 <DesertRose>   Although a portal would work too.
Oct 18 19:17:59 <revanne>   So probably not the time to say DH and I are going to Edinburgh next Sunday
Oct 18 19:18:03 <Jerusha>   That was lucky, Annie
Oct 18 19:18:08 <jemler>   i don't know. kind of a long jump.
Oct 18 19:18:09 <DesertRose>   Well, that was nice of random whoever found your phone.
Oct 18 19:18:14 <The_Bee>   What is Glasgow's reputation, annie?
Oct 18 19:18:22 <Annie>   Pretty rough.
Oct 18 19:18:27 <Evie>   You are absolutely taking Flat Alaric to Edinburgh, yes?
Oct 18 19:18:32 <Laurna>   Pictures Revanne
Oct 18 19:18:34 <Shiral>   We'll just have to envy you then, Revanne. Have a good time, and it's a somewhat shorter journey from your side of the pond.
Oct 18 19:18:38 <Annie>   But it's really changed in the past few years.
Oct 18 19:18:38 <Jerusha>   Need someone to carry your bags, revanne?
Oct 18 19:19:17 <Annie>   Offspring is hoping to spend Hogmanay in Edinburgh.
Oct 18 19:19:18 <Evie>   Yes, pictures, revanne--with Flat Alaric! :-D
Oct 18 19:19:20 <revanne>   Evie has sent me flat Alaric to do that for me.
Oct 18 19:19:46 <Laurna>   I don't have a flat Alaric Evie
Oct 18 19:19:50 <revanne>   Lucky offspring, Annie
Oct 18 19:19:57 <Evie>   KK, I finally got up the courage to put Alaric's head on a proper action figure body
Oct 18 19:19:59 <Shiral>   Well good, we wouldn't want you hanging around with a representative of His Grace that looked rumpled
Oct 18 19:20:04 <Evie>   Oh, hang on, Laurna....
Oct 18 19:20:23 <Jerusha>   What is Hogmanay?
Oct 18 19:20:24 <jemler>   flat alaric? what happened? he get runover by a truck?
Oct 18 19:20:35 <KK>   Cool, Evie.  Pics?
Oct 18 19:20:36 <The_Bee>   New Year's Eve in Scotland
Oct 18 19:20:37 <Shiral>   New Year's Jerusha
Oct 18 19:20:38 <Evie>   https://www.dropbox.com/s/a1zkpohg6aehm6e/Flat%20Alaric.docx?dl=0
Oct 18 19:20:52 <Jerusha>   Ah, I see
Oct 18 19:21:25 <KK>   Nope, just a lot of what looks like coding; no pic.
Oct 18 19:21:26 <Laurna>   that did not work for me Evie
Oct 18 19:21:27 <Annie>   Oooh, my laptop didn't like that at all, Evie.
Oct 18 19:21:36 <The_Bee>   I get a document, but no pic
Oct 18 19:21:49 <Evie>   LOL, Jemler.  No, nothing like that.  Years ago, as I was telling revanne and Demercia in chat once, my son's class did a project in which they read the book "Flat Stanley" and then had to create a Flat Stanley to someone who lived far away so Stanley could have an adventure and send back mementos
Oct 18 19:21:49 <DesertRose>   Well, that's phooey.
Oct 18 19:22:13 <Annie>   Yeah, I've heard of people sending Flat Stanleys out.
Oct 18 19:22:17 <Evie>   Hm. OK, maybe it has to be sent on an individual basis.  I'll check again in a moment
Oct 18 19:22:27 <DesertRose>   Not Flat Stanley, mind, the Dropbox issue.
Oct 18 19:22:57 <DesertRose>   So how has your birthday been so far, KK?
Oct 18 19:23:08 <Evie>   Anyway, I created a Flat Duncan and Flat Devlin (from my recent fanfic) for revanne and Demercia to print, laminate, and take with them sightseeing. And revanne asked for Flat Alaric today, so I made one since the weather was perfect for it.
Oct 18 19:23:28 <revanne>   Postage is too expensive for any of the minister to make the journey
Oct 18 19:23:29 <Jerusha>   I need flat Alaric
Oct 18 19:23:40 <Laurna>   me too
Oct 18 19:23:50 <KK>   I need flat Alaric, too.
Oct 18 19:23:50 <Jerusha>   Though that sounds kind of wierd
Oct 18 19:23:58 <Laurna>   lol
Oct 18 19:23:59 <DesertRose>   Evie, I foresee you having to email him all over the place.  :)
Oct 18 19:24:08 <Evie>   Does this work better? https://www.dropbox.com/s/a1zkpohg6aehm6e/Flat%20Alaric.docx?dl=0
Oct 18 19:24:09 <jemler>   no thanks
Oct 18 19:24:20 <Laurna>   nope
Oct 18 19:24:21 <revanne>   minis not minister,  Thank you auto-correct
Oct 18 19:24:30 <Annie>   nope
Oct 18 19:24:33 <KK>   Nope.
Oct 18 19:24:37 <The_Bee>   nope, just coding again
Oct 18 19:24:43 <Jerusha>   Nope - lots of coding, no Alaric
Oct 18 19:24:45 <Evie>   well, drat
Oct 18 19:24:46 <DesertRose>   I was wondering about minister, there, revanne.
Oct 18 19:24:54 <Laurna>   Oh KK speaking of minis.   Aerlys had her baby boy this week.
Oct 18 19:25:01 <Evie>   Flat Duncan and Flat Devlin worked when I shared those links
Oct 18 19:25:05 <DesertRose>   You'll all have to give Evie your email addresses.
Oct 18 19:25:22 <jemler>   cpongrats aerlys!
Oct 18 19:25:42 <KK>   Congrats, Aerlys!
Oct 18 19:25:46 <Evie>   Is this visible? https://www.dropbox.com/s/73o10urwdytbp43/Flat%20Devlin.docx?dl=0
Oct 18 19:25:47 <revanne>   Alaric is having an awkward phase
Oct 18 19:25:54 <The_Bee>   What's the baby's name?
Oct 18 19:25:54 <Laurna>   I was hoping she would make it on today.  but she is likely very busy
Oct 18 19:26:03 <Annie>   Nope, Evie
Oct 18 19:26:08 <KK>   Nope.
Oct 18 19:26:09 <Jerusha>   Nope
Oct 18 19:26:14 <Shiral>   Congratulations on the new arrival, Aerlys
Oct 18 19:26:19 <revanne>   No
Oct 18 19:26:21 <Evie>   She was planning on making a formal announcement on the forum when she gets a chance
Oct 18 19:26:22 <Jerusha>   She may be getting some well deserved rest
Oct 18 19:27:01 <DesertRose>   Well, that's odd because all the Flat Fellows are coming through on my end.  Does everybody have a Dropbox account?  Maybe that's the problem.
Oct 18 19:27:05 <Jerusha>   Though I like the name "MicroMister"
Oct 18 19:27:22 <The_Bee>   What's a dropbox account?
Oct 18 19:27:26 <Jerusha>   I don't have a dropbox account
Oct 18 19:27:36 <Jerusha>   I don't even have a litter box
Oct 18 19:27:39 <DesertRose>   I expect that Aerlys is busy and tired, but a little birdie (Facebook) tells me that I may be adding MicroMister to the Deryni-named Children page.
Oct 18 19:27:40 <Evie>   Dropbox is a website online where you can store files
Oct 18 19:27:56 <Evie>   and if you share permissions with other people, they can also see them
Oct 18 19:28:06 <DesertRose>   And share them.
Oct 18 19:28:17 <Laurna>   Do you think she will name him Rhys.  I have hopes
Oct 18 19:28:17 <Evie>   I've shared things from Dropbox via a link here before, but it seems to be acting up tonight
Oct 18 19:28:29 <DesertRose>   So maybe it's required to have a Dropbox account to view the files via Dropbox.
Oct 18 19:28:30 <Annie>   I have Dropbox.
Oct 18 19:28:36 <jemler>   it also allows you to shaRE THRY DEVICES. I CAN SEND PICD FROM MY IPAD TO DROPBOX, THEN DL TO MY PC.
Oct 18 19:28:39 <Shiral>   Dropbox is WONDERFUL. I'm working on a project that involves both my iPad and my computer. It makes it so much easier to transfer documents back and forth with dropbox
Oct 18 19:28:45 <jemler>   sorry for the caps
Oct 18 19:28:46 <Annie>   I have DB and I can't see it.
Oct 18 19:28:54 <Evie>   It should allow anyone with the link to view it, even if they don't have Dropbox
Oct 18 19:28:57 <DesertRose>   Well, that shoots that theory, Annie.
Oct 18 19:29:11 <Evie>   I think Dropbox is misbehaving. Let me try signing out and back in again and see if that fixes anything.
Oct 18 19:29:15 <Shiral>   It asked me for my login and wouldn't show the file, Evie
Oct 18 19:29:17 <Jerusha>   I was able to see flat Duncan and flat Devlin
Oct 18 19:29:36 <Annie>   I'm using Google Drive for projects across devices and sharing with other people.
Oct 18 19:30:11 <Laurna>   I love google drive.  I seem to do most of my writing there now
Oct 18 19:30:30 <Annie>   The co-written thing I've been doing has been entirely on G Drive.
Oct 18 19:30:34 <Jerusha>   Google drive doesn't work very well for me
Oct 18 19:30:56 <DesertRose>   Google Drive works fine for me, but the internal group chat function tends to be temperamental from time to time.
Oct 18 19:31:14 <Evie>   OK, just tried that.  I got a blank page before the images finally loaded, so maybe that was the problem?  https://www.dropbox.com/s/a1zkpohg6aehm6e/Flat%20Alaric.docx?dl=0
Oct 18 19:31:16 <Laurna>   It allows me to write from my home computer, lap top and sisters computer
Oct 18 19:31:24 <Annie>   Yes, the doc chat can be odd, depending on how you shared the document.
Oct 18 19:31:34 <Annie>   Actual Gchat is fine, usually.
Oct 18 19:32:00 <DesertRose>   Yes, actual Gchat works just fine, but the documents chat has its days when it wants to be uncooperative.
Oct 18 19:32:04 <Laurna>   no luck Evie
Oct 18 19:32:05 <Annie>   Still nope.
Oct 18 19:32:58 <revanne>   I'm going to have another go at fooling the insomnimonster. Night everyone. Hope you have a great rest of your birthday
Oct 18 19:33:07 <jemler>   nite revanne
Oct 18 19:33:07 <Annie>   Night, revanne
Oct 18 19:33:12 *   Evie_ (~IceChat9@OWIRCN-37c191df.al.charter.com) has joined
Oct 18 19:33:18 <KK>   Night, Revanne.
Oct 18 19:33:19 <Jerusha>   Night revanne, sleep well
Oct 18 19:33:20 <The_Bee>   nighters, Revanne. 
Oct 18 19:33:21 <jemler>   wb evie
Oct 18 19:33:22 <Laurna>   Giood night Revanne
Oct 18 19:33:25 <Shiral>   Night Revanne
Oct 18 19:33:25 *   Evie_ kicks server
Oct 18 19:33:30 <Evie_>   Goodnight revanne
Oct 18 19:33:30 <Shiral>   Have fun in Scotland
Oct 18 19:33:32 <The_Bee>   rehi, Evie
Oct 18 19:33:43 *   revanne has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Oct 18 19:33:44 <Jerusha>   wb, Evie
Oct 18 19:34:11 <Laurna>   KK are you going out for dinner and a movie tonight
Oct 18 19:34:49 <KK>   No, still exhausted from the 3-day train trip back, and wading through all the mail and bills.  We'll do something later in the week.
Oct 18 19:35:10 <Jerusha>   You came back by train, KK?
Oct 18 19:35:11 <Laurna>   How was the train,  is that better than flying
Oct 18 19:35:15 *   Evie has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
Oct 18 19:35:22 <Jerusha>   evil mibbit
Oct 18 19:35:37 <Evie_>   re Flat Alaric, if Jerusha was able to view Flat Duncan and Flat Devlin a few weeks ago when I posted those links, but can't view the Flat Devlin I posted a few minutes ago, then the problem must be with Dropbox rather than the link, since that hasn't been changed.  Maybe check back in a bit to see Flat Alaric.  It took him a while to load when I peeked in. Saw white page for half a minute before the images turned up.
Oct 18 19:36:53 <KK>   Train was ok, but getting into the upper berths gets harder every year.  Pretty countryside, though--and no Homeland Security checks and standing in those lines.
Oct 18 19:37:26 <Evie_>   DH forwarded an article about the Amtrak program encouraging writers to take a writing sabbatical on their trains, but then apparently there is some clause in the contract giving Amtrak rights to the work, so writers discovering that are deciding it's not as good an idea as it sounds.
Oct 18 19:37:29 <The_Bee>   At least trains give you scenery.
Oct 18 19:37:52 <Laurna>   I have a fear of flying so to get to england we considered going by train and then cruise line.   when I retire I might make the time to do that
Oct 18 19:38:09 <Shiral>   Let's see the train write a book. THEN it can have the rights. Otherwise, forget it!
Oct 18 19:38:14 <Jerusha>   A cruise would be nice
Oct 18 19:38:18 <Evie_>   I'm glad you added the cruise line in; I wondered about you taking the train to England!
Oct 18 19:38:23 <KK>   Amtrak can't possibly have a harpoon on work written on their trains.
Oct 18 19:38:29 <The_Bee>   how far off is retirement for you, Laurna?
Oct 18 19:38:34 <DesertRose>   That would be a long trip, Laurna, but it might be fun, if you're not subject to seasickness!
Oct 18 19:38:58 <Shiral>   Hmmm, wonder if a submarine train would be feasible? =o)
Oct 18 19:39:00 <Laurna>   May one year may be two or three
Oct 18 19:39:08 <DesertRose>   How would they enforce it, I wonder?  (With regards to Amtrak having rights to the work)
Oct 18 19:39:22 <Laurna>   I lived on a boat for two years   I love the sea
Oct 18 19:39:30 <Evie_>   re Amtrak, not in general, but I think this was some special "Come ride our trains for free (or low cost) for a month and write" deal
Oct 18 19:39:37 <DesertRose>   Oh, then you don't have that problem.  :)
Oct 18 19:39:40 <The_Bee>   Google maps will tell you to "kayak across the Atlantic Ocean."
Oct 18 19:39:46 <Evie_>   and there were strings attached in the fine print on the contract
Oct 18 19:40:11 <DesertRose>   Yeah, I'd like to see someone kayak across an ocean.  :P
Oct 18 19:40:14 <Shiral>   I see 3-D Alaric on Flickr with his new head, looking a little doubtful about his "bad hair day" but no flat Alaric
Oct 18 19:40:47 <Annie>   Heh. One of the writers selected is someone I used to talk to on G+ and Twitter occasionally, until her endless self-promotion drove me nuts.
Oct 18 19:40:54 <Evie_>   LOL!  Yes, I had to upload that photo from my phone so I could download it to my computer to do the photo editing in Gimp
Oct 18 19:41:53 <Shiral>   "I just don't know what came over the barber, this week....Have I offended him, somehow?"
Oct 18 19:42:29 <Evie_>   https://www.dropbox.com/s/a1zkpohg6aehm6e/Flat%20Alaric.docx?dl=0  This time, wait a full minute for the image to appear.  It is appearing slowly even for me, and it's in my own Dropbox.
Oct 18 19:42:41 <Jerusha>   The blow tourch should have been a clue
Oct 18 19:42:48 <KK>   It would still be hard to enforce.  And you'd want a bedroom if you were going to do it.  The sleeperettes wouldn't cut it for a whole month.
Oct 18 19:42:59 <Evie_>   LOL! I used a blow drier to switch his head to the new body, not a blow torch!
Oct 18 19:43:33 <Shiral>   "And how is it that I'm taller/shorter than I was last week??"
Oct 18 19:43:40 <KK>   Flickr link, please?
Oct 18 19:43:44 <Laurna>   It is unfortunate that mini Deryni do not grow their hair out after a bad cut.
Oct 18 19:44:06 <Shiral>   https://www.flickr.com/
Oct 18 19:44:09 <DesertRose>   Yeah, for us living creatures, hair WILL grow back.
Oct 18 19:45:00 <Annie>   They could use the writing sample you provided in your application, I believe, but not what you wrote on the residency.
Oct 18 19:45:36 <Annie>   They also said they might use the applications for publicity, etc. and since that included name, address, email, etc. people got very twitchy about it.
Oct 18 19:45:54 <Jerusha>   I would think so
Oct 18 19:45:58 <DesertRose>   Understandably twitchy, IMO.
Oct 18 19:46:05 <Evie_>   OK, try this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9Ld-GFdOE56SF9tdklwb2U2alE/view?usp=sharing
Oct 18 19:46:06 <Laurna>   That is not very smart of them
Oct 18 19:46:21 <Laurna>   Yeah    Got it Evie
Oct 18 19:46:34 <Shiral>   https://www.flickr.com/photos/9573389@N08 Sorry, here's the link KKK
Oct 18 19:46:36 <jemler>   kk, not to ruin your birthday, but...
Oct 18 19:46:36 <Shiral>   KK,
Oct 18 19:46:41 <Evie_>   I went ahead and copied all three Flat Deryni to Google Drive
Oct 18 19:46:43 <Jerusha>   Yea! That's him
Oct 18 19:47:33 <Jerusha>   I'll have a flat Deryni to go, please
Oct 18 19:47:41 <Laurna>   Why is Alaric holding a bag or rodents?
Oct 18 19:47:43 <Evie_>   with a pancake turner?
Oct 18 19:47:46 <DesertRose>   Print him up and laminate him and he's yours.  :)
Oct 18 19:48:02 <Evie_>   LOL! I was going to post that closer to Halloween. Evidently the rat catcher has been to Coroth
Oct 18 19:48:02 <Jerusha>   I'll take him!
Oct 18 19:48:04 <jemler>   he's life size?
Oct 18 19:48:23 <DesertRose>   That pancake turner remark made me want to make a Waffle House joke, but not everybody here lives in the part of the country where that chain exists.
Oct 18 19:48:24 <Evie_>   Not life size, unless you're very very small
Oct 18 19:48:41 <jemler>   dr, did you delivers healers message?
Oct 18 19:48:51 <Laurna>   Oh there you go I have a color plotter printer.   I could print him say 400 % size
Oct 18 19:48:53 <DesertRose>   Thank you for reminding me, jemler.
Oct 18 19:49:07 <DesertRose>   KK, Healer stopped by on a break from work and said to tell you Happy Birthday!
Oct 18 19:49:15 <Evie_>   Oh, I have a message to deliver also! Demercia wasn't able to stay up, but she also wanted to wish you a happy birthday, KK.
Oct 18 19:49:59 <The_Bee>   We're happy you're spending part of your birthday with us, KK.
Oct 18 19:50:05 <DesertRose>   Indeed.
Oct 18 19:50:11 <Evie_>   400% is still going to be a very short Alaric
Oct 18 19:50:12 <jemler>   now for some bad news: because of a bone infection, i will NOT be getting a transplant.
Oct 18 19:50:22 <Evie_>   :-(
Oct 18 19:50:28 <Jerusha>   Bummer
Oct 18 19:50:32 <KK>   Saw the new bod.  Who's the new dude with the grey tunic, molded hair?
Oct 18 19:50:33 <Annie>   :(
Oct 18 19:50:40 <The_Bee>   bummer.  any viable alternatives?
Oct 18 19:50:41 <Laurna>   Jemler that is sad indeed
Oct 18 19:50:54 <KK>   Bummer, Jemler.
Oct 18 19:51:02 <Evie_>   He's going to end up (after a hair and eye color change) as Jamyl Arilan's eldest son.
Oct 18 19:51:14 <KK>   Ah.
Oct 18 19:51:38 <jemler>   well, i'm still on dialysis, and they are still working on alternatives.
Oct 18 19:51:54 <DesertRose>   You have Seisyll.  Now you're going to have to make Sextus and maybe Avisa.  :)
Oct 18 19:52:05 <DesertRose>   I hope they come up with something that will work, jemler.
Oct 18 19:52:08 <Evie_>   That's actually the same tunic fabric I made your Rhys's undertunic out of
Oct 18 19:52:15 <The_Bee>   You said something last week about a possible artificial kidney.
Oct 18 19:52:32 <Evie_>   I have Sextus already, just not in medieval clothes, and I have a doll I want to turn into Avisa
Oct 18 19:52:39 <Jerusha>   Hopefully  something on the horizon will be available soon, Jemler
Oct 18 19:52:40 <jemler>   yes, it's still 5 or 6 years from human testiung tho.
Oct 18 19:52:50 <DesertRose>   Ah, okay.   It seems like you have an Amanda/Grub as well, yes?
Oct 18 19:52:57 <Evie_>   Yes, DR
Oct 18 19:53:01 <The_Bee>   Hang in there, Jemler
Oct 18 19:53:03 <DesertRose>   I thought I remembered that.
Oct 18 19:53:05 <KK>   Where did you get a bone infection, and can't they wipe it out?
Oct 18 19:53:10 <Evie_>   the artificial kidney is 4-5 years away?
Oct 18 19:53:25 <jemler>   for human testing, yes.
Oct 18 19:53:28 <Evie_>   ah
Oct 18 19:53:47 <jemler>   i've already done 4 yrs on dialysis.
Oct 18 19:53:53 <The_Bee>   KK, Jemnler is allergic to too many antibiotics.
Oct 18 19:54:48 <Evie_>   I guess killing the infection by killing you with antibiotics is probably not the best plan.  :-(
Oct 18 19:55:10 <jemler>   they were also afraid that the immune suppressors would allow the infection to expand.
Oct 18 19:55:12 <KK>   Definitely not!
Oct 18 19:55:13 <DesertRose>   I think that might be a case of the cure being worse than the disease.
Oct 18 19:56:14 <Shiral>   Sounds miserable, Jemler =o\
Oct 18 19:56:39 <jemler>   it was NOT what i wanted to hear.
Oct 18 19:56:46 <DesertRose>   No, I imagine not.
Oct 18 19:57:01 <DesertRose>   It makes good sense medically, but it still sucks.
Oct 18 19:57:49 <Shiral>   I don't blame you. Very discouraging all the way around
Oct 18 19:58:25 <jemler>   i called the transplant coordinator, and thanked her for her help. apparently not many people do that after being rejected. she sounded surprised.
Oct 18 19:58:51 <The_Bee>   Good for you! That shows class.
Oct 18 19:59:08 <Jerusha>   Yes, Jemler - well done
Oct 18 19:59:15 <Laurna>   Stay positive my friend. something good will  come your way.
Oct 18 19:59:30 <jemler>   must be something i picked up here. :)
Oct 18 19:59:37 <Annie>   Mibbit seems to be trying to throw me out, so I'll take that as a sign that I should go to bed. Via feeding the cats, who are giving me meaningful looks.
Oct 18 19:59:42 <DesertRose>   That was a classy move, jemler.
Oct 18 19:59:47 <jemler>   nite annie
Oct 18 19:59:50 <Evie_>   Goodnight, Annie
Oct 18 19:59:51 <Jerusha>   Night, Annie
Oct 18 19:59:52 <Annie>   Night all.
Oct 18 19:59:54 <Laurna>   Good night Annie
Oct 18 19:59:54 <DesertRose>   Okay, it was good to see you again, Annie.  Rest well!
Oct 18 20:00:06 <The_Bee>   nighters, Annie.  Glad you came, and skritch the kitties for us.
Oct 18 20:00:13 <Annie>   :)
Oct 18 20:00:13 <DesertRose>   Feed those poor starving kitties! (Ha)
Oct 18 20:00:19 <Shiral>   Night Annie
Oct 18 20:00:23 *   Annie has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
Oct 18 20:01:03 <Evie_>   KK, since you have a working link to Flat Alaric now, here is Flat Duncan to keep him company: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9Ld-GFdOE56VmhpUEVrMUFLNXM/view?usp=sharing
Oct 18 20:01:17 <DesertRose>   BRB
Oct 18 20:01:38 <The_Bee>   They don't look all that flat to me.
Oct 18 20:01:46 <Shiral>   If you want to drive your cats crazy, tell them it's time for a meal, pick up their bowls and then DON'T go over to the cabinet to feed them. I got a phone call soon after coming home from work one night last week right after I'd picked up the cat bowls. They were very annoyed with me for answering the phone FIRST.
Oct 18 20:02:09 <KK>   Well, I'd better go too.  Gus is on my lap, but restless.  I believe that Kitty-Dinner calls.
Oct 18 20:02:14 <Evie_>   Well, they're 2D pictures rather than the actual 3D action figures, so they're flat rather than fully dimensional
Oct 18 20:02:16 <Jerusha>   No forgiveness for that, Shiral
Oct 18 20:02:24 <Shiral>   Dmitri was scolding me so loudly, the person ont he other end heard him.=o)
Oct 18 20:02:32 <Evie_>   LOL
Oct 18 20:02:33 <The_Bee>   Thanks for coming, KK. Have a good week.
Oct 18 20:02:42 <Evie_>   Good to see you back, KK!
Oct 18 20:02:47 <Shiral>   Night KK. Hope you have a great birthday celebration at the right moment this week. =o)
Oct 18 20:02:47 <Jerusha>   Happy birthday KK, and have a good week
Oct 18 20:02:57 <KK>   Until next week.
Oct 18 20:03:01 <Laurna>   Have a wonderful Birthday desert and a good week.
Oct 18 20:03:01 <DesertRose>   Night, KK!
Oct 18 20:03:02 <The_Bee>   And many happy returns
Oct 18 20:03:06 <Shiral>   Tata for now
Oct 18 20:03:11 <DesertRose>   Have a great week and happy birthday!
Oct 18 20:03:18 *   KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
Oct 18 20:03:19 <Laurna>   And thank you again for the card
Oct 18 20:03:29 <KK>   You're very welcome.
Oct 18 20:03:35 <KK>   Nighters!
Oct 18 20:03:42 *   KK has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)