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KK Chat -- 3 May 2015 Part 2

Started by DesertRose, May 03, 2015, 06:49:54 PM

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[07:31.09] <DesertRose> LOL
[07:31.18] <DesertRose> Sister Therese might be, though, Evie.  :P
[07:31.25] <Evie> LOL
[07:32.12] <KK> Serian, you're a composer?
[07:32.19] <Evie> She's not psycho, just slightly batty. ;)
[07:32.19] <Evie> She's based on ME, after all!  :D
[07:32.25] <DesertRose> :)
[07:32.29] <Laurna> lol
[07:32.50] <Serian> Yes.  You may not remember, but I wrote a setting for the lullaby from High Deryni many years ago
[07:33.25] <KK> Ah, I do vaguely remember that.  My sister is a flautist, you know.
[07:33.29] <DesertRose> I've always wished I could compose music worth a darn.  I can arrange, but I can't compose to save my life.
[07:33.33] <Evie> oh, I love when songs from books are set to music!
[07:33.41] <Serian> Excellent!
[07:33.46] <The_Bee> I try to compose on my flute, but  It's hard to do harmony that way.
[07:34.09] <DesertRose> I have a YA fantasy book that has a lot of songs in it and the author included settings for them in the back of the book, which I thought was super cool.
[07:34.16] <Serian> If there's a song in a book that I read, my head eventually comes up with a tune for it
[07:34.32] <The_Bee> My lasat submission to the Zine had musical notation.
[07:34.34] <Evie> Maybe record the melody and then create a harmony for it, Bee?
[07:34.52] <KK> She plays in a long-established flute choir--bass flute, which is like playing plumbing, she tells me, and a wind symphony, and I think a third group.
[07:34.54] <Shiral> That's very cool, Serian. I can't compose music worth a darn!
[07:34.57] <The_Bee> I wish i were that skilled a player!
[07:35.18] <Laurna> That would be neat.  is there a way to hear music on the web site forum
[07:35.22] <Evie> LOL @ playing plumbing
[07:35.30] <Serian> Bass flute would be tough!  I've played alto, and that's bad enough
[07:35.41] <DesertRose> I played clarinet in elementary school (not well, because I had wanted to play flute and wound up assigned to clarinet).
[07:35.48] <KK> It's huge.  Looks like it might be a cousin of a saxophone, but silver.
[07:35.49] <Shiral> I once saw a  Contrabassoon that DID look like an elaborate piece of 19th century plumbing!
[07:35.56] <Serian> I've played a lot of instruments
[07:35.58] <The_Bee> I have soprano and alto flutes. Alsto is hard!
[07:36.12] <Evie> Linking to a YouTube video or other online video works, so maybe linking to audio would, Laurna
[07:36.14] <Shiral> But much more elegant, since there was a lot of polished wood and brass involved =o)
[07:36.24] <Annie> Saxophone is pretty modern, relatively speaking.
[07:36.33] <KK> Yes.
[07:36.45] <Annie> I know when DD learned saxophone there wasn't much actually composed for it.
[07:37.08] <DesertRose> There's a good bit of jazz for the sax, but not much classical, IIRC.
[07:37.14] <Annie> yeah
[07:37.17] <KK> And there's no classical music composed for it.
[07:37.35] <The_Bee> I've heard sax played at night on Boston common.  Theatmosphere greatly enhances the feeling.
[07:37.45] <DesertRose> Saxophones are cool.
[07:37.46] <Annie> But for our grade scheme they have to play pieces in different time periods.
[07:37.51] <Serian> What I compose is either classical tradition, like symphonies, or folk songs
[07:37.52] <DesertRose> Oh, I see.
[07:38.04] <Laurna> Love Saxophones
[07:38.14] <The_Bee> mine is closer to hymns or lullabies.
[07:38.19] <Shiral> The only classical bit I've ever heard for the Saxophone was part of Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition
[07:38.19] <Annie> So there were a lot of classical pieces that had been kludged to work on saxophone.
[07:38.20] <KK> Jeannie has played alto, too, and of course plays soprano flute; but she really likes that bass.  Their flute choir conductor is literally a retired brain surgeon.
[07:38.24] <Serian> I love Gregorian Chant
[07:38.24] <DesertRose> Yeah, I can imagine she had an adventure trying to find three different periods for sax.
[07:38.31] <DesertRose> Oh, me too, Serian.
[07:38.35] <The_Bee> madrigals.
[07:38.48] <Laurna> Bee. if you record the music I would love to hear it.
[07:38.55] <DesertRose> I listen to a playlist of chant, some Italian early music, and Thomas Tallis when I'm writing Deryni fanfic.  :)
[07:39.14] <Serian> Tallis was an interesting composer
[07:39.24] <Evie> I have a ricocheting crazy kitteh rampaging down the hallway
[07:39.28] <KK> Indeed.
[07:39.29] <DesertRose> He led quite a life just from being at court when he was.
[07:39.29] <The_Bee> I don't have a wwwworking recording device> ):
[07:39.31] <Shiral> I like Russian Choral music--puts me in a Torenthi mindset. I can think I'm in the Hagios Iob
[07:39.55] <DesertRose> Oh yes.  Shiral, have you ever heard the Rachmaninoff Bogoroditse Devo?
[07:39.56] * anlarye (~fenix@OWIRCN-800eaaa8.pools.spcsdns.net) has joined channel #Deryni_Destinations
[07:39.57] * derynibot sets mode +qao anlarye anlarye anlarye for #Deryni_Destinations
[07:39.59] <KK> Me too.  Love those Russian basso profudos
[07:40.00] <DesertRose> Hi bynw
[07:40.02] <Shiral> I think so
[07:40.05] <DesertRose> hang on.
[07:40.09] <Shiral> Hi Bynw
[07:40.09] <Evie> I have an early period music Pandora station for most of my fanfic writing, but now I'm writing a 21st C Deryni novel, that doesn't work
[07:40.12] <Laurna> Hi BYNW
[07:40.13] <The_Bee> which one, Evie?
[07:40.17] <anlarye> hi
[07:40.19] <Evie> Modern Celtic still does, though
[07:40.39] <DesertRose> +https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InMhSNBlIg8,
[07:40.44] <Serian> I'm greatly saddened by the fact that my hearing is deteriorating badly, which makes composing and listening to music very difficult
[07:40.49] <DesertRose> Oh no, Serian.
[07:40.50] <The_Bee> HI Anlarye
[07:40.51] <Evie> which one what, Bee?
[07:40.52] <DesertRose> :(
[07:40.58] <The_Bee> which cat?
[07:41.05] <Evie> :(  Serian
[07:41.33] <Laurna> Sorry Serian,
[07:41.34] <Evie> not sure.  S/he was running behind me
[07:41.34] <The_Bee> Serian is a cat?
[07:41.39] <Serian> I still have the music in my head
[07:41.52] <DesertRose> I don't guess you can pull a Beethoven and cut the legs off the piano so it sits on the floor and "hear" it through the reverberations.
[07:41.52] <The_Bee> Luke and ___?
[07:41.56] <DesertRose> Gigi.
[07:41.59] <Laurna> write what you imagine
[07:42.04] <Evie> LOL! No, Bee, I was replying to Serian. :D
[07:42.34] <Serian> Kinda hard with an electronic keyboard, DR
[07:42.42] <DesertRose> Oh.  Well, crap.  That doesn't work at all.
[07:42.46] <The_Bee> I know there are clever cats, but---!
[07:42.51] <DesertRose> LOL, Bee.
[07:42.52] <Evie> I think it's  Gigi going ballistic
[07:42.53] <Shiral> It sounds familiar DR, but I don't think I've heard this arrangement before
[07:43.22] <Evie> yes, I just saw the little bobtail bouncing down the hall again
[07:43.23] <DesertRose> The recording I have on my computer is the St. Olaf (college) Choir, and they do an AMAZING job of it.
[07:43.42] <Serian> I think I'd love a Deryni method for compensating for deafness. 
[07:43.51] <KK> OK, I've got to run.  There's very cold air coming up from the garage level, so I suspect that Scott has returned with the Jag.
[07:43.57] <Shiral> +http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Dpopular&field-keywords=Sacred+treasures,;  I own the first three of these CDS ALL of which are beautiful!
[07:44.09] <Serian> Goodnight, KK, have a pleasant evening
[07:44.10] <Shiral> Night, KK, thanks for the long visit! =o)
[07:44.15] <Shiral> Have a good week
[07:44.17] <KK> Will see you all next week at the regular time.  Have a good week.
[07:44.20] <The_Bee> Someone wrote a fanfic about a daughter of kelson who was deaf.
[07:44.22] <Laurna> Good night KK say hi to Scott
[07:44.27] <anlarye> night kk
[07:44.28] <Shiral> Martine did
[07:44.29] <Evie> Goodnight KK
[07:44.37] <The_Bee> nighters, KK.  Glad you came.
[07:44.41] <Shiral> That is, the story of the deaf princess was Martine's
[07:44.45] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves good-night, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[07:44.51] <DesertRose> Oh, night KK.
[07:45.09] <DesertRose> Have a good week!
[07:45.24] <Shiral> I'm going to say my good nights, too
[07:45.27] <DesertRose> Night, Shiral.
[07:45.31] <Serian> I think the Deryni would have a better way to deal with it than we do, because hearing aids don't cut it
[07:45.33] <Laurna> Night Shiral
[07:45.36] <Serian> Night, Shiral
[07:45.44] <The_Bee> bye Shiral. Hope you get rain soon.
[07:45.48] <Shiral> i've been sneezing my head off for the last 10 minutes. Think I need a change scene
[07:45.51] <anlarye> night sis
[07:45.52] <DesertRose> Is a cochlear implant an option?
[07:46.04] <KK> Nighters.
[07:46.10] * KK Quit (Quit: +http://www.mibbit.com, ajax IRC Client)
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)