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Descendnts of Camber- Chart 3- House of Fitz-Arthur Quinnell, McLain, and Morgan

Started by Laurna, March 30, 2015, 02:47:11 PM

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Descendants of Camber MacRorie, Earl of Culdi
(Nearly all information is summerized from the 'Codex Derynianus' by Katherine Kurtz and Robert Reginald. Some is from my reading of the novels of the Deryni Series and a little of my own 'Best Guess' from what I know of this world. In those places I state "best guess'. Enjoy.) Laurna 3/22/2015

Descendants of Camber MacRorie- Deryni Genealogies Master Post


Chart 3- House of Fitz-Arthur Quinnell (generation 4-11), McLain, and Morgan

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Genealogy Notations

+          Cathan and his Descendants
++        Evaine and her Descendants
            ++1 Rhysel, ++2Tieg, ++3Jerusha
+,++3    descendants of both Cathan and Evaine
~          Married into the family line
(f)        Fanfiction character
mdate  date of marriage
c.date  circa date or "educated guess"

Camber Descendants- Generation 5-8

"Tambert I Fitz - Arthur Quinnell, 1st Duke of Cassan. He was Born: in the IXth day of August in the Year of our Lord 916, being the eldest son and Heir of Fane Earl Fitz-arthur and Anne Quinnell Princess of Cassan, and grandson of Tammaron Earl Fitz-Arthur and Ambert last Sovereign Prince of Cassan. He intermarried with Adelicia Lady Of Horthness daughter of Rhun Earl of Sheele on the XXIst day of May in the year 929 and by her he had children: The hereditary Duke Tammaron II later Duke of Cassan; the Lord Flynn later Earl Derry; the Lady Eldona; the Lady Annetta.
Duke Tambert's eldest son, Tammaron Duke of Cassan, married Tiphane Lady Ainslie on the XVIIth day of August in the year 950, and by her he had children: The Lady Swynbeth, who intermarried with Cluim King of Gwynedd; the Hereditary Duke Fane, later Duke of Cassan who intermarried with Ardana Lady de Courcy; The Lady Nerina, a twin to her brother, who intermarried with Sir Andrew McLain, father of Sir Roger McLain."  Codex page 239

Generation 4 Descendants of:

...Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.

++1 Tiphane Ainslie, Lady, Half-Deryni
      Born: c932 to 935    Died:
      Daughter of Robert Ainslie and Rhysel Jocelyn Thuryn 
      Married: Tammaron Fitz-Arthur Quinnell, Duke of Cassan on August 17, 950
      Children: Lady Swynbeth; Twins: Lord Fane and Lady Nerina
~Tammaron II Fitz-Arthur Quinnell, Duke of Cassan (948-994)
    Born: April 29, 934 (Codex page 301)    Died: 994
    Son of Tambert I, Duke of Cassan and Adelicia, Lady of Horthness (who had been married on May 21, 929. Codex page 300.) Tambert I becomes      Duke of Cassan "under terms of an irrevocable agreement between Cassan and Gwynedd on September 22, 916" (Codex page 60)
    Married: Lady Tiphane on August 17, 950 (Codex page 302)
    Children: Lady Swynbeth; Lord Fane(twin); Lady Nerina(twin).

Generation 5 Descendants of:

... Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.

++1 Swynbeth, Lady Fitz-Arthur Quinnell, Quarter-Deryni
      Born: May 12, 951 (Codex page 302)    Died:
      Daughter of Tammaron Fitz-Arthur Quinnell, Duke of Cassan and Lady Tiphane Ainslie
    Married: Prince Cluim Earl of Carthan on May 9, 972 (Codex page 304)
    Children: Prince Urien; Princess Tiphanelle; Prince Jashan; Princess Ysylit; Prince Michael Rhys, twin; Princess Michaelina Rhyssa, twin.
~Cluim Michael Reginaud Haldane,  King of Gwynedd (985-994), Earl of Carthane
    Born: April 24, 953    Died: December 18, 994
    Third surviving son of Uthyr King of Gwynedd and Grania MacInnis Countess of Culdi
    Married: Lady Swynbeth on May 9, 972       
    Children: Prince Urien; Princess Tiphanelle; Prince Jashan; Princess Ysylit; Prince Michael Rhys, twin; Princess Michaelina Rhyssa, twin.
    (See chart 4)

++1 Fane II, Lord Fitz-Arthur Quinnell, Duke of Cassan (994-1016) Quarter-Deryni
    Born: December 15, 952 Twin to Lady Nerina (Codex page 302)    Died: 1016
    Son of Tammaron II Fitz-Arthur Quinnell, Duke of Cassan and Lady Tiphane Ainslie
    Married: Ardana Lady de Courcy (Codex page 239)
    Children: Tambert II later Duke of Cassan(1016-1025)
~Ardana, Lady de Courcy, Full or half Deryni (The family line de Courcy appear to all be Deryni)
    Born: c955
    Best guess Ardana Lady de Courcy, is a granddaughter of Lord Huon (who is the second son of Etienne, Baron de Courcy)

    Etienne,Baron de Courcy, Fully trained Deryni Lord, King Javan's Confidential secretary
        Born: November 22 873  Died: May 20 922
        Son of Leopard Baron de Courcy and the Duchess Cygnette Lady Duc du Joux
        Married: Kenza Lady Stiofan, Deryni, on June 23, 891
        Children: Lord Guiscard; Lord Huon; Lady Elvienne; Lady Fleurette.
        Etienne guarded the Rhemuth Portal, he saved Healer Oriel's wife and daughter when Javan was killed. His powers were blocked by Tieg and he returned to Rhemuth only to be tortured and killed.

++1 Nerina, Lady Fitz-Arthur Quinnell McLain, Quarter-Deryni
      Born: December 15, 952 Twin to Fane (*Codex page 302)
      Daughter of Tammaron Fitz-Arthur Quinnell, Duke of Cassan and Lady Tiphane
      Married Andrew McLain Laird of House McLain (983-1003) (Under Tambert I, "the lady Nerina, a twin to her brother, who intermarried with Sir Andrew McLain, father of Sir Roger McLain." Codex Page 239)
    Children: Lord Roger McLain*
    (*Best Guess is that Nerina is Roger's mother, but the wording above does cause room for interpretation.)
~Andrew McLain,Laird of Leanshire (983-1003)
    Born:    Died: 1003
    Son of Duncan Laird of Leanshire (962-983) and unknown
    Married: Nerina Lady Fitz- Arthur Quinnell around 968
    Children: Lord Roger McLain (Marries Glorian Lady MacInnis Heiress of Kierney on March 11, 990 (*Codex page 306)

Generation 6 descendants of:

...Fane, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.

++1 Tambert II Fitz-Arthur Quinnell Duke of Casan (1016-1025), Half Deryni
    Born: c970-980      Died: June 15-17, 1025  Killingford
    Son of Fane Duke of Cassan and Ardana Lady de Courcy
    Married: unknown
    Children: Lady Adelicia Fitz-Arthur Quinnell Heiress of Cassan; Lady Prasanna (best guess*).
    *Best Guess: Lady Prasanna Fitz -Arthur Quinnell is either the daughter of Fane II or she is the daughter of Tambert II. Prasanna's daughter, Cecilia marries King Malcolm in 1055. The dates fit better if Prasanna is the daughter of Tambert II.

...Nerina, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.

++1 Roger, Sir, Lord,
Laird of Leanshire (1003-1025),  ⅛ Deryni
      Born: c 969  Died: 1025
      Son of Andrew McLain and Nerina Fitz-Arthur Quinnell
      Married: Glorian Lady MacInnis, Heiress of Kierney on March 11, 990
      Children: Lord Tairchell (Born: December 27, 990) Laird of House McLain (1025-1060), Earl of Kierney(1033-1060); Lord Arnall (Born: April 18,992) Laird of House McLain (1060-1076), Earl of Kierney (1060-1076); Lady Ayn McLain.
~Glorian Lady MacInnis, later Heiress and Countess of Kierney
      Born:  961      Died: November 11, 1033 age 73
      Daughter of Richard MacInnis, Earl of Kierney(948-1025) and Unknown
      Glorian MacInnis Countess of Kierney dies November 11, 1033, aged LXXIII years, and is succeeded by her eldest son, Lord Tairchell McLain as Earl of Kierney (1033-1060).
      Married: Roger McLain on March 11, 990.
      Children: Lord Tairchell; Lord Arnall; Lady Ayn.

(*Note:"The Lady Nerina, a twin to her brother, who intermarried with Sir Andrew McLain, father of Sir Roger McLain."  Codex page 239. This is open to interpretation as to whether Roger is Nerina's son or a son from a prior marriage by Andrew. I have not yet found any evidence to indicate Sir Andrew McLain had a prior marriage. Therefore, I am going on the assumption that Roger is the son of both Andrew and Nerina. If this assumption is proven to be in error than the following people are NOT descendants of Camber: Roger McLain, Tairchell McLain, Arnall McLain, Ayn McLain, Lissa McLain, Rhiryd Kincaid, and Judhael III Quinnell-Kincaid. Nevertheless, the children of Arnall, Lissa, and Judhael continue to be descendants of Camber due to each of these person's marriages.)

Generation 7 descendants of:

...Tambert II, Fane, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.

++1 Adelicia Fitz-Arthur Quinnell Heiress to Duchy of Cassan, Quarter-Deryni
    Born: best guess c1004-1007    Died:
    Daughter of Tambert II Duke of Cassan (1016-1025) and ?
    Married: Arnall McLain on February 20, 1022
    (According to the novel In the King's Service Adelicia is still alive In 1088,)
~++1 Arnall McLain Earl of Kierney and Laird of Leanshire (1060-1076)
      Born: April 18, 992  Died: 1076
      Second Son of Roger McLain and Glorian Lady MacInnis
      Married: Adelicia Fitz-Arthur Quinnell  Heiress to Duchy of Cassan on February 20, 1022 (Codex page 309)
      Children: Lord Andrew Duke of Cassan(1034-1099) from birth; he was born December 1, 1034.  (Codex page 311); Lady ? McLain; Madonna Lady McLain. Nesta McLain
      (There are several references to Arnall having at least two daughters. In the novel, In the King's Service, in 1089 Andrew states his grandson, Kevin is being cared for by his wife and his sisters(plural) The second daughter we know to be Madonna, Kenneth Morgan's mother. It is possible that at least one if not both daughters are older than their brother Andrew.)

++1 Prasanna Lady Fitz-Arthur Quinnell (Codex 168), Quarter- Deryni
      Born: best guess c1010-1017
      Daughter of ?
      Best guess is that she is the younger daughter of Tambert II, sister to Adelicia.
      Or she could be the daughter of Fane II who died in 1016, and be a much younger sister to Tambert II (less likely).
      (Note: Prasanna would not be a great granddaughter of Tambert 1's brothers-Lord Eldon or Lord Nolan due to the fact that they only used the last name Fitz-Arthur and did not take on their mother's last name of Quinnell. Only Tambert I became Fitz-Arthur Quinnell, do to his inheritance of Cassan.)
Married: Rhupert Calder Earl of Sheele (1025-1058) (Rhupert's father was Richard Calder Earl of Sheele(998-1019))
      Children: Cecilia, Lady Calder of Sheele (Born: c1035-1039 marries Malcolm Haldane on 5/13/1055)
~Rhupert Calder Earl of Sheele(1025-1058)
      Born: 996    Died: November 20, 1058
      Son of Richard Calder Earl of Sheele(998-1019)
      Married: Prasanna Lady Fitz-Arthur Quinnell.
      Children: Cecilia, Lady Calder of Sheele (Born: c1035-1039, marries Malcolm on 5/13/1055).
      Married secondly: Aideen Lady Latteragh
      Children: Lord Thomas Calder Earl of Sheele (Not a descendant of Camber).
          Thomas Calder, Earl of Sheele (1058-1076) (Codex 243)
          Born: May 1, 1029  Died: December 2, 1076
          Eldest son an heir of Rhupert Earl Calder of Sheele and Aideen Lady Latteragh
          Married: Yvetta Lady Howard on March 14,1068
          Children: Count Kimball Calder Earl of Sheele (1076-1128); Lady Adreana (married Caulay MacArdry Earl of Transha (Lord Dhugal's grandparents)); Lord William,Sir, Lord Ian Itinerant Bishop; Lady Vevina; Lord Edward.
...Roger, Nerina, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.

++1 Tairchell McLain
Hereditary Count of Kierney, Laird of Leanshire (1025-1060), Earl of Kierney (1033-1060)
      Born: December 12, 990  Died: September 14,1060
      Married: Rhetice Lady MacEwan on June 17,1014
      Children: Lissa McLain (Elder daughter is Lissa who is the second wife of Judhael III Armyas Jolyon Quinnell-Kincaid (Codex page 140)); ? younger daughter.
~Rhetice, Lady MacEwan
      Born: c990-1000    Died:
      Daughter of ?
      (The house of MacEwan's are the Dukes of Clairbourne.)
      Married: Tairchell on June 17, 1014
      Children: Lady Lissa: Lady ?.

++1 Arnall McLain, Sir, Lord, Hereditary Count of Kierney, (Codex 309), Laird of Leanshire and Earl of Kierney (1060-1076)
      Born: April 18, 992    Died: 1076
      Second Son of Roger McLain and Glorian Lady MacInnis
      Married: Adelicia Fitz-Arthur Quinnell  Heiress to Duchy of Cassan on February 20, 1022 (Codex page 309) (second cousins)
      Children: Andrew Duke of Cassan at birth(1034-1099) Born: December 1, 1034.  (Codex page 311);  Older daughter, Madonna McLain; Lady ? McLain.
      Named Earl of Kierney after his brother Tairchell died on September 14, 1060 (Codex page 313)
~++1 Adelicia Fitz-Arthur Quinnell Heiress to Duchy of Cassan, Quarter- Deryni
      Born: best guess c1004-1007      Died:
      Daughter of Tambert II Duke of Cassan(1016-1025) and ?
      Married Arnall McLain on February 20, 1022
      Children: at least two daughters- ?Lady McLain; 2nd daughter is Lady Madonna, McLain; and one son- Lord Andrew McLain.

++1 Ayn McLain, Lady
      Born:      Died:
      Daughter of Roger McLain and Glorian Lady MacInnis
      Married: Loren Kincaid, Earl of Kilarden (997-1027)
      Children: Rhiryd Kincaid, Earl of Kilarden (1027-1045)
~Loren Kincaid, Earl of Kilarden (997-1027) (Codex 168)
      Born:    Died: June 18, 1027
      Son of Miran Kincaid  Earl of Kilarden (972-997) and ?
      Married: Lady Ayn McLain
      Children: Rhiryd Kincaid, Earl of Kilarden (1027-1045)

Generation 8 Descendants of:

...Adelicia, Tambert II, Fane, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.
...Arnall, Roger, Nerina, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.

++1,++1 ? Lady McLain, ⅛ Deryni
      Born: ?                Died:      (Alive in 1089)
      Best guess is that she is older than Andrew born c. 1023-1027
      In the Novel, In the King's Service, Andrew McLain states that his grandson, Kevin, is being cared for by his wife and his sisters. Kenneth Morgan goes on to say that one of those sisters is his mother.

++1,++1 Madonna Lucinda Lady McLain, ⅛ Deryni
      Born: Best guess c1025-1030  Died:      (Alive in 1089)
      Daughter of Arnall Earl of Keirney and Adelicia Fitz Arthur Quinnell Heiress of Cassan.
      "Madonna Lady McLain, second daughter of Arnall Earl of kierney" (Codex page 146)
      Married: Kai Anthony Morgan, SIr, Laird of Morgahall  Best guess m c1042-1044
      Children: Delphine Morgan (unmarried older sister); Kenneth Kai Morgan; Claara Morgan Winslow (widowed younger sister to Kenneth)
~ Kai III Anthony Morgan, Laird of Leanshire and Morganhall (1044-1076), Sir (Codex page 183)
      Born:        Died: March 20, 1076
      Son of Richard Anthony Morgan and ?
      Married: Lady Madonna McLain

++1,++1 Nesta Lady McLain
      "Zoe's sisters had traveled to Cynfyn for the occasion... along with their aunt Nesta McLain, the sister of their departed mother." Childe Morgan, chapter 9, page 76
      "... Earl Jared... sent his own Kierney escort of a dozen knights with his wife and son and his aunt Nesta McLain, who was also Kenneth's sister-in-law." Child Morgan chapter 11 page 87
      "This is my husband's middle daughter, Geill, and these are his sisters, Dephine Morgan and Lady Claara Winslow, and his first wife's sister, Lady Nesta McLain, who is also sister to the Duke of Cassan." Childe Morgan chapter 12, page 98.
**This appears to be contradictory information- Kenneth's first wife appears to be the sister of Andrew McLain, Duke of Cassan? The Codex Derynianus tells us that Kenneth's mother is the sister of Andrew Mclain, Duke of Cassan.

++1,++1 Andrew Tairchell McLain, Duke of Cassan(1034-1099), Earl of Kierney (1076), Laird of Leanshire(1076)  ⅛ Deryni
      Born: December 1, 1034,  Died: 1099
      Son of Arnall McLain Earl of Kierney and Adelicia Fitz-Arthur Quinnell Heiress to Duchy of Cassan
      Married: Jesma Lady McLain, his cousin, on  July 18, 1059 (Codex page 313)
      Children: Jared (Born: September 15, 1064( Codex page 313))
      January 9, 1076 Arnall Earl of Kierney Died:, Andrew immediately deeds the title of Earl of Kierney to his son Jared.(Codex page 315)
~Jesma Lady McLain
      Born:    Died:
      Lady Jesma cares for her grandson, Kevin, along with Andrew's sisters in 1089.

...Prassana, (Tambert II?), Fane, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.

++1 Cecilia, Lady Calder of Sheele, Queen of Gwynedd
      Born: c1035-1040 (Best Guess)
      Daughter of Rhupert Calder Earl of Sheele (1025-1058) and Prasanna Lady Fitz-Arthur Quinnell-
      Married: Malcolm King of Gwynedd on 5/13/1055
      Children: Richard later Duke of Carthmoor and Earl of Culdi; Princess Tamelda(nun); Princess Domnic and Kessoc twin sons (died within a few days of birth); Prince Julian died age 5); Princess Genese twin with her brother; Princess Herone.
      (See chart 4- Haldanes)

...Tairchell, Roger, Nerina, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.

++1 Lissa McLain
      Born:  , Died:
      Elder daughter of Tairchell who is the second wife of Judhael III Armyas Jolyon Quinnell-Kincaid (Codex page 140)
      Married: Fergus MacFaolan, King of Howicce
      Children: Aude MacFaolan
~++1 Fergus MacFaolan, King of Howicce(1028-1047)(see chart 4)
      Born:  Died: 1047
      Son of Bresal II King of Howicce (1016-1028)
      (See chart 5)

...Ayn, Roger, Nerina, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.

++1 Rhiryd Kincaid Earl of Kilarden (1027-8/8/1045)
      Son of Lady Ayn McLain and Loren Kincaid Earl of Kilarden
      Married: Annalind Quinnell Kincaid Princess of Meara in 1041
      Children: Judhael Quinnell Kincaid c1042-1044
    (See Chart 5)

Generation 9 Descendants of:

...Madonna, Andrew, Adelicia, Tambert II, Fane, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.
...Madonna, Andrew, Arnall, Roger, Nerina, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.

++1,++1 Delphine Morgan Lady
      Born: c1043-45
      Daughter of Sir Kai Anthony Morgan and Madonna Lady McLain
      Unmarried older sister of Sir Kenneth Morgan
      Chatelaine of Morganhall in Kenneth's absence; an accomplished poet and painter.

++1,++1 Kenneth Kai Morgan, Hereditary Knight, Laird of Morganhall (1076-1100), Sir
      Born: October 7, 1046  Died:  September 24, 1100 age 53
      Son of SIr Kai Anthony Morgan and Madonna Lady McLain
      Married: Amya Lady Almaris
      Children: Master Kai Kennis (Died: age 3); Master Kailan Lain(stillborn:); Mistress Zoe Bronwyn; Geill Morgan married Walter Lithgow Sir; Mistress Alazais(Zaizie).
      Married Secondly:  Alyce lady de Cynfyn Heiress de Corwyn on June 18, 1090
      Children: Sir Alaric Anthony Duke of Corwyn and Earl of Lendour, Lady Bronwyn Rhetice (Betrothed to Kevin McLain)
~Amya Almaris, Lady
    daughter of ?
    Sister to Nesta McLain
    Married: Sir Kenneth Kai Morgan
    Children: Master Kai Kennis (Died: age 3); Master Kailan Lain(stillborn:); Mistress Zoe Bronwyn; Geill Morgan married Walter Lithgow Sir; Mistress Alazais(Zaizie).
~Alyce Javana Lady Cynfyn, Heiress de Corwyn and Lendour, Deryni
    Born: February 2, 1070  Died: December 29, 1095
    Daughter of Keryell Cynfyn Earl of Lendour and Stevana Heiress de Corwyn
    Elder of twin sister Vera Howard
    Married Sir Kenneth Kai Morgan on June 16, 1090
    2 Children: Sir Alaric Anthony, Lady Bronwyn Rhetice (Betrothed to Kevin McLain)

      Alyce and Vera's parents:
        -Keryell Cynfyn Earl of Lendour (1055-1085), Deryni
          Born:    Died: October 1085
          Son of Taillerfer Cynfyn and Lady? (who was cousin -kin to Sobbon von Horthy, the Hort of Orsal)
          Married 1st: To a daughter of a Torenthi Duke.
          One son who died in a riding mishap, while returning from his knighting (January 1069)
          Married secondly: Stevana Heiress de Corwyn on May 25,1069.
          He married her 'by force 'against the instructions of the Camberian Council.
          Children: Alyce Javana de Corwyn Heiress of Corwyn(older twin), Vera Howard de Corwyn Younger twin, who was given at birth to be raised by Laurella Lady Howard and her husband.); Lord Ahern Jernian ap Keryell Cynfyn de Corwyn Earl of Lendour, Hereditary Duke of Corwyn Sir (1086-1089) (older Twin) Married Zoe Morgan on the day of his death: Marie Stephania de Corwyn (younger Twin who died of Poisoning on September 2, 1088 age 17. Her  intended betrothal was to Sir Se Trelawney, a knight of Lendour)
          Married Thirdly: Rosmerta Lady (home near Desse) in 1081
          No children:  Rosmerta had one daughter from a prior marriage.
        ~Stevana Heiress de Corwyn, Deryni
          Born: October 18, 1042  Died: in the year 1075 at age 32
          Daughter and only surviving child of Airlie Hereditary Duke of Corwyn and Grania D'Oriel.
          Duke Airlie was the son of  Stiofan Anthony Corwyn and Lady Javana de Courcy.
          Married: Keryell Earl of Lendour on May 25, 1069 at age 26 after the death of her grandfather, Stiofan Anthony Duke of Corwyn in 1068.
          Children: Alyce; Vera; Ahern; Marie.

++1,++1 Claara Morgan Winslow, Lady
      Daughter of Sir Kai Anthony Morgan and Madonna Lady McLain
      Widowed younger sister of Sir Kenneth Morgan.
      Children:  ?Lady Winslow (who married Pazon Fraser, Sir in service to the Earl of Rhendall)
      Grandchildren; Clarice Fraser, Kian Fraser (grandnieces of Sir Kenneth Morgan)

...Andrew, Adelicia, Tambert II, Fane, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.
...Andrew, Arnall, Roger, Nerina, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.

++1,++1 Jared Douglas McLain Duke of Cassan, Earl of Kierney, Lord of Leanshire (1076-1121)
      Born: September 15, 1064      Died: July 1, 1121
      Eldest surviving son of Andrew McLain and Jesma Lady McLain, daughter of Aneas Lord McLain
      Married: Elaine Lady MacInnis on Jun 30,1087
      Children: Lord Kevin Douglas
      Married secondly: Vera Lady Howard on May 9, 1090.
      Children: Lord Duncan Howard: Lady Isabet Anna, born still: Lady Alicia Jesma Isabet, died at age 3 of the roseola.
      Married thirdly: Margaret Neuve on September 26, 1116.  No children by her.
      Commanded part of the army of King Kelson in Eastmarch in the year 1121. He was betrayed and captured by the enemy on June 26 of that year.
      This noble Duke was executed at Llyndruth Meadows on July 1, 1121.
~Elaine Lady MacInnis McLain  (Codex page 89)
      Born: April 2, 1072  Died: May 25, 1088 at age 16
      Daughter of Manfred Baron MacInnis and Signe Lady Calder of Sheele.
      One child: Lord Kevin Douglas McLain.
      Died: from the effects of childbirth.
~Vera Laurela Lady Howard (de Corwyn) McLain Duchess of Cassan (Codex page 256), Deryni
      Born: February 2, 1070    Died: January 31, 1115
      Second twin daughter of Keryell Earl of Lendour and Stevana Heiress de Corwyn.
      Raised as the daughter of Orban Lord Howard and Laurella Lady Howard.
      "Given at birth to a close friend Laurella Lady Howard who had been delivered of a stillborn child and supposed date of birth was adjusted accordingly to the previous day." (Codex page 256). Per ITKS both Keyrell and Stevana had agreed together to give their second twin child to a friend so that she could be raised free of the stigma of being a known Deryni.
      Married: Jared Mclain Duke of Cassan on May 9, 1090
      Children: Lord Duncan Howard (Later Duke of Cassan, later priest and Bishop); Lady Isabet Anna, stillborn; Lady Alicia jesma Isabet (died age 3 of Roscola).
(Per Childe Morgan Page 77- the child Vera lost in the early part of the year 1094 was a daughter named Alicia, whom Jared built a memorial for- "most beautiful little chapel built in the garden at Culdi.")
      Fostered Lady Alyce's children, Sir Alaric Morgan and Lady Bronwyn Morgan.
      Died: of the wasting wheezes.
~Margaret Neuve
      Born:    Died:
      Married: Raymond Sinclair, Widowed of him.
      Married: Jared Mclain, Widowed of him.

May your horses have wings and fly!



Generation 10 Descendants of:  

...Kenneth, Madonna, Adelicia, Tambert II, Fane, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.
...Kenneth, Madonna, Arnall, Roger, Nerina, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.

++1,++1 Zoe Bronwyn Lady Morgan
      Daughter of Kenneth Kia Morgan and Lady Amya Almaris
      Betrothed and married: Ahern de Corwyn who was mortally ill in July 1089.
      Widowed of Ahern within hours of their marriage.
      Married secondly: Jovett Chandos, Sir in the summer of 1094
      Children: Kailan Peter Chandos, Charlan Peter Chandos; Lady Alyce Maria Chandos
~Jovett Chandos, Sir, Deryni
      Son of Sir Pedur Chandos (a senior knight of Lendour)
      Knighted in Rhemuth on Twelfth Night, 1081, along with Se', Sponsored by Earl Keryell
      Married: Zoe Bronwyn Morgan
      Children: Kailan Peter Chandos, Charlan Peter Chandos; Lady Alyce Maria Chandos

++1,++1 Geill Morgan Lithgow Lady
      2nd daughter of Kenneth Kia Morgan and Lady Amya Almaris
      Married: Walter Lithgow, Sir
      Children: Lady Alys Lithgow;
~Walter Lithgow, Sir, Knight of Kierney

++1,++1 Alazais(Zaizie) Lady Morgan
      3rd daughter of Kenneth Kia Morgan and Lady Amya Almaris
      Married: Llion Farquahar
      Children: Lady Marin Alyce Farquahar
~Llion Farquahar, Sir
      Knight of Corwyn, Knighted by Kenneth Morgan Earl of Lendour
      Governor and Companion to Alaric Morgan

...Kenneth, Madonna, Adelicia, Tambert II, Fane, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.
...Kenneth, Madonna, Arnall, Roger, Nerina, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.

++1,++1 Alaric Anthony Morgan,
VIIth Duke of Corwyn, Earl of Lendour, King's Champion, Lord Protector of the South, Hereditary Knight and Laird of Morganhall(1100- +), Deryni Healer, Sir, Half- Deryni
      Born: September 29, 1091 -+
      Son of Sir Kenneth Kai Morgan and Alyce Lady de Corwyn
      Married: Richenda FitzEwan on May 1, 1122
      Children: Countess Briony Bronwyn, Hereditary Duke Kelric Alain Earl of Lendour Born: May 3, 1125, Countess Grania Marie Araxelle (also named Sophonisba Alyca Richenda in the Codex) Born: April 12, 1129
~++1 Richenda Rayma Anisa FitzEwan, Lady Rheljan, Dowager Countess and regent of Marley, Duchess of Corwyn, Deryni
      Born: April 7, 1099  -+
      Eldest Daughter of Richard FitzEwan Baron of Rheljan and Michendra Princess of Andelon
      Married: Bran Coris, Earl of Marly on June 12, 1116
      Children: Brandon later Earl of Marley;  Lady Rhiannon Ysabeau (Died: at age 1)
      Widowed on July 2, 1121
      Married secondly: Alaric Anthony Morgan on May 1st, 1122
      Children: Countess Briony Bronwyn, Hereditary Duke Kelric Alain Earl of Lendour Born: May 3, 1125, Countess Grania Marie Araxelle (also named Sophonisba Alyca Richenda) Born: April 12, 1129.

++1 Bronwyn Rhetice Morgan
, Lady de Corwyn, Half-Deryni
      Born: December 12, 1095  Died: March 29, 1121
      Daughter of Sir Kenneth Kai Morgan and Alyce Heiress de Corwyn
      Betrothed to Kevin McLain Earl of Kierney in fall 1120
      Kevin and Bronwyn died together of foul magic.

...Claara, Madonna, Andrew, Adelicia, Tambert II, Fane, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.
...Claara, Madonna, Andrew, Arnall, Roger, Nerina, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.

++1,++1 ? Winslow Fraser, Lady
      Daughter of Lady Claara Morgan Winslow and  Winslow
      Married: Sir Pazon Fraser, a knight  in service to the Earl of Rhendall)
      Children: Clarice Fraser, Kian Fraser  (grandnieces of Sir Kenneth Morgan)

...Jared, Andrew, Adelicia, Tambert II, Fane, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.
...Jared, Andrew, Arnall, Roger ,Nerina, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.

++1,++1 Kevin Douglas McLain, Early of Kierney, Hereditary Duke of Cassan, Sir
    Born: May 22, 1088,  Died: March 29,1121 at age 32
    Betrothed to Lady Bronwyn Countess de Morgan
    Kevin and Bronwyn died together of foul magic.

++1,++1 Duncan Howard McLain, Duke of Cassan(1121-1125)(abdicated), Earl of Kierney and Viceroy of Meara, Laird of Leanshire, Auxiliary Bishop of Rhemuth, Rector of the University of Saint Camber, Provost of the Basilica of Saint Camber, Deryni Healer, Sir. Half- Deryni
    Born: February 2, 1092
    Son of Jared McLain Duke of Cassan and Vera Lady Howard( de Corwyn)
    Married secretly: Lady Maryse MacArdry on March 25, 1107
    Children: Lord Dhugal, who was raised as son of his maternal grandfather.
    Ordained on April 10, 1113 by Alexander Darby, Archbishop of Rhemuth.
    Elected Auxiliary Bishop of Rhemuth on November 20, 1123.
    He ceded his secular titles to his son, Lord Dhugal on May 21, 1125
~Maryse Lady MacArdry
    Born: c1091      Died: January 3, 1108 at age 17
    Daughter of Caulay MacArdry Earl of Transha and Lady Adreana Calder
    Married: Duncan Howard McLain in secret on March 25,1107.
    Children: Lord Dhugal, who was raised as the son of his maternal grandfather.
    Died of the effects of childbirth.

Generation 11 Descendants of:

...Zoe, Kenneth, Madonna, Adelicia, Tambert II, Fane, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.
...Zoe, Kenneth, Madonna, Arnall, Roger, Nerina, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.

++1,++1 Kailan Peter Chandos,
    Son of Zoe Morgan and Sir Jovett Chandos
    Born in spring of 1095 at Cynfyn Castle

++1,++1 Charlan Peter Chandos Half- Deryni
    Son of Zoe Morgan and Sir Jovett Chandos
    Born in the early part of the new year, 1096

++1,++1 Lady Alyce Maria Chandos,
Half- Deryni
    Daughter of Zoe Morgan and Sir Jovett Chandos

...Giell, Kenneth, Madonna, Adelicia, Tambert II, Fane, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.
...Geill, Kenneth, Madonna, Arnall, Roger, Nerina, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.

++1,++1 Alys Lithgow, Lady
      Daughter of Lady Geill Morgan and Sir Walter Lithgow

...Alazais, Kenneth, Madonna, Adelicia, Tambert II, Fane, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.
...Alazais, Kenneth, Madonna, Arnall, Roger, Nerina, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.

++1,++1  Marin Alyce Farquahar, Lady
      Daughter of Alazais(Zaizie) Morgan and Sir Llion Farquahar
...Alaric, Kenneth, Madonna, Adelicia, Tambert II, Fane, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.
...Alaric, Kenneth, Madonna, Arnall, Roger, Nerina, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.
...Richenda, Michendra, Ysabeau, Ebles, Yves, Rathnait, King Urien, Swynbeth, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.

++1,++1,++1 Briony Bronwyn Morgan,Countess, Deryni
      Born: January 31, 1123
      Daughter of Alaric Morgan and Richenda

++1,++1,++1 Kelric Alain Morgan,
Earl of Lendour Hereditary Duke of Corwyn, Deryni
      Born: May 3, 1125
      Son of Alaric Morgan and Richenda

++1,++1,++1 Grania Marie Araxelle Morgan, Countess ( or Countess Sophonisba Alyca Richenda), Deryni
      Born: April 12, 1129
      Daughter of Alaric Morgan and Richenda

...?Winslow, Claara, Madonna, Andrew, Adelicia, Tambert II, Fane, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.

...?Winslow, Claara, Madonna, Andrew, Arnall, Roger, Nerina, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.

++1,++1 Kian Fraser, Lady

      Daughter of ? Winslow  and Sir Pazon Fraser, a knight  in service to the Earl of Rhendall
      Grand niece of Sir Kenneth Morgan
      Sister of Clarice Fraser,

++1,++1 Clarice Fraser, Lady

      Daughter of Lady ? Winslow and Sir Pazon Fraser, a knight  in service to the Earl of Rhendall
      Grand niece of Sir Kenneth Morgan
    Sister Kian Fraser

...Duncan, Jared, Andrew, Adelicia, Tambert II, Fane, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.
...Duncan, Jared, Andrew, Arnall, Roger ,Nerina, Tiphane, Rhysel, Evaine, Camber.

++1,++1 Dhugal Ardry MacArdry McLain, Chief of Clan MacArdry, Duke of Cassan, Earl of Transha and Kierney, Lord Lieutenant of Meara, Deryni Healer,  Sir, Half-Deryni
      Born: January 3, 1108 -+
      Only son of Duncan McLain and Maryse Lady MacArdry, daughter of Caulay MacArdry Earl of Transha.
      Raised by his grandmother as twin to her newborn daughter, and as sister to Maryse who had died after childbirth. Raised as Earl Caulay's son and heir. Until the truth of his parentage was learned at age16 by his true father, Duncan McLain.
      He was a foster and blood brother to Kelson, King of Gwynedd.
      At eighteen, he discovered he inherited his father's Healing gifts.
      (See Chart 7 for fanfiction by Evie)

May your horses have wings and fly!


Too long for a single post, Laurna?  ;)

In all seriousness, this is an awesome chart series you're doing!
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)


Yes I finally hit the maximum thread length. LOL
Posting takes the longest because I have to go through each line to get the spacing right and the bold parts highlighted.
I had fun with this chart. I found some things I did not expect to find.
May your horses have wings and fly!


From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggity beasties and things that go bump in the night...good Lord deliver us!

 -- Old English Litany


Impressive job, Laurna! :)   

One minor correction under Duncan's bio. He's elected Auxiliary Bishop of Rhemuth rather than Archbishop.  Although maybe someday in the future, once Archbishop Cardiel either dies or gets transferred to Valoret....   ;)
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


Fixed! ;) Though I am certain in time he will be Archbishop of all Gwynedd.  He just needs a few more years on his shoulders.
Anyone find any errors, or even something you question, I will check it and fix it. Thank you.

One of the revelations I had was when I realized Lord Andrew McLain was the youngest of the Adelicia and Arnall's children. I kept wanting to have him as the oldest which kept me wondering why it was that Adelicia had no children between her marriage in 1022 and Andrew's birth in 1034. It dawned on me only this last week that Kenneth was born in 1046 and his mother, Madonna had to be born several years before her brother, Andrew. And Madonna was a second daughter. Suddenly it all fit. Which meant I had to completely rearrange the chart, that was interesting trying to make it all look readable. I realize this makes little deference to the scheme of things. But it was just one of those things that surprised me.
May your horses have wings and fly!


You need an appropriate title to match your expertise.. I looked up King of Arms but doesn't seem quite right as it's more about heraldry, though I'm sure you'd be cool at that too.

What has mostly struck me is that Duncan and Alaric are descended from Camber through their human side and hence I if I've grasped this properly then potentially their healing powers have come down the same route. It makes me wonder once it's safe to be Deryni how many latent powers might surface. Ironically it could be that the persecutions have the long-term effect of spreading the Deryni gene through a wider cross-section of the human population
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
(Psalm 46 v1)


From the very first time I read the books, I have always felt the KK intended for the Healing gifts of Alaric and Duncan to have been inherited from Rhys Thuryn through their human family lines, and that it was the Deryni sisters Alyce and Vera that gave them the powers to turn 'on' that healing gift. The trouble is there was really no facts anywhere to go by, at least not in the books. Only a hint of suggestions. When the Codex came out, I remember searching all the key names for hints, but the facts weren't there. I didn't realize it until just a few months ago that Robert Reginald purposely hid the facts in very obscure places within the Codex. I consider that to be very cruel of him. I also think that the Codex One and the Codex Two have very different information. I have never seen Codex One, but I understand that is where the genealogy charts on mindspring.com came from. Those charts do not lead from Rhys to Alaric. (ie that is why I wrote my fan-fiction; I had this 'small' obsession that Alaric was descended from Rhys (my two favorite men) and I had to make that connection happen.) Robert Reginald must have changed Codex Two in-order to properly accommodate the linage. I wish, I wish, I wish, I could see KK's genealogy notes.

Oh no Revanne,  ;D no names please!  :o Believe me, I am absolutely clueless when it comes to Heraldry.  :P  This is a bad enough obsession!
May your horses have wings and fly!



From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggity beasties and things that go bump in the night...good Lord deliver us!

 -- Old English Litany


I just made a discovery!
The importance of the this discovery hinges on the biggest question I have had all along. We know Roger McLain is the son of Andrew McLain, but we do not have full proof if Roger McLain the son of Nerina Fitz-Arthur Quinnell or if he is the son of a first wife of Andrew McLain. If Roger is from a first wife than she must have died soon after his birth. As Andrew married Nerina when he was about 19 years old. I personally have always wanted Roger to be the Son of Nerina, as this would put him in the list of Descendents of Camber.

Now, Are you going to ask me what this has to do with my new discovery?   ;D Let me tell you.

In the Codex under Caball MacArdry page 52, I discovered Caball "is the great grandson of Ardal Earl of Transha and Malya Lady McLain youngest daughter of Sir Roger McLain."

***Party time!***

Roger has a new undiscovered daughter Lady Malya McLain!

Malya McLain marries Ardal MacArdry Earl of Transha
Their son is Arthur MacArdry.
Arthur has two known sons, Caulay MacArdry and Autry MacAdry

*** can you see where I am going with this***

One of Caulay's many children is Maryse who marries Duncan McLain (I believe that makes them Third cousins), and they have a son Dhugal.

Also Autry MacArdry has a son Caball MacArdry, who is second in line to the Earl of Transha until Dhugal has his own son.

So if my theory of Roger McLain's mother being Nerina ever is proven to be true, then we can add to our decsendants lists of Camber the MacArdry lines, including Caulay and Maryse.

****I am smiling****
What do you think?

P.S. You can also be pretty sure that our Saint Camber would have been an unnoticed but present witness to Duncan and Maryse's  secrete marriage.
May your horses have wings and fly!


That is super cool, Laurna!  You do so much work on these genealogical charts and combing through Codex and all this stuff to discover and organize all this info!

Much appreciated!  You rock!  :D
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)


"And as they tread the ruined Isle,
Where rest, at length,
the lord and slave,
They'll wondering ask, how hands so vile,
Could conquer hearts so brave?"
Thomas Moore



Quote from: Laurna on March 31, 2015, 03:09:22 AM
One of the revelations I had was when I realized Lord Andrew McLain was the youngest of the Adelicia and Arnall's children. I kept wanting to have him as the oldest which kept me wondering why it was that Adelicia had no children between her marriage in 1022 and Andrew's birth in 1034. It dawned on me only this last week that Kenneth was born in 1046 and his mother, Madonna had to be born several years before her brother, Andrew. And Madonna was a second daughter. Suddenly it all fit. Which meant I had to completely rearrange the chart, that was interesting trying to make it all look readable. I realize this makes little deference to the scheme of things. But it was just one of those things that surprised me.

How fabulous! I had Adelcia and Arnall's marriage 20 Feb 1034 (source from the original Codex). The 20 Feb *1022* marriage (from Codex II) makes much more sense! As, of course, does your conjecture that Andrew has OLDER sisters, not YOUNGER sisters!


