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Hardback Codex...

Started by dlow, November 25, 2007, 07:20:44 PM

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   I've seen the hardback Codex listed at "crazy" prices online.  Although noting that no one's buying at those levels, I wanted to ask if they were sensible figures :-)  If they are, it's probably time to find someone who wants mine!


          David (long-time lurker, first-time poster, who couldn't justify keeping a multi-$100 book on the shelf).


Amazon.com has 3 hardback copies by various sellers for around $1000.  They are selling the paperback version for $10.  Unreal.
We will never forget the events of 9-11!!  USA!! USA!!


While back there was a copy on sale on ebay and unfortuanately (or maybe fortunately) there were a couple of bidders who really wanted the book and obviously had the resources to buy it so the price got guite high $2K range as I recall.  Another copy went for a similar price and the high price stuck. But it is because of such demand that KK was able to convince a publisher to bring it out as a trade paperback.

is the original worth $2,000 only you can answer that for yourself.


(Reposting this from alt.books.deryni which sadly and unfortunately seems to have been taken over by spammers.)

QuoteHello all,

I haven't poked my head in here since 2000 or so, when I first learned of (and purchased) my copy of the original Codex.  I imagine that most everyone on this list already has one of his/her own, but if you don't possess a copy, I thought to let folks here know that we are selling mine.

I am selling the book through my wife's eBay account. The box has some wear and tear but the book itself is in excellent condition. I've listed it at a price that is below the 2 or 3 other copies available on Amazon Marketplace right now.  I've enjoyed the Deryni books since I first met Kelson in the mid-80s, and I somewhat regret giving the book up, but I'm not a collector and would be perfectly content with the softcover, mass-market version.

You can find the link here if interested:


If you have any questions, please email me at rich.wood@sbcglobal.net

Thanks and God bless.

A couple other notes-- if you search on alt.books.deryni, you can find my original posts inquiring about the Codex dated 1997-98 or so, so my ownership of the book since that time can be verified. I agree that $2-3k was a ridiculous price and I won't ask for nearly that much. We are trying to meet the going rate-- Amazon marketplace is asking between $800 and $1000 for the various copies there, I think-- but I also want to make sure this goes to a fan and not a speculator.

Translation: If you want a signed, numbered copy of the Codex, I'm open to negotiation. :)
