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Descendants of Camber MacRorie- Deryni Genealogies Master Post

Started by DesertRose, March 23, 2015, 04:06:07 PM

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Descendants of Camber MacRorie, Earl of Culdi

Nearly all information given here has been summarized from the 'Codex Derynianus' by Katherine Kurtz and Robert Reginald. Some information is from my reading of the novels of the Deryni Series and I have added a little of my own 'Best Guess' from what I know of this world. In those places I state "best guess'.
Enjoy. Laurna 3/22/2015

Chart 1- House of MacRorie, MacAthan, and Drummond
Chart 1:  http://www.rhemuthcastle.com/index.php/topic,1439.0.html

Chart 2- House of Thuryn, de Courcy, and Fitz-Arthur Quinnell (generations 1-6)
Chart 2:  http://www.rhemuthcastle.com/index.php/topic,1440.0.html

Chart 3- House Fitz-Arthur Quinnell (generation 4-11), McLain, and Morgan
Chart 3:  http://www.rhemuthcastle.com/index.php/topic,1448.0.html

Chart 4- House of Haldane, Pirek- Haldane, du Roringe
Chart 4:  http://www.rhemuthcastle.com/index.php/topic,1478.0.html

Chart 5- House of MacFaolan, Quinnell-Kincaid, MacArdry-Quinnell, and MacDonald-Quinnell
Chart 5:  http://www.rhemuthcastle.com/index.php/topic,1484.0.html

Chart 6- Descendants of the Daughters of King Urien Haldane: House of Alberic, Mont-Vulcan, and MacEwan (Generations 6-12)

Chart 6:  http://www.rhemuthcastle.com/index.php/topic,1489.0.html

My Ancestor charts for Kelric Morgan and for Javan II Haldane can be found on this topic. 

Chart 7- Original Characters from Deryni Fanfiction who are Descended from the people listed in the charts above.

(Characters here are by permission of the fanfiction author. If you have a character that meets this criteria please PM Laurna or DesertRose and they can be added to this chart. All characters are considered Alternate Universe and they are allowed to overlap other fanfiction author's characters.)
Chart 7:  to be added later

"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)


For several weeks, I have been playing with an ancestry program.  I want to make the descendants charts more clearly readable. Here is my opening chart to test how it posts.

Chart One- Descendants of Camber MacRorie generations 1-4

May your horses have wings and fly!


Quote from: Laurna on August 09, 2017, 04:13:37 AM
For several weeks, I have been playing with an ancestry program.  I want to make the descendants charts more clearly readable. Here is my opening chart to test how it posts.

Chart One- Descendants of Camber MacRorie generations 1-4

In the chart, which I clipped so this message isn't ridiculously long (although the charts themselves are very useful, and I thank you for making them!  I'm just trying not to take up half a page here!), Rhysel Thuryn Ainslie's assumed name is spelled "Lysel," when in canon, it's spelled "Liesel."

I'm not sure it's ever explicitly stated in canon, but I think Ansel MacRorie started using the surname MacAthan (off his father's first name, Cathan) when the MacRorie name became unsafe to use.  It's almost certain that his children used the MacAthan name, even if they may have known (perhaps they were told once reaching adulthood) that they were MacRories by right.

Thank you again for doing all this research and formatting, Laurna!  :D
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)


God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
(Psalm 46 v1)


Hello DR. I exchanged the first image with a cleaned up version. How did you "Clip" it so that it fit into the page?
As in all things, this charting has taken me so much longer than I had original thought it would. As I get the detail on each chart cleaned up, I was thinking of posting them under each thread listed above.  Or do you think I should list them all here on this master post? There will be likely about 15 charts, give or take.
My greatest hope will be to print a Master Chart and mail it to our Beloved KK as a gift.
May your horses have wings and fly!


Quote from: Laurna on August 09, 2017, 01:59:13 PM
Hello DR. I exchanged the first image with a cleaned up version. How did you "Clip" it so that it fit into the page?
As in all things, this charting has taken me so much longer than I had original thought it would. As I get the detail on each chart cleaned up, I was thinking of posting them under each thread listed above.  Or do you think I should list them all here on this master post? There will be likely about 15 charts, give or take.
My greatest hope will be to print a Master Chart and mail it to our Beloved KK as a gift.

I'm sorry, I used a confusing turn of phrase.  By "clip," I meant that I had edited out the chart entirely, just because the image is so large that I didn't want to take up half the page by including the chart in my reply.

I don't know if there IS a way to resize the charts so they both fit on the page AND are legible (because if you resize the image so that it's small enough to fit without requiring a scroll bar across the horizontal aspect of the chart, the print in the boxes for each person on each chart is going to be so small, people will need a microscope to read it).  There might be a way to put a "clickable" image of each chart in your posts so that the image in the post is small, but if a reader clicks on the image, it expands to a size wherein the writing in each entry is legible, but I'm not sure how to engineer that (or if the forum supports that type of coding, for that matter), and right now I'm sick and probably couldn't call up the right Google search terms for how to do it, not to save my immortal soul.

As to posting the charts as you make them, it might make more sense to post each chart in the same post or thread with the original genealogy/characters it covers, and the charts will still show up when someone comes to the master post and clicks on any given chart.  But it's your work, so it's your call.
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)


Woops! DR, now I understand what you meant. LOL. Please be well, my-lady.   I played with the above in the original program and made it fit better on this page. I am using Roots Magic for the listings and then I put that info in Charting Companion to make the final charts.
I'll ask Bwyn if there is a way to add a thumbnail to the other lists. or I will start up a new thread to put them all up together. But I am not quiet ready for that yet.
May your horses have wings and fly!


Amazing work, Laurna! 

Perhaps the Camberian Council (on a good day) would be inclined to bestow the position of "Deryni Genealogist" or other suitable accolade for your dedicated work.

But if they won't, I'd be willing to.   ;D
From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggity beasties and things that go bump in the night...good Lord deliver us!

 -- Old English Litany


HaHa! "On a Good Day" Love it, Jerusha!
"On a Bad Day" the Camberian Council might call me the divulger of family secrets. They might not want the mystery of Who is Who so out in the open.   ;)
This all started several weeks back when one of the chat ladies said she could not fallow the hand-done charts on the website. That made me want to find a way to do it better.
May your horses have wings and fly!


I just discovered something. If I start the charts with Ballard MacRorie, Camber's father. I then can include Camber's sister Aislinn MacRorie who married Iain MacLean. This then puts all the MacLeans into the Descendants chart, Including all the McLains after  Charles MacLean (Who was full Deryni by the way) changed his last name to McLain. This makes my wonder just at what point the McLains lost their Deryni heritage. Was Charles one of the people Blocked by the Healers? There are seven generations between Charles MacLean (McLain) and Duncan McLain. Did they never really lose their family history? Was their Deryni history in the family stories or was it discarded with time?

P.S. Charles McLain was the Laird of Leanshire from 904 - 960 and was not part of the atrocities that happened at Trurill to his cousins, the MacLean family.
May your horses have wings and fly!


Quote from: Laurna on August 10, 2017, 01:13:54 PM
I just discovered something. If I start the charts with Ballard MacRorie, Camber's father. I then can include Camber's sister Aislinn MacRorie who married Iain MacLean. This then puts all the MacLeans into the Descendants chart, Including all the McLains after  Charles MacLean (Who was full Deryni by the way) changed his last name to McLain. This makes my wonder just at what point the McLains lost their Deryni heritage. Was Charles one of the people Blocked by the Healers? There are seven generations between Charles MacLean (McLain) and Duncan McLain. Did they never really lose their family history? Was their Deryni history in the family stories or was it discarded with time?

P.S. Charles McLain was the Laird of Leanshire from 904 - 960 and was not part of the atrocities that happened at Trurill to his cousins, the MacLean family.

I think it's entirely possible, given that Charles MacLean/McLain and his family, being cousin(s) to Joram, Evaine, Evaine's and Rhys' children, and Ansel (him being Cathan's only surviving child), could very well have been early "members" of Revan's baptizer cult and could easily have been Blocked for their own safety, with perhaps Charles himself (assuming he was married and/or had children) being the only one to be left unBlocked so he'd know why the spelling/name change was necessary.

And KK said, I think in Deryni Magic, that it is entirely possible and even probable that there are a lot of people who have Deryni heritage and just don't know (or are at least not sure or unable to verify it), because of both the baptizer cult and the centuries of anti-Deryni persecution making it an element of one's ancestry best not known about or at least not advertised.

Hence a fair few Deryni moving to the Borders area, where their abilities could be pawned off as the long-known "Second Sight," which is likely why the McLains, post-spelling-change, wound up where they did, in Kierney and Cassan.

Just my thoughts.  :)

Edited to undo a formatting snafu.  Oops.
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)


I have Updated each of the visual descendant charts in each section with a PDF formatted attachment. Now the charts can be viewed on smaller screens and will hopefully be easier to follow the family trees than they were before.
Thank you
May your horses have wings and fly!
