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War of Three Kings - Contents & Appendices

Started by drakensis, November 25, 2014, 05:16:56 AM

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Prologue - Then they brought out the king's son, and put upon him the crown and gave him the testimony, and made him king. And Jehoiada and his sons anointed him, and said, God save the king.
Chapter One - Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.
Chapter Two - And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet.
Chapter Three - And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Chapter Four - Jonathon smote the garrison of the Philistines that was in Geba, and the Philistines heard of it. Then Saul blew the trumpet throughout the land, saying, "Let the Hebrews hear."
Chapter Five - Be sure of this, that if the head of the house had known at what time of the night the thief was coming, he would have been on the alert and would not have allowed his house to be broken into.
Chapter Six - Be broken, O peoples, and be shattered; And give ear, all remote places of the earth. Gird yourselves , yet be shattered; Gird yourselves , yet be shattered.
Chapter Seven - But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the Earth
Chapter Eight - Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction.
Chapter Nine - The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
Chapter Ten - And he said, Hearken ye, all Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and thou king Jehoshapat, Thus saith the Lord unto you, Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God's.
Chapter Eleven - We must work the works of Him who sent Me as long as it is day; night is coming when no one can work.
Chapter Twelve - Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
Chapter Thirteen - For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual weakness in high places.
Chapter Fourteen - O LORD God, to whom vengeance belongeth; O God, to whom vengeance belongeth, shew thyself.
Chapter Fifteen - Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.
Chapter Sixteen - Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
Chapter Seventeen - For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched without the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.
Epilogue - Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.



(* denotes characters entirely original to this fanfic, details regarding other characters may be original to this fanfic)

ABRAAM, Father - Patriarch of Beldour, Primate of All Torenth
ADELICIA FitzArthur-Quinnell - daughter of Tambert, wife of Arnall McLain
ADOLPHUS Furstán-Festil, Prince - titular Duke of Eastmarch, son of Imre III, younger brother of Marek II
AIDAN OWAIN JASHAN Haldane, Prince - deceased fourth son of Urien, Duke of Valoret
ALBINA Haldane, Princess - younger daughter of Cinhil
ALLEN FitzOsberne, Sir - general in the Gwynedd Royal Army, cousin of Osberne
ALROY Haldane, Prince - deceased third son of Urien, Duke of Travlum
ALROY BEARNAND BRIONHaldane - deceased King of Gwynedd, first son of Cinhil
ANDRUIN Furstán, Prince - son of Kyprian, brother of Arkady, Nikola, Zimri and Kirill
ANNALIND AFRECA MALISE Quinnell, Princess - daughter of Jolyon and Urracca, betrothed of Adolphus, twin sister of Roisian and elder sister of Magrette
ANSCOM Drummond, Father - Priest of the Bremagne Church, member of the Camberian Council, son of Corwin *
ARDAL MacArdry, Sir - Tanist of the MacArdrys
ARIELLA I FESTILA NIMURA Furstán-Festil, Princess – sister of Imre I, mother of Marek I by her brother
ARIELLA II ATHÉNODÓRA AMARANDA Furstán-Festil, Princess – sister of Imre III
ARIEN ESMERALDA CAROLA Furstán, Princess - sister of Karoly and Kyprian, Dowager-Duchess of Arjenol, mother of Torval
ARION de Corwyn, Duke – deceased Duke of Corwyn, father of Jernian
ARION MÁTYÁS IMRE Furstán, King – deceased King of Torenth, grandfather of Malachy
ARKADY ÁRPÁD ALOYS ANDRÉ Furstán, Prince - eldest son of Kyprian, general in the Torenthi army, brother of Nikola, Zimri, Kirill and Andruin
ARNALL McLain, Sir - younger son of Roger McLain and Glorian MacInnis
ÁRPÁD, Sir – Arkady's aide
ARRAN MacEwan, Baron - Baron of Marlor
AUGARIN ALEXANDER Haldane, King – deceased first King of Gwynedd, 'Father of Gwynedd'

BANAN Coris, Sir - twin brother of Becan
BECAN Coris, Earl - Earl of Marley, twin brother of Banan
BETHRA Haldane, Queen - second daughter of Urien, married to Théofrid III King of Bremagne
BETHWYN O'Sullivan, Lady - member of the Camberian Council *
BLAINE GODOMAR RADISLAOUS Furstán-Festil, King – deceased King of Gwynedd, former Archbishop of Rhemuth, father of Imre I and Ariella I
BLAINE Makrory, Sir - knight in the service of the Count of Kulnán, cousin of Donan and of Donal *
BRAHAM de Traherne, Earl - Earl of Rhendall, father of Gillis
BREIDA Haldane, Queen - third daughter of Urien, married to Tancrede King of Fallon
BRESAL MacFaolan, King – King of Howicce
BRIAND of Ratharkin, Bishop - Bishop of Meara
BRION de Traherne, Sir – brother of Braham

CADELL Gruffud, King – deceased King of Llannedd, elder brother of Llary
CAMBER KYRIELL MacRorie, Saint – deceased Earl of Culdi, mastermind of the Haldane Restoration, father of Joram, canonised following his death as Defender of Humanity, Kingmaker and patron of responsible use of magic, Sainthood rescinded by Council of Ramos twelve years later
CAMILLE Vaudemont, Lady - coadjutor of the Camberian Council *
CATHAN CINHIL Drummond, Sir – brother of Michaela Drummond, father of Corwin, married a grand-daughter of Camber
CINHIL AYMERIC NYGEL Haldane, Prince - first son of Urien, General of the Gwynedd Royal Army, father of Rhetice and Albina
CINHIL DONAL IFOR Haldane - deceased King of Gwynnedd, The Restorer, father of Alroy, Javan and Rhys
CLUIM Haldane - deceased second son of Urien
CLUIM MICHAEL REGINAUD Haldane - deceased King of Gwynedd, third son of Uthyr, father of Urien and Jashan
CORWIN Drummond, Sir - Knight in the service of the Haldanes, son of Cathan Drummond, father of Anscom Drummond *
CUSTUS Howell, Sir - son of Ivaar

DANIEL, Master – armourer at Rhemuth *
DONAL MacAthan, Sir - knight in the service of the Earl of Carthane, member of the Camberian Council *
DONAN Makrory, Count - Count of Kulnán, cousin of Maurin
DRUMMOND MacEwan, Sir - son of Arran

EBOR MacGregor, Count - Master of Trevalga in the Connait, member of the Camberian Council
EUAN de Cynfyn, Earl - Earl of Lendour, cousin of Walther

FAUSTIN MacArt, Father - itinerant Bishop
FESTIL (IV) Furstán-Festil, Prince - son of Marek II, elder brother of Marek junior
FULBERT FitzArthur, Lord – Constable of Rhemuth *
FURSTÁN Torenthály, King – 'Deathless', deceased first King of Torenth
FYÖDOR – squire to Marek junior *

GEOFFREY MacEwan, Earl - titular Earl of Kheldour, son of Ewan, elder brother of Keene
GERALD de Morgan, Bishop – auxiliary Bishop of Valoret
GILLIS Gillespie, Baron - Baron of Danoc, general in the Gwynedd Royal Army
GILLIS de Traherne, Sir - son of Braham
GLORIAN MacInnis - daughter of Richard MacInnis, wife of Roger McLain
GODWYN Pirek-Haldane, Earl - younger son of Michael Pirek-Haldane, Earl of Carthane
GRAHAM – sergeant in the service of the Duke of Claibourne

IMRE (I) ISTVÁN INGWAR Furstán-Festil, King – deceased last Festillic King of Gwynedd, father of Marek I by his sister
IMRE (II) NIMUR TAMÁS Furstán-Festil, Duke – deceased Duke of Tolan and titular King of Gwynedd, grandfather of Imre III
IMRE (III) FESTIL NIMUR Furstán-Festil, Duke - Duke of Tolan, grandson of Imre II, husband of Torvalla, father of Marek and Adolphus, general in the Torenthi Army
IMRIELLA ELIZABETH Furstán-Festil, Princess – sister of Imre III
ITHEL, Father – royal confessor to the Jolyon and his family *
IVAAR Howell, Earl - Earl of Eastmarch, father of Custus, brother of Kennet

JAMES Ramsay, Sir - brother of Lere
JARON Haldane, Prince - seventh son of Urien, squire
JARONI Al-Muttalib, Queen - R'Kassi princess, wife of Urien, mother of Cinhil, Malcolm and Jaron
JASHAN NYGEL IFOR EADWIG Haldane, Father - Earl of Culdi, Duke of Carthmoor, Bishop of Grecotha, brother of Urien
JASHER OWAIN CINHIL Haldane - deceased King of Gwynedd, second son of Uthyr, killed in battle with Torenthi
JAVAN JASHAN URIEN Haldane - deceased King of Gwynedd, second son of Cinhil
JERNIAN de Corwyn, Duke - Duke of Corwyn, father of Stiofan
JEROME – one of Urien's squires *
JOEL Quinnell, Prince – deceased Prince of Meara, father of Jolyon
JOHN of Benevent, Father - Archbishop of Valoret, Primate of All Gwynedd
JOLYON JUSTINIAN JEDEDIAH Quinnell, Prince - Prince of Meara, husband of Ysyllt and Urracca, father of Roisian, Annalind and Magrette
JORAM ANGUS MacRorie, Father Sir – son of Camber, Michaelline priest
JUDICAEL, Father - former Baron in Bremagne, Knight of the Anvil, coadjutor of the Camberian Council *

KAMIEN Furstán-Marluk, Duke - Duke of Marluk, captain in the Torenthi army
KAROLY Furstán, King – deceased King of Torenth, son of Malachy, elder brother of Kyprian and Arien
KEENE MacEwan, Sir - general in the Gwynedd Royal Army, son of Ewan, younger brother of Geoffrey
KENNET Howell, Sir - brother of Ivaar, uncle of Custus
KIRILL Fustan, Prince - son of Kyprian, brother of Arkady, Nikola, Zimri and Andruin
KYPRIAN KÖNYVES KÁSPÁR KIRILL Furstán, King - King of Torenth, son of Malacy, younger brother of Karoly and Arien, father of Arkady, Nikola, Zimri, Kirill and Andruin

LEONTIUS Quadratius, Father - Prince-Bishop of Dhassa
LERE Ramsay, Earl - Earl of Cloome, captain of the Mearan army, brother of James
LIPOLD Furstán-Fathane, Count – deceased Count of Fathane, son of Mihaly
LLARY Gruffud, King – King of Llannedd, younger brother of Cadell
LLEWELL,Sir – knight in the service of the Duke of Cassan *
LLUDD, Lord – Llannedd ambassador to King Urien *
LOREN Kincaid, Earl - Earl of Kildaren, captain of the Mearan army, father of Rhyrid

MAEL MacArdry, Earl - Earl of Transha and Chief of the MacArdrys
MAGRETTE Quinnell, Princess - youngest daughter of Jolyon and Urracca
MALACHY MIKLÓS MÁTYÁS Furstán, King – deceased King of Torenth, grandson of Arion, father of Karoly and Kyprian
MALCOLM CONGAL AIDAN JULIAN Haldane, Prince - sixth son of Urien, Duke of Rhemuth, student at the Arx Fidei Seminary
MARCUS des Varreaux, Father - Archbishop of Rhemuth
MAREK (I) IMRE USBERT Furstán-Festil, Duke – titular King of Gwynedd, son of Ariella, nephew and son of Imre I, father of Imre II
MAREK (II) MALACHY MOYSLAV Furstán-Festil, King - titular King of Gwynedd, son of Imre, elder brother of Adolphus, father of Festil and Marek junior
MAREK (III) Furstán-Festil, Prince - (also known as Marek junior), son of Marek II, younger son of Festil
MAURICE Genlis, Sir - younger brother of Zion *
MAX-ECHEHARDT Haberlingen, Count - Count of Lorsöl, captain in the Torenthi army
MEAR Mac Quinnell, Prince – deceased first Prince of Meara
MELLISH O'Flynn, Sir - uncle of Tamlynn
MICHAELA JOCELYNE Drummond, Lady – deceased Deryni wife of Rhys Haldane, mother of Owain and Uthyr
MICOLE of Dhassa - deceased wife of Cinhil, mother of Rhetice and Albina
MIHALY Furstán-Fathane, Count – deceased Count of Fathane, father of Lipold
MOIRI, Sir – knight in the service of the Count of Kulnán *

NIKOLA NIMUR KASSIAN NÉSTOR NÁNDOR Furstán, Prince - Duke of Arkadia, general of the Torenthi army, son of Kyprian, brother of Arkady, Zimri, Kirill and Andruin
NYGEL RHYS OWAIN Haldane, King - deceased king of Gwynedd, first son of Uthyr, killed in battle with Torenthi

OSBERNE FitzOsberne, Count - Count of Lindestark, cousin of Allen
OSSIAN Haldane, Prince - deceased fifth son of Urien, Duke of Travlum
OTAKAR Furstán-Medras, Count - Count of Medras, cousin of Zygmunt
OWAIN JAVAN CINHIL Haldane, King - deceased King of Gwynedd, elder son of Rhys
OWAIN Pirek-Haldane, Duke - elder son of Michael Pirek-Haldane, Duke of Pirek *

PIRAN ap Coran, Sir - knight in the service of the Earl of Carthane

RAITHNAIT Haldane, Princess - fourth daughter of Urien, married to Onan Prince of Jaca
RHETICE ROXANA PÆTINA AIDANA Haldane, Princess - elder daughter of Cinhil
RHIRYD Kincaid, Sir - son of Loren
RHYS MICHAEL ALISTER Haldane - deceased King of Gwynedd, third son of Cinhil, father of Owain and Uthyr
RICHARD MacInnis, Earl - elderly Earl of Kierney
ROGER McLain, Sir - husband of Glorian MacInnis
ROISIAN MOIRA FAUCONA Quinnell, Princess - daughter of Jolyon and Urracca, heiress to Meara, betrothed to Nikola, twin sister of Annalind and elder sister to Magrette
RURIK – guard in the service of the Count of Kulnán *

SALENTINA Furstán-Festil, Princess - daughter of Marek II, half-sister of Festil and Marek junior
SEAN-SEAMUS MacArdry – border scout *
SIGHERE of Eastmarch, Duke – deceased first Duke of Claibourne, last independent Earl of Eastmarch
STIOFAN ANTHONY de Corwyn, Lord - son of Jernian, father of Airlie
STUART, Lord – Constable of Laas *
SUIBHNE Haldane, Princess - first daughter of Urien, married to Turlough Lord Stainleigh
SULEIMAN – leader of Arkady's Moorish cavalry *

TAMBERT FitzArthur-Quinnell, Duke - Duke of Cassan, High Chancellor of Gwynedd
TAMLYNN O'FLYNN, Earl - Earl of Derry
TANCREDE Alberic, King – King of Fallon, husband of Breida Haldane
TAIRCHELL McLain, Sir - elder son of Roger McLain and Glorian MacInnis
THÉOFRID Faucon, King - King of Bremagne, husband of Bethra, uncle of Urracca
THEOPHILIUS Genlis, Sir - royal knight, cousin of Zion and Maurice
TIMOTHEOS, Father – patriarch of Ortenbourg
TIPHANE Ainslie, Lady – grandmother of Tambert
TORVAL Furstán-Arjenol, Duke - Duke of Arjenol, son of Arien, nephew of Torval
TORVAL Furstán-Sostra, Count - Count of Sostra, uncle of Torval
TORVALLA Furstán, Princess – sister of Kyprian, wife of Imre, mother of Marek II and Adolphus
TRESHAM MacEwan, Duke - Duke of Claibourne, father of Geoffrey and Keene

URIEN OWAIN RHYS MICHAEL Haldane - King of Gwynedd, father of Cinhil, Malcolm and Jaron
URRACCA Faucon, Princess – (also known as Urracce-Ursine-Haÿte de Besançon Quinnell) niece of Théofrid, second wife of Jolyon, mother of Roisian, Annalind and Magrette
UTHYR MICHAEL RICHARD Haldane - deceased King of Gwynedd, second son of Rhys, father of Nygel, Jasher and Cluim

VASCO de Varian, Sir - Cinhil's aide and companion
VESPIAN d'Aphienne, Father - intinerant Bishop

WALTHER de Cynfyn, Sir - Knight and cousin of the Earl of Lendour, member of the Camberian Council

YGOR Furstán-Jandrich, Duke - Duke of Jandrich, captain in the Torenthi army
YSYLLT Haldane, Princess – daughter of Cluim, sister of Urien, first wife of Jolyon

ZIMRI ZSIGMOND ZACHARIAS Furstán, Prince - Duke of Truvorsk, son of Kyprian, brother of Arkady, Nikola, Kirill or Andruin
ZION Genlis, Earl - Earl of Carcashale, elder brother of Maurice
ZYGMUNT Furstán-Medras, Lord - cousin of Otakar


ALL SAINTS - cathedral in Valoret, traditional resting place of the Festillic Kings of Gwynedd
ARGOED – site of King Nygel Haldane's death in 983
ARJENOL - duchy in eastern Torenth. Once a sovereign principality, Arjenol is ruled by the senior branch of the House of Furstán-Arjenol
ARKADIA - duchy in central Gwynedd. Arkadia is ruled by House Furstán
ARX FIDEI - abbey and seminary near Valoret, motherhouse of the Ordo Custodeum Fidei
ATALANTIC OCEAN - trackless ocean west of the Eleven Kingdoms. It remains unknown what, if anything, lies west of it.
AVARGOROD - capital city of the northmen of Avarsland, sacked by King Kyprian of Torenth in 1023

BALLYMAR - port and cathedral city in northern Cassan
BELDOUR - ancient capital city of Torenth, located at the confluence of the Argent and Beldour rivers.
BELDOUR RIVER - one of the principal rivers of Torenth's fertile crescent, flowing eastwards from the Rheljan mountains until the confluence with the Brust River, then southwards until the confluence with the the Argent River and then westwards into the Southern Sea.
BREMAGNE - kingdom extending from the Southern Sea to the north to Anvil of the Lord to the south, from the Atalantic Ocean to the west to the Laval River to the east. Bremagne is ruled by the House of Faucon
BYZANTYUN - ancient empire of the far south east. Once ruling much of Gwynedd, Torenth and other lands along the Southern Sea they are now much reduced. Byzantyun is ruled by the House of Ioulios

CAERRORIE - barony in the Lendour highlands near Valoret. Once a secondary title of the MacRorie Earls of Culdi (and some say the burial place of Saint Camber of Culdi), Caerrorie later became part of Carcashale and is ruled by the House of Genlis
CANDOR RHEA - plain north of Rhemuth used for hunting and troop musters
CARBURY - fishing port and cathedral city in the Purple March
CARCASHALE - county in eastern Gwynedd, along the upper Grande River and controlling a pass through the Coamer mountains. Carcashale is ruled by the House of Genlis
CARDOSA - fortress city in the pass that divides the Rheljan and Coamer mountains. Rivers from the city flow west into the Grande River in Gwynedd and the Beldour River in Torenth. Currently Cardosa is under Torenthi rule
CARTHANE - county in southern Gwynedd between the River Eiran to the west and River Carthane to the east. Carthane is ruled by the junior branch of the House of Pirek-Haldane
CARTHMOOR - duchy in southern Gwynedd between the Lendour River and the Southern Sea. Once an indepdent duchy and before that part of Mooryn, Culdi is ruled by House Haldane
CASSAN - northwestern duchy of Gwynedd comprising a penninsula between the Atalantic Ocean tom the west and the Gulf of Kheldour to the east. Once an sovereign principality and before that part of Meara, Cassan is ruled by the House of FitzArthur-Quinnell
CLAIBOURNE - northern duchy of Gwynedd between the Gulf of Kheldour to the west and the Northern Sea to the east. Also the city from which the duchy takes its name. Once much of the sovereign principality of Kheldour, Claibourne is ruled by the House of MacEwan
CLEYDE RIVER - tributary river to the Eirian River in northern Gwynedd
CLOOME - county in south-western Meara. Ruled by the House of Ramsay
CLOOME MOUNTAINS - the mountains stretching south from the Culdi highlands into northern Howicce and Llannedd, dividing Gwynedd from the sovereignties along the Atalantic coast
COAMER MOUNTAINS - the southern half of the mountain range dividing Torenth from Gwynedd
COLDOIRE PASS - principal pass through the northern Rheljan mountains
CONCARDINE, Free Port of - port city in southern Gwynedd, on the Eiran estuary, traditionally not subject to taxation by the Kings of Gwynedd
CONNAIT, The - federation of sovereign lords stretching from the Atalantic Ocean in the west to the Cloome mountains in the east, from Meara in the north to Howicce in the south. The Connait are notorious as a source of mercenaries.
COR CULDI - fortress of the Earls of Culdi, located near the city of Culdi
COROTH - ancient port city and capital of Corwyn, once the capital city of Mooryn
CORWYN - southeastern duchy of Gwynedd, on the shore of the Southern Sea, bordering Torenth along the Western River. Once an indepdent duchy and before that part of Mooryn, Corwyn is ruled by the Deryni House of Corwyn
CULDI - highland county in northwestern Gwynedd, bordering on Meara, also a walled city within the county. Previously ruled by the Deryni House of MacRorie (most famously by Saint Camber of Culdi, the seventh Earl), Culdi is ruled by the House of Haldane
CULLIECAIRN - fortress town in Eastmarch at the eastern end of the Coldoire Pass

DANOC - barony in southeastern Gwynedd, on the north bank of the Llanarfon River. Danoc is ruled by the House of Gillespie
DERRY - county in eastern Gwynedd between the Grande River to the west and the Coamer Mountains to the east. Derry is ruled by the House of O'Flynn
DESSE - port city in southwestern Gwynedd, located at the confluence of the Rivers Eiran and Molling. As the Eiran is unnavigable for sea-going vessels north of Desse, the city acts as principal port for the city of Rhemuth to its north.
DHASSA - cathedral city in the Lendour highlands. Once an independent principality, Dhassa is ruled by its Bishop
DRUMLITHE - minor port in  Kierney
DUNADALL - pass through the Coamer Mountains near Rengarth

EASTMARCH - county in northeastern Gwynedd, stretching between the Plain of Iomaire to the west and the Rheljan mountains to the east. Once an independent county, Eastmarch is ruled by the House of Howell.
EIRAN, River - one of the principal rivers of Gwynedd, flowing west from the Lendour highlands until the confluence with the Cleyde River and then south through a lengthy estuary into the Southern Sea

FALLING WATER - tributary river of the Eirian River in northern Gwynedd, flowing southwards along the Plain of Iomaire to the edge of the Lendour Highlands and then southwest to join the Eiran near Valoret
FALLON - kingdom on the southern shore of the Southern sea, west of the Laval River. Fallon is ruled by the House of Alberic
FATHANE - county in southwestern Torenth between the Western and Beldour Rivers. Fathane is ruled by a minor branch of the House of Furstán-Festil.
FIANNA - sovereign county on the southern shore of the Southern Sea, renowned for its wines. Fianna is ruled by the House of Auxerre

GRANDE RIVER - one of the principal rivers of Gwynedd flowing south from Cardosa between the Coamer mountains and the Lendour highlands, entering the Southern Sea near Coroth
GRECOTHA - university and cathedral city in northern Gwynedd
GWYNEDD - mighty kingdom extending from the Atalantic Ocean in the north to the Southern Sea in the south, the Cloome mountains in the west to the Rheljan mountains in the east. Ruled by the House of Haldane save for the Festillic Interregum of the 9th-century

HAGIA IOB - cathedral located at Torenthaly, traditional burial place of the Furstán Kings
HOWICCE - kingdom extending from the Connait in the north to the Southern Sea in the south, the Atalantic Ocean in the west to the River Llinmari in the east. Howicce is ruled by House MacFaolan

IOMAIRE - a rolling plain in northeastern Gwynedd between the Rheljan mountains in the east, the Rhendall mountains in the north and the Lendour highlands to the south.

JACA - sovereign principality south of Fallon and north of the Anvil of the Lord. Jaca is ruled by the House of Mont-Volcan
JANDRICH - duchy in northeastern Torenth. One a sovereign principality, Jandrich is now ruled by a junior branch of House Furstán

KHELDOUR - county in northeastern Gwynedd, once the name of a sovereign principality encompassing the surrounding lands, Kheldour is a subsidary possession of the House of MacEwan, traditionally reserved for the heir to the Duchy of Claibourne
KHELDOUR, Gulf of - inlet of the Atalantic Ocean between Cassan and Claibourne, known for its fine fishing
KIERNEY - county in northwestern Gwynedd, bordering on Meara. Kierney is ruled by the House of MacInnis
KILDAREN - county in northern Meara. Ruled by the House of Kincaid
KILSHANE - minor port in Kierney
KULNÁN - county in northwestern Torenth, located between the Beldour and Koldor Rivers. Kulnan is ruled by the Deryni House of Makrory.

LAAS - coastal capital city of Meara, ancestral home of House Quinnell
LENDOUR - a highland county in eastern Gwynedd, Lendour is ruled by the Deryni House of Cynfyn
LLANNEDD - a kingdom extending from the Llanarfon River in the north to the Southern Sea in the south, the River Llinmari in the west to the Eiran estuary in the east. Llannedd is ruled by House Gruffud
LOCHALYN CASTLE - once ancestral castle of the House of MacEwan, the principal castle in Eastmarch is now home to the House of Howell
LORSÖL - a county in southern Torenth. Previously a sovereign county, Lorsol is still ruled by the House of Haberlingen

MAGAS PASS - a minor pass through the Rheljan Mountains
MARBURY - cathedral city and capital of Marley
MARLEY - a county in northeastern Gwynedd, on the shores of the Northern Sea. Once part of the sovereign county of Eastmarch and before that the sovereign county of Northmarch Ley, Marley is ruled by the House of Coris
MARLOR - barony in northern Gwynedd, near the Cleyde River. Marlor is ruled by a junior branch of the House of MacEwan
MARLUK - duchy in southern Torenthi. Marluk is ruled by a junior branch of the House of Furstán
MEARA - sovereign principality extending from the Atalantic Ocean in the west to the Cloome mountains and Culdi highlands in the east, bordered to the north by Cassan and the south by the Connait. Ruled by the House of Quinnell, Meara once included both Cassan and Kierney.
MEDRAS - city and county in western Torenth, near the Dunadall Pass. Medras is ruled by a minor branch of House Furstán
MOLLING RIVER - tributary river to the Eiran River in central Gwynedd, flowing west from the Lendour highlands to enter the Eiran River at Desse
MOORYN - kingdom extending across the northern shore of the Southern Sea, now divided into the duchies of Carthmoor and Corwyn. The House of Furstán-Festil are the most direct heirs of the House of Estavaye that once ruled Mooryn.

NORTHERN SEA - inlet of the Atalantic Ocean between Marley and the Norselands
NYFORD - a port city in southern Gwynedd, on the Eirian estuary near the mouth of the River Lendour, within the county of Carthane.

PARDIAC - sovereign principality within the Connait
PIREK - a duchy in the kingdom of Howicce. Pirek is ruled by the senior branch of the House of Pirek-Haldane
PURPLE MARCH, the - province of northern Gwynedd named for the distinctive heathers of its moors. The Purple March is ruled by the House of Haldane

RAMOS - abbey town in central Gwynedd, west of Valoret. Site of the Council of Ramos, the original source of the clerical and civil laws oppressing Gwynedd's Deryni
RENGARTH - fortress city in eastern Gwynedd, guarding the Dunadall pass through the Coamer mountains
RHELJAN - barony in eastern Gwynedd, located in the Rheljan mountains. Rheljan is ruled by the House of FitzEwan
RHELJAN MOUNTAINS - the northern half of the mountain range dividing Torenth from Gwynedd
RHEMUTH - ancient city on the River Eiran, Rhemuth the Beautiful is capital of Gwynedd under the House of Haldane before and after the Festillic Interregum as well as seat of the kingdom's second archbishopric
RHENDALL - mountainous county in northern Gwynedd. Once part of the sovereign principality of Kheldour, Rhendall is ruled by the House of Traheree
R'KASSI - a desert kingdom south of the Thuria and Khabur rivers, renowned for its horses. R'Kassi is ruled by the Islamic House of Al-Muttalib.
ROSLOW - site of a Torenthi defeat by the northmen of Eistenmark in 1002
RÛM - a distant sovereignty far to the south and east of Torenth

SAINT ASAPH'S - cathedral located within Laas
SAINT CASSIAN'S - abbey near the headwaters of the Falling Water at the western edge of the Plain of Iomaire
SAINT CONSTANTINE'S - cathedral located within Beldour
SAINT GEORGE'S - cathedral located within Rhemuth, traditional burial place of the Haldane Kings
SAINT PIRAN's - priory of the Ordo Verbi Dei located east of the Falling Water
SCHILLING - village on the west bank of the Falling Water, near a broad ford
SIRHOWY – capital city of Howicce, which lies across the mouth of River Llinmari from Llannedd. The Archbishop of SIrhowy is also Primate of Sirhowy and All Howicce and Llannedd and Meara and The Connait.
SOUTHERN SEA - inlet of the Atalantic Ocean seperating Gwynedd from Bremagne, Fallon and various smaller sovereignties
SOSTRA - county in centra Torenth. Sostra is ruled by the junior branch of the House of Furstán-Arjenol
STAVENHAM - port and cathedral city in the Duchy of Claibourne

TARLEYVILLE - estate a short stance up the Eiran River from its confluence with the Cleyde River. A minor holding of the Dukes of Cassan
TIGRE - county in northwest Torenth, north of the Koldor River.
TOLAN - duchy in northwest Torenth, on the shore of the Northen Sea. Ruled by the House of Furstán-Festil
TORENTH - a mighty kingdom extending from the Norselands in the north to the Khabar River in the south, the Rheljan mountains in the west to the Arjenol mountains in the east. Ruled by the Deryni House of Furstán
TORENTHÁLY - manor north of Beldour, ancestral home of House Furstán
TRANSHA - county in northwestern Gwynedd between Kierney and the Purple March. Transha is ruled by the House of MacArdry
TREVALGA - sovereign county within the Connait, near the Cloome Mountains. Trevalga is ruled by the Deryni House of MacGregor
TREVAS - minor port in Corwyn, west of Coroth
TWIN RIVERS - the eastern end of the Southern Sea, the estuary of the Western and Beldour Rivers

VALORET - ancient city and ancestral home of House Haldane, capital of Gwynedd during the Festillic Interregum, located south of the Eiran River, near the confluence with the Falling Water. The Archbishop of Valoret is also the Primate of Valoret and All Gwynedd
VÉZAIRE – sovereign grand duchy on the south shore of the Southern Sea. Vézaire is ruled by the House of Vézan.


"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


Ok drakensis - come clean whoever you are. You must have some Deryni blood. I was just thinking - "oops I'm getting lost here, who was Blaine? I could really do with an appendix/ glossary/ family tree" when behold they are posted! Thank you so much - my appetite is totally whetted now and can't wait for the rest of the story.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
(Psalm 46 v1)


Glad it's helpful. I always planned for the story to have full appendices as per the Deryni novels.


Wow you have been hard at work.
I promise to start reading as soon as I finish TBP. Shouldn't be too long now.
May your horses have wings and fly!



I do love lists and gazeteers and maps and glossaries!


This is great work! I hope you can be enticed back to the site to write more!


I'm still around, writing in other fandoms. I may return to the Eleven Kingdoms some day, when the muse takes me.


Quote from: drakensis on April 20, 2022, 02:02:12 AMI'm still around, writing in other fandoms. I may return to the Eleven Kingdoms some day, when the muse takes me.

I do hope so! I very much enjoy your writing.


Anyone who, logically enough, sees this Table of Contents first: you're in for a treat. This writing has sucked me in like nothing has for years. It's not just battles and magic. There's intricate and rational political intrigue, there are interesting characters, and in military matters, they think about tactics and supply and more.


I was amused when reading the Deryni page on TV Tropes to see:

"Doomed by Canon: Many characters in the Camber-era books, especially since the appendices include death dates for historical characters. This is also why the author has said she doesn't want to write a book covering the events of 1025 - too many characters are listed as dying around this time."

And all I could think was "yes, I noticed!"


I love the twists and turns of this story of historic times. Drakensis made a supurb show of melting the canon in with his tale. And I have no qualms about loving this version and looking forward to KK's version of the same years. For I think they both will bring wonderful incites to our world of the 11 kingdoms. Multi-universes are very much in right now. So it is not hard to imagine that both will exist side by side in the multiverse.
May your horses have wings and fly!
