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KK Chat -- 10 August 2014

Started by DesertRose, August 10, 2014, 07:48:58 PM

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[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:18:58 PM] Join KK has joined this channel.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:18:59 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:19:02 PM] <Evie> LOL1
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:19:02 PM] <DesertRose> Ha, it worked.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:19:04 PM] <Jerusha> Yippee!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:19:06 PM] <DesertRose> Hi, KK!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:19:08 PM] <The_Bee> it Worked!!!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:19:11 PM] <KK> Hello, folks.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:19:12 PM] <The_Bee> Hi KK
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:19:15 PM] <Shiral> Well good heavens, I had NO idea it would work that well!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:19:26 PM] <KK> (What did you do?)
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:19:29 PM] <Jerusha> Was it the chocolate or the bacon that called you, KK?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:19:29 PM] <Shiral> Hello KK, we called the quarters in ice cream flavors
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:19:30 PM] <DesertRose> LOL, just be careful what you ask for.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:19:34 PM] <Evie> Apparently archangels like dark chocolate
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:19:41 PM] <Shiral> Especially Uriel
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:19:43 PM] <The_Bee> Shiral just called the ice cream quarters for you, KK.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:19:50 PM] <DesertRose> Seriously, KK, Shiral had JUST gotten done calling North when you popped in.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:19:57 PM] <KK> LOL. Well, it worked.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:20:01 PM] <jemler> the perfect blt, take 14 slices of bacon. weave 7 of them to form a mat. repeat with other 7. place lettuce and tomato on one mat. cover with other end. eat.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:20:06 PM] <DF64> 12hi kk
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:20:07 PM] <Shiral> Evie helped too. She and I had the same thought of dark chocolate for Uriel.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:20:11 PM] <jemler> hi kk
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:20:35 PM] <KK> Well it <is> very earthy.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:20:38 PM] <DesertRose> Just don't tell your cardiologist, jemler.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:20:42 PM] <Shiral> Precisely
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:20:45 PM] <Jerusha> How was your week, KK?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:21:05 PM] <Shiral> St. Michael got Cinnamon Ice Cream, Gabriel got mint chip and Raphael got Vanilla
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:21:28 PM] <KK> It was good--and even better last night, when we were informed by our son that he and his girlfriend are now officially engaged!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:21:29 PM] <Jerusha> Very contented archangels
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:21:41 PM] <Evie> Sweet, KK1
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:21:42 PM] <Jerusha> Congratulations, KK
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:21:44 PM] <DesertRose> YAY!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:21:45 PM] <Shiral> Wow! Congrats to Cameron and his girl!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:21:46 PM] <The_Bee> Good for Him!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:21:52 PM] <KK> Yep, I finally get a daughter.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:21:55 PM] <DesertRose> :D
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:21:56 PM] <Evie> I swear I'll find the exclamation mark on this new keyboard eventually
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:22:02 PM] <Shiral> What is her name?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:22:07 PM] <KK> Anna
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:22:10 PM] <The_Bee> Evie, I do the same thing.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:22:12 PM] <Shiral> Nice. =o)
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:22:15 PM] <DesertRose> Have they set a date, or is that still up in the air?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:22:21 PM] <DF64> 12good luck to Anna and Cameron
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:22:25 PM] <KK> Just that it will be after the first of the year.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:22:25 PM] <jemler> shift 1, evie
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:22:38 PM] <Shiral> Wedding dresses don't just happen, after all.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:22:48 PM] <Evie> I know, jemler, but I'm a touch typist, and my fingers haven't adjusted to where the keys are on this keyboard yet
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:23:01 PM] <KK> And I have no idea yet how formal they will want to go.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:23:05 PM] <Jerusha> I'm a touched typist
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:23:19 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:23:22 PM] <Shiral> No cathedral? No Archbishops?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:23:31 PM] <Evie> No ice cream? ;-)
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:23:33 PM] <jemler> ask frank
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:23:45 PM] <The_Bee> No calling the quarters? ;)
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:23:45 PM] <Jerusha> Or bacon?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:23:59 PM] <Jerusha> Now that could be an interesting wedding
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:24:10 PM] <DesertRose> Hee.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:24:37 PM] <KK> Well, she <is> a Deryni fan.... :D
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:24:41 PM] <Shiral> The officiating cleric would be shaking his/her head over our ideas. "Ice cream? Bacon? Calling the quarters? WHAT quarters?"
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:24:41 PM] <Evie> :D
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:24:45 PM] <Jerusha> Of course!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:24:57 PM] <Shiral> Then she has excellent taste. =o)
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:25:05 PM] <The_Bee> KK, are you qualified to perform the ceremony?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:25:09 PM] <Evie> That's handy. Does she get an advance reading copy of TKD as a wedding present? ;-)
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:25:13 PM] <Jerusha> Welcome to the family!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:25:19 PM] <KK> Yes, but only if I'm asked.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:25:35 PM] <Shiral> Always good to follow the lead of the bride and groom
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:25:44 PM] <KK> Depends on when I get copies.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:25:44 PM] <jemler> i don't know. mom performing the ceremony?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:25:53 PM] <DesertRose> Yeah, that's about where I was about to go.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:26:19 PM] <DesertRose> Moms should get walked up the aisle before the wedding party. :D
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:26:23 PM] <KK> I'd seriously rather be part of the congregation for this one, I think.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:26:45 PM] <The_Bee> I get it. I was just curious.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:26:54 PM] <Shiral> Then you get to watch everything from a very good vantage point. =o)
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:26:56 PM] <DesertRose> Time to go dress shopping, KK?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:27:31 PM] Quit DF64 has left this server (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:27:39 PM] <Jerusha> Bad mibbit?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:27:40 PM] <DesertRose> Damn Mibbit.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:27:45 PM] <The_Bee> My last wedding was a niece's. I bought a $100+ dress , then forgot to pack it in my suitcase.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:27:51 PM] <DesertRose> Unless DF accidentally closed a tab or something.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:27:56 PM] <Jerusha> Ouch, Bee
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:27:58 PM] <KK> Time enough for that, once we know what they'd like.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:27:59 PM] <Evie> Oh dear
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:27:59 PM] <DesertRose> Oh jeez.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:28:19 PM] <Shiral> True. You want to match the formality or lack therof of the occasion
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:28:22 PM] <The_Bee> I sometimesthink of selling it on ebay.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:28:29 PM] <DesertRose> Yes, true.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:29:09 PM] <Shiral> Not fun to buy a formal gown and then find out they plan to hold the reception in a barn. =o) Even a clean barn
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:29:14 PM] <DesertRose> Right.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:29:41 PM] <Evie> I'm glad you're here, DR, because it belatedly occurs to me that I have no idea where my chat logs are being saved to on this new computer yet. :-D
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:29:48 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:30:05 PM] <Shiral> Everybody has to learn their way around a new machine, Evie
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:30:09 PM] <The_Bee> I don't know if my computer saves them or not.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:30:11 PM] <DesertRose> I can pull up a logfile tab in the chat client itself.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:30:12 PM] <Jerusha> You'll need a scrying spell for chat logs
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:30:33 PM] <DesertRose> I'm not actually sure where my chat logs are either, to be honest.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:30:35 PM] <Evie> My mom ordered a dress from the Philippines for my wedding, and then when she tried it on earlier that week, it didn't fit right and looked bad, so she ended up having a neighbor sew her one just in time for the wedding
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:30:58 PM] <DesertRose> Wow, Evie. Nothing like the last minute, LOL.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:31:03 PM] <Shiral> Just to make sure wedding stress level was high enough
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:31:08 PM] <The_Bee> Now that's what I call a good neighbor!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:31:22 PM] <jemler> my logs are gone. lost them all a few weeks ago.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:31:29 PM] <The_Bee> Was she a professional seamstress?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:31:33 PM] <Evie> Mom originally wanted to cater my wedding, but I talked her out of it, and she thanked me later for not letting her do that to herself.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:31:37 PM] <DesertRose> I remember you saying that, jemler.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:31:44 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:31:49 PM] <Shiral> Smart daughter
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:31:54 PM] <Jerusha> No need for extra stress
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:32:02 PM] <Evie> Not a professional seamstress exactly, but she had sewn her own clothing and clothes for her friends for most of her life, so she might as well have been
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:32:13 PM] <The_Bee> My brother and his first wife eloped.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:32:26 PM] <DesertRose> I eloped too.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:32:35 PM] <DesertRose> Obviously with my ex-husband.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:32:44 PM] <Shiral> I think around the time my brother got married, my sister got so tired of how she fussed she burst out "When I get married, I'm going to tell MOm "get something to wear and bring a salad!"
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:32:47 PM] <Evie> My cousin and his wife semi-eloped. They told their families the night before, but those were the only people invited to be there.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:32:50 PM] <Jerusha> Do I sense a trend?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:33:29 PM] <DesertRose> If I ever get married again, it'll probably be something not far off an elopement. I'm not a high-fuss kind of person.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:33:36 PM] <jemler> i'd elope with my first wife, but she'd have to keep up! :)
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:33:43 PM] <Shiral> It's certainly more affordable to elope
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:33:56 PM] * DesertRose throws a very small goldfish in jemler's general direction.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:34:10 PM] <jemler> lol
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:34:11 PM] <Evie> and my dad gave me a choice. "I can pay for a wedding and a wedding gown, or I can pay for a ladder and a honeymoon in England, but not both. You choose."
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:34:22 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:34:25 PM] <Shiral> LOL
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:34:27 PM] <Jerusha> Guess England lost?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:34:30 PM] <The_Bee> I like the woman Ted's with now, but I still miss Cosette. She died over 9 years ago.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:34:35 PM] <DesertRose> I'd have gone for the honeymoon in England myself.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:34:58 PM] <Evie> Yeah. I wanted the ceremony and the wedding photos. But now I'd probably go for the trip to England.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:35:09 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:35:22 PM] <Jerusha> Hindsight is....
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:35:23 PM] <jemler> not me. i can't speak english. i'm american you know!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:35:34 PM] <Shiral> Maybe for the next big anniversary, Evie?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:35:42 PM] <Jerusha> Yes!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:35:52 PM] <Shiral> Francesca has arrived to say hellp
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:35:56 PM] <Shiral> Hello, that is.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:35:58 PM] <DesertRose> Oh, that would be nice, especially since your kiddos are more or less grown.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:35:58 PM] <The_Bee> "england and Americ are two nations divided by a common language." who said that?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:36:02 PM] <DesertRose> Hi Francesca.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:36:13 PM] <The_Bee> Hi Francesca!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:36:14 PM] <Evie> Every time we think we'll be able to save up for an overseas trip sometime in the next year, something happens, so I've pretty much given up on the idea until the kids have flown the nest
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:36:16 PM] <Jerusha> Hi Franscesca *offers an ear scratch*
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:36:34 PM] <Evie> hi Francesca
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:36:45 PM] <KK> If you shop carefully, it doesn't have to be all that expensive.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:36:51 PM] <Shiral> Yes, life is what happens when you had other plans
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:36:52 PM] * Evie sets out some kitty treats
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:36:53 PM] <DesertRose> Well, you're not far off that now, Evie. DS is in college, and DD is what, going into 11th grade?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:37:10 PM] <Shiral> Francesca purrs her thanks
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:37:29 PM] * DesertRose pets Francesca's chin.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:37:34 PM] <Jerusha> They do tend to pop back in, you knowa
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:37:38 PM] <Evie> At the moment, even "not all that expensive" is more than we can spare, but hopefully once our finances recover a bit, we can start planning again
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:37:54 PM] <Jerusha> laundry and dinner
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:37:58 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:38:16 PM] <Shiral> I can see it now--the Littles Do London
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:38:19 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:38:33 PM] <Jerusha> London on a Little a day
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:38:40 PM] <Evie> DH had to use up most of what was left of our savings for a trailer to live in on the days he's at work, so we'll want to regrow our savings before we start getting too spendy again.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:38:55 PM] <Shiral> Yes, I suppose so.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:38:58 PM] <DesertRose> Yeah, I can understand that.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:39:05 PM] <Evie> Noooo, I learned my lesson the last time I travelled---travel LIGHT
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:39:12 PM] <DesertRose> Oh, I've started doing SCA stuff again, Evie.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:39:13 PM] <Jerusha> He's now in a trailer, versus a room?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:39:17 PM] <KK> Ah, so he decided on a trailer.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:39:21 PM] <Evie> At most, I'd only have what littles can fit in my suitcase with my clothes
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:39:26 PM] <The_Bee> I hope they're paying what he's worth.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:39:36 PM] <Jerusha> Nice, DR
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:39:41 PM] <DesertRose> :)
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:39:46 PM] <Shiral> Well, you wouldn't want to take ALL of them, but surely you can spare room for Duncan?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:39:57 PM] <Evie> Yes, the shared house wasn't working out. The roommates started trashing the place almost from the moment they moved in together
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:40:00 PM] <KK> Maybe Duncan and Helena.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:40:11 PM] <Jerusha> Eek, Evie
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:40:15 PM] <Evie> I can always make room for Duncan, yes. And a travel companion or two
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:40:16 PM] <DesertRose> I've been out at fighter practice today fencing (I've had a shower since, I promise!), but I am tired and my legs are sore from practicing footwork.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:40:19 PM] <DesertRose> Oh, yuk, Evie.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:40:27 PM] <Shiral> I'd rather live in a trailer in the circumstances, too
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:40:43 PM] <Jerusha> That sounds wonderful, DR
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:40:50 PM] <The_Bee> How long have you been taking up fencing, Evie?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:40:54 PM] <DesertRose> It was fun. Going to do it again next week.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:40:59 PM] <Jerusha> The fencing not necessarily the shower :)
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:41:01 PM] <KK> At least with the trailer he has some equity. Better than cancelled rent cheks.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:41:01 PM] <The_Bee> Sorry , DR!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:41:19 PM] <Shiral> Yup. It's very nice to NOT be renting
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:41:20 PM] <Evie> He got a decent sized RV with a queen sized bed and two other parts of the trailer that can convert into sleeping space, so it can fit 4 people comfortably or 6 if they are small and willing to snug up
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:41:38 PM] <DesertRose> Just really started this week. I had the wrong shoes on last week, and for future reference I'm going to put my heel cups (half insole things) inside my fencing shoes.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:41:46 PM] <Jerusha> So at least 8 Littles?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:41:54 PM] <Shiral> LOL
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:42:01 PM] <Evie> and we can also use it for a camping trailer if we decide to go on a vacation
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:42:07 PM] <DesertRose> Nice, Evie.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:42:24 PM] <KK> That's useful. And for camping-out SCA events, perhaps.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:42:31 PM] <DesertRose> Jerusha, the shower felt fantastic after fencing off and on for several hours in Florida in August. :D
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:42:37 PM] <Shiral> Especially if you get rained out
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:42:54 PM] <Shiral> I can imagine, DR
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:43:04 PM] <Jerusha> So women can do fencing in the SCA?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:43:05 PM] <KK> A shower in August in Florida always feels good, even if all you've been doing is walking around.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:43:07 PM] <DesertRose> Yup.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:43:11 PM] <DesertRose> True, KK.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:43:19 PM] <Evie> That's the plan, KK. DH prefers to sleep in a period pavilion, but unless he's got the full camp kit out with the travel bed and futon mattress, my back isn't thrilled with SCA cabin mattresses or sleeping bags in tents anymore
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:43:29 PM] <DesertRose> Women can do heavy combat too, if they want.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:43:32 PM] <Evie> Yes, women can fight in the SCA, not just men
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:43:41 PM] <Evie> we have a few female knights now
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:43:42 PM] <Shiral> I took one beach vacation in Florida in August. Being in the AC or being neck deep in the gulf were the only times I felt comfortable
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:43:46 PM] <Jerusha> Very enticing
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:44:18 PM] <Shiral> If I ever go back to Florida, it will hopefully be in the WINTER months
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:44:23 PM] <DesertRose> Yeah, we've got at least one lady knight named Sir Erica, who if I recall correctly is actually a combat archery specialist but you don't really want to cross sticks with her either. She's tough.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:44:25 PM] <Evie> I would love to visit the beach, but I can't imagine going to the Gulf Coast in August
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:44:31 PM] <KK> Even in the Gulf is not necessarily that comfortable, when the water temp and air temp match, and you can't tell where the one meets the other.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:44:55 PM] <DesertRose> True.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:45:16 PM] <Shiral> Fortunately, the water was cool enough to make a difference when we were there. We were up around the panhandle near Pensacola
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:45:19 PM] <KK> Remind me to tell you about Florida in late January, and having to go out and buy summer clothes, because what I'd brought was way too heavy.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:45:26 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:45:33 PM] <DesertRose> Yeah, winter? What's that? :D
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:45:53 PM] <The_Bee> When you need to breathe, it's useful to know if your head is in water or air.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:45:55 PM] <Jerusha> I can explain winter to you, DR :D
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:45:56 PM] <Shiral> It's a legendary time of year when frozen precipitation falls from the sky
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:45:57 PM] <Evie> I just downloaded a free app today that shows a lovely beach scene with a palm tree, clear water, white sand, and soothing beach sounds. I'll let it play in the background at work in my windowless office. :D
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:46:04 PM] <DesertRose> :D
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:46:25 PM] <DesertRose> No, I have no desire to deal with winter. I hate snow and I hate being cold.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:46:39 PM] <Shiral> You're best off where you are then, RD
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:46:45 PM] <Jerusha> Welcome to my world
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:46:49 PM] <Evie> DR, take a snow cone and upend it on your head. Now pretend there are tons of it, and it fell from the sky. That's winter.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:46:56 PM] <DesertRose> And I've never actually learned to drive in snow. Rain I can handle unless it's really coming down hard (then I pull off to the side of the road).
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:47:04 PM] <DesertRose> Yuk. No thanks.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:47:31 PM] <Jerusha> Winter is why I have a four-wheel drive car
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:47:35 PM] <DesertRose> And usually in this part of the world, the really heavy rain doesn't last more than 15-20 minutes.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:47:38 PM] <Evie> If the rain is coming down hard and sideways, you probably should have paid attention to the hurricane warnings
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:47:43 PM] <DesertRose> Yeah.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:47:44 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:47:51 PM] <The_Bee> The latest fad here in mass. is the ice bucket challenge. You dump a bucket of ice on your head to raise money for charity.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:48:00 PM] <DesertRose> What time of year?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:48:06 PM] <Jerusha> Cold hard cash?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:48:07 PM] <The_Bee> Now.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:48:15 PM] <DesertRose> I can see doing it this time of year.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:48:24 PM] <DesertRose> I can't see doing it in Massachusetts in winter.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:48:33 PM] <The_Bee> I'm waiting to see who'll do it in winter.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:48:34 PM] <Shiral> That WOULD feel nice in August in Florida
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:48:39 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:48:57 PM] <DesertRose> BRB
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:49:10 PM] <The_Bee> it started as a fund-raiser for ALS, but it expanded to other causes.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:49:28 PM] <Evie> I know someone who lives in Chicago about a block from Lake Michigan, and he and his family bring in the new year by doing a Polar Bear challenge with the rest of the neighbors, jumping into the lake
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:49:44 PM] <KK> So, Evie, am I to assume that not much happened with the Littles this week, because of settling into new office space? (Also, from breaking in a new computer.)
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:49:46 PM] <Jerusha> That would be cold
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:49:52 PM] <The_Bee> We've had that in Boston.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:50:06 PM] <Evie> Of course, it's a quick run home to dry off and warm up afterwards, but that block-long walk probably feels like forever1
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:50:27 PM] <Evie> Yes, the move has been utter chaos!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:50:28 PM] <Shiral> My brother and his former wife used to swim in the Pacific on New Year's Day with the rest of their Akido Dojo
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:51:06 PM] <Evie> We still don't have full functionality on our computers. We are supposed to have folks showing up next week to train everyone on how to use our new scheduling system, but we aren't even able to get on it yet
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:51:28 PM] <KK> That doesn't sund like fun.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:51:32 PM] <KK> sound
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:51:44 PM] <Evie> the movers managed to get most of our stuff to the new building, but not always to the right room, and a few bits of thinigs went missing...like all the keys to the filing cabinets
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:51:57 PM] <Shiral> Uh-oh
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:51:59 PM] <KK> Ooops.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:52:03 PM] <Jerusha> That's inconvenient
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:52:14 PM] <The_Bee> Oh, Joy!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:52:36 PM] <Evie> the new parking deck is nearby, but we have to add in about 10 minutes of circling around time to the amount of time it normally takes to arrive at work in the morning or leave in the evening
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:52:41 PM] <Evie> or to lunch time.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:52:53 PM] <Jerusha> That's not good
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:53:12 PM] <Evie> Well, ok, maybe 5 minutes of circling around looking for a space, but it feels like 10. Fortunately we don't have to punch a time clock
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:53:27 PM] <KK> Is it a shortage of parking spaces, or a maze to get to and from the deck?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:53:32 PM] <Jerusha> No way to avoid the parking deck?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:54:17 PM] <Evie> But it's frustrating when you pull into a parking deck at 7:50 and have an 8:00 am meeting, and you aren't always able to make it to the meeting before it begins, when at the old office we'd just pull into the lot and dash across the street to our old office in 2 minutes or less.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:54:28 PM] <Shiral> We now have permit parking for library staff. But when the city painted in the "Permit Parking" every other space says "permit" Patrons keep arguing about the tickets they get when they park in staff spaces by saying "But it SAYS 'Parking'!"
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:54:54 PM] <Evie> No, we have assigned lots/decks on our campus, so the only alternative would be finding metered parking on the street and then going outside every hour to pay the meter
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:55:01 PM] <Jerusha> So much for progress
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:55:18 PM] <The_Bee> Make haste backwards.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:55:40 PM] <KK> Get the painters to fix the signage--quickly.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:55:42 PM] <Evie> the building itself is much nicer, but furniture is still only partly finished--all the cabinetry is in place, but the lock cylinders aren't on all the pieces yet
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:55:54 PM] <Shiral> They're catching on, KK
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:56:12 PM] <Shiral> But it's been...interesting
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:56:56 PM] <Evie> So anyway, I've been going to work earlier than I used to, staying a bit later, and just too tired to do anything but vegetate in the evenings
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:57:59 PM] <Jerusha> Maybe a few minutes of quality Duncan time would help
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:58:07 PM] <Evie> things are finally settling down a little bit, though, so I'm hoping they stay settled for a few weeks. Unfortunately the term starts in two weeks, so then it will get busy again
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:58:13 PM] <The_Bee> You need a spell to make the littles come to life and do housework, Evie.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:58:21 PM] <Shiral> Fatigue banishing would be a useful skill, too
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:58:24 PM] <Evie> Yeah, I'm trying to find him a nice cubby to sit in at work where he can be with me but unobtrusive
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:58:31 PM] <Evie> I'm also tryiing to find a spot to hide a fairy door
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [07:59:16 PM] <Evie> Yes, if I had a spell for that, Bee, the first little I'd use it on is Meraude. She'd have my house in shape in record time. :D
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:00:02 PM] <Evie> I would love for Meraude to take charge over my house! LOL
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:00:10 PM] <The_Bee> I thought of Meraude as more of a supervisor, she being a duchess and all.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:00:21 PM] <Evie> She'd bring her staff
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:00:32 PM] <Jerusha> *Meraude looks around rather dazed. "I thought I was in Rhemuth...."*
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:00:34 PM] <Shiral> What a good guest
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:00:56 PM] <Evie> I'd animate a bunch of spare Barbies, put Meraude in charge of them, and hand them the Swiffers. :D
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:01:01 PM] <Shiral> "Where's Nigel? Am I a prisoner in the land of the giants?"
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:01:09 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:01:10 PM] <Jerusha> With heads, or without?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:01:17 PM] <Shiral> How many barbies per swiffer?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:01:27 PM] <Evie> With. They'd need to see the dust bunnies and cobwebs. :D
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:02:19 PM] <Evie> Well, let's see...their skinny arms should fit into the handle cases on the Swiffer dust catchers, so...two Swiffers per doll? They'd look like wings.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:02:30 PM] <Evie> they could fly around and get the ceiling fans
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:03:00 PM] <Evie> and my pretty but highly inconvenient rough-hewn beams in the Great Room that catch every speck of dust that floats through the air.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:03:02 PM] * jemler remembers gremlins and ceiling fans
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:03:11 PM] <Jerusha> Now you need a Sister Bertrille
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:03:56 PM] <Evie> I'll animate the Servants of Saint Camber. Cleaning my house will be their new mission in life, besides passing on Deryni lore.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:04:39 PM] <jemler> The Servants of Saunt Evie
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:04:44 PM] <Evie> and once the house is in order, then I'll animate Duncan and let him browse the bookshelves. That should make him happy.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:04:54 PM] <Shiral> Not sure if that's why Kelson gave them the Basilica and Schola, but what the heck
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:05:07 PM] <KK> Now, there's a thought: Sister Bertrille-style headdresses, so they can fly....
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:05:07 PM] <Jerusha> Alaric is wondering "what about me?"
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:05:36 PM] <Shiral> Alaric is wondering "Do I have to do house work TOO?"
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:05:42 PM] <Evie> Alaric and Dhugal can get to work with making my cats better behaved beasties. Oh wait, maybe I should start them with something easier. :D
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:05:55 PM] <The_Bee> Alaric will be jousting against mice and bugs.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:05:57 PM] <Shiral> I can see him making a mess, but not cleaning it up afterwards
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:06:17 PM] <Jerusha> Saddling up to hunt dust bunnies
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:06:24 PM] <Shiral> Saddling the cat?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:06:38 PM] <Jerusha> Whatever works :D
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:06:49 PM] <Evie> Yes, I get the feeling Alaric would be poking around everything curiously, and expecting the mess to somehow right itself when he's not looking, the way it probably does at Coroth with his helpful servants following behind him and putting thiings back to rights
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:07:03 PM] <Shiral> Mouse-back riding would be too hard on Alaric's dignity!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:07:06 PM] <Evie> I have a small saddle, but it's a little too small for Gigi
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:07:17 PM] <jemler> just get a house elf
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:07:53 PM] <Evie> I may take Joram to work with me next week, since he needs new undies to go with his shirt
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:08:05 PM] <Shiral> "Richenda, you never told me Coroth Castle WASN'T self-cleaning."
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:08:30 PM] <Evie> I haven't forgotten about a braies pattern for you, KK. I think I know where it is, but haven't had a chance to check.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:08:33 PM] <Jerusha> You are taking him in half-clad?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:08:50 PM] <Evie> the shirt goes down to his knees, so if he sits like a gentleman, he should be fine
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:08:58 PM] <Jerusha> "Nobody looks under the shirt!"
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:09:03 PM] <jemler> a priest without underwear? very modern.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:09:24 PM] <Evie> I'd mackerel you, jemler, but I don['t have the macros set up yet
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:09:37 PM] * Shiral swats Jemler with a squid
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:09:38 PM] * Evie mackerels jemler anyway
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:10:23 PM] <Evie> I'd like to at least get his basic set of clothes done before DragonCon
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:10:49 PM] <Evie> then they can all go home with their new Mom without having to risk getting lost by the USPS
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:10:49 PM] <DesertRose> I need a house-elf myself. I've been so busy since I started working and doing SCA again that my house looks like Hurricane DR struck it.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:10:51 PM] <Shiral> I think Joram would appreciate that, too
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:11:26 PM] <KK> Not a problem, Evie.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:11:29 PM] <Evie> If that's fine with you, KK? I think a hand-off of your new littles would be safer at the con than via the mail
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:11:52 PM] <Evie> glad you are able to do SCA again, DR
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:12:00 PM] <DesertRose> Me too. I missed my people. :)
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:12:21 PM] <Shiral> You sound like a ruler returning from exile, DR
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:12:24 PM] <DesertRose> Dragging my neighbor with me, although it didn't take much dragging.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:12:29 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:12:31 PM] <Evie> :-D
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:12:52 PM] <jemler> the Return of the Queen?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:12:58 PM] <DesertRose> I told him that I was going to a barony meeting and what the SCA was all about and he was like, Wow, can I come too?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:13:07 PM] <KK> I'll make sure I have room for them, Evie. And I, in turn, will hand off at least two new little ladies.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:13:28 PM] <Evie> I have one neighbor who is marginally interested--at least she likes seeing me in my garb--but she's not made it to a meeting yet. Her sons have come to our local meetings a few times, though
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:13:46 PM] <DesertRose> Yesterday I went to a scribal class about Celtic knotwork and found out that my calligraphy isn't as rusty as I was afraid it might be.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:13:59 PM] <jemler> i can just imagine a fed reading this thinking 'kids'
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:14:13 PM] <Evie> I'm probably bringing a limited crew this time, KK. I have too many to fit into two carrying cases anymore, and I don't have an extra arm or two to carry more cases around.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:14:30 PM] <DesertRose> So I'm happy that my calligraphy still looks fairly neat and pretty. :D
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:14:45 PM] <Shiral> Evie can't produce extra body parts for herself.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:15:04 PM] <DesertRose> Only for the littles. :P
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:15:07 PM] <Evie> No, my only spare parts are all 1:6 scale
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:15:20 PM] <Shiral> How inconvenient
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:15:30 PM] <The_Bee> Show us some samples if you get a chance to photograph them, DR.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:15:33 PM] <jemler> trading body parts? organ donations?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:15:41 PM] <Evie> So do you have any preference which ones you want to see, KK? (Up to 10 can ride comfortably in the two cases)
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:15:49 PM] <Evie> besides yours, I mean
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:15:52 PM] <DesertRose> I thought you ought to get a spare arm or two when you have a kid. Two arms are not enough when you're chasing a toddler.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:15:54 PM] <Evie> they'll be traveling separately
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:16:11 PM] <Shiral> Also handy to have three arms when bathing or medicating cats
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:16:16 PM] <DesertRose> Yes, indeed.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:16:25 PM] <Evie> the carrying cases I use are inexpensive scrapbooking paper cases from Michael's, btw
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:16:35 PM] <Shiral> For such small creatures, they sure can struggle hard
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:16:52 PM] <Evie> they are just big enough to hold a Ken or male action figure without a lot of headroom left over
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:17:17 PM] <DesertRose> Yeah, Shiral. My stepdad likes to annoy the cats and then complain when they scratch him. He says if a 10-lb house cat can do that much damage, he doesn't even want to think about what a bobcat or a mountain lion could do.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:17:47 PM] <Evie> and they are translucent white plastic, which means I can see them even with the case closed, and the plastic won't stain their faces on contact like some dyed vinyl will
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:17:47 PM] <The_Bee> serves him right
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:17:52 PM] <Shiral> Neither do I!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:17:54 PM] <DesertRose> Yes, it does.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:18:05 PM] <DesertRose> He's the one who annoys them into scratching.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:19:07 PM] <DesertRose> He's unfortunately got Merlin trained to bite and scratch anything in sight. He keeps taking swipes at me when I house- and cat-sit for my family, and I keep telling that damn cat that if he wants to be fed, he'll let me open the food container and feed his silly butt.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:19:25 PM] <Jerusha> Oh dear
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:19:52 PM] <DesertRose> Merlin doesn't like me. I swear he's holding a grudge because I'm the one who took him to be neutered.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:20:04 PM] <Evie> LOL
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:20:05 PM] <KK> Just bring your favorites, Evie. (Oops, don't want any of them to get jealous. Whomever you pick, just tell the others it was my choice, not yours.)
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:20:07 PM] <Jerusha> Well, he may have a point
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:20:26 PM] Join Aerlys has joined this channel (~ae1fc277@971820.DC5E26.E57A87.522C17).
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:20:32 PM] <DesertRose> He got a urinary tract infection and had to be neutered while the rest of the fam was on vacation, so I was minding the house and the cats.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:20:33 PM] <Jerusha> Hi Aerlys
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:20:36 PM] <DesertRose> Hi Aerlys.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:20:38 PM] <The_Bee> Hi Aerlys
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:20:40 PM] <KK> Hi, Aerlys.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:20:42 PM] <Shiral> `Hi Aerlys
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:20:43 PM] <Evie> OK. You can be sure of seeing Duncan, then. And Duncan says he won't go without Alaric. The rest will be a toss-up. :D
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:20:48 PM] <jemler> i'd hold a grudge too!you got him cat-nipped!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:20:54 PM] <Aerlys> Yay! Your're still here!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:20:56 PM] <DesertRose> LOL, yeah.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:21:11 PM] <Shiral> I would think that Alaric WOULD insist on coming
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:21:15 PM] <jemler> hi aerlys
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:21:29 PM] <Evie> hi Aerlys
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:21:32 PM] <Jerusha> Alaric re-sheathes his sword, knowing that he's coming along
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:21:39 PM] <Aerlys> Our friend are moving to New York state, and we were at a farewell gathering
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:21:45 PM] <Shiral> DR you're supposed to feed the OTHER end of the cat!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:22:01 PM] <Jerusha> Oops
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:22:02 PM] <Evie> Oh yes, Shiral, I have been informed in no uncertain terms that Alaric will be attending the Con again
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:22:32 PM] <Shiral> Can't let Duncan go into the unknown without his cousin
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:22:46 PM] <DesertRose> That's quite a haul, Aerlys.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:22:52 PM] <Aerlys> So how many littles will be attending Con this year?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:22:57 PM] <Evie> Dhugal may want to go too, since I have some fabric to make him spiffy Court garb out of, if I can ever find time to make it
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:23:16 PM] <Evie> No more than 10, since that's what I can somewhat comfortably carry.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:23:31 PM] <Aerlys> Ah, decisions, decisions
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:23:31 PM] <Evie> 5 would be better, but I can't bring myself to pare it down that much
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:23:59 PM] <Jerusha> Dukes always travel with a large retinue
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:24:16 PM] <Aerlys> Yes, DR. The family hhas lived in the same house for 30 years, so it's a huge undertaking
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:24:21 PM] <Jerusha> (if I have that word right)
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:24:31 PM] <Evie> Duncan won't go without Alaric, and Alaric probably wouldn't go without Richenda, so I have room for 7 more.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:24:40 PM] <KK> Alaric, Duncan, Richeldis, Arilan, Dhugal, Kelson, Araxie, Helena....
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:24:59 PM] <Aerlys> That's 8
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:25:07 PM] <Jerusha> Grub
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:25:18 PM] <Evie> That works for me. I could add Nigel and Meraude to make it an even 10
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:25:38 PM] <KK> That works for me.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:25:39 PM] <Aerlys> Will Arilan brig his Jayne hat
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:25:43 PM] <Aerlys> bring
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:25:49 PM] <Jerusha> He has to!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:25:50 PM] <Evie> You haven't seen Meraude yet, I don't think. I believe she was born after the last DragonCon
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:25:59 PM] <The_Bee> KK, I assume you meant Richenda, not Richeldis.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:26:14 PM] <KK> Yes, Richenda.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:26:20 PM] <Evie> I'm sure the Jayne hat and Serenity shirt will put in an appearance. There's also a Star Trek shirt and dress
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:26:42 PM] <Jerusha> Arilan is going to wear a dress?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:26:42 PM] <Aerlys> a dreas for Arilan?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:26:49 PM] <Evie> though I'm not sure which of the ladies will fit best in the dress, since it's made for an older Barbie
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:27:07 PM] <Jerusha> Arilan sighs with relief
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:27:10 PM] <KK> Hey, what do you think a cassock is?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:27:13 PM] * Aerlys envisions Granny Barbie
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:27:16 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:27:24 PM] <Evie> but I'm sure if there's a costume party night, they'll want to try on the SciFi gear
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:27:51 PM] <Evie> I think all of my bishops have purple cassocks now. I may still be missing one
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:27:52 PM] <Aerlys> Ah, but a cassock isn't meant to accentuate curves...
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:28:16 PM] <Evie> yes, Denis wouldn't fit in the red Uhura dress. It's got a very nipped in waist
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:28:19 PM] <Aerlys> missing a bishop or a cassock?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:28:25 PM] <Shiral> Probably not, Aerlys =o)
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:28:26 PM] <Evie> Missing a cassock
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:28:36 PM] <Evie> No, my bishops are all accounted for
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:28:50 PM] <KK> Have we got more than 2?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:29:03 PM] <Evie> Darn...I don't have room for John Nivard!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:29:10 PM] <The_Bee> Joram, Duncan, Arilan...
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:29:14 PM] <Evie> I have Arilan, Duncan, and Cardiel
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:29:29 PM] <Jerusha> Poor John
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:29:36 PM] <DesertRose> Joram was never a bishop, I don't think.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:29:38 PM] <The_Bee> Oh, right. Joram's not a bishop.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:29:40 PM] <Evie> I'm not counting Joram, Evaine, Camber, and Rhys, since they are traveling in a separate container
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:29:42 PM] <KK> Joram isn't a bishop--but Camber, in his alter-ego (altar-ego?) is.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:29:46 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:29:59 PM] <Jerusha> :)
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:30:42 PM] <Aerlys> Can't have the two timelines travel together. Could cause some kind of temporal confusion
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:30:42 PM] <Shiral> Cross-dressing with Dignity for Deryni
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:30:44 PM] <KK> Ah, I'd forgotten you have a Cardiel.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:30:46 PM] <Evie> Denis says he'll leave the dress to someone else. He's done with embarrassing himself at cons. :D
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:30:52 PM] <DesertRose> ROFL
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:31:00 PM] <Aerlys> LOL
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:31:05 PM] <Jerusha> Uh huh. That's what they always say
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:31:47 PM] <The_Bee> Just wait till Denis gets into the wine1
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:31:59 PM] <DesertRose> Hee
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:32:10 PM] <Evie> I have a modern little (a Fashionista Teresa) who has become my modern life tour guide for the Deryni littles
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:32:52 PM] <Evie> As soon as she entered my collection, she declared herself a grad student majoring in medieval studies, and she wanted to be added in with the Deryni littles instead of the modern ones. So I'm humoring her.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:32:52 PM] <Jerusha> Your fashionista is giving our Deryni priests a guided tour?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:33:21 PM] <Evie> She's young. They're behaving appropriately fatherly. :-)
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:33:30 PM] <Jerusha> Sounds like a Kelsonian scholar
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:33:37 PM] <KK> And a good thing, too!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:34:15 PM] <Evie> And being very strict chaperones, which was a downside of the new job that she wasn't expecting, so she probably won't be graduating from college with her Mrs. degree. ;-)
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:35:05 PM] <The_Bee> I hope Teresa will exercise discretion. No trips to the beach for the priests.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:35:58 PM] <Evie> Dhugal's not above the occasional flirtatious line or two, but within appropriate bounds, since he doesn't want to lead the lass on, just boost her ego a bit from time to time. :)
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:36:20 PM] <Evie> Oh, no beaches in Atlanta, and I don't imagine I'll be carrying two cases of littles to the hotel swimming pool if there is one
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:36:20 PM] <KK> If they do take her to the beach, no teenie weenie bikinis. She'll need a nice, modest one-piece bathing suit.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:36:40 PM] <Jerusha> Arilan in a speedo?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:36:43 PM] <Shiral> The Medieval Bathing Costume
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:36:56 PM] <Evie> Duncan has a laptop computer now. He'll find her a nice vintage suit...from the 1800s.... ;-)
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:37:08 PM] <KK> LOL, sounds about right.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:37:19 PM] <DesertRose> Hee.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:37:29 PM] <Shiral> THe laptop, or the medieval bathing costume?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:37:32 PM] <Evie> That was another prop that was meant to go to my modern littles, but they can't get their hands on it because my Deryni are too fascinated by it
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:37:36 PM] <KK> Sorry, didn't realize I'd hit the caps lock.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:38:00 PM] <Aerlys> glad you weren't yelling at us, KK
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:38:20 PM] <Evie> He'd probably look up "history of bathing costumes" and pick something Victorian
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:38:33 PM] <Evie> with stockings. :D
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:38:52 PM] <Shiral> And a veil
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:38:57 PM] <Aerlys> Evie's next sewing project...
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:39:36 PM] <Evie> Helena would argue, "Have you ever TRIED to swim in stockings, Duncan McLain?" then there'd be a compromise, and the girl would get to show off bare legs from the knees down.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:39:45 PM] <Evie> But no higher. :D
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:40:11 PM] <Evie> Then the ladies would have a Girls' Night Out and wear modern swimwear.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:40:18 PM] <Evie> and feel very daring
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:40:19 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:40:36 PM] <Jerusha> No men would be looking, of course
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:40:48 PM] * jemler pictures rothana in a bikini
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:40:48 PM] <KK> Certainly not.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:40:49 PM] <Evie> Of course not. Sarongs would be kept handy just in case.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:40:55 PM] <Evie> and the Ward Cubes would be set out
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:41:02 PM] <KK> Hee
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:41:12 PM] <Jerusha> I can see many men bouncing off....
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:41:45 PM] <Evie> Dhugal might be tempted to try a few scrying tricks, but if his father figures out what he's up to, he'd get distracted from the attempt
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:41:55 PM] <DesertRose> :)
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:42:12 PM] <Shiral> Rothana in a Bikini would be Kelson's undoing!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:42:15 PM] <KK> I like the image of the men bouncing off....
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:42:35 PM] <Evie> Kelson might peek, especially if Araxie is involved in Girls' Night Out. Who's going to stop him? It's good to be King.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:42:36 PM] <Aerlys> http://www.ebay.com/itm/Rare-Antique-Victorian-1890s-Wool-Bathing-Swim-Suit-2-pc-Unskirted-Bloomers-/321485958688?pt=Vintage_Women_s_Clothing&hash=item4ada0e6e20
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:43:04 PM] <Aerlys> And it's WOOL no less!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:43:05 PM] <Evie> Ooh, that's adorable1
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:43:35 PM] <Evie> I actually do think Victorian swimwear is kind of cute, though perhaps not very practical as actual swimwear
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:43:49 PM] <Jerusha> And rather warm
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:44:02 PM] <Evie> Probably lightweight wool. Let's hope
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:44:05 PM] <Jerusha> Though maybe not for England
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:44:06 PM] <Shiral> "Er Araxie dear, I was thinking how good YOU would look wearing that suit..."
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:44:06 PM] <Aerlys> and heavy when wet
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:44:37 PM] <Shiral> Basically telling women "Don't go in swimming!"
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:44:41 PM] <DesertRose> And wool smells like wet sheep when it get wet. Ew.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:44:45 PM] <DesertRose> *gets
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:45:12 PM] <Evie> Val might agree to wear that, even if it's very non-modern. (Valentine is my Fashionista Teresa's name, since she came home to live with me on Valentine's Day.)
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:45:20 PM] <Shiral> Wet sheep and saltwater--lovely!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:45:21 PM] <DesertRose> :)
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:45:25 PM] <DesertRose> Yeah, yuk.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:45:42 PM] <Shiral> I gotta go, everyone. Gotta get ready for my Mom's Birthday Dinner
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:45:46 PM] <Evie> I think most Victorian women weren't swimming so much as wading anyway
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:45:50 PM] <Shiral> And her present isn't wrapped yet
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:45:52 PM] <DesertRose> Okay, see you, Shiral. Have a good week. Happy birthday to your mom!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:45:57 PM] <Jerusha> Have a good dinner
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:45:58 PM] <Evie> Goodnight, Shiral
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:46:01 PM] <The_Bee> Happy Birthday to Shiral's MOm
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:46:10 PM] * Shiral steps onto her portal and disappears in a cloud of blue steam
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:46:15 PM] <The_Bee> and nighters, shiral
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:46:20 PM] <Shiral> And to your mom too, DR!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:46:24 PM] <DesertRose> Thank you! :)
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:46:29 PM] <Shiral> Good Bye all!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:46:39 PM] <Jerusha> Night, Shiral
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:46:41 PM] Quit Shiral has left this server (Quit: ).
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:46:43 PM] <jemler> nite
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:46:49 PM] <jemler> i gotta go too.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:46:54 PM] <jemler> until next week
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:46:56 PM] <Jerusha> Night, Jemler!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:46:58 PM] <The_Bee> bye Jemler
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:46:58 PM] <DesertRose> Okay, see you, jemler.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:47:00 PM] <KK> On that note, and since it's nearly 9 PM, I'd also better get going. See you all next week.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:47:07 PM] <DesertRose> Okay, have a good week, KK!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:47:10 PM] <Jerusha> Have a good week, KK
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:47:13 PM] <DesertRose> Thanks for coming to see us!
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:47:13 PM] <Evie> Good night, KK
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:47:15 PM] <jemler> the last ship?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:47:19 PM] <Evie> See you in a few weeks
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:47:23 PM] <The_Bee> Good night, KK. Thanks for coming and have a good week.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:47:29 PM] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:47:31 PM] <Jerusha> A few weeks, Evie?
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:47:38 PM] <Evie> We're staying at the Westin, btw. The hotel with the steampunk stuff
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:47:39 PM] <DesertRose> Evie will see KK at DragonCon.
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:47:44 PM] <Evie> at DragonCon, Jerusha
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:47:44 PM] Quit jemler has left this server (Quit: ).
[Sunday, August 10, 2014] [08:47:53 PM] Quit KK has left this server (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)