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Wedding Journey -- Prologue

Started by bronwynevaine, July 30, 2014, 12:19:53 AM

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For those who need to brush up—swot up—on Camber-era fiction, I've included pertinent information from Codex Derynianus II...  (Any errors or misrepresentations are mine.)

"Wedding Journey" takes place in May of 917, during the timeframe of Camber the Heretic.  It features Jesse MacGregor and Sylvan O'Sullivan, two of Katherine Kurtz's minor characters. 

Jesse is the eldest son of Gregory Earl of Ebor. He is a friend of Camber's grandsons Davin and Ansel MacRorie. 

Gregory is a friend and adviser to King Cinhil and a member of the Camberian Council with Joram, Evaine, and Rhys.  He believes Camber to be dead and a saint. 

Sylvan is Gregory's battle surgeon.  He later worked with Revan, "cleansing" Deryni of their "taint" through "baptism." 

31 January 917  Rhys Thuryn, while tending to the injured Earl Gregory, discovers that Deryni powers can be blocked.  Rhys sends for Camber, now known as Alister Cullen, to demonstrate his new-found talent.  On their way back to Valoret, Camber/Alister and Joram help a group of travelers who were waylaid and roughed up.  The travelers were human and kin to one of the regents.  The attackers were Deryni. 

2 February 917  King Cinhil dies after setting the Haldane potential in Alroy, Javan, and Rhys Michael.   

3 February 917  The human regents begin to dismiss Deryni from government.  Jesse, in a mind-link with Camber/Alister, identifies the Deryni who attacked the human travelers.  Jesse, Davin McRorie, and Ansel McRorie determine to bring the attackers to justice. 

25 May 917  Alroy is crowned on his and Javan's twelfth birthday. 

28 May 917  Javan and Rhys Michael attend the fair held to honor (to amuse and distract) King Alroy.  Tavis is attacked and his hand cut off. 

Chapter1:  http://www.rhemuthcastle.com/index.php/topic,805.0.html
I don't just march to the beat of a different drummer...I dance to a beat no one else can hear :)
