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KK Chat -- 27 October 2013

Started by DesertRose, October 27, 2013, 07:07:02 PM

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[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:17:35 PM] Join KK has joined this channel (~kkurtz@OWIRCN-3d2ec0ac.va.comcast.net).
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:17:39 PM] <DesertRose> Hi KK!
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:17:40 PM] <The_Bee> hi kk
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:17:40 PM] <Evie> Hi KK
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:17:42 PM] <Jerusha> Hi KK!
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:17:45 PM] <jemler> hi kk
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:17:51 PM] <KK> Hello, all.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:17:59 PM] <Evie> Mini-Rhys is here to say hi
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:18:04 PM] <Jerusha> Did you have a nice birthday?
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:18:04 PM] <The_Bee> happy belated birthday, KK
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:18:18 PM] <DesertRose> How was the birthday weekend trip, KK?
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:18:20 PM] <jemler> happy birthday
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:18:24 PM] <kirienne> Hi KK, Happy Belated Birthday. I hope it was a wonderful one.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:18:27 PM] <KK> Thank you, it was good. Went to Atlanta for the Stone Mountain Highland Games.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:18:33 PM] <Evie> Oh, fun!
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:18:36 PM] <kirienne> :-)
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:18:39 PM] <KK> Lots of bagpipes and men in kilts.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:18:43 PM] <DesertRose> Fun!
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:18:48 PM] <Evie> I've been to that Highland Games, but it's been years
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:18:48 PM] <Jerusha> Wonderful
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:18:59 PM] <kirienne> I love both bagpipes and men in kilts :-D
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:19:04 PM] <The_Bee> I went to the highland games in Antigonish, Canada once.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:19:32 PM] <DesertRose> I like bagpipes too, but I once made the mistake of being too close when the piper started playing. Ouch. Those things are LOUD.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:19:51 PM] <The_Bee> lots of bagpipes, but most of the pipers were girls.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:19:56 PM] <jemler> American Pie Band Camp
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:19:58 PM] <Evie> KK, DH says hello
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:20:18 PM] <kirienne> We have local Highland Games , every year, at the end of April here. I try to go each year if finances allow
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:20:53 PM] <DesertRose> I think we have a Scottish games event every year too, but I haven't ever been. I've always either been busy or not had the money.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:22:10 PM] <Evie> I'm not sure if my kids were born yet or not the last time we went to the Stone Mountain games, that's how long it's been.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:22:20 PM] <DesertRose> That's been a while.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:22:21 PM] <Jerusha> KK, how is your editor doing? Is she better?
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:22:40 PM] Quit KK has left this server (Ping timeout: 121 seconds).
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:22:46 PM] <Evie> uh oh
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:22:48 PM] <DesertRose> Drat.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:22:53 PM] * kirienne stabs ping with her sword
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:22:55 PM] <Jerusha> mibbit strikes again
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:23:18 PM] <DesertRose> KK doesn't use Mibbit. I think she uses mIRC, but I'm not sure.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:23:21 PM] <DesertRose> Bynw probably knows.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:23:37 PM] <bynw> she doesnt use mibbit
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:23:50 PM] Join KK has joined this channel (~kkurtz@OWIRCN-3d2ec0ac.va.comcast.net).
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:23:57 PM] <DesertRose> WB, KK!
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:23:58 PM] <jemler> wb
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:23:58 PM] <Jerusha> WB, KK
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:24:01 PM] <Evie> re-hi
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:24:03 PM] <KK> Wow, got booted out.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:24:23 PM] <KK> My internet connection today has been really slow and squirrely.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:24:23 PM] <Evie> Jerusha had just asked how your editor is doing, KK
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:24:25 PM] <DesertRose> :(
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:24:40 PM] <KK> Haven't heard an update, but I think my agent means to inquire this week.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:24:47 PM] <The_Bee> What does mibbit stand for, anyway?
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:24:56 PM] <kirienne> I hope she's doing better.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:25:02 PM] <Evie> did the problem you had that evening when you kept getting booted out of chat ever clear up, KK?
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:25:04 PM] <KK> Me too.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:25:15 PM] <DesertRose> I don't think Mibbit stands for anything. It's a browser based chat client.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:25:17 PM] <Jerusha> Me three
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:25:18 PM] <KK> I have no idea.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:25:42 PM] <Evie> Well, at least it's working for you right now
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:25:52 PM] <DesertRose> Don't jinx it, Evie. :P
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:26:11 PM] <KK> I'm thinking to restart my computer, to see if that helps. But not until after chat, unless it keeps booting me. The slow speed is yucky.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:26:18 PM] <Evie> Rhys has his new head of hair, and I'm here to tell you that mohair is a right bitch to work with. :D
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:26:31 PM] <KK> I saw the new photos, just before I came online.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:26:38 PM] <DesertRose> I hear that, KK. My desktop has been doing stupid stuff lately.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:27:08 PM] <Evie> It's very soft, though
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:27:27 PM] <Evie> and your cats might be inordinately fascinated by it, so fair warning. :D
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:27:44 PM] <Evie> Gigi kept sniffing his head to the point she nearly knocked him off the table!
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:28:12 PM] <DesertRose> Gee, thanks, Gigi.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:28:39 PM] <Evie> I have to keep a close eye on Gigi and anything furry, though. She likes to steal fur toys.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:28:45 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:28:57 PM] <Evie> So I was worried she'd try to drag Rhys off by the hair
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:28:58 PM] <DesertRose> Frustrated hunter.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:29:01 PM] <kirienne> :D
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:29:07 PM] <The_Bee> does she think they're kittens or mice?
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:29:13 PM] <Evie> I think he'll be sleeping in the craft closet from now on
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:29:43 PM] <Jerusha> And he thought he only needed to be worried about the Regents!
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:29:52 PM] <kirienne> LOL
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:30:00 PM] <Evie> I don't know, Bee. She'll sometimes make a plaintive mewing sound when she does it, but I can't tell if she's calling kittens because she thinks she is carrying one, or if she's carrying home "prey"
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:30:14 PM] <KK> Gus brought in a live chipmunk the day before yesterday. Fortunately, I was able to rescue it before he damanged it, ane before the dogs could get it. They're very sweet and soft. He didn't even try to bite me..
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:30:24 PM] <Evie> Awww
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:30:24 PM] <DesertRose> Wow.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:30:38 PM] <The_Bee> lucky chipmunk
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:30:50 PM] <DesertRose> Rhys canonically has a rapport with cats, but that's a little ridiculous there, Gigi. :D
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:30:54 PM] <kirienne> I'm glad it didn't try to bite you, KK
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:30:56 PM] <Jerusha> Chipmunks drive my whippets crazy
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:30:56 PM] <KK> Well, I let him go up a tree, so he's on his own now.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:31:06 PM] <bynw> lucky KK ... chipmunks can bite hard
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:31:31 PM] <KK> WOrse than mice? I've been bitten by mice many times, when I used to work in a research lab.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:31:48 PM] <bynw> dont know ... never been bitten by a mouse
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:31:50 PM] <DesertRose> Most rodents have hell-begotten teeth. I used to keep hamsters, and they can bite the everloving crap out of you.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:31:52 PM] <Jerusha> Ouch
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:32:30 PM] <The_Bee> Wild animals are more likely than lab animals to be rabies carriers.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:32:39 PM] <KK> I think the bite would be worse, if only because their teeth are bigger than mouse teeth.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:32:42 PM] <jemler> that's when you make hamster stew.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:32:56 PM] <KK> But I think he maybe realized that I was trying to help him, to save his life.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:33:23 PM] <KK> Well, I'm glad he didn't try to bite me.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:33:43 PM] <kirienne> you were his hero
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:33:50 PM] <jemler> who here remembers mac and tosh?
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:34:05 PM] <The_Bee> ??
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:34:27 PM] <jemler> cartoon gophers. very polite to each other.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:34:29 PM] <Jerusha> Do I need to find throwable smelt?
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:34:55 PM] <DesertRose> No hamster stew. Just get them used to being handled and don't scare them and they won't bite.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:35:33 PM] <The_Bee> My sister once had a pet guiunea pig that had babies.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:36:03 PM] <jemler> do thet call the babies guinea piglets?
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:36:09 PM] * jemler ducks
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:36:21 PM] * DesertRose chases jemler, mackerel in hand, to beat him.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:36:29 PM] <kirienne> LOL
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:36:30 PM] <The_Bee> I don't know. We names them Fee, FIe, Fo and Fum.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:36:41 PM] <DesertRose> That's cute, Bee.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:36:43 PM] <kirienne> :/
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:36:50 PM] <kirienne> That's cute, Bee
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:36:54 PM] <Evie> :D
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:37:11 PM] <DesertRose> We haven't lost KK again, please no?
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:37:12 PM] <kirienne> Ah, DR, we think alike, I was typing as your post came up :-0
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:37:15 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:37:24 PM] Quit KK has left this server (Ping timeout: 121 seconds).
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:37:28 PM] <DesertRose> Damn.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:37:32 PM] <Jerusha> Augh!
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:37:37 PM] <kirienne> Ack!!!!
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:37:47 PM] * kirienne throws a spear at Ping
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:37:49 PM] Join KK has joined this channel (~kkurtz@OWIRCN-3d2ec0ac.va.comcast.net).
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:37:51 PM] * The_Bee starts counting down to KK's return.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:37:54 PM] <DesertRose> Rehi, KK.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:37:57 PM] <The_Bee> wb KK
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:38:01 PM] <KK> It doesn't like me tonight.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:38:04 PM] <kirienne> wb, KK
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:38:11 PM] <Jerusha> Jerusha sets out ward cubes to keep KK in chat
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:38:23 PM] <DesertRose> Phooey on ping anyway.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:38:46 PM] <jemler> follow this link: http://www.ask.com/wiki/Goofy_Gophers?o=2801&qsrc=999&ad=doubleDown&an=apn&ap=ask.com
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:38:50 PM] * Evie checks out KK's Transfer Portal to see why the spell is malfunctioning
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:39:06 PM] <DesertRose> BRB
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:39:55 PM] <KK> I think I've seen the goofy gophers before, Jemler. Thanks for the link.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:40:36 PM] <KK> So, Kirienne, how're you doing?
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:40:48 PM] <kirienne> I'm doing great, KK. Thanks
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:40:58 PM] <Jerusha> Are you back at work?
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:40:59 PM] <jemler> i remember them always being very polite. saying "after you" and thank you or you're too kind. things like that.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:41:16 PM] <KK> That's very British, Jemler.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:41:24 PM] <kirienne> My hair is coming back too, it's coming in nice and thick, but is still so short, but at least it's coming back :-)
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:41:27 PM] <The_Bee> Did they have French or English accents?
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:41:34 PM] <jemler> english
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:41:36 PM] <kirienne> I've been back at work for 3 weeks now
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:42:39 PM] <kirienne> I am tired by the end of the week, but I feel great
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:43:03 PM] <DesertRose> kirienne: is your hair coming back in a different texture than before? My grandmother's hair was straight, pre-chemo, and came back in curly.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:43:06 PM] <Jerusha> Good to hear, but make sure you look after yourself
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:43:12 PM] <jemler> when do you go on vacation? :)
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:43:19 PM] <DesertRose> Yes, indeed, take care of yourself, kirienne.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:43:44 PM] <Evie> I dread work this week. We were short staffed to begin with, and the person we just hired to help me in the front office doesn't start until the first week of November, but then last Thursday my boss got let go from her job. :-(
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:44:06 PM] <kirienne> DR, it seems to be the same texture, but is too short to be sure. Looks to be close to my same silver color, which I loveds
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:44:07 PM] <DesertRose> Oh, that's going to suck, Evie.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:44:14 PM] <DesertRose> Oh, cool, kirienne.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:44:16 PM] <Jerusha> Yike, Evie! Did she do something wrong?
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:44:18 PM] <Evie> I've heard of the hair coming back differently
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:44:41 PM] <KK> That's great. I understand that the texture is almost always different from what it was before.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:44:49 PM] Join KIK has joined this channel (~kkurtz@OWIRCN-3d2ec0ac.va.comcast.net).
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:45:10 PM] <Jerusha> Wow, KK - you're back and you didn't even leave!
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:45:11 PM] <The_Bee> You've been cloned!
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:45:11 PM] <kirienne> I'll be able to tell better when it's a bit longer
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:45:11 PM] <KIK> Back at last. It ,rea..y. doesn't like me tonight.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:45:19 PM] <jemler> diff nick
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:45:31 PM] <DesertRose> Because the original nick hasn't pinged out yet, server-side.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:45:39 PM] <KIK> That's weird.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:45:48 PM] <Evie> Nope, Jerusha. That's the real kicker. Despite not doing anything wrong (her boss told us that the powers-that-be just decided they wanted to reorganize the department and expand it under a leader who would have a different degree field and a doctorate rather than masters degree), she got no advance warning.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:45:51 PM] <KIK> I see that KK is still there.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:45:56 PM] <The_Bee> so now we have two of you.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:46:02 PM] <jemler> dont talk to yourseld kk/kik
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:46:13 PM] <Jerusha> That sucks, Evie
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:46:16 PM] <KIK> Who got let go, Evie?
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:46:17 PM] <The_Bee> Which one is the evil twin?
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:46:18 PM] <DesertRose> That does suck.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:46:24 PM] <Evie> Has your internet connection been spotty ever since the last time your chat connection was like this, KK?
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:46:27 PM] <Evie> My boss did, KK
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:46:37 PM] <KIK> Yuck!
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:46:41 PM] Quit KK has left this server (Ping timeout: 121 seconds).
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:46:53 PM] <KIK> Am I still here as KIK?
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:46:55 PM] <kirienne> That's sad, Evie
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:46:56 PM] <DesertRose> I hope she got a severance package. That's a really crappy way to treat someone who hasn't screwed up in some fashion.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:47:04 PM] <DesertRose> Yes, KIK. :)
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:47:05 PM] <KIK> Looks like I am. How's that for a backup persona?
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:47:18 PM] <Jerusha> We're reorganizing too. My new boss is the same age as my youngest son. :/
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:47:23 PM] <Evie> which means on top of being short staffed, now we have to figure out how to reassign all her clients and carry on with her workload while the admin posts her job position and does the candidate search for it
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:47:27 PM] <KIK> That must be weird.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:47:56 PM] <KIK> And this is not the greatest of times to be let go. Not that any time is great.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:48:08 PM] <Evie> She got a severance package, but yes, she had 15 years with the uni and was dumped despite that
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:48:11 PM] <DesertRose> Oh, jeez, Evie. That is going to be a headache. Hopefully not literally.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:48:13 PM] <kirienne> Good luck withthe extra work, Evie
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:48:19 PM] <The_Bee> Did they give any reason for firing her?
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:48:33 PM] Join Alkari has joined this channel (Mibbit@OWIRCN-50e8158a.internode.on.net).
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:48:38 PM] <DesertRose> Hi Alkari.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:48:40 PM] <The_Bee> hi alkari
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:48:40 PM] <Jerusha> That really sucks, Evie
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:48:45 PM] <Jerusha> Hi Alkari
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:48:46 PM] <Evie> Just wanted to hire someone else with a doctorate in a different field, Bee
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:48:52 PM] <Alkari> Hello all. Now completely comfused about timeones, LOL.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:48:56 PM] <kirienne> Hi Alkari
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:48:57 PM] <jemler> hi alkari
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:48:57 PM] <Evie> hi, alkari
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:49:03 PM] <The_Bee> I got fired the same way--office reorganizaton.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:49:08 PM] <Evie> US doesn't have a time change until next weekend
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:49:09 PM] <DesertRose> LOL, yeah. The US has to do things their own way. :P
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:49:12 PM] <Jerusha> That will cost them more, I would expect
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:50:07 PM] <The_Bee> IIRC, Duck's part of Oz didn't do daylight savings.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:50:15 PM] <Evie> My boss was half expecting they'd want to hire someone else to become director, and bump her down to assistant or something, but I don't think she expected to be booted from the job entirely
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:50:35 PM] <DesertRose> I would be so mad if I were her.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:51:00 PM] <Jerusha> Unfortunately, there is a lot of that going around
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:51:15 PM] <kirienne> yes, I've heard of lots of companies doing it
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:51:38 PM] <Alkari> No Bee - we now have five timezones - idiotic!!
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:51:40 PM] <KIK> Hi, Alkari.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:51:40 PM] <KIK> At least <you> didn't get let go.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:51:45 PM] <Evie> I'm just hoping I can stay on until June 2016. After that, I'm eligible to retire with full benefits, which I think includes my children continuing to get half price tuition
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:51:56 PM] Join KK has joined this channel (~kkurtz@OWIRCN-3d2ec0ac.va.comcast.net).
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:52:08 PM] <KK> Back again.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:52:09 PM] <jemler> hi kk
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:52:12 PM] <Alkari> Oh, hope you are OK unti you CAN retire, Evie :(
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:52:14 PM] <kirienne> I hope you stay on there Evie, until at least then
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:52:15 PM] <KK> Both of me, it looks like.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:52:16 PM] <DesertRose> Wow, KK, the connection REALLY doesn't like you tonight. :(
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:52:24 PM] <Evie> Though if they want to release me sooner with full benefits, I won't argue against early retirement
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:52:39 PM] <KK> Yike, are you in peril, Evie?
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:52:41 PM] <Alkari> Showing your Twin Personality, KK? :)
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:52:49 PM] <Jerusha> Fingers are crossed that you make it to retirement, Evie
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:52:55 PM] <jemler> you've got about 40 years for retirement, evie
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:53:07 PM] <The_Bee> It's not new. It happened to me back in 1986. They assured me I would not be "involuntarily trerminated." The following spring they fired me.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:53:15 PM] <DesertRose> My uncle did that, took early retirement. They offered him a fairly significant lump sum plus his earned retirement benefits, and he talked it over with my aunt and took it.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:53:25 PM] <Evie> No more so than anyone else in my office, KK. We've all been assured that our places are secure--at least for now--but last week I would have thought my boss's job was secure too.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:53:41 PM] Quit KIK has left this server (Ping timeout: 121 seconds).
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:53:50 PM] <Jerusha> So much for secure
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:53:50 PM] <Evie> Dear God, jemler, I hope I can retire before I'm 91!!!
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:53:52 PM] <KK> Now, is KK still here?
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:53:55 PM] <KK> Yes!
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:53:59 PM] <DesertRose> Yup.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:54:02 PM] <Jerusha> Woohoo
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:54:08 PM] <jemler> maybe we should all move to idia to get jobs with american companies.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:54:17 PM] <The_Bee> KK, you have triumphed--for now
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:54:22 PM] <Jerusha> I have another nine long years before retirement
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:54:36 PM] <KK> For now. But I'm not holding my breath.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:54:52 PM] <kirienne> My company was so wonderful to hold my job for me all the time I was out. I had been reassured I would not be terminated.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:54:52 PM] <jemler> i hope not! you're face would turn blue!
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:54:58 PM] <DesertRose> Don't blame you, KK, not with the way the connection is behaving.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:55:17 PM] <Evie> If you are having chat problems and you say your internet connection has also been spotty, I wonder if the same thing is causing both? Might want to have Comcast check that.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:55:18 PM] <Alkari> Yes, glad you are OK Kirienne
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:55:18 PM] <Jerusha> Good to hear, Kirienne
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:56:01 PM] <Evie> That's good, Kirienne
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:56:04 PM] <Alkari> I was lucky that I had accrued thousands of hours of sick leave, so I could work P/T and then just make up the rest of the hours as sick leave
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:56:06 PM] <kirienne> They've been wonderful to me
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:56:16 PM] <Alkari> And so they should be!!!!
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:56:23 PM] <DesertRose> That's cool that your work is being good, kirienne.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:56:24 PM] <The_Bee> kudos to them!
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:57:20 PM] <kirienne> I had used up all sick leave adn vacation time for my surgery last january
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:57:46 PM] <Alkari> Luckily some places realise that it is much better to hold onto good staff through temporary difficulties, rather than go through all the hassle of firing, recruiting, retraining, etc.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:58:07 PM] <DesertRose> LOL, that's kind of a cynical approach, Alkari. Probably correct, though.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:58:29 PM] <kirienne> My company, though large, is still family owned and treats us well
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:58:30 PM] <Alkari> Well, all too often 'assets' are seen as physical things and not the staff.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:58:38 PM] <The_Bee> If they do the right thing, don't question their motives.
[Sunday, October 27, 2013] [07:58:38 PM] Quit KK has left this server (Ping timeout: 121 seconds).
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)