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Journey from Childhood - Chapter 3 - The Peace Offering

Started by Jerusha, August 15, 2013, 08:18:36 AM

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Chapter 3 – The Peace Offering

Tehryn Keep
Barony of Tehryn
December, 1131

Baron Jerrill de Tehryn looked around the table at his family and sighed.  He had planned that they would dine quietly, this last night before they left for Rhemuth, in the solar.  A perfect chance to reminisce.  His blue eyes, as clear and sharp as ever even though he was well into his sixties, were not twinkling with their usual good humour.  The fire burning in the hearth provided welcome warmth and the sideboard was set with many of the triplets' favourite foods, waiting to be served by his manservant.  Amah sat across from him at the other end of the table, gowned in her usual black, quietly serene.  The boys sat along the left side of the table, freshly scrubbed from their training and other duties Jerrill had laid out to keep them occupied.  The right side of the table, where his daughter normally sat to avoid any right-hand versus left-hand conflicts with her brothers, was empty. 

"I really don't think it was necessary to exclude Jäna," he said, his full, iron-grey beard bristling as he spoke. 

"My lord," Lady Amah replied with unusual formality, "Jäna needs to understand that actions have consequences.  It is better she learns the lesson sooner than later."

"Later would have suited me just fine.   Master Cooke worked hard to fix the pheasant just the way she likes it."

"Jerrill," Amah replied shaking her head.  "I don't intend that Jäna should starve.  She'll have the same food, but by herself in her room."

"I intended this to be a nice family meal.  With ALL of the family!"

Lady Amah remained silent, wisely saying nothing more.  The boys fidgeted on their bench.  Meals were always a jolly affair, unless someone was ill.  Baron Jerrill always insisted that no battles were to be fought during meals.  He looked ready to start one now, though.

"Papa," Justin said, sitting up straighter with sudden inspiration.  "Pages are trained to serve at table, are they not?"

Jerrill turned to look at his son.  "Yes, they are."

"Then we should start now, Papa.  Jared and I could serve Jäna her food in her room."

"I don't think...," Amah began.

"That's an excellent idea!  Wallace," the baron looked to his manservant standing ready by the sideboard, "will give you a hand.  As you stated, Amah, learning is better sooner than later!"

Before Amah could voice further protest, the boys were up and accepting washbasin, towel and trencher as Wallace wisely followed with the goblet and wine flask. 

It wasn't long before they returned empty-handed.  Wallace gave each boy a serving dish and again followed, this time with the carefully prepared pheasant.  Jared returned for the plate of mince tarts and again withdrew.

Lady Amah gave Jerrill a sharp look.  "They are bringing the food back, I hope?"

"Of course they are, but perhaps I should check.  Maybe they spilled something."  Baron Jerrill pushed back his chair and quickly left the solar.

Lady Amah sat quietly in her chair, alone in the room.  At least the washbasin should have been returned by now.  Jerrill had jumped a little too readily at Justin's suggestion.  This would not be the first time she had been out-manoeuvred.  Pursing her lips tighter, she rose to follow where the others had gone.  Part way there, she met Wallace returning, again empty handed.

The door to Jäna's room stood wide open; Amah stopped just inside and folded her arms across her chest, not quite glaring, but certainly not pleased.  She should have known.

A blanket had been spread over the floor.  Jäna sat cross legged beside it, her trencher and goblet set before her.  Jerrill sat across from her, lifting his hands from the washbasin Justin held and accepting the towel Jared offered him.  Jäna hesitated for a moment, then rose and offered a graceful curtsey.  The boys bowed.

"Amah, good of you to join us," Baron Jerrill said with a smile.  "I've sent Wallace to fetch the rest of the trenchers."

"I believe I suggested Jäna should eat alone in her room," Amah stated, avoiding a direct assault.

"True, but by the time the food had been returned, and we were all settled again, the pheasant would have been cold," Jerrill replied, trying a logistical manoeuvre. 

"I am sorry, Amah.  I have been behaving badly."  Jäna, still standing, looked contrite.  Her eyes were still red from crying.  The perfect peace offering, brilliantly played.

Jared brought over a cushion from the bench at the end of Jäna's bed and placed it at the edge of the blanket, beside his father.  "If it please you, my lady, will you join us at table?" he asked with a formal bow and then offered his hand to assist her to sit.

Lady Amah looked for a moment at Jerrill and then accepted the boy's hand to sit.  Justin brought over the washbasin and Amah carefully rinsed her hands while Jared stood ready with the towel.

The good humour had returned to Baron Jerrill's eyes as the boys, assisted by Wallace, served the meal.  No battles at dinner was his rule, but the occasional skirmish was another matter.  He sliced the finest pieces of the pheasant and nudged them to Amah's side of the shared trencher.  A little additional good will never hurt.

"Did I ever tell you about the time Jayce tried to ride my warhorse?"  Jerrill began as he reached for a glazed carrot.

"No, Papa!"

"Do you mean old Goliath that you rode in the Mearan campaign?"

"No Papa, you never told us that story!"

"Well," the baron smiled as he settled in to his meal and his story. "It was a fine spring day...."
From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggity beasties and things that go bump in the night...good Lord deliver us!

 -- Old English Litany


Very nicely played maneuver to get around Jana's well-earned but untimely consequences.  I hope Baron Jerrill has an easier time getting up from a seated position on the floor than I do, though!   :D
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


Jana is a bit young, but under the circumstances couldn't she go as a "Junior Lady-in-Waiting" for something?


Well, in addition to being extremely young, I would imagine she'd have to be invited to serve the Queen or some other high-ranking noblewoman in that way, she couldn't just show up and volunteer.  In ITKS, I think it was, if I remember correctly Vera was only able to come to court and serve Queen Richeldis because Alyce and Marie were already members of her entourage and were in a position to put in a word of recommendation for her.  Duchess Meraude, however, already has a well established household, so while she might be willing to take on a very young girl, she probably doesn't have a particular need to do so.  Perhaps if Jana were an orphan, she might feel a responsibility to take the child in as a ward, but otherwise she'd probably prefer to let her grow up a bit more first before considering her for a potential lady-in-waiting.  And Kelson's new Queen may or may not want to take on the responsibility for a child so young either, especially since she has little ones of her own.

On the other hand, if Tehryn is a barony in Carthmoor (which I seem to recall is the case, or did I just imagine that connection, Jerusha?), then it would follow quite naturally that they'd be fostered to Prince Nigel (Jerrill's ducal liegelord) for at least some portion of their formative years, not just to provide for the necessary training that all sons of noblemen need, but also to help cement and strengthen that bond of loyalty that the future lords of the House of Tehryn would need to have towards their liegelord and his heirs.   As pages, they're not only learning protocol and precedence and how to wait on tables, they're also acquiring life lessons in military discipline and obedience to authority...and most specifically, obedience to Nigel and--both through their fealty to him and also directly--to the Haldane King and heirs.  I can easily see Nigel not simply offering Jerrill's sons a place in his page training, but practically insisting on it.
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


Not letting Jäna join in the family meal on the last night was harsh, but I wouldn't be Baron Jerrill when Lady Amah got him alone later!


Huzzah to Justin for his wisdom in suggesting to become a page a day early to serve his sister. If Papa Jerill had not been so upset, the rouse might not have worked.
So now I am wondering if Jerill had hinted at this solution when talking to his boys before dinner.  hmmm. That seems a familiar tactic like something my father would have done.  :o  It made for a memorable family moment. nice.

QuoteI hope Baron Jerill has an easier time getting up from a seated position on the floor than I do, though!
hehe.  I thought of that too. I bet Jerill did not consider this until too late. Leaving Amah with a sense of justice at the end of the feast.
May your horses have wings and fly!


Yes, Evie, Tehryn owes fealty to Carthmoor.  Given that Sir Jayce died in service to the Iron Duke, Prince Nigel is inclined to give the boys an extra edge by having them serve as pages under his tutelage at the royal court, versus in Carthmoor as could have been done. 

Jäna is too young to serve as a junior lady in waiting, and Baron Jerrill has no inclination at this point in time to let his daughter leave his now reduced family circle.  If you will remember from my first story, Jäna is the image of her mother (though a very young image) and Jerrill is not yet ready to let her go.  Nor is Lady Amah, who would prefer to look after her upbringing herself.  She has more than needlework to teach our young Deryni child.  ;)

I was on a dinner cruise last night on our local lake, and the water was rough enough that several of us got tossed off our chairs onto the floor.  Getting up was OK, but I was very glad the table had been cleared!  :)
From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggity beasties and things that go bump in the night...good Lord deliver us!

 -- Old English Litany


A dinner cruise on rough waters sounds like a spectacularly bad idea, at least for those poor souls who have the misfortune to get seasick!   ;D
"In necessariis unitas, in non-necessariis libertas, in utrisque caritas."

I have a vocabulary in excess of 75,000 words, and I'm not afraid to use it!


Quote from: Evie on August 16, 2013, 10:50:33 AM
A dinner cruise on rough waters sounds like a spectacularly bad idea, at least for those poor souls who have the misfortune to get seasick!   ;D

Considering some of the stories--fires, sickness outbreaks, groundings, etc.--I have no desire to take a cruise of any kind.

Back to the topic, I suppose it is inevitable that the trio be broken up, but I feel sorry for Jana--unless they can find some little girl about her own age to be fostered there.  Perhaps a pair of sisters--one a little older than her, one a little younger?


 Jäna will find other "sisters", and they will form a very special bond.  But that's a few stories off yet.  ;)
From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggity beasties and things that go bump in the night...good Lord deliver us!

 -- Old English Litany


At least they're acting like a family should once again.  The triplets are young and have many years to grow up into responsible adults.
We will never forget the events of 9-11!!  USA!! USA!!


Jana acted like a brat and her father encouraged undermining Amah's authority. I'M not sure that bodes well for her future. However, she is having a hard time dealing with the coming separation from her brothers and I am sure many of her actions are her way of trying to deny it. We certainly can't blame her for that.
"Thanks be to God there are still, as there always have been and always will be, more good men than evil in this world, and their cause will prevail." Brother Cadfael's Penance


I never wanted Jana to be too perfect; all children have their awful moments.  At least mine certainly did!
From ghoulies and ghosties and long-leggity beasties and things that go bump in the night...good Lord deliver us!

 -- Old English Litany


Jana was behaving badly but it was out of hurt not simple naughtiness. She is about to lose her brothers and nothing will be the same again. And the punishment was too harsh - the last memory of childhood ruined for them all, forever. I wonder if Amazon wasn't already beginning to regret her decision in her heart of hearts and was glad of a way out which preserved her dignity.

Btw Jerusha,  I think I'm right in saluting a fellow mother of three? It has it's own challenges!
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
(Psalm 46 v1)


I do love your stories about the triplets. I felt bad for A ah that they all just left her sitting at table alone. I was glad they will have a good memory of that last dinner together
"Thanks be to God there are still, as there always have been and always will be, more good men than evil in this world, and their cause will prevail." Brother Cadfael's Penance