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KK Chat -- 23 June 2013

Started by DesertRose, June 23, 2013, 08:26:53 PM

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[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:09:06 PM] Join KK has joined this channel.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:09:12 PM] <Sarah> hey KK
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:09:12 PM] <jemler> kk!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:09:12 PM] <DesertRose> KK!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:09:14 PM] <Jerusha> Hi KK!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:09:14 PM] <DesertRose> Hi!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:09:15 PM] <the_Bee> Hi KK!!!!!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:09:19 PM] <DesertRose> We'd almost given up hope!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:09:19 PM] <DomMelchior> Hi KK
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:09:21 PM] <DesertRose> :D
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:09:22 PM] <KK> Oh, good, people are still here.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:09:29 PM] <jemler> and it's not me!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:09:32 PM] <DF64> 12hi kk
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:09:38 PM] <KK> We had unexpected guests drop in for tea, and they just left.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:09:39 PM] <Evie> hi KK!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:09:42 PM] <DF64> 12we're still here
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:09:46 PM] <DesertRose> Ah, understandable.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:09:56 PM] <the_Bee> CynicalMedic says hello. She had to leave.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:09:59 PM] <DesertRose> So how are you doing aside unexpected company?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:10:06 PM] <Sarah> tea guests are always good
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:10:07 PM] <jemler> so did irina
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:10:15 PM] <Jerusha> How are our heroes?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:10:16 PM] <KK> Nice folk, and I whipped up some banana-nut muffins, because we were out of biscuits.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:10:25 PM] <Sarah> yum
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:10:27 PM] <DesertRose> Oh, Alkari sends her regards. She's doing something with her mum today and next week she has a dentist appointment, so she'll miss next chat too.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:10:27 PM] * jemler winces
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:10:46 PM] <Shiral> Hi KK
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:10:47 PM] <KK> I'll miss next week, because I'll be at the OSM retreat in PA.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:10:48 PM] <DesertRose> That's funny, KK. I gave irina my recipe for banana nut bread.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:10:52 PM] <Jerusha> I'd much rather do chat than the dentist
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:10:58 PM] <DesertRose> Okay, thanks for letting us know. :D
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:11:06 PM] <bynw> Hi KK
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:11:08 PM] <DF64> 12rather do anything over going to the dentist
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:11:11 PM] <Evie> KK, I don't have these shots on the Forum yet since I want to do some culling and editing first, but here's today's Mini-Deryni photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/9573389@N08/sets/72157634288241781/
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:11:15 PM] <jemler> what does your dentist look like, jerusha! :)
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:11:16 PM] <KK> And sorry to miss Irina, too, but it's really late there.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:11:41 PM] <KK> Evie, I saw photos around 3 PM. Are these those, or are there additional?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:11:41 PM] <Evie> It's an outdoor scene in the evening. Didn't exactly plan it that way, but that's how it ended up looking due to low lighting.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:11:45 PM] <Jerusha> Jerusha lobs a smelt with a dental pick at Jemler
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:11:50 PM] <DesertRose> Yes. irina and I chatted off and on all day today, but she was just knackered and went to bed around 6:30 Eastern.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:11:53 PM] <jemler> lol
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:11:56 PM] <Evie> I just put these on Flickr right as chat was starting.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:12:01 PM] <Evie> Not on the Forum yet
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:12:35 PM] <Evie> cynicalmedic was here and said to tell you hello if you showed up
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:13:05 PM] <KK> Great pics. You're getting so many details in now, they're starting to look like real scenes.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:13:08 PM] <Evie> Luke is attempting to make up for CM's absence by settling into my lap for chat
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:13:15 PM] <DesertRose> Rehi, Luke.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:13:23 PM] <Jerusha> Hi Luke
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:13:30 PM] <the_Bee> Cm had to inspect a new helicopter and new t-shirts.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:13:34 PM] <Evie> that's what I'm aiming for, KK. I'm hoping I have enough shots there to put together some sort of short photostory with them.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:13:43 PM] <KK> I really like the new chair.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:13:47 PM] <the_Bee> Hi Luke
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:14:09 PM] <KK> What kind of back did it have originally, do you know?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:14:40 PM] <Evie> I loooove the chair. Especially since the only other chair I've seen in that size was made for the fashion doll market, and it was $135. And I don't have anywhere near that sort of budget!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:15:03 PM] <KK> What did you have to pay for this one?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:15:12 PM] <Evie> It probably just had the standard sort of carved wooden back that that style of chair usually has. I hope to make a new one for it.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:15:40 PM] <KK> Shouldn't be too difficult.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:15:41 PM] <Evie> A smidge under $40. Still steep for me if it was new, but it's an antique model, so I splurged.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:15:48 PM] <DesertRose> That chair really looks at the very least, peri-oid, as one of my SCA scribal friends says.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:16:30 PM] <Evie> I'm tempted to use some gold Rub-and-Buff to highlight the carving, but part of me wants to just leave it well enough alone.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:16:31 PM] <KK> You're amassing quite a collection of Neat Shit.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:16:40 PM] <Evie> LOL! I'm trying. :D
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:16:42 PM] <KK> I'd leave it brown.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:16:46 PM] <DesertRose> LOL, KK.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:17:10 PM] <Evie> I hope to use this one to figure out the pattern to make others, so I can get all fancy and colorful with the reproduction ones.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:17:30 PM] <the_Bee> Is it real wood?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:17:42 PM] <Evie> Since I can easily see Kelson having a crimson and gold set, or Morgan having some green or black and gold ones, etc.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:17:45 PM] <Evie> It is, Bee
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:17:57 PM] <KK> Neat.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:18:03 PM] <the_Bee> Good. Natural wood is beautiful.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:18:08 PM] <Evie> The antique shop owner thinks it was a model used by a furniture salesman
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:18:09 PM] * Sarah says sorry you guys, I've got to go....
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:18:14 PM] <DesertRose> Okay, see you Sarah.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:18:16 PM] <Evie> bye, Sarah
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:18:18 PM] <Shiral> Bye Sarah
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:18:19 PM] <the_Bee> bye Sarah.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:18:21 PM] <jemler> nite sarah
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:18:22 PM] <DF64> 12bye sarah
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:18:22 PM] <Jerusha> Bye Sarah
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:18:23 PM] * DesertRose hugs Sarah good bye.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:18:27 PM] * Sarah hugs everyone goodbye for ow.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:18:38 PM] <DF64> 12for ow?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:18:38 PM] <jemler> ow!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:18:41 PM] <DomMelchior> Bye S
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:18:45 PM] <Jerusha> Stong hug?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:18:50 PM] <Sarah> now! sheesh i cant type
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:19:02 PM] <DesertRose> Rented fingers or a visitation of Titivillius.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:19:05 PM] <jemler> hu kan?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:19:16 PM] <Jerusha> Knot me
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:19:27 PM] <the_Bee> an invasion of the fumblies.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:19:31 PM] <Sarah> :) have a great week you guys
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:19:34 PM] <DesertRose> You too!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:19:38 PM] <Jerusha> You too, Sarah
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:19:41 PM] <Shiral> Bye, Sarah =o)
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:19:46 PM] Part Sarah has left this channel.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:20:15 PM] <Evie> Here's the $135 (or thereabouts) chair, but I actually like my simple carved wood one better: http://www.regentminiatures.com/1_6_Furniture.php
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:20:53 PM] <jemler> where'd you get ther bruce lee figure?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:21:16 PM] Quit Jerusha has left this server (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:21:29 PM] <Shiral> Looks like Ahmedinejad in the other chair. =o)
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:21:31 PM] <Evie> I don't have a Bruce Lee figure. Or do you mean on that website? I don't know which of the action figure companies puts that one out
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:21:44 PM] <DesertRose> Drat. We lost Jerusha.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:21:48 PM] Join Jerusha has joined this channel (Mibbit@A2BA3E.ADDBBB.113953.F11787).
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:21:51 PM] <DesertRose> Oh there she is.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:21:56 PM] <DesertRose> Rehi, Jerusha.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:22:02 PM] <DF64> 12wb
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:22:04 PM] <the_Bee> WB Jerusha
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:22:18 PM] <Jerusha> Sorry, I looked at Evie's link and I couldn't get back without bailing
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:22:18 PM] <Evie> LOL! The standing figure is the same Jake Gyllenhaal head sculpt I'm using for Denis Arilan, just with a different paint job.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:22:27 PM] <KK> Evie, I like your better, even with the back missing.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:22:30 PM] <Jerusha> I thought it looked familiea
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:22:35 PM] <Jerusha> familiar
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:22:49 PM] <KK> yours
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:22:59 PM] <the_Bee> So has anyone new died in your book, KK?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:23:00 PM] <Evie> Looks like they added beard stubble and darkened his hair and eyebrows
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:23:22 PM] <DesertRose> LOL, Bee.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:23:41 PM] <DomMelchior> Familiars? We're using familiars?! Now I have to go track down the dog... :-)
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:23:56 PM] <DesertRose> I do not haz a familiar. :(
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:24:19 PM] <Jerusha> I do - it's a dragon
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:24:30 PM] <DesertRose> One of these days, when I finish school and (hopefully) start working again, I will take my happy rear-end down to the shelter and adopt a kitty familiar.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:24:41 PM] <DomMelchior> Oooh, I hear they're hard to house break
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:24:55 PM] <Evie> I want to add a back to my chair, something like this one, though maybe without the carving unless I can find a glue-on motif and stain it to match: http://www.jbdesign.it/idesignpro/images/medievalfurniture/Savonarola_1.jpg
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:24:58 PM] <DomMelchior> Always eating virgins and burning the carpet
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:25:01 PM] <Jerusha> True, but they are wonderful for flame broiled steak
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:25:04 PM] <Shiral> Cleaning out a dragon's litterbox is quite a job
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:25:05 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:25:13 PM] <Evie> LOL, Shiral!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:25:24 PM] <Evie> So, KK, how are Alaric and Brion today?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:25:30 PM] <KK> Just Jorian. He's dead now, and we're at the following Twelfth Night. Alaric is 13, Ps Silke is 15, and things are about to fall apart up in Eastmarch.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:25:33 PM] <jemler> ire-lizards!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:25:48 PM] <jemler> Fire-lizards!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:25:56 PM] <Shiral> Silke is still at home and not in the convent?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:26:01 PM] <Evie> How old is Silke when she takes holy vows?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:26:09 PM] <the_Bee> Remind me: PS Silke?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:26:10 PM] <Jerusha> KK, did Alaric know about Duncan's desire to become a priest when he was at Jorian's execution?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:26:11 PM] <DomMelchior> Ire lizards can be maddening
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:26:22 PM] <Evie> Brion's sister, Bee
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:26:31 PM] <the_Bee> Ah.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:26:36 PM] <Shiral> Indeed, Dom Melchior
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:26:59 PM] <KK> Yes, Jerusha. THey'd just talked about it a few months before.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:27:01 PM] <Evie> typing one handed while Luke demands that I pet him
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:27:24 PM] <Jerusha> That must have made the execution all the more frightening
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:27:28 PM] <Evie> They'd talked about it in the book? So I will get to see Duncan again? :D
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:27:31 PM] <Shiral> Does he ever try to talk Duncan OUT of it, after seeing Jorian burn?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:27:37 PM] <KK> Silke is thinking about vows. She doesn't want to be married off to some ancient Llanneddi prince.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:28:06 PM] <Jerusha> ]How old is the prince?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:28:07 PM] <the_Bee> and was this before or after Duncan's secret marriage to Maryse?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:28:07 PM] <Evie> Oh dear.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:28:15 PM] <KK> The Queen Mother is campaigning for a marriage soon.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:28:16 PM] <Shiral> Occupational hazard of princesses, yes
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:28:21 PM] <KK> Before, Bee.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:28:31 PM] <Evie> And how closely related is he to Silke? Wasn't Richeldis a Llanneddan princess?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:28:36 PM] <DesertRose> Perils of being a princess. Your family may marry you off to their political advantage with little thought of your wishes.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:28:36 PM] <KK> Only briefly, Evie.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:29:05 PM] <KK> Yes, RIcheldis is from Llannedd.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:29:15 PM] <Evie> So we see Duncan after he's already felt a calling to the priesthood, but before he gets sidetracked by Maryse?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:29:31 PM] <KK> Probably a distant cousin. Or he might be from the COnnait. Haven't fully decided yet.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:29:43 PM] <KK> Yes, Evie.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:29:59 PM] <DesertRose> Oh, KK, I have a question for you from irina, and three questions from me.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:30:01 PM] <KK> He's already been studying material suitable for the priesthood
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:30:13 PM] <KK> Ask, DR.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:30:21 PM] <DesertRose> Araxie (and by analogy Richelle) seem to have the Haldane potential. Does this mean the potential can descend down the X chromosome? Or are they Deryni and just don't know it? Could they descend from blocked Deryni?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:30:27 PM] <DesertRose> That's irina's question.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:30:43 PM] <DesertRose> So I suppose it's really three related questions.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:31:28 PM] <Evie> If they are Letald's nieces, and Letald is Deryni, then his sister (their mom) is Deryni too, isn't she? So they would also be?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:31:35 PM] <KK> We don't fully understand the genealogical implications yet. Remember, they don't know about heredity except as an analogy to animal breeding.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:31:42 PM] <Evie> at least that's how I've always considered them.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:31:43 PM] <DesertRose> Oh, that's right, Evie.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:31:56 PM] <DesertRose> There's a good bit of Deryni blood in the Orsal line.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:31:57 PM] <the_Bee> "The Genetic Basis for Deryni Inheritance may need revising.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:32:06 PM] <Shiral> Again.....
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:32:10 PM] <DesertRose> I had forgotten about that when irina and I were discussing it earlier.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:32:29 PM] <KK> raxie and Richelle are definitely Deryni. Nothing has been speculated about the Haldane potential for them.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:32:47 PM] <Jerusha> Wasn't Micheala Deryni? Would that not have come down through the Haldane line?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:32:57 PM] <DesertRose> And my questions are fairly short. Is there a Gwynedd analog of St. Alban, or should I just use the historical St. Alban?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:32:57 PM] <the_Bee> For example, how did a Deryni father and a human mother produce a Deryni child?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:33:21 PM] <jemler> ah, bee?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:33:27 PM] <DesertRose> Wow. Lots of questions off irina's question.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:33:27 PM] <Jerusha> Like any other mother and father, Bee?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:33:34 PM] <DF64> 12too much infor
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:33:38 PM] <DF64> 12info
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:33:41 PM] <jemler> time for 'The Talk'
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:33:55 PM] <Evie> LOL! The question wasn't how did they produce a child, but a DERYNI child. :D
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:34:00 PM] <KK> I think Deryniness is probably carried on the X, so could come from either parent.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:34:03 PM] <Jerusha> Sorry, Bee, I couldn't help myself :)
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:34:04 PM] <the_Bee> One of the Regents' pet Healers had a human wife. Their son reacted to Merasha like a Deryni.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:34:25 PM] <jemler> i'm just being me! :)
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:34:35 PM] <Evie> But yes, that makes me wonder if Maryse was Deryni and either didn't know it or hid it from everyone but Duncan. (If she knew, that would explain how she knows the significance of a shiral crystal.)
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:34:37 PM] <KK> I'd say St. Alban would be ok to use.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:34:40 PM] <jemler> Oriel
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:35:15 PM] <the_Bee> A female can inherit it from either parent. If it's on the X chromosome, a male should need a Deryni mother.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:35:38 PM] <DesertRose> Okay. Next, is there an analog/equivalent to the Canterbury Gospels that would be kept in All Saints' Cathedral, as the Canterbury Gospels are kept in the Canterbury Cathedral?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:35:53 PM] <Evie> DD is singing karaoke to her friend via Skype. We live in a modern world.... ;D
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:35:55 PM] <KK> Maryse is from Border stock, and they take second sight for granted. That's probably an aspect of Deryniness, so they probably just take it for granted.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:36:31 PM] <KK> Then gain, Deryniness very likely has multiple factors that contribute to the matrix that is loosely called "Deryni."
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:36:42 PM] <jemler> MacArdry = Son of the High King. Could they be an offshoot of the Haldane line (pre-Festillic perhaps)>
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:36:47 PM] <the_Bee> You once wrote that droit du seignneur can explain a lot of anomalies, KK?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:36:48 PM] <Evie> So in other words, Borderers who have the second sight are probably Deryni, at least in part, and don't know it?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:37:21 PM] <KK> Yes to both Jemler and Bee.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:37:32 PM] <KK> Yes, Evie.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:38:01 PM] <the_Bee> How many other rulers have the so-called "Haldane Potential"?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:38:08 PM] <DF64> 12just me
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:38:29 PM] <KK> It may operate sort of like unusual human traits like perfect pitch, being able/unable to taste certain flavors, being able to roll one's tongue (or not).
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:39:02 PM] <the_Bee> Could that explain Warin de Grey?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:39:04 PM] <KK> Probably all of them since Cinhil, Bee.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:39:14 PM] <Evie> We could have a Deryni breeding program and see how exactly it all works, except that KK insists on sticking half of the eligible men in cassocks, thus depleting the potential population of study participants..... ;-)
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:39:22 PM] <the_Bee> al the 11 kingdoms?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:39:23 PM] <DesertRose> Yeah, there are a lot of human "racial" or "ethnic" characteristics that are the result of more than one gene, so it sort of follows that Deryniness would be on more than a single method of descent.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:39:33 PM] <jemler> Wencit thought Bran Coris had it, but he was a descendant ofthat Deryni woman from TBD (Fought alongside Rhys Michael). Lionel or Arjenol had it too.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:39:34 PM] <DesertRose> LOL, Evie.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:39:37 PM] <Shiral> Study or studly participants, Evie?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:39:43 PM] <Evie> Yes, Shiral. :D
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:39:52 PM] * DesertRose cackles with laughter.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:40:11 PM] <jemler> Sudrey! that was her name!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:41:00 PM] <Jerusha> Was Lionel Deryni, or did he gain that in some way from Wencit?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:41:24 PM] <KK> Don't recall whether I've specified, Jerusha.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:41:28 PM] <Evie> I've got a friend who is a geneticist, and who based one of her grad school papers on the Deryni trait. She might be interested in exploring ways that the trait is passed down that would explain some of the 'anomalies' in canon. :D
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:41:33 PM] <jemler> In HD Tiercel said Wencit had 2 full humans on his side whose powers were only assumed.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:42:11 PM] <jemler> so wencit hadf Rhyson (Stefan Coram), Lionel, and bran Coris on his side
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:42:15 PM] <KK> But they might have had something akin to the Haldane potential, that enabled them to assume powers.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:42:30 PM] <DesertRose> The condition of being Deryni is probably, I'm guessing, a collection of genetic traits, not just one single trait. That's just my guess.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:42:44 PM] <KK> Probably a good guess, DR.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:42:47 PM] <DesertRose> :D
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:42:52 PM] <Jerusha> I thought it was odd that Morag would marry anyone not Deryni
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:43:15 PM] <Jerusha> Just from a dynastic viewpoint
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:43:27 PM] <DomMelchior> DR that would also explain how the concept of "half-Deryni" arose. Folks with some but not all of the traits
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:43:31 PM] <KK> True, but she wasn't in the direct line.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:43:38 PM] <Evie> Maybe Lionel had vast tracts of land. Literally, not Pythonesque. :D
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:43:44 PM] <DesertRose> Anyway, would we have an ancient manuscript similar to the Canterbury Gospels?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:43:49 PM] <DesertRose> LOL, Evie.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:43:55 PM] <the_Bee> Then there are XX children who develop as males due a fragment of the Y chromosome.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:44:00 PM] <Shiral> Yes, but Morag was probably pretty high maintenance
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:44:01 PM] <KK> Quite possibly, DR.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:44:03 PM] <jemler> she had 3 brother ahead of her. 2 died in CM, and the other was wencit.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:44:41 PM] <Jerusha> You never know when you might suddenly become the direct line
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:44:44 PM] <DesertRose> Okay, and last question related to 1366 from me: Would it be reasonable to associate the Archbishop of Valoret's throne with St. Joseph of Arimathea, or should it be some other early saint?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:44:54 PM] <Shiral> especially if you're a furstan
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:44:55 PM] Join fudgebob has joined this channel (~Thunderbird@9C6C4E.EFDB47.5654A7.12449A).
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:44:59 PM] <DesertRose> Hey fudgebob.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:45:01 PM] <jemler> hi fudgebob
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:45:04 PM] <Evie> Luke has strewn fragments of moss from the "grass" mats all over my living room. I need to vacuum tonight. *sigh*
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:45:06 PM] <Jerusha> Hi fudgebob
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:45:08 PM] <the_Bee> Remind me: how was Matyas related to WWencit?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:45:16 PM] <the_Bee> Hi Fudgebob
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:45:31 PM] <Shiral> By marriage, he was Lionel's half brother
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:45:33 PM] <jemler> brother in law
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:45:34 PM] <Jerusha> A brother, I think
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:45:51 PM] <KK> I've named the cathedral at Valoret womewhere, if only in my notes. Hold on a min.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:45:59 PM] <the_Bee> He was someone's brother, but I forget whose.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:46:11 PM] <jemler> teymuraz
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:46:30 PM] <the_Bee> the good brother vs the bad brother
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:46:32 PM] <Evie> oh, I might need that cathedral name too, then. I've got a story in semi-progress I might need that in.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:46:33 PM] <Jerusha> and Mihael
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:46:36 PM] <Shiral> I'll be in the Codex. Valoret cathedral I mean
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:46:48 PM] <Shiral> It will be in the Codex, no ME
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:46:54 PM] <KK> OK, it's All Saints. But associating it with of Joseph of Arimathea would be cool.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:47:04 PM] <Shiral> Dang now my fingers are malfunctioning
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:47:05 PM] <DesertRose> I meant the throne itself, not the church.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:47:19 PM] <DesertRose> The Archbishop of Canterbury's throne is associated with St. Augustine.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:47:38 PM] <jemler> now, which throne are we talkinh about?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:47:47 PM] <DesertRose> So I was thinking, just based on things you mentioned in Magic, that St. Joseph of Arimathea might have some association with the early church in Gwynedd.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:47:48 PM] <KK> I don't think it's in the COdex. I think I assigned saints to all the cathedrals long after the Codex was compiled.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:47:52 PM] <the_Bee> "Not Angli sed Angeli"
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:48:08 PM] <DesertRose> Sorry, I think I'm confusing everybody.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:48:32 PM] <jemler> i'm a guy, i tend to think of 2 thrones
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:48:37 PM] <DesertRose> In my long-delayed 1366 story, I am enthroning a new Archbishop of Valoret and Primate of All Gwynedd.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:48:39 PM] <jemler> one flushes
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:48:50 PM] <the_Bee> Do they know of Saint Bridget or Saint Patrick in the Eleven Kingdoms?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:49:05 PM] <DesertRose> KK told me in an email that the ceremony would be like that of the enthronement of a new Archbishop of Canterbury.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:49:16 PM] <KK> St Bridget, yes. Not sure I've mentioned Patrick.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:49:44 PM] <the_Bee> Some versions say Bridget was the midwife at Christ's birth.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:49:46 PM] <Jerusha> Jemler!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:49:53 PM] <DesertRose> The Archbishop of Canterbury's actual physical chair that is symbolic of his authority as the Primate of All England is called St. Augustine's Chair.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:50:16 PM] <jemler> the convent where they take Ahern when he is dying, isn't that the same convent where Ithel raped Janniver?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:50:45 PM] <DesertRose> KK mentioned in Magic that the earliest version of Christianity to come to the Celtic peoples was brought by Joseph of Arimathea, so I thought perhaps, the Archbishop's physical chair as the Primate of All Gwynedd might be associated with him.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:51:16 PM] <DomMelchior> One of the pre-Festillic Haldane kings was sainted. Bearand, if I recall correctly. Why not use his throne as the cathedra for All Saint's cathedral?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:51:23 PM] <KK> I think the Ithel/Janniver convent is St. Bridget; not sure that's the same one where they took Ahern, but it could be.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:51:29 PM] <Evie> That sounds cool, DR
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:51:38 PM] <Jerusha> Yes, DR
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:51:55 PM] <DesertRose> Well, I hadn't thought about St. Bearand, but I was thinking St. Joseph of Arimathea for the reasons listed above.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:51:55 PM] <jemler> bridget or brigid?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:51:59 PM] <the_Bee> Aherne ddied of what sounds like appendicitis, didn't he?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:52:03 PM] <DesertRose> St. Bearand would make good sense though.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:52:25 PM] <Jerusha> I think that is correct, Bee
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:52:52 PM] <the_Bee> nowadays he could have been saved.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:52:59 PM] Away You are now marked as being away (reason: Gone away for now).
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:53:00 PM] Nick You are now known as DR_afk.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:53:02 PM] Nick You are now known as DesertRose.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:53:10 PM] <KK> Not a bad idea, Dom Melchoir, but I think St. Joseph of Arimathea for Valoret might be better. But could associate St. Bearand with Rhemuth's cathedral, which is st. George.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:53:16 PM] <Evie> I was thinking Ahern died of peritonitis, though I've only read that book once, and don't recall the scene clearly
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:53:22 PM] <DesertRose> Oh, excellent, KK.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:53:27 PM] <the_Bee> hello-goodbye hello, DR
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:53:28 PM] <DesertRose> That helps a lot.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:53:35 PM] <Shiral> Rhemuth is the Haldane Capital and Bearand was a Haldane...
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:53:47 PM] <DesertRose> I don't know how I marked myself away, Titivillius visitation that I can't seem to undo.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:53:52 PM] <Evie> Oh, cool, KK! I'll file that tidbit in my notes
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:53:55 PM] Away You are no longer marked as being away.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:54:05 PM] <DesertRose> Okay, mistake undone.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:54:43 PM] <KK> Peritonitis from burst appendix, Evie.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:54:52 PM] <DesertRose> Duly noted, KK. Thank you so much. That's a ton of help with this enthronement bit.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:54:54 PM] <Evie> Ah, OK.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:55:12 PM] <Evie> I can hardly wait to see the scene, DR.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:55:22 PM] <DesertRose> And I rather like my 1366 Archbishop of Rhemuth, although he's a relatively old man and may not survive the story because I'm evil like that.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:55:30 PM] <Evie> LOL
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:55:31 PM] <DesertRose> :D
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:55:33 PM] <Jerusha> Ack!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:55:41 PM] <Evie> We learned to be evil authors from reading KK's work. ;-)
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:55:47 PM] <Evie> muahahaha
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:55:54 PM] <DesertRose> Well, he's 70 years old, which is kind of getting up there by medieval standards.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:56:00 PM] <jemler> Bazinga!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:56:22 PM] <KK> Definitely up there.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:56:28 PM] <DesertRose> It's actually mostly written, Evie. I just need to go make a few adjustments from tidbits gathered from today's chat. :D
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:56:46 PM] <Jerusha> Will we see it soon, DR?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:56:57 PM] <DesertRose> He's a feisty old man, based partially on an SCA friend of mine, though aged considerably.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:56:58 PM] <Evie> yay! If you still need a beta reader, I am nearly done polishing Laurna's final chapter, so I can take another look at yours very soon.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:57:47 PM] <DesertRose> It will be done as soon as I can light a fire under Festil's rear end to do his parts of it, because I've just about written myself into a corner from which I need "his" characters to get out.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:58:13 PM] <DesertRose> Or post his parts of it. He may have considerably more written than I'm aware of, and just hasn't put it in the shared Google document.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:58:16 PM] <Jerusha> Would it help if I lent you a dragon? :D
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:58:20 PM] <the_Bee> Who are his characters?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:58:22 PM] <DesertRose> LOL, that would light a fire.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:58:22 PM] <Evie> tell him if he doesn't do his part soon, you'll ghost write it for him. :D
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:58:34 PM] <Shiral> Don't want the dragon to burn the paper
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:58:50 PM] <DesertRose> He is in charge of a Haldane princess and her first and second husbands.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:58:57 PM] <Jerusha> It will just warm Festil's seat
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:59:03 PM] <DesertRose> And the Camberian Council of 1366, as well.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:59:14 PM] <Jerusha> That's a tall order
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:59:22 PM] <the_Bee> A Black Widow, or jsut unlucky?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:59:34 PM] <KK> Wow, you're brave to try jumping that far into the future.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:59:37 PM] <DesertRose> Unlucky to have been married to a much older man the first time.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:59:53 PM] <Jerusha> Or lucky, depending on your point of view
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:59:53 PM] <Shiral> Is Husband no.2 more to her liking?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [08:59:55 PM] <the_Bee> Was he good to her?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:00:07 PM] <DesertRose> Well, my SCA persona is set in the mid-1300s because that's my time period of special interest historically, so it's actually been a lot of fun.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:00:13 PM] <the_Bee> the ol husband, I mean
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:00:16 PM] <DesertRose> He treated her well, yes.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:00:27 PM] <Shiral> Explains why Silke doesn't want to marry Ancient Llanneddi Princes, certainly
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:00:30 PM] <DesertRose> He was honored to have a Haldane princess, and a pretty one at that, for his bride.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:00:47 PM] <Evie> Jerusha did a lovely story about Alaric's modern-day descendants, KK.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:01:00 PM] <Jerusha> Aw, thanks, Evie
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:01:05 PM] <DesertRose> But they didn't have any children that survive him, so his title (Comte de Bayonne--Bremagni) goes to some cousin or something.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:01:23 PM] <DesertRose> Yeah, talk of brave. Jerusha jumped WAY forward in time.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:01:35 PM] <DesertRose> I just jumped to a time frame I know something about. :D
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:01:56 PM] <DF64> 12:D
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:01:57 PM] <Jerusha> Well, I do know a little about 2013 :)
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:02:02 PM] <Evie> Yeah, unlike Jerusha, who knows nothing about life in 2013. ;-)
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:02:03 PM] <the_Bee> Young wife, old husbans reminds me of ann old ballad, "Old Robin Grey."
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:02:06 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:02:11 PM] <Shiral> Modern Dukes of Corwyn get into automobiles...And built the Morgan...
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:02:32 PM] <the_Bee> Did they breed the Morgan Horse?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:02:37 PM] <Jerusha> Yes, Morgan is built :D
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:02:44 PM] <Shiral> Who knows? Maybe, Bee
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:02:48 PM] <Evie> LOL!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:02:53 PM] <Shiral> Before they built any cars, definitely
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:03:01 PM] <DesertRose> Oh, sorry, Shiral, I didn't see your question until just now.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:03:11 PM] <Evie> Mini-Morgan will be built once I figure out how to adapt his head to a new action figure body. :D
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:03:17 PM] <the_Bee> Then some of them must have emigrated to New England.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:03:17 PM] <Shiral> I forgot which one, DR
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:03:20 PM] <KK> Ah, yes, Morgan cars and Morgan horses.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:03:22 PM] <DesertRose> Yes, hubby numero dos is closer to her age and they are temperamentally suited as well.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:03:52 PM] <DesertRose> You asked about the Haldane princess' second husband.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:03:59 PM] <Shiral> Oh, right
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:04:34 PM] <DomMelchior> I'm off to take care of my puppy. G'Night all!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:04:39 PM] <DesertRose> Okay, take care, DomMelchior.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:04:41 PM] <DesertRose> Night!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:04:44 PM] <jemler> nite dm
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:04:44 PM] <Jerusha> Goodnight, DM
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:04:45 PM] <Shiral> Night, Dom
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:04:48 PM] Quit DomMelchior has left this server (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:04:48 PM] <the_Bee> bye , Dom
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:04:55 PM] <Evie> I want to read about Duncan's descendants. Thanks to Dhugal, I'm sure he'll have some. Eventually. :D
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:05:10 PM] <Shiral> Lots of little Dukelings
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:05:23 PM] <DF64> 12little duncanites
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:05:23 PM] <Jerusha> I read that as "ducklings"
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:05:24 PM] <DesertRose> Yes, actually, one of my bishops is a MacArdry McLain descendant.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:05:26 PM] <jemler> quack, quack, waddle, waddle
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:05:28 PM] <the_Bee> Speculation: Who will Dhugal marry?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:05:48 PM] <DesertRose> I don't know, but he obviously did for the purposes of Festil's and my story.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:05:52 PM] <Shiral> Hoping for a spunky, pretty Deryni Lass
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:05:56 PM] <jemler> how about that elbeth <sic>
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:05:57 PM] <the_Bee> anyone we've met?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:06:13 PM] <jemler> kelson saw her picture
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:06:17 PM] <Evie> Canonically speaking, I'd love to know that myself, Bee. In fanfic, I've already married Dhugal off. Twice, actually. ;-)
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:06:27 PM] <Shiral> Tee hee, Jerusha. Morgan will raise them in a pond....
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:06:30 PM] <the_Bee> he and Kelson decided only a Deryni bride would do.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:06:40 PM] <Jerusha> I must go. Goodnight everybody!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:06:46 PM] <DesertRose> Night, Jerusha.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:06:46 PM] <Shiral> Night, Jerusha
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:06:48 PM] <the_Bee> bue jerusha
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:06:59 PM] <jemler> e jerusha
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:07:06 PM] <KK> Night, Jerusha.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:07:13 PM] <DesertRose> I've been sort of running off your fanon, Evie, assuming that Dhugal had multiple children one way or another.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:07:15 PM] Quit Jerusha has left this server (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client).
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:07:18 PM] <jemler> how about that seryni woman from st kyriells?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:08:10 PM] <DesertRose> I've been writing on the enthronement scene off and on all day with Thomas Tallis music playing for inspirational purposes.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:08:21 PM] <Evie> After all these decades of virginity in canon while waiting for a story set after KKB, I figure he's going to hit the ground running once he's got a ducal bride, DR.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:08:27 PM] <Evie> :D
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:08:31 PM] <DesertRose> LOL, damn skippy.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:08:43 PM] <Shiral> The world needs more McLains!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:09:01 PM] <Evie> I can't agree more, Shiral
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:09:02 PM] <DF64> 12:D
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:09:09 PM] <the_Bee> I'm kind of sorry we never got to meetDhugal's "twin aunt." And how come Kelson's UNcle Ryol didn't sshow up for Kelson and Araxie's wedding?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:09:16 PM] <Shiral> Just as much as it needs more Haldanes
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:09:17 PM] <DesertRose> Some that DON'T go into the Church, right Evie?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:09:33 PM] <Shiral> Maybe storms at Sea, Bee.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:09:46 PM] <Shiral> They didn't have a terribly long engagement, after all
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:09:59 PM] <Evie> Yes, I'd like to meet Dhugal's sister/aunt myself. Talk about confusing family reunions. And imagine introducing her to Dhugal's bride. "This is my sis...um, my aunt. A long story...."
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:10:05 PM] <Shiral> Not sure King Ryol would be all that receptive to Deryni Messages
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:10:10 PM] <DesertRose> No worse than my RL family.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:10:17 PM] <the_Bee> I've wondered how Ryol feels about his Deryni heritage sometimes.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:10:31 PM] <Shiral> Wonder if he's as nutty as Jehana on the topic
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:10:43 PM] <DesertRose> My mother and stepfather legally adopted my biological daughter (mostly) for medical insurance reasons, so legally she's my half-sister, but biologically she's my kid.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:10:58 PM] <jemler> this is my aunt sis, this is sally!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:11:04 PM] <DF64> 12Jehana's no longer nutty about her heritage
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:11:18 PM] <Shiral> No, but she was for decades
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:11:21 PM] <Evie> I don't think all Bremagni are anti-deryni. Certainly the abbess at Arc-en-Ciel isn't, and neither was Cardiel (he's Bremagne or half Bremagne, isn't he?), or ...oh, who was the other one I ran across recently?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:11:25 PM] <jemler> but her conversion was kinda sudden.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:11:27 PM] <the_Bee> Well, he sent his sister an escort back from the convent to Rhemuth. S ohe hasn't disowned her.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:11:50 PM] <the_Bee> Ryol, I mean
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:12:07 PM] <Evie> Where was Alyce's tutor from? I was thinking he was educated in Bremagne too, though I might be misremembering
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:12:21 PM] <jemler> he was bremagni as well
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:12:36 PM] <jemler> i just finished re-reading CM.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:13:00 PM] <Evie> But in other words, more examples of people (clergy and religious, even) from Bremagne who were pro-Deryni rather than anti-Deryni. Jehana was just a standout, and unduly influenced by an anti-Deryni abbess
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:13:11 PM] <DesertRose> I'm sorry if I'm a motor mouth tonight, y'all. I am highly caffeinated today; I had coffee earlier and that always winds me right up.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:13:20 PM] <Shiral> But... who influenced the Abbess in the first place?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:13:26 PM] <DF64> 12bad caffeine
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:13:29 PM] <DesertRose> :D
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:13:32 PM] <the_Bee> Cardiel was either half-brother or step-brother to Sophia and Michendra, wasn't he?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:13:36 PM] * Shiral pours DR a cup of Sumatra Sedativa
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:13:42 PM] <DesertRose> Thanks. :)
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:13:56 PM] <Evie> maybe she had a bad experience with Deryni in her earlier years, Shiral. Or maybe she was from Gwynedd and moved to Bremagne.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:13:57 PM] <Shiral> Whipped cream is spiked, DR. =o)
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:14:01 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:14:08 PM] * jemler offers DesertRose a Jolt ola
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:14:19 PM] <DesertRose> That's the LAST thing I need.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:14:37 PM] <jemler> :)
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:14:41 PM] <the_Bee> I thought it was the abbess at he convent where Jehana was educated that made he hate Deryni.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:14:41 PM] * Shiral then realizes she forgot to set out the Tea Table; snaps her fingers and produces scones, clotted cream and strawberries and Tea
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:14:44 PM] <DesertRose> (The Jolt, I meant)
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:15:09 PM] * DesertRose adds shortbread cookies and banana bread.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:16:06 PM] * Shiral adds baklava for an unusual twist
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:16:08 PM] <Evie> Yes, Bee, Cardiel is connected with the royal family of Andelon, which makes me wonder if they hid their Deryniness from him, if he assumed their powers were just Royal powers, or if he knew they were Deryni and that's why he was predisposed to give Alaric and Duncan the benefit of the doubt.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:16:14 PM] <DesertRose> Ooh, yum!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:16:24 PM] * the_Bee adds a peanut-butter-and chocolatre pie.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:16:29 PM] <Evie> But his childlike wonder at magic makes me think he must not have been exposed to it much if at all in his younger years
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:16:39 PM] <DesertRose> Wow, we're getting quite a spread of goodies here.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:17:23 PM] <Evie> And yes re: the abbess, which is whyI don't think we can just assume that most Bremagni are anti-Deryni just from that example.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:17:44 PM] <DesertRose> I think we've lost our author in our meanderings. :D
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:17:52 PM] <DesertRose> That, or she got a telephone call or something.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:18:10 PM] <jemler> Dolt Cola: 0 Caffiene, 0 Sugar, 0 Sofium, 0 Flavor, 0 Sales
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:18:20 PM] <the_Bee> KK! Come out, come out, wherever you are.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:18:24 PM] * DesertRose puts out a selection of Dove dark chocolates.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:18:25 PM] <jemler> sorry, that shouls be Sodium
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:18:27 PM] <Evie> I will need to get lost soon too. DD wants a mother-daughter night, and we haven't had dinner yet, so I may take her out to eat
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:18:30 PM] <KK> I'm here, just listening.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:18:39 PM] <DesertRose> The chocolates worked! :D
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:19:38 PM] <jemler> well, i've got things tomorrow. until next week folks.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:19:40 PM] <Shiral> I'm thinking in terms of cooking dinner myself. Househunting makes me hungry
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:19:41 PM] * Evie eats a Dove's dark chocolate in KK's honor
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:19:44 PM] <DesertRose> Okay, see you jemler.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:19:51 PM] <Shiral> Bye, Jemler
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:19:55 PM] <DesertRose> Enjoy your supper, Shiral.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:19:56 PM] <DF64> 12bye
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:20:05 PM] <Shiral> Not leaving, just thinking.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:20:05 PM] <the_Bee> Bye Jemler. Try to behave.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:20:07 PM] <Shiral> =o)
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:20:25 PM] <KK> Shiral, still house-hunting?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:20:27 PM] <jemler> i'll check on that st brigid thing for next week
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:20:27 PM] <DesertRose> jemler, behave any way but badly? Never in this life!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:20:28 PM] <DF64> 12it'll be hard for jemler
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:20:35 PM] <jemler> behave!! never!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:20:37 PM] <the_Bee> bye Shiral, and good eating and good condo-hunting.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:20:51 PM] <DesertRose> What are you thinking to cook, Shiral?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:20:58 PM] <jemler> i'm too old to grow up now!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:21:05 PM] <DesertRose> LOL
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:21:11 PM] Quit jemler has left this server (Quit: ).
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:21:57 PM] <Shiral> Whatever I can find, DR
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:22:11 PM] <Shiral> But I think it will probably be the steak in the fridge
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:22:18 PM] <KK> Yeah, it's getting late, so I think I'll check out too.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:22:21 PM] <Shiral> Already did the Condo hunting today with Mom
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:22:25 PM] <the_Bee> I cook sometimes, but it's mostly Meals on Wheels.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:22:30 PM] <Shiral> Tired, now
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:22:34 PM] <KK> Find anything good?
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:22:50 PM] <Evie> I've got to clean up the mess my Mini-Deryni made with Luke's help. ;)
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:22:55 PM] <DesertRose> Okay, KK, take care and have a good week. Thanks for letting me pester you with endless technical questions. :D
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:22:56 PM] <Shiral> Not this week. Decided to pass up what I found last week--too small
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:22:59 PM] <KK> I thouht you'd found something last week tht was a possibiity.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:23:05 PM] <KK> Ah.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:23:11 PM] <Shiral> Night KK, enjoy the OSM next week
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:23:16 PM] <DesertRose> Actually, I suppose have a good fortnight, since it'll be two weeks til we see you again.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:23:22 PM] <DesertRose> Yes, enjoy the retreat.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:23:26 PM] <bynw> have a good night KK
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:23:29 PM] <Shiral> with regret. It was cute. Bu it had some drawbacks.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:23:30 PM] <DF64> 12good night and have fun
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:23:34 PM] <KK> Yep, I'll see you guys in 2 weeks.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:23:41 PM] <Evie> I may not be here the Sunday after the Fourth
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:23:42 PM] <bynw> wish i could come this year
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:23:43 PM] <Shiral> Toodle-oo, KK
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:23:48 PM] <the_Bee> You may havwe to decide what are your must-have requirements, Shiral.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:23:55 PM] <Evie> we'll be in Tennessee again
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:23:59 PM] * KK steps onto her Portal, waves goodnight, and disappears in a shower of green sparkles.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:24:00 PM] <DesertRose> Oh, okay.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:24:03 PM] <DesertRose> Night,KK!
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:24:06 PM] <Shiral> I pretty much know, Bee. And I know which ones don't work
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:24:08 PM] <the_Bee> bye KK
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:24:09 PM] <Evie> Goodnight, KK
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:24:09 PM] <Shiral> Bye, KK@!\
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:24:16 PM] <Shiral> Bye, KK
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:24:17 PM] <KK> Nighters.
[Sunday, June 23, 2013] [09:24:20 PM] Quit KK has left this server (Quit: ).
"If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans."

James Herriot (James Alfred "Alfie" Wight), when a human client asked him if animals have souls.  (I don't remember in which book the story originally appeared.)